The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, January 24, 1895, Image 4

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    J;Jf V'
Tfa Sioux County Journal.
4uhcriptiott Prk, t.SO
Knb-red at tb Haxrkags j-sjt oOe ft
n-ud ela mailer.
TBCaSDAY, JaXCAKY 24, 139;.
A bill lias been introeiue-ej ia congress
to provide seed for tha farmers ol
Horicli, the crop failure id that slat
last season baviijj made iucfj action
The grand jury hus been at
work of late and ground oat soine indii t
uienU in the matter of bank failure-.
Additional indictment! lave been
returned for Mosher to face lyLen i
preaent term in the pen expires and ln
cashier, Qtjtcalt, lias also been tajen iq
The officials of the defunct Ponca bank
were also indicted and Q. V. E- t-'onw
and his brother, Frank, will have an op
portuoity to face the charges of crooked
work in banking matters. The tuassen
will feel better when it is shown thai
the fact ttiat a man has money or politi
cal influence will not shield him in viola
tions of the law. When crimes ar
committed the guilty parties, whethei
rich or poor, should be held strictly u
The formality of electing John M
Thurston United States Seuator wa?
one through wjth in the legialaturv
last week, la tint remarks that gentle
man said that he bore no relations U
nay eorporation which would preveui
him from devoting his energies to tlx
interests of tha state w hich he has th-ei.
chosen to represent. The masses of tin
people of Nebraska know Ttiurnlou to b-.
a man of honor and ttiat time will pruee
what be said to be true, in cuim-uu..
with the election it may be noted lliai
what is said to have been the most elo
quent speech ever Oejivured within tin.
walls of th state house was made b
Dr. Kickats, of Omaha, the only coloreu
man wbo is a member of th legislature
X terrible shooting affair occurred at
Crawford on last Thursday evening
Arthur Morrison shot and killed Vui.
Harris and wouuded two other mei.
quite seriously. It seems that Morrison
and Harris had both been drinking auo
engaged in a quarrel when the lormti
pulled a revolver. This was taken Iron,
him after a struggle, during which the
weaDon was discharged, the ball sinn
ing Luke Lyon in the arm, ahaitenug
the bone badly. Morrison then weui
out and got a Winchester nlle aud when
about twenty feet from Harris took aim
and fired. The ball struck Harris iu tlii
head, and he fell on his lace to tin
ground, without muring a sound, deau.
Another shot from the gun of Aiorriso
inflicted a flesh wound in the shoulder oi
E.F.Jackson. The difficulty grew oui
of a writ of attachment on some hay in
u barn belonging to Morrison in lavor oi
some parties lor whom Harris appearei
as attorney. Much excitemeut wa:
created by the traijedy. Morrison drovi
to Chadron and surrendered to the shci
iff. The nrevailinir opinion seems to U
that the shooting was unwarranted.
The mystery of Barrett Scott has ben
solvd by the tiudiog of his body m the
Niobrara river a few miles from tin
place where he was torn, wounded anc
bleeding from the company of his will
and child on the pratrm. A rope wat
still about his neck, showing dearly Uk
terrible fato that had been meted out u
him by the liends who had abUucte.
him. A number have been arrestee
for crime and it is believed that a con
fession has been made by some oue con
nccted with the murder, us those n.
charge of the prosecution seem to go ai
their work in a manner which inuicale.
that they know what they are about,
ft is a matter of satislactioti to all law
respecting citizens of the state that the
mystery has beeu cleared up, and it is
a matter of vilal importance to Hie peei
plc of the entire Mate that the cowaruij
aRsasias who committed tlie crime be
called to account before the bar of jun
tice. Uuring the entire turn since
awful affair the friends of .Scott have
shown a determination to solv Uk
mystery and bring the guilty parties u.
