The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, December 13, 1894, Image 6

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    r - m.-t,lXX 'fee ", m a.
a- rjwMr i f ;;. v ta a. .
' wOM
.oU Tt
oW'aa. d"'
Reap, O rp! gather and reap.
Where golden rlppie laugh and ran.
For the hi, A f noontide, atill aud J"-s
Lie ou the ripaned ear like sierp,
Vb-r corulanda greet. the auo.
Lift junr weary eves, behold
The guides (ielda, the goliieu air:
The wet wind Mi the swaying gold
With light and shadow- manifold,
Aud gold gteaina everywhere.
Ueap. O reap! while tbe an klea sing
The barvwit song of a world at ret;
Heap nb a rhythmic Yp au j awing
Till silence fail ith evening,
Anil peacie ia iuanifer,t.
Lift up your joyful eyes au.l a
The silver tiijf hr. with gliding feet
Move fr..w the sunxet ghn.iiieriiigly,
And, priextess of God's mtiiiatrj,
ilttiit.o the garnered wheat
ln'l aud lit the waiting face of "wheo he bed abot yer ba ondVr ye, , 1 1 f l. Yfl TIIF F V IMf
the court and jury with their gbry of au' tbe girl had la bis jI"J" ...xL 1 II ft r.All.fl.
i-rfiuaou and gold, tbe prisoner, uu Who? Ked Jim! Hut ye don't reiuein- I
touched In the falling hadow where j ber It! Who went luto (he cuglne room I
he sat seemed to the breathless audi- t the Chance Mine au' abut off TOPICS OF INTEREST TO FARM
ence to rest beneath the gloom of a rer- I the steam when every 1 d coward ! ER AND HOUbEWIFE.
bad run. an" the Mler waa at the Klut j - ,
Meaa City ia avort-hed und brown
lug ttt'Uintlj the blaz- f a July uu.
TL Hie streets, tiaiikfd I'J row of
painfulj new brik ttturv and wom1.-u
dwelliiiK. the court linuw, city hail,
gra.ld B'-hoola aud chun ln-a, the dla
uioud Bhaied jlaza. lM.antiujf a dry
urued Mote. and eveu the diwouraC'-d
trees thai had been iduuted near the
duom of the teiuptiui; ftalminit. were ue
aud all white beneath the alfeatl ilut.
and iuivt-red and hhltuuien-d In tljf
burning glare like the unstable city of
a ttiira'e.
Kew Inhabltauta ventured forth, for
the heat wa imu.HUnl eveu for New
Mexico, and while it lasted work mut
wait. Hut In one building there had
gatherwl (juite a coiiffiiirve. uotwlth
a "ding the tetnierature. a.'id Judge
Gary hxiked from the Ix-n.-h arrwn a
crowded rm an the rrh r arose and
wltb (M.norouK rolce announvd the
oeuliig .f the court for the trial of
criminal caen.
I-d by Sheriff Jack. Ironed and a
trifle pule. James Hrowmll wan led
Into the room and took bin place In the I
prisoner's dx k. The murmur of low I
conversation, the occasional atieak of
a pen. the KliufHInir of f.M-t nil .i-it.
a the clerk arose to read the ludlct
uientH. A'lolatlocs of the liquor Innn; vhda
tlon of the gambling lawn: horne ateal
lug. robbery, burglary, and bint of all
murder. One by one the black record
waa Kpread liefore the court, the re
u't of a wriefi of yearn of Inlqnltlca.
the work of a half down grand Jnrien;
and now for the first time the nitich In
dicted man wa In the hand of the law,
to anwwer It repj-atel auinmona.
Judge Gary looked toward Hrownell.
"How (b-8 the prisoner plead'''
"Not guilty to every count lu every
Indictment." replied hi attorney, one
of the younger lawyers In the city; "and
we demand a separate trial uioa each
murmur of disapproval ran through
tl room. Wa thin notorious dep-ra-do
to ewa)e through the very techni
calities and delay of the law he had
"Then It Ufome the right of the dis
trict attorney to move whichever of the
indictment, he may clnxine." replied
the Judge. "Mr. Arnold, what la the
dexire on the part of the people?"
