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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1895)
' f s ,' . . r ' f ' Tto Sioux County Journal. (IHTABUBUD 1SHS.J . O gubKripttoB Prica. J,'W L. J. K4i u.r Entered at IM llwrtsoit pot oifl p-cood elaes aaetter. TBUBSDAT, JAXCAlY 17. MM- An altMnnt in bating m id lit 1( 11 lr- V - toe Hiwunip uigsgiiuui - 't . it out of esistenoe would be the best way to doctor it. Mr. Bryan's paper hows that he U feeling very sore because Thuraton ha been elected senator instead of B'Van, and that lact indicate tint ilie I liter i too narrow minded to have rprveuU-d the state of Nebraska properly. Buro'i suffxr buet bill provide fr a knnnlv nf I l nL tier IMIlilid. IJrVidll ... , . . . t L ! that tha manufacturer pay4 n,,t than$5perton for bwu aou privio-u that no bounty ia to be paid oa Huur made from beeU rowa by ttte ui.iiiu facturer. Rosewater kicks ajaiust the fast muil trai that has beeo put on t of ln cagoand says it interlercs witli the cir culation of his paper. ' it waii nui a fiv years since the B. & M put n a truiu which Mr. KoMjwater aUvertt.d uh ih 'Bee special." The Omaha World-Herald is opposed to a bounty being1 paid for the produc tion of sugar beets. If such bounty was provided for the western part of the stale would become prosperous and the World-Herald would not have so good a field in which to work up sensational reports with which to till its columns. The press of northwest Nebraska are standing up for this part of the state in good shape and their position on the subject will do much to correct the false impression that has gone out about destitution in this part of the state. Northwest Nebraska can care for its own and if necessary help its neighbors. The newspapers of the state are unan imous in their condemnation of the Scott outrage in Holt county aud niauy Of them assert that it is the outgrowth of the anarchy which has been preached in that county for tle past four years, arousing the worst elements of the peo ple, by men of Daran-the-conslitulioii Slirader stripe. There is no attempt to uphold Scott for the crime of which be had been convicted, but tlie press, as a rule, is to be found upholding the law. Represeotative Dempsey has iDtro duced a bill for the puoi-hiuunt ot cattle stealing. There is a certain number of people in his district who will uot Iwl i kindly toward him for that, but the ma- jontyof the people of his d.stnct r taw-Di(linc aoa nope to se a ou if OO ttwt subject enacted. It has been demonstrated in Sioux county that Ilia tusk of convicting cattle stealers is quite difficult under tlie preseut law. One of the greatent obstacles is the high value necessary to be proven to make 'such &a offense a crime, if a man is convicted of having stolen stock of the value of live dollars he should be deemed guilty of a crime and punished ac cordingly. The supreme court recently passed on two Sioux county cases. They were instituted by H. T. Conley, as county attorney, under instructions by the county board, to recovery the amount shown to be due to tbe county Iroiu v.. C. Jameson by the report of the exiert accountant. Judge Bartow ruled in faror of the defendant in both cases and Mr. Conley took them to the supreme court and in both the ruling of .the dis trict was upheld and the county will have to foot the bills. There are other cases of the same kind