r it hi i H yfTFK IV - roiitlniwd. lor the hr-t tin e In h.-r life she ha 1 ts-crl -M,'jMtil)!Jf '0 hjoK tl' I" Vert, U'-t. Her iiiumd ev.-a had ga ed with deep anuiin iu .s .nli-re-1 in o tin; o;d m.r ror on the for many a year pas-el ig nobly by. a.- uiiut-;.;y m-n a es-ing glun..- fur on. e wituoul a murmur p. Ins had a" omitted the tar gied as- of her liH-k-, ;s.ainx.m-i.Kc. I any fau- that awaited the n: and for once tell it riot a,-i.,ii. mi. g-n', e reader- foroi.ee h..d the Ji'tie brOWD, !l oi t hiill'is beetl tut on v pa-.ed in and o. t o the ho wa'.-r in the hu-iu. but l.a I ic! ji.'.j, labor ious! ..; nd thorouhiy !: a ati--l to Lor finger-tips. ' nr of ')iK-tj wa- now o'feroj to liel 1. fl.l'-ti with ail the grace of a little bo-, .r, 'I saw you omlni u " -li L:-"-r-ed. I .-a you sits ng tog other in li.e dog-cart, i) then 1 knew -t win a 1 right I'n'.il I rea ;y -aw you. vou know. I hardly iioi'i-ii I m-un I rea; A i d not think you con!. I i iin-au I did not know whether you had been tine or not." '1 as on v J '1st in time.'' in " .Wre yon really: b ei) ti late in alio! should yoi have i'-r Uiilivite '' "Ys, 1 1 1. ink so. " ri y fan -y. ' amd Jerry, with large rye- ''kill - no 1 suuju-itig you had been, yoi would never have come .'" Vo. indeed." "Only lain'v! What wouiil you Lav dun- ' "-toiij c i wbcrv I Wiis."' 'jia.i ianry.' Ail nrvor oomo u at 'No. never." wi'ieiiin'y a alje. had I!e;pnJcn, 'l in n there wan a j. a on ner part ol nai uiiu iion ana relief, on bin o wonder wnat wan to eoine next. ile wa ronitjiieioiio of !. iriif ii!h Tattered and allium d I'V Jerry. "Did yo i tell t'ecjil altout me'?" wan her next. And he faoried that even there m that va-t aioon. with ii)a.'e on every side, her v oie sank. ' I tld him that we had met.'' "Did vou i-ay - how .'" ''No, Jerry. I did not ay -how." "Nor nor wbere"'" w nor nor where. "Vou ni'tt,: at i.i' hut yon do beard ai. to-dav . you me and 1 not know Veil. If he bad about ji-out it. yoa kno.v know I ineari Vo'lr dart iln f And you ' cryirn'. " An i your iM-)aKin me -" "An jour f nubbinj,' nd an i ad i'And and all,' a-xentea lie'.iemien "oi'r makinjf up the , ,-inel, and btj rumi's? the t"."t ol friend and h-hin totfetlier. ainl walkini.' home tok'tiier. an i . oni'irinj tof. verv t V il do t he ? :, !ier to DiHii Him - w ' wi.-bed ' 1 thij. now ti-H i.ave aid to it ?"' i n 1 ! nere i B s iiiriiaiukabiy . n a tbi, I would -i he lie: wn !!aJ ii te. raUiir iVii him. ' had K H 1; woo i: ' k I ' d I e W 1 ' 0. .) a jj-i r o 1. t orb- '. i, l.ot te i illill lldeti Il e.' i v e won't tell ' ( Oiirse. ' H t. i told ' ( d. o eon-.!. . i Ma'.. r t. of fe.l.e t rue inio i i t how x it." . "how i i' t ha' ' meh tin aino nit i i O .K I! ' Let ry. won't you -" I .o!i l know that 'I'-anry ni;it(e a . Tie I- verv l.iee, .i-ei' think a-ieh -e ileal of hilll. ' r ;iidi :i ret " !i i ooli t K i o w there ), i;t!yt.;. fuM ui ' t t 'eel!, A I. vou keov. And i. a ureal, hi;?, in. lie Tb' '." think t. it. i- "eell l:'ore. lie , Hum only brother. 1 'erbHpft that's it. hi-ter alwiiy ao thitiK mat of brother, don't, ihey .'" "1 wish 1 nad a sister to think that of me," "Have you not one not just a i '!.'! one'" sile was) ouite di-a ;.ril!c.d. "Not ev en a little one. Not even a Jerry " "Well, 1 have none eittier. and no hrotliern, nor anyljody. However. 1 don t mind,'' rte overinif. "i don t tare luueh about irlsany Way. and if I o iid I), t have loyo, 1 d a noon only have granny." "Vou c'o not cure much for your Ray mond eoiisins, then'" "Oh. yet. Hut they aiwayn 'o S'ive ttiemseu est such aim to mei and they laik I rem h, and i?a!ible atmut tiieir ijov ernei-Heu and rousle nntrete, and all tbat none-en. They are well enoujrb. Hut they ean'tride,'" eagerly. "They think they can: an! there i am h a fuai atxut their horse and their saddles and their ridlntr habit but on they are on. they go oiling up and ('own. not a bit oue to the horse; and k.tbel is in auch a Irit'ht if her uny does but ihy ever m iittie. that ahe in in misery half the time, and they Ihink they h&ve done wonders if they canter for hah a mile at a time. I don't care for suetv ridinjr a.s that:" Jerry wound up with Huperlative scorn. 