The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, January 10, 1895, Image 4

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    T Mini" iilaflffcl'Tt imi U 'ii
Tb Sioux County Journal.
SuNi-riptioa PrW, f2.90
Kntered at the Harrison post office as
second clas matter.
Tui'bsdat, Jam why W. 1'J".
In order to be consistent the pops in
Hie portions of the state to which relief
is being Kent should refuse o u-e that
uhK.bis transported by the railroads
I re of , charge. A pass (according to
their uoctrine) is a bribe and it matters
not whether it is for a person or for a
car-load of grub to feed him.
lu Dawes county a short time ago a
' tuao suspected of rustling tattle was
jfiven so many days to get out of the
country or take the chances of an inter
view with a committee. It is hoped
that no such measures wilt liave to be
reonted to in northwest Nebraska. The
courts are the places to settle such
litor of the L'hadron Journal
roar because he caanot get Rose-
i stop sending his Bee to him.
I editor-criticized Rosey's course
be lata campaign he would have been
cut off by the Omaha egotist. The
writer is proud to know that what ap
peared in his columns touched the pilate
of the Bee sufficently to make hnu wince
nod cut this paper off his list.
Hon. John M. Thurston was tendered a
banquet at Lincoln one evening I si
week and an elegant spread was muik
but no wine was on the bill of l.irw. it i
evident from that, that Thurston doc
uot intend to follow the example set by
his colleague, Whisky Vat Allen, atil
bring disgrace upon his suite by gelling
full of ardent spirits aud p.iiutiug the
yity of Washington red.
Senator Allen is directing a good deal
of attention to the prices charged ut 1 1 it
senate lunch counters and wants Hie
-pries reduced. He may have blown
is so fc"u,ch for Hrewaier Hi it ue in.-, lu
tle of bis salary left lur tt, purcuase m
tpeaU. The Jtrmers of .n
doubtless tiild a cure for ail lileir tru.
bles if Alien gels pru-'is cut Jjh ui in
lunch stands ia tue senate eud oi Uk
capital building.
In the celebrated Briggs case in Wis
consin a few days ago an expert unm
merist of Chicatro succeeded in gettiug
lilfc yirl to talk but her answers were
along the line evidently suggested by
the roan who first mesuierioeu iter, it i
evident from that that the influence ol a
mesmerist is exerted over ins victim
whether he is present or abseut, and is
therefore ali tue biore daiieeruus it
will not be long until leisiaium mil i
needed on tb is subject in urUer to piv
tect society.
. The plan advocated by f H8 JtTtAAj,
of puttiug a liberal bounty oti susar
beets, to be puid to Uie grower, u u
means of developing the w estern twit oi
Nebraska and making that part ol the
state prosperous is meeting with approv
al from ait sides. It would not only
make a profitable crop for the farmers
to market but the small and defective
beets would make a large amount ol
r fd which would fit cattie for market
nod bring the highest price. One of the
most important points to be watched is
that the bounty be provided for a suifi
'fiit length of time to enable the indus
try to become well-established.
The effects of the sensational news
paper reports which liuve been sent
broadcast over the land in regard to the
Vendition of the settlers in western Neb
raska are being felt and the greatest
hardship resulting from such reports
will have to be borne by the settlers ol
the territory referred to; Jt is very
much to lie regretted that the conditions
and needs of the people should have been
so exaggerated. Supplies are being sent
from all over the land aud sho.v Uiut the
people of other states are willing to Itelp
a sister, but there was absolutely uo
heed of any aid having been sought out
side the borders of Nebraska; in fiiou
and Dawes counties funds are being
raised to send the people in less favoreu
distict It would be well for steps to
be te taken to show that Nebraska can
are for its own.
