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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1895)
ft . r 'f . r ' "" " 11 r f ft 1 An ini'til, I r Hra.lf. New I'rraldoi.t. I. Moraes U (tie first prraldVnt to fee elected by the people, and t tt day alio the lit 111 anniversary! of the foundation of a republican fo of government in Uracil. His fust public act, that of (enwlintj an emissary to make p ace th iihe rebels tn thetonth, marks t lie tier prf- Mitlieiu republic advance on tt pl(.n Of eacH ar.rt commercial prosp-ity 'f 1 orK i It-raid. Dr.PIERCffS Golden Medical DISCOVERY Cures Ninety-eight per cent. tases of Consumption, in 1 Larlier Stages. Although by many believed in br i i.'iira blc, lilclc 1 tile t-W'lt llir of hlil.elrr is e.f hvitie witnesses to the fact thai, 111 all its earlier otJves, consumption is a cui.ible dire. Not every cue. but a Ui;e f' r cenlavr . iiiifs, anl we t In vc, ,'( prricnt are cured by l)r. Pierce's liol'le 11 Medical t!,verv, even after the disease has progressed mi far a In induce lcpe ited blee-ehuiK trout the Iuiiks. severe hutf. rm coiiKh with copious eicctorntiiiii I includ ing tubercular iii.ittiri. ifteat lo-.s of Iksli and extreme eui.icutioti and weakness, Io yon doubt that hundred' of Mich cases reorted Inns a cured by " Golile-ti Med ical Jtvoverr " were ijemiine t a-e of that dread and fatal disease ? You m ed not take our word for it. They have, in in- irlv evi ry instance, been so pronounced by the beit and most experienced home physicians, wivt ha-e no inlere-t whatever ill mis. ri'pre-serttinjf them, and who were often inriipiy pt 1 -jiKlte-efl una adviscel against a trial of '(,eil'len Medical I lisc.vt-ry. " but v.hi have been forced to confess that it Mirpasv. in curative pow-r over this fatal malady, all other mediant' with which they are aripiainle-d. N a-ty cod liver oil and its filthy " emulsions " ami mixtures, h id been trie d in nearly nil these cases and had either utte rly failed tei bene fit, or had only seemed to a little? for a short time Kxtrat of 111.1't, whi-key. anel various prep-iratiems of the hypophos philen had alsei been faithfully ttied in vain. The photeiKrnph of a 1 a t a - rmuilecr of those cured of, consumption, hroncliitis, linR-.riiijr eolith-, asthma, rhitmic na-'il catarrh and kindn-d maladies, have been sk il'.i'cll r.-produrrii in 3 Uoeik of 100 paKe ,vbich will be mille d te, yon. em re ceipt eef aelelress awl six cens m sttitnps. Aildrrss f"f hook, World's Inspi-nsaiy Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. KNOWLEDGE BrinRis comfrwt and iraprovpirieDt nnd rx'r to ticrrvinal enjoyment when rightly utv-d. Tht many, who live bet ter than others ami enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's beat prodnctH to the'DefTa of phyaica! bmog, will att'st the value to With of the pure liquid laxative principled embraced in the remedy, Byrup of KLg. ltn excellence in due to ita presntinc; In the form mot arccpUble and pleas ant to the taste, the refreabing and truly beneficial properties of a perl'fct lax ative; effeetuiilly clean-iin the syntem, diaiiellin colds, headache and lt ver-i ami peroiatictitly curing conidipntioii. It !iaa (riven witisfae'tion to million!) ant met with the approval of the medical profeahinn, bceau-f it ai tn on the Kid neva. Liver and liowela without weak ening them anil it i perfectly free from every obji-ctieinablc nubstance. Kynip of Fin- i for wale by all druir giiU in 60c ami bottlea, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Hyrup Co. only, whose name ia printed on every package, alao the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informal, you will not accept any substitute if offered. W Style Excels.. In illks or in satins Jn linen or wool In trill that are ru filed, In folds that are lull; At all BociM functions Where fashion does lurk, There w naught that excels Our Fine Laundry work. New Pearl Steam Lanudry, York., JMe3. Agency Work a Specialty. WALTER BAKER & CO. Tb Large! Manufacturer! of. PUK, HIGH ORADI COCOAS AND CHOCOLATES ,Oa tab Coejliamt, neai4 HI6HE8T AWARD8 Aon Um f ! Industrial and Food EXPOSITIONS In Europe and America. I'Btlk Ih Uwtrh frtwM, no AlVtv lie of o'At 1 hrmlrftia or llrrt art s.J .rJEXi1F&f: g t. s. 1 F ISAM ajk.