The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, January 17, 1895, Image 5

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J. J. Wbwm, Miter a ail PrafrWW.
F.E.tX. Vft.K.Tir lbl.
Vitus Want. Going Rut.
.tffBt, llliHo , Oiliod 6
J - 'J Waabingtoo flail.
Orain, flour and diji feed fr
nl by E. Rohwor-
A ih.-w ho? arrived at tb home of
Ir. q) Hri. Pliinoey yesterday.
w-A musical treat is promised at Uie
11 on Washington's birtlalay.
By Using IlaH'n flair Baceutr, gray
(ad), or discolored hair assumes tlie
natural color of yoiHh, ii grow lux
uriant and Mtroog, pleasing etorybody.
IJtfT A pocket memorandum ImoU
containing1 matters of imporUni-8 to me,
but of no value to any one eli. Finder
will be suitably rewarded for returning
the Mine to ne. U i.
A dance was held at the home of
(.'ommiationer Tinkham. oo lout Friday
uvf-oingaod a good time in reported
II. J. Blewett, I. Uk hsteiD :in.i Hurry
Churchill weot down from Ilarriaun.
The basket social at the chiin h on
last FYiday evening was not v largely
attended ae auch gatherings iav uu-
lt.. Lum In tUm rvnal hilt. I hn4 Ih'lui fliil
attend bad. lots of fun.
A number of tickets for tie Wash
ington ball have been nold b parties
living in otlier towns, which tulicates
that a larger crowd will be thee tlmn
attended the niasquerude.
Will Eveans has opened a wnt h
and clock repairing esttiblishnmt in
the Cunningham building and ull i need
of work in that line should cull onhiiii
All work done by him is guarantee lor
one year.
Bonds in the caws of Jim nniiPut
Siattery were secured on Tuesday uid
tHIwriff lJew brought them up Inn
Chadror. yesU-rdiiy and tliey werts-e-loased
until the dmtrkt court convert
in April.
v Tlie folly of prejudice Is frequenyj
tnown by people who prefer to sulfer t
years rather than try un udvertisd re
edy. The millions who have no nu
notions, take Ayer'a 8arupanlU f
blood-diseases, and are cured. Ho imi'j
for common henc-
Tag JnHKIM, baa a large nuuibwr f
amount oa iu Uxil, ., juukiiig in ihf
aggregate tiuudrwiii of dollar. Mui h i.l
tins i owed by men who are much lt
Ur fixed financially lliaq i the pub
lisher. It is therefore urgrd that evt-ry
person indebted to tiiu oldue aettle the
same at once. It coH nuiiuy to ton
duct a nepaer and what is due has been
earned and in due just an much as any
other debt, so it U drwred tlwt prompt
settlements be made by all.
Perry White was in from the sawmill
Judge barker went to Hay Springs
Friday evening.
M. Ui ui k came down from Douglass
the first of the week.
Mrs. Surah iavis merit to Alliance on
Monday evening.
James H. look was up ffouj Agate
Hprings yunlerijay.
C. A. I'uddy was up from While
River Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Tebbet were up from
Fivu Pom Is Tuesday.
Itev. (J. E. Connell returned Friday
evening from iouglass.
8 R. Mlory was at the county seat
yesterday and called at this office.
J. H. Burke came d.).o from the Wy
oming coal Held the first ol the week.
Mrs. J. iJ. Northrop, of Valentine, is
vwling her sister, Mrs. J E M irsteller.
John Weher was in tiiwii Saturday
anU made an tigrueililo call at lliis ol-
Mrs. W. H. Wright's faliier ami moth
er returned to uieir li.i.iivj at Wliiliiey
TuewJiy Veiling.
11, U. Aruilii.-ld was in towu Saturday
having been holding down his hoiue
nlend on Running Water.
Mrs. O. tiarieiitr arrived from Manna-
olius;Us on Monday to make her home
with her son, C. U. i'lymptou.
-Ball Wanhintou's birthday.