on the docket and if nothing is to be recovered there is no use of the county throwing good money after bad. The cases having been brought on instruction from the com missioners it might be veil for that body to take steps to head them off and prevent any further costs. .... .. . j, A Stitch In Time. Alliance Grip. Our esteemed contemporary, the Guide, having removed to this city, had ot yet completed unloading its outfit when it was waited on by a local com mittee and gently reminded of its reli gious' surroundings by being presented with a bran new copy of the bible. i Thus the Orip trusts the Guide will be properly guided in iU future course. Cmn Ftr ea4acfce. Aa a remedy for all forms of headache Flactric Bitters has proved to be the tfry beat. It effects a permanent cure and tbe Boost dreaded habitual sick head aobaa jrisM to its influence. We urge aJl wbw atf afflicted to procure a bottle aad fir tcda remedy a fair trial. Ia caaaa of habitual ooaatipatkm Electric CHtan auras by giviiia; the needed tone to & bowala, aad faw oaaw loog esiit taawaf tUa aMdioiaa. oooe i 0 mly ffly assu at tlw roMissiostns REroeb. , Bo rd of sv"nty coiflujlujiuir iiust In regular mivtuta. Present; i oinuiiasUiil J1oqi, Tlnk b ub ui4 Wobur, and ulrtk, . NiaUof lt WVt'Wl F"4. "4 on "no tion &tjf p rt i.lVwi' if W B. ' Thouas d lUJ g U IBS J U f tVJ W. t "" Uf U. K, 'I be stf out and itie name 14 r,i bui li't u iMtirt. "4 a-usr.i.t in hrtrtd-r" 0r4fd lf w J'' h" favor o:l th l9y r 4 M j f i f' saJuu, .n fol'oig W id l ds wra Ir ldaiid nMr(v ,, . , j. M. nHi",..-F fr !(lt"i'"l P"" o-o H, T"r'"r, n" or wr uw nreci. :t. uMMaMir fur Wurbuiintt praiitiivl. Win. J. A. Uaum. uwMur 'f lonon- wouti pr i'i '. Jaiuua W, null, xtlir fur J1B pr c, B. Holliiif urti, iuwur tor Hut CTwk priiliiui, , J, II. Ilruw", ovcram-r f biKhw im dm trU-t Sa t. , . .iob'i f Mynr. ovr"r biybway, Ji tr t o. Kul-rt oou ity JU'lKtt. t b" lolm i nt iKii it. ii Br tiiu1: Junii uir.iii, lur irk prutfi.iul. A. II., MMr fr Wbit IUvr urul ii-t . . . . ., j. r, Mauu, ovrr of, highayi dlo tntl Nu. II, , nr-fi'iL I, l. si w, co:iuuia or nniui ujvi'r J. V K.triit, Mataor for Kuiilln( Water prA,lui- J. . tt r.u iibur -jmeor for tt'xlarc pr ulnrt. Joliii Burroughs, juntiee of the peutu, for r'lv- oluH. Job . M k, ovrmter dintrirt No. 7. fc. A. li.n jw " " " 12. tin inotii.i Ibe ro id dUtrioU known a No. IS !tnd 7 i i .uit ,.nd went BmUrr, be and the i.,ie .,Tv b r-by (-ouaolui iti into oae roud diKtritt to tie k'iu u u ro id dirtricl S j. 7. On motio.i lio rl udjour.ieU till 9 a. nj. Jai.U.iTjr 9, Mi- M. J. BLBWE1T, t'oa.ity citrk. lUlKlsON, Sk3., Jan. 9, VA Bourd met iu pi;r adjonrninent. i'n-Mint I oiniiiilo.ier Jobnaun, Tlnkbum and WvIht and ulork. t'ouiuilmionera Webur nnd Tlnkbum afu-r vluwlug the brldee rrected ucroix Hat ("rw-k on M!(iLioii H in", Ut'twevu nections 1A mid Z, town US, nmiie 44. report in favor of HCO-pt-ti g tbe same and o.i motion the bridge wa atwopled and warrant ordered dr.w i for tM.QO againkt couaty bridge fund of lift fur Salue. On iiiuUot J. T. Mano:i w w autbor:aello bu Id an tipproacb IS ft luag o.i t-at ead ot bridge described above and do tbe ueiisary gr..di..g on eucb end, as grecl botween sold J. T. 11 a kj a und county co.uiuloners. On lurliou A. J. llodgos waa pnointed a member of tb soldiers relief eo.uuiiMrfiu.i. On uiotloo S . A. Bigelow wm upMlnied a member