The ej
makes J
The Ihiog that keeps dowa the hew
paper business is the fact that so many
peopte think that editors pursue their
, tailing purely for amusement. Nothing
' 'could be sadder than hi M U atria
journalist eating a contributed poem for
want of bread or pie. When a man ha
roll of bills he pays everybody before
he remembers that be owe the amiable
editor; be square Up the btlteher, the
baker, the Uorte blanket matter, and by
Um time he is through, he says to him
self tlt the editor Will have to watt
a while A great maoy editors in tbia
wr4 tit aid aad m have bM com
ptllad M Wait a while; they ha Ve waited
Uatil UMr WWsUr have turned gray,
aadthtjara walUdg jet; aod will wait
tasi am fot cold, lad tfte ikm
ad. ali the v ol tfkf jMjmm
cAu.'iy, ladltl an very mi at
An irragntiou law and a bounty on
ugnr beete in what northwest Nebraska
waau at the hand of lh lei.laturu.
flovernor Holcomb'a mewcii-rt did But
indicate that he would attempt to carry
out any of the wild schemes advocated
by the leaden of bin party and by so
doing lie strengthened the standing of
Senator Allen asks why United Ntatea
svenators cannot go outside for their
fluids. The Senator! wait until
Tillman gets there before raising tlutt
question. Tillman may want to intro.
duct; the South Carolina method. 'hi
j capo itr Ocean.
The f.ut tliat there is a republican
majority in both branches of the legisla
ture strong enough to pass any measure
aesireii over 'he veto ol the governor
lias the effect of reducing the harm done
by the result of the election on the chief
executive. As it is many of the inter
ests of the state which Deed eastern
lapitul have been delayed until the pol
icy of the new governor became known,
So far nothing has been learned of the
fate of Barrett Scott, the man who was
kidnapped in Holt county on New Year's
day. The affair is the worst that has
ever been known in the state. It is the
outgrowth of a long and bitter contest
in that county, in which the local paers
took a very prominent part. This and
other things have kept the feeling at
white heat for years. It is said that
while the Scott tragedy was not charg
able to the independent party still every
one connected with the alfair was a pop
ulist. That being true Governor llol
comb should umt ev.ry ttfurt to bnn;
llie pui'ielrulors to justice. The out
r.ige p. ici I a ilv. er sunn mi ti
iihiIik i,l Ntt.r.i'k.t Iii.iii Ii.i.t . r. ailuii i
..r an,) Hung vle and ever person ln
t-xptcls to have his r.ghtc proUcted t
the l.iw -,hiji. 1.1 condemn 11k hill limid.i
it woulU lie it gis d plait fur sum.
leps to lie taken to put a stop to 11k
wild stories sent to the daily papers b
country 'urres)oiideiits. Northwest Ne
braska lias one who has dune injus'.ici
to h.s lis ulily on several i-casions. It
i snow lull it.-curs he ruh- to the neui
e I lelerapli olfj. e ami wires his piipt r
i the lenrful "liir.Jsard" prevailing
i.. th.t pirt ol th.! sute. The result h;is
on ui give a r ui'Uiy people in Hi
.st Hie i.iipre.tsi.ia tli;it this is h tern-i-ly
stonuewept territory, when , in
fact, the storms here are less frequent
and less violent than in the eastern pari
of the slate, in other matters he uses
as little judgment, if the managers ol
the great daises would employ corres
pondents who would give the farjs and
not enagtier.itt.ins it would be a great
deal better.
The Drift of the Year.
The clow of the yewr now nrtr at
mind tituurully suggests the question as
to the drill and tendency ol ulfairs dur
ing the twelve months, is the drill
backward or forward, towurd peace or
wan toward barbarism or civilisation,
progress or retrogression? The unswei
will vary according to our moods auu
symp-ithies. But the general tendeiic)
seems to be forward, although many ol
the agencies and instruments whereby
peace, progress and civiheatiunhave been
attuined ure being used up in the move
rtitint. Parties and churches and em
pires are like the baggage wagons of an
army in progress. They wear out anu
break dow n uud disappear and are for
gotten, but the army arrives-. Mo it is
with Hie human race. The Chinese Em
pire) with all its laultss has for millen
niums done a civilizing work among a
third of the tinman nice; It is cruml
ling beneath the blows Of the Japanese.