-. ' W 1 v illprean lkdaeakS hr;ak. art (oiua ( iiuwir um in f'T nt lhtr iirpoi..i n. uM, u4 iHMui ttn I ham 9 ornl m cwf. tLtmtml Ily from I eji-Hiierntjl 4 aoto f OROctat ivihywmr. "-' CALTER IAKU A CO. D0RCHE8TER, MA88. I Mat Ooatfe arrua. TaaMa Uuud. On m ym uraa w onwiai. 4 IM. X. V. K. ait--. 1 WtTHKN WRITINO TO AIVKHTIaKH i Mf fmm aaw lh aawtlMtai it thk fff. ... , I ork. Mttb a sua 9it 'a v.r .? , v fl rTKIt VI. Cnn'iiie-I. ''H'sofro ii. ina'.tin.' for ;'- iee-," ij 1 ii it ti ( 'ceil, ca ! ill : y I'isi n 1 at lust 1" IO. "1 -X!H'e-t she) h.- H 11 (inl'TI'd I'U-'K to l--i. bo is nil exi'ilii in littbe 1 11 .lit.'. 1111 i bit 1 no biwne-ss to be tip at Ibis bo jr. Ah to lo-r eoino v,i) nB, I nlie,"' !(,y J Til 110 IllOt blT WOllld lUJVfr be ir .f it.'' "i'leor child I botitj I bavc not -r it her into u M-nipc " re-plie d lii-llciielc-n. Hut bo bail loi'iTotte-n nil aleotit it when he; iiiine hoin.j at ntM, tuiel Joi ry i)ci-iJi.ol not to have waste-d a s n oe' ii oiiii-tit on the oft -re i-ale-! queiryr "What iru.-t be have tboiiy li' She; l.ael Mil! a bud day. br.t if, Intel borne-- so ue! iriiits, even rsin h frttits as tdie co'ild bet'sedf ajiproedat.-. for tr runny l'e-rie'e llri,' tll.'lt till) I'lllllJ bad bi'fll ll-hS 10 blaiiies thim appeared, and that it bail l cen oiiiy natural that blot abonld j'ltiirj a', a proiioa; eo on! in ly in ii!- e-or.lai , with Iht taatus, fe-lt pitiful and oiai iiss.onato, anil H-t ulamt i-niie-di iy to i onsioi'r wtiat, sbe siiould do In "niuke up'' lo hurdurling lor tno jaist. Then thi! liriuht idi-u oe-enrred UiIht l hii Jerry Hlnniidait up to tin! iuto hiit'i'C'i-, hl'oiilel bo oxhoi'ti'd tu bo very 11 lii't ami hoduti!, and told that she would tints p. live; to ('apt. li'lh:ndoii in the n ,ost sh! is'iictory nuuiivr. that elii! wan eine-fieiiiiT iroiii the- chryaliis stnti!, and was, in fact u, on tbo very i.orilini:H of butto: (ly braid. .Ii rr.v wiped her eyes, which hail bc t'tin to brim afii-sh at thee firul wor la, wh'-ri it came- u tiiii point. 'J o s!t up tn the lati! mi; peer would certainly lai ii yreat tiling, ntexi. bi'st, i not u'to as eood as noinir out on the: moor, and tbo j;h, to bei sure.-, the lat ter mi lit have! entailed I he loriner. tliero was no Hlisohilo cert.nntv tliat. it ivoo.d iiiive done so. liail she' Ikooi aliovi-d to go with her cousin and his trie-mi, it was ciiiiie- possible that :. runny mi;:lt have ni'Nt lor her ulanit imddiiy. in w liieli e a-i! she- would uis sii t'by lia.o lost ail chaneo of the oveuin treat, siticif she e ould tiurilly have faced her grandmother vvilb two iitiwontoel in itieisis in one day. Tin.! point woubl then have been, which to eliO'iMj be! wiM-ii? Hut bore- was granny herself propos ing the Slipper, unu prupo-dug it in the) k iiidest uiannor. placing, as it were, the .'etitn.'st of tinkers on a tendor BpOt. O runny was nure, aiio aaid.that Cajit. Ils'Uenileu .'itid meant no harm, he had been InuuihtloriH: ho hail no littlo SiuilerB of his own, and diu not know about them. Cranny wiw aorry sho had apoken ao atranol v, an I hop. il no more would bo thought alxiut it It Lad been quite riLjht of Jerry not to no down again. Andnowhe shoald not B.iy anytblni; to their gunnt imiiietuso re.:licf on Je-rry" part , and nothing more, need Ue hoard of the uintterr. A Hmall hand stole into hoix at t.hia (Kilnt. The old laeiy fondhiu it, and understood it meaning. A aetise of Hibelued com'ort and glml nt'ra titoW: into tha