The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 25, 1894, Image 4

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    ;udCc2 Journal.
i WW.
Prise, U.00
kl,bM, . . . E41UM-.
fy4 M tBe Hsnrtaoa post olSce as
Octobw ?5, im.
Eeajsklfcaa Ticket.
of Jiemaiia.
fee UoMHMBt-Gorwreor,
of Lancaster.
to aeeretary of State,
of Harlait.
Use Aetlltor of Public Accounts,
of Msdisou.
J. 6. BaBTLEV.
of Holt.
r OeatsaJseioner of Public Land
Js-O. MlSsaLL.
Of (.if 1L
r AHi.l-feT J,
of taMglaaa.
ndealof Public instruction,
of Tom
, SlstB District,
f Beits.
I Seaater, 1U District,
J. A- evaMaHoa,
Of SkeTitUn,
thuigfaerty And Scamahoro at the
Mart house lhi aftertxx .
It will oBly be a abort ilam until Kern
will realise that hia anlurjr for doing
BBflMBf will be cut off after Jtarvtl next.
JfOB wmat to be represented by a
: perse who k not tied to the apron
krlBBB of B female lobby iest in tile em
toy of B corporation vole for Scetua
Nb . mmmmmm
Thuretoe and Bryan bad two joint
abates last weak. One at Lincoln and
the other at Omaha Tbey were listen
M te by many thousands or people And
the friiBaa of Bach declare that he got
ttto beet of each other. Both are recog
BIbw) as brilliAat orators bat it is safe to
key tfavt BS be had the beat foundation
to work out Thurston had toe best of
test cceet at the close.
' The reports from All over the senator
tal dastrict are tlAt Scamahorn wilt be
elected by a good found Dumber. The
people have got oato th fact that Stew
rt ill whs! And is not the kind of A
ABB IBe Maple wBnt Id represent tftem
M tM state capital And will row as they
titiak. Boamahorn will win and retain
the reapect of those with whom he will
be brought IB couuefc.
fbe fact that the sugar pkntefs of
wW aOtflh invited And urged McILoley to
MBN to that part of the fcountrf And
instruct tM Tdters As tt) the Workings of
protoctibn is A pretty good inrJteaUon
tttBt they are not satftfled Vv iVh what
WAA dealt Odtld tbern by the hist cOii
greeA. Republican tongrenien from
LodtioABA were hBrdly epe. ted by the
most eABgditte jiArtisans for rminy years
to tiftM but tfte indications are now
that each 4 thing wifl be A Taut the ttext
iWe refefertce by Hdn. Aarne White
tteed in his speech At this pi aw on last
Friday to T6rt Majors tailed 6ot th
UoetetttFitiMastfc apptadse of any purl
of theJJeecft. The fact wAs noted in
Vlfe reportt of toe Meeting sent to the
Jjrnfotfowrturt aoii (3aiana Oct. The
toJraMBo1inedil'As it M Mt, btit
ilefebhiittWttiatpaVVoT A refer
rlBg to tlaiors. That t A satiate 'ot ttie
61 wWt ik Seen T6 VWe Hee. It 1t
Bits ifciaewate'r itgoVx-, if Vt&k VWl it
fe bolt inew. r acts do not Werh X6 'be
I by tee etor Jr tftat plper.
tatty ;6iiiHk wttes i fetter 'tt VlW !
VkiM BltAlM ludSpettOent ofTerfng l6 d"i3
teee of Vhe brAnd TsYdWl beet Wifeu'r
fkctory foV tee etict ccWt ot tee pT&n't 6
U, 4od to ATTow a coinrbTw.on of
tweBty Ve te.'uoJ doftari to afty e.-
who cai effect the sale. Tfift offer
tb&t iUk a though tee factory wai a
iiiJctii, or teat stsu and UAttort Al Ve
ofbo?Aty 'contracU U& not
jrKrltta 'tee Met logAr ,noft,try . The
VLbk im t'l6U& tee ttrana tsiand
tiy, bH ahfplfHr Atl tee neeti to .Vor-
)d, AiitWrrslVWe doubt teat tee
CeUfty li 'te. litWr plioe wffl tie Vte
BeT.-KrAjr. -
"itOTdU Tor 5"1cofb6. tfiefr coWf
ilfW.beW In
s-it. laiori will Lne
it fortoAAUiy for 't Oamo-
r, an sowaai arwKnu win
mkiok YMb Wt elavted-
lli:4k Ce ttabew. 'of 'mbio -
Roswater baa aw urvd the assistance of
J Try Hiinpaoll and his congressional
fntak to help is th tight against Tom
Haj im and ttuvmtMMt printed Hi gov
erniuent eapense m ha in; sent out in
the hope of detracting eota from Maj
or. Kuch work will not prove very
effective, nor will it rull 10 defeating
tins republican nominee.
