The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, January 10, 1895, Image 5

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r 1 ti...vy p
fS t.w..n
d '!'
I. J. Wwhnw. Uitur au4 VnfM
y.Ki M. V H. B.TimrtmMx.
Uitiig r.t. Cuing fc.
. tVfaJiioKtoo Mill!.
- littles bought at tlie harness Ji
J -G mi a and tttopiH.-d euj funknle
' r K. Roier.
A ro uncut treat U iironiiaud nil the
hell on Washington's birthday.
IL A. I'riddy has moved jnloli
t)Ua formerly occupuid by W. 0. -trrson.
Rev. C E. Council went to Mxn.
Vyo., oo Monday to iiMtat ju re
W. O. Patterson ii huildins on
!hop a short distunes touih of Uio tut
formerly occupied by him. .
f P. N. Kirk putriclt an J A. Mi)
V tiard ea;ti hav it house nearly uituplul
on ttwir clitnii at 1ij;iU.iiU.
llorehoijqd eoriijund lougli rup,
1 the great remedy fur coulm and coid-
at the Pioneer Pharmacy, .
J The house has beta moved I mm I).
II. Oriswold'i farm to tlju lot wuitti ui
Postmaster Murslellcr's roidciicu.
Preparations are hem;; lor it
ood time ut the nouiiil to-imirrurt even
ing. All are invited to come mul paili-
T ; I. Hiclisteui rwceiwd mmm puluivi
L( few cUys ao of Ins relative and Hit
& family home in the old country wlncu
, f ho ielt
lelt fourteen years ujfo.
Thin -or ray hair and bald beads so
displeasing to many people as marks ol
iiij-e, may be averted for a onh' lim-i t
mint; Hall's Ilair Keuewer.
Some children and matches are re
ported to Have nearly a conflag
ration last tiiturday mora 114 Too
much care cannot be exercised in mi. 1.
"Old. jet'evi-r new, an I niipiu ami
l-JilUtiful ever," billys the p Hit, 111 woiil
which milil well apply to Vver's Sira
piirilla the most ellicn nl and s iiiiiii
tJipd purifier ever ollertd to sullVrm
"inity. NulliliiK but superior merit
Jar 'l 80 ''"'' ul l'lu ,r"111'
I .So far no complaint can 1h! made of
the quality of weather enjoyed 111 thin
locality. It has been quite cold, 1ml 11
it has buen clear and Mill and the .si
tlersbave plenty of fuel the cold has
hardly been felt, s
The best anodyne nnd tx-i torani
for th cure of colds, cough--, and ati
C2yat, bipufiS taouchiul troubles is
if"jFrf!TCdlV Ayer's v.herry Pectoral, tin
illy specific for colds and coughs au
itted on exhibition nt the 1 hiciiKo
rorld fair.
' County TreHHurer Woodrtir btarlwii
I for Lincoln last evening. Lie will mak
I his annual settlement with the Mal
; treasurer, take in tlie s'hts at the Icfir.
I lature and uttend the meeting d tie
I state board of agricull ore as president "i
I th Sioux county agricultural so. itl v .
f The Bodarc Sunday hool has le
ft cently obtuinird a library of alsiut fitly
volumes and this nuoii;r wdl be 111
. creased in the near future. There ar.
few thinK that will do mora tfood in a
'community tluin a library of interesting
and instructive books und the people ol
Itodarc are to be congratulated on their
latest acquisition
Tho board of commissioners met in
nM-nlnr sussion on Tuemv and will
complete their work today, they con
tnniplntv soma repairs or. U10 court
, liouso ad other necessary work, in
. their estimate of expenses for the ensu
i mg.year they will have to provide more
liberally for district court expense il
okwitt'-otion is to Is; paid to the cattle ru
tiers. A there is no new memlier tin
only cliange Is that ConiuiissmiH'r J 'hit
son is now chairman and lanuiiiis-i-Mi 1
Weber is only a private.
