i f J ) it (I V J The Sioux County Journal. ltTAiJHF.II l-. Subscription Pm., . Lditur. 1 J. Simmon, .sirred l the Hair.aos ih1 ofhce as ec-rad cis matter. TBT'K-DAT, I'M FMHKK2T. l"0l. The JA KnaL wi-4ies ail its readers happy ami iroj.perua New War. Il.-ie's. hoping that lH'.l."j mill he a more pro'serou year to Nebraska titan has Is-en 14. It would I wise for the legislature to save tlie expense of a state census and devote, the money to an effort to fret ar tesian water an the western table lands. J. S. Paradis luui moved his fVui.i' from llemiugford to Alliance, leaving hut one .aier io the fornjer plate and making three in the latter. The JotkSaL wishes tie On id suo ess in its new field. It is lioped tliat the corning legislature will real the fool la now oo the stat ute book in regard to tlie depositing of public funds by treasurers. It is about tlie ,most senseless arrangement that . otild well have been made. "Oh, why houH the spirit of mortal 'ti iroud,'" hell he feels like lourtin; the oollin and sliroud'r And by should oo stay id the throes of damnation . hen there's ample relief through wise irrigation. Atkinson Orajilir. The legislature of the state of Nebras. ka will meet in the. city of Lincoln on tiet Tuesday or the purpose of electing John M. Thurston to 'the United States senate and for the '.raiisaction of su. h other business as may properly come la-fore su h a body. Tiik J'M hnai. desires to no on record .is lieiicr opposed to heil law or free r iii'i? for stock Ix in made "optional" in any way. IM the one or the other l the la. (Question of mu li a nature which art: "optional" afford professional agitators a grand opportunity to stir up the people and bad blood results. A New York organization is working for funeral reform. It js claimed tlit the esjnse of burials js too great urn! an elfort will Is; made to chants the custom. Now that times are ho h ird tliat living expense have had to lie re duced by almost every one there is no jroo J reason why oyinj,- expenses should riot l reduced as well. The I'hadron CUi'n jrives notice that lU good will and subsr-riptinn list i for sale awl tliat it plant will 1 removed to a new location. The atroiiae of the paper should be taken in by the otlwr pajters of (Itadron, as three is about one more than a. town of tliat size can profit ably sustain in the prevailing liand times. The "yellow slieet'' will be trussed from the publications of tiorthwe-it Nebraska itml all will unite in wishing Messrs. Itailey and lit T success ia their new indertafcinse, . Ieip IUiu tapiUiis's tj iCiest theirj niotier tn fartotie .-braka (or l.'ie ' niantilas'ture of uar ulJ Hrer- ty cTfti't :t niaikel for tin! lecU. ll tite It i t of I tlie leuislatui are to l! direi tetl to t! j uiak-of the may of the i-apiUh! aa j r.s.ky as jBisibU m the taU of Nebniv ka. il i quite oertam tiut fa t :'ies will not lw built and it matter n;t bow ru h the Icrti thrown, if there be no factories to work ttietn up they will not lw culti vated to any extent m any country. In the iat tlie efc4on of the legisla ture have beru taken Up largely w.th the working thrrrUj,'!! of m hem.- for It various cil of tlie oider oeltled (art of the state, simply ttause sucll cities liave ha) ttieir representatives, lwth on tlie floor and in the lobby, for the pur pose of urging their hums. No one can blame them for suih work, but the re sult has been that the West !ia !