Hides bought ut the harness shop,
A. Houlhworlh was in town Tuesday
and called at tliis odlce,
For reliable. Ilrst class dental work
-The whmt club met at the residetic (lf U1J . kni(( t(J T j Ulb801I)
of Mr. and Mrs. I d. Hunnions on iasim)( fs-t-iJrilka.
Thurluy evening. Five Ubles wert i,oMlOMn'd und wU h
Oiled and a pleamint evening s.ient. The. f
next meetmg w.ll be on lueeday even- ,,(urtl:ll.v.
ing, Jan. 83d, at the resilience oi air. aim
Mm, E F Pontius "-Messrs. Hichstein and Rohwcr are
. , living id. ir ice houses (llltd with tool
. - ui) .1, Jm I,m v. a mm ol i
-yttf 'iC1& . . . rsi (or next Buiiimir's use. Tho ice is
talLAcy williaiu m.iitri ooiiu .mini
and John Meckmatin Mfr.ved ilh two
carloads of goods fnmi ion anil will b
rat in this vicimiy. Ttix tu "t
etmd have fanuhen which arrived s
ttky. If they are pleased with itie
cotmtfy others will follow.
Station Agent Pontius has a uncoil
flow at the depot which was sent here
by the compauy for tnsjievlton $ ln
farmen. The railroad nmmifsers have
gifo the use of such plows a frond rtwit
. trf attention and have tecii i-ouvicvd
that Uy ill do much to avoid the
ill ffects'br drouth.
The dwiciog club will hold its lrtt
bop on Friday evening) and it is ttie in
tention to hold thutn every two wes
Tjuring the season. A peron not a
member may be admitted upou payment
of 75 cent tor the evening, aud as one
tf the objects of thu organmition is the
improvement in tiancuig by the mem
twrs and their bwl: spetUtTTS mil )
, , fharred. , j
r , Hardly had the excitehieot inciduftt
"lo the arrest of the Mattery boys bilo
vided last week betore it was reported
h,vi J. tL 0"P J Jon t man had
uton af rested just ucroeis ttm 1m in
ionth Dakota and uken to Hot bpmigs
.to answer to the tliarge ol grand larceny.
They gave bonds in the uum ol 4uO eadi
-uod were released. Just wiihi tiiey
Wore doing has not tioen leurneU, but it
. is understood that the same parties w ho
'caused, the arrest of the Slattery boys
hod Brown and liermau putted in. it is
no wonder that the jieojjle of tti c'tuTity
are lieconiing aroused. It has come to
sOch a pass that all law abiding pple
Will have to lake a slroug stand ued ifi
:sJntthat cattle stealing slop. To do
'othwwiw) will not Only add xpetrie to
tfce county but it makes it nuposniOle
Tor honest men ho have cattle to ilefl
Yo realize a living price for Uieni for tfie
VinsO0 that they have to colOpete iu tfie
marltet with rustled twef. Tfle time
lliis past When the sympathy '61 the
'masiwe is with the rdstlers. vJobb ahd
Fainfttw 1Ve left the couufrV, but it
'coAthe Uxpajers about eight huiidieU
'dollars to induce theiu to do sJ, add (tie
'only result of the trial of Oobb was to
miike lfie rusiUrs more bold in their
(ierations. Tt JOVkk !h bears uo iiial-
ici toward any otiv iu 'tin iuatier bu t it
fws bever Upheld violalious ut the law
(h the past and it sees Oo excuse for "do
'fug to now and no way uj)K,ars to'check
hi law ea wurji exct'pt lite cunviciiou
Of Ihoee ehaaged iu lU Froiii ilie 'talk
Of people iruui ah'purU ol Ura'cuuiiiy it
- 'U. avideut that the V are iiiuie 'nuriibsi iii
lha matter lliau evr Oeiore uuu Uie re-pnayewwi'.h is i viit.iln n itivon-o
oUr,iil Iroui Van l'lissell.
