The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, December 13, 1894, Image 7

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:.? tin
L Work and Indigestion go
Hind la hand.
(loel Lr4 -amllrir
;ull, live boy actor, who
many wpi by hi r.,.
, tlia pri i -lain;,, j,,,
Vy, It uw K Ulg U,y,
, ),;t lU" lorever, Io, d.t-
it now at arhool a'lKjrmtf
an2!iirlnif. Amf her -I.iu
ijnntl'-rof" F.Ii4 I., .;,
)jt(i the '., but imlr tciH
, yjn, irti to nuke t.t-r
tlHIIW KVfUl W pep klif
k op
tli:i inrrnwiiijr tr1(if tier
j,r coniha in plain shell m, i
Ld.e ornsmeni on u,e siit-u. I ,e
uIfi detinue tp.ral form, and
Lei ip weeo, gow.
in- not it the theory, but In
ritrjlmtl. White.
U 2 'a. ! fur a 1,1
JO , f J!
L..flri thought, rnntimi'il m T(,t
-n ..i-i. ana tma tt
o! b"l phytcal lt,r
, birf porf rn'Hir ;. nude
pofr pOrt W'.t ,.lfrt)lll( i
hirak Vrrr oft. n th turd.
,, ,n romin; from the . 1-1 of the
t.,!t ' tfHMl in i ft nun -
L-.ll ,.L li,Hir. I., .1. . f-v .
V, b " - ,Kr--, 1 urn
j, (,! mit rnlnmt uwft! m the
,, a' of nil ,.u!1 U m t
to.ilrr. Thr itl . !.inih
,lor!i it mk willi'iiii th- trer
iiii h it f't ffm Uir t,,,.l ,!
Xiic nrtr ale r,i rj.jy
Lk !rue tnry ,! nti g,-t the
L-irti! th' fuur frm l.i, mwI,
yt 151 otjiti i tli..f 1,1 iu mule
rifit the offon,(,i man al
io f-fct b 'I
lf-1 ,iio of r.iiininn "n hi ih'
n ,.( tli Himj.ti an.! tli )ile
Kir' lo th liinr man ih, Hill rn
m(h,ir iml braliti il,".i,, ii (llrn
i f I'irrt-t' ri'.aiM! r.ii'i, ,,
I i'''ir,tta !! h r,f fur 4 (,iq
ami !f I'i't.f. c.,,1,1'1,
.,',r'ry to .ii',w -ii-ivh and
,j,c I '.,! thr " I'. .;. ' .if, (my
,f!ii,ie infrfiii'un ,u. n r iiri'f
kxtl "I all onrniline !ll.,ltrf, a 1 1 jr
fwifnif 1 'jr I ! taken
rft time to fti!" ih' 'i!i(i,ii'iif
ki?-n ann auiiriliiiu -.r l.r j Mr nf
, titrn the ' M' !iwt! I n ,,vf r y "
!ktn in trmnifiil i'urt l. m
k' ! Iwxl iM riiruii u H hj
f'i t "(Km tlir I'liitij nin!liaiia
tffflu, h and !owrt, tomrt u and
itntufi inrm !-r all iiinc in
n.lrni lc-l lUr rftol thr jmr
fr.miiii throtli thr V!r anl th
ff . UallJci an-l trrrit'hrn.-l n,,t
14, n rtit to ! p a !), o rl!r,
nitiinfia aii-I nfiv; tnutmra ilo
tlltrcl all') trt on 111.' f'ril tl, y
dt hf ilth. If tun iit!rr (mm ni'ii
wi'i, iirfvtM(i,. ars'i aiir
tniii rtn fi',ri miiiiirr IiIimJ
irot'lriril Mfim , h vm can ittie
Hit IH J'i-t-- . i.l, I'll M"t l
Lf mhiih ran hr .,I.Um J at any
rfr in the country
! h'T'
Htl'IKK m.-tooilnufl
IihJ f u ,i-iJ un,l wi. him olT
i. HJ t,i) liaii liii.l n,, ....
.... vj
'eri' hi; kin, ui, I m.t i.,..
