The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, December 06, 1894, Image 1
TheSioux County Journal VOLUME VII. UAiMMiEw I 11AHKIS0N, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1894. NUMBER 13. 4 THE jOMKERCIAL BANK. flTABLISHCO Harrison, Nebraska. a r tX I. ORI8WOLD. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. ICO 000. ineacta a General Banking Business. C0RRISP0NDNT3i m XiWUll Bam, N,w York. (bras ftrini Natwu, bknt. Omk, Fwt N.noa-u, Bare, CWm Interest Paid on Time Deposita. cmurrs sold on all pasts or tutor, THE PIONEER harmacy, J. I PHINNEY, Proprietor. Pare Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils and Varnishes. lumui. School Supplies. JvcHptians Carefully Compounded Day or Night. Simons & smiley, Harrison, (.ebraska. Estate Agents, teal Havo a number of bargato bo land in Sioux county. itto desiring to buy or can estate should not fail to call on them. in School Lands leased, taxes paid for -residents; farms renwa, -RESPONDENTS solicited. PALMARE'S SERMON. GREAT PREACHER nwFi i THE LEPROSY OF SIN. ON unfertile t I ills I ha World to Rhw the Way t Hlfhrr Joys Spirit oaj Happt- a attaint Through a Humble Spirit -Moral Upna, Tha flek OeaeraL Rev. rr. Talmage chose a. tbe subject f lt Sunday's Tinon throuf h the pre. " be Kirk General," the te it sulected bo ng 11. Mugs, T. 1, "He waa a leper." Here we bare a warrior aick n.t lth h'unsie or rheumatisms or eonaump 'iont, but with a disease worse than all :bee put together. A red mark baa come ut od the forehead, precursor of com pete disfigurement aud dissolution. I late something awful to tell you. Gen eral Naaman, the commander in chief of ill the Syrian firrex. Las the lr,ror' It i on Lib hand, on ui facei 00 j,ia on hi. entire ncra,.n Th l.i,r..u,-1 H out of the way of the rietilence! If lis brftuth strike you. you are a dead man. rhe commander in chief of nil the forces ( Syria! And yet he would he alsd to xchauge conditions with the boy at his "tirrup or the hostler that blai.ket his 'hargcr. The news goes like wildfire all hrotigh the renlm, an. I the r'llo' are lympaihetie, arid they cry out, "la it pos lible that our (treat hero, who slew Ahab nd around w hom we came with such vo- ifiTRtion when he returned from victo "ious battle can it be possible that our rrand and glorious Naaman has tho lep- Kverybody ha. something he wishes he had not David, an Absalom to liesrrace him; I'aul, a thorn to sting him; Job, carbuncle to plague him: Sain- on, a Dililuh to shenr him; Ahab. a Naboth to deny him: Human, ft Mordo- -ai to irritate him; George Wash ington, childlessness to alllict him; John Wesley, a termagant wife to pos- ter him; Iah, wcuk eyes; Pope, a crixk d ba-k; Ityron, a club foot; John Mil Ion, blind eyes; ('buries Lamb, an In- ane sinter; and you and you and yon and you something which you never bar gained for and would like to get rid of. The reason of this is that (lod does not want this world to be too bright. Other wise we would alwnys want to stay and eat these fruits and lie on these lounge and shake band, in this pleasant society. At tha Iloor of the lam pin. It 1. to push you on anil to push you up toward something grander and better that God sends upon you, a he did upon (Jeneral Naaman something you do not want. Seated in his Syrian man. ion, all the walls glittering with the shield which b bad raptured in battle, the corridor! rrowded with admiring visitors who Just wanted to see him mice, mnaic and mirth tnd banqueting filling ail the mansion from tessellated floor to pictured cell ing, Naaman would bare forgotten that there wa. anything better and would hT been glad to stay there 10,000 years. Hut, oh, how the shields dim, and how the visitors fly the hall, and how the music drop, dead from the string, and bow the gate, of the mansion .lam ahut with sepulchral bang, as you read the closing words of the eulogium: lie wave leper! He was a leper!' There wa. one person more .ytnpe.tb.etlc Ith GeneraJ Naaman than any other person. .Naaman s wire waias tne noor wringing her hand, and trying to turns' what .he can do to alleriate her hus band', .offering. All remedies hae fail ed. The surgeon general and the doc tor, of the royal staff hate met, and they have shaken their heads, as much aa to y, "No cure, no cure!" I think that the office seekers had all folded up their recommendations and gone home. Prob ably moat of the employes of the estab lishment had dropped their work and were thinking of looking for somo other situation. What .hall now become ot poor Nsaman's wife? She must have sym pathy aomewnere. in ner acspair sue goe. to a little Hebrew captive, a ser vant girl in her house, to whom she tells rie whole story, a. sometimes, when overborne by the sorrows of the world and finding no sympathy anywhere else, you have gone out and found In the sym pathy of some humble domestic Hose or Dinah or Bridget a