of tbe brand eo.uuilt ee. Un motion tbe territory Included in ab'-ep creek precluc be. the .,um In bersby consolidated wltb Wbiatle Creek prwluci, and hereafter 10 be known as rt'hiotie Creek preciuct. Tbe petition of Jobu W. fry and others aakitg Ibat a puultu ro id be e-tibusbed coaiuieacl.ig at b. cor irr sclio 1 1- um.i 3i, range SS, toeiice ruuaing la a ori.b wast eriy direction aooat lOi rud, the.,i-e i.oi in in an easterly direction about, tyt rodn, tbeuoe nonb to roda, thence la a norlii ealeriy Uilectiun about 40 tod, Ibence la an easterly dlr.ctloa to county line. 'ibe aaUiu being on guvcruu.ei,t land, 11 waa aud beredy la decided to a puuuc road, uud itie county ourvcoi U bcreuy oruered tosur.ey tbe li..e prjyetor. liu tbu county ceik be and be bertby i allowed uual aa salary as Cierk of tbe county uo-rd lor the or iM. On luoiiuu tbe count clerk be and be beieliy is allowed 4uu.U0 tor assistant In uUico auri i ittu at ut itto u uui.u.i in; cowuiy nupvrintuudeut Pwic nidiracuou oc nroy in lht iutiuA'iiig t.teaieut of the coauty Curia! w& prwttoutW, coiMi iwreU, ppiuveti ttiiu uruciea nrcu upo l tin leooid.i; lite ciat vmi k ut .-no a, cya.ity, . t i u r -lie j cf .iU u j nu a. y mr fccorainK in8Lru.n-nta, flii..K en .uiu koi, m.u a.o ti .el co ai l toe ...$711 0 clerk oi uum.iu vl :ua.i .y cu.u.u- L-OllJ J)ti-ag fcj ilHt i .O Muia tvO.MJooOl 3 UA;kB. . fO UU trilli) Ul 1 hereby certify tliat the above u - uue tfuuuu.icluucu.iL o luu lees icivei uj uie 101 tlie yci' euui.'K uuui j t, loua. ju. a . ioc4.b, lAjiiMiy v.ertf. llie loHowing HUtcuteul 01 me county ujM;rijte.jueal prbtfeuual, cv..a,uercJ aaa approved nU oruijieu riprea uio.i iuu rtxorad uU:uieai ol li;e loceiveu duii,K luoeoivoj iroal A. oouthortb, prejw i&eCeiveu no.., ue uctrt;a laauou t " " lecol l..suUl. 110..1- persoaa uot eAimiiea, . 1 1 W Uucci,ea iiuot uwUuij wuiiw, o w f aid toj ). lii'.uuett, couductor ol tbe luol.iutu, iO IM t aIU iO ... , . O..IM,, i"vl dcwl ,-- .... U l'tiu tJtpuuHCS ol am;v. 4. iw.c, iuc- fH-tU iOl LMdMI..( tua miuvi Uouae lieuti B 0U Fala vaU4Acui ak.wl au(M;t.MJ..uti.l.. 11 wl o.atic. ,a i a..u, u e.uu w I hereby certify tbe foretrouig U ue correct tu.teaieat 01 Uih receipi nd dl-bui-.uet 01 tile l.trtnute lu.tu, irot.i JaatU iiy s, i9t4 to jeceuiuer x., to4. W 11. llavlx, oo. supt. On motion The Sioii Cot) Mr JoOhiil of Hurruioa ebraka,' be aud liereuy u demKuftcl u tue o cial paper for tue yer is6. Xbe board then proceeded to ndjuat the HcuouaUof tbe treasure au u;U;...eul ul wa QiuU wnu couuty uieiK. 'lue eat..uabe o eApeaea lor tue year iio were uiude: Kialricl court enpeuaea, elOtt W aauui iea . .mu w ok.l.u.ii y . ... . mki j UJl.l 4M UU I rinWtH HU uuiioU ... . W, Wl Ilk'li)aiiw...w..... 1 .,.., MI.U 1 Ut.U... ...... aoMitera i'et , a. .a lUiaf- 1 eu UU UU JIM IM Total. ,UaiW w On mouoa tlie ulei k be aud huioby Is lu struutoU to mwka requisition ou the auuitor for toe ueueasat y oooaa add uiauas. J. . liuugu haviug made the lowest bid per tou lor er creea coJ for uuuaty, oa motion it is hereby ordered tiiat Ue oa al lowed to luruuu k Waive (was vt aaid oval to the eouait at tua rate speviaMHl in a Old ou Sie, li the aame is Helivered in leu days with proper weigh uuls to the eterk and aoder the clerk's directions. UusMitsoal the lwru adjourutvl without iuy H. J. BLXwrrr, fVmety lierk. LIVERY BARN, i - t Feed and Sale Stable. GOOD