. , K'liu,
0"f., ituuwi,,,! he atuUi n(ll tmie
.mlii infor,,,, (iv Iti.NiiM or hy Din.a d I(4(1 o(
nil.'!, m t" t caii'ir.
it, nim di-im-d i0 return evil
''Tk'ooil jtnl ilihteifl 0! aujinj; 'i'hmik
v"u ' K h- laii'llawt fur a mncry after-
!' eai-ellctlt IKrt. lO al l. tVr, ,,,!.
n'jrM. an i U-t hpr , h.. ,,.
avury dinner t.r wmie i,m- .:...
i ! !iu 1,1 like to m:: tl1(, !uv i (,ml0
; afc-au. ' ,, however. a:l be ,a'd.
I " I h'-n eoit.e up and dine with tue.''
! rpl'"i lerry i.roni,'.!., . ' xj I am
i ' ir- o i may. I a!n a,lrP ifranriv would
let tlie ari 0U."
I " '.r- .ej;" ,tt,d lielieiidi'ti, un
; " '! to l.e'i Mlilhl.j; at the , hlldinh
, lorm t!. ih nut ion had taken, lint
, tii"ii vo i .... I do no! kilo mur
Uran'iii),a. an I - "
I ' I', . no! traiinv's hu ie, you know:
, it ii.ii, e," an.uounly.
I ' 1 'h. i .,!ilT--illld."
I' i ' I a-k Jou. ' the
a.'a.ii -i--er:.r,L' '.-, u, (,.
! a'.n .i i
; "j :;:':! poor her iiivittn!i. certain
ly, i,e ro'ir'i-ii iflv. ;',!i!y, yo i
I yi. are Ui kind Von do
rot e-, en know my miii,e."
" V".;, ,a'. I r.avi,':'"
! ' li' : 'i len. Hut I will tell you
f an ilo. Mih- t a'iii,U :l 'J
j "iJoii't .-all me Mivi amphell: it
I' ton,
; "if 1
make e 'eel 'ooii-h.
' li .! :n my t-'.A, 1 don t know your
tni'L" I rii'-an vur oth.-r name. '
It h ,
lint no on.- rai n me
tho'ik'ht tie. (Veil
ime. U'hat nrn I
he Inquired aloud.
i'ure. I. very one
it would be
"my every-
; 1"
i eowfort anl impDTement atyj
to pernonal enjoyment
' UeI. many,
i other and enjoy life more, wtia
undiUire. bj more promptly ;
l i, . ..,i,...i in
it U worm u, i-
W. f t,h.ira bein. will alV
alu V beaUh of the pure liquid
lie principle embraced i Ua
tj, i-rrup of 1- if
a.treilrnce t due to iu preaenting
Jortn nt ac-epUble atei pleaa
the Ute, the reJfUiitip; and truly
atrial firotierlie o( a -rfect lal-
t; frertiilly t lein.inft the iTitem, .
VJim cold, headache and feTr
i permartentl euruif toiitifU"n. '
attfirrn aaiuf u tioii t.. million and
l. "lb the appro. l of the med.ral
aWoo, becue it a.-to on the Kid
r.r and IW.w, without weak
Bf them and it la perfectly fre froa
7 rit)rtioiiab! atiUtanc.
Hrup of r'ig. l for bf !l Jnl"
naSOcamifl Utile, but t n.n
Mated by the fal.loruia firf "'P
ilr, whoa naoir ia prioU-d n every
an''-, al the nnie, Myrup of r i.',
.bring well Informed. " '"jt
t(4 o luhatiluie if ofTereil.
f m iv a, r - -
$3.UP0UCt,3 3ouJ.
.i ADica-
Sf NO ( C y'
I W. U Daf lava M OO .
r a.aaar'" '' '""" ,, .
a4iafl.aa' en. r -' !T. !