help which the world could not give yon. What a .cene it was! One of the grandrat women In all Syria in cabinet .uuuril with a waiting maia over tne ae- lining health of the mighty general. I know something, .ays the little captive maid, "I know sometnlng, as she bouuds her bare feet. in tne mnu rrom which I wa. stolen there is a certain prophet known by the name of KlUha, wbo ran cure almost anything, and I ihouldn't wonder if be could cure my nnnler. Send for him ngnt away, 'on, bush!" you 7- 11 ,nfi n1K,,1,l meoicai 'aUnt in all the land cannot cure that leper there is no need of your listening to toy Ulk of -rvant girl." But do not ff, do not sneer, i ne uuk-i i tie captive maid Is poinung in me ngui Jirectlon. A l.lttl. th'1"1 Them. And how ohen it is that the finger of childhood h p' , he right direction; w, v, -" 7of .ln? Von m,. t me see. It be 6ve yars now." Piveyear.. aiu.t ne u i . .,,-,. tt ho was it tnni liom. pbyl'ii"i? "oh i. .1 a in tt fir "l ambernl up on my knee, and looked in Zi fs.'e and s.ked me why I didn't be 11 and H th. time strok- ?Olue a - i,l't r, unirrr In. knowing wny i umn i u ri I .i trwm tiHtistr. fT lho h. been brought to Christ by V bttU. grsmlehiUlren. There are , f ?hrWlB mother, who had bnndred. of Christ d ZTlhMrn How did you get rid their little rbildr-n nd 'nr .m, oh Id n,yPdyin, child, with '00 "''i 11Z finger, pointed that way. B and wmi n;r; p 0 MT -that Oh. I ?' "':V0: thcrlb that aw. M I" .. " . h.M. hard, Tery hrfl, vbtl ii ,. . iH had Its uj you say, it was my Kred or Charley that ng my listed upon ..! nla-htl not pointed me to Christ I don't think I erer would have got rid of my leprosy." Go into the Sabbath school any Sunday and you will find hundred ot little fing ers pointing in the same direction, toward Jeau Christ and toward heaven. Years age the astronomer calculated that there must be a world hanging at a certain point in the heaven, and a large prise waa offered for aome on who could dlaoaver that world. The Uleacopee from the great obserratorie were pointed la vain, but a girl at .Nantucket, hfaaa, fashioned a teleeeope, and looking through It discovered that star and wo the prise and the admiration ef all the as tronomical world that atood amaxed at her gtnlns. And se tt I often the rswe that grown people raaaot the light, while some little child behold the star of pardon, the star of hope, the star of con solation, the star of Bethlehem, the morning star of Jeans. "Not many mighty men, not many wise men, are called, but God bath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the mighty, and base things and things that are not to bring to naught things that are." Oh, do not despise the prattle of little children when they are speaking about God and Chriat and heaven. You see the way your child is pointing. Will you take that pointing or wait until. In the wrench of some awful bereavement, God shall lift that child to another world, and then it will beckon you up ward? Will you take the pointing, or w:!! ysa wait for the beckoning? Bless ed be God that the little Hebrew captive pointed in the right direction. Blessed le God for the saving ministry of Chris tian children. Keeking the Prophet. No wonder the advice of this little He brew captive threw all Nnaman's man sion and Ben hadad's palace into excite ment. Good-by, Naaman! With face scarified and ridged and inflamed by the pestilence and aided by those who sup ported him on either side, he staggers out of the chariot. Hold fast the fiery cours ers of the royal stable while the poor sick man lifts his swollen feet and pain-struck limbs into the vehicle. Bolster him up with pillows, and let him take a lingering look at his bright apartment, for perhaps the Hebrew captive may be mistaken, and the next time Naaman comes to that plnce he may be a dead weight on the shoulders of those who carry him, an expired chieftain seeking sepulture amid the lamentations of an admiring nation. Good-by, Naaman! Let the charioteer drive gently over the hills of Hermon, lest he jolt the invalid. Here goe the bravest man of all his day, a captive of a horrible disease. A the ambulance winds through the streets of Damascus, the tears and prayer of ail the people go after the world-renowned Invalid. How the countrymen gaped a the pro cession passed! They had seen Naaman go paat like a whirlwind in day gone by, and stood aghaat at the clank of hi war equipments. Dot now they commiserate him. They aay: "Poor man! He will never get home alive. Poor maa!" General Naaman wakea up from a reatiea deep in the chariot, and he ay to the charioteer, "How long before we shall reach the Prophet EliahaT" The eharloUer say t a wyelder, "low far U ft to Kllsha' house If4 lie gays, "Tw mile." "Two ml!er Then they whip up the lathered and fnged-ot bone. The whole procession brighten up at the praapect of speedy arrival. They drive up to the door of