The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, December 06, 1894, Image 2

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    HI . .
- - j
. a 4 ', a
Tb Sioux County Journal
sppeared Id the Asviriated Press pa
(r, and was transfered from early
edai'iti to the United I'reM newspa
per It utmi to b I) a trap
1 to atch the P.whiclhad (-n
T B!:ASK:iiiielTufT-rl.ln 1 I'" di-
t - l jf - ft paQeti?. TbeloAie ofiharjinfortun-
Eves if i V; l JL ctfa iU j iLh iiidawardVj4 'The
lfie?a'LJttKCCariljriUww LUt-All -J" was. a UUo
xncK, rUT cauht the tbief Hi bis
erao. ire leroei."
la-ceaom practice
Aftek the
turned mil tin
ried we shall know
shall have
WI Ll4 li Mia.-
about hit jM.licy.
S .vk' Witwi-i. tb weather
prophet, says this country is bound to
rjehaefl ut by a gTsit earthquake
la'.!l t0 tC, IIww A.'XiUt 1 pru:ew.or?
A hfuKt Y woman laughed so
betfilf at her own1 ,oke that -be fell
lead. , 'Thi i a fate w hlub wJll never
befall the i wtalcre fur the couiio
papers. : ' '' '
-The Km tew of Germany Tjm con
ferred the Crder of ihe 'Hack , Fagle
tu hx-Chanceiior Capri vX iiut thai
hardly au)D- for the blaca eye
gave him.
Puotision it qow made for filling
tbe British soldier's p! pe by isasjintr
to him when on board troopship to
bacco which baa bee a aeiied as con.
traband by cutom-bouie officials.
running wftV'!! dp well, jq ex-,
aioiue the waiuis : auuie, of Um in
lantern -ttrlc uiof.rn wbl-ti have
iTr'nlly been jIa M' on tbt? ma'ket
Tt.S Wtul.UUoo' cWia'U of a ajct-,
uiul'r and a flrl-cl ttirect-rren.
dynamo built toeetrier a one inis
chme, on the same sriaft and bfiltctf
to a heavy iron, .Ute.-plate,' Jl.cau"
I e used for puwer purpos during the
day, and lliibtlnf ap- Dtirhy-erfor
electric transmission of power W'dW
Unl UjIbu whea .out iequirel,iur
other Mirpoies. fuish BjacbioeM &
easity maaaeed and ke-pvia wcrtioe
be ; order and mlht prove Qf practical
ue oo aiaBf larua ,, . ., f
Whoever has ohserbed careftiUy,
will have noticed a tendency among
"The latent divorce In Kentucky
wai baaed on the refusal of the bu
baod to ko to market wltb a ba.ket
db his arm and brin? bouiethe frwb
eat aol cboiccit things for the table.
Thin in a lap or two ahead of Cbl-
TnK Busslan Government has con.
ferred on J'rlnce Allx tbe title
"HlaoverQa.a elikaja Koatfoia"
That isn't the proper wav to treat a
itrautfer and the itu.-mua ought to
b aahttued of therueivc for ca.liotf
ber such naues.
i young men of the day, in speaking of
i female character, to decry It In iren
! era! frtu To many of tbeie wbole
! sale libeller virtue In the female
character U a fabl. TbU voiaille
and bax Judittoeot Is more a reult
i of grn4 habit than conviction. If
every jouog utan, when be taket the
name of woman litfhtly on bi
tontfue. or feels the 1 evil propensity
to slander in hit heart, would reflect
tbat he hai a tuotber, and perhaps
sisters, be would piue. If tbe apol
ogies for men who Zander tb? sex to
whom they owe life and a 1 iu de
cencie were Intelligent and sincere
In tbelr habit of slander, they would
merit ever being's contempt.
r..m aMi
WaiHixry. I. C.
aouual report of the
onoiit, submitUKl by
. K'v. 9J.-l.Tha
Interior depart
K-relary Hak
Muith, savs conorriiUi the Union
iV'JtJc rpirvmrrTxifn'iy: r f
"l'tia luvrrnoinl dirr of tl
(iioajraciQe I kailwf company n
llijir amiual riTrl avir thf- thtf-wrfit,
WinoU lflUjUt HJ4IUM Um fhHII-
puy by Oliver Ain-t and others . for
appiintmfvrof .rcelvers. had Xor its
objfctttia pr.4erratioii of tbe system
Lord Rwepkky has onre more
MA-Arnr'Trs ProHMAv: To
maintaining peace with all foreign
nations. The way in which those
uroLean statesmen and rulers id-
list that there must be peac
liable to lead to serious trouble.