'.hat -V. eot (Veil
; f r v i.eed i pr.
to call viii . then "
' W n . Jorrj of
1 Very t ' Jerry '' Hut ahenaw ho
wai laua'.'iil.fc'. he wa -o chati'eful.
to w ti'-iiHleal. thla iprite of a chtef-
tairieaa. 'hat one mriineiit
! tnv r.tatle." - mv I1IOOI'.'
i j thin, ann the neat abe wai akln( him ,
I U .-all her ' -terry'" one thint. how
j evor. - , iear that 'ii' nhe akeil
! n-.u-l t- done and ama.ed at hinutelf
, for the reaoine. with which he (ell in
ll h ti,;r huitniin. lieliemicii only hoped
Ml).) adventure wo od proceed ancheer-
' ily at it had U'un.
vveli then, .lerry, wnat am i w un
now ' ' li.-dutifully pna-eeided. "Ami
to yet VO ir rnuaill to hrinj me up with
htrn' ui I to te i him oi invited
me ' '
"If jou . oiiH, do ithout telling hiru
oil 1 couid. of i-oui'h.. Hut why
do you mind' Will von not toll your
iframliiiother'" for it 'ruck nim that
unli-et -onn! one were told, tie could
notver, well accept of aiich haphaz
ard h'wpi'alily.
t )f iimrw I'll tell itrannv. " The
child" y opened. "I tell granny
.everything -ilie dm-mi t matter." ex-
imd tin- candid urandclnlil: anu I
prof. I.
Voppif,..r at m? grandmothers, I
I'i'I'o-e he eutu'eeted at oni-e, with
"""ii-'lit in ho, mind, ttjat
Olit IIIUM lillVU helit ll. l,,.i.ll.,.P..
Il odl'IIIL' 1,11 I.1-. UllU t.
nmro c. li.-, i,i il haunts. if e,
Ilchniur, u a tle won ,1 u u I...
re pe, tui,:t p,a to ,-nd any one to,
anu -.mi., ft - r ti had prol.asl'v
1-el.enden an iutiod u,-j,,ri. ui.d li t
H: louden"., hr-t word., di.M-l;cd the
"Indeed j am not bo huppv." he haid,
careh-iolv. 'I'liere iHWIieie f m .imu
liiU'-' point iim t the wretched lillle
inn at tin- .eat o! the pier. - am on
niy way farther up the lo -h. ami am
'airly . a iL'ht and landed here for thu
want of the mean of piocecdiui.'." lio
then e plu;ried his sad plight more
fjlly. though at'iedini.' to treat tho
whole as a je-t, nd without thrnwinr
out hint or ugrfrfM.:on of any itwnltiio :
amendmetiU "Ob. I hhall do well i
i no .a'h." he eon luded, "and lean get !
on to Kincra j? lirbt thinif to-morrow; I j
owy wieh you would coino and i-pend :
theevetutiif with n.e. t ut you are :
B"injf on to n-iends, I anpiKwe?" j
"To Inchmarew - over there -yen. j
I'll tell you what," said e. il suddenly, t
"'.oil in ut reaily cimie there too. oil i
rnuitt indeed. There in no one but my j
(ra.-dmotlior. .Mrs. Camliell. and my !
cou,;n, a liltie gr. X whom the place !
belong. Mr,. ( umptMdl iH a most bo- I
piianie old lauy. and if 1 were to up
without you. directly told her you
were here, it would only ho a case of
endinjj down the iio-eart atrain at
o.ich. And seethe rain is beginning
airaiu. It Ls tfoiiijf to be a boanily
uiKbt. Vo;! had much better como up
while it. i only un alijfbt as this: there
will be a downpour liy-and-by. I can
ass ire you. you may trust nie that it
will be all right."
"I upon my word, you are too kind."
'Not at ail. I am only mv grand
iiiother'H spokesman. I fere vou. Hec
tor, get out t'awt. HellenUen th'njia
from the Jim, and put them into the
dog dart with ipine. And. I say, tell
Mm. Sfaconoi hie it wilj be ij'l right."
"Hut siipKising the bouse is fyll.'''
"Inchmarew full! Oh. vou have not
seen tio; i a-tle yet. It is a huge place.
Hut ul pee'4 ioy have noliody, for
my iju'iy iji so yolliig that they are liv
ing u quiet. V as tossible.'1
"f TiAe i?,ct yoT.roiflisIn aireiidy, and
she giivi- the permission to lish in tho
sin un. 1 haVC Wl a capital aiter
ii'Kin s tro ting In eons, quonce."
"Have you' I'm glad ot that. If
tho boat had come in sooner. I had
n'.-ant to run ui to some of the high
pools before dinner. I knew the water
wuuid he good."
