The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, December 27, 1894, Image 2

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Th Sioux County Journal
L J. imHOM, rrapritur.
Chin leads th4s world. Tbat In. wnea
Any part of the world 1 cbaaing her.
Pool and hypocrites and humbugs
will be taken for no more than they are
worth in the long run.
If the Lexow Committee perseveres,
Kew York one of these daj may be
too good to be true.
Dr. A. Couan Doyle a: "I am
quite well pleased with Niagara Falls."
Thanks, awfully, old boy. So kind of
If Nicholas of Uusnia can successful
ly govern one-sixth of the civlllred
world and hla wife he miul be a pretty
likely boy.
The New York New Bay that before
the end of the century New York w ill
have r,OuO,Ouu residents. Stuff and
That New York embezzler wa not
tip to the time or he would not have
left the bank director enough to be
able to guarantee the !.
A Wichita man n-cured a divorce
from hi wife In order to marry bin
mother-in-law. And yet some folk
My there 1 no ucb tiling ai bypuot-hm.
John Kls-rbardt, of Toledo, went to
New York last week and bought '.)
worth of "green goods" experience In
one lot Business In New York I look
ing np.
The aalary of Seeley, who stole fXV),
000 from the Hhoe and Leather Hank,
wan only fl,NN a year. which show
what can be accomplished by mall re
sources Imprnjterly directed.
wife, Inconspicuous and unaroblttous
except for blui and her sona. tbrouj.-hoet
hi great career. She had no social a
plratlon or love for anything tevo"v1
the threshold of her own bouie. rh
wa a tyie of the German houw wife,
bot a such, with ber love for h-r hus
band and ber power to proroke hi love
for ber, she did probably more than a
Eugenie would have done to mold hi
deilny. When hit day began to draw
In and the court dethroned him be
sought ber eagerly. In hi plight he
could say: "You are my true and hon
orable wife, a dear to me a the rud
dy drop that visit my and heart."
Bbtmacrk made frequent public ac
knowledgment of the influence of thl
homely housewife on bl fortune, and
her death will be a keeu deprivation
to hi last year.
The biggest rascals on the continent
have been discovered In Chicago. They
have been manufacturing spurious vac
cine point containing nothing but
tome skin Irritant like crotou.
At last France ha put up a statue
to Claude Bernard, a far greater man
than many hitherto so honored. He
explored many unknown region of
human physiology, and made great
discoveries therein.
A woman In Springfield. Mo., who
fell through a defective sidewalk and
broke three rlb, sued the city for $5,
000 and a Jury awarded her $3J0. The
ralue of a broken rib In Mssourt, there
fore, 1 exactly 2-3. Call the
next case.
At the recent Scotch celebration In
New York Andrew Carnegie responded
to the toast of "The Scotch Drama."
He did not tell hla hearer that there
waa nothing In It to eijual the tragedy
of Homestead, although few border ro
mance contain more action or a great
er variety of light and shade.
The Atlanta ExpoHltion ba asked
the Government to issue a special
poatage stamp to commemorate and
boom the forthcoming cotton exposi
tion. If thl meant a repetition of the
Columbian stamp monatroatty, we reg
ister our protest right here. Liver
pad art now to cheap that the only
excuse for the gigantic ttamp I gone.
The death of the venerable Prince
Blamarck will overcloud the later year
of the great statesman wbo waa the
founder of United Germany, and may
be a portent regarding bit own )ese
of life. Prince and Prince Blamarck
were an amiable couple, thoroughly
devoted to each other, and model of
domestic conduct
Gen. Booth's exjrience. like that of
Dr. Parkburst In New York City,
demonstrate anew that In practical
life reform are seldom worked out
along the line of commonly approve')
method. When Dr. Parkburst re
solved that vice and corruption must
be exposed and put down he was oj-n
ly abused before the public, and had to
proceed In the face of disapproval of
close friend, who granted that the ob
ject aimed at wa praiseworthy, but
who Insisted that the method of th
vigorous preaher could not be sanc
tioned. Dr. Parkhumt ha come out of
the conflict one of the most respected
men In the nation. One of bis hap
piest momenta wa when President
Seth Iw of Columbia College, whoe
disapproval In the earlier part of the
crusade had pained him exceedingly,
declared a few day ago that Dr. Park
hurst had leen right throughout the
struggle. The result have Justified
Dr. Parkburst It has taken a lifetime
with Gen. Booth to vimplete the cycle
from contempt and ridicule to recrgnl
tlon, and to demonstrate tbat the work
hi organization ha accomplished wa
cot to be done by conventional methods.