Dommlttcd himself to the policy of J illustrate tbe ways of tuberculosis,
lt. Lyman of tbe Cattle Commission
relaws to us tbe story of an eipen
nient carried on by an Intelligent
is i buU ber of Billerica. He confined a
pair of pigs under bis slaughter
, ' house. here ther were allowed to
devour the blood of the victims,
some of which bad. been killed be
cause affecfd wltb tbe above dis
ease,, but no partVf the offal except
tha blood was given to tb awine.
When the pair were subsequently
kflled It was found that both flg
haI contracted tutercul.Mis; . one In
the- lungs and chet and the other lo
trie bowal. This reu:t Khows that
it Is noVallowable'W' feed any 'part
of tbe diseased animal to at stockj
or to poultry. , i- x i.
t - WSi in in ( . J
"The rw.f ivors w-re unable to dis
charge th oplig -ulons with ' which 'the,
cjiijuuT u iu.iJel down, owing to
caries wuicii owuU not taicly U at
tnttuUnl to pmasiog- uiiia ksturb
aues, but whieti ' mu!u1 - in such
dinributin 6T wtilnirs as to1 pivreut
them rVom meetlog. the combant's re
4htl mecU, i
J'I'liilaiiiu .to pre rwl (UouUmt
utvot Ute systems wu rtiM-to uudi
tiuM aaisHny at the Rrue (he raoai vars
aaaumed controL' Tha general policy
observed bf theirfl in their' adminjgtra
Up'n pf the coujpauies affairs ;s approved
blithe 'goitruiDeiii'a direct ora. . ,Tua
net arttlnga bavs bswu a)aaid in
tverv tti.ttane ta eonformiiy with the'
rqnttiw and rights of the various de
fendant companiea," separate ' accounts
of receipts and ezpenditured of the res
pective properties bauig kept.
The governiMint directors deotare
tbat tbe ids that tba foreciaaur of
tin government lien wonld displace
valuable and important Interefts.wbich
coatd be relied on lo provide means fot
carrying Into effect any , adjustment
cougreas might ptopoae, is without
foundation lo fact. Tb market value
of aA the stock being ha round num
bers bat W.000.0UO, It is not theubt by
the government directors that the scat
l red stockholders would contribute a
vety large sum , to avert foreclosure
from displacing other aecurt'tes. Tbe
holders of (be Oregon Railway and
Navigation too Oregon tyhori Line and
Uih Northwestern, the Union Pacldo,
Deuver A Gulf, tbe Union I'acllicsink.
ing fond 8s, the Kansas Pacific consoli
dated 6a, ti e Kansas division and colla
teral mortgaged per cent bonds would,
in the opinion of the government direc
tors, advance nothing to avert a fore
closure of the government Hen, The
holders of the Jlrst three are under
stood to be inclined to the belief that
better resails can be produced bv a
separate administration of the proper
1 mm filu Alii W4
hr. rarKHacH't, Nov, 17. The
caar and lrluc-s A 1U t-f II-ae wre
marrledUasMtcaliiedral at n-xm y a
4a. The ci'ii-Hiy was oiof .ya
grealfcul splenor4iid brilliancy, tha-pro-
ItTMIfll JIUUi L I my IIIIOI f v P ' v"'"
I pswftjraTvwrli.rising all tbe urgnitafs
vt the empm nrScers of tbe army." ana 1
nary and the diplomatic aorpa.. H'ljen
the procession revlt-d tbe cathedral at
the mreiiif end of the A!i lidfr lilatl
Chaplaik Plum mkb has been dis
tbarired from the United States array
lor 'over-lad ulgence In mlied Intoxl
moU He was terfectlr orthodoiln
bis craed, but when tbe ' Jag- was
spon bim his mind and bi.i.ltarances
ran lo worldly'chann!s wblch Uncle
sam could not approve. ' , '., ,,
' Ws have It from a 1 reliable source
tbat MlhS I'ullraao Uvoi to marry
thl' king of " ?'rvifc '"affir'alL' 'If
tbjire. are any other Luropcan' potej
IMM who bava not been upoa the
point 6t maiT-inv"MH' Pull ma rJ It is
itiui vtitDJor" thoiu' to, be, "beard
from;! Tbe tadyt Is growing older
tvery'da;. ' ' 1 "
. vposMKEnATKrt cannot be too care-'
faL. forethoutfbt cannot be too,. or
lusDtaeok pr ode nee . cannot be . too
llscreet; "bnt the rst; way to Insnre
tbeae i , WuTu Is "tq '., 'confine" the m
iWictly; withla thai r proper liruiu,
irid never to permit them ' to ' inter
fere wlth the womptness 6f a' tlori,,
with integrity of purpose, and wltb
Bdellty'to all engagements. ' "' '
, ' '' '
Jfr thqre'.Is bhtf (hlng; xahH tan
aoutriar that worries 'a sick, person, J (
is squeaky shoe. - Many .weli-lntetv-ttoned
visitor bustle Into 'the room
where, an iqyaTfj Is ljii"ig('aria, even'
though, tbelr, risi ,M .aeant to bt
cbeer nrand cemfortlna thetaaura
vitng '(O'ik of their fritwear'wiU
counts'rlaJaDc U fhe. goodfiaf, their
preaQ( might otberie produce.