'Vou Hue 'forty minutes on tbe ijraj-s wltbo it a check' eh?" "I like juat. aa much aa ever I can get-that' what I like. And to (ro go - go like the wind, iam never tired. Kthel haa to reat when 'ue cornea in, to lie down on a backboard, and not no out two days running-." "And what do they aay to your atyle of parlormance " "Oh. 1 don't know. Jlm-that'i the groom caya be wonld like to come and hem) giooru here. And t shall have bio:, too -aome dy. He aayn he would like to Uko me to ride in the How in London: and we'd show 'em how to do it. Tbt waa what Jim aald," rather oonaeiota of running on loo fan. "I md only repeating what he aaid, yon vnm which it will appear that Jerry wa an artleae llttie woman after ail, with, wn MgdM4 n jtW" began again h lntt-rruote.1 "I only Vld;ouo.y DaiDt- a leiipnf)-n. ' 'Weil, Ihi H oo vour lortiiiatti au. ' fn-d the little gir: trutiully: hut A t tjoui" h he -tiii-i to the trutli, bv Lt-r hite her lip. a: tl wa sorry be haJ ankeJ the question. " 'h, that aaa it And what rre you Ko'n: to t.tv' Vo i wore oiri u Jiy eofiiethiiiif. "I wai t'o rijf to iay oh. I dart' say I O: t'ht not to a'. it ' ' ih yea, I'm ur- yoJ ou6ht U ay it.'' ''it a only " niy whatr" 'only 'Well, what'" 'AUiiit i-i-t. r.- wud Ji rry. aa If nhn hn i ban'. aU) l i;ho-t--, or wmie nui h t'oDtraUiii'i a ti iir ' !it fii' '.Veil, b it w hat afout s Vers '' He txa:i not nna,tn any thuik,' very tt iTiSne to tf! a.U aitout i.-t o "It wa juiit whether you wouid like to hiiio any '" "I atiou.d like .1 very inuth," ai i he jroinptly. "Uiiaul you' Would you ri-alivr" w :;h eji.'i-rii--j. "lieaiiy ai ) truly." "And a.d atjout how old-" d lua'i.le.l hi- l.ttiv.' run, pan. on, iv'th in i re.-.seii inxi' !y. "'a'jo.it bow o.d." "Let me mv, tn.ii he i.r-uiitioi to r-J.e l. "l,-t m mjm j'-i'h:i abo.it !;fteen. tn.nk, thltsk le aoo it t,!t "iriU'. '.U That' rov j.'t f'U you liui naif . 0 o o.:r' yo i ij.d not. it h. I am ut hlt'i-a." " n'ltr'd ' "And and well-' "Ati'iit lifii en. arid a'o to ride, arid t t-U. and fdamlc-r up and down rock kink, and nmk- fri--ixlt with ( .y ft aiit'erit. and iia eurbantej cju.tie ail ready to ini.il- thi-m uu to, an I lonjf, y.losT. i:,iii- for thejn to j u!l wben they iome, "inl he wax in the a'-t of iu .i':' thi? veiiow euii, twloie him when the '.' or o; enel, and I erii lUvn.ond en'.ei-eil. ( HAITI K V. "i AN YUU TKLI, T1IK MICA VII S'i ()F yu i-.vi:!i?" 'Hp ft.fe rn tot And h fcal.J. '( aa r I li.iii a v .i i l.r lii-ii4 0 .l;iiT tl'J. 't i tiariet' glf nti. 1 j writ or arid n.o.i It waa jtiet as well that ei il did not ee. I e wa a ;'ran. vrun' man, with wmiewbat pouijio i not.onH on tnoxt ut ee'.s. and in ar ticular very exact vie wuh regard to j.rojirioty and de corum. Although he was found of bi own cite he nev er rom; ed with them, rior made fun with them, nor t'ij.'w'ed with them l.-!.iind baekH ll ,-.-t, when be n.aile any. were ixdemn af !a'! j. to be ijulv a-it-iU ted an 1 re t'orded - ti.rtth'" wcTe no Veeiria-onry with b in And, in on-e uenee l ow ever kind, and attentive, and consid erate tbe eider brother and co ; n miifbt If. he was in their he irtn. per haps, more ri'siie, tel than l- oved and wi.d Iittie Jerri drew away, as by in tirjet. from He iendeti ' touch w hen the doir ojx-ned. 1 or her elf. the wa not in the h ut offermed it needed a pood deal U) j ut Jerry on her dignity a t-be hn-i leen out that aernoon; b 1 fcl! intuitively that . e li would te looKe.i asKance i;;s.m the little byej la . Ac. ordini? y tut now ate:.M-d up to liim with the Ix st imitation of her iirandmother a r ceition manner which she could asuune. nd. mo. e ov er, w th her stnaii round face hi :e tnurel ,- il aio up, that he