Thu sonar milling, which makes
ter' IMIs m easy to take, dissolved
itiedmlely on reaching the stoiiiach,
ll nt pefinits tile full strength and
ii tit nt ihe medicine to tsj promptly
liniunimted. Ask your druggist for
er's Alinanili;) just out,
-There n ppt-ars lo be some who do
i umh.rst;ttnl the rwent iiroceetlings ot
thoitrd ol triiitiniesiiHwrs in regard to
'Hty judge, tt is all past and settled
r t,ui lor ttw mlonnatiim ol the po
e will give Uie facts in the ,w;.
Jfrt Witson wxiit to iltmois thus'
ting the c-ounty without a judge.'
1'ttnie was near at hand for newly
eWd oHlcer to take ttieir seats. M
J.tber had been elvcted as comniis
IVom tiis district fw n term ol
th years. If he did not qualify the
ot- woufd have tl be lillcd by ap-
fncnt nnd that would only hold for
on-ar. In order to ViaVe his bond oj-
prd a judere was aiisolulely
oiite ijuurd Uxik the action it did tj
avtonilfcations. Judge Wilson re-
ti't o'n ttiu hist day on which his own
tsjiiofd h.iVe betiii filed and obtained
ousj tiled it so that till curtie out
Vij; Hot had he been delayed a few
hoittie office ol judue Would have
H)etoaTit und had the bourd not taken
tTlulon it did Mr. Welier woufd have
tjev thd hiOlip.
VTashlngtim Balh
Arjjenients have been made for
holcu grand ball on tho anniversary
of Kington's blrtfr, February 2'M, at
the irt hoOMi. Ttie Fort Robinson
orctlt lias been seVOi-ed tmd eVery
thin'fl be done To 'wake it the most
etiji'e Ua'll (.1 'tile ' sOlisdfi. Hooper
Will rieYVed a:t the Wfroud eatiitg
hoUilt 't'fial'fs kls6 !t6 :bo Drst-class.
Specrs W.-fl IH) charged 2fl Odlits
chilo i'Iio Sifflie us UduflS. Tickets
for tlaiice wHl be 'oiie 'dollar, and
the Wr w'dl cost Sevelity-live cents
a cot All are ilivited 16 06mo Knd
liaVeitld 'Utile.
, By 'Order (if Cbhihittteo.
'ir'WrSflCfi Next Mnnilay.
lPn'ig service, Sunday 'hidrhlng
iO;:l6i(lay "ftch'iol TIM; 'Kpwdrth
Leagt'lO. 0. E. CONN'WX, lUstttr.
otlre of Public Sale.
Iu tlie matter of the estate of Alexan
der Steele, deceased.
Notice is hereby given tlia1. .u -ur-suance
of an order of Robert Wrilsin,
judge of tl txiunty court of Sioux
county, made on th 11 lb day of Janu
ary, lh&.j, for the sale of the personal
estate hereinafter described, there will
lie sold at the residence of the late
Alexander Steele on FRIDAY, the 1st
day of FEBRUARY, W, at V) o'clock,
a. ill., at pubio vendue to the highest
bidder for cash, the following described
personal property, to-wit;
1'J cows,
18 yearling steers,
6 two-year-old steers,
3 two-year-Id heifers,
8 yearling heifers,
1 bull,
16 head IHM calves,
4 horses,
'i colts foaled in 1894,
1 mower and rake,
1 farm wagon,
275 bushels of oats,
35 bushels of wheat,
8 tous of hay,
300 pounds ol flour,
1 stuck ol barley,
Plows, sleds, stoves, harrows, farm
tools, watches, household goods, kitchen
utensils und miscellaneous articles too
numerous to enumerate.
Suid sale will remain open until 4
o'clock, p. iu., of said day.
Executor of the estate of Alexander
Steele, deceased.
Micriirs Kurtrlosure Sale.