Rustling flewgpapers, voices that kink
to a whisper and overanxlety s to the
patient's appetite or personal coaroil
are ali annoying-when the invalid i
sick enough W be1 frettv and yet no
sick enoutrh to 1 oblivious to his ot
Cjuha iaslcJc of war and beseeches ; ner turiouadings.', Tact Is neoeasary
the Euroyjean tviwersto Interfere and
eoibpel Japan Ui accede lo a peaceUl '
setUentanUi,. There Is always some
thWf lodlcrnos aboot a Wg booby
tailing on tystanuers to poll the lit
tle fellow off, and wha a country ii
IOT). (K)0, fiO Inhabitants asks- to-be 1
saved from the fists of a cotintrless 1
than half iu sl&e the civ 111 .eJ. woud
cannot but regard it with den on
'The Mea Of a DOtnaiu"cnvetore
originated in l53..i The llrst .appii. s
eation of rt was(byMr. y de , , Volfyer,
who eaUhlisDed. a.piivatc postobli; ,
In Paris,, placing tiOJie at the AUeeX.j
cotrters an1 having reghlae- tirns of
in the air: k room, far more than any
where else and the amateur' ntrrse
mast hrlng patience, forbearance ana
thought Vo bear upon a task that
needs the nicest bandllog Ifi orrler tc
steer, clear of ttorois' and obUclei' ,
Tke bigtrwrt fooi on earth ha'len
Identified He Is lierr'amlb iTarzarif,1
aged 22, of i;e,cr!'cld.t,UhJu, I'-enja-uijn,
is-a Cbri-tia(i Science, i rawk.
Hecently h tok what money hotiswl
save frrmi many ifjrs ht hs.rfl wdrk
on axm andjwent t,8 ew,York W
take a coursn uf inrtructlorr i the
New Y6rk Christian SclcnceTralnlng
. : i i ' ' 1 '
Cehuil A f a ww ta. ou It a Tn it.t
rolleCtTorUpd aelfyery. AThe plandld,, tUff)ml -
I graduate. Therj he wnt ' forth tfi
j conquer the wboje w Tldoi junbeiiev.
era vile bad hard isleddmir. .cyf
ffr heretlraL and skerMe- cave htm
rpeawdry-planderea .-and . wer loU;0r Uo1:' Then he,sat, (Jown
l!-?toxHowimt nt lhe would. dfimohttatiiVtnIJ
noti.worii. ltwever,.becaurt 0 there--;
luctaiflce: ' of the people to Irittnwt, 1
tbelr rresr'hjtehce tb,:"'thei' ud-j
warded re6etUiclea iexe ware.
bf firdeV of the'" Wf Tpartru.enr;'.
was among the noted, 8ghtra of bbe
war. " Ftoth as comnsander of volun- j
taetjaod regular tipiipa',' 'n tb ht
UatvAf tbe re sell ion and in bis cam' ;
patrns against tit 'Indians; when be !
lost 'his rtaht'a'rm at fair 6a ki,' arjd"
wen tbe thanks of CoatfreiM for gal
lantly" at OettyshiiTg,' he showed hfm
self a , man of; unlUaching bravery
and a comrrraaKles'i of 9ne abilitr.
Gen. Howard 1 I 'held Gear In tbe
memory of .matty "of 'ttW oldlef; bofs.
, J . J ISV I I I t: IJ
Bsadkm vf AornlaMT navas papers
wrre elctrlB! otvi dy rtwotlf by a
ctftfe,, prtrapi , mitUA , tt)u u ty
iMra: f fflH astAitmot tte.lritratar
Cttte of New Kyaghur, Iw'llw Pro
Im of Qrletsv JutwJ wtwlnet
for biro to do 'A bright idea at ruck
orias in -an unnnsUkablv way.
he went on a -visit te several small
no H "patle h ts 1 n ' t he h e IJjti r A r Boqd a ml
etposea nuuseir me.areaa
t srion. .Then be : book a trarn aad
went fiuS fjo bis' Aid hdme W Ohio.