TEAMS, GOOD BUGGIES, GOOD ACCOMMODATIONS. TERMS REASONABLE. GIVE ME A CALL. WANTE Hides, Sheep Pelts, Furs. CH&S RUST & SON, CHADioOlsr, IsTEB. We pay the highest market price and do not charge comniission. Prompt returns on all consignments. kEFEREN E: FiRfT NiTloStL Bank, Ciudbon, Neb. -the- COMMERCIAL BANK. (ESTABLISHED 1888.) Elcurl .on, 1. E. BaK -vs-n-.n, 1 le-.l nt. M. n OR SWOT', Gishier. AUTHOR I .ED CAPITAL S'OOOO. ransacts aG sneral CORRESPOXDir-XTS: Ametjcan Exciiasge National B.vkk, New York, Ukitju) States National Bask, OmaVa, First Nauonal Bank, Cltadron. Interest taid on Time Deposits. nrDEAFTS SOLD ON ALL PABTS OF EUROPE. Final Proof Polices. Ail peraons having flnal proof notlcM in thin papur will receive a marked copy of the p ifMr nnd iir retj nested U exiiiiiine thir notice and if any crroia rxiat report the aaaue to thin ottlex at once. Xofli-e tor Piilillcittion. Land Office at Alliance, Neb., 1 Doc. a,, IH!M. ( Notice in hereby (riven th.,t the following iiMiued settler haa tiled notice ol histntxn tiou to inuke linul proof in mippoi t of Ilia claim, and lh..t.ud proof will tie in.ule bo fore Cierk ulatrict iourt at Hitrrioon, eUnuiki, on Keby I, I Hi, vii: Usuiel W. WwhIv. or (illrhrlat, S b.. who made II. K No. K413 for the bw. ec. 4, tp. 33 ii., r. W w. lie iiamea the followInK witnewies to prove b la con tin noun residence upon and cultiva tion of, said laud, viz: C. B. iiolllnKworth, of Bodarc, Neb., F. W. Knott, Janu-a M llao.i, both of l.lkbrt.t, Neb., A. I.:. Uoau, of iwdarc, eb. J. W . M'KIIN, JO. 121 KeKlHter. Notice of Kale. In the matter of tbe entule of Roaetl M. Mason, deceased. Notice ia hereby given that In parauance of unorder ot Alfred Bartow, Judge of the district court of nioux county, made on the lath day of iwveiuber, iai, for the aa.e of the real eu,ti hereinafter d-w-ribed, thers will lie sold at Oleu l'ol oOlce, sioux cuuu'y, Nebraska, on the 3I day of January, 1Kb, at V o'clock, u. in., at public veixiae to the hlhet bid der, for caab, tbe foliuwl,,g duacnued real estate, to-wit: Tbe nortneaat quarter (ne', of c tion thirty two (;). lowuah.p thirty one (ii.) range Buy three ( 4; In e.oux county, ebr..aka. hali a..i win re.nala opea for one hour. Liated Ja.m .ry eitt, iim. JaMKS T. M, Aduiimatr.itor of the K , 1-'J0 tate of luiaetta M. alasoii, deceaaed. Tbe dlacavery ared HU Life, Mr. O. '.aillouette, UniKKist, Beaver- ville, .11., Says; '"To ut. Kliia;' New iis covery i owe my life. Waa Ukeo with . i la grippe iuhI tried all the phyaiciana for miles about, but of do avail aud waa ifiven up and told 1 could Dot live, liitv- inpr ir. Kiotc'a New piscuvery in my lore 1 sent lor a bottle and heyiM its use end Iroui Uie llrst dose begun to iet belter, and alter uainp; three bultlea was up and about again. It ia worth ila weight in gold. We won I keep atore or house without it." Uwt (raw trial at The Pioneer Plutrntacy. . , - ,, , -Old papers for aula at TKB J0TR5AL offlrsi. S (wiit per doaen, Harrison GEORGE OLINGER. PROPrrErou D, Shipping tags and market quotations funiiahed on Appli'tatiou. We want your business. Give us a trial. , ITcbraska. C. F. r (TFEE, V.ce-rresidtnt Banking Business PATENTS. ; NOTICE TO IXVEXTORS. There never w s lime In the hintory of our country when the demand for inven tions nnd Improvement! In the rl and sciences ge.ierally was o great a now. Tbe convenience