justice, but they have refrained from
advocating anything that would tend to
arouse the people to do violence to uti)
one. An outrage like the murder oi
.Scott cannot be too strongly condemned,
but two unlawful acts never made oiu
' lawful one, and every act of violence
but makes it necessary for the more
rigid enforcement of the law, and it has
been repeatedly demonstrated that tht
law is greater than any gang of outiaw
ttiat has ever been organized. The xen
tinxrat of the entire state is against tht
murderers of Barrett Scott, and public
sentiment bu more weight -vith a jurj
ia shaping its verdict than has the plea
of the most eloquent attorney, and oft-
tines iu influeooe ia even stranger tbun
the tow and tRi evidence. 1 PuMtosn
ttmrtdMiMda that th fair name oi
&bfMkft to rlfldiokud by Um briagink
"of tte Colt ccMial AartWrers t6 c
MOM Ml lit ItoTVdjrn Uw ctwnoelf ol
Tha way of polit are strange and to
some are sad. Brother rilieldoo. of the
Chairon Si'jiuil fca worked day arid
cigfjt in hi jWil U bricg about populist
f ypremaxy if) Ujuj stale, liokomb was
tleuled aqij t-J,ea Cfcefdqq sougt.t Jo gel
a crtij;b '.orp tha e,;t--f;t.ive pie counter
be yas ij;pore4 fi4 CO)P o;!y fellow
Sot the prijie. T3.e;.e pay be fellows
with ktroour pkJl; fris ejctjlajntj
lhag SheJduQ Jlt tfP(S are few who
liave workuj iHffef W r!ii -'i" P
4 P"pslit Hevism'
Senator A'lep of JeLr;ika is the lat
est practical exeujlilicatiou of fimubug-
A few days ago Sr. Allen laupihed
out in 4 terrific denunciatiQ of the meth
ods, conditions and privileges pndcr
hlcb tlje senate reUur4iit is allowed
to run. It seems tlit the caterer Is al
lowed tlie use of tle rooms, hgiil and a
lew otutr penjuisites, while he charges
Hie senators a hole dollar for a sirloiu
nleak Willi musliruoms.
iSeOator Alleq was terrible ami thun
derous in his Ueliunclatioo o! the Mwclal
lavor allowo ilia seuale calerer. He de
tared tliat the Auiericau icoltt were
oeing robbed. He wanted the restaurant
abolished, Willi aC ullimalUnl that the
alerer either pay rent or charge Jess lor
ns sirloin sieaKs. uoublles the senator
iroil Nebraska failed to secure a uiea!
ticket. But the sloral ble over.
A day or two later there Was a coii
,renlonai luneral junket. The remains
jt Jlr. Post were to be sent back to illi-,
lois Willi the usual congrensloual escori.
Hr. AlleQ as asked ll he would not
,iKe to go, aud lie Veiy cordially accepl
jU Hie invitaliou to ride to vtiictgo al
.lie eXJieUse ol tlie coUuiry. "Hy tile
.vay" lie a.lded "i Would like to UiKc iuy
aughter along," auU she eul, also at
aie country's expeuse.
lUVeslig.iliou oiiowrtj that it is uol
Uslomary lor seuatol'S and represeula
.ives to tae iue.iiuer oi their own laiu
.lics aloog no these Irce juukels, also
tiial Jlr. Alien purchased no ticket loi
.us Uaugnler.
Ihese congressional funeral juukels
nave teen a siaiitlal lor many years anil
.1 has reiiiaiued lor beual r Allen to
urmg out a new form ot abuse.
The American people endu.e lots ol
imposition wuhout objection or even
uurmuriug; but they despise a dema
gogue aud political hypocrite.
Senator Allen, iu couilemmug the sen
ate oue day and taking members of his
lamily on a funeral j'luket at the ex
cuse of the naliou the next, preeuls a
sinking illustration oi the Ueuiagi'ggery
uial prevails at the present lime among
certain populist leaders.
There are many geuuine, sincere popu
lists, but they are not of the Alien
hbt-ritrs orirliisuie sab-.