child iM'e'ast, nnd tilled it to oversow ing pre'ex ntly. The) agony of hbaum, vexalion. and diMip pointment ban le t it sore an i aeh ng. even when the first throe. liMd tmsm-d: but now, evening approaedicd. ho; o again lilted up its hoael. .She was to all up lato. and have heT place laid at table. She was in put on her longeest iro.:k and bee in the drawing-room t y granny ' slibi when the gentlemen i ame in and slie need not giv e any explanation of her not return ing to the breaKfiwt laSlei, a it wo dd be (juite aullli-ient te reply to any in quiry that granny had not wished her to go out. Toallthia Jerrv meekly a-.enled; and presently granny hail the Hatislue lion of bcuring her cheerful little! tongue prattling away again as if noth ing bad hapixtniid. "A piece of white heather Iroin tbo ptarmigan iieaks,'' crieid Hellendeii, gaily, i;o ning in In the dtiak with it in bis hand. "From the very toninont bight of your land, fair lady,' holding nut tho sprig towarda (eeraldine. "1 know that 1 should find some, though Haymond Maid not. Will you then ae' cept a a gift what you ooti d claim an a right?" She took it ahyly. "We have had Hindi a day, Mrs. Campbell," continued tho npoaker, with unimation "mi h a gloriotm, un rivelod day. A day ever to be remem bered, it has made up for a hundred bad week mich as: the laxt. We have u.ain our thousamls. and wo have walked our league's, and have aeon hueh 8 ghta, Hiieh atretchea of iniHir iiion miMir, and mountain iioii inoiiii tain, und o many aea lochs, each like a ueparuU) ocean, with ita own litt e uo"t of herring Uiats, and ita ow n vil lage of Haliei-mon's tillages --oh.' we have hail a grand day altogether. I shall nev er lorgi t it. S an never hope for mich anot her." Then bo glunced at his other an dtor, who waa inutolv lictiiiiing but not look ing at him. All at once he re olbvied and iinilerstooel. "I am alraid there is no doubt Unit I wiuh in the wrong alioiil, your coining. Jerrv," ho owtu d frankly. "Vim s. e 1 had no nloa o w ha it in gol'iy to be like. The grouinl we went over was much too rough lor any pom . ami wu fetty severe even on IJavmond and me. 1 liOj e jo.iillil not think me ve:'y era y to have pioi osinI il, Mis I innp liell,'' turning totlieohl lady, ' hut you hoe inooi'M inne r -o ami thai at liu-i-raig waneusv walking. Ju-1 whore W a had 011(1 liilieh on, how. vr, I here was a path, and I the hoy and pony i arno up by it. Wo are to lunch lit I ho same place bi-iuorroiv. .Now, e oiiid wo not Indiii o vim to come up'' That would iilone lo Hi y little irietid hero for my ii'ilorliimtte Hiiggi'ntiou of the morning. What do yon think.'" "I will think alxuit it ( apt. Hellen den." - 1 "Vou ilo, I know." continued he. "1 naw your excellent jajny in the etab'ies ye-ote-rday. (b, he woL'Id carry you up that path." "(.rannv h.t-o't'-r. ! -n up it," in-tcrpone-ei a vujall voice unable to hold b-ii tt any louge-r. "( .rarmy and I have had our luncheon o'teu at the very pla e, haven t we. clear.' And nim uoei not iniii'l any mo ntaiti path, j i an U:ll i'o.l. apt . 1 e-iie-liil. il." "Il ci-rta nly so .ruin very pleasant,'' smboine el grunnv for heoelf ' and if 'o morrow r)iould U- as tine iu to-day "f f course ! nu went her is a nee es hiiy for .-ii h an expedition ." ass.-nte-d il- j i n os.-r rea illy . " lit we are going to have a long eH-ll of line we atii. r now, every one isagir-e ef. so we uiev hope; for tin' best, and be-went gaily o:T to iiuike ready lor 1he evening. When bee came buck only . erry wa-) in 1 he elrawi rig room: Mis. t a i p'eejl bad beo n r ailed away, and (Veil bad not yi 1 1 oriio doevn. He looked ro.inel, then walked fctraight up to the litt'e gir.'s side. "Was it very bail this morning'.