the prophet. The charioteer shout "Whoa!" to the borsea, and tramping hoof and grinding wheel ceaae shaking. the earth. Come out, Kli.hs, come out You have com pany. The grandest company that ever came to your bouse ha come to it now. No stir inside Klisha's house. The fact was the Lord had Informed Ellsha that the sick captain waa coming and just how to treat him. Indeed when you are sick, and the Lord wants you to get well, he always tells the doctor how to treat you, and the reason we have so many bungling doctors is because they depend upon their own strength and instructions and not on the Lord God, and that al ways make malpractice. Come out, Elisha, and attend to your basine, rated Dp with raids. General Naaman and hi retinae waited and waited and waited. The fact wa. Naaaian had two disease pride and tertroey. The one waa a hard to get rid f a the other. Ellsha sit qni- etly in hi house and doe not go out. After awhile, when he thinks be ha hurabU-d this proud man, he say to a servant. "Go out and tell General N sa in a su to bathe seven time in the river Jordan out yonder five miles, and he will get entirely well." The message comes out What! says the Command er-in-chief of the Syrian force, his eye kindling with an animation which it had not shown for week and his swollen foot stamping on the bottom of the chariot regardless of pain. "What Isn't he coming out to ee me? Why, I thought certainly he would come and ut ter some cabalistic 'words over me or make some enigmatical pauses over my wound. Why, I don't think be knows who I am. Isn't he coming out? Why, when the Shunamlte woman came to him, he rushed out and cried: 'Is it well with thee? I it well with thy hus band? I it well with thy child?' And he will treat a poor unknown woman like that and let me, a titled personage, sit here in my chariot and wait and wait? I won't endure it any longer. Charioteer, drive on! Wash in the Jordan! lis! ha! Tbe slimy Jordan, the muddy Jordan, the monotonous Jordan! I wouldn't be seen washing in ucb a river as that Why, we watered our horses in a better river than that on our way here the beautiful river, the jasper-paved river of I'harpar. Beside we have in our coun try another Damascene river, Abana, with foliage bank and torrent ever swift and clear, under the flickering shadow of sycamore aud oleander. Are not Abana and I'harpar, rivers of Damasctia, better than all the water of Israel?". , i 1 suppose Naamnn felt very much a Americans would feel if, by way of med ical prescription, some one should tell us to go and wash in the Danube or the Rhine. W wooM anawr,"Are not th Connecticut and th Hudson just as good' Or as an Bajdlahmaa would fed If k wn toM, ny way of medical pre- scription, he must go and wash la th Mississippi or the St Lawrence. He would cry out, "Are not the Thame and the Shannon just as well?" Tbe fact was that haughty Naaman needed to learn what every Englishman and every Amer ican needs to learn that when God tells you to do a thing you must go and do it, whether you understand tbe reason or net Take the prescription, whether you Has It or net One thing is certain. Un less haughty Naaman does as Elisha command him he win die of hi awful sickness. And unless yon do as Christ command, yen you will be seised upon by an everlasting wasting away. Obey and live; disobey and die. Thrilling, overarch ing, uudergirding, stupendous alterna tive! ElWlfca A a per. Kasman. Well, General Naaman could not stand the test Tbe charioteer gives a jerk to the right lime until the bit snaps in tho horse's mouth, and tbe whir of the wheel? and the flying of tbe dust show the in dignation of the great commander. "He turned and went away in a rage." So people now often get mad at religion. They vituperate against ministers, against churches, agninnt Christian peo ple. One would think from their irate be havior that God had been studying bow to annoy and exasperate and demolish them. Wbat has be been doing? Only trying to cure their death-dealing leprosy. That is all. Yet they whip np their horses, they dig in the spurs, and they go away in a rage. So, after all, it seems that this health excursion of General Naaman is to be a dead failure. That little Hebrew captive might as well have not told him of the prophet, and this long journey might as well not have been taken. Poor, sick, dy ing Naaman! Are you going away in high dudgeon and worse than when you came? As his chariot halts a moment his servants clamber up in it and coax him to do as Elisha said. They say; "It's easy. If the prophet had told you to walk for a mile on sharp spikes in order to get rid of this awful disease, you would have done it. It Is easy. Come, my lord, just get down and wash in the Jordan. You take a bath every day, anyhow, and in this cli mate it is so hot that it will do you good. Do it on our account, and for the sake of the army you command, and