The gray-haired promiMiti-r for the
county arose and In a deliberate ami
dlgnilied mailer announced that he
would elect to try t::i ler the principal
"i.e greater might tx- aald In this
caxe. your Icwr. to Include the lea.
Should the priier U" convicted of
Ulllrr1.r j, wi(l relieve him and the
coiumoin -.ealih from the wearlnenii and
expen of trlji! for tin- le..r criimn;
ahould Ik- !e a.-.pilrted Rhall move an
Immediate trial under the Indictment
for burglary. "
The crowd breathed more eaaily;
Brownell was not to .fenpe after all.
"Old Arnold 'II do him," whispered
one liatener to another; "the evidence
la a dead aure thing: He's bound to
bang, an' the aherlff'a pottse thought ao,
er they'd never a' brought him In
The prellmlnarlea were fuxm over, a
Jury drawu and agreed to, the cam?
opned, and the trial begun.
Wltneaa after wltneaa waa a worn In
rapid aucceaaloo, and the dark atory of
the crime with which Brow nell wa
charged a street riot, resulting In the
death of one of the rlotera waa retold
In all lta hldeouanesa. The crowd lis
tened with eager ears, untiring for
hours, though the heat seemed to grow
with the day; the lawyers Unt more
cloaely over their uotea, the Judge for
got to lean back in hi- chair, Bnd even
the prisoner, resting with manacled
hanj upon the rail of the criminal'!
box wherein he sat, showed by the
gloom that gathered upon his brutal
face, and the dull, angry glow In his
eye, that he appreciated the dex-rate
strait In which lie stood.
When the proecition had rented the
attorney for Hrownell bent toward him
and whispered earnestly In his ear.
The inao shixik his head. Again the
lawyer addrexsed him, urging some plan
of defense newly thought of. but still
the prisoner refused his acquiescence,
and at last, with a gesture Indicative of
lritatlou. "young Xtjwart arose and
turned to address the Jury.
He told them of bis client' early life;
the lack of good Influences, the hard
paths for childish feet, the tempta
tion of youth, the struggles and fall
area of manhood. He told thein of the
fight for mere existence against fate
aud fortune, with no one to Jend a
. helping hand or breathe a heartening
word; of the frowning face of virtue
and the tempting one of vice; of aspira
tions smothered, efforts unavailing,
good Intentions trodden under foot, and
at last of hopeless, friendless, despair
ing wickedness, lie warned-there
against circumstantial evidence only;
be spoke of the Inherent right of self
defense; he prayed their pity and the
benefit f the smallest cloud that
might cast a shadow of doubt; be
openad and closed his case without a
wltDMM and sat down.
Mr. Arnold ummed up for toe peo
ple, coldly, logically, convincingly; and
was, aa a doacd, the level ray of the
akot through Um duty
tain punUbment, desi-rate and with
out reprieve.
In a fw words the court charged the
Jnry so dearly, so fairly that even
Brownell raised his ashen face from
the rail whereon he had bowed It, oni
more to atudy with gleaming eyes the
countenamva of the arbiters of bis
As the twelve left the room there
entered It a child, a wee thing In white,
who wandered slowly lu from the door
Ix-hind the bar. hxikiug solemnly atxiiit
as If lu m ar b of .me hwt friend, until !
her gaze rell uxm Judge f.ary j ln-n
the little face brigbteued. and with a
shout of 'Grandpa.'" she struggled
through the chairs, assisted by the
lawyers, aud claimed a seat at his side,
where for some moments she whls-Js-red
softly to the old man as he wait
ed for ihe hour of adjournment
"Grriielpa. it's goiu to mlu, an' nam
ma wantx 'oo to come home! Zey's
great big cloud over ut way. an' It's
awful hhti'k!" And with round eyes of
wonder she (xiinted toward the south
"Itut, pet." said the Judge, "grand
pa's busy now. Who said that you
could come here?"
