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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1895)
. , 1 I , - - .... r r i ' - - ... ... - e" 1 c V !f the ancients btie7d wnnrpu ui!tf on itifir nix-! when pet rug up m He nioriitlig, they immediately hi ii( .-n k to bei again, becauh it was unlm kv. Francis Macon was fund of lire eio lit-s, and spent much of his inire in ltviaiug new costumes for court i comims. I j'rtinri nrwifr was extreme. y run .of xen, and all those on Im l.uin knew l.i in by gi-ln and would lol.nw bim like dogs. l.nAVHS 115 MARK every one of tlur ..iiiifnl :ir.-,ii;,ttK,M and weakneiM- pr v up 11 noin. ii They tide the face, ast- ilu- ui, ,,. tnj tlie UniKT, wither yon no, make 5011 old before your time Get wel! : That'n the way to I.- k rl! Cure the disor del and ,tstl you, with Lit. I'n. rc e n I avonte 1'iewtip tion. It regulate and promotei all (He . roper fmietioiiM. improves diKf-tiou. 11 i i en tlie blood, dispels a he and pain-. ni'l .im holy and nervousness, bniit'n rtfieslnti; slei p, and restores li.illh and mtienirtl. It's a powetful Kcnentl, as wi ll as uteibe tonic and nervine, tii'ipartiiig vnjoi HiiddtieugiU to the entire sj -stem. j Mr ArlNA ('Lkicil. of Kin Ctrrk. R.fah C). A., ,! lualtlt tli, its to Ct'.f-.nt', ami fc'taiiBl'v wnIitiK wt ?t i tije i alt v-n tic I'lr-n ruil-fiu Ins ( ti M'-'iic al I-,. (i- trw' .iikI lv tlie- t1(- , i m;hi utk' ii otic riair (ft Pit wIlMfVr-T I i'"ll-s ,i I -.i ... . .-1 I L M(tS t I BIC H. g ,J(j (f.,.ri vtv !r ever mice thai w! yraif mi a half A book of i6S priirf on " and II' rseaM " tnriiled $rated on receipt of i r-nts in tnmn for ttostHp, Ar'tirt World's Ihsi-inspv Mi --c. a-s-h-Tion, 66 1 Mriin S'rft, Unfnlo, N Y. ir WORLD'S-I AIK JHIGUKST AVAISI! Tur, Justly scuirej the reputation of bemij The 5al vat or for Invalids T he-Aged. As her .; Bi.E Aliment for the GOwTH :id IVOTtrTiON of INFANTS and CHI LD REN A superior nutritive in continued Fever-;, And a reliable remedial agent In Ml gastric and enteric diseases ; often in in-dancei of consultation over Patients whose digestive ortrans were re duced to sik'h a low and sensitive condition that the IMPERIAL ORANUM was the only nourishment the stomach would tolerate when LIFE seemed depending on Its retention ; And as a FOOD it would be diflicult to conceive of anything more rouble. s4d by DRUOOISTS. Shipping Depot. JOHN CABLE 4 SONS. New York. i)ne of my thi'drtn hat I very bad diirharge fron he note. I'hyiician prr eribed vilhout brntM. Af utinii Klv'i Cream Batf a tkort time the liU late trot cured. A. 0. C" y, Corning, New York. ELY'S CREAM BALM. rnant eleane the Nasa' l-a.e. Aii.yi fain and Inflammation, Heals me Suren, "to - eleane the Nasa' l'as(e. AlUyi ct tne nenjoriii: imm ....... '". - IrnK ol Taaic and Smell. The Halm i nun kly tuaurbed antl glvm rail! at uno. A oartlcle Ii applied Into rarli nontrll and Ii rablv. J'rhe W cnta at Uriimlu or by nail KbV BHil IIKRH, r Warran St., New Sork. 1 Ti T Fop Tventy fears Soott'i Emulaioa Hm ben endonnid byiciau of the whole world. There w no eecret abita intjreilientit. Phyejciaae preecribe Scotts Emision beeauae thoy know what groat nouriahin(( curative jiroj). ertiea it containa. They know it is wr, i rcpreaenUMl to be ; namely, a perfect emuhiiou of thi Norway CoJ liver Oil with the hypophofphites of liiui hoU. For Octtf hi. Ooldi, 8r Throat, Bronchitis, Wiungs, Oonaump tlon, Scrofula, Anamia, Weak Babies, Thin Cli, Rickets, Mar-aamtu- Leas of rieih, Crsneral Debility, and all ioni of Wasting. The only genuine Bcott'a Emulaion tit in salmon- tdorti wrapper, Refuao inferior iubatilu r V tamtklrl M Sroit'l EmuhioitJ.E. eM MwM, t. V. A IT- III. b e a n.e m. At Mege's, MaMon, foniia Cost; ox i.ty. Cm., Klclmrd Mege has intro duced a novelty in ranching in ta .ha(.r of a Irog farm, lie started i lew months ago wih 2,iJU)i frotrs an now linn c.oae to I,(I"M,iji). He aupplis. the .Sun Francisco and O.tkland mark ets It costs ra Ueahy no'iung t rose the Irotrs, and lie is iu.ikiu money tost, J le say li wouldn't gm lus irog raucii for any goid mine iu I alllof lilii. IH OLDEN TIKES verl'mk.