THE htfrt'X COUNTY , r,t v. v h. K 1e.L)f '" ,,"t' ' fWi II i ! - . "ui , r. -J, boUM l lb I) riM' li )i, j,,, jiJ, .a tli t,nit 0 il"-t4 fd f..r wl. p. At- siih Rlwu'iiatic tun-, '.jin- ! jt piotjwr J'imsim y. 4 Sou jut no it fc. ar l with !! t' fun a nr,ii..-r. Kit fortfet tint tlifl fav.u of tl,. . oo4 oo ulti riiiiim i b-r. fiuli', 4H trttpmt toy range. I dn'i t i rurf Stum. X)id patr for sale at Til J it u.i u . - - ... .....I . 1 .. 1 ..I ylti Q" ll'Ul ''l II l4l T,)'i''l fit-, illl"j,T lj.ll 3llul L-in.; "!-. el-'" ",: ul 1 buiney Sur- I.r rolialil", lir-il H i 'lxii'il . r- jij k.nit, tJ T- J Uilwti, Cm Jirbra.-k. JJouiitl & Hon liam komi-llmi' (. L, oiir n?d-r tin t.k through on- tefl111 'ulu'iin. II-- -1 it Honbnurid uiiiim.iiiiI .ii, ti s)r'..p. y ' ' ' nJ "in p.nnrr Fii ir ..a y -(i ) to 1'ionwr I'll y br i.tnw' M pv iilt, Lillet i i , rtiitT . i,.... . ..... ..... ' i t?':' 'lo"'fc . Tudy. 'I' r 4m, Mr- p,oJt i)ni(J " iuIiTiii lily In i' r. Htltl) tiff. Word ha lwi r--!'il t'"' ' V jail v& I""-!! i ! I H ' pbYtJ and ' Wi" '''''' " ! ' Lilbe rextJy f"f ii; h ii-il- i. -Ry. th IiitU fi '( I' N K- rillie mull lm ( li l' M I r- .!. Lr U r;hU -If th flrt Hi"' d "f misgovern Hi" t-if 11m I ' ill lav a vnry )rtii'l -4 u, . i I Im jil H I 1 I " ' nod ml oIIit n. o-.'i- f"f - sr fail. ,4 littta lKotliik: . don Ti .U - . VI 1."! "Sf WHii l'iri: '""- " B B''t tl -(.. I HI '.nrl:n "It- -Hi- 4te8 iv rti'-.: "f 'I- t 'i"""" ni lo ' r n c I i' i'"' nm tun. '4j'Sli.;v ...... . . ... i ' 4 m, .... C 1 I ' t nUy , I, Hi it. f ( f r. I u Wiiri ll.l t.arl.irs 1 1. Hi'., In alJ' ililll 1 S.ili.rii.iv ffi.i J !' i' lt niiftwujL. u HIT,-, v.., , ijft,,n mi-.l t (In., !. K "' ' J Villi III.H li.WiJ ff,,,; l.i, ,, ittiij li Tlu,l,..-iui. Ull. M . lm ai. li-i H'oily uf, tl,e UujIiitj liil tin-Wki.iti-.n, at Yif.,rt, h. f. JI' - W. U-.tiTiii)dd(iiilit:r. l-iol :i, ,.re the t'li- U of Mr,. J. V It- I inv,n ll.u .,..r put i,f tlia .-.-. M w All. e TLmiiai ruturcii'd lo si liool it tl..' I 'I, in:u A' vuii iny the lirt of tin w k :.ft.-r .i-miui;,' Tl..ii.!i-..fc-ivin- vm ,i- t"iii .it Ih.iiih, 'I i. V II. in aiI II. t K,st.r rM.'i :itt-ul.initf at tli Nurlliwi-si it i T .ii !ii-r Ai-H i uiun tlis h.t.-i ; n't n( tiie h. ii. J Im ll'-riiiiin .ik over from Ktury tin -irl i. lii i-.-k )I,. is tdv irnud is --ril a ii'-w. Lily ,ui arnvwliil I i a IfVt d.iV ;i-'i. . .Liu' ) I'l" ill It.. tr , ..r.-l I i'l I -Tiir. J.n nvi. f ..i'i s-1'' n,j at. t I.-.-! -' l!" I' "' .fv(rl !' H In'" 1,1 'j l 1nipiiriK 11 ' y that Ui viilri U "'"r" " ' -Th dawn Ssven at l..v a iii -ml tlv ri "'' ' ' 'tlit t' ' ' 1 T ' ' ....... t ' atrrcUwu ' ! " '" '' ' ' 't-.1i!I but .! ! ' "'" I I p 1 I V ' ' ' 1 kw j-iUv. '' ' ''' ittmaU t-Xjf.Hi" Mi- ' 11 Kovewihrf -''-'' '" ' t.vrrsnry -f tl." '''''' ' ""' in. !'- " . blUn njiiir r tw hihI i' aow that tl.i'.v ' '" " ' " wkltM to II"- I ""'l';' ?'i .Ul.n i rtn !"' to say llwl Hi- f''l""!' 