The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, November 29, 1894, Image 3

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    lli't 'II.'" i :
fi:UWI)W4; ill;
rv vf , iV ;.') st-i V xi.
uiu,mu,..l!(,;;, f f a- A ,! yf;.!, r., Kft NLi' : ,t I J n
"!.....- ' .? : ee.- w, Her- I V'! U Jl f V lJ
(-, ;S .1 I '8 -.E 1 t&.-4fcr W t;i .! v If ICY fr-
.Vtr-i.i: 1
. s. 4 , H r. .. .... 7,.,
t : ! J,( t a;
MVS m is "nsfl ci inir-.uiar
Mr. tM ', It ! if
-''-'" !. ft' fc.lUfcf OH lit
f .-' . 1 . ( 1,) , ) w J.Vf. TV -H.',;
(,.' f- . W k ltt yf.-,
f.-.v j.- t.r.. .jwr f t, ,-tft
V d :e t n. ;r . ,h.s t. t.:
:itic fc 1C sr. .. -. I 7!. 1
- i tti vM. if .....r dtt t f- '.
: . r! t ik tkl j jrr. ,v.:lM
U-K prvm .l 1 :ti t
t.- 1 t.u. -,t: tfct lvlf-r
. r vr m r t.'Y ft
t.' .-sr.
r '.ttt tr
t Vl k7.
.'f -v.;-
f !f1 wii r free -,V r
si VVVPs iVT I ii.TVJ v,ww r,r n v.-a t,,tx, w
M.r.LV f " ii LA hit Lh M KSWJv(. 4, rt,f4r w
and uc:s or
R:L USX 3.
fcUP lff nc ,fx n
U ' toon " ' "'.'"t
r V . in a r4rir t h. i b:n '
k i k . .rr
k,, b-, tnJ ry w.iii . ......
ni ir.r - - -
..... to irrmlifr tbt C4"l'.-i!v t
- .
i -v t X
L-.o.- cal. ! uor.frk.i rj
IttU-WTB raT Ji ii tn.
ai tb kjr T-.t
iinvf.r roue s " : i
t r
" f'l I j' - ts j!tr f .
' m ,r iftt .1 c ;
I Na. lt.frf-r. 1 Ur. ir
! ;rt Tttti.. it -
?r rf r
s. . ;v
k tit .(
Vr. iV,f k k idiU rr..r. ' fr
lhTS...t , i k."v.r- t.i W
I 1. i'fc.rj, k
It k.:,V. -'.i -r w.r.s'ii iV
ft..C)1, rf-i l: (Vrf-Ti.1T t
rv.!sais wtikp tvad i m.
k i: ki t5 k f.:i.: f.v . k w.f ,
ivl Ut::. rsk- ft! it twt tr-
t7;.isinf . ! f. tj.. htl -.vs-; ".
V..l 1 : ' It fctr.f. "l
rt'.t ; it Ikit :tn vtt
ft Rmiv rn 1 v kf
A.M-t M T . fH If T..1
r k rr t t TkflM Kihtl
. A I
r tis r n a im ikJ? rj n t If irsii-
f Fa . f.-K fWi ttf r!Vr 5it fvt.
. I h tt 4utrf hcHa: n?j -Su
i r. r
m.rm Hume- Ha. N'or.ui:. cl
bA'U-r (Mk. the o'. t mill t -
ks4 the .ro rjr f Sh" i'; wrnn
t;f. Ulr 1 Tii'uj ..,.
Di . in 1 ) l.r.r ini :n;. k -
B.m :( ot?o jr- t t.r4
r ... ........ ....
.. .1 .n ri ! .-r D
t-il I Ibo liio '
lie Uxi r
L n n artie -n '
V nt'en lo t .etJii
h.i -:m.."
Ij . -.! . t:i.n
hkJ t.T '
ify ,i i k if grv (Til Tss fre ij' hss it i nrj jra! co
ml-s. I ai m sxv ,it:3 i. rsru w 3s ;
m l"
-i ;i rikJ
..'in ii i"i ;.'.
r' k-i'l
.n. ilia; iiri !