By virtue ol au (inter of le iMmetl
uuv ot lue Liiolnet court ot sioux eou.i
y, eljiak., Uou u juilK'i'eul ul
iecree ot lureciu-iure tueieiiu in lavor
oi cburies s. Drown, pia-intin, a.m
.guiusl .aitfor'l ll. inouiti-joii. s Ui-ltii-a..ut,
l will ou tuu l"ili uuy oi,
.i. 1., isvi), t lea o'i:loek lu tile loie
.KXJu.ut ttie vjmi trout uixir uf Hie cojri
auiin: in tti vniuKe ot iiurrison, i.i sui
.ouiity, otter tor nle anU si jmu.ic
emlms, tor c.iti iu ll.uiU, me loi.unirf
ies.:nol niotl..e Jneuiisert im'i te-
rfiate BitUHte-l in o..nt eoauiy, to wit ;
i Ue uol 1L west qu..l lr ul eei.'tiO.i lw-ii-lylvto
irJ. in io.iliip lt.iij Jili;
noitn of range lutj iliiee tuoj net
.a aalU cou.ily.
.'uted mu i ison, i.-braska, January I tin.
A. It. Utiv.
L8iTtf, Attorney for iu.i-
.uticc of tiiiratiiii of fijie for Ui-il-iujitiou
from Tm sale.
To Metla 1.. Maine, Owner:
ion urn hereby that tht- time
ji recltriiijition on tlie Hale lor t..xei ul
..oto ii, ill liiock Mi. 7, iu tile tiUtie
.t iiuirisou, .iOiie louaty, eni'nifc.,
.xeU in tlie naiui) of jielt.t 1.. Jlal.e,
.nU efiii ut jjrivate h.i lor t.ixt o.i
ne iseeonu tav ot JluV'i !'.., by Hie
.reasu.t-r of Mum coiiaiv, euran.i, I"
U..rie Hieimrdson, purcii-w-r, and by
aim lor value rrceiteit, uuiy u.Kiii-
,o tin: Uiideliae'l, lur Ibe la...s
'.seit thereon tor tlie year irtii, ...
..iK to tuu rtll.ll Ol l?...IJ witu e-O-LS l.f
jiuded; nail tti..t th tai- oa in.; s.i'l
,reail.-i lor the er itv.W iu the iu.h ot
ji., lor Hie ye J in'M lu in.! mi at oi
ii-i -S, lor the year In Hi" nu.h oi
i."j and for the yer IsUl In tun miai oi
ii.Za, have lieuu Jiaid by tlie u.nlei
iKied, usxnii!e of jjurcli .sei ; tlnn-lor
aie rileu.iitioa of aid pren.iies I rum
,..ld tax m,i will expire on the Hum
lay oi ilay, In'.).). . um you me reiuu-
-d to niaKo redemption ineri-ot, iuiiUd-
nn liiU:reot on nil ol aiu paynii'iiw o.i
jr liore said dnl-, or tlu iinderiK''
el, HHitfaee of pui-euaer, wnt be en-
ntled to a deed tiiereinr.
ll) .'1! J. V. CtSTLK,
AnsijCaee ot I'Uiehnser.
.ot lee if Kxpir Ion of Time for ti ilitu,.-
Ilnu froill Tax Sal'.
To Mett.i I.. Maine, Owner:
ton are hereby i. milled tlu.t the time
of redemption oil the i-nle lur lai-'M oi
.aA .no. in nloe-k AO. it lu the VUI , gl
ut liarrisoii, Moux county, ebr,.xK..,
eaxed in the name ot .tletli i.. .daiut,
,,ni Hold ut private ale tor litxi-N o.i
ihi! 2mt day of May, 14, by the ireas
jrer of sioux count. f t-ln-.k,i, to
harlei lK-hrdon, purehawr, mid by
nun for vhIii reeeived duiy mwiKneu
to tile iindersiKnei, tor tlie t.xe us--iHed
thereon tor lh" year iMIl ainnunt
inK to the siiiii of rl.Dj with tonw In
cluded; und th.t the taxes on ald
preuiiHet tor the yer iw-V, in the Hum
.! ti.44, for the year IxUJ, in the um
of Si.w, lor the year I hi 2 in the mini
of tlrti and for the year ixiD In I lie Mini
of e04, have been paid by the hiider
digued, ..slffaee of purcilarter.