mu-t l ave l en a rousle iniieed who would have . etit.ired to ao ia'.e it w t i p oilnc of curl-, or t he .:.ike. iM-lieiiilen i'av wor is were rlajrinj,' in her ear never the cms, an 1 s-! j ; waa f in t have so e more o them, and to L'et away from younjf llayir.ond an noon us she eo-.iiil . ait noiiji h. up to the pres en! tiii.. the annual visit of her cousin (ijwi been i-oiiie! hinf to !' looked for ward to. and counted iioti. and be h m--!f hmi lnen uite 'tie ierooiiatf! of ti.e h-c;r. Now, un l iiii i-. once, i.o wim cast from his pede -tal. He wa no longer the I rst and. from iM-in tbe first he had not even defended to a e ndary pla-.e. but wsia hnro'J 'o the d -pths. ft nolViiy. an i le'Tan ouT ail that the little lady by his bide wanted, beiu;,' to i ut uhort his openiDi; sen ten es. and slip l ack to the iw-at in the window, herein Hat her new riend, ouiet eno:ii?h no. IWnii down ujain the llower-beds Ih-iow, aie! think nj o! Dotliini? les. than ol inaKiiii: an bn tirenoion u.on a susx-eptibie. child oh heart. .ferry thought he hxikj-d lea iliful hitting tticre, bis handsome jroti e distincl'y cut against the iky outeide,, and hi hne eay liUtire ba!: in, half out of the open asemtnl. as hix chin rifted on hit) arm ou ide. She did not know how but he felt - for he muf a perceptive littleereature tbat there was a di!!erenee even between the null of mo iest hiarK worn alike ty C'ec.l and ijy thin Mranifer. t e it wa l ar ticu'ar to a decree about hia clothe.: but, somehow, 1lu tout emtemble of the other waa jut missed by him, and Jerry knew t. l'oor little innocent thinI her heart pave its l.ot throb of a new and unknown nature as ahe watched that sbaidy-outlined, utronirly made, fjracefnl fo m ttittini; oi,ulet y tber.t in the twilight All in a mo ment, a we have said. Cecil Ix.'1 amo a bui Jen intoleral)le. '-"Well, Jerry, and what Lave you Ijejn about ately'?" 'acgan be, aa tin e meioua aa a ba!e. and in tie usual coroprehonx-ivo atyie wherewith re lation and intiiuau. are fond of ac coxtinj? eaih other after almence. i "Hiding much et? How'n the r'ly- j lnsr Dutchman? Or have you got a new pony by thia time?" i "Macaliater i looking out for one. ' fie aaya It will be beat to wail for the Kalkirk Trvat." replied Jerry, hoping that the aub ect wat now aUpoxed of. i "The Falkirk Tryaf. Oh, I remem ber. A eori of market - eh?" and Cecil aettled down upon it comfortably in auite 0 her concluding tone. ''And ao vou are to get one, then''"' "Maoalliater ear tbe beat bred ani mate are to bo had there. '1 "The 'beat brad animala'.' That maeka of the etable. Mlaa Jerry doaaal it, ah?" "Ha aaid ao," aald Jerry, coloring mora deeply taan waa her wont, and not dlepoeed to pooh-pooh the oorrac- I tlon. but rilh'-r looker o aien. i " !.:, t r Mil l o. 1 only repeat a hut he a.d.that vou m'ght ai.ow " ' "I 'refilled her io sin kini'y. j for bo tl! not meant to ex. "And I I'm I'aUirk Trynt let me e when uoe- it come off?" ' ' In i' tob r," sa d Jerry chnrtly. What could the la k rk Trjt or any thing alxiut it matter to I ec.1, lhat he nou.d worry her aumt It jut then? h- u ade a restive movement vo es cape, but in vain. Weii. the I'nfrhman baa carried vou gahantK ..i many a day," pur ued her toru.enlof, heaviiy com erliohal, "so vol will lava to be -o r (jtssionHtij towar s him now. iiat are you to ing to o with him'- Is he to U- Urn '"0 jxiriT. or for the nixir? r w 11 you sell hi :.'." ; II-Te Mr. atni bell entered, and j made her way to ( apiain lti-ilendeti I ude I ' V hat i to become of him'" o .r- 1 d ie I l Veil. " I low tiresome' Now be will lgtn ta king to gran i. a t ma. and I t-ha n t have another word from him. What a than.e ' muttered tiiet h id to berseif, lit'ie ao u-!oined to I thwarted, e en in a tri e "lio (V u doi-s pro-e How provoking and istu id he i ' 'Whit o In- o;ne of hiru'"de m icie.i t tr, il, for the thir tune. Hut tii- lit-.i-r kl;ew, for ditiher was au'iouu e ' ut t'.e mom tit. and . in; ' Uoa ftui'Mthg mwardiy with bit :' d iu dignatiou and lili'eo w.atii. ' lhere, now, 1 klieW ho it WO Oil 1 e. 1 knew t tint if grand maiuina a'andm' awav theie w.th hm when duner wa antiouti e i. she wnild '.e i him to take her ,u the gh now slo ou't' to have ha 1 ( eci . She oiS.t to nave nat t. J. of co.irs..