The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 25, 1894, Image 5

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M O TJ 1ST Ji. Xi.
4 0
1m J. Mmom, Editor and Proprietor.
F. E. i 1.VK.E. Tlmetil.U.
Going Wwt Coin Kiut
So., mixed. ll:J5 Ko. 6, mixed
Hon. Matt Daugherty
AS '
J. 1 Scamahorn
Will miU at tha court house at 2
Hides bought at the harries shop,
Buff Cochin chic-kens for sale by
W. L. Baldwin.
A limited number of pure-bred Pe
kin ducks for sale by E. E. Livermore.
Don't forget that ti e printer needs
what vou owe him and needs it had.
For reliable, first claw dental worn
of any kind, ko to T. J. Gibson, Craw
ford, Nebraska.
Do not fail to hear Daugherty and
Scamahorn at the court house this after
noon. ,-The hard times social at the court
house last Friday night wan a very en
joyable affair.
A new safe has been received by
Postmaster Mirxteller to take the
place of the one blown open by roblx-ru
h few weeks ago.
Peter Schaefer had the misfortune
io lose a vnluablo horse a few days ao,
the animal being taken sick while re
turning from Edgemont.
County Clerk Blewetl was walking
up the street on M ind.iy witb a r age in
his hand and said he was in sfurch of a
bird. Probably a feutherlew biped
would suit him best.
-A party of emigrants from Iowa,
relatives of N. D. Hamlin, arrived I tie
tirst of the week with a car of stock and
goods and will make their luturu home
Jim Smiley brought us a turnip last
week which measured twenty-nine inches
in circumference. Highland precinct
will soon have a reputation established
for growing fine vegetables.
F. A. Maynard has (Med on a quarter
.K-iir.n ,if TTm U R.hii'k dom.iiti in High
land precinct, near the farm of Henry
Covey, He likes the crops raised there
Pnl Ijir'v informs us that one of his
sons and two of his brothers-in-law will
tie here in the near future. Pat is well
nlMuaxI with Oia counlfv und will have
,.. ,
more of his friends here for neighbors.
ITenrv Covev has completed the
work of (liinriwr potatoes. From six
and ft half acres he got 1,100 bushels of
tubers. If that is nut a sntislaclory
crop the growers must be bafd to satis
The postofflce at Montross has Ixsen
discontinued and mail ordered seut to
Gilchrist. If any of the readers of Tnn
J.ii"hal desire to have Hie sunt to
any other office all they need to do is to
send word id Ihla oljice.
rVCoanell & Jordan have closed,
Iheir store at M mtroae and consolidate
th Htock with the one they had at Adul
in. The oostolllce of Montrose has been
discontinued and there remains nothing
of the place except the church
i - .
Th hnn at. the court house on last
iBaturday everting was A very pleasant
ntfair. Tlie attendance was not larjfe
but enough were there for a KOod time
nnd all anrireciated it. It is the mien
tion to have such dance more irerjuent
in future.
-Henrv Covey and P B. Bigeldw
Khipperl another car load of K)Utoes to
Seward last evening. H is suie io .
dint that in future Sioux county pota
to. will be in demand in that city for
they will llnd that they are the linesl
lever put on the market.
The finest iiotatoes shipped, into
K,uvirJ. this season came trom lletiry
i-v,...,,, in Siii imint-v; Nebraska, to
w m imvisASort. They were ol ma
l.Vt Viirietv. Were very large urtd
swum! and smootn tubers. TNey oiu
them out in less than two days, and
have more of theiti on ihe way -upward
MniAV Moreisch has had trie misfor
V iiiu ti low six head Of ciUtlrt recenliy
.., unknown cause, word was sent
It J flUUIV v. .-...- - --
lo the state Veterinary but as there was
v,VUn...,r,ruilioii made for that officer oj
... L , . - ' - . i 1 " 1. .. ...U.U.I ,1. r-nillM
Vhe rasl legislature ne noun. ..
inless his exp-nses were pAid And that
....i l.A th AtviW of '.he Httick
'oolld Afford.
ri if fiUtinir. cliairrrtan of the con
mmiiiM. irt LiArriiion
n TnawUv And reported thai me cam
paign Was progressing in a Very satUrac-
(rry manner. All over uie mm.,..,
-...ihinrr indU-atei a cre.U totting off oT
W.J "O " ,
fc-tJl ..... Wl in wh it IU Been tlie
.Irnnirfio Ids of that party ina repir ...".