for the sake of the nation that admires you. Come, my lord, just try this Jordanic bath." "Well," he says, "to plense you I will do as you say." The retinue drive to the brink of the Jordan. The horses paw and neigh to get into the stream themselves and cool their hot flanks. General Naa man, assisted by his attendants, gets down out of his chariot and painfully comes to the brink of the river and steps In until the water comes to the ankle and goe on deeper until the water comes to the girdle, and now, standing so far down in the stream, jnst a little inclination of the head will thoroughly immerse him. He bows once into the flood and comes up and shake th water out of nostril and eye, and his attendants look at him and say, "Why, General, how much better you do look!" And be bow a second time into the flood and comes np, and the wild stare is gone out of hi eye. He bow the third time into tbe flood and comes up, and the shriveled flesh ha got smooth again. He bows the fourth time into the flood and comes np, and the hair that had fallen out is restored in thick locks again all over tbe brow. He bows tbe fifth time Into the flood and comes up, and the hoarseness ha gone out of his throat. He bows the sixth time and comes up, and all the soreness and the anguish ha gone out of the limbs. "Why," he says, "I am almost well, but I will make a complete cure," and he bows the sev enth time into the flood, and he comes up, and not so much as a fester, or a scale, or an eruption as big a tbe bead of a pin is to be seen on bim. He steps out on the bank and says, "Is it possible?" And the attendants look and say, "Is it possible?" And as, with the health of an athlete, be bounds back into the chariot and drives on there goes up from all his attendants a wild "Huzza! Huzza!" Of course they go back to pay and. thank the man of God for his counsel so fraught with wisdom. When they. left the prophet's house they went off mad. They have come back glad. People al ways think better of a minister after they are converted than they do be rose con version. Humility Necessary. Now, my hearers, yon know that this Generul Naaman did two things in order to get well. The first was, he got out of his chariot. He might have stayed there, with his Bwollcn feet on the stuffed otto man, seated on that embroidered cush ion, nntil his last gasp, he would have nev er have got any rellef.He had to get out of his chariot, and you have got to get down out of the chariot of your pride if you ever become a Christian. You cannot drive up to the cross with a conch and four and be saved among all the span gle. You seem to think that the Lord is goiug to be complimented by your com ing. Oh, no, you poor, miserable, scaly, leprous sinner, get down out of that! We all come in the same haughty way. We expect to ride into the kingdom of God. Never, until we get down on our knees, will we find mercy. Tbe Lord has un horsed us, tincharioted us. Get down out of your pride. Get down out of your self-righteousness and your hypercriti cism. We have all got to do that. That Is the journey we have to make on our knee. It is our infernal pride that keeps us from getting rid of the leprosy of sin. Dear Lord, what have we to he proud of? Proud of our scales? Proud of our tin cleanness? Proud of this killing infec1 tion? Bring us down at thy feet, weep ing, praying, penitent, believing sup pliants. For sinners, Lord, thou cam'st to bleed, And I'm a sinner vile indeed. Iord, I believe thy grnce Is free, Oh, magnify that grace In me. But he had not only to get down out of bis chariot. He had to wash. "Oh," you ay, "I am very careful with my ablutions. Every day I plunge into a bright and beautiful bath." Ah, my hear er, there is a flood brighter than any that ponra from these hill. It Is the flood that break from the granite of the eternal hill. It I the flood of pardon and peace and Ufa and heaven. That flood started Id the tear of Christ and tha sweat sf Uethaeman rolled on. l M ceumclating flood until all earth aad, heaven could baMie i it Zscharlah called it tbe "fountain open for sin and uncleanness." William Cow per called h the "fountain filled with blood." Yoni fathers and mother washed all their sins and sorrows away in that fountain. Oh, my hearers, do you not feel like wading into it? Wad down bow into this glorieu flood, deeper, deeper, deep er. Plunge once, twice, thrice, four times, five times, six times, seven times. l will take as much as that to core yonr soul. Oh, wash, wash, wash and be clean! I suppose that was a great time at Da mascus when General Naaman got back. The charioteers did not have to drive slowly any kstiger, lest they jolt the to valid, but as the horses dashed through the streets of Damascus I think the people rushed out to hail back their chief tain. Naaman's wife bardJy recognized her husband. He waa so wonderfully changed she had to look st him