of mankind in tbe factory and work-ahup, the bouaehold, On the farm, and In official life, require continual Mdi-t slonato the uppurtaucca and linpleaieuta of each lu order to aave labor, time and t-i-peoiw. The political change In tbe tidiuinU tration of government doea uot ufTect the progreaa of the American Invuutor, who be ing on the alert, and ready to oerceive the filiating dracteucln, doea not permit the affair of tbe goveruuieut to deter hiiu Ironi qulekly couceivliig the remedy to overcome exiatiug diacrepaiicie. To great care can uot be exerciaed In cbooaing a co n peteut uud bkllilut atUiruey to pn-pre and pntecute ao application for patent. Valu able lutereat have beam loat aud destroyed lu Innumerable lnatailcea by the employ ment of incompetent counsel, and enpoclal iy ia this adfioj appiicamu to thoao who adopt the "No patent, no pay" aynbmi. luveiitorn wbouiilruil their uujincaa to tuis Class of attorneys do so at liiiiuineut risk, as tbe breadth aud -treugih of thu p .(cat la uever considerei in view of a quick oudev or to get an alJowauce sail uot uu tuc lee the a due. iil. i'Hkan CYAma uiti Vil,i ohn M eUderiiura. oen' ial ii.,u .g i, .:. e i street, . I ., -.sli.ngKj i, o. ivur- aoiit lug a l-.rge uuuiucr ol ,uport.t..t uaiiy uud w ck.y p. pt--ra, s wed as gmter! per,ouiuais of Ibu wtl..liy, Was luaiuuted to protect Its p..tro,a liom tue Uiisuie uietboUs Ourutotorv employed in tins nue of busni. s. ibe sa d Coaipaiiy is prepared to tke ch .igj of ail patent busiueas untrusleil to it lor rrawu- uhiu fees, and prepares and prosecute upl,,iio,is generally, iue,Hdn,g ineuhanlo- al inventions, p.,teuU, trade-uirka, labels, copyrights, l..w.-rierecea,,- uiciits, Vauuily reorla, aud gives esiict-ial MtU)ll,i0a to lcjeclua CaM. ,t ,tim, ,,r8 prwl to enter lulo conipclitiou with any arm lu securing pUiuts. W rite for lu- tructloas aud advice. Jons W KoUHMBt as, l t Rtri-et, V. O. Box M. Washlugtua, n, C. Bwtsumi'a Aralra tealrc. Tha ImL ativu III I 1m Urtirui lor llllla. i,rulm.a. sure, ulcers, stilt riMUin, lever sores, utter, ilssppwu Utuala, oiuibUiiM, coma, and all Mkm eruption end positive- ly cures pit, or no pay required. . it la uu.trAOUssd U give pei-ioct aalui(aetioa r mousy reftnakaii; Pnue K5 uttuU per fia. 'r Dp i'looeer Phuriuaey, Sioux County THELr.00FTHEH0:iE StOOEil Ltlf . . Free Horrid, for Hore Than 5,000 Hen. A new county with schools, churches, railroads, etc., AND 800,000 ACRES YET OPEN TO HOMESTEAD ENTRY. Contains over forty-five miles of rail oad and has no county bonds. SO BONDS, NO DEIITS, LOW TAXES. Fuel, VmU, Lor tanker Cheapfr Than at nj Other PI are la Nebraxka. Sioux county is tho northwest county of Nebmaka. It is alKiut thirty miles cant and west hy about heventj miles north mid south and i-ontaina OVER 1,300,000 ACRES of hind. Tln-re me mure liriht, ?rjt i-k-tinr, s-iiiill Klrefinm in the county thiin fitn Ik- foiirKl in the Minn- nreu elswlH-rt' in the KLile. it lm niori- iinn tiniiH-r in i it th;in nil the rel uf (he rtnti-conilmiMl It Kra-Kes are tlie ri-hesl ttml most nil triti'HiH known so tint for stix k-j;ro in it in unexcelled. The nl varies from it ln-avv Iny to liht Kimly liiiim nnd is i-arsiMv of iro- dui inff exit-llt'tit riis. The prim ii;il -r.)s lire Kinall (rr.tin and veit-lMhles, ullliouu'li (ihkI i:orn is grown in the valleys. The tvl;nt, outs rye uml Istrley are at' of