I line lor the redeinpllon of said prcm
inert iid lax Halu w-lll expire ou
the third day of May, lnu. A,,d you
.r required to niuke redemption there
of, lneiudihff IntereMt on nil of Bald
payuienm on or before said d .te, oi
the mule relied, iimiiU'- of purchaser,
will be entitled to a deed thi-relor.
j. Y. CA!TI.I5,
AxHlKiiee of i'urchawr.
To Adnlla
"on ltitldiiiit I-
Vuu will takn notli' that on the llth
diiv of Jaun.iry, 1., plaintiff herein
died H pxtitlou In tlx; UUtrtct Court ol
aiimx county. Mbr,aka, th ohliH-t ai.u
prayvr of which la to oht.iln a dlvori-K
roin yon, on lb irriniiid of allful d!
wrtion, for more than iwu yra laat
M am required to amwrr aald pett
tlon on or but ore the 5th day of rubra
uy, MM.
By ALU T Clanm,
bis attorney,
Tha Harrison
Feed and Sale Stable,
Hides, Sheep Pelts, Furs,
We ,ay the highest market price
und U not i-haro coitimi-ion.
Prompt returns on all rutmgn-mi-nts.
EEFERKN E-.-FntsT Xathaal IHnk, Duoros, Nan.
3. E. BKK-Tl-.Ii,
D. II. GRISWOLl', f;nsliicr.
Transacts a General Banking Bu iiue
CO R H KSPO N 1 ) K .' TS:
AjreiiiCAS Exchange National Bank. Ne York,
First Naiionai. Uask, CLa-lroo.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
Final Proof otif.
All pT)n having final proof notiei't in
thin p.iwr will rweive ji marked copy or tnr ;
(Mjit-r und nr rcinrt'd to e-xunitn thi-lr1
uutirf and If "iiv rroi ill report the j
nine to thin olttia al unce. I
Not Irs tor PuMli-.itiou.
Ijeiid Office at Alliaiif. Nb.,
Iwc. i,. Mi.
Notice It hereby Kivcn tb .t the fnnowiiitr-
named oetihr hat tiled iiuln-e d hit in ten-
tinii to hiidl nrool lu tuiipoi t ot hi
e-l,uui. nd tn t.ud proof will oe. iu.,de
ore i erk ioun at iiitrnnin,
LiruKka, on l-chy 'i.loW, vl:
l.'aniel W. V..inlv..if till lirltt. Nrb..
who made H. K So. 9413 for the tw. H te-e. 1,
tp. Si ll., r. OS -
He uaiiien llie ionowinK ieue!ii eo iru.c
hl eoiitiiiuoun reidi!ue upon audtudiva-
lio.i of, -aid laud, vie:
C H.;orih, ot lion ire, eii., r. .
Knott, Jine v ilao.i, laith of i.iKhri.t,
.sen., M. I ., oi iieKLire, .ven.
J. rt. nl.HN, Jit.
U69II itejfiter.
Nntlri" n( Sale.
In the mutter of the imitate of Kotetta M.
M ..ton, deee.iaiil.
.Notie-e ia hereby ivii th it In purnu.inep
of an order ot . tired H.irt.,, jndi ot the
littriet e-ouit ol Mimx cou.ily, ui.ide on
die i th d..y of lie-eeuiber, ii'., lor the
,u.e ot the ei..nj nereiuni ur
nenranl, there will ta? oid tit oleu 1'o.t-
ofliee, moux fiiu.ny, .eehraaKa, on thn
,4h day of rebm..r, IKS, at o eloek, .
at puhlie vendue to the hiifhe.l Hid
ier. for c..b, the follow ing described
re..l el.,te, to Wit: ...
the touiue.tat quarter (n'4) oi ee-
tlou thirty two Ui). towii.h.p thirty-
o.i (ill) range iiiiytnrei! a, in nuuj
county, enia.Ua.
fwiu tale w ill remain open lor onu nour.