two of three times before she made out that it was her restored husband. And the lirtfe captive maid, she rushed out, clapping her hands and shouting: "Did he cure you? Did he cure you?" Then music woke up the palace, and the tapestry of the windows was drawn away, that the multitude outside might mingle with the princely mirth inside, and the feet went up and down in the dance, and all the streets of Damascus that night echoed and re-echoed with the news: "Nnaman's cured! Naaman's cured!" But a gladder time than that it would be if your soul should get cured of its leprosy. The swiftest white horses hitched to the king' chnriot would rush the news into the eternal city. Our loved ones before the throne would welcome the glad tidings. Your children on earth, with more emo tion than the little Hebrew captive, would notice the change in your look and the change in your manner, and would put their arms around your neck aud say: "Mother, I guess you must have become a Christian. Father, I think you have got rid of the leprosy." O Lord God of Elisha, have mercy on us! Queen Klizabcth's Wardrobe. The wardrobe of Queen Elizabeth muttt have been about the most varied and extensive ever recorded In royal annals, to judge from a list of her wearing apparel recently gathered from tbe state papers. When the maiden Queen wan 68, and might therefore have been supposed to have outlived some of her youthful vanity, she possessed 99 complete onicial i os tumes, 102 French gowns. 100 robes with trains and t7 without, 12ti an tique dres ea, 136 bodieeH, 1:5 tunics, not to mention such trifles as 96 man tles, K5 dresses, and 21 fans. With all these dressei, however, It is curious to note that Queen Bess only owned nine pairs of shoes. When she died in 1603 3,0.10 articles of apparel wera found in her wardrobe duly catalogued. Neglected Women Deserve Nejrlec. It is her own fault if a woman is un loved and neglected. This is a harsh statement to make, but is a fact Mor tal man is a weakling' who can no more resist kindness than a rose can resist the sun. it is weak, helpless woman's duty to make herself attrac tive and pretty in the verv teeth of defeat, and to make herself agreeable to every one in the very face of dis couragement. Call it hypocrisy, tact, finesse, or by any other term, but she must turn in the edges, and make allies instead of antagonists of the people about her. Spotless neatness, becom ing feminine attire, truth, kindness, cheerfulness, love and the loyalty that restrains her from speaking ill of hew neighbors will make any woman lovely, even though she lacks beauty. . Why the Dog Turns Round. i Have you ever thought why it is that a dog turns around and around when he jumps up on his cushion or starts to settle himself anywhere for a nap? Now you are reminded you can recall that you have seen a dog do it many times, can't you? This habit is about all that is left to our tame little doggies of the days long ago, when they were a race of wild animals and lived ki the woods. Their beds then were matted grass and leaves, and it wsb to trample enough gras? and prop erly arrange the 1 -aves that the dog always trod around a narrow circle be fore he would lie down. The dog of to-day keeps up the same old habit, al though there is no longer apy need tor it. and, of course, the animal has no notion why he does it , The Way to Walk. i Try and be quiet when you walk, says a physical culturally; d n t wab ble, don't beat the air, don't shuffle the shoulders; don t fancy yourself a whirligig. Keep to a' narrow base when walking, and not by any "breadth" or sidewise movement inter fere with other pedestrians. How tired all those people look! Their faxes are haggard and drawn; their backs ache; their nerves are unstrung, and their brains are muddled. All this is the result of mal-polse and waste of nerve force through misdi rected locomotive action, walking on scientific principles with unimpeded hip and leg action, and otherwise a conservation of energy, is a joy alike to the walker and the on-looker. Natural Gas. The banner natural gas year for th United States was 18x, when its prod uct reached the value of zi',00 i,(K)0. . Last year the product was worth less than 15,000,000. That handy illustration for rhetori cal discourse, the germination of wheat buried with a mummy thirty centuries or so ago, is unfortunately a flight of imagination beyond the dream of Mun chausen. At a recent meeting of the Royal Botanio Society of England, the secretary said that fifteen yoai s was as long as he had undoubted evidence) of a teed retaining its power of germi nation. Sir B. W. Richardson said that he had planted many seeds found with mummies, but none of them had ever developed. To prevent lamp chimneys from cracking put them into a kettle of eolU water, gradua'ly heat it t.ll It boils, and then let It as gradually sooi. ;ut ifu.t mti'B yyi 1$'"...