"No one, only mamma's 'frald. an' I
knowed she wanted m. an' It's a big
cloud, an' It whirls au' whirls, an'
scares me. tixi!"
As the Judge was atxut (o reply a
slight commotion attracted his atten
tion. A moment later the Jury filed in
to their bx. atxl the foreman arose and,
faecd the court.
A hush fell npon the nxitn aa the
clerk called the roll; then, in a voice
that shxk a little, he said:
"Hae the Jury agreed upon their j
verdict V
"We have," replied the foreman alm
lly. "How do they flmi '!"
"Guilty, as charged In the Indict
A sound that might have lxen a sigh
ran through the listeners. The Judge
aroe aud faced the prisoner. In the
silence that reigned the voice of a dis
tant wind, roaring afar off. fell upon
the waiting ears, and the last gleam of
sunlight faded from the wall. .
Solemnly the District Attorney moved
that sentence now ! passed upon the
"Hrowuell. stand up. Have you any
thing to say why the sentence of this
court should not be passed uxjii you ?"
The prisoner had noted the return of
the Jury and listened to their verdict as
one In a dream, as a man stunned by a
thundertxilt watches the destruction of
his home wrought by the same messen
ger from heaven, dazed aud unnerved.
As the sound of the Judge's voice beat
U(x.u his dull ears he turned his head
slow ly uud looked at him wonderiugly.
"Have you anything to say?"
The man gathered his feet Ix-ueath
him, and, with an effort, arose. For a
long uiomebt he gazed about him, at
the Jury in the box. the Judge on the
Ix'ueh, and the dense anil waiting
crowd Ix'hlud him. Then an ugly
smile spread across his face and a
fierce light burned In bis heavy eyes.
"llev 1 anything ter say? Yas! I
dare ye all to do yer worst! Do ye
think lied Jim Is afeurd. er thet ye kin
cowhlin? Ye don't know him. Murder,
is It. fer a man to save bis own life, an"
ye threaten ter hang me? Ik it! Go
on an' read out yer sentence. I defy
je. Sheriff an' all! Iled Jim never
squeals!" And with a snarl like that
of an animal he waved his manacled
arms six. re his bend.
"I know the trouble; je're all afraid
o' me, an' ye'd better be, fer ef the
devil lets me live I'll be the curse o'
this thin blixxled town, an' everyone In
It! I hate It! Curse ye one an' all, root
an' branch, young an' old! What hev
ye ever done fer me? Not bin' but ter
foller me an' drive me out o' decent
livln' an' make me an outcast an' a
criminal aa 1 am! When I asked fer
work what did ye give me? Jail!
When I found a place, ye told my boss
thet I'd rob him, an' he turned me out!
When 1 tried to be de-ent, every man's
hand an' every woman' tongue In this
black town waa agin me, an' I curse ye
The man had worked himself Into a
fury. Ill eyes glared, hla face waa
o t'urstln an the cage with flftw-u men
would a' gone to the bottom o' the
a'laft? Hed Jim! Hul that don't count!
Ilea a desperado now; hang blui!
Hang him!"
His voice waa raised to a shriek, aud
sound. si shrill through the gloom above
the d-epening thunder of the storm.
"An' you. Jedge Gary, thet are to sen
tence me to hang by the neck until I'm
dead. I taik to ye with ver grandchild
I lu yer arms! Who refused her father
drink times without mini Int. an' cared
fer him nights without number? Who
druv hlin back to ye w ben ye couldn't
Hoar to ItUrHt th llors la k Work -Combined
foal' rj aa4 !! -
ItvTlr for Spllltlai
Aart'a!tarl Nrws.
voted ridtislvely to grain growing the
average yield of wheat for seven years,
dosing with IXfl, was 15 bushels
I -r acre, and In lt the yield waa
12.74 bushels per acre. Ou the plot
Ux,n which grain aud grasses are
1 a quart, the roniparUon ta In I
favor of cboli cows. Yet
cow may give twice aa nim u
one that has no breeding
er to raise gcx xl cows than to I
oucw that are unknown.