Has democrat who do Out fullow Bry.
an into th pop camp have put their
ticket in th UclJ by petition uooVr the
name of "Straight t-ewocrat'' and aa
such tv will go to the people. It did out
suit those wlo have bwg upholding the
principles o tle democratic party in
Nebraska for years to have Bryan deliv
er it body and soul to the pops in the
hope of advancing bis personal aui-
The general tlvUn will o.vur on un-
wet s trout nxt IuimJ.j. Attn it tmif
a c itpl -te list ,if .( no ntll r.-M mii 1
cb di, .i ciMiv-udii als J.-is-
lat' rs, a n-uUiin .-'iiiiiiisaiont.r i'-r tile
2 n J di-itri- t, lounty attorney, and a
county juJife U Uh vacancy. For Ut
orti-i-era there will be four tickets on III
ballot and for three pUcea there will be
the candidate. The complete tickets
will tie the republican, straight demo
crat, populist, proliiliition and Ui4 three
wIhj were made a part of the Bryan
ticket who were Dot named by tlie pop
ulist convention. The tight for a seat
in congress has but two conleatants, the
republican and populist. The matter of
the state tickets haa been pretty thor
oughly canvuswd so we will pass that.
.0 the congressional contest the men are
Kenii seeking a third term, and Matt
augherty, Tlte former has a record
for doing nothing which has never been
equalled by any man from Nebraska
who ever drew t$,0Q0 a year front Uncle
Ham. The latter is a man of action and
ability uud will do something for the
interests of the district which Im seeks to
represent. For the legislature tlte can
didates for tlte upper house are ! J. A.
fjcamahorn, republican. J. W. Owens,
democrat) and H. O. Stewart, populist, j
8tewrt has made a record as an office
seeker and a very narrow minded man
which has few if any equals in the state
and some of his actions do not bear in
siection with credit to him, Owens
seems to be a candidate for fun, ae he
stands no show of being elected, and
Iscaiiiahiirn is a man who has lived in
northwest Nebraska for years and has
liosts of friends in all localities and in all
parties Mho will be glad of a chance to
Iteip hono-r him. He will be a credit to
the people of Ins district and wilt work
for their interests aud not spend his time
trying to get through little schemes of
his own, neither will his actions be co
trolled by a tern-ale lobbying For the
lower house of the legiMatare there are
but two candtdalest H. A. vahc, demo
cratic) of LsweS vuuntyf and Wm.
ubmpsby) poputisti ol 44ox Mutle-. The
republicans tnife made no nomination so
Uiey will go where they Heaw, but in
frew of the fact f the nwtory of ttie
last legislature in regard to extrava1
gance it la safe te presume that a targe
per cent ot tne republican votes wilt be
taust for Mr. uo. in the county the
tight tot cotnoittBiOner in the Second dis
trict is between u. A. fubto pufioliat
and M- Weher atao a popuiistt wno is
ou uy petition. A tins precinct is not
in that district and tne republicans have
no candidate the voter ot tat disinct
can settle it among uieinseiVet. 1'nere
waS nUppoMiO td be a "cinco" lor A. f.
v.tark tor tne olhce of CoudU' attorney;
tUt H Seems UUt "cincnej" dd not go
nnder toe Ai., utitot tav us W.