'llr"" -' " 'i kiiwl m I. -Itto.l-nJ-W " a..uruU ball "' I havo rn-v.r fccr ""1 5a,-, W3d, n-'i-W Ui-'r " '""";" . ,kodif.IU.---''1 ,f " "" : famtlM-r !! ,',r""r 1 llfVI'i " ---- . .. . f I ll.X myKardy. "" , .Uftli. Ir. F-rt..-r d.U.I tnvfn latr. t- di.a.on .,f ii- - J-; .... U.l - ,M,,w.-.i'- .. .... ...riL' dn t' try Kv. T. I- tn- o( .. .. !.-.Il .,1 fll!"" -. , ...j . Turn W M"i-tln(j. 1.1- Mi'-vlm Hi i!,i; .Vi.rilist Ni' ..i h lij. 1' ,- K hilinii at t.' I r r d i' hii it aiin n in t'Vr iii.ii-. r'niiy ixty tuaclu:rn (run. I ll "I, I JHI , I! hlUu .111-1 Hl'MLV ir- I , i.l Ii III. lad. r !lil : .l.i . In! ri, rti-rt. ifl altinnl.iltr.', U sill- ' -ii i u mil., r ..I iiiin r j-nplr in!i--r.-K-i i n! .. atl Ui.ll Wnlks. ' 1. 1 .! tin- .l'.iram ii i ai-iin- rii J uli l.ut a niiili n,l 111- mil.!) Willi aIii.i t ii in a;iil tin -i P. ' ii -ri- n w.-rv iiiiia. . HI i-viiJ.-iii ! ii'. Hi- 'I -rtt i -t f r. 1 1 ' it .!. -il- . ,il ('i il i'l In.-n-th .in.. I' '..I i.i.v . tun. l.f til Vi .t -n . li ii' ((iiailiiul Hi ... .a ..! in! rri' fr.'M I. .1 ;l)i; .ii.ii. lia-ns in j;rii'iiii. i Intnl. i ill tiiti d w.'U , tht in!'ii iiitBrvht slum i i limi lii- vti'M. ni'ira tin. i '.i tin.- ui .1.1- r ,ivh laliwi. i .) lr, .y Siijit. ti'. inly m tin u I'.i-niiifc, imiimI vrry tliriy ih ,iiiru- irmii lni'li '"lr hltW dilfi. nl s,.-anJ fcriii'iuiiin." una;, and lli rc ,.iir.. iiir. 1.-J ind.fidil.illy to the iiht-.UrtHl.-liM, tHirh-ri, hmil "Hi1 it. ..r..;U .T; n u kniii tn solicit tin ..ri,. ,t itt.-iili..n and lii-i-dlillne-ut tr. . I, , d ir I.) . -Xirv niV ii.)r.. lation i :: n,UT,t Mild i-ir..rt-H of the Siiiux ,.,,ntv te:u ft r- m l.ikinj,' advaiitaCH ol l,..r m.-4ii-..f iiiiiiruvi'iin-nt. and trusi .,t Hi- ii. Xi in-tiniC ..f llw Amiilioi, ill i nur fiil.r i.-rrt. TV . !!. r Kl.-.'t..-tl ..r the following . ..r ar-. I'l'-n.dnit. I'mf. Su.Kl-raMK, oi Vu.-Pn.-sal. nt, M.i N'.'ulawl. IL'tninKford, ... . . i 1 I.. i....n ir. -r. v . ii- ii. ...i..." V. 11. D.iviH, Co. Stipt. I'1 Hui.i ill-; s rr-l.irv , f..r -ah. at Thk I ,v ,ii (,'r.Mt vam.ty ai ... -r . in- t'.iv. ilw:uT Tin. Jonts.a oili.'. ,., f T j-'o printiii-. , Sv;.:: A !:rl- l.ii wwilV 'J, , ,',.'.' ji-ou-atlliE JoriiVAl . .. ..i.l .,-.ti ' in this t-nlih'lil- -h- t.'itiir.n, "f rlnldri-11 I.V a ,i, nli.-'i l-ntly K""e nn " ri"rn'iond.M. Il'iiMiii". Nt-n.. Is-. . a 1J rll .iiiinii-iiiiaii ifc on tht h k list ' Sin i n). l,nm- fioin Story with -a sum j 0ar M.ny was visitnif.' iUi Mr. H. j .iniiii)'k f.niiilv pit fiumi.iy. Mr. I',. (in unj family took! Thai .ivii,;,' ilinn-r with Mr. J.. Iiii-k-1 .rd's family. The il.ll. ;tl U link's was rll at-j t-ii.