-.l tin- i ii, nil t nnce of tier lv, I,- lium-nl. y li.-l.rln lal i-!!.cl- and n- ti ii wi'.ii Ira i-n-iil aci;.iir tui now iliat i( ; fii'r;i I know ii ma ryn.p o: t wii ' "l 'inaiieiit , k- iiiir liaijilual .'in. ligation I m-n-iiiiiiriin- i ..(.,,( w.ii inn liu. otlifl la a' iv. . u l.i. ii m i tor a lime, bul linall j iiijim.' Hit v, Mi'in. I';unt in the k.tclien bavea mucU "el- Ke p tmou juice handy to take ull iiandi-i. Catarrh Cannot be Cured, with ,in AI. AlTUCATIoNS, n they eauiiot H'Bi'h the int ol llie di.eup. t a tanii is a l.luoil or eotis:i ulio: id disease, and .ii ol d. r to em e it ymi must take in ti innl reined ics. Hall Cnlarrh I lire is taken internally, and acts dne 'tly orj tjje lilovd itnd uiue'ins suil'aees. Hail's t'a luirh Cuie l.i a quack uiedii'inc. 1 1 whs prcai rihed by one ot the best physi cians in this eoiiiitry i n years uu I .s a regular piei:rlption. ft Is coinposed of the best toim s known, eoiuhine.l witii the bei blood puriliL'is, netin diicetly on the mucous surlsces. I he perlect euiiibiimtion ottbe two inirredicnt.1 is liut produces atleli wuiideitui results in euring Catarrh, rend lor le-'imiiiiials, frci'. K. J. ( 1IKM.V ,V CO., 1'roi s. Toledo, 0. .-old by Lrii;.''.'i-:t.s, price tic. The'liumtii lungs retain the nir in tlieir uibslHiu't) with sutdi obstinacy that it cannot oe expelled by any pun. prt'.salon short of absolutely disin'eg ratuit; the tis-uio. Sons i:r on Imtui a neirbs'ied cold will develop a eonslant rouir , -liortnes ol b-eiiih. lailini; si reiikfl Ii. and wa-tintr of I'eb, all syi(l.i(imaf'C ol'-onie serious lung al!ection. Hliich may be HVoide.l or pnlliiit eil by U'li.j; in time Dr. I). Juyiu; .1 hxpec torant. Afler passing throutrh the liver the blood lorti-H a irreat part of its fobrin, but what heroines of the latter sub stance is not positively known. Market (.ardeners linm llicli! There is lots of money made in early Vegetables. Kveryboiiy admits thi.t '.he very earliest vegetables are pro jueed from Saler's Norlherti (Irown j-eils. Think of tiaviiiL' radishes in jiirteen days; lettuce in twenty days; ntatoe.s in lolly clays; pens in fnriy X days, and splendid rabbau'c in lifty- (e days from day of mas ing st-e-il ' Von Will Cut Thin Out 11 ml Semi It lb ?l money order to the John A. .seed Company. I.aCrosse, U'i.s., i will get. free thirty live packages eiesl vegetable weds and their great Ml ra'alogiie, or fur six cents postage linkage of Fun ft tn li.ui I'ur'm I'.mlih id and theii seed eal.irogue, C. N. I'. 1 , Ie head and fane have eighty-three in ules; the neck has lorly-uuie; the Minx seventy-eight; the abdomen thii-lhree; the back seveniy-elght; n,, , extremities ninety-eight: the Vhink I'iso's Cure for Consumption is llaolv medieine for Coughs riMii.Vprilixfield. Ills., Oct. 1, 1S!1. T, besrl ordinarily beats about sevty times 11 minute, and throws aboi two ounces of blood at each cont'tjon. Htfour loan expired, or will it soon? Do Vwant to renew it at a lower rate. eiiberin or ritv? You ran get it by addnpg llox 3o7, York, Nebr. lle;k, the poet, was food of pigs as pemd taught one to follow bini abouui drink beer out of a mug. froHoii nr Kr. 1 1 mlr This luimorml work brnrj tleure will for IDe (jco H. Julie, ; 1 arfx-uier St., rbieiifu. III (iar; learned his profession by walkiihe London stnets, and oft- said: "school was the street coruer.'' I Mm. ilo' SooTUixa Hraur for chiM f ren lei!-, suflem tbe guini, rwluem iuriiiv ' malloii.ys paln,cuie wind eollu. aVti n,itle. Ilazlivas an enormous drinker of strong which completely upset his nerves.1 made him miserable. ttaTir.tkH nrliAH f.i iirilui v.