-" bo whi-p red. "l'il 1 let you in for a hciiirting. .i'errv?'' t'.or I oseun fie aved. "Tour littn; thing!" said ho ficni fently. "1 am i-o sorry. It was al. my f tut. They were i.uite right, vol know, yoiei'grun b: atuinaan cousin It wouid really never liavo dofle, an 1 I ouyht to have set you on to ask t In m . I am awfully aori y " .. "Oh. it it iioesn t matter. ".x o noe is angry with you, I hopo'.'"' "i Ij , no not now. "I a n so sorry, so awfully sorry. Yoil do forgive me, don't, you, 'hough'" continued liellendeii, who really bad no idea how softly an i ten eierlv ho was sneaking. He was, as he said, ho very sorry, ami he had a atrotig suspicion mat his sorrow wae not 'in deserve i. Ho iron I I pi're'e.ive trae-es of a striigg e und emotions not yet en i re ly within chock m on tho childish count.-nances ca t down : elore bun. an 1 fellsure that more had happened than bin! wo id own. Involuntarily lii.s I hand look hers and held it. j " o i i o forgive me, ilon't you'" ho : said again. she bad bacly time "Vi.'n,'' ere voices vvero ste s up prom bed, and th to whisper heii'd. ari't ha'id was caug lit uvviiy. j IIAH I 1 It V l. j (.Ol.IiIlN' Ij.WS. i "t-o ell'le-d thfl niee'.e'ir rlin.u1! t e fcky, I -Mcl ..J r ei'in eilorM u Hi l.i. el I reill. , I i-ui w:..u its :ie-n-li. a K.'iie Um, ll-niihf.i) tee ceimiuuTi mr tt.;aiu." So it went on. i ielli'teden was not blam was b bs to lilaine than ess. b t lie perhaps ap- Jiears. I Ho wuh really fond of (hildri-u ' whether Ikijs or girls: und had lie pos- : either sisters, or nin es. or j daughters of his own. woul i baveshown ' as an altectinnate relation. There was a simplicity in his disposition an i j tastes which made him the most Oo- I lightful of companions to the very , young; they never bored him: in their j sports' and paatirues he was deeply, i truly, and aeruitmly interested asthem liuivea; he could go a-nesting or u-nut- ting with the enthusiasm of a Ian: he I would epend w hole mornings in con- I Htructlng a bri ge, or damming a stream, or making a minnow bed; he would be (jtiito pettish l1 called away j to attend to weightier uiatlerj. ' Aow Cecil Haymond cared for none o these things, (ieraldine had lung ceased to bring out for his inspection j her drawers 'ull of bird cgi.-. her j shells, und her se-a weeds. She bad heard his "Very pretty" so often, had uiMtrncu-il his ignorance so olten, and bal seen him yawn lehind his baud such times innumerable w hen shit had endeiavorel to interest him in spoils and treasures, that she hud lost all heart for showing them. Indeed she had almost given up bringing them out for any body lill Hell etideu Ciine. .She nail found that so many of her grandmother's visitors wouid look to pb-a-eev her. would admire when told to admire, and listen in order to seem eomp'aisant, that she had learned to sup omi no grown-up peon really loved such pursii ts for their own sakes. und that it was only because she was still young that she clung to them. Hut Hi'lleiiden hud dispersed that idea. He! hud not only explored every corner of her cherished collections, and handled delilierately each separate acquisition, but he had displayed an amount of knowledge and interest that was at once novel and entrancing. More, he had informed her that he. too, was a collector. Not that he "hud been ' she had known "had beens" lioforo - several elderly gentlemen had been laboriously anxious to assure her of their having al some remote period of s hi.ollioyhood themselves collected and arranged, but her new friend was her i ontomixirurv on this ground. He had. he said, his collection at home, and whenever he went home he looked it over, and when he ha.1 a chance he added to it. His collection was of eggs, and if he were at homo at the nesting season, he invaribly got some new eggs, he did not approve of exchang ing eggs other jieoplo. He liked to have them all of bis own lindlng. It wa stunid to have other people's find ings. Jerry had got some thut he had not, but it was far lietter for