The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, December 27, 1894, Image 7

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k i
r-4 tor la. Urn,
" I - - "
U-a J
r, an
a4 dtl
r off
or l-J
he nea
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II prl
an u
ia ad
not bin
ray y.J
1 bo
I ha j
el verf
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at. :
r,l), tel
ent am
par. I
on wil
il ni
t yooi
III ren
you an
a4 ana
ft bone' natural food la
r la Boihior elae upon wMeh h,
lldowilorllTMuog Hi. 0W-..
&j eronotay cap eooanmodau lllf 0
i, ani, mmminm nam 0f winter, the
Variant folia of jpring or t). J1th.
Buuiwvui aeea potig of 8ummr.
, stalks prater In, health. lh'
adi folia fatten him and tn ,4
U)loraU and strengthen him
now, nowever iigiitir worked.
HI d in on nay aiui.r
Our 0 Grandfather' i Time.
Hg bulky piUawerein
general u. Like the
bluoderbuaa" of
that decade they
were big and rltim-
tut Ineffec
tive. Inthiarent-
ury of eniiKht
niment, we have
It. 1'ierrei
I'lraaaut 1'rl
le!, hirh
the ro"kery waa tattele-i
rotiiii sma'l and alulTy
run the rink of doing herself such dia-
... , . - v-i iiruuw ttUlTCU bUO IC1JUHH mi
tt,,,, f, r,r,Kl',;iMsd afresh, however, aembled at Kincraitr were, a a rule of
ctksi , iaj U . 1JC "1HI HID UCOI
-HITKK V.-OmtlnuM.
OraMiv r,,n .-U...I ii ... ., ,
cur all live i .," . ..7.7 .7 "Jnl"'ing
Mo-nach and ,U Uftt '
txmel derange- h, U;,n,-r,x,m. and rme.T -1 e
"""'- lhifmyirnw ,lllM.k a, , ,
moat effective .w-tH,,! tmnilh unmUUn.My drawn
"T" ;"wnatthe i-ornera anilfr tv,
ttm Win. I ,!, , , ' .
Aut Nature :l h
M XrnUF. t R 1HI tllKllt ia Hlt,.ln..i ,
WwnR Utalire, tberrhy removing of-; prea.-r.tly he 0 awed with r. ll.. ti.u,
ymg nrnMrr Irotn the atoniarh and i hr iran an effort Ut tl,r,., ,.t .k
UU. tooing up and inviKrtt,ng the,""'"! and wh.-n al length, It.ouirh not
ana qmcaemng na laroy action, ; "r aw iui, in re on-e to UP ni,.rv
toU thereby remove tha cause of a, ry u.ld a-.-row the Utk. ,r her
Itmleol" diatreaaing di--ae. auch aa l-o lal l-enetit, Jerry a own Imll-liKe
iw hea, indittentmn, or dv'fetKia. I lH.'h ranir out af ain. hir, i.ri ,.i.
Wjsnraa, plnnile. blottties. enij.tions : ln'I aweet tut a young t.lni . st,.- was ko
coiiMipauon, plica, hMula and to tn-ar it that ahf forgot U,
Ciriiea too numerous to nieution. I M'te that the tranaforniHtion wm
SJpeonle wouki pay nuire aitrntinn to "":r uuo 10 any enorta ol l,er own
Lrrly regulating the a Ikon of thrir ",r 01 'r grandaon.
tney wou.i nave iei lie-; mueou, jerry wan all
and hU be t
mj that the
re o lit lion of Jiia evening at the old
a - Ij on the idcof thu ift. li 1
pro ;i pitr. iautt-r i!ay by day in cuu-tra-i
' bin ireseni nurro .n.iinjis.
To shoot wuh t eeii Ka;. mood, wiio,
If hi acre i,ut a iov and priggieh boy,
' Btill a gentle una acJ a on e Mrt
oi it-uow - wm reua me ieuowa an-
I .,.L. ..r.i...