How ta Make Sow; o h rsrra.
lo not l''k beyond your reach for
Wealth w hen It Ilea all alx.ut you. hi
Il ls wonderful age of Improvement you
must move lu the line of march, or let
your next d'Xr nelgl;lsr dig the Jewels
from the soli. Many of our younj it. en
are not content with the lcnutlful ! 1
tiomestend, the green fields, and much
git him yerwlf. an' tried to make a man that wakes oue so Ind. ix ndeut on the
o' hlm? Who saved him frum the I farm, but In their anxiety for gain.
hands o' the men who would a' torn
him lu pieces the last night o' but life
fer bis devilish work with his knife,
when be bed no friends? Hed Jim!
Who gave yer son a l-d to die In, old
man, w hi n ye hed refused It yerself?
Ked Jim! An' now be braves ye an'
curses ye. one an' all: furs, double
curses, ten thousand curses on "
A sudden mighty blow, bursting the
side of the building, a hideous roar like
the voice of au angry ocean, a crash as
If the heavens had fallen. Inky black
ness blotting out everything, and amid
the rending of wxjd aud Irou, the
ahiieks of victims, and the wild trum
peting of the atorm. the cyclone swept
on. leaving a mass of ruins where the
court house had stood.
Half a dozen hour later, a the res
cuer latxtrcd they came upon nil open
ing, a sort of protected cliamls r. as It
were. In front of the desk where the
bar had formerly been, made by the
great Ix auis falling one upon the other.
Ami within it were found thn-e pel
sons Judge Gary, stretched upon the
floor, stunned but breathing; and le-nd-
white as death, and hla shackled
hands swung to and fro, clanking the
heavy Iron a though they were ts-lls
HI listeners Were stunned-all but
Sheriff Jack and the Judge, and when
the former would have seized the pris
oner and conveyed hlin from the room,
the Justice stopped him.
An Brownell paused for breath the
dull roar of the wind sounded louder
In the ears of the people, and the dark
ness, unusual except n the forerunner
of a storm at this time of the year,
thickened momentarily. The Judge'
granddaughter had crept Into hla arms
and hidden her face.
"Ye hev forgot thet I war ever bet
tern the dog at yer door, er the
snake at yer heels; but I hev not!
Who saved you from the Injuns thir
teen years ago, Tom Rodoln '(' he shov
ed, turning suddenly toward one of the
Jurymen and stretching his manacled
anna In his direction. "Who saved ye
an' yr fambly np on the Rlos? Ked
Jlml But he's wuss nor an Injun now!
Who caught ttaa nan thet triad to steal
yer daughter, Dan O'Nelir be contin
ued pointing to another J dry man,
Ing above hlm Kd Jim, holding lu his
shackled hands, sheltered close to his
breast the little form of the Judge
granddaughter, living ami unhurt
But the central Iron supjxirt of the
court house dome had fallen directly
across this group, aud Browm-il had
yielded his life In the effort to prob-d
anil save the others,
i From a story by Francis E. Hamilton, In
Muusey's Magazine.)
push out to large cities or some distant
land, when. In nine cases out of ten.
they would have been happier and
wealthier men had they put that same
life and energy on the farm.
The world demands men who will
work. 1 he cure of our couutry to-day
Is the multitude of Idle ones, who de
mand not only a living, but even luxur
ies thrown In. Nothing In this life can
be gained without hard work. Be care
ful in chixwlng an occupation, stirt
right the outiume will be fru.tfultu ss.
If you are Interested In your vocation
and are Industrious, your work, even
! though hard, will be a pleasure.