Gen. B'Mjth saw the way to reach the
"submerged tenth." Peroelrlr.g the
value of the military form of organiza
tion, the shout and the tambourine in
securing Influence with this class, lie
freely made use of them. The gro
tesUene of certain feature of the
Salvation Army yet remain to appeal
to the Indifferent by their very oddity;
but the duys of persistent persecution
are over. Gen. Booth, like Dr. Park
burst, stands out a a man to whom
honor Is due for accomplishing what he
attempted, despite all discouraging op
position and hlnderance.
Trjrls tm Ummt Ike M mntmnr .
JaaiwrowN, X. Y Doc. 21. Yes
terday morning Cor on or Buwere, ac
companied by KrJ S. Marsh, a local
sclent tat, went to the resident of
Window Shearman, where Mrs. Shear
tou and Mr. Davis were murdered by
hu unknown assaain last Saturday,
and made a microscopic examination
of thfeie of the dei women. Noth
ing was reveated in the eyes of Air.
Davit, but on one of those of Mr.
Shearman the form of a man was
distinctly photographed. The micros
cope used enlargad fie object viewed
VJ0 times its real size. The picture at
revealed did not show the face of the
man wbo it a .posed to be the mur
derer. The man's position was inch,
according to thosn who made the ex
amination, that the body was shown
only from the breast down to the feet.
After the first of the itarUing
discovery made by Mr. Marin was
over he made a most careful examina
tion, which clearely revealed the man'f
form. He was apparently a big man,
with a long- heavy overcoat, utbattooed
and which reached below tbe knee.
The wrinkles in the trousers could be
plainly seen, and one foot was behind
the other, with the kite bending as If
In a stooping posture about to take a
tep. Dr. licwera, the coroner, then
made an examination and says he saw
the picture a distinctly as he could
bave seen a man standing in front of
htm. E. O. Partridge, Albert Hazel
tine and the lie v. Mr. Stoadsrd, who
were at the house when the examina
tion was made, were called Into the
room and examined the eye, each one
of them verifying the statement at
describing the man in similar language
The eves of Mrs. Sherman were both
removed and brought In this city,
where a scientific process of photograph
ing them will be used Id the hope of
securing a photograph of the picture
hown in the eye.
Whjs Hrlht Hummer Girl Mistrusted
Her Powers of Conversation.
The Saturday night train had Just ar
rived at the watering place, and the
young women at the hotel were sitting
on the piazzas In posture tbe most
graceful, each to her own tyle.
At one of the hotel a man, tall, stur
dy, and with a character seamed face,
bearing the burden of perhaps thirty
three year of worldly conflict, alight
ed. An eager turning of eyes toward
him did not disturb his equanimity
as be passed In review toward tbe of
fice. He was observed two hours later
talking energetically to one of the
brightest of the girl. Suddenly she
left him, and approached a group of
elderly ladles.
"What's the matter, my dearT" said
one of them. '"Did you not find Mr.
Mason agreeable 7"
-iea, inaeeu. was me ready . re
sponse, "but you tee be' man, and I
don't want to make a fool of myself."
"How r
"Well. 1ft thlt way. All tbe beaux
we girls btve for six days out of sev
en are these yoang college boys, and I
feel as though I bad been rocking the
cradle for some mother's darlings so
long tbat I've forgotten how to talk to
a real live man." ,
Toronto, Dec 41. An Important
udgment was rendered by Judge Mac
Dougall la the district admiralty court
ii the action by the crown for the con-
emnalion of the United Slates fishing
tug Grace of Dunkirk, N. Y. for violati
ng the Canadian fisheries act. The
tig was seized by the dominion govern
ment cruiser Dolphin lait April while
fishing In British waters in Lake trie,
bout eight Eilea from Port Colborne,
without Canadian license, and brought
into Port Colborne and tied up. The
ners of the vessel denied any viola
tions of tbe fishery laws. The three-
mile limit, which applies to ocean fish
eries, was urged to apply to tbe lrtkei
aiso. Judge MacDougall delivere-i ua
elaborate judgment, declaring that
the law of nations recognizes tbe au
thority of state to claim territorial
rights in respect to much of ail inland
akea at lie within tit conventional
boundaries, and tbat the tog Grace was
balling wholly within the Canadian wa
ters, lie, therefore, gave judgment for
tbe crown, with all costs of tbe suit, de
claring that the tug, ber tackle, rigging
cargo and ashing apparatus be con
verted to tbe crown.