each to keep their own. It made a variety, lb: was quite no her and serious It, an I promise I his young friend that ii she ever came to his homo, sho should see his cabinet, when she could have one made on the same principles, if she ap roved or Hie design. With re gard lo the shells und s 'ttweeds he was not so learned. lor he hud never lived upon the sea. Hut ho picked u p a stn.i:tei ing of knowledge fast, and then i' was ..iiite a treat to behold the ains he to ik to assist the little coni hologist in lier travels round about the shore. There happened to be v ery low tides ull the time lie was at Im bmarew and at such times, he was informed by Jerry, mm h could be diuie in the way of augmenting the shell collection. To tlie little girl's great ,oy. the tine shooting weather had proved to 1hj of brief duration; and, during the un nettled ofT-and-on wet rlnys that suc ceeded. Hellendun found no better oe cit ut if-o for himsalf than poking alsjut umongJie long reaches of sea weed and brtv fools in tho bay, In search of anything that might turn up. The shore at that point wa fruitful; 1 and gorgeou nea-anemoiie-i an well n in iny humbler le utlos, i eside i-belU and weedi inuuuiera do rewarded their pains; and day ley day the two in n . the tall gray figure and the MuaJI white one, fnrj Jerry a whitt) frocks went on every morning now, and it wan c ile a business for the laundry-maid -t tei get them up quickly ei.ough would sally forth in the early hours ere tbo tide bad begun to return, and Lave a long delight ul hour or two investi gating and dis overing. later on thine miu'lit Ix.' the moor, or the burn. The- afternoon would j.roliably bo claimed for one or the other bye eril but be was nothing loth to have b.s guest arnusesl and laKeti o f his hands in'tbe interval lietween breaktast and luii hi on. , Hi' ha . not. V8 a'U-r a tinii! be oui 1 0 it. in ch iii'imimon witn J !! U-tnitr ri. who was at on c too old an I ton young for bun. IS.i'iet'iden vvas either a co u ple tj" man of the world or a Imv I ce il was a vo th and it was doiib' wi.i t her lie. ever woJld l .ie ttr? ; nu or co.iiil iiave been ttej oilier. At pri'-ont iie was all ex lord a;ni ( ,: oniutis. ani he had hitherto felt that his .r..tiio 'concerning theo was scarcely su"uii-titty strong meat .or t he swell life-guarUstniri. who was "up ' in everything oi liie day. 'J'hen to h.s astouiebmeiii., il liaei appeared that veriest in i J k for babe., was ouile pa iitaiile. tei th s fine gentleman, for who n he bal I een Mraitiirg a!( )iis fa-'irt'es tn provide fare, arid bo had e .peri etii'e'il a curious sense, of Tnortitieatlon hud resi'iioi). . ' 'Wn.-ttwas tie tosuppo.-e.' .Why, tbat Ih-lieiulen in after all. but a sualiow fellow, whodid very iveil on llit; sur face, but of whom a reading, thinking t iMinian v ery spueiiiiy got lo the eiiu. .The longer thai iii'ilenden stuye 1 at Jnchtnarevv thwt etter indeed Was-t 'eedl j buieeil. .,t a note went out to a friend, tutor, or relation but what it coulaiiieU tome mention of the per sonagi! then on a vi,it lo his grand mother, and tin. reports ol the inclima reiv bags during that week were! sent to more ' papers, far' an'! wide, than they had ever been b 'lore, lint, prou.i Us be was of the honor thus lOiifernd upon one and all, young I ayniond cou d not but re, o.i o nhut the burden of it should sit easily on his individual shoulders. He had really none of the trouble of eiitni taming the guest. ' Jerry, as wu have said hud the most of him, whim Mrs. ( anipbell found the young iikmi delightful company during the mea.n when all were together and she had horse!! never been seen to greater ad vantage I ban when, all tiniuiulion. she revived the scene-, friendships, und htorues of her youth for his benelit. As the two talked. Jerrv would stand l y drinking it all in, anil wondering why she had never cured lo listen lo, any thing of the kind I'eiore, und whether il would not be rather hie- after all to know something of the great world, about, which both her grandmother and lielu'ii en waxed elojiietit. 