V. fullersoo Hal cOule out ;lu,lHt f)Vil
as a cinoidate tdr tiw orrle uy i-t.tioo
And Will See Wlili. Win Voleri trt.aa ot it.
tW coUns -J l(io p;fpunais pat (n
HoueTl H'llso.i. BeH 1x d.uUcK is on
the licRel by pel. II jo. ftt j oiMjutl Acl
oi trie i or i tier in the commissioner cdu-
tesl are slut freaii id tdd lOo.U jry df the
people add tney most decide V0tber or
uot tney are adtmtactory to mem. the
latter lia.i heed A resideiit of tills place
lot1 noioe yeArs aOd snoUld he be elected
it will dot be Heceiisary to have A tTutn-
daiuuM Issued in Order to get Tfrt to do
nntUuty. 1'he Jotfutsx. nas reiraibed
from it tying hi ueii aoout local politics as
ti is ti'ie oury iiaper in the county and
nau it iiiade a hard Dgbt tot- or sgaiUat
any 6Ae it woiild haVe appeared 16 have
Deed arteiiAamg Id take adWotage of
ITie aitualion. It believes InAt the Vot
ers ut the codnt)- have Ability Add judg
ment enough to cost tueir Votes for the
ueel ioWresU of tlte coOul, at least', the
t fiaS deUionstrated that to OS the
cAse Add the 'present caiupaigd is one ol
teodght uud Ytot of 'pmljudtoe so that all
teal cai'i be asked Is tttal tfte Voters use
oeir beit judgement ift makihg Op nWr
oaTlot and dot irtbw any ode to dictate
fto'w it sh-ifl b.. Vote for 'the Interests
oVyour riotte', Voir 'cuMty khd yotfr
'iittteuf im "Wo 'tne gios of line
Bin 'are waDMf, ttiil tt 'aeg1ec'iea(
baltloes is sure 'io tbl'loW. llatl's Bar
lUoewer is the teai "prevstiVs.
. iB wood 'tik W&Wk W'
look Yuiulnous in 'tbe 'dark Wiause 'tbey
'an'rwiny uUrgoiug B slowouwMaVsuw :
We Boo w wuwrwl we'sSruj wbbo we
teyAjr'sVsle WkeB ptYy.
ait ls ftrw ai'ifpUMu. J 'uuds sod l verit
ri'i" "alJIIML. J, 4 '.O- Wa- ...o iJ.t.CU. I.l.
awss sbsssnij res mm tne eMteuwgs, iirer
sndWwsK WWs4a, .s, 'iBtr
Brseklleaa Matters.
The republicans of Si-brk la MMiven
Hon repreacuted (Ji plorM the d n-'i j i.
ulu of the "chauife" ia the piilt-l. u iliu
uatlonul government, decreed by Ula pnv
pie t time ben tbe balance of
tliecoufitry in teiupur.rily dUturbed by
tlieexh ler. llon of a lous; courau uf peace,
progiea aud uiUTii proxpenty and tb
ti.uurof deaiuKofcuea a.d po.iiicil quack,
aud csoudiieiitly kppeoi to tile peoule of the
tte for a returu to Ibe eoiidiliuu Vh.t ex,
iaUxt prior to tUj etecUou of Inn. ed b, Ibe 8-iauclal revaiaiuu Uiaf
paralysed tbe baxineu eeutre of I be couu
U), WAIJU tbe reuit of the uatiouat aud
U1! elecUQa made tt oe rutin the poi.
Icy ot proux- tioo of bouie indali-ia nu t
and ibe gajautee of public credit aud a
aouud curreucy were aooa( to be over
Ibruwu by a democratic proident aaid a
congrcA democratic in both blanche, tlie
leaders ot tbe party w boily lu power for the
lir.t Uoie in Unrly year., bive bid ueitber
tba vourug-e to embody lne principle act
lortti lu tliuir uatloaal co ive .tioa at i.'btca
go iu .e i..luu, or kb wirlo u to o .nilon
tueu iureii.-iiiAi r j d on ibe iituuatrk-.
oi me ca .try.