Joe Konratli was in town a few day
00 and called at this olll. e. He has
been working the past (teuson with an
artesian well outllt and is quite eiithos,
ustic on that subject, .He said that his
father and others in the vicinity ol
Montrose were goin to construct dams
and hold the waUr which ban lieeu
allowed to go to waste in the past and
' put it 00 their land. There is doubt
that such work will give good returns to
any of our farmers.
If you have any business to transact
with County 8u;rintendent . avis it
would be a good plan if you took up a
wsilion on onio elevation, nnd when
you see him doming down the street,
' stepping over two-story bmldnigs, you
may attract His attention by making a
loudkiise. He has only been so since
last Sunday morning, and as Mrs. 11 vis
"tTtl the boy are getting along nicely il
1 A. . il... ....11
x pecieu mat win ni s'ii coum
ineat, I
h nmong common folks again.
Tho l''( ision of the committee who
getting up the ball for February !i2d
tuirge an admission fee for sK'ctntors
...111 t. .KiLrJ tiu all u.'l, 111, rl ieittt, Im
' llll ll hmwi "J - "-. v.-.. ...
ia ine 01
A qiiently
... .tml
in the dances. In the past it has fr-
been the rase that ho many
si spool
I 1 lane
f not J
MpevtAtom have been present that the
lancers could not find seals, and Hint
not just. In addition to that there are
"kidii who do not know enough
behKV thomselves at such place and
Uiey have to "di up" they will elite
stay ay or keep their pla. "
ntsfsfcHS sotftfe.
Till- .) s u, has a j..r;.-o nnri.U r !
tvicrnjnt on its Isioks, nmkiij;.; in (U
avi'H ymte huinlrHk of dollars. Mui h of
this i ouid by na-n oho bra mm li I t
ler live! naiuj..y ,,in i I tie pult
lisln r. Il is Uitfrefuro ur;"vd that uluy
pr-i.i imUhltd to tin HIiid tt.j Ihu
same- at nine, it inu iwwy to con
duct h m-!fiHr and what is due haIteen
arni d and is due Jiil us nan b ts any
oilier debt, so it is d'sird tlut prompt
seltk'Hirnts I made by all.
t!, K. Coiree ciiiiie up from Hat t 'rtck
F. VV Knott was in from (JiMirisl
Juile It.u kT was at t'awfonl the
last il tliu vuck.
F. M S inth a U from Five I'iBts !
X)n first of the week.
K K Hnitlus and S li Wilnon were
111 Alliance tile Ijlst of the week.
Adam Morrow -and VV. L. liovt vieie
rioi Ixiuial p.ineiltirs I il vi nil .
K J Wilcox wa up iriMii WarUm
11 1 tsti Ml. iv and caiii-il to ..- t.
M ss H it Wo.dv i.oin up I rum
hailron TntMla inoi innj;.
li. V. .Stevens laried tr illluois last
J. I'. Mas.iu was doiu business with
tile coiiiiiiissioll rs the lii'sl ol the Week
wOinili.aMoiiel' Joliuson h it lur Omaha
list evening and will also vimt tlie
uv bi'tory
at L ucolii Is-'lore his
-Bill Wash. 11,; Ion' bolhday.
A. SoUtllrtortll ;is ill tort 11 Tuesslny
aial called at tins olliee.
i' or reliable, in t cl. is dental work
I aij kiua, ;o to I, J. OiOsoii, Oiav
lora, tbr.iKa.
beor;u Walker Is llov, a resident of
H'j miiiy, n.-. 1 Ijoeln unU lam
Inv'iu oiic to oaspLT the liisl ol tile
- liU la.lies' aid s 1 ;.jiy w'.ll nie'et at
toe 1 'eti.ieiico ul Alt'. K i''. 1'oiiliiis 011
V e-tiiiiMt.. , Jaoo.ti'y ioni, ai oelocK.
p. 111. .1 tun 11 Uc.u'etl.
rA mueliiiK ol lilt Jiliy slclaiis ol the
iml 'III west cu.liiiies is called to iiieel ai
la a 1. 4a on J hi. I ;., lor toe pui- ol ta;aiiiZ.Li loo. IU.I alLeiivJaiKe
.a tle-so'cd u.1.1 iiu iiiLelesLiuj; time
-Iiu j ul (.1,,'u ivoulil li.ive been a
iii 1 1 ainveu anU
iiee-11 put Itl p isit.011 beioi'e toe recent
.ii'fcsLs. ! ii vaii .a a 14 1 .i.ti'ti iv.oul'
iinee priiouurs Ua 1111J niot.