-.,...., . 1 dinner three, or, if llUllgrT, for five. and theu. the whole himself. l.'ndermal clrutioi stances, a man throws two pounds every day lu sansiblet Insensible perspiration. AIIDruwIeta. iente and tl. 1 I THE MONKEY IN Tnfc MAN. J A l.'onnil Ifozi n Coin Is of Ki si 01 tilunct j slumnhy II 11 n.a'i Huliii a. I To sep the monkey in the man you have only to tit tidy the faces, Ixelies and habitj of babies. Such In llie theme j of an article contributed by S. s. Iiuct ;inau to the Niiieti-cnth Century. The j actioiii of cliil ln n are, Indeed, be says, ilike "ancient monumenti of prehintoric times. The human infant in au itiu r jesting object of scientific rem-urch, jand even a cross baby should be calrn i ly contemplated by the philosophic mind." Here ar Home of the numerous Illustrations which Mr. Ituckmau K'lvea to tdiow bow survivals of our ulniian Mincestry may lie found by any uursery philosoher: 1. Monkeys are huub-noied Isimlani. So are babies. 2. llaldes have pouch like cheekH. To ludge '10111 ccclcsiaMlcal inonumentM, this chiiracleristlc is ruippowd to lie specially ang.dic. It Is really monkey like. I'.uliy cheeks are the vetiges of ?heek iioiiches. posisessed for storing away food, as In ocroopithecus, a mon key In which this habit of storing may be observed at the London Zoolo;,'ic-al IJarib'ijs, if visitors feed it. 'i. At theLuse of the vertet.rsl eoliiinn babies have a deep circular depression. Thin is the mark of the monkey's tall. 4. liable las Dr. Louis Itoblnsou has shown) have superior arm power and very short legu. So have monkeys. 5. Babies, In catching hold of any thing, don't use their thumbs, but dasp it bid ween the lingers and palm. This Is the action of monkeys In going from bough to bough, 0. A baby can iti6v any of Its toes Independently, and it can move them one from another so as to make a V between any of them. As It grows older It loses this jiower and also ihe power of turning Its ankle, but that It bus such power over lis muscles when young points to ancestors who used their feet more than their hands as or gans for picking up small objects, and who relied on their hands and arms for supporting their bodies. 7. Habies go to sleep on their stom achs wllh tlieir limbs curled up under them a survival from our four footed ancestors. S. ISabies are rocked to sleep an Imi tation of th swaying to and fro of the branch here our' monkey ances tors lived. Kven our nursery ditty, "It'.ckaby Itaby on the Tree Top," points back to the arboreal age. i). The stair climbing Instinct of ba bies., like the tree- climbing propensity of boys, points back to an arboreal age. 10. The fniil-sleallng instinct Ih a sur vival from moiikeydom. 11. Children are fond of picking at anything loose - because monkeys pick off the bark from trees In order 10 search for insects. 12. Children are very fond of rolling. This points lo the lime when our ances tors bad hairy (millcs tenanted by parasites, and allayed the Irritation by rolling. ' Both "At Home." A story has been current among the students in Aberdeen which showed that, up to a comparatively recent date, ancient prejudh'en w ere retained by the old Scotch professors. It related, sayi Tlt-Hlts. to the late Principal 1'irle, who had a weakness for the refinements of life. Just after "at home" cards became fashionable one of the dryest speci mens of the old professional regime was surprised to Twelve a missive, which read as follows: "Principal and Mrs. Plrle present their compliments to Prof. T . and hope he Is well. Principal and Mrs. Plrle will be 'at home' on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock." This was something which evidently required an answer, but the recipient of It was quite