Ily virtue of an orilor of mill imuod
out of tiie iJislrict court of Sioux couu
ly, Nebr.isk u(ion a Judgment ami a
iieciee ol lorecluxurn therein, iu luvor
oi chamm s. urowu, plaintiff, uini
K-mist A-oiforil 11. 1 tioiiiti40ii, us Ui'Ien
u. . ul. i wni on tlie Inin il .. y ol fcbiUury,
a ii. , is'.i, at It'll o'clock In tbu lore
noo.i, u.1 lliu e.ksi I'ruiit door of Ine court
llUIMH 111 Lllll Village of JlarrinOU, ill Haiti
uuu.iiy, offer lor it.ilu unii sell ut public
veuUUn, lor in ll.uiij, t))t! fullowniK
Ut'-ii'rilid inorlK-.K' Jirnuiisiis und real
culale silualeil in n..i(i county, lo-wil :
lliunuilt. went quarter ol sccLion twen
ty Uo crij In lowiiHtiip tweiity-iilnn
t i) iiiii Hi of rniiKu Ully Uiice (i; went
ni salU cou..ty.
iiuled Hull won, .Nebraska, January Hill,
IB23 A. It. XIKW,
ALiitkx W. Ckitkh, Attorney fur I'iuin
I Adri.i!
tilted atjthe
Why Was It
'.nt Amr' S iri ii u lll i. nut of tha (fn-at
luinnicr ot siiu.lar i'xi inuluiis mauufiu--tun-il
iliniuiioiit tin. n ill. I, w:u til eu!y
nif.l'ciiu- of Hi" kin I ailmjtteil at tic
Wprld' I air, t'lii'-a-o-.' Anilwhywas il
that, in ni !n, noit't l (.(Torts of Hi"
fiuinilaiMUMK .i" iiiIiit pr.-ii.ualiuns, tin-
diwiMoii or : . 'j. : ra j'.dr l)ir-cton was
not revTi
Asciirttlng tt i i,k l-"Artleles ?!
, i . yi
bHM u.. o u mij way uanKerous or O'
oftealvo, also patent medicines, C
icutrunn, and empirical preparo-
tions, whose insrre-iients are con- o
cealed, will not be u Im .tted tQ tbe O
iixpositlon," unil, llu n f.ire
B'rwe AyiT's S irs.iKiriH v Is nut a
nutiMii inpiliciiie, not a nostrum, ami not
a secret preiar;ition.
Ilecamt lis proprietors hid nothing to
eonc-al when qtiu.tlgiiC'1 as to the for
mula Inns which it it compounded.
Bnamr II I all that II is claimed to tic
a t:oiinniinl ('onceiilratd Extrsct of
Barsaparillit, ami In every sunsi, worthy
the l-idoi'senient of this misl iinportnnt
eomniitlee. called tnicetlier for passing
upon the manufactured products of the,
entire worl I.
Admitted for Exhibition
Aotlc.K of KxpirHtioa ul Time. fur IteUruiptiou
from Tm hale.
To Miitta L. M ilne, Ownnr:
Inn are hereby nouUeii Unit the lime
of redemption on tiiu .lo for t.uni of
i.ol .o Hi, in lliock .no. 7, In the Village
ut lutrririon, Muu, tojunly, .Nebr.k.i,
la.xeU in lUu luinm of ill: lit 1 Aluine,
and sold ut jinvi.le Male lor t.ixes on
tho NixunU ly ol May, InW, by tho
i nuui couuiv, ftcbriuika, u
cU..ries Kicniu'dsou, pu rcU..Hi;r, und by
Uun lur vsiuu rctciwu, Ouiy assigned
10 I ie uiidei'nlKncd, lor tiiu taxes
sensed thi:riMiu lor ihn year le'JI, aniount-
lilK to tlie HU.fl Ol AI.'.I.) Willi co ila In
cunlcil; und thai lh'9 taxes on Ibo siid
liro.iiii.- iwr u.n veur isoO in tho ui of
6.tfi, lor mil ye.r IH'0 in Uo sum ol
i lur liie yiutr is. i in Uiu sum ol
,Ii.7j and lor Ihu in'M in tin) sum of
i.Xi, liavo bueu paid by liio Undur
a.Kncd, ii.tiKnuu of Jmrcti jei.i; Uini) lor
IIM redciiiiiuu of said pruiniHe from
i.ild tal nalO Will Cljliru Oil UlU tlllfd
nuy ot M..y, Is06. And yon aru rcuuir-
ed to wake rodeinpiion Ineruol, lnciud
nig liil.' on all ot Miu paynicuu on
or Oil or o nold date, or luu uudur.iigu
ed, liaiifiiee wf purdi.&sc-r, wul tto uu-
I iv j j. V. Castlz,
ADsinee ot 1'uichasor.
