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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1894)
C32 Ceusty Journal V-J vei.j a. 0AUII80X, NEBRASKA. 8iX THouai tin cans can now be scat la a day by one man. Goat ad beer canoers Hud everything oaalng their way. Whbn defeated in an ambitious preferment it is only one or the weak AM Barrow niiud wbo will indulge hi ao dark a passion as revenge. Dm kai-k f a Mexican at l'O coma to throw doubt on the truth of the oft repeated boast of the climate of that country that its inhabitant sever die of u d age. AfTKIi ail tbe fuss :ilid expetlse er Eeta. a sap cut Judge has din covered that he can uot be extradited. Because bis offence is solely political. Why couldn't some one have told that lomc atfo? A G'H'i a(w barber charged a Mich igan nan . i0 for a shave a nit dye ing an ordinary niusta he. Su h Charges are a little hard on Michigan MB. liut tbey go far toward keeping op business in the Windy. Tik advantage of civilization to heathen lands is shown in Samoa. Laat year the Imports increased i.'!i..l. while the exports decreasea 12,000. A few more years of tripartite con-! trol will luid the natives In the poor bouses and transfer their lands to the missionaries "O - Hi n it " the wealthv i problematic that the effort to accom Cnlcago speculator, is selling cigars I P' mV caIle(1 3 wlld , . If.ln and ref.mlnc assistance i ni,se- though not a few s i tl- from old friends declaring that he! will never be a pensioner. I roba- j My no man who has been ruined In ! the .Windy City has than HuUth." more courage AN English lady carries aiwuitwith her the urn that contains her bus-1 bend's ashes. This practice, how i ver. will not he generally adopted by widows. The average widow, while j bowing proper respect 'or the de- parted, becomes gradually incline I to j let by-gone by-gones. j It seems possible that tiermativ say become a good market for the SUDerlor furniture manufactured in the I'nited tates. If the Kaiser were to start the Importation with an order for a new throne, emstr t ed in our most workmanlike niacner. the (icrman people would soon see. the . dvaniage of purohas ng it iroin This thoroughly selfish Br.ckin jridge would willingly lead a forlorn hope for the pu pose of prolonging the horror and keeping himself I fore the public as long as p-w.ii.le lie has demonstrated the fact that he wa a desperate tighter, but it is now plaio to all the world that he is a dead rock in the pit. and at the pro per tiaie. place and manner the regu larly authorized party authorit !. w ill so decla e. B yourself in your advert. ng. You can do so and still study all the j models you please. The study of methods that have proven successful ought to stimulate Mie 'individn-' allty. Emulate the busv liee-j rifle all the best adverti-niienl". of i their pith a i. I point then iu 'l"n and ruii it through your mem.:! esold -the result win not ix-tray tin- j prevailing uawjroi e . oer on.- . source, but will tie yours a much as though it grew hi your bead whi asleep A PlIiLAltEt.' nt A divorce cas wa called off a few days ago u a some what reuiarka l way. The couple nad no trouble except that the hu- band was ao inveterate Hiturer His wife could fKit sleep, ami this re suited in a norvon affecon which war mining her health. It ) ilouht- tul whether the dluuce would lx granted, but all necessity for it wa re moved by the presentation ot a .cure f r snoring whicii the hos-. and suc cessfully tried. It consists ol ,x drops of olive nil taken with a pinch of mustard The oil lu'.ncau . t he throat and the mustard acts as an Ir ritant Probably others may fli.d thia re: ef t useful. AN observant traveler Is of the opinion tnat lad e will not is; seaaful as hotel clerks, says the Ho Ml Ua ette. He attributes this to the weak nee of the fair sex to fa voiitis with the result thin If Mis Oak is affable and good-looking she la ueually aurroun co m half a do.en adanrers, and the new arrival or the Cfjaet ooklnsj for his or her key or . smII baa to wait her lady-hip's plena '.re, which In exir inch annoy. H aad enwvin5a a tmsliie man Ct tha hense ie not eoadiicteri in a t::iH f ! The" Hiey n C iShstshtyi ovarhaaiag, in.1 ( flwlf , ind ZltZza M et ftif a.rt ttie r thlaf Joo E lbxtiukttk v, at a method ot inMiina Mnil'il Mini&kfeiMt . ..... - - i " lull as uoam Mean... re- males. There are do movements, I however, for its adoption Id the banging States. The exper inieot has been tr ed thoroughly and Is success ful. That it is Dot adopted, or meas ures ia that direction taken in other Stales, is s ngular When the sys- ' teui was tirst authorized by la jD i Sew York, befo.e tests bad been I made, ambitious innovators in sev- n" Ui luv - cure its adoption, without knowing whether it would wo -it well or