The country- " ' ! i
ui r p d'jf v J
jr... i Ii" r -a '
ii .ii. ktiii t i
lM ktlikli alt"' ' a
V- u. thai th i '.!
.40. II tblti,-'
ts t bv S sr. Ir-
CO '
n s '"r i
J o ti'i !
v. .... ... t.. r-. f.r f'tTNAJL
1J t!l 4'5 rr; iiu . .iJJT
ly a:! rt 4 cu .j .J. tVht 4 u!. J'
VJt i,n-iy h I i i; U f.Tt Jet if mr
...1 !:.u. :
i !4, rx.iadi-r.r.j? ..."
htj.kt t bail r.'.V r.
Trksr in Jur, mi-tr'"
. l. that .:it f'-"
t'ttV- ' ,
.... "'
''4; '
n. y , r.nt.
i :ri i..t! I"'
,W . -i.T t!in.'i
I., Mu,$hf '. "'1 rrw
,) that. Ufloi -M- o .r .,.ulr fJ-
... ii, ,1t ii rvntr V' i"ir
f,-..molTi i'fip
m. ! hljli
li.vl l till-
k f!
a -
1.; .!
r r.l
1:a oa ntt may t-
h- replied ro iri.
Os I u!Km. n.l"
uH io ni i. i
iue'dcrly Iruo r i . n
i, ad ia k-jd Inl'J r r"-
4sttbliii c"tu-;r r. J"'
A e jf , ir." and an .
tor a mtr.!)' "
r. U.
n a
! fill
. a, 1
p : t.i"
Tli il.Tm- that '' in resa-
i,f ti e ttiinriir. i, iU:ij:i-irei. n -
... nun "ii i-"' ' "'
I hl in:-!i
M.l !:n:!i it a lit'!
f., it W.Ul!"
t :ij I ri" in ' - " .
, .!obn
.n - rui
I .a ,
.,i.'t am" .t.t :
l!l .!
k!a-aof th prarb ;'"1
. . . ,
Aaablr.J l'' tb-tii. I
.it..k Amrt an, kit. t .
vYe. "
Is gjI Ltaitb-"
"A;ive. anyhow, am t jo t
Ttu.-.ll.mai,!v. Hut 1
htt' mi he hao-lt...
kii bKn r aiti.(f
tk-M.- a;-.l in- t "r:
k. ki. .l,.m li the O. III. I"-
ka:i! -f..) ltdV. i
lUemaof th i"'1 a 1
'M la th Mat-.
ll-t.Mb:i.h. d t th-rat' duDt fU. m Ifif,;; '..
ViHion ih.;i hJ';
:-elno, ' i '...i ,,i, ,d.-r
to." ttrt-0llj ro,
IWasilllT. , f,,.
"A i v, you'ro
iiinirtll m"" . i
W. i- - .ii..,. u ,-urvo i"
a-w.ld'ire.tfhi I1"'"'" "
,it,iHrl:"; y,j
! ...... ..l .'i.MI-' .l
lai 1
New -ki
Ttip, lilid
(H; I,. : !r-.m Ii
i)t n'
"iMioh:w (V Trnr I i ti
t tf,a: iHVAa :r.nn !i h
h i!r a hr !! that he fli ton vn
Hon '.be fi-her'. in hi fnvlf man r ivr jvot 1 fiiil crsi a :
a'l :n i"lo th:r cn lKv.jrnlS. r,
when. ita re- iiar.S ou. tn ta.r.s
Urond ith tho crand w.'ni
tiiven 1 1 tht tVaucil t,ha,.r - .
Ft- n, in tb r f nir Ixrd !
ami f ih ii.d HvcdonvMi.f the ln;t-..