The Russian czar; who for the last
twelve years has kept the peace of Europe-,
is deap. The Amehcan ueniocral
z party, tlie hojw of tue lre traders)
was overwhelmed at the November
elections by an electoral avalanche ol
disaster. In England the Liberal uirLv
is marching to Hie abyss. Aud yet who
is there who does nbt feel that Uie secur
ities lor civilization in the east, peace tn
Europe, political progress In AUierica,
and return! in England liave beeu
strengthened rather tliart weakened id
the course of the year? From ''the
Progress of the World,,, in the January
Review of Reviews; .
tart Far Headatlifc
As a rented y for all forms of headache
Electric Bitters has proved to be the
very best. It effects a permanent cfre
and the most dreaded habitual sick head
aches yield to its influence. We urge
all Who are afflicted to procure a bottle
and give tm remedy a ftir trial. In
cafes of habitual constipation Electric
Bitter cur by giving the heeded lode
to UK bowel, and few caae tone retiu
Ute uee bt this rnedicine. TVy it once.
Large bottle onVy fifty cents at the
Pioneer Plfckl-nicy.
bMMei Aft SkiVfc
the hrtt salve in the World for cti'tsr,
brtte, sores, utcetv, salt rnetmr, TeVer
sore, tetter) champed hands, crrilMaras,
cortk, and all sain eruption and pambve
y com prfes, or no pay repaired, n fa
fMsbwa to gtva pefect wtitTactioh
The Harrison
Feed and Sale Stable.
Hides, Sheep
We pay the highest market-price
and do not charge commission.
Prompt returns on all consign
kEFEKEN :: Kifc-T National Bank, Ciiadhox, Nkb.
C4IU4 y
i Qifr)"r Was
? 1 d the
JL pwtted The new Idea of jiving the best that was in
, the othsr magaanes m addib'on to its own brilliant, orig-
h M inil (ru-il- imnrii tilt (Iam tt frol.n
jtetfl j Eiland though the rugaane itself was not at all a
, """ rtpnnt of the Enjtish edition. It deals most largely with
J w w tuuta wiui
The Review of Reviews fa a
aja instantly aiive to the newest movements of the day, to a degree never pi i
before dreamed of Thousands of readers who offer their commendations, j?
among them the greatest names m the world, say that the Review of IL,
Review gives them exactly what they should know about politics, Ittera- W
ture. eeonomks and wol
of aD creeds and aU partid have agreed
txmal and business men, It ts simply
indiSrifniahU Th rfmartmiK n-
conducted by careful specialists, in
stead of mere scissors-witlden, ami
scores of immediately Interesting por.
-traits and pictures are in each number.
AO this explains why tlx Review
of Review has come to a probably
unprecedented success in the first three
yean of its existence. For I89S It
o9 bt more invaluable than ever.
Attnts in ropfctf handsome profits, t.'t
Sf kbml eonmustofii. Send lor Uresv
i tea, I
After PtoCC, NcwVortt
Heal Prvuf Kaiiraa.
All eroni hv(n fliinl prortt notirra In
thu pupr will rerj-fve a niMrkwd copy of th
p ip-T nud nrr regnrttrd to ezumln thulr
noticH iul it ny rfor xlt rciwrt thn
ftain UJ IIUm offli.- Ktonce.
Notice tor rublirntion.
tnd Oflti'e nt Alliani'i', t)., I
1h. j, laM.
Nirtlf H hcrfhy Kivn thut the rollowlnir-nanii-fl
ttli-T hm Bl.-n ntittre of hlslnU n
ttmi to tnuko final )irdif In support f hid
Rlalmi and k.ilt! flrmif will be; hu
fore Clerk Diotrii-t Court at itafnin,
Sebfafkaj on Kiby i,lw, vi :
Daniel W. Monily, of ;i.-hrnit, SVh..
hd miutrt H; E. Ko. 14I3 for the . wi. ts
tn. as ii., r. u w.
lie name the following witnemn-li to pnove
his 6)ntiniiHU H-dhti-iiCB rtt4n and cnltiva
tion of, wild hind, vif.
t'. !. ilnllhiKAworth, of Kodjrr, Seh., r. W.
nott, daitim tt lloi.i, both of lilk-bri't,
!eb., M. C. Utwn, W Uodarc) .cb.
J. W . KlI!r, Jb.
1 1G SI Ktter.
kotli f nl Kale.
in the ititU:-of tbsUlu of Ifotetti M.