Try to interest your boy In your
work. To do this, you must encourage
them in their small beginnings. Stake
out one acre of land for your txy for
his own use. By this I do not mean
the xxirest laud on your frtrm. but the
very best, and sec. also, to commence
with, that II I well enriched. Start the
boys right as the first year trial will
be apt to decide their future.
Tut In something that Is in demand,
and thatalways commands g-sid prices.
How many farmers have first-dans
seed com that will test St.1 xt cent,
when planting time arrives? A fine
grade of seed corn that your uclghtsir
know la all right In every rcsiwct will
prove a very profitable Investment for
yon. When you have au article to sell,
give your customer something that Is
value received, aud your trade Is es
tablished. The same hints may 1e ap
plied to all varieties of grain. There Is
a good Income awaiting you at your
very doors; seize your grand opportunity.
A Woman's "Wool or Two."
Telegraph tolls are moderately light
a a rule; but sometimes they ap(x-ar to
le excessive, as In the case told somo
year ago of a man whose wife was go
ing abroad. He asked her to telegraph
him a word or two biting him know of
her safe arrival in Ixndon.
if a few hours he received the follow
ing message, marked collect;
"Dear George -Arrived here safely
at 0:15. The tralu was due at 8, but we
were delayed fifteen minutes while en
route. Had a perfectly lovely Jourrcy.
Do not worry nlxmt me; I will get along
all right And take gixnl care of your
self. Be so careful about taking cold
this weather. Be sure to have the
house open and aired as often as jxissl
ble. Kememtfer what I told you alxiut
your socks and shirts. Do not forget to
keep the basement door locked. Write
every day. I am sure I shall have a
lovely time. Ko good of you to let nie
go. You must come over after me soon.
Forever and ever yours,
An hour later Mamie was pained to
receive the following reply to her "word
or two:"
"Iki not wire from Switzerland. Am
mined if you do. GEORGE."
Aa Aluminum Jtoau
An aluminum torpedo boat built by
Yarrow for the French government
has Just had a trial on the Thames.
The la 00 feet long. feet 3 Inches
Ix-am, snd weigh with the. w ater In lta
boiler 0 tons 8 huudred weight, the hull
alone weighing Just two ton. The ma
terial ustl was a u alloy of W per cent
of aluminum and l x-r cent of copper.
A striking result obtained from using
the lighter metal was a gain of 3V4
knots over the sb-el Isint of the same
model, the aluminum boat making 2ii
knots; but It w as also made possible to
use thicker scantling, which stiffened
tlw boat so that the vibration was not
appreciable. The boat I easier to lift
and mote buoyant In the water. The
cost of the metal was over 1,J, or
twice a much as a tcel boat of the
same model, 1'hiladelphla I.xdger.
t' on I try and I'lgeao lfott.
A poultry house with a loft ejec!nl
ly fitted tip for the accommodation of
pigeons Is shown In the amitnpany lug
Illustrations from the American Agri
culturist The poultry (jiiarters have
an addition fitted with wire netting In
front In summer, aa seen in Fig. I, and
windows lu winter which serve as a
scratching and dusting nsm, commun
ication txing had with It from the main
poultry room. The diagram Jig. 2.
shows the Inside arrangement when
the building is used for two breed.
Such an arrangement secures exceed
ingly warm roosting quarters for both
fliK-ks, a the recess- occupied by the
roosts can be shut off from the main
rld. 2 CBOt'ND PLAN.
Multiple InfW tton for Ilacterta.
Interesting result of experiments on
the effect of associating virulent with
harmless micro-organism lu Inocula
tion have been published In Fraii'v by
Dr. Duenschmaiiu. Bacterium ehan
voel, the exciting cause of symptomatic
anthrax, ordinarily kills guinea pigs In
eighteen hours, but when a harmless
microbe bacillus prod Iglosls--was In
troduced with It the effect w a delayed
four day. Other observer had shown
that animal are more readily Infected
wltb disease organisms of various kind
In the presence' of bacillus prodlglosl.