Your co. hjfl kirully showed me the
high (elkjlti herself.'
"iteallyV Oh. you have met Geral
(lino hore'lf, then- Put the gun-case
In here. Hector, along with in ne. The
liorltuaiicau can go at William'8 feet,
can't it' Anything more,':' Hugs.
Why, yen, they can slav here, if you
like, hut there's lots of room. Now,
will you tfet up'?' And the two
mounted: and of so little con-equence
did it seem to be in young liaymond'n
eyes whether or no his young cousin
hail been casual y met for a paa, ills'
tmmite. or hal been hpent the whoie
afleriKSin with, that llellenden did not
think it worth bis while to inform him
on tho siih cct.
don t a.." why I uo uu minu " a,ld"il she bravh . "only
I doti '. i;k 'o ei i, y p,su dear, and it
h were to i.x til me. it woul'
l! U no- or luvseil I muni.
I exsl
! late
she .v t ll
,- alia I '.
,,. then !l
I, do n no
li it 'ra "
acne i
on oliasis
' ,aicl liolieli-
an manage inai
," meet au'aiu I
ir I -had Pe tMi
pea II. I hro.lg h ! h"
( H ATT Fit IV.
- And adirl, aui 1 m. it like' ha aald :
Yi,ut bli. ur your i, ut Druwn maiu t
Driving along. ecil chatted merrily,
with a sense ol doing the honors nat
ural to one who. aa their nearest mule
relative, tisik the bottom of the table,
in,iected the kennel, and reKrted
, iism the -tahics whenever he visited
tint ladies of Inchmarew."
He was now in the aiolegcttc vein.
The properlv, he contiued, wan be
ig mu sed at pre-ent. There was a
g.HXl deal of retrenctiment going on.
The grounds were not kept up as they
had been. His grandfather had
icnu-ked otT a lot ol uniler-sf rappers
.,,! .,. ,.,h hangers on The unrdclis
. hau been riui ulously expensive.
, onsiuer-
h,e had curtailed them
in t
ptr- e
i! i
. mi
Miner i a
!.! th'- pa
and in ti:,
:lon of nie
liitjilgear mm
pair ' Prigri'
;u !illg. ('"t-ha.f-pnst
s, veil
i ol a vvai ni. w".
a iiiiiuieir. and in I
,lh '.'arb and ',-
h. il in ' lie ilgtii
ill lu
ll. lOV
w hat a
i liii.l'
t a, uiii i
lie in
jlllt III
oIIJ l''i
i-ll the
I tc
ill l .1
i i
I Nt
rel h.l
- 1. I hi. Ili" nd
, i,t i raveling
tnifie. '" early '
,'in.'av. ti..'-
e-U,lil"f t""""""1'1
,1. -marl i-e tni."
.rU Va
.ting il"l
... n lell ot
,.. priin' I al
M,e pr'
, or tl
,, J .lie
i o us' "'
s'ltii.' ''"
ell re
llietl' l("l
ill the h
I. I, was 'i
ihlbe "I'
allMi lar'"
the g
in, i
'. ,S II
I hedlsl
I ed
I ,fe
III.H ''
A .-'
, hau
let iglc 'i
,11 that
erreil to
. l"-p!'
Udell h"1'
lllell -I'l
io, ii't
. ... on '
.h ( apt.
i ,u.ii -I,,
at man
, lt,-.
inn 1 ' ,
1 and
iiii'l a ih
iml i ecu
li-ed t.
V,, ith.
i. a.
vi ai r. v a
o ,t
u . " ..i e4na aaa
-a ia. ,r.i.t..i t"- f;
?aaianaaiaif"M "- 1akae.
i? (iear aaia ,
7s Cretin Bato.
Vaaaatee Ike Ntvaval
, ee, AlUy
, ""' tke tWawe of
I TMIe aaxl Keaell.
lU Ike lwrs.