Lyr to auixiuc aiuii oi uangcroua
jv!. nl ail Known aifrm to armrn-
11 tin purpoae. IH, 1'irrre a t'lrawnt
yjit are uneuaiei. ti proven iiy the
L- that once uwl. thry are alaaia in
lai. Tlieif aectnUry effect i to keep
btbowrl "!' ami regular, not to iur
keronitte, a ia Uie cae Willi other
ih. fience, llinr great popularity,
li niffrrrr from habitual coiitijtion,
,orxl infiigeation.
i free Mmple of the " Pellet," ( to 7
i i . ... .11
Vtt pi'l. " "c'1 f name ami a)ilreM
bxUi earn.
&UtL, ttoltD I rtilt!Aav M EDI-
Li Association. Uuuaio, p. y.
every au-
Vift comfort and lipTrremit uti
to Deraoaai enjoyaieBV wne
y naea. io many, woo iiva w
an olbera aod an joy Ufa mora, witk
tipeadjUira, by mora promptly
tha world a brat pnxiacu ia
of pbyaical belnj, will atuat
kralaa to bealUi of the pura liquid
iv principli
if, FTfop 01
llcoa M
imlieane at ana to lai pieatuunw
a form stoat acceptable and plea
lb the Uata, tba raf raabing and truly
Mcial properUaa of a perfect lax
W; factually claaoaing tb ayatem,
Wiin( ootda, baadaebea and favars
I parataMnUy caring conatlpatio.
W fiTta aatbfacUun to mllllooa aa4
iwitb Um approval of tba madtMl
Woo. bacwUM it acta on tha I Id-
Li rer aad Bowel wilboat waa
taaaa and it U parfactly frac tm
abiaetiooahU asbaUAOa.
ati of Pin k for aala by kit drr
la Mk and II botUea, but it ia maa
br tha UaUformla m Brni
taly, whaaa oaoie ia pristad os every
ag, alw IM name, rtyrnp oi r ura,
bain, wall Informad, Too will owl
any auuaUluU u oparao.
hu had no eves nor ears for 1,1m
inlil aftor that laugh had brought her
'iit of h-r mood: and n him
eif to.ild not but have l-cn I'onM-ioua
thu blalng radiani'e of the eyea
filt h (i roiitinuoiHly aouitht bia. and
wilier r-aly rtwponae to
iroa h b.t made.
"My Jov, nhe will be a Wa ity one
'if ih"nf. tit ' he Ui!d hiiniK-1 . "My
iiive, Maatvr llaymond, von had lnt-
lr Im well forward in thu field l:ore
(tore oi the oai'lt open crv: The little
t :irea wl;! ! a pri worth thf run
s g for. Had 1 U-en a dozen yean
I'.iingi r but, however, I am not a
Harrying man, or I nhould ha.f been
Cono for long ago. 1 u kily I don't
"ed to go heire bunting, noither."
And J It waa bi roorely felt pleaned
.,d a little touched by the m'arkliriif
5-iung ( oppoatV-, pl. aaetl to find
li.mnelf atlll rapaliln of attai'hing, and
tnui'hed by the artleaani'-w with which
H,e attraction wam-onfosned. "A d'-ur
'.tie thing," ho ownwl in the end;
and upon my word. I anl no more
' the truth, when I told her 1
hed 1 had urt aui'b another little
I bey ha1 a merry evening aftr
The billiard-table waa o atnx ioualy
j l d that apt. Kellnnden, who u a
i,,u-d player, ound ll humorou in the
eUreme never to bavo the ghont of an
kra where biliali would go. nor what
"uld ! the otTert of hla hnet atrokna,
lie rtarel with good-humored lai,gh
terwhen hla aimpleal rannoua inlxand.