- Mi. fcliOUid ha . e ie 't ( apt , lie --ti'i n er nie. and then he wo iid have oies. to me. iin ! o lered nie h.s a m oh de : h. h:f 1 ' , ! "ilie ha i never taken anvil. a- m , in her l.'e. Trath to te! , ;. i, el Ih-.-ii fii t nj alxeit ii, her mill t i ter s n- she had e. ll lle,ienden poi-ttnali ev.i Sa e .n the ha I. the eliaf't ex O ti.ls grea event hai'l" ion.' to her n-.vv 1 1 it . rto vlie hi I eenc!ai elm eh li a. md the formal iate : uner wi.en i,T gran tl-oi her bad I ad g-.extx a' ini h tnaiew. he had either made J.r p. p-aran'"e w.lhthe e-s-rt or h id o e , om i. only chosen to run atu! iiii ! ! tine-, an i then have some s.ei cr I brought i.n to her o!-: n i' wr, by the i ineansesi-Uj.ing o: h the i'oin.iMa y an I the e cning frock. ..he had. however, on t he pre-ent o asion earelti.ly in'i ! mate ! h'-r intention of inieg !a'e in future, and Mrs a np ell. in eo.ij o'i : Wit h the rent ol the ho .who d, had Im i-o ts gla to see in the hange t:e daw n of an v am ing w i.i uiiIkhM V maku any ort of de ; ur. X) jich arranged, one M:i! alorl ing anxiety had h-cui o-d the lntie gin m.n . and that win. in refer, le e to her Ix ing l.ande to the dining roo .. by 1 ell. ndeii. The more she had thought uixcit it the more ag r and an.io is she had l-w-umi; us wax. Jerry way whenever any desire om-e tx)k mxt--iiu of in r lit'ie excl'abiu brea:. To taku his artu To s!ei grani v along before eei v '"!' .iae a re.i giowij-jn yo ii.g lady- how i n.'hanl Hig! she did not stop to remember that t had re-ver a'ruck Iht as eneiian'.in-. b ,t rather in a lev.-r-e light h.lhert i. It wo1, id. at any iate, le a.inpiy heav enly now. And of conrxe it waa lie:- right to lead the way. and do ho or to tl.'i stranger guest m her own ca-'.ie. Oianny had oflen tihl he !hathe ought to re are to take her - a -. mlt resx and head of all. ere long i Ja-rhapx. indeed luixtl i ertalniy . genii ny wou.d think tbi a gii op, ot -tun.iy for to r U Ix-gin. It wo iid a ii instruct ( apt. Hellejoden in her xition an i her rights.-and make his blunder of the- f terlioon all the more astonishing ami rid! u!ou to hi re olleetion. He might jerform hi part of the ceremony w ith a lw:rkie in bis e , -. ami Jerry would not have freed 1 j from a y retuini'"nce as he and -he marched through t be iong gailery to gether, but. carry il o I as he might, he could no! (ad to feel u iitt e ()! -h. and niigfit ie trusteu to - as di-reet at hers Ix-fore sliel.-tnV.M-s. All of t hi had I -cell i-arefuiiy t bought cut during the putting on of the whi'.e frock and ro e- o.oi e l sash, and tie-re had I en ju't ri I'll csieerta n'y alont the ce -ired prog aiu heing car ried out u make ei il iieient.oti doiib'y irksome and lil-tirned niiice the fa. t of her lemg beside him and away frTin the ot her" w a-. she ( o il I not he'lj fearing, sure to tell against h--r. it might, or it might not have done wo. The probability ilhat Mm. ' Bm;j bell gave the sub'i-l no thought at ail, an i a a matter of i tmri':. w ent in as she bad always done U-fore withr her principal get: but itii ecd'seo ng in -terry u eye: and. a 1 he naughty little girl had never yet learned to control or conceal her feeling, a very aulky and unresi on ve com; anion the ir fellow had. and one who aouid have gladly gi en the arm she he d a good hard ii.nch, instead ol delicately touching it With the tips of her linger., a he knew she hail ought to do. lit) I IK tXiN'riM Kil.l ' KHrcnxm. 