1aWd JaiiUary Stb, ltw.
jAMra T. Mahok,
Adinlnitiratiir ol the K-
I..U. of Ivosi'tla M. JllMaou,
Thn dlsmTfrj SOYfd Ilia Life.
Mr. O. Caillouetle, Druist, Beaver
ville, ill., suys; "To Dr. King's New iis-
COVery 1 own my life. Was UkC With
" "
la grip( und tried all the pliys.ciaiu for
illilel about, hut of OO avaul uod as
iven up and tolJ J could not live. Iluv-
inn- l.r JTio,.' K.u I iiat'ivurv in in v
store I sent for a bottle and began its
usi and from thn first dosa began to get
butter, and after usiiil,' three Uitlles was
up ami about aipun. It is worth it
weiflit in gold. We on t keep oKirn or
houe wiUkiuI it." ' (h a free trial at
fha Floater Pharmacy.
ms. -
Old papers for al at The loviatM.
A cvntu JT iomm.
tjfi:piin taj;s evml market 'iiiolal'. in
fnrnisheil in .Ailiuatioii.
We wnt your biiMnev;. Give iw 3
Th' V'i novrr mi n tltno in th history of
oar country hen the dfuiand for iuven
tionnd tuiproveiuentH iu the urt and
ctnni Keuerally o great us now.
The couveuleiiees of iniiiikiiid in the. l'eior
aud work Hiop. t(i nou hold, o.i m i.irm,
und in oitlcii.l life', ro'juiru nciet
...i i,.,i ,..i,,,i
"'"""" -n ,1' ' , .
eu m m'i i e.n. ...
pen. The Chang" in udminis
! tr.tion of pini rnu.ont d. not affect th.
protrretn ot tho American tnv.Uor, wno be
iug on the alert, and ready to nermdvu lue
.:,,,, . ,.!.. , di. uol. ner.uil tn.
affair of the Kovernmeut to deter hi.i,
iro.u nuiakly loiieeivtiiK the reinotv to
.,.-,.. .i.tlsf dlatrenaiidea. Tu un-.i
- -
WICVII mil m:ri.inwi 111 i-mrni.iK .w.u
' petent uud laililui atuir.iey lo jirep .re. isi.i.
pratute an uppilcitioii tor p . lent. Vm-
' uhie iiiieretlt ta-en lout and dtiove i
, , ,.,.,,, ,...i,, i,.,ti.,. in- ibn u.i ii.iiv-
t .
uieue oi e..-...n, .
)v u tnn .ii'te-i a(,nC40.8 10 Ino,! alio
..,,., ,h ,.. ,, nv,.
" ' h ' ,
rmvi - u-. t... ,
ciaw of no ao ut imminent riea,
,.,.. i,r-.,ith and -trenirih oi l:iu n.l-.n..
ui-rer rom.ui-i-1 m m- !''."
cr to liet an leiiTance and ei.d tin tuelvu
thai. due. Til.. t'M4 i;uiil I'Ki'ld.
-- -
JOU.i fineruurii. ueuei ai r, t,it
nireet, S. w ., n dhiiiKiou, i. I ., repr ill
j , i..rire nuinher ol linpoi t.iut l..n y aim
- -
, week.y p .pen, u aeti ,i general peruwliuai.
of the eod.itry, n..s instituted to protect lit
.. .. ,,,
P-w. ""' -
anipiovod lu t hi line of titiiflii. at. lh n.i.d
I umpaiiy la nrep.rml to taka rh .rK'J of an
patent, butiuaaa ealrutted li it lor
fe-a, and prepare and pruaeeuiet
uppiicatiuu ,""iicr..l!', Ineiudiiig iiitieh.nilc
ai luvuutiuua, dcn.g
p. .t. ul., trade mark a,
". pyr.g.a, ..tenermee., inn,..,,
..... 1r.11.11tu rsiihirtw unrl irlvi- t.iu i-i.,i
tttu. ' ,,. iu.,.clct. K.,v ,. lt ia .Jo pre Uie-utr into compcUtio i a-l'.ll any
firm in aee-uring loreigu patent.