JiU tA;ivi ii rb,i iriW at the
Wimine election.
lToA. Janies White
lf (
V h M.rt Unit 6i. liirtt iriday
albotheard by A Very Urge audience
on account of the, people b-in Very
, i u. i.'. .'.'- A..r, i'hincr wiA-
ousy prejmriuK -rr " ,
Vf. DUl WlOSti WIIU nc.v
k i ..J..':
warded by heAring a gooU. sou no, sensr
W Ullt Ard the statemeA'ts niide we're
FImI Proof Xotices.
All wrm hvln Hnil proof noti- la
thl -ter will rwvivc a marked rtv ' ''"
jiHIwr nl rtr. rwu-t-ti tu cmh - r
t.,.1 1.. mid If' unv .rroi xil l. iMjil 4uu
HAine Ui UliM ottlu4- tit tltee.
John R. Shepherd is visiting his son
W. F. Sliepherd,
C. F. offee went to Doutrlaiis Monday
to attend district court
II. L. Fmljer returned Saturday to re
sume his work in the nthool.
Thomas Devenport was up from Glen
Friday to hear Whitehead.
M. J. G.iyhart was over from M tit
rose the last of the week.
R. F. Neece was up from Whistle
Creek Frid.iy to hear Whitehead.
Mrs. E. F. Pontius returned TuetJay
from a visit to her old home in Ohio.
Asa !5avis came down from I -aster
.'ity, R. link., the last of the week.
J. W. Earnest orders TUB Jochmal
sent to Calvin Majors, Mt. Vernon.
Janies Davis and family left Tuesday
evening for Pine Ride, H. I uk., where
he will work this winter.
LrR v Wright, brother of Mrs. W. B.
Writrtit, came up from Whitney Satur
day to help furnish music at the dance.
H. L. Fisher, teacher in the Harrison
schools has been assisting in the
academy this week during the absence of
Prof. J. N. Bennett. 'h.idroii J iiirmil.
Mrs. B mill Davis returned the last of
the eek from her visit east. She says
she never had to cook in small p itatoes
in Sioux county as they are using in the
Xu'ir ior riililiratiiiii. j
Ijiml i ftiee Ml Alliance, Neb., ( '
- Nt pt. ii, 1 4. j
Kutice U lien-by given tin-followinif-iKiiueil
Ml till h. Ille.l uotii-e of liw inU)J
lion to u..ik" llniU prool iu ujort of Ilia
elaim, mill i.iiil unxjf mill lx- in .i lie
dr M. J. li,-i-tt. i lcrk of tlie (t-iu-ict
court, at Hrrirtou, hirln-., ou -t.
ttT,lsM, TU:
Krank Tiiikhsm, of B iiHrr, i(mi ("j., Xebr.,
who mm) II. K. No. t'.l for the uw. e. .
t p. 3.1, ii., rg. M .
ne n uni- lli'i followinic wltneM- to
prov-i liir. eo'tti!uou.4 rMirlence ujxiii ami
euitivn toii of -iil niti'l, xiz:
Mi-phe i pmrcs 1 ouU itmU.iK, .loll 'i fwrres,
Puu.ut't IVblu t, a. I of .ri-, eljr. Im
i. I l.avl .. ... ,111. . 1 ,.u '1 u t n u-iir..
' who .nrte II. K. So. IHi.l ior w, t h:. it,
: t p. 31 1m J'illlK.l ' w.
lie name III" foilorl-i It uwmu to prove
. hi i-o.itinmnu resi.le.M-e iijioii miilcuiiivu
lion ol ..1I iHiiU vis:
1). 11. Milton, J. ones will, jiinn w.irsu:n
er. Will uuvis.all of lUrriwu, M;ljr.