-en al f.wed to drift alon. Tins year su h condition sliould not e t. Tl.e uet nill lie liefore the oloi!s of the state in the form of the appropriations marie for it in ls'.i and in the calls from numerous counties for aid to savetbe settlers from suffering. It i littw (or the eastern part of the state to aake to !! s.tua tnn. In Sioux cijunty the jx.p'ilation is aliiit twenty-live per cent less than it was in lMSI.t and proi-rty lias depreciated in value iu proportion. Many liae come to the county, lield don a pi r ter sec tion of poerntiient laud until a deed was obtained and moved aay and it is safe to say that the same is true of othr frontier counties. The result i tliat tuere is t-K much desled land for tlie country to ever (To bi k to what it was in the early days and hence e must iluj some profitable use for the land, it is tri" tliut in sirme instances t;i n liave made a hvinj,' by farmirijr ex clusive! y, but as a rule those who have hat! oon'Sock to hWp them out have n,,t jfrjt ahead wry much. WJutt is iienbsj is soriiethiii to make a living lor tlie farmers at i-ei tsin here as in other local ities and put western Nehr.iska io a posi tion so tliiit the pioiwrs who have ouuht to reclrsi-m it from nature will have a re ward for thuir elfort.s. It will 1 jcood public poll' y for the represt-ntatives of the eastern di.tri. ts. for the business men of tlie eastern ities, for the railroad comjanies and tiuaiii lal oramziitinii i tlie eastern (art of th- state, to laj aside their elforts in the Interest of the eastern .art of the state and see that the west is put upon its feet and braced up Y ttiat it will not aain fall on tb hands of the state. Had proper atten tion lieefi paid to this tmtter in the past, the conditions west of tlie l'Xh meri dian would have tn-en ipiite different from w hat they are toJay. . isj naiiiouii LIVERY BARN, Feed and Sale Stable. GOOD TEAMS, GOOD BUGGIES, GOOD ACCOMMODATIONS. TERMS REASONABLE. GIVE ME A CALL GEORGE HUNGER. I'ltOTRlETOU WANTED SioiiA County, THE LAND OF THE HOMESTEADER. Free Homes lor More Than 5,000 Men. A new county with; schools, churches, railroads, etc., ! v A : ran I fi in i Hides, Sheep Pelts, Furs. CHAS. RUST & SON, AND 80,000 ACRES YET OPEN TO HOMESTEAD ENTRY. LEAD THE WORLD THE MOsT (TIITICAI. ri3N i TllKM INi oMPARAm V the hf:st in.. TONE, TOUC - AND DURABILITY Wr.t for 'utaloue to ESTEV A CAMl ihir-m (Contains over forty-five miles of rail oad and has no county bonds. We pay and do not I'm nipt me ills. the highest niarUet price hurve commission, rrturns on all conii;it REFERENCE: Shippuif; tas ami market quotavionn frirnished on Application. V want your Imsim-v., ovt us a trial. KtRsT N'nTi'ivu I'.AMi. Ciiiwii'ii, Neb. thsREVIEWREVIEV;.; r.v-Rr.T'S pel Food for Tlmuplit. At no liuie in the history'of tlie state f Nebraska has a legislature, been cailwl ';pon to consider a more iunmrtant rot n?m tlian will confront the meinljers of i he lawmaking Uly which will ctovetMi n Lincoln on next Tuesday, it will l the duty of the memlieri to provide re lief for tlie residents of nu ly oiie-liall of tlie state in order to prevent stifTerinjf ami it will alvi devolve upon tlwni to devise, if possible, itoa tiwnns whiWi will prevent a recurrence of the craidi t ions which exist in muny irt of the tate at the present time. l)we partial emedy will U the MWcluit-nt of wie ;asontlie mibject of