i-ui ii u . kept lUe buii:cM Interest
oi lue people iu vaupcuae aud uiiverLinty
uuriuK Lweive uio.itu ol u.i prod table de
bute lue work of fraiuiug a revenue
bid louudcd ou uo dedmte or recoKiiaAbie
economical ayiitetu, corruptioa on It face,
diiicrlailiiaUnir ag&iitt uortberu indatrte
for lne majority of ihoe wbe vote carried
it to it puaauge, mid uot only fraught with
diaaater to tbe pt-opie, but coiileaaedly
Uuiped with "prty perHily aud p-rty dut
houor" a an abuuuo.iuietit of I lie cause of a
"kintr for revenue only," and the principle
aud pledges upon wbicU tbey were placed
tu power, "now can they face the poopie
utter luduig-iug- iu such outrageous diacriui
lualiou aud vioUtlon ot principle" a are
found In ueriy every paragraph of the
nugoT trust tariff.
iu view of the practical result of a year
and a half ol democratic rule, we reuHinu
with renewed faith and lervor tbe platform
of tbe imiiO.iul republican vonveuirou at
Mm u en poll. We deuiaud tbe restoraliou
of tbe Ainerlcau policy of protection, uud
comuierciat reciprocity with our Utr re
pubiio of Mexico, Leulral and south Ameri
ca aud the government of the West India
'1 be republican party of Nebraska has al
ways oeeu the cuiisisleut friend and uggie-
Uve cbuipioa ot houest uioney, and it uow
take uo step backward. line we livor
biuielaiilaai, aud demand tbe uati of bo 111
goid aud silver staudard money, we insist
iui the parity of the value of tuu I o met
ai be maintained, so thut every dollar,
p. per or com, issued by tlie governiaeul
sbaii oh as good te any outer.
W e uulicre to Ibe aoctnue that all railway
line are suujecl to regulation and control
b tbe state and we demand lne regulation
ol railway and transportation line to sucli, and in sucu uiaU .er as Will insure
fair aud reasonable rale to the producer
and consumer of the country, iu tuat end
w insist thai tbe taws sbaii be cuiorced
lorbiddi.ig Uie llcticl.ous CojtituliaaUou ol
sucb corporations miiu that tlie constitution
wi tuc state shall be luridly cuiorced a ncre
in it ut pruvideu: o railroad uoi jioraiion
boil issue any slock ol bunds cxdept tor
inouey, laijvi , oi pioiicrty cWliy luueived
aud applied to Uie purpose lui wbicu cor
porativu was, and all stoca uivi
deudsaud other delicious Increase ol the
cupitai stock or tudeotcduess tn any sucii
UOlpOlatlUl, all be VUld."
e ale in lavor of inu enfuruaiMuut uf all
law, wuetber ikcy LsTect the individual or
the coiporatiou, aud tueiuiOiu deniaiia ine ol tbe luuXimaiu rate um
p.nKtei by lne tost legislature, until tbe same
is declared vo.d by tuu codi ts or is repeuled.
e are in favor 01 trt eu.unciit of iu
by congress tuat .u provide lor tbe super
visiou, icguistiuu and control of corKira
tions eligKen in lutelstatu cemuicreu, lib
a view 01 preventing tne nutiiiua capitali
sation aud excessive OOnuiug 01 each cuipj
rations; w e ue. .011 ucc ali L-oiobiuutioiit of capital
organised in irovts or ulBrwme to control
aruiUariiy the ot trade, aud
rulgu a criminal legnflaliou Lilt ulaUUCst
concession of 111 lariu Bin, now lu tne
ftaud 01 tne president, to tfle sugar and
w nissy trosts.
e recognise the rignta ot laborers to or
ganize, using all uonoiabie uieasaresidr Uie
piipostsol uigudyiug tneir couuiuou aud
placing tneiu ou an eiUal looting .tb capi
tal to uie end iltal tuuy in..-y oola iai on
duTstauu iltat tnoy UIO UecearaTj to IBs
piOspctlwy 01 toe tonjl.j Aio.liul.un
anuS.d t .ae tn j ) Oi s, and , souu
101 svit.i.-g i..ocnrdupatc.