1 liaron HatiRMiiari waa fellow-pupil with Hector H -rllo at the Pari on MTvalory, theo under the direct oo of ( berubinl. lit-rilo. wa an unruly geniu-, and wrote music when bo hlioiild have been studying ounier I oi nt, (Jons I'liently he was not in favor with hi-t teacher, and e;ccinl ly with tbe precise and cUsl- al'' Cherublnl. iu examination day, aa llaussman relate In hi "Meoio re,' Cherubini wa running over a piece which I er lio7. had s ibm.tted, when he came upon a C niplPie rent of two meas ure 1 "What Is that? he aked, In his u ual Ill-natured tone, ! "Mr. Director," aaid the pupil. "I wished to pr'xiuce an effect which I thought cou d best I e prixduced l y aileoce " "An, you thought It would prriduce a good eflectupoo tbe audieoce If you auppreased two meaaure." "Yea ir." i "Very good. Suppieas the rest, tbe ffact will ba better tilL" ! Mra. Kigg Tommy, bare rou beao at tbe sugar bowl again ? Tommy i Maw. the ausar auaation la entirely too dellcata to be approached fo oarh a aotfdoa mao oar. Philadelphia la ,olrr. MAN IN THE MOON. fUld tbi ltisi iln, on a but aftrr- uu n, yf: ak"! What a lot of iin'ke Sorn little folk make ou Th Mn lo fh Moon! Hut px.pl. that'a bVn up fo e him. Iik nie, Ari'l call on him frjii.-nt .nd intiiiiiitly, Murhf drop a few fact tfcat ayuld inter est juu Otn! Through! - If yon wanted 'em to--S.ine R.tual fuel thai tnitlht Intel' you! O, The Man in TheMm h a t ru k in hi brt k! Wheel Whiiiini! Ain't you norrj for him? And a inolenu hi lose that l plirj'le am) Ida. k. And hi eve lire o weak that they water a ml run If he dr.- to dream ev o 'iK.k at the Mill - S) he je' lin ain of la , tlif dm-ter ad vis- Mi : lAes! H it isn't he w is.. To j. ' ill. am of iar. a the d.jctori adv im1 ? And the Man in the Moon lia a te.il on In i-ar WllH-l Whine! What a ninsnlnr thing! I know ! but tin e fai t nr.- authentic, me ih-.ir - There a Is.il on hi ear: and a crn on hi chill He calls it a dimple- hut dimple !irk in - V-t ir iiiighl I- a dimple turned i.o-r, you knew! Whang! II . Why, rejtairdy 'i! It inik'l.t l- a diinple turned ever, you kll'iw! And The Man in The Moon ha a rheu ma tie Lin. ;.-c! Whir.! What a pi'y thitt i! And hi I'm- hai- w..rks round wlu-re hi heels Ollllht I'l I' -Si wli.ie-v.-r he want to go North he ,;,,. H.,tith. And isiine bek with pirridgn-cninib all round hi ne iith, And he bruhe them nf with a Japanew fan, Whii.g! Whottn! What a marvel. m nisn! What a very remarkable eiarT-lmi j mini! I And Th Man in the 2uV.. iigh'-J the Ifus-K'siy Man! : Oils! ! So! , S'.iMonesu.n,... joti know--l'p Il.-re by hlse'f M-jrc er-alii'll 1- K'.n! - ' That when 1 roll on him and then come I Bvmy. i He grni. nie nd hold me and l-ir me ( to stay - j Till well! if it wasn't fer Jimmy-cunt- jiui, j idd! 1 l.imh! j I'd gn pardner with him J.-' jump my job here mid I pardner with him! Jme Whit.s.mb Itiley. IjHVONI) KIX'ALL. Most men fancy that the wedding march from "Iheiigrlu." however hackneyed It run y In-, m.-aiis, In their own i -a e. a triumphant entry Into heaven. Thl tory I worth telling only liecniihc the mail lu the raw win terribly i-ertain that In bi v-.di:ig-limrch he vu ln-artug hi eoul'a funer al note the fanfare of the devil usher ing hilll Into II hell on earth. Add hi Mnile, is be walked down (he nisle with her, was not u pleasant thing to watch. Although evetl Id own . hfid n. n calb-d li i lit hahdsidiie. IP- v i tali, and atrulght. mid brown; hi mus i le were goinl mid bi moral were good -a iii'mIciii moral go. At b ust they were when the U-giiiiiiug was of I hi end. In thoe circle thai curried him iikui their swirling i!dh-, tliis young man was lllillicliwly liked, lie talked Well, he danced well, and be won prij- nt teiiii!. Moreover, he wa In great fa vor In The Mlltce. The Olliee rnnsM. ered him one of Its most trustworthy otfielal, and promoted him in delight ful dlMircord with hi years. I It to be wondered at that women Mil I l.