1 McOlNJJiy 4 MOV Kit
' ILlTlaOll, Nebl .
f on n folIowluK brand:
. ,1 ,. , Notlr. ( ,. .
, To 4 II. clrcond, Non Kcsld oil t Ic
fenda i ,v . , .,. , ,
, uu t..Vo notice tlnit oil tho 14th
)l V fntury, , lsA, plalutilf lioi'vln
djed. iltlon In the Distrlr.l (ourt Of
nloiix ty, , ehr.iHk a, the olijiict nnd
I ,i,.i, liv'ii pil luu icrouiiil pi winiii wys-
matrlta Uu not come Iroui what cuu u my.i,' moiu tu,.n two year iu-t
cJHfW i WktUe 'lilvq eitllJr. tlie '' Wu U1Uln'd 'to ' answer h.'i'h
' 'nrm witiiiiiVii'i W'"" '' l,w wuo,fciore tho 6th ay of rturn-
u "i . ... .. . .... . ,ii. 0 ''! ..
'' Jjij Of Court Ui ttkmU today toub
WOUiu not liavu bum ii.'i.'H'.u
hi attorney.
.VoUes ef Kipirntisn of Time for llxUewp
tioa fiom Tax .sails
To Mclta 1a Miuiio, Owner r
Ion uru eereoy hohmwI thai the Ueie
ol rduni)Crtia ua Ihu siUo lor lxcs of
.Ot .SO. 'A, ..1 ilock .so. 7, 111 CllU Village
UullistJil, MOUX IXIUilLV'. .OlH'uO..M
ixetl lit ISO timiiu el luna iv. jli.
U hoiiI ut priVAto sale lor taxes on
mo Sua day ul ...y, lsva, by Uiu 1 reas
ui-.r oi .sioux count., .xibiusk lo
cn..Mes hicli..rdHO,., jiutchumtr, and by
nun ii?r vaium reeuiveu uu.y usniKiiHu
to the audcmiKiiun, tor ino taxen us-
iiensuu tliereou .or ise yuo-r inVl uiuoaiit
I..K K tUB nUill ot .0 with costs in
ciuilinl; and ill.. I lnj tuXes on said
PiOiiiim:s lor lho .yer lnv la tho sum
ul i.4, lor tho Vc.i-r lnMI, in tun num
rf, lor inn year mint in the huiii
oi and lor the year IS'.il in thu muiii
ot a.04. lirtVo lieen pnlfl hy the iintli-r
flind, haawiiIN: rl purc:no.-,irr-.
itiiielor Ibu inuoiiijiiiioii of said prem-
IHUn fllU ux aio win expire- oil
too tliird dy ol M..y, idvh). .knd you
ui'o reiuireu to niuku ruduiiipl.uu tlHire
oi, lnciUUniK intorent on utl ol sii
p..yu.u.iis on or Oeioio n.iid 1I..I0, or
tiio ui.acrs.Kiten, aif.-oKn-o oi purcuasur.
w in be loaueea Ideroior.
J. I . CAN 1 i.e.
AHHif miu Ol 1'UrchartCT.