equal to the occasion. He wrote: "Prof. T returns the compliment of Principal and Mrs. Plrle, and in forms them that he is very well. Prof. T Is glad to hear that Principal and Mrs. Plrle will be. at home on Thursday evening st 8 o'clock. Prof. T will alwi be at home." Propsct of HlKh-lric(1 Tea. Americana may be suffering to a alight extent f rot 11 the Chlna-.Iapanew! war In having to pay more for their Chlneae tea next season, so the tea mer chants think. It Is auggeated that. If China la cotiiMlled to pay a heavy war Indemnity to Japan, she may lniow a heavy exHrt lax on tea In order to help pay It. It was ex pes' ed that the war would cause a utiortage In the crop this yer, because of laborers being called to military arrtee, btit tills has not been the caao. The war broke out too lata to have any rffart on thla aea aou'a crop,- New York Sun. Train atoppml by a Tarfcejr. The mi t boon d paaaengvr train on the l-iinraster, Oxford and Southern Hallmad was held up by a turkey hen the otber day. As the engine was purring up grade It panaed under the limb of a larg tree on which several turkeys v -re roosting. The exhaust Hieein from the stack was so strong that It knocked n large turkey hen fimtn her perch. In falling ahe alighted on Ihe Ih-II roK- suit rang Ihe bell, Kn glneer Spear slopping the train. Philadelphia Press. The Ureal Clllea of the Kurth. The luteal enumeration of the popu lation of the earth shows that It con tains two htindi.d and seventy cltiet having more than one hundred thou sand Inhabitants each; thirty-five hav ing more than live hundred thousand, and twelve having more than a million. Three of the twelve are In the United Hiaiea. Ho, while our country contains less than Ave per cent, of the total pop illation of tbe globe, It poaaeaaea twen ty five tier cent of the cities of tbe Oral rank. -. .-A xtxiZxt The Rise of the Buckwheat Cake i "V 1 ROYAL Sleep With the Head to tlie No rill. A man who has decided theories on hygienic subjects is said to caary a compass in his pocket for the proper placing of his bed when traveling, lie thinks this of the utmost importance In securing perfect repose and urges his friends to form the habit of sleep lug with the head toward the north, in order to get the benellt of the electric currents which are constantly passing Irom north to south. This very old theory is at least, an easy one to try. A Curious flock. A curious clock has been made by a 3lckmaker at Warsaw named . (Jold fadon, who has worked at it six years. The clock represents a railway station, with waiting rooms for the tral.ever :eleeriiph and ticket ollices, a very pretty, well lighted platform and a flower garden, in the center of which is j sprinkling fountain of clear water. Past the railway station run the lires. There are also signal boxes, signals, Iglus and reservoirs in fact, every thing that belongs to a railway station, ;o the smallest detail. ' In the cupola of the central tower is 1 clock which shows the time of tlie place; two clocks in the side cupolas ihow the time at New York and 1'ekin, ind on the two outermost towers are a ialeudar and a barometer. Every qjarUrof an hour the station begins 10 show signs of life. First of ull the elegraph ollicial begins lo work. He iispaichesa telegram stating that the ine is clear. 