M.ioii, drrvd.
Notice In hereby Utiven that lit poriuanoi
of an order ot Ait r.-d Hurt-.w, jndy of tho
district cortrt of smt cttunty, made on
the th day of IM-veihber, irt-t, for tn
gair- of the real e.u.t- herv-inaf u-r de-K-ribed;
there will be rfold at lilen l"ol
pm, stool ruunlyi .Sobraeka, on thrt
am day of jHini,.ry. IWA, at V o'etot k, n.
in., at puhlii! Vendrte lo the hlirheiA bid
der, for cih, the foilowlmf described
re..! rttc, to wit:
The iortheant quarter (ne) of Mic
tion thirty -two ). townt-hip thirty
due (.11) rt!;e Buy throw (iKlj In oioox
coanty, Kebraxka.
fluid nale will remain own for oniu hour.
tinted January 8th, li5. , .
JANni t. MAkni.
AdmlniMtrattr ot the
tat of Kow-tti M. MaAOti,
The (AlstflVrt-y HtVi tots IM.
Mr. J. Oailtouette-, Dragjrf'tt-, Beaver-
Ville, ill.) says; 'Td Ur. King's M"ew li-
t-overy 1 ovre my life. Wan takec with
i ...... j j, , , ... l. . t. .7
la grippe atW tried All the ptlrrtarJS for
rtrilet abodt, Irdt XX no Avail aad was
iriven ttr aad told I eottld not Mto. ifiav-
irtu- Dt-. iTinw'k .w IMtvsAtnvrv la
n n - - - - - j j
store t twit for & txttfe and began Ha
use and from the fir dose rtersn to ret
better, Antl After ttVfnii hVce botttsrt win jr-O- BOxi
up and about', uairt. Jft wortti tfuj'""-"
ncigin iii uw, ninwt awry wm wr
Ttodse witnont n. ut free trial at
Sml. Ki. S'itJu
trie riina.ui rnsnTnex:y.
i-A-i.. .... - . . . u - .
014lrTdf liUt tt mtamAL
PROfR KfOtt.
shipping tags and market quotations
furnished on Application.
We want your business. Give us a
H- ,'. the first number
American Review of Reviews was
pencil uiucvuuciicQ, in u own ounc. Mi
monthly, timely in Illustration and text, Ifi
that no family can afford to lose its u
p-TE."" V?A? V fJtj
I I f.
Bcidet Uk tpecial WiCki UKi chaf
acVf sketches of IhrUKnf iniertx md
timeliness the Revlt ol Rtvtew
has these rtgubt derartmenUt
tM ttm Mm Wrt..Ab L&vwv
unl tdttorul miea&IUM MntbitrtiiU
Hidl tbanaUn. iltfl mtn atd Woeir
iwnitel wm4tiwiw4 itatf oramt aftu
vnmtrn, antf tM uccceMaac The)
WrtmdiCMH tHrW4. Mbbdr UfwN
w wiitck McuHit lomdkd) 4
nmd. All thai h tea ta tM ftWf
mcxanv AnerttaWi aad forcaA
riirixrr MiaflMruwtv wtnm tm
l frcHkv
Iht montti liiMix-e tSeomli tbc pictw
cvjuf pa ear; ih twictWwt canvoM
Uaat r WfiOarinff iitf0urKA Uc wmM.
ookm. r tn4 Indkis oi aft anklet
II nr nunj U iawrt( evf.
j Thert never wn a time in the hUtwry of
our country when the demand for luvnn.
.tinmand improvements In the. art and
clence (fenernlly wan to ifreal as now.
The eoiiveiilcnces of mankind in the factory
and work shop, the household, on tfle farm,
and in official life, require coutiimnl acees-
ions to tue appurtHUCen ami iinph.'ineiitsof
each in order to save labor, time and ex.
pene. Thu political Chuiijfe in tho att minis
Irutiou of KOvernuicntdoes not affect the
prf reiu( of the American inventor, who lw
Iiik on the alert, and ready to ocrceive the
misting deflclendes, does not permit the
ulfairs of tbc government to deter htm
from quiakly coiifndvliig the remedy to
overcome existing discrepancies. To grc
cara can not l exercised in choosing a coio
pctont and skillful attorney to prepare and
prsecnle an application for patent. Vale
able Interests have been lost and destroyed
In innumerable Instances by the emproy
nietit of inc-o Jtpetent eonnsel, and espn-ial-lyls
this ail vie j applicable to tbOjO who
adopt the "AO paUut, no pay" system-.