a;.l when piKkn'a that iihouIJ have
tx-en cerlaintiee ,Uted htm in the n,ot
lrafa'l manner, flu mirth waa fto
npontaneou and infuitioua that no one
ijjKI reaiat It. and without knowing lo
the ieaat by. granny and granddaugh
ter laughed ainnml mui h ami a
hi arttty aa he; whlie ecil. who would
have felt aggrieved and di. omtittefi
had any one e:e maie ueh fun of the
whole, conMilod bu dignity with the
reCecllon that llelinnden had never
ben uaod to any 0 it the moat unex
ceptionable of billiard tablea, and that
he muil there'ore te ronldrd a
highly Indulgent in that he conde
wooded to handle a cue at all upon Ini
"lint why ahouid we have it ail to
7 I An
ft si :oe
i Mil mw watnti mm
W. U DmiIm M.OO k.
aiiii, wa are aa lataiat auaatao
J"" a Va, iu iwu
m.wu pr.UM rm aaataM kk prUtmmmA
' , anMa, One aka mmmmt MM
f.7 "rK aaay autaaj e4 wwh mikim.
mtmtmm aim prlmmt-w
.aaaewraUMeiM fiwaa
jrwiilwiaa tr f w
i lite I
ouraelvee. uk"',-J the gav guanla-
man al lat. "i'ray. Mr. ( a uphell.
Join U. Vou have la-en ao gijod In
coming Core, and I know my Utile
friend." with a glani'w al Jerry, "la
loi glng for a game. VVhatihalf ll tnf
1 otWf Ur, let me e 1 know ibe thing
thu would like Ilaltle. that's it.' Old
you ever play batli' lerry' Come and
play with me, then, lief your grand
mamma to lake a hand, and we ahall
be two to two."
I'orhapa be m begiooing U tire of
the other plav, oerba It waa In mere
compaaaiou Wi the eaer little fa e no
at.tfull foiloalng I'j. progrwt, that
the auggealion waa n ale but, at any
tain. It waa re--ived with rapture.
'1 can piay hatt.e. I an Indeed." al
most abrieked the little girl in her ex
(lUiiiienl "I have (,i.ic.J il at I n le
liamioiid'a wepiaicd it the very laal
tiuie 1 waa there a-iJ r'.tbal, and A Ilea,
ant I ail plaed. didn't e feoil,'
llUO't yhl reftielllix r. ei;ll'" ( K'll'l
miadeJoeeuor waa by thia lune lorgot-t-n.
" b. graiifiv, do av Vea.' ' bn-
,!hlni aina 1 ai-eaer, denning
fonl of the tntiing and indulge!
grai,nv. "lo a'sl oil of your th
and eoroe. llmre'a a dear granny
If you dun I know the game
l; 1 , h eoti ami then a
,.lllenlly ro . rift l aln;d
i Ihn itaiKl. I'Xiil down lb"
,i ioiird their tilie the ha
,rm off el-ted a very
li ...If and a very h
...nv hw mmtv of lmll(l
'nd tienl
i i.ia trie pi' fn"
.i ;da
AH Of th a waa diie
a ,.nM' l' divertil.
,d lb-n, U'hold ha
ibat t'raliliV. wtm
it, t tln n-i Uireii
, n and lai'"-" '
,,! .Jin tier i- i". ail'
:. . ) ide. and R'i
ll.r,.bll.eO' I" 'I
.do du go' rhe i "
i or I e r I ur
, i iy, and t be
ii,i'l1-d, a '
l i i m of a
raiinv a pi oil
, no I a dout'i
t,e evenln
(apt Jii-llenuen performed feats
feat, wh eh. it ia true, di I not invari
ably e,,n, orr they a ere intended,
and wbieh non- but an expert would
have v, n urt. uoon at all but he
bowed how i.e count have done thia
and that and ( ' II vouehed for the
f u t that he hid actually t;en the eom
plirat on woraed. ao lhat it wa, a most
ai gxHi w behold ng for themailvea
Jerry's Iwjdliroe had long gont- by:
but it waa not in fond graimdanwj a
heart to put an end to her darl rur u
pb-aeure. she ao aoldom either
wiatied or cared to ait up late, and it
wa, ao evidently a de.ignt on thia or.e
rare oe. aiion, that, -It ramiot harm
her for once and away,"' thought the
old lady. ;
Alack' Cirannydid not take Into eon. j
alderation that there are two kinds of
harm As to that to which she al
luded, tihe was, perhaiw, right: but 1
aliout the other, Jerry, i retty neatling,
why were you not Hleeping houndly in
your little bed bourn ago, dreaming of
brawling brooit, and leaping trout, or I
ul xaiiop aiong trie tea roa .
rauier man wati hinir with eve all
in a tingle, toe erythiiig th.g too do
liifh'.ful Btrangeruid ana auid?
lie left the next day.