17) J. w Hkiin, Ja., ili gitiT.
j I .' kdMittad at the
HEELING is the Popular
Sport of the Day.
Better than gymnasium,
ch& because in open air, and
pleasanter than walking because
more exhilarating.
A Columbia Bicycle
. J 1 I U 1--
iTir wj is as enioyaDia as a goou aorsc, anu mutii
Law T Wmrt I f" n-i J r
W II V YY Clg expensive. Kiaers oi t-omnwia
. .... .. .,, .t ar npvr nshamfrl ff their mOUDtS.
because they ride the standard
wheels of the world, representing
all that b best in bicycle con
A I'ieasaiit E-vi-nU
Tnrmrliiv was the 33d birthday of V. A
Hester and the young people decided to
go out and Bwnd the evening and help
him celebrate the occasion. According
ly they met lit the residence of O. W.
Hester from whence they were to pro
ceed to their place of amusement.
Promptly at 7:0 the omnibus a "lum
ber wagon was at the door, men
came the rather unpleasant task of Rent
ing the members of the party on the
bottom of the wagon lied which was
c.verud with hay and an enonruious
amount of sand. As there was too large
a load for one teiuu, Messrs. Dlewett and
D.ivis nrocured horses and rode them out.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs. 01inger
Mr. and Mrs. W. U. Davis, Misses t,ora
Wurts. Mabel Lo'.vry. bissie Oerlach
Lou and 'laud Hester, and Messrs. W.
h m .pu.iii.p, C Y Hough. H. L.
r..l...r ,i,l M ,T niewutt. X. Z.
.Niitlcp to Bridge Huiltirrs.
T!y onler of the Ho inl of County l.'oinmis
moiiiTs of siouJt i ouuty. Seliraka.
ottce Is liiTi-by given w-ulwl M
will 1h- thckIvimI mill ttled !' 1'"' umliT-
.. ... . ....... ......'I ... .'..I,
SiKiieu, i yuiuy i i'i . i...... f
..Z... ..( t,u vilh H .v nf Nlivl'iiltM-r. lni"l.
JOT HID CUIl -II w n r..MJ
1U creek w ht'iB tin- public ro..U rrum-n ,
thu Mine on the wciwii 11 ue belwce.i
Mftions M miU M, toviiihip , riiiiK
hlou county, Nitbnisk i. ... I
I'laiis mid nM ciili:ution cm be had by
Calling Hi thu oitli-eot the county clerk.
Ami bill may bo Hied, lor fiiruisliluff or lor perloruiiiitf thu laixir
wp .rutelv, or lor til.-. briilgH compii'te. ,
llimii tin lit Ie..Bt doiibli) tin) umouiit
ol tin; bid must iicco.iip iny the. Buine, (
iiml thu iswrii riwrvea nm mui iu
Jeet nny or nil bills.
DoW.I ut ilurrinoii, Neb., Oct. 1 r, IstW.
1. J. ili-KW trr,
.9j Uiuuty clerk.
Slierlil's Snip.
Ill- vlrtiin of tin tinier of Sain directed
i... . 1... j ..I II,.. . I.t rlt't.
, IO nil! Hum .i..; v.. ..... .
i ourt of nioux county, Nebraska, on h
MuilKuieiii.obt.ii.iuii in H ild i ourt on the.
.louilh Uny ol May, it4, In l.tvor of V. o.
I .. ..... . ..,..1.,.. ..,,,1 ,....l,..t. Iti.lH'rt
1 Ul in, U. i tuJ." r. - -
I nine, .Mary trune, W . K Kinlgers, J. l.
Albi iKht, l-.dwarU A. W eir unil nr.Ai ('. 1'.
Ilaniicit, u lli'in iloinif business as Wulr &.
in., h lielenil.inti, ior tin; sum ot two
hundred, inn ly neven unil un-iUU (iv W)
lull ir, wttu interest at tu ruto ot iu per
eciitlioin ..pril IMl, I"ti4. all'l KdWiilll A.
