J. , II 1, i ( V, I AGRICULTURAL NEWS A DEPARTMENT PREPARED FOR OUR RURAL FRIENDS. Umm W Cu BapMJr Improra d Hstms -iMflal Apntas u rr la Wtatar ZnUala School Pro tela. la tbe construction given In agricul tural Journal regarding the com xoajKjin of well balaned ration for live tiuck, the word protein frequently ocean. AU farmr may not clearly comprehend tbe mining of the word. IrjWu la defined by Prof. Armsby aa a ujiit given to an Important group of an balances, of which w ashed lean nt'il or the white of egg ma; be taken aa tlx- type. Tbey all contain about 16 pt-r orDL of the element of nltro gi, which la entirely lacking in the (hjvs- oLhrr substance, water, aah and fat, cumiKing the body of an animal. mjui art remarkably similar In their ZiMral propertle. Tbe organic iart mt bone, the ligament and muscle wtiVh bind together and more the feoaea, tbe akin, the Internal organ a, the brain and nerve In abort, all tbe working machinery of the body, are uwpued very largely of protein. Omaequttntly, thin group of substance la of great importance, and a due sup V7 of It In the food, particularly to arrowing anlmala. la lndlapenaable. ( 1 Facta About Com, Cow "In milk will consume nearly per cent, more water than the aame w when not giving milk. The New York Experiment Station at Geneva faucd as aa average of several breed bt each cow drank 1.039 pounds of ' lcr and consumed 547 pounds more la food per raaoth. During lactation ' tbe a rem ire per month waa 1,VH ' pound drank and 774.8 pound con awned in food. The pound of water consumed for each pound of milk produced were aa fallows: Ayrshire -36. tJuerosey 5.r7. Holatelns 4.43, Jerseys 5 21, Shorthorn 5. Hoideniess IVvoa 4.H2. making an averag pound. The need of an abua r dance of water la evident i J Charcoal for Corn-Fed Hog. 1 A diet wholly of corn 1 very hard M le If food doe not digest In the lacb It must aonr. for It tempera- Is alwayt at W degree, which la eitreme heat for a summer's day. Wiwn aourlng of tbe stomach occurs, it as remedied by feeding charcoal. Th; ft not, however, a permanent remedy. The charcoal 1 carbonaceous, and therefore the larger part of It I like 1h eorn. it 1 the potash mixed with it ' Zttat corrects the acidify. But tbe bet- ler way is not to let the sTmnach jet 1 assjr Keed wen the fattening hoc j asjrne line wheat middlings with milk ' and a few sliced beet dally. Thin will ' aerp their digestion good, and when food digest It doe not aour on stomach 'Iteatorlna Worn-oat Land. There la a great denl of difference In fa character of "exhauted soil." .'Ho(im i really all tin t thew- words 'm js)y. li w low In texture, and root of crop have no trouble going through it, an hmg a there In anything for tliem a get i here in anotli-r soil containing sewrh clay, witicii when jmrtly eibaust wti of vegetable tnattcr locks Itself Into rloda. atiich root cannot penetrate. Aaalyis will show a considerable de- j re of fertility in this land. It Is nu- Or tuot benefited by timWdralnliu. Tmat with clover will bring the soli In ur two years w, it will produce aod tTopN. The light soil also nevds , arrow clover to Increase the vegetv Mr matter In the soil. Usually, bow rrer, when the vegetable matter la ex aanated on sandy soil It needa a dress sag of potash or lime or both to enable It to grow a catch of clover. It will probably need repeated applications of fbewr mineral nntll the land ha grown orreiwive crops of clover, and ha thua Increased It store of vegetable matter m Ux sod. French Horaa Breed in a. Jan. 1, 184, the total number of ataniuaa In the National Ilaraa roue to ZC78 head, and was composed In following manner: I"ure-bred Eng Usi. VXf. Arabs, 87; English Arab. 307; half bred, l,8ifl; draft horses. This number will Increase pro grisssvely for alx years. The number animals In the national establlah saenia rose 100 In W.t2, and fifty In liKJ; tbla Increase will continue by fifty every year ontll 1000. It ban been calculated that the produce obtained aa torn year by the aid of the national ataJIiona reached a total of 12fl,WiO Tbe report state that except on occasions the importation of for- ixn boraea has progressively dimin ished for fourteen yenrs, while expor tation baa Increased. The following akowa the two extremes of this setiea at fourtaen years: In 1HH0, Ira porta -tiona, 15,174 bend; exportatlons, 9,628; ma. ImporUUons, 25.209; expiru thsaa, 24,121 animals. Belgium bought rise largest number (13,000) of anl saala; taen came Oennany with 6,430; and then Switzerland with 2,474. gives us some Idea of the Euro- horse trade. Here we see horses by