There be pilogled freely ,'witb his old
friends went to church aad sang In
th rvjolrv1 After meeting abottt 5W
persons be went to bis borne and
broke out- with a most virulent cauie
of small-ptri.' Tbe whole com nudity
baa bed' pe,PPrl,.'ltb.r the dlneajk
and tbe bute Hotwd of Health li
frantic All of wblckv remlode u ol
Ptkk'a eollliy; ,'Wbk fools; thesi
m'orUle he.;', ; . ; i.iVi
Sua only tine nasen oCwifwrtenei
file wkte taitav feiti ewewltiewes, tr
toMl tw ke-"te Mt ' aiaklaf 0y
iifcM.. -' jUf n, t..
4 ml,.
diaJ rtidayXj.liht
trr. nvM.e i
Coxy, idiK, Ui tjnrp
purporting loconlaiu
- Suxl for Pmem.
WAsnisoioN, Nov. 30. China has
saccntnbed to tbe inevitable and sued
for peace. Her proposal will, he pre
sented to Japan through the Lnited
Hatee mtnlsura at - Pel'u and Tokto,
tboa promising' a termination of the
war as the reaUt, in part at least, of th
exercise of, the good Oilices ol, tbe
United Htatea. : It is not possible at
tbia Uaae to learn the terms ef ' Oilna
nrotKMrltlor) ws handed to Minister ten-
ty Lut It lal probable it provides for.
but two j coiiceanioti a mpnejr ideia-
nitv and acnimtiitsUwetito(au;raaity
ovt-rOerea. it is Improbable tbat the
first tender willUe ac.ptel Vj Japafl,1
as auCT-ovettiB"es kr rarelv accepted,,
bu,t tltfe propositi will o'lnsq tu,. way'
to a counter offer of terwa hy Japun
throegh-Mituster Dunn, nud Im tie go
tiationa, triueefusfnf Mhi If they fol
low the hsual wr, wtiriead, OrsCto
a truce uuaer . proper guwautef, or. a
preliminary agptetiusut. to faae boetiU
ties, and. finally; U tbe tlguature of
detiuite treat v of peace Justwowtnts
propositkm wan brought about Is net
known jet.' It fa probath however,
Uiat as the matter Is hi the hands oi
th American tniaialera iu China and
Japan, tbe visit of Mr. Diatering.-oorn-
mteeiooerof maiitlne cukIorH at Tim
Tstri, to Japan, is to bef directly con-
necieu witn tne peace ntgou;iiuu, ar
baa been euppoaexU . , .us
j , c"a suaiu. , .
fciiANoMAi, NovrJU. Ataeosation
has been caused here by a 'memorial to
the throne aignedi' by own 120 blu
olhctais impeaching IA ' Hong-Chang
and chargirfg" him J wfttt' corruption,
.ll-i . A.I 4.. 1 -1V, ' .I
niorial dyscarea-' that JLi Uupg Chang
rejoice4 HtUie Jhpajiei,jvicu(ies and
prevented the ( iittiese from achieving
success,' He is said to have represented
that China was prepared for War when
be sue the. contrary. , was tbe case.
LI ttuiig t hang It aiao aut o be un-
viieaUKl with .-Print-0 Jiang, tbe em
iwror's unrts and ' presKle&t of 1be
fsnng l.( Tamen ani president of th?
adrirjlraty, wrto" was 'yecejiirjr' appointed
dictator, and IJi lue JaVoi,.AVu and
Uie counolatier f the i'umeee lorces
at Port A Mian mm of tlm menioriet-1
be'gulHy f higli Ireajffri and Of selling3
...i i.i,i"ic.: -4.''i.i..i.i ..
B-me spcrem im wax luticriai 10 HIB
enemy'. They, weia urtUer cbarged
with UiVes'lug oieoey iu Japan,! with.
bHrbortug iraasonao.e Ceairm' against
theCbitiesemneror'aBd Wfth' cdirstiir-'
logrt'o proenfe jjrib oyerthrow of phlria.'
Jbe memouai ueiauus, ine lusuut
piinisliBteut and diswiMMiof aul
f-mrsiTrTf rartne emr-ho if iTrruTirr
ropolitao of Mt . . Petertburg, tile " Uf Tf
svnod arid -the court clrpy besnng
crosses, holy waXur ami -aacred books.