M.t. the ii(tilb.
i.CM I.'NiH-l n. Uorrr;cr
Thl fir. n-lat oohip elH"'
-Thnkiii-i: ly ul '"'P"" '
pn.v lm, id which the floras .
months ki:.. are a tvrtain hasy,
i not l.vt us on the oi.ild And thi o
follow the ord. mt traiid in ui
!.v hU e ei.cticv the .ovrn.r.
with'thv' nd iifl and .onnt of Hi
Coin. iL Kliwaku IX HlNT.S.
kiKlitttU-e c.vw Tiir tM VON W KALTtl'
'1Vi,;iil.N' ' MA-sA'-nrsK-ns.
' "' . Ti... .a ,.. InHinr ntr. i ronouno d
h;1,io1..;ni I ) ' "'"I ; e rAn r.r.ce, ,hou!d ho
" -i?: tl "l Cht e..t 1 uttered H .'hun-h on Sm;,i. -- th
1 il" A ' 'v. i ' i!ulo..d omth n.' U fill hiK'h t e
ui.a. ,'. ... ,i.i i,Mnvi,.!in ,.r. That
to write it ov-.T
-h t it". I;t r or
t: ,t. I,tti-bl. U ,
r m;h - niv ;
in '
a 1
. 1. a lri. U
h Uia ''
liim. anil m a
but. :e.'it!o banl
' X."'
I o1. 0 'LIT.
1 lbickfnrl'
. i i.i.r ii ......
,r.ri her n. iir'-
.... -.-,. U.Mt' 1' iUt'41.
h" i rmbtrrr f-
P,,....To.-k-v. C,
th" I k'bt mi'iil
i-h hi !-t
" M e ...tin,; hl r.w f. ehi. tf. - it
wt-ro. hi own ivVaiil, on the o hor
udoufthe a!:e. ttb n'" nupir ro.
I nr on b: r:fht ear- l. a loclmr lima
! wr mrh m unknown to other -i
lia, . hid in a brown at, with a rol ot
til ar - that I e ahould oo ail h 'nr all
ShU linmov. d - this i d U-d to the (f nd
eur a id fol.'in It a id h pb id
1 ih who e. rush ion.
S- Tfirl rrtTTwvr..D.',.i
i 'V m1 !.-
r ir .".'.Kf.iKj
rrrikrV.t n.t
trtTriar.'.r.f .f tt j
tk.B r t )
t j r.1 i"f
tii it t n !
.lil. rxr.t ft
yjj tif-t w r.t a r.r
rw f m
ti Trtrr.m'.r.f f.-fl-1
: f.r.At ..f Kv5 .j
kY .sr it .1ri j
.Vtr! !
wi.t fT"f '
r ';. Jrt wt
!(i ln.-tr ',.n, fHvn tt.-h .kr.f 1r. .
T.uk1. mrvo ".nr.f f.f tr- it
wh.vj N-:r e t or. a tsrw of
f4r JV'.r.t i r.i S tSinj In riT-.
Nw tj'. hy the yard, th r.ttvm
ir.f tut at tr.teri with a twrti
lao. fnva wtu-t hr. fr.!r.l taa. The
l. itvlf 1"..y ;'r.f'lo.S wit
t ai..1 mJA ri.k of fvMr.t rte nt
ar arrV5e w Vt w '; ar.d it. t.,
to -.Nh oCr-r at tntorf ii Vy r.v; ,f
r..S.Ms, Virl ho.'. a rv t to
f.Mhr en a Oviri.iMton of t. tt
whole NMnfi nnMnt.1 on T.vj fitlnr..
A frlRir of ottorw' ta'.is t st on a wi.l
lioa.V.r.g of tv.JjMirft, aiorss hloh at Is
terTaJa oiler' toad o.-b nr-
rorsdol with a ltlo frill or rosette of
it Ue. All tbo tr!nmttiD vme
at fctfh rrUo hv.t gl're r.r.i!MVh
olos-an.- to a cown.