the thousands, and with our liFWHKJ horses we do not raise them oasl eootigb to go Into that market Wttk oar facilities for breeding and lajatag good horses we might send fljhip loads of high -class horses at bbj to all the European countriea French Government hara is oat all breading stallions but tfca baat; Ttteristary ImapectJon is drlr tsaf mt all tba aaaoaii4 stslUoas; thoa tt H Oa bsttsr dssss of draft aad esseb lonta la rraaM ars bv llterlni L4t w brl Idly Improve our horses Wrstsrn Agriculturist Keeping Apple la Winter. To have apple and pear keep In good condition in the winter season It ta necessary to atart with sound fruit The practice la to leave winter fruit hang on tbe tree until freezing weath er la near at band. With ua thU la about the first of November Tbe fmlt must then be carefully picked, that none of It be bruised, if It can be apread out In a cool room for a week or two, until the "sweating- I over, so much the better. After this the fruit may be barreled and placed in any cool cellar, the cooler the better, If It be de sired to keep the fruit a long as posst ble. When In barrel, more air may be permitted In the cellar than otherwise. In cellars almost airtight, or where the air la slightly damp, that tbe fruit will not wither. It may be spread ont on ahelvea two or three layer thick, and In this way It will keep very well, floch apples a Men I hi vis, Kidge Pippin, ked Komanite. Baldwin, etc.. can be kept until spring In eucn a place, provided the temperature can be kept low. TVhen dry air flows freely through a fruit cellar the contenta spoil. Tbe fruit loee It moisture andhrlv;lt away while still Immature, and many a good kind becomes denounced by thoae wbo fill to ripen It because tbey penult It to shrivel away in aottie plae unnt for preservation of fruit in winter Koine of our good quality winter tears can be kept In tbe way described: Tbe Mollnea, Lawrence, Winter Xella. awl ottaern.and even tbe Vicar of Wakefield are of this list. The cool temperature oken of I recommended for the fruit which ! to be kept a long a bile. Aa ox,n aa anpply of ripe fruit ia wanted, it rami be taken from the cool hotiae to a waruMTone. but still It should be free from air. Clone clowt In a warm room ia a good plac for It There a re always among fruit some which display aigna of ripening before others, and these should be tbe one selected to be taken to the ripening room. By selecting in this way, ripe fruit of some kind can be had all wluter long Practical Fanner. Weed Heeds la W eater a Ha. There was a time when Western farms were comparatively clear of weeds, but the slack cultivation given to corn grow n by tbe hundred acre left always some weed that eacaped th' horse cultivator. After a time weeds became so plentiful that the corn crop waa greatly lessoned and baa become unprofitable. Tbea the land waa seed ed down, and Western baled hay began to come east ward. Mruta of this la f all of weeds, ripened and ready to shell their seeds. We know farmers who have introduced bad weeds unknown on their laud before by purctiaalug ma nure from city stables where Western baled hay la nited. We may In this way Introdwe the KuHnlan thistle, though on cultivated ground where roanare Is used tijat la not so dangerous as It Is where a chance seed may fall apon some neglecb-d spot w here It will rtpen Ita seed before It Is seen. Exchange. The Farm aa a Training Rchool. It remain true eveti to-day that the farm is the chief and bent school for the training of oipable men that exist In this country. It la otherwise In Euro;', where one doe not find a class corre- sponding to the independent American ' farmer. But with us the fnrmer Is a j sujierb trainer of boys. Ills bids atv I learning real things, while the town boy a too often are merely studying In the books tbe pale reflation of thing. The farmer boy knows early about land and soils, alvut crops aud their rotations; about the seasoua. the wcath- ,r, ani Hiicut of lbe wkr. He grows UI i falI1iiHr acmalntanre with sni. mals. He owns a dog; be ha a favor ite horse; be ride wild colts; he feeds the homed cattle. He helps In the planting and In the harvesting. He la usually versed In wood lore, and knows trees, plants, squirrels, rabbits and groundhog. He hunts with a gun and goes nulling. He develops superb health. He helps repair the fence; be learns about tools, and masters tba complexities of farm machinery. In short tba range of bis practical krtowl edge becomes very great Albert "haw, In Review of Reviews. Hceda and Hhcatea. Your home tells the stranger what yon are. What kind