HK for lutrU;MO.. auU acivie.
Joiia WMiiitkai -,
Bis r' utre'ct,
Waahlngtou, . t-.
p, o. Bo .
j Ituclt-eu'k Arnica isalvp.
I Tl... I..i .,iuu in 11, .rid f.n eiita
ukura, r)leUlu. ,vr
Horea, teller, ctmpptni liauds, ctiilhlaius,
csrna, und nil rKim uruptiou uud hbiiivb-
ly cures pilea, or no pwy required. Ills
nimranujoel to tfiva ji.:l xalialacttoil
, f money ufundod. I'm e 'IU Kr
jtio. Fur sal by I'ioDeer ruariimey.
Sioux County
Free Homes for More
Than 5,000 Men.
A new county with
schools, churches,
railroads, etc.,
Contains over forty-five miles of
rail oad and (12s no county
Furl, 1'ihh, Lo(-s ami Luinbf r ( licit'r
Than t mi? Oilier Plafi
In fi)rit-k.
Kioux coiinly h Uw iiort!iw't (,iwiuty
f,f Nebrai-k.i. It i-t .ibtnil thirty r-iiie-i
east tiwl i st by almut .vventy mils i
north nij'l sotttli uti'l rouUiilit :
OVER 1,300,000 ACRES j
if liiml. Thtri; uie more ri(. ai a :
linir. fcdinll slrennm in t!if l oiinty thm
tin ta; foiioil in tlie Kinif ::
in tlie btat. It h:ia more jmi tiiii!-r u.
.1 than all the rest of the Mali-1 oiitlnin ',
ta grasses nre the rii-hi-tt. ami m-t nti
'rilioUH known so that for sVock-row in
t is unexcelled.
The soil varies from a heavy elay to u
light sandy lonin and is t-atuhlv f pr )
hieing excellent i ropa.
The irincipal crow nre small rain
end vegutaMea, althouKh good font in
rown in tho vall-ys. Tho uheat, oata
ryo Bnd harley ore al! of unif-ually fine
tuahty and tomittnnd the highest ntir
vl pric.-a.
"he water is pun: and refr'-liiii mid
found in abtiml.ince in all parlt of the
The county i pructK-ally otitofdabt
end haa over forty-live miles of railroad
.vilhin its lairders, has a 0(1 hrii k cotirt
ioiiki; and llm necosiry fixtureH for tun
ning; the county and Ihvra has nevtr
.a.-eii one dollar of tounly bowls iusfl
od hence taxes ft ill bo low.
The Freraonl, Elkhoro & Mivwtiri
alley railroad rrunses Sioux rounty
ironi eatt to went and the H. & M. has
ilaiut fifteen milts of its line in the
ioi theatt part of the county.
The i lunate in more pleatant th in that
if tint eastern lorlion of Nehraaka.
Thera is still
OVER 800,000 ACRES
if i.-iuil ill Sioux county yet -ja-n to
lomestead entrj-. It is ln.-tler latie! und
inure !ualily located than thai for
Ahii li sin h ru-Jies are tnad( fill the open-1
n. of a r s rvatioti. There is
land iu the county and for t tin I
reason its M-ttleuienl has U.-en slow for
io stacial ulfort to get selll-.-is ua.
nade. as was done in the curly tlavsol
lint n,ttleiiicnt of tin! eastern Jairl of the
fiorai deeded land can l jiurcha v i al ;
rt.-11s.rtia hie rates with iruverniiieriit la lid
..Ijoin.u-so that a ,r-.n who wants
nore than un quartvi' a( tion inolit.iiii
.1 if he has a hi t ie nn -nils.
There are alxuit ',:VKJ peof.U in the
joiiuty und their is room for thiiiKniiil.i
llarri ion is the county Meat and is sit
uated on the l t!. iS. M. V. railroad, and
,s us jr iod a town as the tliitily s- (t!i d
country demand..