irrigation. N,,t only for tlie use of the water now (lowing in the streams, but tlie development of hidden springs nnd underflow, the use of windmills, and Ion hoa.tlinfr of the waters whfch in the past have lieen allowed to to at-) lo lie u;ed at such tunes as they will d tlie most pwl. and also for the .siukius .' test wells in order to settle the ques tion of artesian water on the high table binds of the sUte. The latter can I marie on the achool lauds under the cn trol of the state bo that no individual interest will be nerved. Another important measure which siioold be considered is that of an 'exper imental Rtation in tlie northwest port of the stale. Such institutions liave done Hindi good in the pat for tlie eastern art of Ute stut and if properly bxatxl wotikl do miK-h towstrdtielpintr to hoIv Um aifrvultural problem in Um frontew counties, where Uie greatest difficulties art to lw overcome. AnoUter point to be considered is that Um iooustnes which are known to be iripritiff to the country s!kuIJ be en cHid. In Uw nortiiwest counties, partieaiarijr, it ten been deaioastrmled ttet MlKV bnnta cam baarowa profitably. Tbto abowM bn Uberaily Woural by InfMalio-. If librmi bounty ba put tkpn4ucUm nf baets, payable to tlM gHtrOtt "ttwl gttwrtmtmi , (or a Utrm ft IC2 fXU. it wilt hava tint e.Te t t The Janee Throniy Itoom. Ferhaps the grandest room m tlie ml il'e Is the lii')Ueiitiiig-hall, whuh is so larjje that It takes live hundred und for ty yards of carpet to cover it. and has a ceiling wlm h fairly glows with j;old anl colors. The walls are hunjj "nith the costliest of silks, atuf the stale table, which will seal "0 hundred (wiple is in the form of a hollow vjuare. The ball room is det'oruted in white ami gold, and the throne-room has a paneled ceiling decorated with the crest of the- mikado, it is in thts rxiii that th most of tle court functions are held, i Hiring t hern tlie emoorer wis in a gilded armchair under a canopy of rtl plush, on a dias covered with reii velvet carpet; and the empress stands on a platform below and to tlie rifclit of thtnCliroue, with the im perial pniH-es and prim "s.ses about lier. The members of the diplomatic corps and Ue cabinet ministers of the mikado tnil at thrlrftTrntl -aliout the throne, and the corridors winch surround the throne-room are lilbs' with imperial g uards. This lM-inuifig of Hie einjires to tlie front is one of tlie htrikin features of tlie revolution in J.ipun in regard to Jjp anse wotnen. In former times, tlie em press was kept in lle lukyrouid; but on tlie inauguration of the new constitu tion, on February 11, I'M', the mikado pla4-et! his wife on a level with tlie other royal consorts of tire world. He rode with Ixi-r in the imperial coach at the bead of the jK-ocwssioo ujkhi that occa sion, and since then she has stood sine by side with him in all of his reat movements. From ''The Kuireis of Jajiari." in l)emorels Maf(a.in for J. io tin rv. h? ' ' t P'l '5 Edited x Al litKT SHAW TtWAS in April. irt, thit ths fr.t numV-rr cf th ATHTi;il tevkw of Pclc js prmtfd The new Lira of frvir? the best thit w in the oth.T tr.ifir.rtn n adJition to it own InKLtr-f. or,$. Iiul ar!. tv' Amerka by Morm,. at it haJ taken En!anJ thouffh the r:ri.-;r h-w'.f wxi r '. a: ill i reprint f f the tnrlrh cJ.U'-n. It deah nw,! !j'?c!y ;;h Amercm affiin, ir.i is el:feJ with pertfet independence, b its c-m cfke. The Review of Pet lews is a mon'Uy, hx'.'y in L"ir.rTitt-n a-.d- Uxt. i.