of a reputation doe It give you? The man wbo works all th week ought not to worry on Kunday. Worry Is the hardest kind of work. Hard time are not made any better by brooding over them and whining about them. It Is better to smile than to slgb any time. Half our evils are imaginaryand most of the other half preventable. A modern philosopher once said that tbe man who worked for nothing and boarded himself, hardly ever earned more than he got "Well fed I half bred" 1 a true say ing. No man ever starved money out of live-stock. If you make companions of your children, you are laying up a store of comfort for your old age that will re turn a very large Interest on the Invest ment , Most of hired men have souls, but some employers treat tbem aa if they bad not Nothing paya better In the way of returns than to treat the hired man aa If be were a human being. A ward of praise now and then makes work much easier for the man. Somebody baa said, "Yon must feed your fans If yon want It to faad your and Into Is true. I f on keep taking off yoor farm and never pat anything back, 70 ar braadlng poverty for rear eaOdr. Whs re, tea t cow, sell tba poorest am fa bars, bat don't waar that aba tofMbaotaata, It Is pretty bard to do Cfe, bwt H eaa bs atot, ud oa wUI si be am for K WORN BY THE WOMEN SOME Of THE VERY LATEST IDEAS IN DRESS. Great Variety of Collarettea oa New Uawna-Hodlcea Nut He Ikaintilr Contrived -For Mark Csed aa Trii aiing--Gr; Aatrakaaa I Popular, Dtai Faahioa'a Decree a. New l'rk Cvmapusdesc : Al.MMJ In nura bers snd variety with every show lug of new gown are th collar ettea that top them. From simple b s n d of ribbon fastening at the back nn der two little frills to an affair that is almost an entire toilet In it self, there are lit erally hundred if Intermediate novelties for the em belliabtnent of costume and wearer In th shape of bands, pufferies, bows. and flddlededeea of all aorta, and all may be called collarettes. Old-fash loned lace collar, round at the back and coming to points at tbe front. Are set on stocks, tbe space between tbe front points of tbe collar being filled with gathered chiffon over satin to match the stock A fold of velvet drawn In many soft crinkles about the neck fastens at tbe back under a huge pair of fan like loops. At the lower edge of the colls r In front Is fastened a fan of chiffon. A yard and a quarter of five-Inch chiffon Is needed. This 1 doubled and drawn In at the centre under a buckle or a fold of Itself. Scores of these collarette models are put forward Invitingly and are grablted A FBOJCT "fDE H1QHLT WROt'ORT. np quickly, too, for the bodice now moat be daintily contrived, and If some unosnal effect Is only Included In It It is liked all the mora If a neck At. (ng Isn't obtainable then almost any sort of oddity will ds- as well, only, aa ha been explained, seek scresaorte are more abundant Turn to the Ini tial Illustration for a grod sirhatttote. The novelty here la In the vest, which is of the skirt material dotted velvet and over the buat spread In two small but conspicuous revera. Thereat of the bodice Is of brocaded satin; It la worn inside the skirt, and Its jacket fronts are ornamented with' huge pearl buttons. , Now and then a bodice Is seen whose ornamentation Is so elaborate and on so grand a scale that It seem necessary to have Ita pattern extend on to the skirt below, otherwise the full effect of the design cannot be expressed. Ra con trived Is the bodice of the second sketch. Here the materia la are A ma son cloth and liberty velvet, the bodice being plain In bark and cornhtg Inside the skirt Its cloth front Is pleated, and tbe velvet yoke showily appliqaed. Bows of ribbon set off the collar, front and waist, and the applique design of the yok appears on the sleere cuffs. and Is repeated In magnified form on the skirt below. - The sleeve paffs ar from th cloth. Rut for the applique. the cloth skirt is entirely plain, and the whols I a very handsome gown. It could be made even more rich by making the sleeve entirely of velvet In the fur-trimmed example that th artist presents here, the pelt I not only rt'KKED IN JOINTS. used to ornament the bodice, bat ex tend over the skirt from waist nearly to bain, tba strips meeting and Imtbv ttoff a long, harp-polBtsd oversklrt OolaVrD-bfowB broadcloth la tba dress atosT, th far la wool seal, and tba skirt Is stein la front nod la godst piaata at th back. Th bodies Is pUta and tbt tttng both bach and front, and oa Ita front only there I produced 1th th fur th effect of a double pointed yoke. A band of fur mark th Juncture of sleeve puffs and ruffe, and a boa of it protects the throat Tbe rang of price for tbe different fur offered In these trimming strip 1 great so that everyone ahould be suit ed. Nearly all of them are dresay and handsome. 