Hijcu.iv.l-i'-ii'i -.ij:cOU csscntiai 16
Ini; s.',l -yieaci Vatiea Ol tne nation aud ffu
lt1a.ciu.e laVor Vile peudiiig mil in cougies
toi' tliu eitcidsiOu ot auaTrchisW. mat me ensuing legisla
ture sduniil an amendment U tne coustilu
t.Ou, to Tje voted upou by the eopi ut tne
u, 11 general election, providing lor tile in
v'esiuieutut iBe peruiaueut scdool fnud in
stale, county una scbooi district oouds.
W e oeneve Uiat in industries of oar slate
sboaid oe diVersiMed, to relieve tbe uiasscs
Ol too peufile froui dependence npou one
Class of aglleiii.nrul products; sutiject to
crop (allure, and it oeing deuioustrated
ttlat tne soil of tills state la adopted to tlie
production of sugar beets', even 111 dry sea
sonal a aoSrce Of Wealth, We fuvor legisla
tion Mat shall uriug to o0r pcopie its iu.1
r.ver mindful of tbe service and sacrifice
of tua tueu wlto saved tne uie ol tne uaiiou,
a e pi ou-st against tile liuln-ral aud unjust
poncy ot Hi. peuMiou doarinieiit under me
preseut aduilalstiallOu and pledge auew to
uie veteran sO,dier oi tfle repnunc a recog
nition ot their JQt ciaiuj Ujiou a grateful
TVre'ft Always B Ityaiwer.
It Is an easy thing to account for the
wondeflul growth of The Udily Hlate
Jourfial recently, its tJfice has Ueen re-'
dUced 16 50 cetits per o6th Without
Sduday, or 65 ce'nts With Sunday. Tile
JoUroai 'has always fieeU reliable and
fiouest, tirifiting tlie 'news witiiout tear
or laVor, TheveOpte Ut NeuYaMta real
ise that tbey mwu a pttpe'r puufiahed at
Uie caftHlaf. abd wbU tlte 1rice iif the
Journal 'Was induced tfie abbscrtptiob list
grew at a pTMrttomenal raw. Tbe VoUr
ual is it Nebraska vsfiie'r through itod
lt.Tt.eBBrtJe, rkitU
IB N-brsAk, wHuoWhs'Kre made wlfJi
Burtfiflftoii buie drains fo "JhloatfO, St.
lajkislawai Uty, 9L JosdnW, tJliladlst,
larWaraVBV, CbeVenbe abd Wi ood.
Oiit km . 'Bwi 7ii4kUes , showing
WtWrW, S itod bow our traiOs riiu and
VlteMBy esdt tlm fsJn iif tiKWr
Hill' Ijl- L' .O .iO... xJ.
jjlBSB) ia iwbuj , inrporutB rvapeci, re
iest m ruev-4ree. .
' "IV--: ' .1 ' 111 J '. . i. 4 L iiJlia .U1.-.
ways bjhsu to ajswiw resee sou bjit
Ulul. ... '
. 6. 9. sV T. Jl 6,iiBlHi.'
"The Ugly Darkling'
Uiif eliiij; MiplH ar apt t xenk a if
plain if l tloroif I unr- er ret-p-m ibl
lor their own delnlt. and 1iSillve
t-hildivn are often mad to Nutfer in th
way. While it is; arour t trv ui de-
ilirciaUi llr. Iron V'liile id U aut . , it .a
IsrUtrous t ,;i Vo any oil.) I rv.isiu i.i
Uiinlf alie is less an ul.j-ct ul love aud
teodernea because site I.14 k that gift,
to tbe true mother "the ugly duckling''
U as precioiia as any of tlie brood. A
most faacinuting hut plain woman told
me that when she was a child a relative
whom slat liad never seen came to nmke
tlie acquaintance of the family, and she
hid herself under the nursery bed be
cause she thought he would dislike her
for her ugliness.
i was walking one day with a child,
little more llutii a baby, on the hih
bank ol a river. 1 warned her she
was to near the edge. She drew closer
to me and as nlie did so she raised her
lace and iald u.ui-t pathetically: "It
wouldn't be right for me to make my
self fall over, but it might be a good
thing it my foot should slip, because
after people die they are made over
again, and perhaps I might be made
prettier. You see I'm very ugly, and
it's such a disappointment to mama."