'The doors open, and on he platform appear the station master ind his assistant; the clerk is seen at :he window of the ticket oilier, and the pointsmen come out of their boxes and lose the barriers. A long line of people forms at the ticket ollice to buy tickets; porters :arry luggage; tbe bell Is rung, and iheo out of the tunnel comes a train, rushing Into the station, and, after the tnglue hat given a shrill whistle, stops. A workman goes from carriage to car riage and tests tbe axles with a hammer. Another pumps water into the boiler of the engine. After the third signal with the bell the engine whistles and the train disappears In the opposite tunnel; tbe station master and his as ilstant leave the platform, and tbe ioors of tbe waiting room close behind them; the pointsmen return Into their boxes, and perfect stillness prevail! tlll( in a quarter of an hour, the whole la repeated. Tballlador Bird to RaWa. Hetoot in tbe make-up of a fowl a bird that carries a large amount of meat If yon want a bird for the table. To secure meat a peculiar configura tion is eesential. A large, projecting orop Is unnecessary, for some of tbe meatiest birds look flat In the breast. It is necessary to have tbe quarters ex tremely broad, if they round out, so mucb tke better, because there is meat careied upon the breastbone. A deep keeled bone to the breast well lined with muscle should round out and feel on the bird very mucb as a duck does when he is dressed. Secure a bird with a large thigh, because tbe thigh joint and the bone down through the leg carries a large amount of meat. Look out for a good strong shoulder because the muscles that make tbe shoulder are the muscles that make their way In the market. Farm and Home. According to Macaulay, the favorite amnsementsof Frederick William were lo smoke, sip Uweedlsh beer, and iboot partridges. Louis Napoleon was fond of mimio n nrfare, and would often have forts constructed In his garden to Illustrate ; time tactical point. a-w-Jx'A. sV. ..;.;.-.; The leaven of yesterday ruins the cake of to-day. Don't spoil good buckwheat with dying raising batter fresh cakes want Royal Baking Powder. Grandma used to raise to-day's buckwheats with the souring left over of yesterday ! Dear old lady, she was up to the good old times. But these are days of Royal Baking Powder fresh . ness into freshness raises freshness. And this is the way the buckwheat cake of - to-day is made : Two cups of Buckwheat, one cup of wheat flour, two tablespoons of Royal Baking Powder, one half teaspoonful of salt, all sifted well together. Mix with milk into a thin batter and bake at once on a hot griddle. Do not forget that no baking powder can be sub stituted for the "Royal " in making pure, sweet, delicious, wholesome food. BAKING POWDER CO., ICS WALL ST., Aluskhii Canoed. In tlie Sitka district, Alaska, the ca noes are each cut, from a single log of wood. The log is lirst dressed and hol lowed out, and then steamed and spread open. Many of the canoes are models of form, (irealcare is expended on them, and if the maker were paid good wages their prices would be fabulous. A good new canoe, able to carry three men and UN) pounds of baggage, U worth SloU. An older canoe of the same size may be procured for S7U. Souiri cost and up to S700. Fun For indoors. lioys may be beguiled into a form of diversion the precedent for which was set by to less a personage than one of England"; noble dukes at a country house. A broomstick is passed through the handles of a large clotheshasket, its ends resting upon tlie backs of two clniirs and there secured by ropes. Thus suspended the lea3t touch causes the basket to swing. 'The young gentle men are then invited to climb into it and there balance themselves. If they are not promptly overturned, they are furi'her requested to put on a pair of list slippers, a feat requiring the nicest possible adjustment of balance. If this, too, be accomplished, they a e then to divest themselves of the slip pers, which they usually try to do by short vigorous kicks, which infallibly overturns them, to the great delight of the audience. Leigh Hunt, when tired out with work, found relaxation in riding to and fro on the London omnibuses. Herlioz, I hough so famous as a com poser, could play no instilment except the guitar, and thai, very badly. Clean a brass kettle by scouring