-d Ujton him ' The Millie of woman! Who bus weighed the worth, the We- of III Kt kle feminine, Minding the eye t Ueuaoii; rebounding, often, in strange and v.. ful transformation ti-in iw owner! Had she but aciised the aadiieaa of her amile' rebound, would this girl have smiled timii this iiinn? Who knows? She was a woman and who knows? What one does know Is that some how. In Iietweeti tbe let tent he dictated and tint words with which she handed him the tyise-w rltten document, bo lost her smiles sod her heart to him. Aa for him, he noticed It and be smiled back ut her-ami also to himself. For he told himself In the formula of tbe modern nietroHillM that she hm utterly Imitosslblr, except by way of pnaslug amusement. She waa-well, one ha hardly time to Ixire the world with a minute description of jui H ,ttl sort of girt she was; that would take a three-volume novel of tbe ltrltlsli tyoe of Tupperlsni. Thousand of Just aura glrla come up from little country biwu every year to go Into city ohVea; they earn tbelr livings; they marry; they die; they are awallowed up. Whence they come or whither they go, who carea In the metropollaT And ao the man amtjeed hlmaelf. In tbe beginning the Creator made man King, aad nature haa not rhanged her pbyatcaJ la we to accommodate the New Woman. Hn what had been amnaemeot n Ik man pr-eiiily lM-auie, for tin- woman, a Uilfortune. Tbe dream of bliss, tbe delirium of present Joy, the) all were gone; ihere wa left a dull heartache, and the pain of murdered hopes, and the w istful, tearful wonder futurewnnL What pleading idie rniploy.il. what j l.iirs were he, one cannot say; whit ! st.-el of wdtUhue held hark the vials j of 111 pity, only tleme ran know who . have mt'ii tbe city' siu-r a It teaches j worldlliirB to Its Inhabitant. And i. f,,r this time and this re- cltal. the girl passed out and ofT the J Mai:.-, to 1 4 swallow.-.) up In the great ; my stertoii web of tangled skeins that j II" iH-hlnd the city smoke. She bad ) i.ve-I Him b, ami It bud Ih-cii r.-.iiite. ' unto her And ( all her love, wit), It sdr sacrltice and Its wounds, and It tear, there remained tin sign - save Just one letter, ii pathetic arrawi, the ibs -mucin of her heartache. - lie put the letter Into the wsket of hi dress coat, sighed a little, frowned, mid plesently put on hi gloves to escort one of hi own set to a dance. And with the reading of that letter the episode seemed to have passed away. The King had amiis..l himself. In the iiieiinw bile, and afteiwnrd, there were many lu his own set who thought fondly of this young mini. Perhaps he wa engaged to one. -r-hnps to more; nowadays thnt sort t contract is made of such iilry material us to ! iilmost Intangible Kut there was one girl In particular w ho said to herself that he would rapture this Voiing man, or know the reason why. Opinion was divided about thl girl. Some said she wn n genius, other derlared her to ! deceitful and Ill tempered. Itoth Were rlghL r-'he play ed the plate, with such splendid tech nique u to make her absolute lack of feeling the more remarkable, ami In i lie poKMssioti or that one col, I ami heartless tab tit she had rscii-, almost all the other virtues. Mie bad a t.-m- ( per like that of all lb- furies pit Into , es.-nre; be hml a liercenes of Jeal- ' otisy that awoke at ntotii and devour- ! ed day. I'.ut tie-,. .r defe. t were , known only to her father ami mother, j Whose endowment they were. ' The only llnllty she showed to Ibis J young man was an admirable amla ! bility. Mhe was swoetin-ss Itwlf when- j ever he vt as near her. f As for hilll, be allowed billlef to ' drift Into a certain tacit ad oration of , her. lie wa. r fellow, very fond j of music; the glamour of thl girl's j growing reputation Minded him with j It promise. a.f mother ske of a j trip to KurojMv Hhe played lu every- j bjidy's .Ira w Ing room. He played with i the Idea of coll.lleritlg her. I And then, again. It ..liic over him j that be did not love this gfrt - all; J that she merely faiiintei him with I a cold glitter of mechanical talents. ' He rcw.hcd to Ioom-Ii the slight, luntg- i Itied tl.