"It haa been a hard struggle." said
General Booth of bis work with the
Salvation Army, "but the Joy 1 have
had from It no tongue ran tell. .Society
la helpless In the presence of tbe evils
which exltt, and what we need la an
organised system of dealing with tbe
lost and fallen with strong bands and
by tbe grace of God. There must be a
way, and the Salvation Army I God
Invention for the solution of the prob
lem." It must be wltb a epilog of tri
umph, as well as of Joy, that the Gen
eral lookt back over bit life, for he
has forced recognition and apprwcla
tion from a world that once held him
and hla army In the inoet supreme con
tempt Some newspapers which might be In
' better business are dilating npou the
fact that Seely. the cheating bank cash
ier, and Baker, his confederate, were
"exemplary men," "church-goers" and
"Indulgent parents." Suppose they
were. They tre tbe exceptions that
bow the rule to be good. For one thief
who goes to cborch there are fifty who
never saw the Inside of one. We pray
that the wickedness of these two men
will not cause young people to lose
faltb In good work and decency of out
ward bearing. Most thieves don't go
to church. Moat thieves are not kind
la their wives. Moat thieves are not
temperate In their habits. Rut the
thief wbo practice abstemiousness and
continence and preserves a righteous
front laata longer and gets away .with
on than bit rakish pals.
prlaccaa Blamarck will be ekaaaed
eritb tbat mighty fore In tbe history of
the world "th nnknown wive of
mi smb." Of goad but modes Mrth,
ahVwM married to Btanan when h
M nalaiportant mf bum. im
KM nauani ana irawaav
By Balloon.
Perhaps tbe north pole may be reach
ed In a balloon. Tbe question baa been
mooted and may be carried out In tbe
near future. A balloon with a cubic
contents of 50.000 feet and capable of
lifting twenty tons, furnished with
number of smaller balloon containing
a reserve supply of hydrogen, would
certainly seem to give every promise
of auccess. The balloon would carry
fire men, with baggage, a nomber of
Esquimau dog, several boats and a
large sledge. It Is calmlated that from
Mpitzliergen, where the trip will begin,
the air currents which blow steadily
from the south will carry them across
the Arctic circle and directly over the
north pole in a flight of about four
days' duration. Thus, Instead of assist
Ing to destroy human life, the military
balloon may he tbe means of tbe disco v
ery or a new continent proving once
more tbat "the glory of a scientific In
ventlon Is Its utility to mankind." Bo
ton Herald.
A Infallible Test.
If you want to know whether a man
la married or tingle, examine tbe con
tents of hit pockets. In those of
bachelor you will And: Half a dozen
letters from girls. A tsllor's bill.
Three or four old check for theater
seats. Bill for supper. Theatrical
looking photograph. A lot of lnvlta
tlons to dsncea, dinner, and social
receptions. A tiny glove, scented wltb
violet But the married man's pocket
will contain: An old bill A couple of
unposted letters which were given hlra
to post a week past A sample of an
Impossible shade that be moat match
A newspaper clipping telling a sure
cure for croup. A shopping list rang
Ing from a box of blacking to three
yardt of lace. Bills. More bills.
If you want to save money, don't eat
anything. This advice la Impractica
ble; no la moat good advice.
Don't gat playful daring work
Tbe people won't atand h.
Sktat aglr.
CairrTK Carra, Colo., Iee. 8).
Riehard K. Newell, cheif engineer ol
the Midland Terminal railroad, was
iitot and Instantly killed at 4:45 p. m.
rrslerday by a man named Van Hough
ton. Tbe trouble grew out of a right
ot way matter which Mr. swell was
investigating. Van Houghton bad a
cabin located on tbe Hue of survey
where the railroad is being extended.