-il on Tli.n;koiviii' t-ve. j A sj.ji i; .,f lire from John l'f.l's stove J M tlir-lua slr.m stuck l..ngin,' Ui j Jai k "ass-ll. j Mr. and Mk J. If. MiMiloim-rv t(jk Th.ii.Utjiiiiiif diniiifr with Mrs. Eli Smith. Tlie di'iiu atiou of tin ii-w I'rebhyter ian ihur. Ii ;ui lur,vlv attends lust Sund.iy ami I Jr. Sexton di-lii-ered an ftble Mfrnion. I'lilille Knit. Tim iind-rin-d will sell at public auction at the I5osr da., on the B.'Kiry, 1 iMil-Bstof the Five Point', on HATCH .AY, 1'E KMIiEB li, 1894, Hie following jiromrly: 4 uork hor-H, 1 viaon und double tiiirnesu, v iiniin- u.ii' limes, 1 hay rake, H tons of hay, 1 nn sywinji mm hiiie, 2 xtovrM, Jw-tdofli.l kfjriiios, und other urti . l-s tun niiniKroiin to mention. TKKMS OF SALK: All huiiih under ; ) i .ihli in hand. On ull nunis of 4- or .vi r ii i rtiht of H months will he given in ii..r.iv.-d notes dniwin; 10 jwr cent ,-r aiiiiuin. A discount of It) per cent i ill l fc'iven lor cash on ull sums of f-l or over. Sale w ill liej;in at 1 o'clock, p. ni. J 'UN S. PfuHT. -;. '. -4 .' J t ' V J , . 1 fy ----- JIanti'd. Kl'U, KlJ.Is At the -ourt house ut li.ii'i'iM.n, NcLiasiiii, on W'wlnesil.iy, J.:cuuiiier 0, 194, hv W. O. l'alti-rsnn, j IHhb ui Hie )tiue. Ml", i'l ell J. ..ellel, ol VVyoniiiifc. iinil M-ss Kslell Ellis, of Sioux iiniiily, Neiii-aska,. A Liberal 01T r. I'lie entei pri. ol the publishers of The Youtu' . ()iiiiaiion, bo.-lon .Mass., has .U-iulily uils.uii'cd the paper year by ,e.u, keeping it always in the front r.idk ol Hi" h. st pitnodicaln. It lills to i.iy as ii i oilier publication the popular Itin.iij.l for a priictitul family paper,, one that is equally Vulued und enjoyed .y old and youny, and free from ull ob- j lioiial leatures. i'liu best writers of all lands arc en- iiyed to write for its column. Amoiiy itie I.iiu .us loinribulori lor the volume lorl-iy.) lire two daughters of Queen victor..i; Mr. Oladstoue, the most emi ueiit living' statesmen, who has for the unrd time written un article expressly iur The companion; Sir Edwin Arnold, vV. Clark Kussell, Charles sickens, .'rank K. atocklon, J. T. 1 row tiringe, .dark iwain. v Wurman, the famous locomotive engineer, and more than a nuudred other writers who arc Unowu Hie world over. The i.ompun.on appeals to all, wheth er m the home, in professional or busi ness life, to the educator and laborer in Wv di'iiurtiiient of work. Its sound i.r.ii.tical editorials du:il frankly, fairly and coiii'isely with the questions of the lay. Every utterance may be accepted Lviilimii. reserve. I'uil Prosnectm and specimen copies sent free on application New subscribers will receive The Com li.inion Iree to lM'J") if they subscribe at ..nee, sending i'l. To, the ye ir s siihscnp lion price, it comes every week, finely illustrated, 1..11 -a, !..r -fi,- li -i;-. Inv IliirfiMii i'"'r' nams iin i- Ills a i,i!cii for cirgs thrown from hir II.J (Mil ' tl. . .. i iliini: a nix. The da)' " r "!f I'1' ,,.-l a'"1 "" mid tl' .nil.