Inventors wDo t.urn.t their Dtisiness to this
class of attorneys do so ut ltn-mlncnt risk,
as the breadth and -trenglh of the patent Is
never considered In vtewuf a qon k endeav
or to get an allon.ince and outaln tne fee
then due. Thu; I'hkss Claim Coai-.vr,
John W edderbarn. Uentnl mansgi-r, 6IHt"
street, W ., Washington-, i. Cv, represtit
lug a large immber wf Important dally and
j weekly p..pers, nk well us general periodicals
of the country, was instituted to protect lt
(Matrons from the onlmfe tnvttiods tiurrtofore
employed In this line of toastteas. The said
j COuifi any Is nn-fiared t take earge vf ll
1 pateut toaalncsn entrost'-d to it for reason
able fee, anil fireaarca and prosecutes
fplhitfon generaWy, Ifremdiug mechan)-
?! "Jl1l'''tn. PX'' ' J'-
copyrights, iriterfereitt, inlriiix.)-
mmu, vaMdlty report-, ana glvrs cspeeiel
attention to rejected case, it is also pre-
vr enter tta epmetition with any
-rm In kecorlnf forelfn petents.
Write for In.trocltons and advice.
Joan WcuoaBat-aw,
ntr mrvt,
aafclowtorr, II. V.
Rkfra Kefir.
Tdn q
op ty ttie aTKigTied oh hik pTcra
Huntraae oeeesswrt. Maui ponMv.
Mr ).
braska. toe Tonadue animals: 1 brown
liiare brand! rross sonieft thhrh, iwtt I
yerk old-, J Kowa uuff Imuideti in vrrted h
' an TOisswinor, bhvsm rc-as iimi ones-
rttn Ws, (aetclted brand on left sboaider,
on lert laowaiir, anoat t ye old ; I undt
Sioux County,
STEADER. Free Homes lor More
Than 5,000 Men,
A new county with
schools, churches,
railroads, etc.,
Contains over forty-five miles of
rail oad and has no county
Furl, l'ostx, Lotr and Lumber ( liruprr
Tban t any Otbrr Place
in NebraNka.
Sioux county i tlie northwest counlv
of Nebraska It ih uUuit tliirtr mile
east iukI west liv nlMiut seventy miles
north and wiutli and -inUiins
OVE 1.?CO,000 CEe
I 1 1 nd. Th- rr He on.r- triclti, i :i
nir, s all t; i- init' ii
in l f i.n l r 'i
.1 llie xt t- .
it tllitil all tin- I'tht i :ii- .-liiU ! h i -t
f raises nrj tlie rirliest mid most im
tritious know n so that for sUx krovt-iti)r
it is unexcelled.
The soil vnries from n heavy clay to u
light simdy loam iuhI is iilil of iro
ducinK excellent crops.
The principal crops are ximill rain
und vegetiihles, iiltliouli goixl corn ii
grown in the Valleys. The wheat, outs
rye and Uirley are all of uiiiiu;illy dm
quiility und oninianl the tn.he.t
keV prices.
1'he w:il--r is pur - anil n ip hIi i .
is found in uhuiHliitK e in nil , nri -d i
The county is pr.tcliciill niitnldv.
rtinl has over forty-live miles of milr -.-i
within its Imf-der, hits u imk) l.rick i i.ur
house and ttm nece-esarj- fixtures (or run
ninif the county und tltere tins never
been one dollar of county loads iosuneil
and tiencsj tx-s will be low,
The Fremont, Elkhnrn & Miswmn
Valley niilriBid croM-a-e (Smiix cinintx
from e;wt to west, nml the li. St M. Ihii
.ilHiut lirtetn mi!i- of its fine in tlir
I iiorlbeitsl piirt of Hie tdinty.