The Influence upon disease of two or
more varieties of organisms acting sim
ultaneously Is a subject thus far little
considered. Invention.
Of coarse it makee you feel bad to
bite a' worn In an apple, but think
bow mark worse lite worm .'eWa,
room to aotne eitent by placing parti
tion In front of the roost, extending
from the celling, but not reaching lo
the Door, The warm air from the Ixel
lea of the fowls I thu kept around and
above the bird while on their roosts.
( nttlng Cora Stalk.
The season for cutting corn stalk Is
at band for the large cla of farmers
who do not put them In alios. Almost
every farmer w-bo feed corn stalks to
cow ha them cut It Is not always
safe to fed horses the cut stalks, as
their digestive apparatus 1 different.
The hard, wisxly stalks, cut In small
pieces, may Injure a horse' Intestines
before the gastric Juices have time to
soften them. The feed when eaten by
the cow goes more lu a mass and Is
brought up and rechewed In her cud.
For Uil reason cut cum stalk ought
not to be fed to horse unless first wet
with warm water to soften them, then
the hard portion of them will le left
uneaten. A horse will not eat much
more of the corn stalk after It I cut
than It will before. If cheap, bulky
fisxl Is to be used lo mix with the grain
for horses It hud better In- cut straw or
hay than cut com stajk. But the corn
stalks for cow ought alwsy to be cut
before feeding. If they are wet with
hot water or steamed and mixed with
grain meal scarcely anything w!il !
rejected. A little .clover hay per day
with this will make a complete ration
for cows. American Cultivator.
KuftUm of Crop i Tostoat,
To determine the exact effect of ci
tation, a aeries of experiment have
been conducted by the ludiana station.
Of the plots upon wblch grain crop are
grown continuously a portion are de
voted exclusively to wheat, while upon
others wheat la grown In alternatlou
with corn and oat. la the plots da-
grown In rotation the average yield for I
the seven year waa 21 !1 bushels er !
sere, and In ism It was 22 7 bushels. !
The difference in favor of rotation for '
the perlix! of seven year averaged 5.72
bushiis per acre, and lu lv.M It
amounted to !.!! bushels per acre.
Thus It Is shown that wheat produced
over a third more when growu in ntv
I tin than when grown continuously In
the laud year after year.
Vnr SpllllO.t Wood
A bidder for splitting wood Is a nl--e
convenience, and one like that hire
Illustrated Is often at hand or can be
s-cured. When a device of this kind is
used it saves trouble and even some
danger from splitting wood. It Is not
always uudfrxtixid that much advan
tage may ! taken of hard lalxir w hen
splitting wixxl by slabbing off the sides
of the blix k Insteadof splitting throu ;n
the ceiitcr. When a log Is sawed Into
short cuts, for example, to be split Into
firewood, two Iron wedges and a ln-etle
may lc ni-ccary to open a cut through,
the heart But by taking off thin alubs
all of the splitting may be done with
only an ax. After a log I spilt Into
slabs the lalxir of splitting the slabs the
other way will be comparatively light
Snresillng Manor In Iho Fall
It Is a good plan to spread mannre
tijKtn the fields In the fall. F.xpcrfence
shows that manure applied In the fall
to the surface, either of plowed or gra.s
land, will become so thoroughly pul
verized and distributed through the
soli by the action of frost and rain as
to act more quickly and Iw In bctw
condition for plants to assimilate than
the same fertilizer would te applied n
the spring. The loss from drainage,
unless upon very steep surfaces, will
probably ! less than from the wash
ing If left In open yards. The loss from
evajxirntlon Is likely to lie much less
than that from fermentation, If the
manure Is allowed to accumulate lit
cellar or sheds.
Tho HorWa Foot.