Tbe uietropoliun coiiductel the fzar
to ape-sit ion 'trjon a ttitrs ' winrh" "httd
been plaewi irl the centre ef the chan
cW behind tlie rati. As the emporer
too h.PAwMthoriaht ot.the. data
the.czariua led l' ,Aia to Jiira
and piaced hW at -hu) t haud, aide.
Thecianua then tooa her.jplace tUi.,lbe
cbaucel to the right of the dan.
The eruaane, holy water and sacred
book) were then placed before the gate
oflkonottas arid the marriage service
In use In the orthodox church waa be
gun by the singing of psalm 127. - Tbe
ceremony waa of tbe most impress re
character, and lasted nearly two hours.
After the psalm Ihe Archpriest Jooy
skcheff said a few words of instruction
to the couple, tailing them what is the
mystery of marriage or bow io marrl
age tber have te live acceptably unto
God, end honorably. At the conclu
sion of this, the prelate turned to tbe
czar and said :
"Hast Ibou, N icholaa, a good and un
constrained will and firm d terrain a take unte thyself tbis womaa
Allx, whom here thou seest before
To this the czar answered: "I have,
reverend father,"
Tbe archpriest then asked:
Thon hast not vowed thyself to any
Other bride ?'
The ctar answered: "I have not
vowed myself, reverend father."
Tbe same questions were asked of
Princess Allx. with similar answers.
caow.Ns iroK theih iikai.
After prayer tbe prelate took two
crowns, placing the flsrt upon tha head
of the ctar, saying; "The servant of
God, Nicholas, Is crowned for the hand
maid of God, Allx, is the name of tbe
Father and of tbe bon and of th Holy
Ghost." Placing the other crown upon
tbe bead of the bride, be said: "The
handmaid of God, Allx, Is crowned for
the servant of Gwd, Nicholas, la the
name of tbe father and of tbe son and
of tbe Holy Ghost." ' After an anthem
the priest pronounced the ' blessing, as
follows: , .
"The f ether, the Bon and tlie Holy
Ghost, the All Holy and consuhstanti
ate and Hfe-ortftoaUng trinity, one
God-head and sovereignty, bless Von
aad vouchsafe onto you long life, well,.
favored children, progress iu life Mtd
faith aad replenish, you with ail lb
good Uilti? of earlb, arid connt yon
worthy Of the ' obtaining of ! promised
bleaslugs, through, the prefers ".of the
holy God, bearing one aud . ail of Urn
eaiate.vAQ.ea.'!. i , t
Tbe cxar tbeo' kiaawd the ' bride, and
the guests' soon followed to 'congratu
late .''the 'couple. At. be conclusion of
the congratulations the diamiasal was
protiottotied, aud the bride ud groorn
and the wedding guests returned to Uie
Winter palace. -' ' ''-"
A H o'cjck iii the evening there 'was
a bulUtude,' before the Anltchkoff
palace sUigmg the tialiouai autham and
clieetingi Tbe cxar and cxanaa ap
peared on: tbe balcony at intervals
amidst such roars of cheers as have not
been herd Jn St, Peteruburg for yeara.,
An eye viuiees oi lne prvceaaiva
through LUe halle after the wedding re
lates that tbe bride was very stately,
very beautiful but Somewhat weary
and sad." " ' ' ' . ' '
... : . . II.
: "SjuH. e TM-tMrf. ' '
SakaYooa, N; r., Nov. 27.' The J
mystery cenoertiiug Uie alleged death
of Caaries (J.-Whitney of Chicago In
tills place October 4, is sought Xt be
explain by two letters, received,' by
the Daily baratogian from John JJyrne
of U'llcox, Neb. Iu tlie first, letter be
wrote as a relative of WhiUiey, inquire
log lor limber particulate of Ills death
than contained Irt the .Saratolan "No
vemtiet'' &. ) In ' tiie ' second letter he
writea that '"thsre "was no such a uiaa
as Uiiney," and that the notice was
printed for "a special laiuiiy , purpose
Uial bas Iaikl."i ' ; i " -' -'
licet! with the eon. pi racy, i:
. ,Ae turrvan ataevrt. (
liL Itevf. Ok., .NiC3IU.---Thw report
tLt a train on tne itnca isiarm ran
road was held up fier here )n without'
fowbdatlen. '
5 - 1 s-iit ;j-';
.r,t B4. Ttrntmimtum ktwmp. .