Van Houghton used a Winchester
rifle and Newell was unarmed. There
was considersble excitement arid much
talk about lynching the murderer, but
the her iff succeeded In gelling Van
HoufrhW'Q away and he h on the wsy
to the county jail at Color lo Sprlngn.
Van Houghton had had trouble over
this right of way matter before and
quarrelled with another party over it.
At that time he made the threat that
be would shoot the next man wbo came
to talk to him about it. He is also
aid to bave been connected with tbe
labor troubles at this ramp lt spring.
New ell's body was taken to Colo
rado Springs, accompanied by Lit uncle
Mr. H. P. Llllibrldge, president of the
MldlaDd Terminal. The murdered
man was a son-in-law of D. K. Harris,
a mlllionalieof Cleveland.
Onlvrtil ta IVoteet th ( harch.
Lo.vrxiN, lc. 30. A dispatch from
Toiio to the Central New says a Jap
anese cruiser off Wei-Hal-Wei hat cap
tured a sailing vessel loaded with arm,
ammunition, and provisions consigned
to Admiral Ting of tbe Chinese (leet.
The vessel was towed to Talien Wan,
Fiela Marshal Yamagata will resign
the presidencr of the council (numit
itum) and will be appointed general of
the Japanese army.
The Central News correspondent at
Tien Tslti says that on December 10
Mr. Charles l)enby, United State min
ister at l'ekin, received through the
Tautigli Yamen a note from the do
wager empress of China, accompanying
valuable presents of silk ai.d satin
handkerchiefs, embroidered with crape,
which the note explained were Id
tended for the foreign ladies who had
lubscrlbed lo the purchase of the testa
ment, which was presented lo the do
wager empress on the occasion of her
birthday. The emperor has ordered
the troops to protect the churches In
RobbsraOot Hn iiulit.
Siotx City, la., Dec. 30. Two
masked men went to the bouse of John
Collins, near Sloan Tuesday night, and
at the point of guns nude Mm give
them M.VX) in gold he had concealed.
He had kpl the money in the bouse
because hit wife, wbo It suing for di
vorce and alimony, has attached ail his
property the could find The thieves
took the money and two horse and
escaped. Officers of Woodbury
Monona counties are unable to
trace of them. They abandoned
horses a few miles away Vn
scene of the robbery.
Shut Iows ia Milt
Tiiiet Kivkii Fall, Minn, Dec. 21.
The first collision between the Mee.
ban and Jones forces in the mill sit
controversy occurred yesterday morn
ing, when a representative of the Mee
hans assaulted the agent of Mr. Jones.
Tbe men were separated before blood
a ibed. Both parties now occupy
the disputed reservation property and
serious trouble It momentarily feared.
Cblet Monslmah was notified at tbe
agency by messenger of the Mee ham'
Invasion of hit property, and It U re
ported that b It on bit way ber with
a band of brave with the Intention of
beginning hostilities at once. Th
chief Is a penislant, fearless red and
hit movement occasion much alarm.
Th Meehaiia, from all appearaneta,
fear an attack, at they have armed ten.
Unela pacing to and fro on the tile
night and day, and bave thut down
tbelr mill In order to have all their em
ploye In readiness to make stub born
Kartkuh la Hun (try.
Hi da Pkstii, Det, 21 The town of
Oravicsea, about tifty mile southeast
of Temetvar. was visited by a voiient
shock at an early hour last evenics?.
bleb wrecked a Large number of
house. Kooft fell, wall tumbled
down and In many cases buildings and
entire streets were reduced to debrta.
The Inhabitant fled to the open
country. At midnight another shock
waa felt, but it was lea violent than
tbe first. A number of persons were
Injured, but a vet no faialiUat are
The earthquake last evening was
felt in many districts In southern Hun
gary. Tamerover waa shaken severely,
and most of the Inhabitants war too
much frightened to go to bed. No
death bad been reported at 10 o'clock
yrtterday evening. 'The details ar
meagre. 1
Mew Ii. of Y. Order.
Buffalo, X. Y, Iec. 10. About
twenty-five delegates, representing as
ianr lodge of Kolghu of Pythlaa,mel
at t he Genoese hotel and formed a new
order to be known at the Improved
Order of Knights of Pythias."