Vkaiaa Ut mil aari'
H fai a, f
1.- had "''''
, no a
.,i,w him agam '
,!.! (he n
-,' " '
,,. .. -;H.t I."' -A I"'
,." I..'d ' ' '.'" !"" " " '''
a. I," " ', ,
,n.nd au- '
' ,..! I". -1
not un.j "
, ! , remarkia'i
, a hall I wallP't
..uain'al" esli'l'
. i.'hie.t ahauc
,a,,l,y eve.
i... I. ml lH'
" l.ii
III " "
1 li.
,iii i in, i
, ami 'co or.
.iml h - i"
villh'l"' ;,i''
nil. He loll
Il It'll
I, pell.
Ill, 'I
.11 ilea tat I
, .... e 111
it,-' , ' - , ,
. , -1 noli III I
hau ii"1 1 "
the ,. ,. r two
lence I J , Ule di-taiice
a ho ha' ' H)i;a
U..'ti birn. a lavi ' ,..
den. a man f l u M!llr, M
year. If Bot "r n'ow ,0 l met on
tor t-M"1
,,:,!' ion 1,1 "
... erge I'""
.-I ! l-e'
: present Ins
l or an ex
i ilhm
1 ) ar,"' paid Vr. am ph. 11, planelnsr
oulsnle, a the ra iidroi-a now beg n io
lt ai beavi y a, aiiist the t,. II, narrow
minus. " fear, ( eeii that there i
put in n h ehan e of jour having a fino
day o- the poor to-morrow. I cun
s i'tedo r wise oidgtrdeixr
M icdoiiiiid on the bubei t. an 1 ho
Si. ook his bead. I n'ortuniitely for yo i,
w e hav c had a long spell of ! u wm,. h
er it pas been re.illy too ne of late,
and ev ei y one began to far it could
pot last much longer. You know that
.-. ugiist is never our l st minth. and
one cannot expect summer wea her to
last forever. "
".vii, we can't, grandmamma," Cecil
only moiled j himself, and only sn,i ed
to reiiien.her now olten be bad beard
the i-ame before. it seemed to 'im
that be had heard it ever -irce he
could remember the time-worn apol
ogy for 1 be mint, of ncbuiarew. And
yet how early he lo.ed tho plai-e, and
its inmat. a. ltd very rains, ami iloods,
a' d cloud-cupped mountain peaks were
sacred in h;s e rs. and he would not
have let 1 ellenden into the secret of
its infirmity forthewor d. Who could
say but what tho morning might set
glorious sunshine and melting warmth;
and if so. why not have been prepared
for it? "ti have no doubt it will clear
by-and by," he said readily: '-and let it
rain aa much aa it will to-night, there's
no harm : one. ( .randrnaiiinia, can we
have a tiro in the billiard-room this
evening? I dare say C'apt. Hellenden
would like a game "of billiards after
"Ccrtain'y, my dear." And the or
der was given. "And let the tire be
lit at once," added the old lady, anx
ious to do everything well. "The room
may be a little damp:" in explanation
to Hellenden, "for it has not been used
this summer."
"Not been used tlrg summer! Good
heavens" inwardly e aciilated he.
"And I am to play on a table not used
this itiiimier." It was a blow, and ho
was only just able to avoid showing
that it was one.
"t am atraid it will not bo in very
good condition," continued Cecil Kay
motnl. who was but half a degree more
learned on the snbjt ct than bis grand
mother. "But you must make allow
ances, and. anyway, it's better than do
injre nothing.'1
"And, anyway, it Is a very great
deal better than sitting in the midst of
peat-ieek and whisky at the "Ferry
Inn!" reflected his friend. And tho
thought restored his former e luaniui
ity a; if by magic,
Hrt hud. us ho was wont to say of him
self, tho knack of being civil. Accus
tomed to luxury, und courted by pros
perity, he was yet of so happy a tem
perament, that ill-fortune could not
daunt, nor a 'verse circumstances rulllo
him. To esefine either, he would, In
deed,, as'wo know, exert ingenuity and
address, but, had tliese tailed, nq one j
would have heard more of the matter.
He would have smoked a philosophical
cigar, gone to bed, and proceeded on
his journey the next day without an
oath or a grumble. He was by no
means a 1 ad sort of feJlovV.