Bhloit, Lau.,-- New, at.-Tuesday
BfteraooOi tbe city marttiali micceeded
In brteetlng ltd. . Templeton, formerly
of thU place,' who is . wanted la Corn
ing, (jib, for boidUtff up aad robbing
one C. C Vining of tbat place, on last
ttu relay, Nmtver M. 1 Templeteo Is
ri n kn about It year of k ttBtf
tew hviti vmi rswuer rvusu cnar-
si. ' in lSWW trks aeriT lo ttw Fte-
M de i
Tr.'T" ?--?.!' -TT rffWswsWIMvne
'' Tlie Iol(fiii.o Cnetinoed. 1 ''"
CtpvtuJtop; t7 S'oy.27-The'invea.
ligation ot thi stories, of tiMilteaaauee
In olltoe agnltnt L'oiUkI Htat-a Judge
A, J. iiitka was continued h-r rester
dyi'Tai cougretsional fnviwfigatfTig
committee, coiisisiiug of Itepreseita
tives liaily nras, Brotlerfck of Kan
sas and Latrn'oP-iniifois, arrived at the
federal btlfldirig. about iO pVlock The
charges agafnat Judge 1(1 cits araUhai
aa judge of tlie p'nited Mates cwurt Ite
approved his own report as clertt, whieb
poaiuou lie previously held, snowing It
to be 'incorrect" It1 is charged 1 that
Kieke profited to the ektent of about
lUi above Ms legal fees by Uie ap
proval of the report. . ..
TjyyiK, 0., .Nov. 27. Owe ef tbe
largeal crowds ever seen bore aaseaablod
Monday iu atteuOanee on the funeral
of tbe tatw -General tllbaon. 'At t
o'clock tbe remains were conveyed U
Use MeehodJet Epjacopa) church, where
tbefiavtBfUUaod were viewed f
of. pereeea JjustBess was
T. lions. Mo., Nov. 28 -A special
from Ft. Worth. Tex, ays that tbt
tint news of an attempt to hold up
thi,uir, uoio raoo at
Dlptherla has appxared
Pe depot with f tl rsu
, . w . , " - I
WeUaxgeipreBeAllce at Can a-T. XrnetIao4 afltaver 11
. i i f. . . mm a
li4 nere yea-; , . a) ; i i if of lalke.
of , mony cosv 1 J 1 X
IIUB K iV- -I " -
T . . . - . . .. . I 1. 1 r, f....j
tOIS ivmr m w
VZ,1 finraj-rTved i . . .
at ( ana.lian Friday night. Within forty The northeasVNeVaaka tea
df oanntri utu-r tii uaui cum in a wrawvii - "
sUeawlstei eJaBJEsMeeleafi
thedi-pot. Mieriff .-IcGee of Hemphill Iilphtherta Is Still fearfully
county, who was there alone, attempt-L.nt m iVkamsh and there is
ed to stand the robb-rs off, hfa-ii. mre timre cloning tlie schools,
was shot and morUlly woun.lHrdllVi ThT'o.le ol lUeau are
31 ms wounas .-aiuruay i..k.iv. i .,iemM,iTell Bell as the pr by escefmu unuuri. .-v ,,Mle-llI1)fl lt,e InglnTays.
nmue iy inoruiua oo m ffvii i"i i
robbers L-jgun t'ord waa reached
here that (the poasee surrounded tbe
batidrhr-in twe An hills, vn- the
CTieyenne country, and alter a des
perate fight captured atW ' of i tbe
party. Particulars are not obtainable.
A relief party containing surgeons
have left for the scone. :Tbe rebber
are heavily armed andw etf mounted. "
Her Hm rirl.
Wis.virwVlaTtav, NW2H.-A a re
sulteaMsWwositroversy between tbe
western and eastern grain dealers re
garding the mixing of w heal in transit
tbe western dealrrs have decided to
boycott the .eastern seen altogether.
Several orders feeel red ' from Toronto
and Montreal buyers wt re ignored.!