-s that hoj., on her part, had btlllt l't H ell t In-Ill. j Pursuing this liiSenti.iii. be grew chi : er. Clever a she was, she Hotbed the ; (linnge at once. Hut, clever thoiii.ii i she wa. ll" VVIl Ilol clever ellollgh to ' fillister her telliT. in e or t Ice. ,i,y, j several time, she showed him a spirit he had formerly never dreamed of in In r; she disclosed her r.-al, hyena- ! like nature. She Implored, nnd iljeji she stauilKil her foot mid swore to be revenged. ftut she hud tio hold on him. He j shuddered and smiled, alternatively, j a he thought of what he had ecuM-d. Hut l ate I like the cowlx.y; she ' Sometime gives II II glHl deal of rope, but she usually brings u up ' with II Jerk when We least cl,M-et . To thl young man the jerk came at a ball. She was there, thl girl who wanted him. ami, not lo seem t., cold, be v, a sitting out a dance with her. i They talked lightly, flippantly, an people who In ll.-ve nothing they say.; lb- t.Kik out hi hatidker. hi. f to f!ei k ; K..IH,. diiM off ids coat, a slight slip of j pa;r escapcil with the kerchief. Hut- i t.-rlli sil.-Iitly tisiil her di-.-ss, She corsied II with her fan and sl!pi-d her bund upon It. When be got to her room that night, she unfolded 11 crumpled piece of noli- - puM-r and read them, word addressed to the iiiiiu hhe wanted the man who wauled to make her understand h via tln-d of h.-r: ' " by did jon hot come as you prom Ised? Il wa terrible, terrible! I wa alone. s.i forsaken! Vou bud prom ld to Im- thel'e, to help me bear the news that I feared to hear; and when the doctor had told rue the worst, you ' were not there. In the dark, alone, I walked home, w jtb the an fill surety of i my fault heavy on there to help me! me. ami you -ii..t OlOl IM-CU there. It would have been easier! Put now - now that you have failed lue so, I I feel that Joti have put the shllhle Up. j on me mid shirked the Weight of If. i The doctor say It must be! Oil, If 1 j had Is-eu able to tell yn tlutt then, to h'ear your comfort! Put you left me, j nt that hour, alone-alone to bear my j sentence of shame, alone lo tlud my home In sorrow "How could you -oh, how "could yiur . . . There wa mor.. Q that strnln, dis jointed and heartrending. It wa the anguished agony of Is-traya! grown e.tient. And underneath wa a girl' signature. The girl, having rend the note, forked It away In an escritoire. Then she smiled unpleasantly, and, remarking to herself thnt jx-ople were fool not to burn alt letter, she drew the curtain. Armed w ith thl damning knowledge, ur of hi fear for 1,1 reputation In the world ey. she tbereujsin pro ceeded to prove to thl young man that, nolena olena, he waa caught He must marry her or, she held tiie alternative in her hand! Khe had ascertained all the detail, aim had all tbe rirruin etantlal, to aay nothing of the docu mentary evidence. Expoaure aa a libertine or, np the a tela with beraeff. Caaght, like a mole lo a trap, ha hast bwallttkataiaatthabara. 1 fi that, not Joti afterward, real i trt-rfi-ctly the oott of a human d. I.m was tying himself to, picturing I Idly the aafalilc ragea be knew be puble of, the hideous jealousies llie.niiiejM-s of her ll. tie walk. the aisle of a rhiircb with her to i her hi Ife l!nt bis smile was, as ha tseo not pleasatit. Man Kranrlsvi Argo ) TELEPATHY IN INSECTS fSomc Kemarkat.te Instance of Hi H'itl'il Kenwu. ' Can It ! that bug are endowed it wonderful sixth sense T Prof.- V. Itiley think be ba discovered - factory evidence of telepathy anioi i s.s is that I to say. a sixth sen which they ar able fo iiimitiuti Id.-a fr-.ui one to another nt gre i t.