-id instantly a.'.ve to tl e nent movemer.? of the day. to a drre never befom dteatneJ cf Thour-anda of readers ho cfTer i'-rj ccr.;-.h:.TA. among th?m the ftcatrJ nawei in t!e trlj, vsy tbat Review of Pevicwt give them exactly what they jhogll know abot-t ' Ctera ture, e.-onomic and al progresi The most influenzal rnen id wcir.cn cf aH creeds and all parties have agreed tfut no family can tf.wi to Vac it? ,Vj educational vilue, hile k profri- jrnA and buynr men, it Fifty. S irslftpenttNe ine Czprmerz sic CMid-jc'.cd by careful specsaitutV in stead cf mere :ivw-wie!der$, and' sccCj cf irnme dairly hlcrtsliTg jnt tT.t and pttute a-e in eich na;nbcr. AD tha ezpiainS why the Review 0 HUN US. XI DEIITS, LOW TAXES. sin. im iv i llri Is. .n own folios ins to Fuel, I'osts, ltrs ami Lumber ( hraprr Than at any Oilier Mare j in Nebraska. ! I ' r. Hiotit coiintv is the iiorlhoest county TU.t LrtCtATlr XVltrh -fNehraska It ,s about thirty M.bs Hit IslJ'blUUC ndlLU -ast and west by al-oit seventy (lilies P'lCe Cfi (( P2At? ! north and south and contains ! i I the lirgtt watch case manof ) OVER 1 ,300,000 ACMES I in; concern in the world, f lamL There ate mn? bright, spark- ptutino; tlXri the JaS. Ikrsii una. soiaii sireims m the county th:ui ai otiiCr casts made by It, ;i (ring) which cannot be ttviM. pulled off the watch. It is a sure protection again pickpocket and the many accn that lefall watches fitted witj o'.d style Ikjw, which i simpl in hy friction and can be twisi with the fingers. It is calli ft of Revie hi come to a pobaHy urfreetikntea u:ce'sm the hrst three yean cf s existence. Fct 1S9S it w3 be more invilajl'e tlan fia. n dWf Cpy , ( CflU. im fflMr RES!TrynraEWS THE RCCLUS CET.'.T tkufrx ie ;;j - chit- .n?r tort-vhrt -4 tMiiv y at i .J lui thrf rrf .Id w.fi.-UTk'r-ii. TIN PcarM tX 14 , A, . 'Hi f.it' frs : V ' i. -t t 1 1 - ' sfi i .1 --ii iK4itjM Uirw-Nf, f. i -Ti ll.i I1 W.; il; f.. 3 tJtmkft A J ttwi u n i. a t j".wfl It IT. f fr a-y.it if i i , - . , ' ta ajt :Is1,. iKt 14 il-s -irM mi ! r t tr 4 C-'f t -w 6tf wif j f-en. 1 (11 lliii'kccn's Arnica Halve. Tlie lo-st salve in tlie world for cuU, bruises, sores, ulis-rs, silt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapned hands, chilblains, con.s, and all skin eruption and .01 live ly cures piles, or no ay reinrel. It is guaranteed to give s-efect satisfaction or roooey refumled. Price 23 cents per box. For ile by Pioneer Pharmacy. In Ine m l ter ol the fMt.ile of Uooetta it. MftvMOH lileceasetj. StMw. I herrly irtvrn to sll permit. Inter esUxl tliiitou tiwj i"lli day ut ieoili-r. U-fore lion. Allrni llrn, Jinineof nlv ,ij ju.lli lHl uwiriei i niwaaiM, aL tumiilwo 111 tlie rliy of I Iron, Jauren viunty. tlie u- pllrutloii of Jsiiirs T. Miuxiu, a'liiiiiiUlratir, fair a lleeuve to sell the section Wi, fiw nlil m, rsillfe ii is SKm cuirly, Me brJ-k , jiroju-rty ot HoarUs M. aiiuaju (1r reiurre.1 1.. It ia I lierei ore ordered: That sit prrsuns interested In h( esUtle npliear Imt ore uie eaaae why s lieeuaa alioiil'l nut Im Krsiiusl at tin) sJaive tliiMi slid idaee sutj skosr ti mII jvliiiJnUlr.itor to "'ll mi uiur li of aai'i rv.l eatsle us ia iM'ieaaarr y ay the denuiil tlie estate anil expenses. Iitel Jov. Hi, im.. iii ifli r Ai,raKi Ittrrow', Judireof tlj lltretawrt. V.. W. Hnllv.Btiv KriMiiiilfilaraMr. , Final Prmif Xotice. All