He now dressed himself for dinner
serenely, with s"a"rce a moment's re
gret for the services of the valet, who
had been sent on to Kincraig by an
other and a swifter route, and whose
absence had been a real satisfaction to
his master during the terrible ant;ci
pations of the afternoon. He was not
by any meanssodependent on the very
fine gentleman as Monsieur Pierre sup
posed, and could calmly pa 'k his own
portmanteau, and put on his own coat
when compelled by necessity to do so.
Hy nature be was a very Handsome
man - and cared singularly little about
it. Hy art he was a perfectly dressed
man -and that, he considered, was
everv one's business rather than his
own. He went to the bet tailor, hat
ter, hair-cutter, and boot-maker in
town, and he could do no more. If
the result was not satisfactory, it was
no fault of his, and, in consequence, no
misgiving nor iiiieasine-s on the sub
ject ever disturbed his mind.
rfooner than any other person, he
now descended to the drawing-room.
"Oh, I'm the first," he began, half
aloud. "'What has become of my little
lisher-lassie, I wonder? Is she going to
give me the slip? Or stop: here she
It was, however, no fisher-lassie who
now appeared. It was the daintiest
little maiden in the world, shy and
! rosy, half pleased, half frigbtetie i,
and altogether charming, who ad
i vanced up the room. To be more e-
act, it was . 'erry, in the very best Sun
day frock she could muster, starched
; anil crimped till it stood out on every
j side: Jerry with the lloece of golden
i hair brushed and tmoothed and shin
j ing. with a little gold chain round her
plumb arm.
j An Apple.
! .Jerry and Frank were two horses
i hitched to a yellow car. All the
morning they had gone back and
I forth, patiently, with only a rest
now and then, but now Jerry was
beginning to feel rebellious: he was
tired, and It was getting h ater every
square. Jerry was not by nature
such a meek horse as was Frank, but
then, ton, he had not been a city car-
i,i -,'f experience sill i noise "" - ; --
liovish brai; ol a ' rrana anew me um.y i.j v,o o" "-.
to ( ou ana on. wnetner you were
tired or not; the driver hud it all to
My the time erry had made up nis
to be stubborn, trie a river
stopped the horses on a switch to
wait until the car a 8 Uare away had
passed '
Light there on the curbstone: sat a
j a lltt.te liootiuacK. uu Mie pavement
, lav his torn cap, and he let people go
,ne I bv unnotl-ed as he rulib mI an apple
1..I. I ' . .... ....... ,. . I. 1
on fits jacket to inaae it sniny. n
sweet lady had eiven It to him, and
he was Just over his surprise and gel
ling ready to eat, when he looked up
and saw Jerry standing near and
loolting at the apple longingly with
his pitiful eyes. -
The little btiotblack understood.
There was not much lime to think,
the other ciir was not far away, but
tie wondered how he would feel If ho
was that horse; and quick as a flash
he broke the apple in two and put
ono piece in Jerry's mouth and the
other in r rank's. it was delicious.
Jerry forgot about being stubborn
as t.hev started on, and I' rank forgot
his aching bones, while 'the little
ragged bootblack ran away, calling
after a man with dusty shoes, "Have
B shine, mister?" Youth's Cotupao
Highest of all in leavening strength. Latest C.S. Cor. Food Repoii
jSriftfofj Baking
IWSS! Powder
Economy requires that in every receipt calling1
for baking powder the Royal shall be used. It
will go further and make the food lighter, sweeter,
of finer flavor, more digestible and wholesome.
Apple Cuatard.
Fare, core and stew 6 apples until
line and add half cup of sugar. Beat
3 eggs very light, add half cup of sugar
and l pints cf milk. Stir well and
add the apples. Stir again, pour into
baking pan and bake a few minutes
until the custard is set. If liked, a
little grated nutmeg may be added just
before it is put in the oven. This is a
nice dessert and possesses the advantage
of being so quickly prepared that it
may be classed among the emergency
What Cotislllutea a Whole I'raer.
n order to pray for ourselves, wa
must pray for others." ''None of us
livetii to himself," and none of us
should pray for himself alone. The
first word of the pattern prayer taught
by our Lord is "our," and wbeu we
pray we should think of those who are
included in that term. A cry for
peraoual help in an emergency is at
the best but part of a prayer; a
whole prayar takes in others. S. S.
ruilie of age,
all V
, ,i ,., IM-- when hisi oiisinci
tilings won it I"' nli.ereiu. .-on.
d t hen do a-sue cnose. o.n, v....
he thought his gianuiiiouiei
H.aui trying the Home.