-im-e. The isiwer. as lllutraf- the .use llsillt to Is mentioned lletlll.V dep'nd not UKUI sight of i r hearing. The fact that man is to transmit sound by telegraph a iiist.ilitam-oi'sly around the gloU Kitggest something of this subtle p. ' ev. n though It furnishes Uu ei ; tlofl thereof I Hi. e tljsill time Professor Till. tn rilianthti tree In bis front Thev suggested to him the Idea i taiiiing from Japan some .gg , allanlhti silk worm. He got a and hatched them, rearing the ! and w niching anxiously for Ihe a; , mice of 'be l)rt moth from t! ris.ii. He put all of the moths In tie wicker rage and hung It tip . ibsir on -ne of the allaiithii 'I I, is w i a female moth. On tie evening he t'ik a male moth to a l, r) a mile and tl half away and ! p .... having previously tied n thread n round the bus.. ,,f his ah to secure Sllbse.pieht bb iit Itb a t i. -r,.f, ,r Hlb y' purism- lu t! , f,,r ,,,.,,,,-e u a to find out If the ; j ,,,.,(,. ,,,! the fetiial- muth would together for the purioe of i, they bdiig In all probability tl -liise.ts of their si--les within t in. e of hundred of miles, ev - only the other possessed by Pr .'l ISil.-y hilliseif, Thl power of .. null other had previously marked In these Inserts. Ill th. sure enough the male was found the raptlvc female the next lie. The latt.-r had Iw-ell able to attri: former from a distance of a mile half. Ti e IMid Hog of ArOoio When tie- Into T I ii . Hill n Illytl, try Ing to sc'tle a -ol.iny at Ir.lo five iiille Is bnv Yuma, on the do, le- s. nt dow n a large nun, very line full blooded Il.-rkshlr Poland i 'hlua pig, and turti'-d lisis,- on tiie banks of the rlv. IaT-I'i. where they lived on the grass.-, w.....s. tub-s and m. I litis, bled and mul'lplle.1. U. and tilled the low and tub- Ian.! a larg- iiiimher or hue .rker seeing a human Is-iiig except n tiii-n n Ion.- liidiiin, thi-y s.m.ii ' lid. and w lld.-r still, and s Until tie-low land and wissl w .f them, Notv.ithstafidltig that the slaughtered the little one In liuiiilM-r, they have Increased . I estimated that nt the preset tln-re are mop- than t.-n tle-u. th.-m roaming up and down II.. rado atid Ib.rdie lllv.-r. fr..n mouth up a high a the tide r from sUly live to seventy m!b the Ctilf. Tbelr range give th- finest of fee! will sweet p. tub , slay rob, calm, (h ad tnrl seaweed along t!ie river bank tide. They nr.- unmolested, ec. nnd theii by a hunter who pi, way down the river Mot of fer give the wild swtne tt wld t except now atid then us th.-y to spy a hie.- litiie roaster on tl and w it hia easy !;!e sled. Humors of 'be Poor, ' oiihtiy .Ps tois are to U ri all of ti.ein have experience a . Ing a thus., d.-criu-d lu the N'., Lumber of the Corahill Magaz! otie -a-.. the d.H tor found woman tolling fo hi door w lib l .ud of jw.iat.-. "Tn ke "em. take em, sh. said. liiaghuuH "H hat Kii'h the srrlliltircs? I pobit.s on the il. tor, and tb had th. ni aft. r many day- ! about ( hrlsUiia time," l,e nd ly, and, with obvloll glee at geiiioti inetbinl of insurance the pr.vat.oii of ViuUf, old hobble,) off. Thin same old ladv, when de til t-d said "she ilhln'f etn. j to I,...,,,.,,, but wherever she ,,,,, 1 ,..., ...... I i ,,. '" " - ""'" "" Another woman lost h-r bf The doctor found her tearful Inconsolable. "Ah! jss.r Jbl said "My good man! Kb! II grateful to you. d. tor, but It's j the linj iiKik the case Into j blinds " An old -(uple fell UI, of old getber. The husband dl.l. w ife hud more vitality. On the! lowing her husband death I. ....... is-ner, niui ine in lor wa r laung nimiMdr on the ucrd treatment. Hut the womao' new wa uinerent, hbe Coli bitterly; for. a she forcibly out, "Kf .'( me alone onel 'ud 'a' done for u wo, an' hs It 'II cost now, lsrrylng two of ratelyT Which Waa the tlral A gissl an example of burnt! tire a could easily be found vealed In a remark made by a n waa recently run over on the a cabman. The Injured man waa aak knew the cabman's number, awered; "No, I couldn't aee; bat I g with the brute. Jmrt as be waj away I hit his boras a faarf wiu mj cane, ajM I ahoalda'C tf it wom lajaa Uar JIP" tl ltd Udr Ld! etC Luof he Vvl it rb And ill -d n rfTtV t ..ft! M the onh kaulj t Irptndir ,'fU ly I lac Or IEDI riALD I I W. L. ?, Wl Jvl.-rt If HMVI .- J1,1, r , ( 7'' luni i srii we. i " , t U.. V li t jNtwi,!.. i Mi.l asiJL' 5fe V -3