iwrxjna hsv'ne OiihI imajf imtleea In tills fiiia-r alii rer-le s III arS"t tpy ul tlie wijwr mift lire rciieKu"l u. eiiiiliie tlieir ll'itlr-i' suit il any erril a eiiM reiairt the auitie V thisuti'-j' altiitce. Nmiire for I'uliI ini iiu Jaiel fifhee at slliaile', Nelrr., ' .W.f, 1 Soliee la lierelry iftven lnl lire fullualtli: nsiited setli-r ha flisl iH,ti.e tA bfs lni,ti lion 14, uiuke Ulliil prtafl In aUtila,tl f.l lita Islln. and Ihut aalrl Irrnstf ill m- uiali- le firM. J. lliem-ii, rlerk di-iri' t nmrl st liarrisoti, Ned., on January 5, V"S, ix : 1'stii rtiwt, af JUrrlMiB. Nrsli., ' m ho iiimln 11. K. No. Kt(3, for the a. !.:, t). xi 11., raime . He nainra I lie lolUivlnn witneaae U hlaeontiiiuutia reaidetiee utM,a and eoltivs- tlofl of aald lulid, I ; ela Awlrraou, John Itlredorff, Jerry H ill, Vt llllam NorehM li, ail of Harrlnoii, h"U. J. H. Htiis.JS. Hiiter. PATENTS. .Vol Ire fur rublirsllon. Ijind tinur st Alllnnre. Neb. ) . Nov. , lifJl. t Sot'.rs l hen hy riven that the fol lira in a naiiiisl twitier haa tfled iothe ol hla liiten. lioti Iri make flts.,J ttrt in aiiiiar( of lilv culm, aiel Hint aal'i mMf will la Uiaile la--lore M. J. !!!-. -U, . ierk of Hie dlslrlet court, st llarriaou, Neli., oa ler. I sit, ix : Inlnr K Wllst.n. of Royvllle. Mont f Neb. alio marie II. K. So. JBH1 fr the s. t . ' n. I. SST. li aee, and 1,,.. l. e, U rtr-c. t, tli. n., rsiute sr. lie sanies the following wltneara. to prove hia coiitliiiiiia reaideurv apon stidcuitlvs tloll of anld land, vik: J. W. Karii'iat. Jo-eph Htaat n v, troth of llrrlx'ii. Nel,., IOiIm'M Heeee, Ortsi liar rla. Is. Ill ,tt tU-iir Sell. IMlfij J. H'. wrn. JS. tt,-gl.ler .Volire fur I'sbliratlon. lod Office st Alllanr-e, Nell., I .Nov. IV, lav. , NotWe la hereby irlvn 'lint the followtnK llallel aellier llaa lllisl IHiltrM of hla Inteii lion to wake final orol In anpa,rt of hla eltiliii, bjmI that aahl prtarf w til la? mad la. fore rlrrk of 1'1-lrlrl lonrl, at lljrrlsori, eh, on r-c. m. Iital, It: (.iTluirit Uliirler-K. nf Jl "ll I rose, Neb., who made II. h. No. '41 tar tlia a. (, ae. U av. IS, ale! 11. If, ik'. 't aee. Ill, tp. M 11., rungf M w. lie iiHinr'. me following; wltnwasea to prove m roniimiou. rts-Kir-m.i iin and euitlvs lion of, ld Iswl. vis : Itola-rtt-eiwr, Aniasl Meier, Henry I'rles hoff, Henry I'lekeiihiuek, all of Montrose, eh. slao Holierl (ielser, if Mnslrooe, ,Nh., who msds II. .. Xo. mi for th as. see. , lu. a n., ran a-e H w. lie iisium Ui foilowliia witnraae to wve nia rrniiinnwin' rvHirm a p-lu and cuivi vsiion sl asM tsial. ill: . t k m, a4k , . , I l.m' , J.W. Wmnt, J., Raitsa.. NOTICE TO iyVKXTOKS. There never ss a lime tB .Hie hUtoiy of our rwuntry lien the demand for Itiven l:muii'l ,liuiiiovennnt hi lue arts ind w-leiuea ifeiiAttjly was so n.l as how The lonveiikncea ol man kind In the faelorj rid sork shop, tlie houM-liotd, on tlie fnriu. sud In olhclul Jtfe, rc'Uirc continual uti sioiia to the nppttrtaiir smi liiiplr-ineim it esch In order to aave labor, time sud ri en-a-. Hie iHilllii.'sl rlciiifte In the sJuil:it tratloii f governmeiit doe nut af:t the pr'ifi' s' of th" American Inventor, who l lug: on the alert, bixi rt-sjly Io Durr five the eil.llnu defleleiH'lisa, does lloljMruill the sttaira of Ilia KOicruuieut to deU-r him I ruin iili kiy colicelvltiK Uin ri lnedv to overcome ritatlng dlie li pancU:.. To ureal care can not lie eerc ied in rhooalug a