The Hev. W. H. H. Murray, who nn
dcratood horses as well as Adiron
dack, once laid down a rule In regard
to trimming a horse foot that every
horseman lu the world should cut icit
aud paste In his hat "Never," he says,
"allow the knife to touch the sole of
your horse's foot, nor the least bit of It
to be pared a w ay . because nature needs
the full bulk of It and has amply pro
vided for Its removal at the proper
time. Secondly, never allow a knife to
be put to the frog, because nature
never provides too much of It to an
swer the purxww for which the Creator
designed It and the larger It Is the
more swiftly, easily and safely will
your horse go."
ftvUlnr Vafltblo tn Winter,
lettuce, radishes and like small veg
etable are cultivated all winter long
In Southern Georgia by a simple device
that would be effective In mild whiter
much farther north. A frame of wood
IneloMng rich earth Is placed In the
garden, and seeds are sown from time
to time. When a cool night cornea, a
frame bearing a sheet of coarse mus
lin Is plBced over the growing planu,
aud thus they are protected from frost
Now and then Ice the thickness of a
cent forms In the night but the vegeta
bles so covered twape lujury.
Irrigation Imprem rmli.
Irrigation la claimed to Increase the
sugar In fruit aud Improve its quality.
In California It ha lxen found that
Irrigated fruit has les shrinkage when
dried, and was also worth more In Its
green state. This I due to the greater
proportion of mineral matter lx-1-jg
taken up by ixing dissolved with a
plentiful supply of water. The greater
foliage permits the plants to derive
more carlxmlc acid from the air, and
thu contribute a greater proportion of
sugar to the fruit
rlMi Supports lor Booms and Sllla.
Frequently In erecting farm build
ing, the ixisiM are of such slender di
mensions that the owner ami carjieu-
ter do not caie
Kmplac tho Stafclo Han,
ventilation in tne stable ,
mesu a draught of air coming
animals. It la useless to make
warm with tight roof and wi,
then have cold "air holes." u,
ventilators, to allow the wain.
caH The night la the time
current are felt The stab),
lie ventilated during the day
Ing the and the windot
which ahoiilit lie closed at
tentlon must be given to the
of the wind, and betiding ah
Stadr of Hunli-a'tar.
Every farmer should un.
horticulture. It enables him t.
larger variety and to rotate h
to the best advautnge. Tlei
reason for routining the farm
or four crop. The soli will
proved when the same i roj,
grown ofteuer thau one year
Small fruits should ts grown,
as grain and vegetable.
t'alng t'p ItimaMk
If bones csnnot be reduced ti
fine condition pound them.
them to ph-ccs in some iiihiii
place uiem a roil mi tne srn,
alxitlt six Inches deep In then..:
tuny sis'" le used around tre.
little benefit will be derh.-
coarse pli-cea of bone for a year
but It la x-tter to utilise them
allow them to accumulate luto
ly heap.
Toboeco Itsota,
A lady In Ixxncastt-r, I'a.. a
pertment planted car"nly In ;
den In e t summer six II.iciiii
presented lo her by a friend
country. I'nder her care Hi.
i grew to be l or 7 leel Digit, sin'
I them showed IKI Inches In eiti
j w.n 22 Inches wide. What ran
j In a garden can be done In a
the field Is enriched and culUvu
a garden.
t.nm tip tne aassarraa growir j
fields and keep the young bush
until the fields are cleared of ti
At the recent fruit show at U
tal I'alace the Queen txk first j
lui varieties each of pears and
Carrots, turnips and lieets, If
to cattle, should always he il
not cut up Into Irregular plcci-a
are much more liable to be chok
1 any other class of stock.
j When a horse Is doing no
should receive lis grain an
more hay. There I no tlui
year, however, wheu the hors
not lx given exercise In some
A ranchman In tne Kig Hut
Wyoming, raised H.i onion
patch of ground .'loXisi feet dm
past season. Eight of the onl
h-eted for size, weighed twe
When black berrying, many 4
fruited sort Is met wl'ii, w blch, li
planted to the garden, would
g.xxl as any of the cultivate.