j Th-; climate is more pUn-sant limn ilmi
J if t'H! -f.terii i-irtn)0 of NelwM.ska,
ldere ia f t ill
OVCR 800,000 ACRES
of Und in Sioux county yet open to
honiesteati entry. Jt is lielter land and
more desirably located than that for
which such rushes are made on tlie ojwii
ingofa reservation. There ia Ho mil
road land iti the county and for Unit
reason its settlement has Utn slow for
no special effort to (ret selllej-s was
made-, ns was done in the early days ol
the settlement of Ure atm part of the
Jood deeded land van puniawd at
reawwiaMe rates with krve'"i"nl laml
adjoining so that a person who wauls
more than one quarter sex.-t-im cano'itain
it if he has a little means.
There are about 2,.W) eoiile in Uie
Coualy and there is room for thousands
Harrison is the county vat awl is wt
oated on the V. E. & M. V. railroad, and
is as gixxl a town -ns the thinly settled
country -nVmaotls.
School houses and vViorcheVare fro
vtdwl in almost every settleiinmt and are
kert up Willi the times.
AH whoilsisire to fret a homestead or
buy land t-heap are invited to come nnd
see the voSHitry for themsH ves and j"de
A its Went. Hmnesteds will not he
otAamabta mni.i lonei- arid if vru wnsit
totiaeymir fiKit und tret 1$ a..ivsrt
tafM from Uncle Sam free it is time you
A-ere about it.
ftttbikH. Titkem ana consign n fMgW
via tlie
tt. til. rtlM-, im )toth&,
& t). MfiwotTB, l. It maV,
(Wb fehrrrt AkA. Hm1 Pwaa Ag.
tiiiikaaia tasna.
wansTfa tviv.
Prizes on Patents."
)( Hat a ll iVrkM
furl lie.
ii m rlrignt IUw r
url U wlMauilarn H lH " '
(4 t-'". I ' 'I' ' """
ubMiUki Hi h" wot m. rn.iriou.
Hon ilr1"K til- IirwcwlinB imi'.ltl.
alM .dvorli- ttl l" h-"
In lli .iatiiHial Ki ciir !tr, "-tlV '"
p. p-r, pnWUUM In Whi'iirvn, l'
which hni mi uu-niivii qin.-iilKiiu" thfutft-oulthi-t
nit'I Matonmul l Md'-t ''
tiiti-rH 'l iuvt-nt-ir
Tl)--M-:iof l-lim ! t" i"'"1' """
thliiU tlnk'-j-iii'l -M'1 ' ,, r ''''
flcqlt; tlii-i-lu-ioiitli inf 'nr lh-
aiP'l. It l lh lniil- tlili-i.'- u'l '
tuveiiliuua Itutl umkc t lit) (tn-t--t hihuiiM
of inom-y, una lliiroiunl s unit are "l-""
protltutii.-. Almu-t fv rj b-ty, ut nm- tin.
or miotliiT. roiici.-lvt ll lili-a. ehl'ti, i
IMluiitvl, ronJ liroUtiiy ! irth la W'i
fortune. t'lilurtuiinK-ly mlch M'si r uu
Ily (Jiiiil-sl Itliout Uioujht. Tli' lmj-S-luyt-nllona
lilt? tuo rnr wlnftnw wuirli run: I
bo cu.tly Mill) up aqil'Iuin wltlioni triliiif
the ruiMv iuit'b lack, ltj miuci- f -in, tL '!
lur button, the nut lork, th boUie iUipir.
the miow rhovcl, aru IhttiKi tlrnt Uo'
evi-rjone oniii wsjr of Jiiiiiroiln Qio:i,
utl II ik Ui m- kind of iiiTiitlou Ikul ti I' X
tin- (cr-uU-i.t rctnrua to tk itutUur.
Thu jirixe w olT-jr eill be pid ut tk a 1
ol curb oioDtb, whslker the pp:ictlio ka
bcnn ACU J upon by III 1'Atent ( or Hal.
Kverv cmripetltor niu Pl'! for a tnt
on bit invention through u, n4 hlkr I
M-cnrut the prle or not. tb lnTut4r wtl.