It rained, an foretold, and be waa
pressed to remain, but :ld not do ao.
t erminally he would g.adly enough
have etayed in auch good iiiitrterB. and
hent over the note to Kincraig which
young I aymond ured him to write:
but he did not feel that the thing could
o unun. mai aort ol ireedum with a
ho ie Ui whb-h he had only tieen re
ceived under utreas of adverse circum
stanced he waa not the man to take
and with a tirmm-BS which Mr. ( ain
iell in her heart applauded, and which
e en Cecil felt to be correct an 1 iron
tlemanly, ho adhered to his resolution.
S o, ild ho then returns Would he
pay them a real vUit? Shoot their
moor.' And In particular have some
aeatiHhing on the bunk twdow the
houe, to the description of which he
hud l.ateeed with ko much apprecia
tion The flailing wae going on nightly
at present.
t.ranny Hjxike: but Jerry looked a
thouxand urgent lea. ana her silence
waa even more effectual thun the
other pli-ailinj; Hellenlen really
hardly knew how to manage It, for hU
time waa aiready luanped out for the
autumn butaomebow he could not re
aiat In hia h'-art he thought he knew
whom he could throw over, and from
whence he could acrimp a few days.
Hi doubtlul brow cleared, and he
gave the rnmlae re.julred. They were
really too kind, and the Inducements
altogether were really too tempting
be would certainty come, and would
, write from Klin ralg.
In a few data the letter came.
It waa all that Cecil, but perhapanot
'juke alt that Jerry had hoped for.
hho, oor rhlld, had been leverlahlv
ex ectant aa every pout came in. and
manv a boat bad ahe watched crossing
the loch, unknown toallbeaide. hhe
had fancied he might come at any
time, and the daya bad Heemed long
and profHie a though hope badaturted
afreh with ea h returning morn.
In reality, iiellenden wrote uuite
wonuernuiy tjn ior mm. He liau a
very pleasant recollection of a charm
ing little adventure, i nd waa Quite
willing to follow It up and ace more of
hla ntw Irienda but long daya on the
nuxir are not conducive to letter
Ing, ana he did not iUitc know
av or to fix.
At laat, however, be could
definite proposal, and it waa o
a we have aald, ( ecu foun
enough. He did not prlij
Ma own return to inch
the name of hi boat,
young Itaymond'a com
why re there waa a bac
embled, and iut one
i!atD0nd wan axked
BU It,
The povt aorlp. however
imorlance to one ao eful
"If yo i can conies and If
bell will permit me, I
the pleaaure of acooui
ra'k to Inchmarew on
ana will apend two ulgn
So it ran.
( inly Iwo night
Jerry, in tuch beartJ
that tioth her auditor
He would I flatter
hear you. my little t
gaily, for be waa In apl
ll would not do
ioa.l miDt re turn
b4 ltw-r go
om iauy. wbo had made hermit i,uit
cljarming to him, and with whom be
bad p eiity of topi a in common, forthe
Wan by no mean aa completely out of
the world be moved in, lor all the re
c'ue iifo ahe waa leading now, u were
the youths at Kincraig; and to frolic
witii the pretty, apt. reponBie little
he.riso, ti,e .oily little uum hieious
prite who wus uuiuUtakably big chief
friend ol all. wouid, C aptain iiellen
den felt, auit him much better than
th:a forced intercourse with a i-ei-ond-rato
aet of rather rowdy bucbeior.
Accordingly he ma .e bia boat a he
well km w how to uo - iniite young
Itaymond, and had added to the invi
tution hia own poUcrij.t.
All went well.
Ocil certainly shone bv con'.iastat
the abooting lodge. He luight uot ap
tear to advantage when contrasted with
Ileilend, h, and with Iiellenden on y;
but he was aeveral cula al ove Archie
Kincraig' irienda, and thia he could
not bet i perceivinif.