Hin n4 Fn iiii.
Chicaoo, Dec. 18 A step waa Ukeo
by the trans-continental line which In
auras the foundation of one or several
big associations for tbe latere' of tbe j
trant-Aontioental, traus-Missouri aod '
western passenger lines. Thlt was tbe I
settlement of the much-moot d ques
tion of Canadian Pacific differential.
The other line pledged themselves to
pay the Canadian Pacific a differential
of 30 per cent. Thl line came Into
the conference with the determination
of forcing the others to pay It a 20 per
ceut differential, but soon found that
tbe road were a unit against this pro
position and would be a unite agauiat
the Canadian Pacific on all question
did that road retnatu out of the asso
ciation. It it thought now tbe immi
grant question will be settled araicatly
and the last bar to forming a big gen
eral association will have been
moveo. It It understood that there
will be no differential paid on busimss
from from St Paul aod Duluih to Hsu
The we tarn classification committee
beard the complaints of dealers in
agricultural Implements who wish agri
cultural Implements to be again put
back into the third class. They are
now second class, this making a differ
ence In cost of carriage of about 25 per
cent, which the farmers in tbe present
state of crops can HI afford to pay.
Messrs. Mct'orinick and Deering were
among thoe who appeared before lb
Officers After lb Club HonSr.
Chicaoo, Dec 20. The law and
order oflicert of the corporation are en
gaged In preparing plant for a cam
paign against the fashionable club of
the city, where the law against gamb
ling It violated and where a bar la
maintained for the use of members
and guest without a licenai being
taken out. Tbe disreputable house
where liquor Is told without a license,
will alto be attended to. The power of
the city authorities to take tuch action
bat never been tented, but several
prominent attorneys ar of tbe opinion
that tbe club are amendable to law la
Kmwt trura Tuklo
London. Dec. 19. A dlipatcli from
Toklo to the Central New says: Lieu-tenant-Geiiersl
Katgira reports tbat he
attacked and captured Uai-Cheng In
the forenoon of December 13. The
total numerical strength of the Chlnee
garrison waa 5,000 while the attacking
party consinted of only oue brigade of
l.fyjU men, with four gun. The Chinese
retreated by two roatli toward Llao
Vang. The losie were trirtling.
A Central .News dispatch from Che
Foo says that great nlieaHinest contin
ues arnoi.g the residents of that place,
wlrb lear outrages at the band of the
Chliiee soldier, pour foreign war
ship, ate now at Che foo. A nephew
of Colonel Von llenuecken hat left
Shanghai to lake command of the
Cnlneee troops at Tien Tun. A French
engineer is constructing fori at Peilii,
The remainder of the chjnete trans
ports have been turned over to the pro
lec Ion of the British flag. '
The Central News correspondent in
Tela Tl n cars: l'ekin is now under
m itlary control. Chinese soldiers are
guarding the foreign legations and
patrolling the street. There are sixty
military tents around the legations,
Tao, Tai, Kung and Admiral Ting, tbe
four generals who commanded at Port
Arthur, and General Yen bave been
ordered lo l'ekin for punishment."
A rrlfbirul Stow.
Anokkjion, Ind Dec. SO. lo a
brawl yesterday morning Lou Woods
we snot and killed and bit brother
James had a vera! bullet In bit body.
Baa Katkali, wbo did th shooting lo
elf defence, waa struck on the bead
by a brick which made an ugly gaah.
Hit housekeeper, Mrs. Kebacca Teegan
bad ber skull fractured by a missile
thrown by one of the Woods boys.
Tbey and Henry Ford, all tteel workers
tried to clean out KatkaU't saloon
after drinking and refusing to pay for
2 worth of beer and whisk.
Msay Cssplnye.
Momtrkal, Dec. 80. Over 1,000 nn
employed worklngmen crowded around
th city bail thlt morning for the pur'
pons of demanding work, but the mayor
being absent from the eliy nothing
practical waa dona for them. A nambsr
of mo sddreeted their comrades,
claiming that the man wart boneet ead
oatghtto b given work to support
their f am Ilia. Tb oUv eeasnd
i hi " U best to f or th hOalheV
Baah Clew.