That was her idea of the resurrection.
A like thought has come to older tiiiud.
Near the end of his life 1 heard a man,
who had been loyal and devoted to tbe
homely woman whom he loved, repeat
ing to himself a verse bis own, I think
told of his belief that she would rise in
beauty, tlie true eushrinement of her
angelic spirit.-From "Beauty and Ugli-
oesn;" Lh vurrttV Magazine for Novem
ber. Just from the Press.
A very attractive publication has just
been isued by the passenger department
of the Burlington Route. It bears the
title "Tlie Newer North-west" and de
scribes in a most interesting and read
able fashion those portions of northern
Wyoming and the black IIiIIh of &iutli
Lukota which are r.uched by this com
pany's lilies.
The scenery, towns, mine, people and
industries of these two remarkable sec
tions of country are treated i.f with ab
solute lidelety. 200 pages with illustra
tions, netil
on receipt of 10 cents in ncih, U.P.& T. A.
Uuialiu, Ncbratika.
his T
Vxcra .iBver was ia tlm lilslory of
oi cau&iry s bu uiu tie na.xj ur ui e.i
Hon and luipiMVUiueuU In uu .1 1 and
c,euces gecraiKy was so gm.,t a now.
ibe convene, ,ces of niaukiuu in the lacloiy
uud ttorn-suop, Uie liiiuscbttlJ, o.i Ibe I arm
1 uud in oibuiai life, ruquire co.iituu.U ucecu
sious to tbe appai lauues and inipiuuieul of
eoctt lu order ui nave lubor, lime uud ex
peitse. I ue poll Ileal enautfe in tne ..duilms
nation of govern. ueul does not affect Ike
progress oi tbe American uiveutoi', tvno -li,g
ou the alei t, and ready to oi ccive tne
existing UeBcieucics, doe not pjf.u.t tile
uaus ot Uie government to deter Hi in
lion, 4UickLy conceiving ino retneuy te
overcome exmtiug diseiciaucies. io grea
care can uot oe exercised la cuoaslug a co.11
petuiit and sannui aciorm' to prepare and
pi-secutean application lor p.ieut. Valu
auie lutercsis Uave lieua lost and destroy cd
in itmmueruUie lustaiices uy tlie employ
ii.enl ol iucompcteul counsel, and ejpevlut-
1 is tUul adicj applicants id WHO
adopt tne " ptnut, no py" sjsteui
lavcutors whu cttUoi. Liicii ousi.tess 10 ttiis
Cass 01 at.vr..a uo so at immiaCut ria
as ine inedtu ana treagm 01 l.u p. vent
never cousidcieu i.i view ot u..tca endeav
or to gel an niiutVauCe ....a outain tne ice
men ua.r. 1 i'niS i'KXas cUim t.-oat-As 1 ,
aoita w e.ldei'oaru. Oenurai manager, intf r
street, m. n ahiiigtou, l. c, r.tpicseiii
lug a lalgu nuinix-r ol iuisitaut daily and
weeay papeis, a wed as general per,ouicals
tif the vouutry, Was lustimted to protect It
patrons 1 roui ttie Qusaiu incthoua ncrctolore
employed in tills line of uaiu.. ine Said
Courpauy is Ore-pared to lane cOarge of ail bunnies entrusted to it lor reoMOii
auie leev, and pn-p..iTs and prosucuie
aiiplicatioii geui.-raii, luciOding uiecttauic-
ai inventions, design patents, tradu-marlts,
latwls, cO,yrignt. lntericre.ices, Infringe
uieuts, Validity ri-fsirts, and give especial
attention to icjt i te.1 cas.s. it 1 uiso pre
pared to cuter into competition with auy
Arm iu seen ring foreign patent.
W rite for liistractiou and advice.
John w einsuucsx,
Bid r htrett,
V. 0. Box SH4. Waahiugtou, f. C,
te mm riAtr- THt
P6UN&S9A iv
Sioux County,
STEADER. Free Homes lor More
Than 5,000 Men.