1 me (lav the lutter surprised her. "Don't yo i ever do any lesi-ons, Jerry.' ' inquired he, somewhat sud denly. "i ib, yes, 1 do. Hut these are tho holidu. b. you know. 1 have teen hav ing holidays ever since you came.' "So 1 supposed. Hut what do you do w hen you are not iiuv ing holidays':' L never hear you ipeuk of lessons. Have you not a governess'.'" 'N-no." Kor a moment Jerry wished shecould have suid "yes," foil as if it ought to have ben "yes," and that she ought to have been able to produce the inflexible, ipoctacle l pre ceptress, who had ever been the buna of her imagination; but present'y she plucked up spirit to viuiicate her posi tion. "I go every day for two hours to the manse," she said, "or eisfe Mr. Mackenzie comes here for two hours. Ho comes here three times a week, audlgotheie three times a week. (irunnv t-ava I eouhl not have a better ujaster, und that it i-s extremelv ' kind 0f him to spare the time. I have of ten Lour i granny sav how fortunate am. she added, but a glance at, her auditor's face impelled her to throw in. us it were, carelessly, "! bha'.l have a governess some day," at the close. "Oh, you wiU'-" said lie. "Oh, yea. I si.ppose so. Most girls do, you Know." said Jerry in-trueiing him. "My uuntf worry poor granny to death about il whenever they see her. Aunt Charlotte that, is 1 u iy Kay mond especially. She thinks her girls are uerb ction. and they are with their governess all daylong and she. does go on at poor g anny about me." allirtned the Utile girl, shaking her head and knitting he" da. k brows to emphasize tho statement. TO UK ( CiNTINl'Kl). A Forgetful Lawyer-, About the middle of the last the atncal season an attempt was made to attach the property of a company which was playing at it local house. Nome creditor.of, the star hud obtained a judgment against her and meant to sequester the box-oriice receipts on the last night, of the engagement. The local manager consulted a sharp young lawyer, with experience In such affairs, and was told how to tlx the thing. The plan was for the star to turn the receipts over to the local manager la good and legal form. This was done and the deputy sheriff had to return his writ marked ' no good." There was a numlier of companies In straits last, season. One of them played that same bouse about the last week of the season. There was again an importunate creditor, a judgment and an attachment. The sharp young lawyer was in the case ugalt also, but this lime he repre sented the enditor. lie made his preparations lor attaching the box otllce. The local manager needed no legal advice this time. He put In practice the trick the sharp young lawyer had taught him on the pre. v Ions o casloii. The lawyer in tho meantime had forgotten that the trick was of his own devising He blust -red when it was sprung on him ;i ml sain "That won't hold wafer lor a mln uie. What fool Is your lawyer.'" "You are," replied the local niiiii ugcr, suavely. And It held water. JUufTalo Kx press. ' I 'arson sermon deacon? White Ilow'd yo like do on "Charity" dis mornin' Deacon Hardscrapplo lat was r werrv touch in sarmon. oarson. Kia yo' lend mo' a dollar? Exchungft, THE U. S. Government Chemists have reported, after an examination of the different brands, that the ROYAL Bak ing Powder is absolutely pure, greatest in strength, and superior to all others. POV At CAKING POWDE R COMPANY, 1 06 WALl ST. HI W-YOSK. I V Is of Wall E1UK . There is nothing new under the sun. recent outcry against the deleterious j t-flVc'8 of (lancing finds a parallel in a'i ; jld German pamphlet which was writ- .tii by a man called .