8ome of them. Indeed, are wore suitable wben tbu liced up thau otherwise. Astrakhan, for Instance, except aa an embellishment or flnlsh, does not look rhesp. It Is suitable only for elderly women of very quiet Uun. snd for u h look ell lu aiui'le ix or even In whole cloaka Kor younger wearera of stylish pretentions, skirt- DECOB4TI01TS FRO TUB FLaATlMO FHAME. less short Jacket with velvet or luolre sWves may be made of It, sucb little double breated affairs In-lng always Jsoutlly becoming to any figure that Is not too stout For facing of collars snd the edging and flnUb of cloth gowns, the fur alway look well. There Is an effort to revive the popularity of gray astrakhan. Nothing in the world I w trying to th complexion of the av erage woman In winter aa this fur, and lu revival ta almost enough to wir rant advising women wearing It In summer If tbey must abow their admir ation for It Women have good reason to raise up their hands and cry, "I-oug live the plain skirt and fancy waist"' It is a fashion from which can be worked wonder of economy. A woman hav ing one skirt of black satin, velvet or moire, and another of Ivory satin, brocade or moire, both cut Just right, witn great organ pipe fold at the back, a well setout hem all around and a general stiffness and crikpnek to tbe whole, will be equipped for all but the most formal affairs. If she has a well-cboen outfit of fancy waist. Sometimes, wben the hue and cut are comparatively quiet, very Jaunty effect are produced by this fashion. An example of It Is portrayed by th fourth picture, wherein Is depleted s Jilting costume of black satin. The waist lias a foil front gathered at the neck and belt, and btark velvet collar, belt and shoulder knots. It 1 com- AM EIOHT-gROT bODICK. pleted by accordion-pleated epaulette and baaqus of black tnousaeline d sola. The plain skirt is pleated In back. With this Is sketched a hat that Is de signed to accompany the drsaa, with which It 1 In tasteful accord. There Is a low crown of black wings, the edges toward tba outside, and tbe gar niture consist of knots of pale blue velvet back and front two upright wings, and a fancy black aigrette. 8pnlh hats are much worn, even by very staid-looking folks, but th latter type Is not at her best wlib a torredo hat aslant her head, and cocked out of line by a row of brilliant rose or a fold of velvet set next ber hair on on side. The yonng and pretty girl looks, per haps, a little bit too daubing In the aarae style, but that I not now deemed ob jectionable. One trick that I especial ly expressive of challenge ia that of westing th hat whose brim upturn, anyhow well Iwck upon the fore' cad. The next and final picture shows one of this sort In this Instance It consist of a wire shape covered with blue vel vet, and trimmed In front with ostrich plujne and an aigrette. Beside till: flat, the picture shows a simple and nstty lilu serge gown. In It an entirely plain skirt la topped by a blouse wsist thst fssten st the side, and la ornamented on the left shoulder with three satin knots. Klmllsr knots are used to drape the sleeves, and also appear oa the folded satin belt Tbe folded collar baa a larger rosett in bach. Oo7 right. ISM, Taw proportion of whites ha la rsanjfl sai l that of oolorad population baa aacraaaaa at aa k esaawagoaptlaaT thoaa takao In ISloaai lam t baU CHINESE SUPERSTITION. Aa Artist's Kipniesct la Palatini an , Old liuddblat I'rleat. r Crowds of jieple assembled as w arrived at tbe Inn. Just before suuw-t and among others I spotted tbe tine bead of an old Buddhist priest, says a writer In the Fortulgttly Review. Af ter a long confabulation and a few strings of cash, which pasaed from tuf pocket Into his hand. I a able to In duce blin to sit for bis picture and I dashed off a sketch in oil before he bad time to change bis uilnd. I'nfort unately the large crowd that had gath ered around, especially the women folk, seemed to scold blm and talk an grily at him for bis silliness tn sitting, owing to the strange notion that pre vails In China -and. In fart, nearly all over the East -that If an image I re produced, a soul has to be given to it and that the person portrayed baa to te the supplier of It at his own expen. Tie venerable old Buddhist priest who waa nursing hi "cash on bis Up while being Immortalised on a wooden panel, and bad a carloua twinkle In his eye, as If he knew