U. O. Mclilia Ji,
Ls projsired to do all kinds of work in
his line by the most approved
He has special (paratus for making
groups and outside views and par
ties wanting work in that lino should
call on htm.
& A. BlOKliOW,
Will try sales in Sioux and adjoining
Terms Reason n!re and satisfaction
1 latos made at THE JocitNAL office.
Residtuce S miles northwest of liar-
HEELINO is the Popular
Sport of the Day.
Better than gmnamutH tw
(is btcQw in optn and
plmantw ttm walking teems
mors exbilGreiir.f.
m, A Columbia Bicycle
' In as epjoyatih a JigniC, and much 1
arc never ashamed of their mounts,
because l hey ride the. standard
wheels of the world, r-presentinjr
all that i.; best in ticycle con
Ktnictiun. Um i';iiarvtiil '(:...' wi'l ull v..m s't alwu, f fr-S:i.. it if fw
Hoorn n.ii.-ii v.--Liii, I l.i t,j; ..m:
Ride a
hv.iiy, Yar, Qiieago, Kxsfert.
A Car of Flour
and 21 doz. pairs of Shoes
jnst received at M a r ste 1 1 e r s '
"MiiineHota Bakers" and "Big 4," both No 1 Hour, l..ry
' A patent flour rt fl.UO and high patent at 82.1.1,
Tlie People's Store!
1DJEIT ! See! 50-inch Chester. Uroadluth.
G-OOIDS i! finest in the market, at 75c per yd.
Shaker Flannels from 7c up. lied and colored Flannel
at reduced pricem. A complete line of Outing Flannel
and Calicos of the latest patterns. Cotton Flanwd of
all grades and prices.
Headquarters in this liue as v
are in all other line. Ladies Don-
gola Shoes at only $1.50. Calf Shoes, Grain-leather
Shoes, Fine Shoes, Slippers; anything, everything.
All grades of Overshoes. Felt Boots, German fk.
The celebiated "Blue Ribbon" Cowboy Boot
CAPS !i A line unexcelled, f rom the k)wti
IEIlTS jj grade to Stetson's bent. WinW
goods at reduced prices.
Mijsician and SnrffiMH".
All culls given prompt attention
'Offlnr, in Drojj Store.
Fashionable Barber & Hair Dresser.
A complete line oi Groceries and Hard
ware. Furniture, too.
M A R STB I. L B R B R O S ,
Give i nin I a. J Cull.
ft. J. SHAFEB,
lKphlMria, Rheumatism, Fpmnle aiwl
fill Olironic Dmeaes a
Ofliro M door north of JOURNAL olfii'o.
tVheii stocks have tii'ojrped clwiiu out ol
Ami money's liKe a clubman -tig1!,,
And moil talk orr and women clinrii
Tix pair or staii-s to save a dime
Then is tin: time for niastfT ipinul
vnio new economy to (ioi.
One eeouomic (iodga you know.,
lust trade with HOUGH & SONS
A Jar7e liw 'of Dry Goods, Clothing limit awl $h.
:ClieftnvitH, Candicft for ike hfdw.
j Oranges for ilw ladies.
AND- j wv w. w given CI W Ci,y AVMl
BiEiOl SKOOPJ $50.00 wortli of s-oorls
Vours iitMjiprjtftJily. .
3. W. .SMITH, I'mprietoK
w work and t&
filing" meatty
'tiblHl toorli, Oolxt rtiiltiirinl liml n:;it)liiiMr
firleds (iV A II A JTKKt. lilvf trio n l ull.
tlAimrnfiK, Vruv. wki
Hester Son,
T rttct'i In nil tho courts and 'before
-MTOtfeo in Court 'Jomwj(Ei
Lumber, Ooal and Harm Iinjiiemefli.
Sash, Doors, Blinds, Lime,
Lath and iShingies.
Windmill and Pump SiiEpfa;
4 "''.;.'
L. "3 'T r :
.t m w..
', .l I f
am m r .m
. Ii