umisually line quality and i tiiiiiiiaiiil the highest mar ket prices. Che wat-r is pure and refr.liing ami is found in aliiiiiilani-e in all rts id tti. county. The county is pr:u:ti aliy out of debt and has over forty-live miles of railroad within its borders, luis a good tri court house and Uie nets,sary fixtures for run ning Uie county and there has never been one dollar of county bonds issused and hewe taxen will be low. The Fremont, Elk horn & Missouri Valley railroad crosses Hioux county from east to west and the B. & M. has alxiut liTteen miles of its line ia the northeast part of the county. Tlie climate is more pleasant than that of tlie eastern portion of Nebraska, There is still OVER 800,000 ACRES of lund in Sioux county yet open to homestead entry. It is better land and more desirably located than that for which ru.shux am made ou the open ing ol a p.-servalion. Tla.-re is no rail road land in the county nnd for that reason its settlement hits been alow for no special effort to (fet settlers was made, us- was done in the early days ol tlie settlement of the eastern purl of Uiu state. Good dnsied land can be purchased at reasonable rates witli government land adj. lining so that u iierson who wants more than ooe quarter Miction can obtain it if he ha a little means. There are ubout 2,500 people in tlie county and there is room for thousands more. , Ibirrinon is tho county seat and is sit uated on Uie F. E. &. M. V. rullrotul, and is as good a town as tlie thinly settled country demands. School houses and v'hurches ere pro vided in almost every settlement and wis, kept up with the limes. . All wli., desire to Ket a ll'itiested tir iuv laud " lieu tire Iiivii.-iI to ctMiie iiikI ui- iiHiinr, lor iueii.. ivis hiki Jinli;e i-l its,. If i.ik iteads will Uot la - iiduiiu !( nioi li I 'li.-r noil il uli t , ii .MH l .lil and ixet ItfU licrtm ol land i rum Uncle &tm Iree it is time you eis- hIkiiiI iu NORTH WEST EAST BOOTH I'nrrhate Tlrkcti and CmiiUa Vtmr I rrlght via the F.,E.iM.V.S.C.iP. e RAILR0ADM. H. O. DURT, Oenernl UaosKer. K. MoMNsOUa, - J. U. 'tCHAJ(ji, (ten'l r'reiirht Agt. Lreu l Pa as. At- OMAHA NCI. Pmes on Patents. Uoi 14 Hake !" l'rrfci a rrft. Her iirl I"'"" V'id U -' ' P'f4J' . ... . ....... i..-L.t. t.n. mnat'tA in - llort durlnit tt- trwHt monlU. H'c will bmlvirtt' thiuwit'"'i 'r ni 't!r-' la thn Natiofiil U.y'r,li-r, kiv oM. papt-r. Hbliti1 I Wn-hlnjrton, it. t .. which ha an rit'-B!vc -lr.ultlci:i Uif uirt. out tb.- I'liiM-i "tatw.aiM It ,' I tJ t' iut-r-t, of lnvfuUirt. sat o riABo 11 i . 1 The of IK -Iiijc W- U inTvtit f tUin ( ti-lkn nft pplr Hi t ln v.ry illl rlcult; tlii (Million the t'uinirady .t dl-rwl. lti lh linli tbinif ni:i invui.tua. tiut mate tee areat'.t of uHiacy. auJ thcouiJlrt"'' r 'Vl'' prullt .hli:. Alino.lryNIV. "l 'm,c or Bnotl,T, eoneHv,' an Mm, wtslcti, if )ntiitl, ml'J pr.jlialily If worth Ut bt furlunn. l'iiiorUiliatcl-f.urli i'lf'H" urn u-u-ally (Ili.inUrf'U wltiKiut thooiftit. Th' !