A eir ..ini Mir..n 0. ll.w-wti, a Hrm iloinn
liiiiiuH UK eir A ui., cross peuuoneiH,
obt..uied ii ileei e. lor llm sum ot one bun
dle,!. eiKiiIJ-eiHul .unl 4i iUU ila.4i) dollars,
wiiu inwre.-.l ..t thu raUi ol lu per cent Ainu a'tli, loW, unit costs mid in-
crutiiK iokIh, I hnvu Kvled on till) tollow
iiiK nesel'llii'ijl leal esiawii i,i,.. n n."
property ol .uit UkUiiuIuiiIh to oatisly
nam order ot oaie. to wit:
Ihe lioiVU U..II (ii'j) Of the noutheaHt
UUiirU-r (s l: ol ieollo.l eleven (.1) In
Uiwu.hili lliiny two tJ noi tli, ruii) nt-ty-tlveidii)
west ot tlie nlXlll (..) principal
liiellUiaii, nioux loumy, Nebrask.1.
And win oil ur the s.unu lor sale to lite
hlKhesl oidiier lor cash in hand on
KiUNlJA 1 , .MJV iv.Mllcll ii, 114,
nt the front door ot tin: court House In
llairwoiii th..t ocoiK lh iiu.nliiiK wliereln
the i-nt leiu. ol tlie Uisuict v-ourt Was
' i ..I II nuloek. a. in., ot
BJi'iiUay, wueu iinU where line atiendauce
win outfit-en oy inn u..i;
l),.tcu OctoUi:!' iUIU, InW.
A. 1(. Dkw,
1 ' hherltl ot said county.
Alvln T. Ctark, ritikniiu's tior,iey.
that Ayer' Mrs ip.irlll.l, out of the great
numlier of mmilar preptr-mmis niauui.u:
tured throughout tho world, was the only
niedielne of the klnl aitmltted at the
World' Fir, riileagoy Anil why wa it
that, in spite of the united efforts of thu
mauufacturei of other preparation, t'la
decision of tke World's fair Directors was
not reversed?
According to K11.B 15-"Artlcl 21
that are In any way dantferou or o
eilonive, also patent meaicines,
noitrum, and empirical prepara- 0
tlOU, WuOBQ lnifTeuienLB vwu- v
cealed, will not be admitted to the
Sapoiition," and, therefure
Peanut Aycr's garsaparilli t not a O
patent iiieUlcine, not a nostrum, and nut
a secret preparation.
Btcauti Its proprietors had nothing to
conceal when questioned as to the for
mula Tron which it Is compounded.
tt.rnuM, it U nil that it Is claimed to be
a Coiniwunil Concentrated Extract of O
Barsaparilla, and in every sense, worthy Q
thu Indiiraemont of this must Important O
committee, called together for passim; O
Upon the manufactured prouuets 01 ine ol
entire world.
Admlttarl ior Exhibition
Ride a
Our Uluftratpd rata'tiffnr w!!1 tell ron nil ahout Colam!iia. It li trm
U wur if iicic, r w tuAit u fu two i-eut itjuup.
Busto.i, New York, Qiicago, HwCord
Will cry sales in Sioux anil adjoining
Terms Reasonable anil satisfaction
Lates made at THE JoOUNAL olllce.
Eesidente 5 miles northwest of IIar-
List of Petit Jurors.