better, resisted bravely for some time and sat like a sUtne, but finally had to give In. You will die." cried an old woman at blm; "I saw your soul coming out of you and go Into the picture. I did, re ally; I saw it with my own eyesT "Ko did I ." cried a hundred other voices In a chorus. By tbe time tbe t.rtest had got np they had half convinced him that at least balf bis soul had really gone oat of him; but had the soul fone or not, be would go and take tbe cash for safe keeping to bis borne first and complain and ask for tbe restitution of hi lost property afterward. He wa a sen si ble man. Po was I, and knowing what waa coming, the moment be had gone I went into the room and packed the sketch safely, then took another clean panel and smeared It over with the scrapings of ray palette to ihow him In stead. In rase he would com back and wish tbe picture destroyed. Twenty minutes had hot elapsed when be w back again, of course without the "cash." holding hi stomach and com plaining of Internal agonies. "I am going to die," he cried, the mo ment be saw me; "yon have taken away half my soul!" "Certainly I have," said I, stemly "Ton did not expect me to give you all that 'cash' for lews than half your soul. did you T' "tih. no! but I wish It back, as I feel so bad now without It" "All right," snld I, "I shall go In the room and destroy the Image I did of you; will yn then be satisfied T' "Ves." Here the other panel, smeared with palette scrapings, was produced, after making pretense at destroying It with a knife, and never In my if have I seen an ejpreiwlon of relief to equal that of the priest. He bad not felt half bis soul so tiitich going out of him, but he certainly fell It coming !ork again. He could swear by It. He was now fierfertly well agnln! This wonderful cure gave us all a very busy eveulug All th villagers who had complaint of any sort came to u to in- restored to health. A leper who had lost sll his fingers wished me to make them grow again; and a pitiful case of a HKr child, only a few month old, was brought up. whose mother. while busy stirrlug boiling water In a big cauldron, had dropped the child in by mistake. He was so badly scalded that I am afraid, though I tried to re lieve his pain, the poor child cannot have lived more than a few hours. Landed KeLatee la Tbla (Viantry. There are cause that operate against the feKllflllly of establishing ami maintaining for auy length of time large landed estates In this country. The condition here ar very different from those existing In England. Kng llb land holdings are generally pro ductive. There Is a considerable ten antry on every estate that bring In an nnual revenue sufllcU-nl to maintain the property. In America the landed estate are generally unproductive. To main tana iheui requires sn enormous annual outlay. Tbey should be con sldered. therefore, a luxuries that can be safely enjoyed only by persons of vast wealth during tbelr life time. A legacies tbey prove to be lnrnm bra nit I bat root a small fort a no to maintain and that are very hard to turn Into cash. The late Ihivld Dow appreciated this when he remarked to a friend that although be wa worth lo,i)00,0fio, he could not afford to own hi beautiful country plc st Irving ton. When his friend asked him why, be said. "1 have a large family of chil dren. When my estate comes to m di vided among tbetu my country sent will be regardi-d as an nndeirabl legacy With li.(s.,000 It U ,-nnx to maintain! with only f 2,j0.ikiij or $.'Wi,( j w )) prove a burden."-New York Nun. Occupations fur Women. Among the trades is-cullarly suited to women Is that of repairing and riv eting broken glass and china and mend Ing delh-ate fan and ornament. There seem no (KMKthle reason why women ahould not lie employed In Jewelers' shops to repair clicks snd watches, for which deft finger and careful hand ling are essential. Another occupa tion out of which some women make a comfortable living la writing letters for PH.le. generally for scrvsrits and other too Ignorant to write for thetu selves. t se ft r ( rasy I au-hea. Since the short lived "craxy quilt" rage subsided there ba not been much use for bits of silk and velvet which ac cumulate In many household at a rap Id rate. Owe woman eula such scrp Into narrow strl. runs them together on tba wrong side, and makes fancy stitches with tiling on the right Tbey ara thus made Into long strips of bril liant coloring, which ara Joined to fathar with alternato pier of velvet Th whole make a slumber eo trial and la lined with tbla alia. HAD A FELLOW FEELlN A silcssia w no for Owe a a Cabinet tHHrrr. In