A new county with
schools, churches,
railroads, etc.,
Contains over forty-five miles of
rail oad and has no county
Fuel, Fonts, Logs and Lumber t'hraprr
Than at any Oilier Place
In Neliraals.
Sioux county is the northwest county
of Nebraska. It is about thirty miles
eastund west by about seventy miles
north and south and contains
OVER 1,300,000 ACRES
of land. There nre more bright, spark
ling, n-i'hII stniims in the county tlmn
can l- found in the sunn- nreu el sew her.
in the slut, 't bus more pm 1 imU-r in
it thau 11 1 1 the rt t ol tin nintt i (.iiilim - I
f's gru- s nr the tii hest sod must nil-
' tritiotiH kiK.w n so that for Mock-growing
it is unexcelled.
The so I vnries frum b
Ih uvj 1 -lay to u
iigm sunny loam nnu is . u,nie pro-
din ing exo-llent t-riMsv
The priuciKil cru) are i-nmll gniin (
and Vvgetnliles, nllliotigh xni corn is
grown in the valleys. The wheat, mils
rye and Uirb-y are all of iimiKtmlly (Ine
quality and command the higla-nt innr
ket prices.
The wat-r is pure nml refreshing: uud
is found in nbunilam-e in nil mrts of the
Thewiiiniy is nn-.ticHlly out of debt
and hits over forty-five miles of railroad
wiihin its borders, has a good brick court
house and tire necessary (ixtures for run
ning the county and there lias never
been one dollar of county bonds issused
and hence taxes ill lie low.
The Fremont, tlkhorn A ktissnuri
ViHey niilroud crosses Sioux county
irom east to west ana tlie !J. A M. i,as
about fifteen mires of its line in tlie
nttrtheast part of the county.
Th-s climate is more pleasant than that
of the eastern portion of,Ne brush.
There is still
OVER 600,000 ACRES
of land in flioux county yet ofM! lo
honrestend entry. It is better land um)
more desirably located than that for
which such rushes are made on the open
ing of a reservation. There is no rail
road land in the county and for thst
reason its settlement has been slow for
no special effort to get settlers was
made, as was done in the early days of
the settlement of the eastern Jinrt of the
Wixxl dcVaed land can be fnirehased at
reasfinalile rates with government laud
udjiifnirrgsd thftt a person who wants
more than one euartcT section canolrtain
ft. if lie Via a little meftns.
There (rr abem t B,5W fwaiple in tlie
counly and "thefe is rdorri f thonsands
ilur'riso'n is 'the 'county kafatid is RtV
nated on the F. E. & M. V, rttilroud, and
ts as good & town as the tlrinly settled
country demands.
School booses and jhtirches are 'pro
vided ih iilmost everv JwMlenim-,1 nrwl
kept op with the times.
All who desire to u-et a himati1d .,r
buy land Cheap are invited to come nnrl
see the eddntry Tor themselves nnd judge
of its merits. Homesteads will not lie
obtainable mut'h lonte'r and tf von want
to use your right and get iW acres Of
iana irom uncle ttam free it is time yrth
were about it.
'urrlikie Trrket. knd -t'eMlgk Vddr rcrght
Vis Hie
'A. O.WuftTOeneWl fhW,
K.C. s4fMiti6cgR, ff, R fluciiANAW.
'O-h'l'KreHitffAtH. Tloe. Xrft.
Write fur Catalogue to
Cliicnv'o. HI-
is sumped in the best watch
cases made. It is the trade
mark of the Keystont Watch
Case Company, of Philadelphia,
the oldest, largest and best
known factory in the world
1 500 enifiloyees.capacityaooo
cases daily. Its products are
50ij by all jewelers. It makes
! 11 T 1 ry n L'.II.J
tlie celebrated Jas. Boss Filled
Watch Cases, now fitted with
the only bow (ring) which can
not be pulled off the case the
STATIC OFT ICKHS: frmlnse. (lovi-mnr.