Leonard l-ant, Corwin Lewis,
A. ii. ' handler,
8. W. Carey,
M. H. Green,
W, H. tbrbirt,
James ftolan,
W. II. II 'Ugh,
Joseph AslltotV,
N. 1J. Hamlin,
. W. Knott,
frank U I oil fit I ten
Oeore Cant,
Perry White,
II. & Wood,
O. T. LdCiis,
A. f. HiiKhstin,
tldbrt Harrison,
K. C. tiocRwood,
tleorK" Olingeri
O. W. Hester,
Fred Bloinberk'i
ValertlinB Tllonias,
John Welwr.
bocked up by recrod so llial there w:
n,.Htiort as 6 tlieir Vriilll. M
Vrr.:.-u-...i n. irrksl mieeil'l Vi lieil
Wr VW6 year ago fciit, hi lust W'n
. u l.,... lia avowed un the
WftcW, rl)tity (ind injusti of tlie
11-. l.W ,.n,l handled oilier flues
Um of public Issue in roJ sTiiitie. Hf
Wt luW for n'Arty tioi'rs kd
it wai intereitiriiJ limy W 'Ui(Sl '''
ract thftt hoi ft voUV Wit lfl tii'fl
IVter Schaeret- started Monday even
ing for Omaha with a car load of fat
Foit SALH. A flrst-clnss sewinjr
machine, new. luo1ilil'e at THE JOURNAL
Tt in renrtrti-d that two of Leotiold
Uplin k's sorts killed an elk last week,
rtliout ten miles northeast of town.
J. A. Scomahorn was in Harrison on
Tuesday looking after his political He has m.iny trmnas nere ami
all trie old seitteM are his friends that
he did not need td do arty electioneering
wiih tlieni. The newer settlers were
not slow in 'jftWhiflS onW the fact that
h was a rtrettv E'lod kind of a nun lo
t.. irt a ntuti ir'in of trust Mil hd will
.,-1 iL hnr vote here on .Xiveiiiiier 0111
Surveyor Ellis relumed from the east-
.Art t ili rottntv whet ne n,iu
tiert doinx goine otncial business.
IT M. Hriiie. the Dndtoffrapher of
1'p.iwford. wilt 'm lii Harrison 6n Tdes-
il.iv. Oi tolier 30th and will remain Until
Monday, NovetMwr 8ih. Ho wm nave a
wi,il ifAll-srv ti that he can U0 (foou
wtVrk. Ttus is an importunity none
dionld miss it liey desire td get lihoto- . ti,Jrtt'.Woa Or Ta.mi1 v. The
p;llJin ... -
liiri.i at the court house Where mr.
M, nr,.V made a number of Ineiratives tl
his forirWr visit xVas iiot gtWnl and most
,t U..,o Xi1l have td be made over ho
that loose wtto h.vd work dorie at that
tioilld call on hint wl'ien here. He doeh
AJi.Jr AWr work id there vrlll be lid
oilued'exiwi'ise Th ilW Wtttyr., not
n,n off comma- from flay w aay tninmnK
he Will remain longer forflis business al
home will not )e'riiiU WW to te'Dil Tim
Hliorhri Sale.
By virtue of an ordi-r of Sulo (tiriicli'd
to me iioin tne i,icik 01 uiu umn"
court ot .iioux county, cUrli.i. on a
juaxui'-n1 ooui..'l in uid court on the
r ii"t uny 01 puvciiiwi. ."ji .
V Ullulli lieurilin ii"i i.uiu'J.ifi " '
. . . .. .. . ,w A rn.t,1 r.'l'
,........-. .. I ..1I.I..1. fcM.
uiiu m ..o''.B'-' . "
lor the auui ol lour uu.idreu una 101 1
wiveu t44i.uU) doitin, w.lli 10 per cent,
iuuii'uhi, lio.n iovi!inot;r it, tiud
eosls t..xt.a ut .,') nd uecruiuK i
I liuve it-.vimi upon 1110 iun"'H "
.. .u.i . t.. ...u..,. ..1 Liku oiullcrl.V
m o-ia ui!icim.iiii.n, lo suimfy s.ud uruer
01 .aic, .o wn: ,
111.: eot hall (e!,) ol the nortlieast
qiluiier 1,11 e ) ot .luciiou eiKiiteeu lieji
u.,iH tne ial, U..11 ( ;,iui mo
iiuiun in w ) 01 ,kkuu,i umiiiwea 11111
1.1 lorf..nliip inii iy-iwo i ..... v..,
tllt 10111 ,.).lot inun.Atll to) illiici(i..t
u .1.1 i. li.-.i , o.onjl coil.ilj , ..cumw.