Hclinol hoiiws and . hurclies tire pro
vnlisl in almost every settlement iinrl re
Kept up with the tuin-s
All uhode-iire to j;i-, a liomesli ,ul or
nuy land cheap are invited to lome and
9M the loiinlry for them-Ki s and jddm
f its uierds. fouie-.te.uls will not, be
ohtaitwhld mm h lotiger und if you want
tj use your riht and K'-t 1W ae-rns ol
land Ironi L'li' le Sam lieu it is tuu you
er alaiiil it.
K. & M. v. 1:. U. is
to nd from Uw
I'l.AUWOOli AMI llor blfclSi.t,
! Prizes on Pateiita.
lMia ,.otul and Ik4' eW
t-t.ti-iol bright di ' h
lri U iiDu uuadrrd eol.Ur to be j.i4
1 1 i l: it i i" v j i . i : in P"
kiii.nili. the uio.i uierst-jmto ihtu
la, i) darinif the prwevdln month. W Ui
anu iwivrli!- the invention fr of chftrgt
iu tij- Nittlnul ItecordT, ekl
p..i.:r.'l in Wh!nKton, l. a.
which to u eileimlve irenlIiuo lnxouu
o'U the I' n lied ''UWi nd i Joot-t
lulere.ttof invnilor.
!uT VI Uiio it i t aklem.
TbcldKaof being ble to la"l
Lhlnr tn)e iut proplo in Urin ry W
fleult; thii delnnlon the Iwinpiuiy ih !
dispel. It Is ttni simple thing 3d iui!
liivriiiioii that ink the Frinti nunt
of oujoi j , and th3 eouijilei oni me nHnm
profltiible. Aluicwt eviTy'KHly, ul totue time
or another, pound ve mi de-, wlicb. If
putente l. would probably be oi ti to htm -lortuuu.
I ijioi Innately ch Ideal r n.'U
ally d!.iiii.-ed wlUiout tliouuht. Tbe liripl
lnveut!ons lik tho e:er lndow tiU-h -ulii
tr easily mid up and down without brrak in
the jjiiw.Btir'i iMck, the mih pen. Mm ..
lur rrjtto.i. the nut lijek, tin- tyitii" kini r'.
ttio miow thuvel, urn IIjiiiji Uiut iilTMi
vrryuu -KKt eoinrt nay f;f im;reituK nix.i. it h tiiti; kind of luvr utlunn tt)H."j
tho r:.Uvt return i ll:u niitlmr-
The prire v offer will l pid lei tli end
of curt, iiKmth, bftur tiie aptd'.rstlnti Vt
besn acted njioa by th lUtbnl iftHKicfr nt
Lverr toinjf-tlt ir inuit npplj fur p!ni
on hit iui utlon Uir.rtiifh o, aud ) tln-r b
tai-crir'.t tUi prim; or uni, th(; n ntor
h- n VHluatile tmt.
nir.i'iit-rt t i.iiM- toiMix,
Jo.iS ft'rrnrRBi.HM,0n'I Minuyar.
CHrH. W , Wuihlnaton, U .
i'. f , 'ni: renpoiiMhlt.ty f L,i:t iXihi)uhi
may no j'idifiyl from lhejm:t l!;t. lt k'
!. hi I J liy ubout hvcnli hundrnt ! ih
It-udmz ncsffjwpi r"f th -1, nil I -tut
is stamped in the best watch
mark of the Keystone Watclt
Case Company, of Philadelphia,
the oldest, largest and best
knovn factory in the world
1500 employees, capacity 2000
cases daily. Its products are
sold by all jewelers. It makes
the celebrated Jas.Boss Filled
Watch Cases, now fitted with
the only bow (ring) which can
not be pulled off the case the
sTATK Ur TP t'.lt-:
sili A. JlolCouib... - l.vrwi.