with salt wet Willi vinegar before using for apple butter or other cooking. At Every Twinge Of Rheumatism you should remember that relief is at hmid in Hood's Karsapu rilla. Rheumatism in caused by lactic acid in the blood, which settles in the joints. Hood's Hiirsiiparilla purities the Hood' 'f'eyevay Sarsa- k, parilla Cures -evevevtva. blood and removes this taint. There- fW-e Hood's Haraana- sW7 'Syeveva, filla cures rheumatism when all other remedies have failed. Give it a fair trial. "1 suffered intensely with rheumatism, but Hood's Sarsaparilla has perfectly cured me." Harry . Pittard, Winterville, ia. Hooda Pllla are the beat family ealhartlc. No Style Excels.. In silks or in satins In linen or wool. In trills that are ruffled, In folds that are full; At all social functions Where fashion does lurk, There is naught that excels Our Fine Laundry work. New Pearl Steam Lanudry, Agency Work a Specialty. SHOEMAKER'S POULTRY ALMANAC OtatMlMM pAfaBj ewnflliistrAlto-MiAenlsrA. mn reMwadtaa and for all knnira ea In aw alary; eJw valuable hipls on putat lr rkta4af. Fall Information and arlcae utt mtt UattlBf vartatte. Klteeet dewlptiVa faularj boetyaM tot ItatAUM a1iirrs CO MHIll i I PATENTS. TRADE-HARKS. Elimination and Adlon aa to Patentability of In vention. Henri for Inventor Oukto, or How tnOt-t a I'alout, I'atbiok lyiMioi, Wnskhiatun, It. C, M. N. U, Ma. S1S--3. lark. Kab WHICH WKITI-NO TO ADVERTISERS lHM mmj yt aaw th astvartlaaanant la thla payar. s&.iK. ft" NEW - YORK. 1 rnuticai -icy. This is the way a missionary in 1 ri zona does it: "I have been up in a thunder cloud in the mountains ami down in ihe valley, prea- h i g Christ in cooking and washing dis.'n s across the desert interviewing our T.raiiierd, Brother Hook- -preaching on the street at night with beer barrels burning to give physical light while 1 tried poor ly enough to give spiritual light to saloon men and gamblers, with ladies and cent lemeii hv mv side. The Greatest Medical Discovery of the Age.. KENNEDY'S MEDICAL DISCOVERY, DONALD KENNEDY, OF ROXBURY, MASS., Has discovered in one of our common' pjsluitf weeds a remedy that cures every kind of Humor, from the worst Scrofula, down 0 a common Pimple. He has tried It in over eleven hundred! cases, and never failed except in two cases (both thunder humor). He has now in his possession over two hundred certificate of its value, ail within twenty miles of. Boston. Send postal card tor hook.. A benefit Is aways experienced frorn the first bottle, and a'perfect cure is war ranted when the right quantity is taken. When the lungs are affected it causes shooting pains, like needles passing: through them; the same with the Liver or Bowels. This is caused by the ducts being; skipped, and always disappears in a weefc aher taking it. Road the label. If the stomach is foul or bilious It wilf cause squeamish feelings at first. No change of diet ever necessary. Eat the best you wn get, and enough of it. Dose, or; t.ib'espoonful in water at bed time. Sold by ail Druggists. W.L.Douclas Cl CaJtL? IS THE BEST. WnWL'IT'OSAKINl.. . CORDOVAN, FRENCH A.ENAMCL1XO CALf. 43. Fine CiiaKAAJWti 3.5? POLICE, 3 soles. 2SJ)2.W0RKINGME- -EXTRA FINE- 2.I7-? BOYSSCHOOLSralESL LADIES- 9VZ II 7-B - BKOcKTOhLMaaa. Ovar On Million Paopla wear the W. L. Doug'as $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes are equally satisfactory Thy glva th beat valua for the anan. They equal cuatoa (hoe la atyt and m. Their wearing ualltlet are nneurpaeaW. The price are uniform.--- tamped on aeia. Prom f 1 te S j aaved over other enakee. If your dealer cannot supply you we can. NEW SHOOT LINE I r-RaNCIfs Oi.n'1 P-.r annul. OWSHs. NfS. WIlTrn ! I Urn SaiMinaa lor l.luuor Tnta, liJUIILU C.K.HllChXOUa fcUO.,K.ulll.IaaV To? Mfipi) to Witt I I WmhSfnjifimaa. Can I I 1 mmm In tlma. Bold by anlm f I : 'v