Henceforth all grain shipped from here I
wilLgo to New York direct Instead . of
vMTorentosr Men treat. - A member
of tbe Winnipeg grain exchange stales
Uiat hitherto western shippers -hwv
been fleeced unmercifully by eastern
buyers in various ways. Consign
ments of grain would be refused for
trivial reasons or no reason ' at " all,
Shortages were alwaje alleged i wbeu
none existed, and prices were Invari
ably much leas Titan could b received
by direct shipment to New York, J
Is stated that steps will also be taken
next teiuion . to. prevent the . appoint
ment of oHittern toeo to Qi standards
for western grain, the allegation being
made that It Is Ue filing of standards
and not the mfxlng of grain that makes
I'uiiitlt n 1 1 v ti t vmip" i iiiptmr prices
than Manitoba wheat In Liverpool
A lllg It ask. '
Nkw York, Nor. 3b. A treftjend
oua stream of gold is poiirwg Jnto, tb
motreasury. At 5 o'clock hut evening
there bad arrived from tbe Stewart
syndicates 27,ttiO.(KXJ of gold for tbe
day making iyv )0.&1 since the allot
men wis raWltVIorief.ricietJrha tTlsi
,(t4 from the 'Itae o( lliitish;
.rtrV.Amers ThJcUl, atj tbsj
BUb-trjury were still busy at & o'clock
with members of the bond syndicate
who wished lo deposit gold. The 11
tng agents of the sycotorej'Wrrt eton
ished at the rush of orders aud the In-
pouring of inquiries. Over 4,000,0X)
of the bonds were sold at 119 ai
price will be advanced lo I I'J'nj as soon
as the regMtueier ttOhe first tiMQXJu,
is placed" Otirtrfoct orfifT.TJW wis
sola and two blocks of 1.5.010 each.
The purchaaera of li
unsuccessful subscrl
Crnsiderabie purchases of the bonds
are made by those desirous of escaping
arge blocks wsra-LWayne and is eupoosed to be thr
bifJa!'lflli.1of UuaUtdJartstw. The Wayne I.
hhuC lo Kill. i
Ci!iCAio, Nov. 28. K. C. Haalings,
a milkman who lived at 3u7 Klounioy
Street, shot aud killed E. I. Milliard, a
Iawyelp)iu3he' latterV office on ' the'
eightrrfloorof'the Itookery, La halle
street yesterday afternoon. The mur
derer viuid JU) xca4 Crowd which
gutKetssv'ovvrttitj twdr HllliarftTtfat'
the lawyer had robbed him for ten
years and he could stand It. HQ , long.e.
When Hastings entered lee eftae ef
bis victim there waa a brief conversav
tion about a note wblcn Hilhard said
he did not owe Hastings. Then the
bullet was fired into tbe neck of the
lawyer, whoJdOl u' fe ft bouf)
Hastings calshlf4aoed Uk(i unjjw
laten io ie i'MW etretsi ponce saw
lion. Milliard was a director of tbe
Love Electric Traction company and
lived at bong wood wiih hia-witaietBdi
three children. J","",,"ri
aeft-r of Tr
. ei
Novk 2s. Abe Ievy tlia
awws I vws.- vestvjrnav
...fieri .ir..sBT'.r . . .
posuxi wiiii j. narry-nhiiaru, me stake
holder iu the Ives-hchaefer billiard
match the sum of t.','Ji), iiiiinniag ilia
final deposit in the big match. The
amended articles called for the poat
Inrof theeftf f writfabetf Zi. id
that I ves' Uiooey vnt put up really be
fore it was dae. hcu-ejer will pro
bably put the balance of tnsrvtk,kei
up. me inuicii is ror vzy) a side,
fourteeo-iuch balk tine, with
sincted "anchor" nurse, ainlxu
the re-
ZMi poinia, In blocks of tkxj a night.
.rai.N.Ttf 2Prl.W, fcli
marck died at arsm vesterdav
rjtanaarass lierim: cirnsoiiiMA'- er toiffflifMiAr tlie res
Miniilffe .itnni it oi j. l ui
marks that the h reisainuige Zitung it
ensendett reiti i
TMjioofBdaie rinee, eoi
rU Ol
,tbs only Ilerlln paper that barely
nouuees i-rmcess isisiiiareavatioeath
Ali the others eulogize iier. Iu ParU
iuo jemps aione reiers to her dealli
with t.n.t . . I, i mam i
w..u v. .v. WIIIUIVIIV,
s win sae r..oi.aj. r , , "
New Haven. Conn., N'ovrM.I
There is a possibility tbat Yale mav be
prevented from syif Ui . Pri i, cc fU ' th I e v ej f eviiem their
wu vj uie acuon oi me faculty. One
of tbe professors said that the faculLx
cuon in ins matter, ee the roughness
vi ... p..7 .i opnngneia has a-t aome
of tbe members of tbe faculW LLlai!
etn4 svUsasVS
Inst any
' Kroner belief that , .'a
Am0vita wiu be
"Tlie confracFTor the' iiaf well
:lm ditch was let to a Grand
(aiani-er-erii bi;Wi Vtumei
the ladies of i-roken IkiW
formerf "aebcieiy for charity?
luring the winter. May tbe Los?