T. Ji Jlnjor laculenaiil Lovi-rnor
i. n Allen m-rvtury if Miat
fciigeni Mimr- Auditor
i)(-pti H. hartliiy.i, Treasurer
ij. ll.iliistliiK Alinmi-y (iimral
A lt Humphrey I -ji 11 il 1 iin 1 n I ss !in-r
A. Ki Uoiidy. supu IMIillc Insiructlna
tMaillCSsiO!tAL OKI.Kj ATIUS :
Cn F. Mundi-rwiii l,'. s. jwnsuir, (hnalia
Wm. v. Allen f.s. heiinuir, MmllMin
W-, i. Iiryini,i.ugi-i!ssiimn lt iiit l.iucoln
Ih H. Mercer, il tmiaha
U. I. MHklejihn " W " r'ulhTton
K, J. Halnur, " ih Aurora
W. A. McKnsSan, " Mh - Red Lioud
U. M. Kern, " h Itmkrn How
r. I. S"or-al t iitift .lnti-, wap
A. M. I'oul AmoctnU- Jurlge, 1 olntiibu
T.IJ.O. Harrison. .As'i JSnirft, i.rand Ulanil
t. A. .nipl),.(..i lerk and llcort r, Unrwla
M-. 1'. Kinkaiil ..Jn.lgi., O'Kirttt
AMi--t ilurtow Chalro
M. J. Mes-ett ; Utetk.MamaiMk
. . . Vm'STY Oi r lCEBS:
KrMH-rt ft'iison Uonnty Jnse
M. J. fVM-WeU ; Vtorti
II. . Woo-irnir -j ri.anrr f
W. II. Hnvis ...wipt. IUhllcinslrncilof,
- hh-rlfl
J. h. ihtnuey ( rrron
. I,. r.lnS.. nnrvdyoT
M.J. bi.weii 1 ic-rk uf Dlsti hi court
Aivin 1. Wk tXianly Attornry
ftmiV Tinkh ,m , 1st iHmrh-H
M.J. Wets-richalrunin) ad '
Hen. . Johnson ......B..,.....d
fl. . iu-wnrt..HnMtor, Wt So. !.'( im A
J. 1. V, oort K.j, U), M Hay
Vll I ll'lV tt. Vii-rd. .
f). ll.'Grlkwold (cbainimnl ...' ' StWia
K. Kohwi-r ... " .,
J. W. ott
M. J. Wewprt .......... "1" .,
VOiirud UndiiuiKii.......... """
1.. j. niiiiiiioim . vsj.,-1,
V. A. llHWt..r " .VaJLIC...
J. 1. 'ilsvm -.rrc.-t i'.i.'a.riMi,..!
. M,1ff)(L'iVKITrii
if 'Wr6?n .IMrm-lof
J. .. MnrsU'l r ii.i .....
O. W. MestiT.. , ., ,:.ZLZ.i
WliSm irt-rWi-iiis.
Dlstrfet fourt.-At
May l.t and Nvei.,l1 ,th, Iwuj .
I'OUntV t'Ourt. At -lls-'rlw... iam... .
ffrtrt Mohdnv of mcl) nunitn. '
M.V., (fiiir.-h -ITcsclituu ui. ...... .4
1 . K i 'T vry Minilsys
ru,..,ii ouiimiy wilOO Micels ovfrv
lav morning at in '
every Mi i,
w.Vi. n'A'iX
XSt' lull,,! . U
ktL.- , or the wimrn.
Hlirrliain Ump, Mo. Ui. inwi. a th
anu iniru panirnuv iiYiuiiiuA. ,.f ...r.n..
K. l'WlS r, K,VrVs
fon.'t Villi,
1 xrwuKTH .'.Mire
. rnS ",Lm v-ry Sn.ulsy cvciifh
S ui t"Wncl n'Srt hig ni, call of ,rit
Mas. W, 11. rjsvis, rrepi-irt,
itaav .-a.'oiTiiAfJi-B.
Meet, tiry Sundjy af utrnoon l ffb.
a Mit.lM.KY frTOVKu
iliirrisou, Aebr.
aF o 11 f ullowluc lirainl