-aioino Takob Wolf, and which made its way into a second edition at Halle in the closing Fear of the last century. Its long winded and old fashioned title was, "A Demonstration That vvaltziiiK 1 a. Chief .'source of the liodiiy and Mental Weakness of Uur lieiieration." Itneo-M in Colli Wraiher. The tea roses are tender, and will noi stand severe freezing and thawing. Cut them lr.ick one-third, dig a narrow trench clqse to the bush. Then bend them over, and peg them down, (Mver with a few indies of earth, and place a little lung tnuuure over the earth. Hybrid perpetual roses are . half hardy, and only need protection from the biting winds, and the freezing and (hawing ot early spring. Cut them back one-half; trim out all dead and straggling branches, and then tie ;losely to a stroiig stake. Now take !iome cedar bush and place around the bush, just enough to cover the branches. Ti. the bush in the middle and then again at the top, drawing the bnslt in closely to a point. Thus protected, they will winter finely, and the green cedar brush will be an ornament to the lawn the winter through. All rose bushes and shrubs should hftve a slight dressing of line yard strappings one forkful to each bush scattered round it, and not thrown in a heap up against the stent. This would rot It. The manure .should then be spaded under, and the earth raked fine. This manure dressing should be given to all iirnanienfal shrubs, so that .the roots sail appropriate the plant food through :he wintei, and that a strong, vigorous itid healthy spring growtli may lollow. Yard scrapings or line, well-rotted dorse manure should be used. Fresh iiifermented manure will draw mice, which will burrow in the straw through he winter, and eat the tender branches, ind in some ih.staiices kill the roses. During a malignant plague In Italy meeziiig was considered so dangerous ,hat everybody prayed after each lit of tneezlng. A minister's salary in Morocco is two hillings a day., but they acquire im nense wealth, the result of oppression md extortion. Fifty thousand dollars a year is ex ended by the Prussian government in mpport of medical libraries connected Kith the university of Berlin. Queen Anne detested the smell of roses, aud became sick when they were n the room. Descartes had a small garden where ie spent all the hours not devoted to mental labor. Static ok Ohio. City ok Toledo,! J ' Ll'CAS (.'OCNTY.. i Krnk J. Cheney makes oath that he is j the senior partner of the firm of V. J. i Chcnky iv Co.. doing leisines:; in the City i ut Toeldo. County and Si a e aforesaid, iin.l that said Ijrni will pav the sum of oN'K HI -Nil KM) Do 1. 1. A Its lor each und every case o! Catahkii that cannot be cmed by the utK ot Hall's Catvhkh Cckk. . FRANK .1. tJHICNKY. Hworn to before me and subscribed in I my presence, this tith day of Decern her A. I). 1W. A. W. (il.EASON, Notary Public. Hull's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the Mood anil mucous gurfacAit of the system. Send for testi monials free. F. J. CHUNKY A CO., Toledo, 0. 8old by Druggists, Tflc. i he Jeweler. The lirownia are on the top of pop ularity. They have been added to card caies, pocket and memorandum books. Chatelaine pins of silver In Italian designs are intended for carrying the tiny illrer and crystal watches now so fashionable. An orltinal brooch consists of a large and wellfaoeted emerald, from which start pretty diamond feathers grace fully curled, radlatlug closely and sym metrically all rouud the handsome green stone. Kmtr rr that Rahpino Cocuh at the peril of breaking down your brines and Throat, rather let the afflicted immediately .resort to Dr. D. Jny lie's Expectorant, which cures all Coughs and Colds, and amelior ates al) Limn" Complaints and Throat-ails. An instrument at Home registered a Japanese earthquake, nearly a fourth of the earth's circumference away. r I. ...... r,.,..,.i i;u..'d i'....,. r..H e' tion in unfailing