Rome N. T Dec, aO.-Tne further
Invest! zatlon of the defalcation of
John K. Iitelby, cashier of the Central
National bank of Home, and Samuel
Gillette, the teller, discloses a total
shortage of nearly 140.000, of which
130.100 It traced to the teller. Tbe di
rectors voted to clot tbe baok pending
tlie InveatigaUon of it affaire. This
also temporarily closes toe Oneida
county savings bank, of whose effects
tha Central bank la tbe custodian.
aiUry Hmm Will Coss Hsm.
Wahiuxoton, Dec. 80. becretery
Morton will leave here about January
0 lit a vlait In Nebraska. II it tb
president of tbe Nebraska state bistort-
eal society and at its meeting January
15, will add reel tbe society on "Pioneer
popullttt and their finance in the terri
tory of Nebraska in 1K6, 1WM and IK57,
together with the result; a par ai lad
between paat aud present fallacies."
Largest Hauls Ship A-at
London, Dec. 20. A Aral elan bar
belt ship, tbe largest and designed to
be th most magnlfleent British battle
hip afloat, waa launched at Chatham
Tb v easel waa baptized by Count
Spencer, wife of Earl tipeneer, first lord
of tbe admiralty. Lord Bote berry and
hla daughter and many other dis
tinguished persona war present. Tb
length of tha ablp over all 1a 480 feat
aod bar dtaplaaawitnt 15,000 km Tha
f bar bull waa 700.
After ( Oallaws.
Mi skoof.k, I. T Dec. P. Last
night about H o'clock Jamea French,
ith three con federate, rode Into
Tex ana, a small town th'rty mile
south of Vluskogee, and robbed John
Ilerce't store and hi clerk. After the
raid on Pierce' store French attempted
lo raid tbe town In general, but waa
given tuch a warm reception that he
and bit men were forced to retreat.
Sneak thieves are operating
about. Albright.
Mr. Ibwcoe Dean, an old setil
Cats county, died last week.
Crawford will try again tbi
to secure a state normal school.
The Sterling Eagle ha c
hands and will hereafter be repit!
in politic.
A Mr. Marrows of Hansen lo
test part of three nnger in a mi
for cutting fodder.
The bov of Crelghton are goil
Fstabllih an lce-kating rink for
BXercie ami amuement.
Fire in Omaha deilroyd tbe
ution building and the First (
thurch. Los over fltXI.tWO,
The Wayne Jemocrat and Ml
Keporter are trying the experimJ
r- 'printing their paper all at nome.
Jacob .Slothower of Papilllon,
:overing from a Very dangerou
ligtluguiihed attack of appud!cl
liev. Kemiberg of Beatrice hJ
tented a rail to a church In Ol
Ho ba been In Beatrice seven jei
Matt Wood, living a few mile
tuhviile, tud twenty-five bush;
wheat stolen from hi bin last we4
Lynu Knight, a well-known
Jem of lleairic-, wa severely H
by being kicked by a horse br
hit leg.
The Mielton Clipper thinks thoal
ire unable to help the destitute r
least speak kindly to them, and t
lorn help.
On the departure of C. W. W.i
md family from Sutton, reeolutioJ
Mteem and confidence were paf4
the local G. A. It. and relief corp
The proposition to pay a boun
wolf icalpt, catamount tail, mo
Hon, coyottes aud wildcat carr
Dixon county by a majority of :H
Ilert Irish of Columbu waa
five dollar for behaving indecei
wari a little girl nine year. II
old euongh to know better and e-J
too easy.
The next meeting of the nort
bras k a teacher' association
held at Norfolk April 3, 4 and 5
A popular lecturer will be enga?
one evening.
The new plow factory at Net
CUT la assuming shape rapidly
aork of placing the machinery w
:ommnced as soon at the bui
tre under roof.
Omaha decreases the charity
grea'.ly by offering work lo all
for aid. There are plenty of i
who don't want any help If they
to work for it.
Cattle stealing near (ikoh tti
tinues. lUnchert are being robb
moat nightly, bul two touthstde
trt are suipected and depredatlot.
probably cease very toon.