Audi. 111 alc.
1 lie uiul. rMneU will sl' at
..nelioii st r s hveiy
il. nr. soli 1111
b.VtUU AY, JA.sUAltY U, lvj.i,
.1 lit clock, p. 111., I lie 1 nlo.v.ii prop
1 iv :
1 s,au ol iuod work hois..-s,
J yrai'hiln Ijlleys,
1 llll'lll Sllgoll,
1 tiang ilu'l'o.i,
i walkuii.' plows,
1 set ol iliioiile harness
I ERMS sums under 10 cush in
hand. On al sums of $10 and over a
credit of i months will lie given on
approved noes drawing interest al the
rate of 10 peicent per milium.
FlIED liKTC.llt:X.
K. A. IlKiKifjiv, Auctioneer.
THE LEtilSl.ATl 1!F.:
Ncbrskiiii 1 .4 liileicslid
Viiut K lt-.s.
T ie c )i:iik t.--iioii n( the b-,.i ,Ut 'i."e
III Oei ssp.l l.llj lUlerestiilg All ThlX
ye-ai-s tne r put leads are agiiu 111 con
trol ui both hoses. A United Stales
senator will bd lect.-d and a host of oth
er go.Hl things Si-uld be done. No mat
ter what your plilics, you will want to
read alsiilt the sldaturo. No nutter
what paper youvad at other times you
should read the, .Lincoln Mate Journal
during the legisllure. It is printed al
the stale capital, ml devotes more space
to legislative doigs than all the other
state dailies comliie'd. The Journal has
jumped away upi Ihu lead, having the
largest circulatio', 111 Nebraska, it is
sieiidmg inure nitey for news than its
coniielilor. .)o lhxbv is Its dally
poet, it ulno hasiV'alt Mason, Wm. H.
Annul, its Wasltigtoti correspondent,
w rves up Washinfou sliill' as 110 other
correspondent enloye.l by Nebraska
p.qs-rs has ever die it. Annul knows
Nebraska s.-ople ud Nebraska politi
cians like a book; k letters are a great
feature. .Stories 11 furnished by onan
lo) le, Uudyard Kliug, and a host of
others, who are relar coniribiitors to
J the world's great nmgazmes. The
. Journal's has wn cut to 50 cents
per mouth without bid iy, mid 05 cents
w ith Sunday, Yoii'i. tild try it aw hile.
The Kim-Weekly JmiiiiI is only ft. 00
ter year and is a gr.t faiiiily piper al-
is ' most us go. si as 11 day for a large class
of piple. I be Jruals plienominal
to gro Hi is due lnrgehto the ruu-. tion
if , in price nod the iln .01 attending to its
r own business, and notiresuming to he a
i 1:1 it tr. '
Runt led KuHtlels.
A ripple of excitemt-nt wan c..J .1.
town on Monday when il was lejxirted
that Nlii-rjjf J)i-w had juM cofiii in with
three iiii-n and !' Is-rvs which he had
c.iptuiv.l uiuler I'lrcumstunies which
-eniid ji warrant the arrvst. Tlie men
were Jim, I at and Will Mlatterx, and
they aiv 1 hirt-d wild having killed two
steers branded lib tile spade brand.
1'hey were taken iaefure Justice hlliUi II
and waived examination and their bond
was liKud at $a00 each. As do evidence
was u'vn by eilluir side tlie facts
which vill iji'Velop ut the trial unnot
lie j,ri vert. From r-airts it seems that
the meu had (sell watihed by 8am
Jloses and Jelf . el'Vam e ;ind luul yot to
a point where It wu ileemid iiest to
have an ollicer so on Sunday evening the
lal ter came to tow u and ii-it the hla rilf
to accompany him to the place. 'Ihey
captured the men Willi one ol the ani
mals dresMrd, having lieen ipJartered
and bun-up sutli lite hide slill on, and
the other one deiul ami partly dressed.