A.iu win oui in.) b.i.iib mi "...v. "
t)iH"i''i uiunef oi- 0.1.-11 m lind on
, 11. .ntl4.
ut lh liu'ul nwi 01 tne court House In
l.rimo.., uutb UJl.lrf LIU l) ...........
tiiu ii ni.u ol urn t..ifiia .011.1. wu"
. ... ..... .,l.l- (.1 .U O't'lOL-K.. .1. HI.. Ol
niii dity, wik-.i whine due ulieiiiliite
Wl.l 0c It.veu (i in uaa.naitj.iuu,
.uattlvl oewool lULii, .ovt.
niie.lll 01 Bam xiui'vjf.
E. E. QAKTON, Prop.
Cbod accommodations and reasonable
Have just received a large stock of
Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots,
Shoes, Groceries, underwear and
everything else in the lines they
J. K. I'HINNEY, M. I).
Physician and Surgeon.
All calls glvfcn prompt attention.
Oflieedn Drug Store,
B. h. SMUCK,
Fashionable Barber A. Hiir Dresser.
lUzons ad sassoHs iut in ohdrk.
(iivrt x tim t a 1
hhefiirs Sale. .
11, virtue of un order of sulo directed
to mil lio.u the ciuiK 01 lilt: uisuii.
...,i....v. i;O..Kn, U.l tl
jii.irt.iiuui, uuiuineu in oid com 1 0.1 Uns
liiu u..y 01 jiy, mi, 1.1 mvor ol .. c. it.
,...o;il us 1 ......un u
VV u.Kur ..d . JlK.'t" U lAUBulluiMi
m... ... l.iill- UUIlUl'lHl .I..U ll,l.j,U.A
(jo Uou.nn wlln i.iUau-,1 ut llle iuj 01 10
j.wi cent iioin ji..y .1, t.., .iua . ,
uiui.itf :oiw, 111-vo iuii.;u Ujio.i tno toi-
a u.i:..Uinit , 10 a..tMi V ! 01.01 01
Miu, 10 wu: h.. -1
iUU ..Ollll Il.ll 111;; O, nv...,.-".'
....... ... ...1,-1.11.,. ud.aiui'
iwlio.1 lwc.1y1O.11 lo.lil.P lll.n,.V
lviU,u)lli'lll OI l-u(JO unjroi lot IJ) 01 ttucuo.i in.iiecii ith
.,o ,.Ui 1. ollll. ol 1....I4"
uiiry-ii.e wat. o. inu i.aui i'
ounr ino ......0 nil' oiile lo uiu i"8"
biuui:i, ior uu 1.1 llui.U, 0,1
. . . . ib l it. irtt.4.
at Uiu liJiit'uiwi' ol Uiu couiu tio.tue oi
mou cu.i.ny, "l, oi'i.., Ui.t
OU...K uw ou. nil. i(4 in ii. "-
01 .n.iiui wulut lio.u, aw 11.U
IVOU, Ol IWO OU.OH, 11. HI. Ol S.UU uJ.
I.U.1U a. HI wllOlO U.1U W.ll
ow i(. vim oy inn u..vieio.rt..ed.
ImICU l l,.l.l0.l, Vl.1.. t, .O'
ft. J. BUAFERi
Diphtheria-, Rlieumatisni) Female and
all Chronic LHswises a
()mce 2d tloor north of JOURNAL office.
Their stock of Heating and Cook
stoves, tinware, shelf and heavy
hardware and builders' supplies
is complete.
These sroods wese scte'-lect by the (Inn's buyer while in the east ami are nice ami
fresh and "up to dale' in every respect, uemeoer unit toey ou.c 1..
Inrest, best, ami most complete slock from which to select ami thif
Harrison, Neb.
J. W. SMITH, Proprietor.
New work and re
pairing neatly
(mod ork, Good material and reasonable
prli8 UUAUANTEKD. Give me axsitTI.