com' petent and akiilliu uttoruey to prenare and pi-MM iite an sppll'-stlon fur patent. Vsld ahle lulerestji have bee.o pt and de.lruved In inniitiiemble In. Inures hy the employ men t of lueomjM-teul euunael, and e-cii ly la Una sdvicii upjiilcaUhi to tliOfHi Alio adopt the "No pdlvnt, no pay" a) H-in liitenloia shrj i-.Urn-l Iheir hn.lne.s to Ho. cibh of sttorneyado a st luiiniitc-iit risk, a. the breadth siel alreiiKlh of the patent la never iniisldend In view of a (flick rn.leav orloif' t an sllosaiice and i then due. Tntf rsiss i i.ns John W edderbnru. l.enersl itik Street, .N. W ., H ajthiliKloll, i, f. liiK s larfi tiniiila r of lliirtiint weekly puH'ra, h well as neneral a. of the country, s aa Instituted to pro patrons f rom the uiowife niethialg her' employed In Ihla linu of titialnosa. Th'1 toiirpiiiir ureparmi to tako rliarge patent Ifualneaa elilrnst'sl to ll for re ahle tetM, and prepares sud pro-wr sppllestlona generally. Including nrn ha si In veu Holla, dealgn nUiiiI, trale-ijiar labtla, lopyrlghu. Iiiutrfervuisas, infriiix,. Inenu, Validity reorl, aurl give. eaK-eliil i ten I too to re)eeld ess. U is also pre pared to enter Into eoii'is'lilloii Willi a.iy tlriu In serurlng forrlifu intent.. W rile for ln.trui tlona snd ail vice. Jons WcplikSBi'liK, t l t street, P. U. Hot . TuwingUn, ll. ('. llll ! I'llltl'l III the fSHlie Ufa 'IwlllnTV il the state. It l:ii more (nnn tilnl" r in t thuti all the r t of lie- ntnte combined lii.T.i'".i re the In beit ninl lli'r-t mi-tritiou-i known so tli.it for sto k -jrrowtni: t la unem-elled. The s,l varies from a I wavy -l.y to I ir I j t a-indy l"atu ami is (njab! jf pro- ' luc iii excellent i rojei. The init iial n lire small trni'ii ujil veiretablrs, although giasl mm ifrown tn the Viilley. The when!, oils rye nnd barley an- all of uniiu:ly line rj'iitity nnd itiniiiiaial the tiihett mar ket j-r'''!-s. fh" water is jmre and refresluiiij is found in ttbund.iiH e in nil nrt of the loutity. Tlw; county i 1,1.1. In .illy out of tie hi Hid bus over forty-live nuh-sof radn-ad sithlfl its lsnler, Uis a bru U eourt house and the neie.s-iry Ilk lures for run ning tli loiinly and tl;r b.ts never ta!n one doll.ir of county liomls isAusned Ati'l lieiii-e taxes w ill be low. The Frsniont, Okhorn S. Miiiri Valley miirrsid 1 rosses Hioux roiiuty ffll east to west awl the H. & M. Ins iljout flfl-en miles of its hue in the northeast jtrt bf the -oiinty. t The 1 lirtmia is more tileasanl tluin that of the eastern jiortion of.Nelsraska. Tliere is still OVER 800,000 ACRES of IiikI in Hioua (rounly yet oj'n to iKinieslead entry. It is belter hmd and more dewmbly ln at.rl than that for s bird ui li rushes are made on the oj n inofit reservation. There is no r.i! rihul hunt in the county and for that re,vou its settlement has Ijeen slow for no -ial effort to j;el settlers w,ts uiaile, as wjsd ine in the early tlas o( the settlement of the eiistern part of the slate. fliKsl deeded land can lie pun hawsi ut reasonable rates with (fovernmeut laiul ulj.iiniii so that a jsrson u ho wants riiore Ihan otie quarter section can obtain it if he has a httlj means. Tliere iirs aljout 2,,-iXj soile in Uie county ami tls-re is mom for llHoisamls more. Ilarri -son is the county -.it ami is sil uatetl 00 the F. ll A 13. V, railrisul, ami .s as j-vuhJ a, lown as the thinly ettlel ! iDiintry demands. Hi hool hotiw-s und -hurches tire firo vnW in