Some of the best known varlcti.
Introduced u this way.
Winter oata are extensively g-
Virginia. They are sown n
month before the usual time of
wheat, or from Sept 1 to Sept. li
cfhlm I made that winter w
grow wherever crimson clov
The! of Alx rdeen has urf
people of Nova Scotia to devel
fruit culture. At present tie
!i.1, acres of orchards In No
tla, and the apples can be dellv
England lu good condition. TI.
Scotiuna claim that their apple
best in the world.
The New York Milk Excham
the net price of nillk from the
the middle of October at 3Vte perl
after Oct 17, 3c a quart The ;J
cream was reduced from Jfl to
can. Ibis la aald to be the li
stance on record of lowering pn
milk and cream in October.
A ( holer of I'vlls.
There la sotnetolng to make
inougniui in su h an escaje
surveyor had who was climb ng
face of a precipice, and sudden!
hlnis-d! confronted by ao t-rU!irr.a-
A similar fearful
between Iwodealim, a audd.-n i
anc from Iho jaws of both, is
Ixjl. w
While working at his mind
Trea Aiamisi, a abort time ag
i-y'ti, r i omimtotio, Aru nl
ocnly l- u; d himself lu a nr l
,g U a piece of j ,0l1 ,,'- ,,,nV hVnder". J
een the lower ThtJ ,, h baA J 1
aud the upper , their . tlm were o amacd "I
sctd and uuika.ant tltua'-h
to cut a shoul b r ! had put in a blast ilghu-d tlnj
In them for the i 0'l jut reached tha ton of th
support of the ! '"', ho txihi-lu four mounts 1 A
end of l-ams f"l'"J,y l'r aching hlm with j
sill or girt, m j ITZ-.
roscrro.usoiM-uch cases these ,UT wa, lo tl6 bU(W0 ,w
lmx,rtiiut imrt of the structure are neither alU-rnalive prexenU'd
left with only such support a Is nf trwtii.n . Mr. Lyons hisltsto.J
lorueii iy tne strengtu of the tender, , am, ana then tlnp ml Isdund
w hich Is usually cut away to les I ' r'" k hl 'bo uiouth of the
one third the breaking strength of the At that momonl tho bast cd
stick of iIiiiUt. liv niiine in ..I.., ..r ! .,f"i1e f -tone and dcbi
plank or scantling betwe
side of the U-ain or sill am!
sine or tne lower (xirtion of Ihe brace, ' rilled at tli mlraculoii inter
as shown at a, a, lu the Illustration, and J ,nt they wheeled ami ga lots I
nailing them to the nartc. the (,..11,11.... i screaming like fiends, and Mr.
will bo quite as strong and firm s If I h" m'1 struck by
M. r.Mi i.o.l l. ... . one of the rocks athicb fell ail i
,,,- i i . " , t, w nil ijeo irreaier in v. - -----
diameter. This Imorovement ... a I hlm' n,m 'iulclt " T 4
added at an, time at Very Imle laU.r j Die tum ml-binare la'tl
na e,lMU,H i rlr of Africa, a.y. tha( the 1
' f the native laniruaffo Is a
Tho tow that I'ara. hlndra-ice to mlsdonary effort
t - ..... . i Jill, A ahiv.iaifA l.a.HM t.
i - ow give uiua iis) uays n the T TV l . Trl
rear, and her caoacii. e,.-...-- 1 f "' haak' or 'thai
e r..,iv . :.:: zirrr:.. . t.i believe." -to m
, , aauii n ociia nave lallh " ara a.11
at 10c per tMn, she will pnluce , Terb. ' '
mUk etceedlng the lese productive cow k
oo mii. ik i iik (rertriaov arm nose oss h
"""" l"' ear. wiin only t, aad thlrtv-oa.a. allllna
two ouarta dlfforotLoo t,t .. . ' "TT. ny-eav mlllloa . Usui
, . 07- s iriuf es a year,
j '-U