spite of the fsct that Hi generally some hundred of ap, for each ottW In the gift of an lug aduilulstratloa, occasion!; officeholder tsH-otm-s a willing to tbe illusiou that his abilii of such a transcendent natur. make blm absolutely iidUr to the working of his articu partment and that If anything happen whereby all the chief. away by some besom of destr should become uuable to att their duties, he could carry affairs of the nation. Hucu a ter, say Kate Field's Wand was an old watchman who t keep guard tn the Department tice during th Harrison adm iion. r rom loug association w legal light In the building lleved be had Imbibed a fair s) learning In the law. aud so wh night a telegram sddressed to t torney General come after ho had no hesitancy In opening reading Its message. It asked UJ tlon: "1 a man to be held responsi s crime committed while under fluence of llquorf The watchman pondered ovr message for some time, and tl- ho pondered the more ronvlncJ became that tbe case wa urge that ir immeaiaie action we taken the life of some fellow crJ would te placed In Jeopardy. IM abundantly able to sympatliln- the unfortunate, aa he knew whs influence of liquor waa, and In no doubt th law of the land say he waa not responsible, r que ntly he sent the laconic anrnJ "No, Indeed. John Jooea, In of Department of Jut1ce." Of coume ther waa an lmmj attack on the Attorney Oenern sucb a decision, and the matter to the ear of the department. A veatigalion waa made and the w man suspended for three moot CHEMISTRY IN INDIA. Hons Carlo Ana wen CI van d Uvea la a Written F.samlnatH Tbe uncivilised nation are like rtren in their simplicity and gull ne Every adult know what question a child will ask sod curlou explanations they are In habit of giving. Nothing could ej the child like simplicity of the tlona lately given In an rxamlna! In chemistry held In an Indian terslty. "rSulphur Is a smellfnl gas. Nltr I a remarkably buy ga and is for nothing. Carbon always etU a dark room. There I no living I In the whole world that doe not tain carbon. "(is I made by filling a poker coal and heating It Chlorine botheration to the throat Hydrog J a colorless. Invincible gaa and b Itself without anybody' help. N add i Used In the preparation of rant electricity. It is very bad teachers to pour It on onr band. "Kida Is formed by bearing cnJ oil and potash. Caustic soda Is nw i the manufacture of soda water, this Is used in medicine for purgn purjxwte. Caustic odn I oe-d summer drink. Quicklime I mndi pouring water on staked lime. We eat this substance Ca; It has (lower of digesting food. "Lime Is used as a kind of gum builder to stick brick together. Battle on fiuita. Jn 174H, when Marshal Hax traveling through the low Outiln he came to the town of Namur. in glum. Among other thing which clttxena did In hi honor. Ihey got if battle on stilts. The town was snl to overflows from Uie rivers on side of It and the people, from much of stilts at such time, bad become v expert with them, and often had battle on holldaya. The young men formed themael Into opposing armies, with flags trumpet to make the scene gay. it wa against the rule to use a or weapon of any sort, or to strike wl th fists. Tunchlng with their elb and kicking with tbelr stilt, to knd their opponents' legs from under th were the methods of assault employt In these stilt battles. It was rough sport, tor the comt ants fought a If tbelr live and fi tunes depended on the result: and though no one was ever seriously Jnrod, there were many bruised a and leg liefore a battle was decide' The wives and sister of the combfl ants rliwrwl them on. and hastewd tbe SHMlstance of thoae who fell, hel Ing tbem up again aa noon as tbey hi recovered. Marshal 8axe declared on thr ocH slon of the battle arranged In hi bom that If two real arrale should fig with as much fury sa was displayed I these young fellows on stilt, the battl would deserve no better name than ibi of butchery. Reflected Light. Horn month ago an Engllab man facturer made a number of xrl tuenta to determine the best method Illuminating hi cloth mills. (Iss let! Incandescent lamps and arc lights wei Sll trleci and found wsniln as th either failed to give lleht varnish, sail too much light or cast hesvv shadow! Finally, a continental Idea waa adopt eo. I he wsiu of a room war palnM wnn and under each of a number are light was susmnad a rmAmrt which throw all of tba Ibjht up to Ui wnne ceiling, froai which It wa ectad to tba roan balow. Tbla ayt tB was succaasfal from th oals ad baa atlractad nmiHtiiili attei Ham liniiiia 4 f k m i w iwpaia i no fa Q S