For the bric-a-brac mantel a long
narrow picture does excellent duty
when hung just over the top shelf. A
black and white print can be seen to
advantage in this position.
If you have a character bit in oil, let
It be unframed and place it on the
middle of the small ledge below the
shelf propor, and you have a One bit of
coloring ou entering. Over low book
cases pictures should be large, and in
this form they give a style to the room.
Water colors look admirable if treated
in this manner, and, if two bookcases
are put together so as to form one,
divide the pictures by a bracket, oc
which place a jar of some unique pat
lf a door is required to be closed on
account of space, throw a silk curtain
over the door and at the left side place
a picture. Any still life will answer,
and you will find It a wonderful bright
scheme. Small rooms require moderate
size pictures, which can4be hung one
above the other, and three may even be
placed on line with good effect.
In a small apartment, where the ra
diator is an objection, ban? on the wall
a large picture, placing belore the un
sightly heater a screen of not too high
dimensions. If a space is too large for
your picture hang on either side a
bracket, on which place a jug or jar.
For an ideal head in oil the f rame
should be of broad gilt. Hang it in a
good light, and on one side group two
small water color pieces in the fash
ionable white band picture. For an
oblong picture a small sketch under it
looks well equipped.
In corners of rooms pictures can be
hung"byTwo8 or threes, either iuglit,
walnut, or ash and form a capital com
bination. Three pictures can be framed
as one if rightly chosen. Select for
your center a llgure subject. On either
side a landscape. Place all in a mat
with a broad ash frame and hang in
a large space. Over it put a quaint
Japanese fan of natural colors.
Palms form an excellent decoration
over pictures and especially for halls,
lf you are a householder in any apart
ment, decorate your halls with good
pictures, bits of color which Iroin rime
to time you have gathered and it will
add quality to the narrow space given
you by the architect. Xew York Herald.
UaHgerou 6prt.
I considfer wolf hunting the most
dangerous sport there is, says a corre
spondent in Russia- Tiger bunting in
India is tame beside it. If you go into
the jungles of India to shoot a tiger,
you are accompanied by a long retinue.
You shoot your prey from the howdah.
of an elephant. It you miss your victim,
there are 20 bullets ready for him be
fore he springs. A person might as well
go tiger hunting in a menagerie. The
only unsatisfactory part of the sport
which wolves alTord is that alter you
are all throvgh you havn't any thinf
to show for your efforts.
Sliowa In Hard Lock
Sydney Drew has ceased trying to
star in "The Gilded Age." "The Tide
of Lite" ceased ebbing and Mowing.
Fanny Rice closed her season, but ex
pects to start out again a month hence
with a new play. Km met Corrigan
has laid off his "After the Hall" com-,
pany. Dockstader's minstrels drew so.
little money at the New York Bijou
that Manager Kosenquest canceled the
gecoud week of their engagement and
closed the house.
little as need
were living
o( the kind.
ii- very wis'' ios!-n"
i. u was not a, i( thev
;.. ,i... Id
I-. ..i, ,.r ii,i h', i 'ii ii 1 1 '.it i io n cheer
i o in i - .
fu.iv assented, as h'
toaliim-t anvthing
Tl... relief of getting
grow n
,M l ' .. .. , ,1 ii.nee to eat
Id have d
al the moment.
awav troui tile
, . , v.i
I l.e 1 illllglU til ill. i.
more ni-upimrtubie
the past ha l-noiii
l hat
than ever
was so in-
ivoiild have perriiiiM-u
i . . . e e rv
( amiuieii '" , , ,
' ,.iipim her
viener on '.lie mace, u
... ,ii evel-V lliri'CliOll. mi limy
. veil a decent dinner to
t Led to sleep.
r, no can i"' '" "
v .
how t ha' ' li
to en nance
l with him,
the dignity
was on the
.eat deal
llll V I"
. miukiiil' a
o, i .. There might he
i,' .,,. ee-iy n. -I(d
' foil nor uisor.ler anywiieie.