-v.- f
iV'uasr baa-- a- man twentj
rears of age who is poor but
tud warns a wife. Who will
The Genoa lUniavswewsvtlnues
UaU the pjstforin adopted by tbe
'tst party at "its last unliappv a
tin i.
I) ptherla U lauiiy ptrva a
Columona, Hat'le "Crvek, 1'irrS
i veral other towns In tlie
P.atle sountry
Wail" Georee; setifn;
Vi allitoe. whs away from honia a
lie came along and ate up his h.J
UlAsSd the house by only a few I
An enterprising restaurant r
Pender Is selling fresh oysters
nuts a Quart- The feet -of, MMK
ing too much or else he is chargi
Httle. '' " "
John Fagan of Arcadia, Neb.,
larif cancer removed from bis li
ysrvrtKine by Ir. Kugelken and
at M. t raorts hospital at.
Island... :. "L. . ..i: .-t
The Kearney Sun is one of
clean, neatly-priiitssl plcy
paiers that always has editorial
tsurlti reaikiig aiul fauiainusnioa.
t live long and prosper,
gome, of .Gjbiain's citizens alii ;
ftuoiU-r of goel horses lo a
Omaha OoptBilsBIon (Inn a shot
lnee aad trie shlpj-er's recelTe4
a head for their horses.
Lew Mimtners of Kear
his foamlim rhargeral A
it,. ,.,f,.ul aa.,,nl.l li
arm dil(BWtiP2 thi waist ana
gher up
co in pt.1
ii g solli bwiioj a hl.e
. .
ihe Mauaard (JatUe
Ames had made large p'rch4
grain in Kansas and other poiuu
TiwV4estcoiIpany In at tbe r
Wn'rVUweivfTarf per day. The!
elevator la rapidly filled ap, an 1
d cake Is being piled
and covered wltb Large shH
caifvas. ..... ,rye -" x--fir
xlie large efevitor of'Turner
ner was discovered to be on :
partmei l was promptly on bai
with the excellent system of
works succeedjalrtttigTanmC
(XX) worth of proi erty. IncIudliJ
aiaeatir and the Wayne roller
It Is difficult lo estimate the dan
the grain by fire and water, h
loss to 1 urner A Urenner. Inxlud
damage to tbe elevator, If abjjiKH
A valuable iionte in the shed u
rau-d by the smoke, aithougi
Uiried a parliei. . .,
Mrs. htriciiler, a Ivly about!
yewrs of age residing on the ii
Utrrn, itni,nniet aoalh of Orleanf
WitTi a j-alhrm and what may p
fatal accident. Hie was out I
etwieer wateMin lies mm tett
as nearly sevef
Ui a,cutivti aniLuiirl
When the tree
cam a dVjwn jvl
ateryy i jwh
The tree rftrti
her right limb just atiove the
mashing the bone to apllnters.
qtilfWpMdl'ii.ncerled effort ol
strong uifi, lo move the tree au(! d
lo let the foot frr. Her should
also disIoca'SkUatiid it is fearel
cap tint riK)Ver- .
'An aJ(kir77ermonntrTrt
convened at Fremont, Judte hi
HfMittilig. A jry was empaue.
the caa- of tlie slate vs. liondoq
no evidence being offered onthe
.if the stitte the pur arctrr - t
fhfaeeiiu'ant. Alfred lCNll
North liend was admitted to H
aMihr-diswict pwHa,' ofaJaVH
CouMty ttmey" IrtlTrefl bttV tN
formatioii against Walter Hand
irpt!irc4 at Crawford some
ago and brought back to Frem
answer lo a charge of running
with uerteirv-Ai aroftaiii, H
Johii.4frrV.'ipureJr ai Tor Kil.
brought bsck to Fremont to ans
oi J. JN. I'ollock of Hiliinw ii tow
a rrellminar Irlat
Idatlce Wunirsteen. He was hr
trial In tbe district court In
Imn.U lis could not furnish s
and went to jail.
; I wt youg fellows built a shsil
the pine ridge near liemlngfor i
were sawiua rirltnnil fnr an'l
luugings, stole tnolr overcoaU s
view tisws, oeeirea lbs nubile to ui
Btsai ehak be Is not s oaodldets ti
foptbaa by YM)$,l'mZuV9lP liorfjjllia
AbM be praVs4ave Ufa, oi evtH
... . . . ' 7 I J
saantw to oorriac ate to Bby"
k-A i l i J a- i 'Aiar-v ,ti
jnew s?. jseev, . n tu. J: j-i
WW $