Kollowtr, tte load of tho nimbly
if rJ-i-y xn of Tli fpoKt .liklv(Tt
ff wt In Tli wartime f 11."- wti4
r.KriTv.. w hf-ro.f il.e rr.kfortfcl I rJfl
oon wwiif'S titililr.c, il.e rr:r are
fry wi.le Tii3 t?i4 erf fTjre j.tofv
of lb f.v..H r.r Tli rrf-X Hi i.
:if!e!Tj' tftwlf. tt w 1.1 ir.ineA kktrt
tv.'.r l:i t.rkiA
iAmh. Arv.x-, .r Vii.-. H f.ttoA,
li.v.l ir. Ttv.t.1 ).. a warr.lfw. t.ia
tir-k 'ity tnrrwMS iI.'.wti ooiur 1 r.lairi
t.r.i ?li TroT.l ri slor-f rT.T ar fr
t.ili4 H1 trifl t Witlitary ety-le.
Vtif tart.vr .IroMWS t.-o, .lo Tt.M rjrw
Hi r.Il for Hf .loft-w tk'ti r a
iJiKrtnrtT'-e foatwe of ilir-m, v
oro? t tli H,i oarr. w l.V-t, are pr
enry a Ti.-ositj . T:).vr-nr..e f.".wTi.
of r,y.rorv.-.'l..rod oa .VV1 h tTf Tfi.V
11ti tr.p (). .r.tiiTrod wiit fdvlri(
of traj aattn, Nat thry Avn't K 'ell.
A T.).-rf-rri.V olott f.-.x-n wv.l, it
jn. Mifl.'.. Wtii. 1 or ii. ' t ir-ri-
k h I m 1 ! 1,1.1 l l t
i & f flifi n i fnr t li H-'fwA
; I'tewl Wit.C li aimo ;t v ia
: itmmtK. T ., -tn- i le.i i w.'ti. I
l.kM f i., ;t . ill -t'i'c fcr.4
; tli C14TII 'r a it lb tttlT-
e-J t aw. tf.i i t.a. ti 'ot ;
tu ?iiar.t.ini f.'tr tHi ti iifiier
i f',1 it r f..
Aii J h It "K t h flon'Mei it vft'cj rj-uii4 I 4w4 i t f. a
i riiA T Wi trfKilt 1 4h rs ii
, iJ."l: T TO l WUIIieawi T 111
j irrof kw rliir 1 ftc tiu.-ti an r i ir.y
! u.:-iNi.. hiie, 'mv?
.".)... 1 ,fif r.-fct. if.vw.ie4 by i-.v.
; i.t- t rrof k ween-ed tb M t In
j t'fb l b v.-n1 '.I.I1 , fifw-.T J. Ii.ah.
! ii l a i-r, Nh)il.kt vry nNr.'. von
i i n r. ,fc.'."4 xe.T l.i.i 1 vj.-m.'m ii t
j vr-r (vviirrfj-i vn T, b rv,, . r ir
! U. ur.fct ti lifii, vrj a. a v.itrs '
j n.atl.y "xi kf.C'l f' ' m4
j em wit-aft w li...' ffi! a. ror.iMee
j It, t.ii Wi . f In. fiat-i.ral
J.l he siel tit lir v i.l-e ill vntiK
i T"br; l a receive even wv.ri4
j ..t;ir l-h-wb in , n-3 Vt n- it
i fj. t j, sxi lr w o.'h t.' a ,l.ii !)
liet.1t; liaufi and h. w ir.H li tu.k
Jiff-n .e'if.v. te far 1 -hw tw
ivir, rjvw li f.c an ii.t-.T'.i of tb
f.Vi t T,t 41 vlioi d U, ,V llr hX,
rAMAke v. no 1 1 MrTittvt-.., '.! to.,
t.he .t.t .':S ikXilha
l'a r. -.mA. tw-i rt t-V 1 ke". iom fUioe
fn.l it. It rs o ten o! th eva.'-i
w-e.tM .f a Teai.her. an4 ofienot n 1
:itbir nl eaneoent sm
wir f.itHtH. H i di !?fi u io at
jiiritb I ij f'd
d. hn miwl In a a.j"
n-..r,'.i l-trootl. I.rr.i..r--afi1 1 al
.? roi'r.ta w an tnc't .-oman n
as. w-fli jrrvMed n. ar.v- vofl will
5V''l.fip r-r. bo 1. n- Jtt'l von iU
oriii t w hf t-bor it I, a tii.e w tv
it tosh orKo.l v; a nb'v.n, a
ft. m-er, vt a I'oxnie It s 1- in it
t.i it. o! a bt or ;t a icwi j of a In-. a
!t rv
. .