medicine. K. It. I,ot l.iO.) oCOl l jst,, r 'O v i lic, lo ll , ivy., net. l, is;i. Kni?ll8h courts have decided that en casement rings are not recoverable at law. A Vermont court held they were, j FOR ALL THE ILLS THAT ST. JftGOBS OIL ...... A CUflB IS KINO; AUH vitt ACHES lo Bvryti)lqaV4 , a xLii - f .. It I!eik uf ! ale. It is said in Scotland that those. desire to learn what fate or fortius lb new year has in store for them Iniiy do oby consulting the Kible oil .W Year's morning before breakfast. Tite sacred book must be bud upon, a ulw and those who wish to consult it uiu&t open it at random and plat a IVitjje upououeor other of the chapter - which it is opened. This ch;pir as. read and is beiieved to desrnU, ti," some way the happiness or misery dtyr ing the ensiling year of thuj pernoo, Kro-t in I i;,;, anil V,,le. An egg expands when it is frozen, kt& breaks Hs shell. Apples contract much that a full barrel will shrink tin. til the top layer is a foot below th chine. When the frost is drawn out thb apples assume their uortual si, and llll up the barrel atain. Some v,1 rieties are not appreciably injureil bye being frozen if the frost is Uraw ou gradually. Apples will carry safety in a refrigerator car while the mercury is registering twenty degrees below ttix. Potatoes, being so largely composti (4 water, are easily frozen. Beautiful faces' tin always feattre J Hood's Hnri-Hparilla Calendars, and Vi'toye were never more charming than they fir, this season. Hood's .Sarsaparilla t aluris, elar for 1WI5 is heart shaped and is o:i.n men ted with repre-sentatioiis of "SuiwiiWj and "Winter." A sweet little face vvhicU peeps out from a dainty rap. with th snow Hakes lulling all about, represt-tttt' the season ol ie-e and snow, while thp sure! shine ol summer lights up another t'aoe aV the left, 'i'he doign vvas made by u!i fif the most, gilied water color arti-ts in thV eemtitry, and t ie work ot the lilhoerapher! is secmiiitely pcrle'ct. lionet's ' 'aletelnr, f n usual, presents all the de.-irnt intormsr tion about the lunar an'! nth.-! as.Totiniiiirul events. Ask your dru:.'jn: lor a esinv, and il' his supply is ex se-nd six cents in slumps lor one c;t.-ii,tttrfc ' or 10 cents for two, 1.0 C. I. Hood e o,,,' I.envell, .Mass. The whole of the land on the gIob above water level, if shoveled i pro th,' 1'acilie ocean, would lill only one tet,' eiilh of it. Rheumatic Pains Return when the colder weather nom,. They are caused by lactic acid i tbft blood, which freipicntly settles in th joints. I his poisonous taint must la r. H ood's Sarsa- moved. Hood's Sur saparilla conquers Cures rh i'ii ma tii tn because lii. it drives out of the blood every form ts( impurity. It makes pure, rich blood. '"I Buffered with rheumatism in my- t( foot. 1 took Hood's isai'sapai'illii ami th pain is all gone." Miss R. It, Hi.ak Mills House, Charleston, S. l ' Hood t Pills prevent eousiipHtn.n. W.L Douglas 62 CBJfP IS THE BEST. WnWt HTFOR AKINS, i. cordovan; FRENCH J. ENAMELLED CULT. 43.-w Fine CALf llfANtuwitx 3.6? POLICE. 3 SOLES. ' EXTHA F1NC ' 2.$l.7 BOYSSCHgatSHOE LADIE3 ,$5SO2.5I.t.b., SEND FOR CATALOGUE W L-DOUG BKOCIfTOM.Mafi4 Over One (Vt'lllon Feopl wear tlio W. L. Doug'as $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes are equally satisfactory They give the best value for the money. i ncy ciuii tmiuin inuci in siyie ana lie. Their wearing qualltlea are unsurnaased. The prices are uniform, stamped on SQto, From $i to $3 saved over other makea. It your dealer cannot supply you wecao. HEW SHORT LIME J. FRANCIS. Gen'l Pati'rAgsnt, OMAHA. Nl Ely's Cream Balm WILL t l'H F. Catarrh lrU'A4l OntM. A pply Bulm into ach nmtril. Kut Uitun.,bo Wrrri8t.,N. V. IMIIITr II Tralln Hle-rnin tor l.lejuor Tr4a, HMILU o n 1111 uucoi s a co.. Et.u.tin.,iaI PAIN CAN BRING . , , , . Si x llliflliigrjii (Mb TO 1 . ' I " , ' . t e . I r 1 - tf ,4 i e. "s