No attempt ha I been made to destroy
tile brands on either hide,
1 UK Joi ns it, does not pass judgment
as to the uill or iuiiik'uiu u of tho men
arrested iiordoesit desire to see any
man uled, but It docs believe that
the laws 111 repaid to the protection of
pio i ty should be respected, it Is said
by those who claim to Iw 111 a position to
Know that Mine the acquittal of 1,'obl) the
liuiulH.r ol cattle tmluwlully killed in
Sioux county has very hugely increased,
bowing that his acquittal has I teen
taken to mean that no conviction can Is:
had lor sin li doings 111 Hioux county.
11 regard to the cost ot prosecution the
sentiment ol the taxpayers, so far as we
have Is en able to learn, seems to Ik that
iheydoijot object to having offenders
1all.1l to account, but the do object to
leel larces which lend only lo in. tease
the 11 uni Iter ol crimes and increases the
taxes, and It Is Iioh-(I that the men who
cans, d the anvst ol tlie parlies now in
custody wi re 111 possession of evidence
Millicieiit to warrant the; action. It Is to
ihu interest of all that the rustling of
cattle lie stopped and the conviction and
punishment ol those etiuaged in such
work is the only way to dick it.
W.ll olfered a bond on Tu s lay which
as accepted hv the com I ami was re
leased. I he other two had failed to se
cure Is. nd up to last evening so Sherill'
. ew t.iulf them to . hadi'oii for safe
keeping. The prisoners Were somewhat
worried Tuesday mlit lest an attempt
he made to do them violence but no
move toward any such action was made,
lor, while every law-abiding citizen de
sires to see riihlhng stopped they seem
inclined to let the law lake its course.
W.tslilngtnii Hall.
Arrangements have Is en made for
holding a grand hall on the nnnivers iry
of Washington's birth, February 22d, at
the court house. Tile Fort Ivobiusou
or. best nt has been secured and every
thing will hu done to make It tlie most
eiijoMil.le hail id the season. Su per
will Is. served tit the railroad eating
house and that is also to be first-class.
Spectators will ho charged 25 cents
children the same 11s udults. Tickets
for the dame will Is; one dollar, and
the supper will cost seventy-five cents
a couple. All are invited to come and
have a good time.
Iiy Order of 'ommittee.
Church Service Next Sunday.
Class Meeting, Sunday morning at 11
o'clock. Sunday School, Sunday morn
ing al 11:!10 o'clock. Kpworth League
Sunday evening (J:.'iO o'clock. Preaching
Services, Sunday evening 7M0 o'clock.
C. E. ('OSN'KIJ., Pastor.
Reliiemlier that TlIK JfifltSAL clubs
with alo.osl any publication in the
L'm'.'d Sf.ites ai.d an s;ive you monev
tun vmr reai'ing matter lor the ensuing
V.iMi Mr. Heel. a.,d Ivli.
Kiati' lio Iliac iiia;.
to l.'i
Inn'." W. .1. V.'.nv, 1 1.1., Pro:;- o-
Jlist ttlld riliirtliitcisl, Aoc;i, l.i.
" I h:vi- tt.sisl . " v' S',tr.:i'a- o
rill.i for jrei'.er;;l dehilily and, as g
a liiooii-pn.rili'-r, lind it does ex- c
iti-tlv as is claimed for it." S. J. oj
AitAM-i, Kzzc',1, Texas. 1
Ayer'SoSarsapariila t
Admitted for Exhibition 01
,iiM " ( HMWitMIMMiiiiitil
f-TOV Kit
V.. '. McHRUK,
Is prepared to do all kinds cl wmk in
his line by the most approved
He has special Apparatus for making
groups and outside views and par
ties wanting work in that line should
call on him.
A. 15 GELOW,
Will cry sales in Sioux and adjoining
Terms Reasonable and satisfaction
lules made at This JoUHNAL office.