-.lrai.i. In v-fatloux like t!o far wlnilow whwli C(KI'I t: eusily IW up auij down wlliioul Utmikiii:; Hw pkNc tikek, the wuci n, tru-- i lar Uutuni, tbe nal lock, tlie Uottte t,i'r, tlw no ttiuvcl. are tbtu bV almo-l nveryon tu" "a,e ' iuiprovtoif opon. anj It la tliew kluj of n-oli tkt brln tbe greiiUuit returnt to tk aulbur. Tb prtic wo offer will be pal "' of curb uioDlk, wbvttMr tlwt appllratifcn lifc becu ncUxl npou oy lk I'M wnw vr not. Every ettiuiietitor mut apply for a pt tif. on hi invention through ut, and better k wurin IU prlrcor not, tkc inTntor will bve a VKlunlilr puteut- TIIEI'Rtia CLAIMSCOJII'AXt, Johk W tDDkliriJix, Oen'l Munngcr, m V Hi. X. w., Wulilnctcn, D.'t . )'. S. Tlie rcpo"ibllity of thin i-omiuj muy bu JmlKi-d from the fart that it tu. k la b ld by ulxut wvnl- bumlrM rl ifw l?udloK lie -pii-r of tUti I'sltr-t "Int.-. Going to Buy a Watch? If to, buy on that Cannot be stolen. 1 he only thief-proof Witches ue those with : Tb ttew bae grews oa sach end. A eelIM runs dawn lessee Ike ineewt (stem) eat ts lota tee craewst. trmlf leckiaf tb how tm tke pssessi. r i i i thst it ceewet bs It P" MS- To le wreof eettrne Naw-fwll-otrl, let tsul the case is stamped with tHii trade mark. TV It cannot be had with any other kind. Viaf teM4 peitil ler a watch cast aaeaef H Ikf laneea ti FIIIH Cast aekeri. Keystone Watch Case Co., PHILADELPHIA. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. STATKOFKK KIC: l-orcnzo ('ronnse (lriiM I'. J. jiujorM.. . l.lriiwmitiit trfveriii-r J. AlU-ll ....oenrtary Of Slala Kiigftir Mwire AuditiK- Jos-ph a. liitrth-y 'lTrr.r ii Attoniey Cm- rii A. K. Iluniitirey.- laiinl t ouimlaaloiir A. K.tu,ly. ..supt, I'oblic ln-trurl.n (O.SI.IlEsSKi.S.VL DklXUATIOK: F. Maiidirraon l s. xinntor, f)in'n , W m. V. Allen I , h. Hi'iiauir, Maulvui W . J. Iirynn, CouKreuinuii Nt t)i., liiw-,,n l. II. Mi-rt-i-r, ' .d " Idustu (.. Ii. ami klc job n ' i fiti irr ton K. J. Ilalucr, " th " V. A. Mcnii'glmu, " Sih " UiJ iioimi u. M. krm, " ith Urtikee h JIDKIAKr-. f. I- Norral t 'bler Junilto, .-1 A. M. l'oii .AsMjeiaU- Jaiiftn, UIpiiiUi T. . C. llarrlMi.i ..Ai'te Judgn, irsoil lsl"l 1. A. I aiuaH--t ierk ami Keiortsr, Liiu-oii KirTKKSTII JL'lilC'lAL HlKTst'ltT: .to. 1'. Klnlinn!.. ....Judh'n. t)'nu Alfred li..rlo... " had is, u M. J. Ulewett . tlerk, llsrrtt.m COl NTT OrTICKHU: Kobert Wiimn tv'iuty Jwir W.J. liicwctw. .. Uir ii. S. oodrntf Treasnrvr V. M. linvis i-upt. i-uuite iiistrucion A. K. new .. ....... Klwrig J. H.. I'hiiiuey ( p. t r.ius. ...... ur- or .Ciera of lilatHi-L luit M. J. HlKWVtt... Alviu 1. dark tuauty AtUunry MMIlLi OK t IjJIMlMdO.Nglt.-: Krahk Tin k ham ...! t sirn t M.J. Usui icbuiriiinii ).... Ucuj. r'..o:niaou .... )H, l.K(,lsl.ATIVl.: II. t. su wurl.. senator. Hint Ko. U,( rw,,rd J. U. MJ1. fH'p,, Dial. ho. U, llsy fi l gs vii.i.auk orritKH: l. It. lirlaaold ,'i'hatriuait) K. noliwrr , j. w.ncott ' al-J. Hn ai'tt our.fl, 1.. J., .......... . V. A. Ile-lv-r ..' I" r k -ftiir-r 1 1 WIIO, OKI'K FU J. W. Rcott Iilti,-If ...MHvrnt,r ...."I rra4w!'.-r J. K. Mi.lnU-li.-l O. I . Ilirall-r TKKMHOf Oil KT; IMslrlct f.,nrt,-At Harrison, wrtnnu,,, , , 1 Way 1st anil MivemlM-r 12th, lm. l ouniy i ouu,-At llarriwm, rointnii. s hrsl ioudav ol earb 1110MO. Cllf ItCIIKH A h l MX, Y.Ti A. t. r-lhurcb-rreaeliliig eaob tillwmate uml y t :M . u... unU rvry hudy VsVn ing ,1 3 an. Km . c. K. i o figtiiKr. ai. tliodUt sun.i.y c10(M rms tavw (, duy imiriiliigKi lujs), - rf. c. si sTi:Li.:a, nuuliiii.nilrut. II. l vis, Kecf-MaiT WdOUMLN Or" Til WoH 1.11. Harrison rmn, So. a, (ikms sm 1 1. .... 4. 1 "ik. i..r, roarica. . Wert. . I'wa.Cwm. CrWOKTU LtAUVK Ivritionsl nieetlwg .very avMer r 111 at Su. leUtMK saeetUia em Ml sl TwmE amwiai. ww . bt iiiwta 7 . r.. , rows. i Hen' ttk Idea: i VMJ iSLS p . aet-Miaiy.. '' L.a..