K. h. MiHire.. larutnuht iiwt.raur
J. A l'la-r -crclary of Klata
KllK"lie Wiaire Audltol
Jum ph s. Hartley Trvavurt r
A. h. 1 hurchlll ...Attorney iM-uraS
It. t'. Kll. -el I tatnd I ooiuil.rvlir
II. J!.t orla tt -upl. I'uhilr i-traeii
N(.riKS-loAL liCI.KGA'iJOk
I'- Y. Mitttder.on... I'. H. .saniett.r. imtaa.
Win. V. Allen t . a. Seaalur, tla'tiam
. J. Iiryiiu, 1 ouifrcHsmau lt iUl., J ine.t.
I . II. Mercer, " :d ilaaahi
I., t). Melxlejohll ' id " hil,.H,.r.
I. . . I. ll;iincr, tin Aarura
W. Mehlex'tiau, " Ml) ' Ked Claj.i
II. M. Ki'ln, " th I'.r.'k'li h'.a
.HDKi.ilt: "
r. I . Soi-vul hlef Juteeai, to.ui'l
A. M. I'oal AwiK'tal Judya, lluinu.
T. . '. Ilarriaoti . A te Judife, eralitl laln1
I'. A.I niiipla-ll. i h rk and liejuirler. I Ineod,
Fii rr.r.vrii Jtnit ui. nisrmcr:
l. P. ktlla.Od . .ItlHi. II'KIH
Allred it .itoM .... ' 1 l,dr,.a
M. J. Idea en i-lerk.tlarrifia
I iiU.STV OlHi Kit'
Konerf W il.n.
f tmuiy Jwi
t iBl l
f rejeaiirrr
...Mipt, I'uhll' Inlriioiion
- ....... r.irwioi'
. firevi
1 lerk of lllntriat tlmrl
.- . oilotT Atlorna
j Zuad'.':.
1 W. H. iluk
1 A. It. in-a
J. K. i'liiiii(e
j 'j- lll,,1V
J Aivln J'. liira...
liOAUii iiK (
h'riii.ii Tinthafii.. .m t in, u
,i . .1. rt i iii-r.., 70
l. '. .Jii'iu.on cii,iirinun; ..
i t'.l-l.tltt I .
;t. (.. Mcnrt..Scni,lor, Iit o. ll.l raa i,id
H . In mp y...t(i p., um, S..'J1, lc,i,in;-i,,,,l
VII.I.Al.K 11KKI' t.lf;
I). It i.riiild ; hiii--eiiiii, .
1 j ' . wiii .,.'.'. . "
l. J. liicH. l! ..
1 mil ad 1 indi'-iiali
I.. .1. Ci.iH,0.,
v . a. no-icr ,
srtliait. iif.ii Kit-
J. . scott
J. Jl..lil.'iiel...
1.. iv . i ,., itr .""
I r
.1 reii I
I'll. I tt.1
.. . liali.rai"r
II. I! MS IK (ul. Ul .
!;-tnct (e.url,At llnrrmoi,,
A in 11 ith , i.d r i-'ilh.
Iiu-iiny loilll, Al iiurriMii:,
itim .uoudav of ,ub n.enUi
eniiili u.'
.-til' UN ,1
ItLI'l Ufa ANfiHa lfetll.-.
51 E. liui-cl,-Preaching e.t, aa,,, ,,
Mi in 1, y ut iu a. nt,, i4iiu every aiii'in 1 ate,i
" -i ' !.. fc. I'UMlut, I't.loi
.. Unrl,.! "j:,..ay r-ohooi iiieet . vrrv aw ,i
di.y nan .in 1; ji 11 :m
j. r.. a..m.oim, ir, . tnvit.
fuiJajintendeut. leern-iMrt.
o)imy"vprnt tvoiiu..
flarriiajii tamp. No. la, niem, on tl, Br.i
and thud salaivuy m i,uinK4 ,,f km ti lnuuii,
J.t.lHiasa. t. r. Po-trita.
u""- Vn. tout.
JTU?!l:?Uu' ttn
l JU. wablnft Udrelinj 011 ci.ll of riftf'
mm w n n..,. "laHtataa;
m. w. n. d riMuwi...
I s
' 1 '5