Residence 5 miles northwest of Har
rison. J. E. PlliNNEY, M. I).
Pliysician ami Surgeon.
All cut Is (flven prompt nttentioii.
(Kline In Krnjf store.
ITAlt:tlsil)N, - SEXItl'flvA.
11. L SMU K.
Fashionable Barber &. H ir Dresser.
litvn I inc. t u I Cull.
(i. J. SIl.M'KR,
liiplitlifrin. Rhirnin.'itism, IVnmlf! nnJ
all 1 'I iron in 111 sen sis a
Ollii-B ill il-ior niirlh or JOURNAL oflu-t;.
J. W. .SMITH, rroirieUtr.
New work and re
pairing neatly
lioiHl work, (iool iniilerlul 11ml rciiMoiuib1!'
Irl-c l.l'Alt.V.N'ftEl). (ilvi- inn a call.
I'mctlceitin nil tlio court ami U'fnrr
U. 8. Lnnil Oilloa.
nJ-Olllos In Court Ilnnie,,ft
J Ihirrison, Nebr.
f ow 11 following bruuil:
My -A Citt mKSo FsS-r-fck
; 1 ' fc
v'-" is as enjoyabli as
'::;j)U'..oivc. Kulrrr d Loluniijias
are never ashamed ff their mounts,
because they ride the standard
wheel? of the world, representing
all that i ; best in bicycle con-stnioticn.
Ou: ; '-:.M" .L'ii w:'t I'M ". Hi! (iVrit Cluri.hia.
L'ff t.M all flV,t C.luTr-hi
L Uf Me iUM: I li 1 If 1MU VUl i'.l;M
at iur u.
Will be the greeting accorded you early on
Christinas morning, and that everyone may be
prepared with a material answer, we have for
t-ale some handsome
Holiday Goods at Bargains,
Including a npecial lot of two dozen pieces of
ranted for ten years. Also Rodgers1 silver knirf is.
forks, Hpoons, etc.
Best quality silk Hand kerchiefs, MulHersand
Ties; Children's Hoods, Hood Fascinators, Chair
Tidies; patterns of "Sailor Boys," "Kittens,'" and
"Roosters" for the little folks.
Christmas Candies.
fhe People's Store!
IDHrSr ''O-inch Chester Broadtdolb.
Q-OOIDS i! finest in the market, at wt yd.
Shaker Flannels from 7c up. Red and colored Flannels
at reduced prices. A complete line of Outing Flannels
and Calicos of the latest patterns. Cotton Flannels of
all grades and prices.
BOOTS ' Headquarters in this line as we
SHOES ; are in all other lines. Ladiew Don
gola Shoes at only 1.50. Calf Shoes, G rain-leather
Shoes, Fine Shoes, Slippers; anything, everythinjr.
All grades of Overshoes. Felt Boots, German Socki.
The celebiated "Blue Ribbon" Cowboy Boot.
0A.3?S ij -A line unexcelled, from the low?t
HATS l grade to Stetson's beat. Winter
goods at reduced pricen.
A complete line of Groceries and Hard
ware. Furniture, too.
Marstejller Bros.
When storks have iliorpil clr:in out of
A nil nioru.'y's lil(i; a cliibninn liht, '
Anil nmn tulk poor and wonit-n clitnl)
' Six pair of stairs lo save a dime
Thun is tlio time for mauler mind
Koine nuw economy to find.
Ono er'nnoinic; denize yon know,
Just trade with 1101011 & SONS.
A large line of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes,
Chestnuts, Candies for the babies,
Oranges for the ladies.
Tea set of 56 pieces given away with
$50.00 worth of goods.
Yours Respectfully,
Lumber, Coal and Farm Implements,
Sash, Doors, Blinds, Lime,
. Lath and Shingles.
Windmill and
Heeling is the Popdar
Sport of the Hay.
Brfhr I kut "vmtias't'um, exer
cise because in open air, ciiul
pUaunier ikin walking because
more exhilarating.
a good horse, and much less
Ride a
puck m ;.' UV
, Ntw Virkv Criuca, lUrrfofd.
Pump Supplies.
7 .