-. Tl liuil'ims 1,1 ,.n.i i ni"rl " . . .. irM from debt ... . i. .iiir ar to io,ia or u. ''- '- .,,, Ti,tf iktwl O0 toco ' T- , tl MtlM d.-d,.4t.on "- ,f 0 tl, -.nlHtNUsinlof .hur ' .1 it.- ttl " won, an an iw fiy.t HirA hut lb- I-'l1 Whilt tli builioift Prbvtriiin cliun n , , dl d"oominst''"'1' ' K'tro t'o" "' i t coil I" "v .ariie" l ni'" ' lr:'.,- .IX III'' M-tiililrV K1 . . .. ai-'o when n-ai ,;in ,. ,,. i.J'l.e'l ll 1M 'I" .'nl- . . ,nj Isjing made lor a ,t th- church on ulars will l" ,,,! (.riturlaiiimeiil P.irticti ,,,, ev.' .! In V v'" liu 10 i .i ill town Satni'd . 1 v r ... .r! .ll i.i - ,;,, alter a wl.,1... win. will ban. lul- Iti.-iii-ni i.ll. ali'"' l..r that INK J"!".'-'" ' ,uiy p.iW.ti "' "; you .."-. 1 w- .Uli! -'""'" ,,r i,,r the tnsii.m. : iii.u 1 fc..wl. '' Suiulay. ( hnrrli Ml'1" . w.rvv, Sunday morinnt. I,r",tl""K. I ll.;!d. Epworll, fllli'l -ij ' p AVAR'S Cherry Pectoral SAVED HIS LSFE 60 says Wlr. T. M, Rwd, n hIVy rospected rrsrehant of UMii dlctown, II!., of a Voting Man who wao supposed to be In Consumption. "f)ne of my c-itstnini-rn, Borne years a'i. bud a sou Ut lnul all J; llio syiiiitoiii.s of cniisiimjit jim. 'I Ijk u.siial ljiciJiciiics aironli'il him ci nn rclicl', iind In; sdailily lailml"! until ni' wan iniaiilc lo h ave Ins 5 bed, J I is ruotlicr ii.plicil tonic o1 for friiri(i remedy mid I recom- o: l.O.,,, I,., I Au.ip'u I'L.r.n I.....I I O . . 1 . I .-. V ... 1 1 . J 1. I. ...... -I I' ! b .-. .....I, i ..I. OS , III- ,..,III t'lOIV 1 l .11 li'll 11 I lll Q to direction, mid soon lii-ir;Mi to o1 iinpnive until ic liceaiiie well oj nn. I stroll." 1. M. I', Mid i.'li tmvu, Jil, T I A .0111- linn- .c:'i, j ciiiint a o H'-Vere coM, 1 11 ' thl'mit lllld lilUL'S O, ,civ l.adly i 1 1 j!n 11 1'' 1 . and I had a 0 terrible coit;,'li. It. v;is Kiipposed I hat 1 was a victim of ronsimm- o lio:i, nud iny friends bad little o hin 1" . if Vfi't .vi.rv l'.uf I liomrlil C 1. .iih. ,.e i,-,.iuV.i. ., 1 .....i cl ...lll.-w, .l..-.-,l.-iyi-l,IJlll, p took il, iinil was cut i'relv cured, c; No .b.tilil ii xaved my' life," J. .f.'i-;s, j " 1 1 1 1-1 si Cove. Tcim. S Aycr's Cherry Pectoral o ""'v-rf ii-,v,p,t i wards AT THE WORLD'S FAIR C. C. McIJUIl E, Photographer, CKAWKORD, NEB. Is prepared to do all kinds of work in bis line by the most approved methods. lie bus special apparatus for making groups and outside views and ar ties wanting work in that line should call on htm. J3T SATISFACTION (1VAKANTEED. JT HEELING Is the Popubr r E Sport of the Day. Better than gymrtastum txtr cise because in open air, and pkasanter ban walking becauu more exhilarating. A Columbia Bicycle is as enjoyable as a good horse, and much less expensive. Kiders of Columbias are never ashamed of their mount'?, because they ride the standard wheels of the worlJ, representing all that i; best in bicycle construction. E. a. b:gelow, Auctioneer. Will cry sales in Sioux and adjoining counties. Terms