Mrs. Oscar Bach, living tix
northeast of Lyons, received a str
paralysis and in thirteen hour
She had been ailing for some
prior. Hue was forty-one year ol
and learet a hatband and four chil
John RtiMell it a blacksmith anj
the past two year be ba shed
tor m it. letter, tneUreina srl
Teeters gave John plenty of work
very little money, and now John
One of the robbers and a citlxen wera''udIT Lengdon't eourt aaking
Teeter be forced to contribute
knee due of 4'.t3 75.
j Lotilt Frey, a well-to-do farme
ranchman residing three mile w
Ogtlalla, was reparing the aod
of a lions situated on hit ranch
one no gar way, railing onl
wounded. Tbe amount taken is not
Ft. Sshth, Ark, Dec W.-BiU Cook
and four of hi gang bad a high urn
Ft, Glbsou. They road into town
about dusk and took supper at Mrs.
Brown the regular stopping place
for travellers. Bill Cook, "Cherokee breaking bit back and lag. John
BUT and Jim I ranch were in the party
They make no effort at disguise and
talked freely with the people. They
fired off their gun and bad a big Urns.
"Cherokee BUT I rapidly recovering
from his wounds and expressed him
self anxious for another fight. A
strong fore waa made tp at Muscogee
and sent after th outlaws.
and Daniel gpahgier, wbo
Ing him, wevw caught In th falllrd
but eueeeeded In extracting the ail
Tb body of a man waa fouuf
tbe ditchf along tha railroad
about two mile west of Hilver
It It supposed to be the body of
Uyert, a carriage painter. He
Fremont lb day before and clainj
had a brother-in-law at Central
and wa going to teal bis way
on the fast mail lie waa no
beating hi way on some train ai
a Iliad by a KlplMlun
West Bar City, Mich., Dec I'J.
By the explosion of a boiler in the bog
factory of Rutaell Brot. this morning JT" ? " "
flv. men were Instantly killed and two ttd kUted
others mortally injured.
Tb shock ihook tbe entire city.
Low water wa the cause of the ex
plosion. The debris caught tire, but
waa promptly extinguished by the de
partment. More bodies may be In th
I ulna All lb meu leave families In
straitened circumstance.
Another body ba been taken from
the rums, and a working party has
been organised to look for more. The
list of dead will probably number
even, a another man it mlailng. All
were terribly mutilated, one man
having both leg blown oft mid hit
neck broken. Oue. gally find waa that
of a headless trunk. 1 he debris of the
mill wa thrown over flv bundled feet
atd all the window in tbe neighbor
hood were shattered , by the shock.
Tbe last body recovered wa that of
George Calculi, the engineer. It was
n llllem itamev't snan of
While being driven near Fullerto
e-iui ingnteoea at a shock ol cd
the road and turning to one aide
Mr. and Mr. Barney and their
My out of the wagon. Mrs. I
threw out her right hand and tr
are herself In the fall, but both
were broken above the wrist
Ilamey wts so badly stunned I
waa some minutes before be n
what had happened.
tin 1 rlday afternoon the norf
Henry Denny, who live aoou
HI) northwest of Tlldsn, wa I
leslroyed by lire. An effort was
vo tave tome of the hoo-ehold
". . uncovering me h licence ol
foungeet child everything else
I unodoned and .,,.,.,, , B f:
After considerable frtiht i wa
v.w niuiug oenina Dm mienou
uuriwu uuuer n I eel of brick and so ana was speedily re-c-M fror
badly mangled as to be unrecognizable, i perilou position. Tiideu Cmxei
WW".. Mb, f Tr..... ,h' f4'r1 C0Urt
London, Dec. 13. -A dispatch to tb. ' InZJXlS ' '
Central Newt from Tien Ttlu ayt th t..T P,U Ump'
foreign tailor, and marine, who ' win ! "7 T " '
BommfifiMd in Pi.. .... ""nn .tood Motl wtm irtint
' wevsa Ml VI VW HIV . "
legation of their respective eountles .n7 MteT factory locsf
were refused the right to travel through tUx obaari
Chinee territory tv the eoven.rn.nt c'mblng up at a tremendoui
authorities. Th foreign ministers Hom Wayne boodlam amaaM
eewauwa m protoel their legation, ta window m a
wheats, we wperor taaoed an order
oaaoara and needier to
corn she Bjeasjsairy nratassliiiii to the
Merton. Ua foaa. ant wa
and parseukted Ua to par
f nataaaloTtl
- ii i laniA V a4