- "3. ?.':.
k ..t : v . i, a
rJL-x e??
I v HuTrriab n i isiler a nnTYioN'.w.
ih re to fiive wie. f bar.tai-ie
oli e. L. Jt t t-ki t.-ive4 thai, the Wo
V, v! ii koil and ia iU.niv.ti
U wake fiir,.H.
Ii v.iv! the roitn of y,;i'Wth
men of fashion : .hv three 1et
ti'i ier.tth. tb t'ies pointed, .ifi.1
isvirio.l to tv.e faner wiin ro';dra
chains ti hK't( liit-ie V1.! were at
t nchivt
n . t i s.d to the fM st. and
la-kOst elielnnt tree m th wori.t
lri.-. at tl toot O! V, nr1 Ktfi. H
H more ;Vt il s leel ,n etreimtfer
ence. and i km n to tie at 9et
(0i-o v:n ol.t.
1 t h i a. it i M-d, all the Und le
loir to tbc t-sie, and a U. .n
jvr acre, ncicr ,tcTti tbrocnib 5orfi
eentwft?. is ait rctti: Ibis ts the
ernH t4 iit the oowi-.tty. at
UTOcursts to aiw.t !.2-'i tr lcs 1.
is the nsn'i vf fold eoSn
jirst in Kii.tvneft, in the thir-
rvwcht trtntntinf. caibvn and mm of ti Kntt.t.t toi sbow tec nth twrv It b1 on twe side
memeiie liare .?eerte4 their me I ,r mtt trcmi. mlo)--! j t'1" d f" '"hn ihe I5ajdil- nd on
etwjl fonv.k end t eftere.l Hi an ,,r,lsi ,j,vs5, aisls of hratd. Of inch other a dy. J ome Vh
FiaiilC irvllll III' 1 si.'i oioi'i tioni otr
eeam Mjwh in a hadiy out a su-taro-d
oyTor would Vh
W hen it nmo to iiniinf on hraM
tl onrjvr.t haxe troat snr
abundance of m.t ahotry e.vrt. Thrve
Inch hand of ar n.l to trim
the fronts and bottom of Vackers, and
Thi.nk.ii"" "1,""'r-
uy.t.r Vt,w. rSl0t. Snc.
KuM! II"
Plum J- '1'-
X i I I'""1 '"
Link i"
' luknl Al.ll'.
B.kwi mii1i.
Hiwrl To'"1'"
will nlll.
i. a
,.f a i.UUk'J'
. .,. ..lnrithal ha;f
(li (jtiie'.'
d to the wane- . . ,,llir.Jud
an rt.w. but the
K4 within few '
Kand reU'-f trin
lo Cri-nk-
Hoi , Colli
H- art to Hran.
(PL i
b eye h 41 T ' , for tra
Uwldworek'albete'i "I1 Il'r
Pb n to (rm a- , .
( .i .h hott- nt
Vi. nm,r. in the wrw
ki. . ..j.i -,i.nkmint m
a liikP
rCUKKVin-;'. -A"
an th n"'"'
r kl"
The Turki y.