Reasonable and satisfaction Guaranteed. bates made at The JOURNAL ollice. Residence 5 miles northwest of Harrison. J. E. PHINNEY, M. I). Physician and Surcou. All cnlla given prompt attention. Office in Drue Store. IIAnltlSON,' - - NEBRASKA. b. L. SMUCK, , Fashionable Barber & Hair Dresser OPEN SUNDAY FROM 9 TO 12. RAZOIW AND SCISSORS PIT IX OUDRU. HARD TIMES (ilvn t inn tat Call. G. J. SI1AFER, rilYSICIAN AND SUROEOX, HARRISON, - NEBRASKA. Diphtheria, Rheumatism, Female ond all Chronic Diseases a Specialty. Office 2d door north of JOURNAL office. I0.H0. 6,:w. .renin. u to fl-'I ""l "TilK ri in Ayer's AmA ...t1,lMrt.iali"'f -' l" 1. ,,r.lilH lllsaSL Alilniii ' llP,., ten."." "'"r ,tu,,.st..i'.,)-r'',ul'l:.,'i Then urrn, my s,ruiilla. uri-l'l n.rd'"K'ly. Ik ) u1" ..... UK111""" A ilanh 01 ugni '"r""'"" P.'k.ulated to equal P2.001I . h.i I" ' nintf n." Ur-V""' . ,vefrih whiskers in liu. kii'h"-"" faj.t, surest, clean 1, li uid""1' , j KiitisfiicUiry ,..t, ni'l '"'i ,. wilK) geiilleiimn ... . .iiVdlll-" r eve. I O NOT-STOP CHRISTMAS, When you want to buy nice and useful prenentu for your wife and children do not fail to ro to the liANCH SUPPLY where you can buy warm winter goods at prices whi. h will make you be lieve that hard times are pant. Boots and Shoes, overshoes, rubbers, felt boots, German socks, etc. . Hats and Caps, Gloves, Mittens and Mu filers. HARNESS -AND SHOE SHOP. J. V. SMITH, Proprietor. New work and re pairing neatly executed. Good work, (iooil nuiterliil and r-nsonsble prices UC A ItANTKKD. Ulv me u call. IUBKISON, - - J KnttAnK 4. Ride a Columbia Om lllMrtrmtH MU'ofri' vTTt lT) jum T1 atout Otawtii ll U Urn M W IftMlM, J W Mil tf tut w lf MMf. POPE MKG. CO, O D b w w ALVIN T. CLARK, ATTORNEY AN.J t;oUNSEI-OR AT LAW, HARRISON, HEBR. Practices in nil the courts und before U. S. Land Office. tlTOWce in Court lJouRe.jn When stocks have dropped clean out of siht, And money's like a clubman Liht, And men talk poor and women climb Six pair of stairs to save a dime Then is the time for master mind Rome new economy to find. One economic dodge you know, Just trudo with HOUGH & SONS. A large line of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shot, Chestnuts, Candies for the babies, Oranges for the ladies. Tea set of 56 pieces given away with $50.00 worth of goods. Yours Respectfully, HOTJQH ac scosrs. MY STO.K OF STAPLE AN J FAN Y DRY GOODS AND ORO ER E9 IS COMPLETE AND PRI. ES TIIE LOWEST. COME AN J SEE ME. LEWIS GERLACH. B. F. THOMAS, Harrinon, Nebrnska. Land Agent and Auctioneer. Eight years' residenco in 8ioux county. Lively allien mid reasonable charges. mrr. wt a rM Son, . Hester & DEALERS IS Lumber, Coal and Farm Implement, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Lime, Lath and Shingles. Windmill and Pump Supplies, HARRISON NBBJURKAi ri J 1 1 .nn.rii. 'Irt builthns'. l""f' Ma fr ny t v Hint lh