" .,,. eldenv maoi-domo
A . 1 , -,wiv to receive
lots' 1,1 .";... i,.,i ;., a
ul a mm "". -
down the steps. a
"''l "V' 1 i...r with
, , ,. t. take onv h ,
'" '' " ""'. i. M... ( auiPbell. Me
"'"" "'" .'. . ;'( ,.,,,.,1. was in
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' , I.,,! in rea.lty loaimw a
..I Wit. II it' I elK'll
". .". I., ,i,...,e
,eelllg II"' ""
,1,,'imt doorway.
nephew, all eagerness
....o.,l I'lie-t
r , ... i
the alite-cna
Mr. Wlnalow'a Koothini! Srm'r for child
ren leeitinu!, softena the gum, reduces inHam
niaiion.allaya pain, cures wind colic. ic bottle
often been the
a bard heart.-
A soft answer has
means of breaking
Ham's Horn.
- j,
Cbocp is Quickly Kklievkd, and Whoop--ing
Cough greatly helped, and its duration
shortened hy Ur." I). Jayne's K,vpectorant
the old family .staiul-bv tor Coughs and'
Colds, and all I. ting or Throat aMeeCionsi-
There is more Catarrh in this section of
the country than nil other diseases put to
gether, and until thet last lew years was
mpposed to be. incurable, For a great
many years doctors pronounced il; a local
disease, and prescribed local remedies, and
hy constantly (ailing to cure with local
treatment, pronounced it incurable. Sci
ence has pi oven catarrh to lie a constitu
tional disease and therefore requires con
stitutional treatment.. Hall's Catarrh
Cure, manufactured lv K, J. Cheney .V
Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitit.ional
cure on the market. It is taken internally
in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonf'ul.
It acts direct lv on the blood and mucous
surfaces of the svstem. They offer one
hundred dollars for any ease it tails to
ru -e. Send lor circiilitrs'anii testimonials.
Y. J. CHKNKY ,v CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold by lirugg'sts, ext.
an I nei-
hi, be-
: but,
' V, ..iL-er and oue not a
. .....!- "11 u'.', ., lorth to
,. 1 Ol II wee "'
"'' l ;i that be mia'bt
'" '" l f '""I wn manner.
.. .......ri.nceot a ""--
thnnirbt she.
h' llirc," inn"". ""
The prettiest necklace observed was
made of numerous strauds of hue gold
chain held together by diamond bars.
The only form of the bowknot seen
is double rosette shaped. The broad
enamel ribbons are ornamented with
gold. In the center is a jewel.
We have not been without 1'lso's Cure
for Consumption for JO years. I.i.zik
I kiikkI', Camp St., Ilurrisburg, Ia., May
4, 'til.
A match ignites because of the heat
generated by friction. Matches are
tipped wjjh ph'spbonisand sulphur
both highly ifilTiunmabTe subsTances.
Helpless Ten Weeks i
"I was a' tucked with acute rheumatism
and was laid up in the house ten week
My right arm was
withered away to
skin and bone and I
had almost lost, the
use of it. A friend
advised me to try
Hood's Sarsaparilla
which T did and
by the time the
first bottle was tMed
I was feeling a little
belter, f could see
and feel a great
was returning to my
arm and the soreness was leaving my body
and limbs. Kvory spring fall since
we have used three to six bottles in our
lainilv. I find to use Hood's Sarsaparilla
is cheaper than to pay doctor's hills. I
am thankful that I have found a medicine
which will help u man who has r ennia
tism. It keeps me in good health."
RichakiiKokkkstam., Oelvveiii, Iowa.
Mr. K. F.irreataU
rhanire. The hVsh
HmiiI'i I'llia cure all Liver Ilia. Bil ouanea,
Jaundice. Indigestion, sick Headache.
Be as gentle as possible in your
judgments; as severa as justice in your
survey of self Chicago Interior.
You can't give a man money enough
to enable him to declare that he will
never lack for bread, but God has
promised that the righteous shall never
come to want.
I. FRANCIS, Gen'l Pait'r Agent, OMAHA, NEB-
K li. No. 313 SO.
York. Neb
nlea, ni rou aaw the advertleement
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