Iiellenden owned that the comjany
'" w ma minu t ecu turne i up
ui none au ii i tin more. Iiellenden
wblrpered that the aport waa bail
C':ii called it abominable, liel euden
autige.uiu vnai iney aboul'l be oil on
the day but one lollowing -Cecil uis
pntched a mohnenger to hlop the ear.y
uoat, in order that they might mart
the flint thing aher breakfait." When
the two arrived at Inchmarew thev had
advanced In intimacy by ae. en-league
)u thia occasion Jerry waa not nearly
so Qcmonairalive aa Bhe had lieeu be
fore. She had had time to think, and
to be Hhy of her own thought, t-he,
too, had lieen growing fast within the
last two or three dayH, growing even
since i ecu s uepartu.o, growinir in
trange new knowledge which had to
be keot all to beret If. she waa goiDg
now to be carelul, and not to run the
rik of Cecil s tcaning awi
njilea any more.
She waa already dressed and wait
ing, however, whenthe dog-cart drove
up to the door, and had a pretty bunch
of bower at her throat, and aa she
come aomewhiit coberiy forward to do
her part of welcome, Cecil thought lie
had never beheld his joung couoi i to
greater advantage.
I'erhapH Iiellenden wan hot quite
the same opinion, t'erhaoa he wot
have preferred a step ami curriatr
aeuate, a countenance lean
Certain it ia that he uxiieru
momentary check, aieulmgof a
and doubt, and Unit hla own
shadowed this forth on Ilia in
Hut presently he aaw throng
too well. It waa out a passing
lineaa, an evanescent emotio
bashful kind, and it soon, loo si
way. t, re half an hour
the two were chattering am
jest and repartee aa lreo,y
they rial ever done, and b
on his guard.
At dinner time, or
Ing-time, he
bo did Cei
new-torn to
No Substitutes
For Royal Baking Powder. The "Royal
is shown by all tests, official, scientific, and prac
tical, stronger, purer, and better in every way
than all other Baking Powders. Its superiority
is privately acknowledged by other manufac
turers, and well known by all dealers.
If some grocers try to sell another baking
powder in place of the " Royal," it is because of
the greater profit. This of itself is good evidence
of the superiority of the " Royal." To give greater
, j profit the other must be a lower cost powder, and
to cost less it must be made with cheaper and
inferior materials, and thus, though selling for the
same, give less value to the consumer.
LOOK with suspicion upon every attempt to palm off"
upon you any baking powder in place of the
" Royal." There is no substitute for the " Royal."
8liuila Religious Srrl:.
Worship in Japan is a very simple
iff air. Ia many of the temples the
shief feature it a looking-glass emblem
itic of purity of soul. Near it is a font
if water In which the worBhiper
washes on entering. He then prays
)rore the glass, drops a few coppers
iito a box and rigns a bell three times
is be goes out. Since the miki,kdo de
dared himself no longer divirif and in
fallible Japanese skepticism
Minerva, the 1
A good character
Iarte's inimltal
would be 1
?retty girl j
She Is
How to Keep Sweet Potatoes.
There are half a dozen ways of keep
ing sweet potatoes through the winter
in Virginia, one being to lift a stone of
the old-fashioned hearth, and
potatoes underneath. Wa
dryness, the essential c
thus obtained.
the other han-r
h growui
7 i
7 ;
if s "--.,st
haL ftV'tV'w'i
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I ': , ' V - 1 " S Jt y - f - v. , , 1 il,i- ' j .
i;:! ' ' -A - , - t.v j . t , '.T i tt - t ' a- v ' . - 11 ' ', , At
' ' la-riorti..-. a , w, . . w , . , 1 .tt--'tN , " - S J MT " .-t'f-', , - '
M ' ' i I f.. "7 ' a.j If i "Kii ..I:;1 t . ' irat. .1 .1 ff. .' a, .' ,''' 7 ,.'' ) '. . b " - ... . '1,-1 L , .. i . "., J , ' 1 ,..' JRaV T v . 1
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