IMRKIBON, - - NkhaiKa.
Vi tlie ffrkt Work of Ayer's
II III"..; ....-- .- ( ,
S irsnparilla V xp tbe elTects of
the other 'iiiem'clie that flit V been trM
,.m'' i'i .......1.1 i miv'ioir of time
ll VIllll. v I I
nod in'onoy if eltrK-riti'icntert loo Ayr
i.'iW Instead of at lust.
$ilveV tiiriiisnes when expoied W.thf
ligfit', because of 'the m'tinlc or clwjoU
pr iperty itMinWI Ty 1 W 'W
.Notice 01' l'robaleul W ill.
TBg STATU Ol' iHUll.SA, J gH
MUOi COUAIK. 1 ' ... ,
i...... i.rxi.. uiterented iu the estate of
AiuXnuul Muem, Uuueseu : ,
11 llUl'dS, lHllljU.1.1 Bit U1UHOW.I, ... .v,
uomuj , n.ji iini in my oij urn insti
pui iiKiunK 10 ou iliu i win aim test.i-
Ulll.i b Ol .tiAutiUili oi,;w., ,wwd..o,.v.,
oi said euu .vy, u.'.a wut.u.i ivyi.ii 10
I1..V0 lite au.iiiiu.u Vu v'oo-ie, wututl
win r'i .U:u, to lioii'i 1'e.i a.i'i y.Jiitou.ii
uuiu, nuuiuUiuii t OaVe ..'ppoiiiUH Alo.i-
U, Ull' Vlll U.. Ol UUMIIA..1 ion, w
uuiuuiiu mo, t iny 0111UO nt
tiiu court i.oubu I., tuna coti.ity, ..s the
Vi 11111 iind Vi";e 1'ioviiig Muni, Wilt, nt
. . .. .. ... ..... ........... it
WIlluu tune u.iu llimii ju i.. ... .."..
limy uijpear u..u to..'toa the -jnoOatu ol tue
Kui.m. ...
it ih 1 lirtlier Oiaerea xnnt ih:iiiioiii:i
glVU tlOLtOC l ll IHJI'BO.ll, IIIWIllHied ill
K.IIU enl.llool IIIO -JMJ..uunry ui 1110 .uv......,
una lliu ..u iiKt wit lor ue..riiiK
the s.i.i.e, uv ousiug - iwpy ol U xruer
to Ou iJ''U"ni'ii in iu m
joiriiNAu, a Wuemy nOWiuHiif ol k.i.iuimI
etreuiiiliuu, iiuui.aiiuit v' niuu coduly,
Haul si.iu, lor aiiuo wueks Hoceiiivuiy,
Ui uvioua wi .uw i..fl, " 1 . .
ill tesii.iiu.i-jr wueruot 1 (jvo lioicitnlO
.,t .n w hnu .1.1 d uifiuial anal tins mill nay
vl ueiolHir, A. iov4. ,
county juujfb.
Lumber, Goal and Farm Implements,
Sash, Doors, Blinds, Lime,
Windmill and Pump Supplies.
The Harrison
PractiiVs fn all the 'courts hnd befdre
U. & Land OtfH:e.
tlf Otlice 1h Court I;lonse..CJ
P. niOMA,
IWrisdrr, Nebraska.
"iand AgenV and
Eight Veai' 'reifle'nee Ih Si6ux county,
ti yely iwtles and'reiiS6haIj'le charge.
TUmeniber triitt Thk JbvHSAli dff)0
Ik headqauyWrH for job -prihtiiiK.
-6W pUpiire'for wl at Thi JociiiiXL
ntff.-i. (1 i!ehlr 1oH. , 1
fm! and sale '
Mv Wife MarV Moore, havifig left
my Wl onrl board without jtistt'ciuiso or
provocation, nil prHOn? hereby
..,M hirulniii Imrlxirinir Hi'r or triirt-
!iitLOtltit. !Mr 1 Vill 'not;
;ipy Khy dbtii cdfitrkctetl by her.