Uuvi- ii valiiuliH patent.
THK fltk-S t I.AIVSWlHI'ASr.
JoHS M IIil'KKHt UN, O- n'l Mauikr,
lila r M. Waitiliiflon. U.'C.
I'.S. Tlie rr.jwmlblllty irf tUU eoinIiu
limy Ij JndtfriJ f roin the liwt tkut II vt-j-k
It hub! I)" otxiut m-vRnlee hunijrt j hi t!i
ll'llil.K UCWp.lJH Til of Uik I'nll' l stilt'
What is this
It is the only bow (ring) which
cannot be pulled from tie watch.jaa
To be had only with JasiStH
Filled and other watch cajes T
stamtieri with this trade mark. J
I Hlal will arto sea wsttk caw tftnr.
Keystone Watch Case Co. ,
urenso I riu r.. Gencviur.
i.J. .M..jors. l.ieuu-niiil ifterttr
I. . Alle.i -wcrelary of Mala
r.Utfene Vio.,r.- Aeditar
)s-ijli IJ.rtlej- . Treasam
n. ii stlnic- Attmrney ijrsl
V. IU Iiii.i.ihre..... Coiifuitselotiar
.1. K.lou ly ..rsil'L I'ut-iK- lninlo
, f, Vii'li-rii. f. s. Saualor, i iu..
Wiii. V .lilen... V. wimtiir, Mulls.
liryaii, lAiiigrassuiaa Ut Llst., l.tmx;a
II. II. Mercer, Kd " uuisJM
I.. II. MelSlrJobn Id " flllierU
K. J. liaiiier, " stli iniwa
W. A. McKiegbau, Stta a., .liy1
O. U. Keui, " atli " Ilr-.krn
r. T.. Norval .fhli f Ja.ii.-., -aaiJ
A. M. l-ost... Afx-Ul- Ju'lir.-, l ulaBilMis
T. U. i '. Harriaon ...ts'to Ju-lgc, (,rss4 IsianH
U. A.i iuito.-ll..(. l-f k aaU i'iorlr, Llnw.'a
M. V. Kinkald Judgr, tr.lnilf
Alfred it.irtiw.... i ss-!r-.
J. IMuwett Uerk.llsriis.1
rot ST V OFritEKs;
Rotv-rt r,Kn .County Ju4
M. J. Iftsisivtt i:r
i ,-'''"' Trsiaerai
W . II, Imvi -wiH. -atlic iuslmoaiaa
A M lW u.
. --- ' : it r i
J. Milnne.y. 1 Orenae
. a.. HIHS...I reyot
M J. Kl. wou......;h!Tof lltrl l(y,ort
Avi 1 . t iark.v Onnty liinrssi
IWARH r tX)MM!Wh!ks:
fYMik Tlnkham )slUI. -
l. 4. tli-tan- lcalrniau).... i .-.
Hn. . vsiSntou .-.......,.,..,,"11.1 Wwsrt. tenxw Ivl-. tt. . .. .
. 1. Htsod....K.n,., WsV. N.'M, lla? a,li.
Vli.l.Atir. trrn-
f. II. ieriwold (e.hainnan) 1rai
.'. nvnvrr .......... r,
J. W . -sixHt . '"
M. J. Hleai-lt '
ttnirnd (And " r.
. J-. MinHn,.a ..... .
v . a. iiter
1 tt kn... .
J. ;, Wart..HeT v.. j-tHlsa-Yea
'fWs'trhA 'mirt a. n.
My in and .Vovember hhi "y.'""'"
Kmnty lVWrt.-At lav,aZ'.
urstsToirtavxJi eif -h nioetli. -""s
a7,, i. -rn."1"1 ""-"verr
t. ti. wtttsrft. '
TOlx friii tend.'i
4. rW,
vfcli (r lKr Grotto
n. ... . -' 1 imt.TJ
.W?!?!" '"P. ! . mt . s,a
aim orrn wmtm.y evetiHsaw of aa
ISisiaiiiMur i .
1. " ""sis in.wm.rt, "
Ml. W, . haaeea. ow "S2At