alui'Mt every elllent-nt and are Sept Ui Willi the llllius, All a ho desire to tfet a iHimeaicBsl or iiuy land cheap tire luvile.1 to tsiriM swl s-e tin' 1 oniitrv for Itw nisel ves nod judne if Its uier.ls." Moniesteails will not be ltiiinalre niuih longer and if ou want use your riKht uu.1 Kt IWlBu resol d fr.n I nt in Hiun free it is time you aooiii it. NORTH II laBlasasWataBsT-WssBal-- " s. V V V "Hi ll v s V 1 VCT ... I Vs. Tr Kstlw) Sotlee. the Bii'lerslgs' use iireetiii t. Nelirs-ks. the following animals: I Inowu Taken nn hy the Bii'lerslgsisd on his ttrrm Imsi In Montrose pm-lin t, Hiaeii county. mare tiraodesl errs-" on lef I thigh, alanl fears s)l; I heu-aa Mare f-randr-sT liiverWd n UO Wlr shiaaVtsr. alamt t e..r. il l; I n. k ' Sit A ht-i.ej oil Irf t aleiher. CAST pBirkase ' OUTH snd i'nnl(rn Vnr I'rrlrlil '"Is the F..E.4M.V.i??S.C.iP. R4ILK0A1M. II. tl. IIUltT. Otteral Manarr. K. C. MHtimm wt, J. R. HrnuiAN, ee l FMKf.t Agi. (lm, pgas. Al. snd CAN ONLY t!E HAD svith uui bearing thtir lrJ msrli S -Id o n 1 t b ron gh watt h dt- withoitt extra charge. Oes't ut fsur ksll sr stilt t til ticheit. t4 lor s sptstf 'I OFFICIAL DIRCCTORY M iTK n H lis l.orrnro I rounse ,. .... 1 J. M i,., I, 1 .nl lea. o.l ", J. C Allfii ..........'eerrlarir I.Uirene il.a.re ... Jos, t! s i.ttrth-y. . 1 II H..i!ntf .Attorney A. li Hniirpi.rey ltntl t oinu A. K. i.oiely... siipl. I ubl'.r In. (N. .in siis it. tir.i.r'.sn' f. I'. M slider an. t'. . wirnni 111 V, Allen t , . . nnt'.t, W.J lir an, I oiiKreaatiiati 1't l5! , H. II kt.-re.-i, in (,. 11 M.-iklejohn ' H r J. lii.ii.er. ib ' VV. A Mr Meghan', ln " l: o, l, ken., cih l;r. JtliUlAHV: f. t N-.rval... Chief J.i.!V A. M. I'osl . As.a'twle J-ele, I 1 I . li urrisoii .. As'lv Jqdge. l.r6 l. A i ir.) Js il. .1 i. ik and li rtei nn i i ntii jt !u'iAi. I'tsriii M. IV hll.kaid Jiidge Alfrisl Hsib.w,,.. " H.J inewctt ...tttrk.tl nit rrn rii- flobrt rt tt llini,., "'il.' . J lilew.-tt ...... il. a .Kolrntf I W. II Ih.sia ..... up" I'llhlle i. A. U. IM- ............ J. .. I'hiiu.ey -. t t In. .. , M. J. Iiies. tt ierk f In. in Alvln I, I lark .... (ooiity ' Kotltii or t iiMMltu"r!t I rank liekham. . . ., ... I.' M. J et-r i. hairmai. i ' iienj I' Jit ii,iii r, 1 1 x.iHi.ATivr II it. Mi w it nalor, Irt.t No H.t J. I. W00.I ll. p , lilat. No is, ll) V II 1 A.. K I'l t H U! I. 11 t. r is . ,,, . liairi.i.tti 1 i . Iloiiia. 1 J. V . wv.ll m.j iweaeii . I onrad 1.1,1.1, i,,a.. ... ... I.. J. r-!r.,ii,0!j . . . , ... . ., V . A. Hester ,. ... I J. I. l I. , str "'l I mull . , !lis), HH II IK- J. . S.-OII J. I . t.,i t.-,i, 1 U. W. Healer.... ..Tl"". Itllallil'llil lit: lilatrtri t ouu, x u.tr,,,,,,, ru lny 1st and Novemir ih, ! I. 1'oumv iniiii, At ll.rri... 101 Oral iloi.'.sv OT ai I. li.nnlii. t lit 111 MM ANllWK IKTJl. M. I., I tllirehi'f Mrtlil.tf ea.'li a Hiu.Uiiy st II M s. in., snd every win.' Dig at , ... lr.. 1 . K.t ovl. ' i. 111. .11. 1 smnlay Sx Imol n.erl. 1 day looriiing a wi jo, J. K. MaKslM.U.s, f. l WiH-niiliideiit. u wiKiiivir.sTir Tin; sum. )I.HTI-,n 1 'win 11, No. &., loeeta on Slid Ihnd k.iior.uy rtsnlng. of a J. .. I'llinr y, ,, t',i Clerk. i.r rrwiuTii.r ti.i r. I'esotlonai lite. ng every s.uia st s Sti. I rnjiiin tin ,i eaii a'U . '"' ' ' Mh W. ft. lion, ,r JINIoiTXaAuri.. MsH every nuo'tay sf U'rwxxi st Mas j r. i'M- lasaiaj I-'ISTIta, -eiM' 1 ' iWi . . eWHAIr i- 1 Otf aVMAV MffB (rttatr, :' ,: a :'- ' ' I