A turkev that ia imlched from an
etZk' 1 of 'e? day a'ld full of trouble
He comet h forth lue a flower mi l 1
cut down ho Hceth also shadow
and eoiitinueth not
As for the hou turkov her driyn ara
tut (jra. a- a (lower of the fle d, o .bo
lloui -lithe' h. In the tuornlng sho i
a'tva ami chickelh. in the avenins bo
I. cat into tho oven.
Kven ko Is it with tho jjobbler. To
day he jdmnt'tn himsolf; ha st titteth
Bhroad ami dra.-jMth bU wlnifonthe
prtniiid if "u' khould ay "Aha "
To tnorr . ha fallolh a rcy to t. o
enrvor. hi fle-h ik pirted vunder and
hii iMiiitii aro dlnlrlbulod among the
In hi )rl !o ho ewteth corn and wax
i th fut, nvlng' to hluiiolf, "AH thing.
re matin "for nit e ijoymonU" When
hi (all cometh there la none who re
tiioiiilKjri'th tho dav of hia triumph,
ami all m n mock him.
Tho hen tu key tblnketh In aenrct
hl,,i will ralt a .uiik br.nxi, ud lav
o'.h PiTtf": but when abo I net-veil u)on
a pliiiior tba eator laya to, and rho
pan-otU away.
The yiiunit turkoya, even the little
onea, in the tprlnif, nlilo thoin-elvos In
tba ttubble and utrlva acalnnt. the
Witid and iha :orm, for lift It aweet to
lit lo tnrke, a.
1 u' wiiott thev are beeonie larpe and
fHt, '"! tho voico of Thanksulvinir Ii
Ijiiari In I land, ddoily tholr
clucking teaaeth aid thoy beoomot
part of tho ixopW.
' ''
Brws.'3J' 'w
when th snriiieiit Ik cl.wtl no le
than a alxdnch a.vtlon of th snrnl
lure ahewa, ThU effect la made ap-
jiarctit In the Initial aketch, thotih In
thin enae the lrli aro a trifle wider.
Thin cut of Jacket la nullnble for ninny
niaterlata, but la sketched In black
melton and black Rnlloon. It la filled,
but baa a alakhetl bns.iuo laid In box
jileat In back, and ulaohod cbih
edtriMl with galloon and bnl! frlnn. It
la one of aeveml aomewbat ummiinl
Jncketa which are put forward to dla
Iilm-e th coif capo, which Jmt now U
at the top notch of favor. It nwtin
likely that aoma of them will aticoecd
the iinhandaome capo, too, iM.for long,
privet aa la Ita prwient vogue.
Though It aeenia altnoKt Imjwaalhl
aliHvea aro growing Inrger, find they
nr not big from uttffcnlng, hut he
caua of tha yarda and ynnla of mate
rial ncd In their conatnicllon and the
diurnal of the aluff. Stiff na n hoard
aatlnnnd hincndo are much In demand,
and audi aatln lined for nleevea l gored
nnd haNd ao that lota of It enn be
gnlbered Intothn round of the armhole,
while the entire width lunkea great
fold further along the arm. Ititvp
tlon aloevea are imffa to the elbow, long
glovea ini't'ilng them. For women
with ugly anna, and few women htiva
any other kind below the elbow, a de
tachable lower aleeve coiuea with theae
elbow imffa. ThU lower aloovo can be
worn when glove are omitted or are
to bo removed.
Kven In thnae almoin dreaaoa whoa
noaroat npproacli to aleganco can bo
r..-. - . ..... l-.v.? In IS.. .-..!
jvlotnrv. in .trirk hcTi tor twin ctom
and kouta. be. A I In.lloatcl. t'oe nkb.-t
la entirely of tbla material, entiwly
plain and liued e ith ho y bciw n raillo
Front and back of tlie Ixvdlc atv hnio n
n-.trtr civet, but the ntdo arc of (lie
bratdoil atttft and tbc yoke and !eeve
n pirnSshed with lifhl liivutt braid
Th fancy polntod collar and the WH.
w hich In ornamented with tsweu, ace
of plain cloth. t'.l)arw are planned to
protect tho tbroal now, and tb faah
tenable woman of to day haa her Umsat
ahnxide1 clone to her ear in all ist
rljra Kven ln!.te of the hl(h el.i cl
lar of her fur b Nvar a eoarf, with a
kreat bow ciusbed i'lw !n frs.nt.
siUrt. of brocade are tvede plalo
cept for piilnt of jetting t In fob faY
Ion at the waist on either of t.h
front. Those jwit ietd to the Me
and Ci'rn';on.l!iig one ai-e eel Iri-wfil
lnrly alioul the bottom of the nklrt. le
nitrcr or changeable intitorials the ef
feet In very gd, making glen ma t
light unexpectedly. Handing skb
mauik with Jet !. favored trick, on.
Indulged In by very elegant dresser
and In many oasiK the boili.v Is htw
ceded with Jet. a In the ilres of pic
tore number four, Mere the material
I dull black kllk. and the dress Is made
up of n gored skirt with ooraolot belt
attached and n pleated Rllk blouse w Ith
very deep yoke scalloped on the bot
tom. The yoke fasten In front and la
embroidered with Jet, The drcaa la
alike Iwck and front, "landing collar
and aleevea being wmbrolileretl to
match the yoke, and tha bodice hooklnf
over filled allk lining.
CeiiTnghi, Irn.
Is the ciMthern yvsut of IVin in
what is otherwise .in arid deeru th
v clvrste.1 'tain tec,, gr s Ith
the evtrao dinarv p!vpeit.y of cc.n.
dcnsins wliat in tie nw;sii;re the e. i
In the atmosphere mi a lo catts n
cotstnnial miv (o exude .sivntingly'
fnim lt. leaxos. ln.h, when tiin.
1ncl with a strong glass, evttib t
many of the qualities of the pcnge
T.-ik cloth o( I be old I gtpiar. w
vo (tiat, tho4h it h Wn
usihI for thousands of ;cr A wrap
ping of "lie liiumniies. Ill Aral of
to day can wear it. It Is ef 'ttira.
the ancient l'tptians o kt-,Mi,
w.d uncle tv.
Tuk word Hual really mean tirS
or master. As a dirty laal Is repre
scnied w ith handon,e and inwcr.
fnl human fac suvmount. d bv lh
hum, ear, and frontal tuft of th
o. Three atar ace added, one lie-
I ween (he hotti and one on each side
of the head
I vf many countries the ralnlww I
spoReu of as bcltu great bent pump,
or siphon ut. drawing water front
I he earth by mechanical mean. In
pari of Ui si it I knows by name
which Is equivalent lo ' the leut
vaicr pipe.
The mo a an Iveotlon,
Propping In on some legal friend
down town Uio other day t found
I hem drawn up In a knot, at remote
corner desk I supposed It wa over
mime aifllcult point of law, nnd a no.
one nppc -ri'd lo notice my entrance.
I nioilesiii sat. down near the ikor
till I hey should be disengaged.
"ThM'.. only five," aid one, 't
got seven the first, Mil."
"ilut .von haven't bent my frnme tit
ye-terday," a hi another,
"I'll tin It or bust the machine," re.
lorted the legal geutle,un nt lh
That kcemed to bo a funny re
law, I ihotighh, ana got. up nod canm
buck tolhelrloof Hlnekloiie, Then
I w It w one of the new ptw lo
it bit of nub kllver on a slip ot
iMninl like it dliiilniillvn ten pin alley,
wlih hole Httheend lit plitceof pin,
thn hole to be filled Willi tho quick
diver, The gatno wn Kinblenlv bitnight Ut
a i lost) by the Inst speaker ainttslitnir
tho toy Into a nmt kcutiln. Then lit
looked very tod u tin nw me ami
mild v
"1'vo wasied 120 wortlt of time,
over that confounded thing and lit re
he itoea! It !( all, I hi lcln.
tlon In an uncertainty-that' what
aet jiopl wild ovar tho election,"
rituburtfh llttv
lUte i lh, day be 2T ,h. fMd'1
"U In hi. o n H"" iron b- nd'
A nwtKtt-'7 matron
Br B'0"0,
i. I.. I
i kondr