oot. Then the first attempts to execute criminal!' by an electric shock were bungled, and there was an outcry against it as barbarous -Vow that it j is tlrmly established as a torui of death p,iD;hm nt, and it has ceased to be sensational, the innovators agi tate the question no longer. j Arrows so to the story told by his wife. Lieut. J'earv is not entitled to I rank among those who in the pres ! ent day ae crav enough m thing ' they want to discover the North ' Pole it eem his main ob ect. If not his only one. Is to explore and delineate the northern coast of Greenland, the nearness of approach of which to the pole is unknown at the present. Of course if Greenland vlandfi 1i t h Twil VamTV will not. be . ' , , a,oie to expu re il norinrn coast i without reaching the pole itself, the j chance against which are so great and the tiei eflt of doing it are so title men have favored the search. But it cems almost certain that "n.ann n(s not extena u, w,u..u Mjveriti neglect m 11m jic, mub vr-- iug indicated by the drirting of ob jects in jmlar seas, an t if this should ! ascertained to be a 'act the result might be. a considerable addition to the M-ience of physical geography that would le worth Tar more than can 1 hoped for from one or many Uits to the pole itself. A TKi WiKAV ftoni I exington. Ky, savs is is ott'ciaily anriounced that . ol. I'reckinridge wi i not go to New YofkCltyto practi law, but- will continue a memlier of the Lexing ton bar and remain with his partner, .lobn T helby. and his son lJe-ha i This i the very thing which Breck I inrtdge long since should have re- sitlred to do. He wight to have de ! cided on the step iinnidi8tely after j trie verdict ot conviction of the Pol jlardtr al. He -hould haWMgned his seat In Congress confessed his crime, owned up that he had played the hypocrite, and retired into the dignified recesses of a law He should have made up his mind to stay there jiatiently till called fo th by his partisan admirers a do en ye.irs hence, ojore or less when the memory of his rssrlly conduct had liecome faded in the popular hi I nl Since the trial Breckinridge has Mink far !ow-r in the estimation of decent men bv his i wicked defiance of all moral w nti j ment in pubi c as he p eviouslv had ignored ft in his private life. He i proved h tn-elf to be Imperiltnl after ! the exprisurc ot h's sin and pracli i callv tKk the ground he had i one oot ling that the vmnt of society i cirwi to co-Kiemn. ow n nas n- tiled under rattnptilsintt as it wt. i and nev.-r an i rrediix-d with hav- iug done ju out ( defereiwe to "the j wi(inwl r net-minded people . t -l Vlarrmtte. King, of Adelaide, married lr. Miss Norn. hortly after the doc tor's houey moon, the doctor's s-.n married a sis er of the doctor's wile. I 'j tieu a brother of t he doctor in arried t. e docMt' daughter. in other words the dctoi's h-ju became j bis siepmot her's biothcr in-law. and I jtlie. dis-tor's daughter ln-raiin- tier i siei'-inoi ner's s sU'i -in-lan Ti.e i doctor, by marriage of tits in to the xister of his wife, became father in law to his sister- n-law: and the doc.or's wl e bv the marriage o' her inter Ui her stepson, lcaiuc Ur inoi le r in-law in be' own sister, i y the marriage or the brother of ihe docutr's wife li Ihe duct t' dauuti ter. the ilo Utr ecame lather-in law to hi brotncr-in-la w and the doc tor's wife lieeame step-mother-iuda w ! to her own biother The, problem a ! to what relationship the children of the contracting paries are to eaili other remains . u olvcd. . AliogetlM-r lit (Terr it i. The rule matrimonial dom work, laiiii ways, eiecllly when fair wom an is arbitrator. "Yes, my dear." said Mrs. I ptodate to her favorite go ip, ' six mouths after we were married . ack and 1 made up our mind that we weren't a bit suited for ea- h other; so, like sensible peo ple, we faced the Inevitable. Jack let me go my way, and " "You Ijt hi tu g hl-V"' Interrupted the list ener. "U n1 grncloua. my dear:" ax-' I ..almwl Um tiKalatai . I sho Id t! t lite lu aea bib liy It Emv tride lmalne lova for her huaband will that her 1 aorroand him like a stone wall la tha taldst or ui te,. puwoa. H fnun,1" oQ,ue for ladies to travel a lUoaAauarro, Oet l. Ow ),. 000 waa the value of th booty he the train robbera who k14 ap central Overland between, this city and D.rldTlll(, It ia doubtful whether a richer haul waa ever made lj robbera ,l- tale. Cenfaiuly liter waa never a more skillfully planned or more boldly executed uoi iu, of a train. Wells Fargo A Co., and the Southern Pacific railroad recognized the fact that they hare no ordinary criminals to deal with, consequently they are exerting every effort, putting forth every energy to run down the men and their nt h loot. The two corporations have offered a rfHrurH fif Jr rjlfl fnr f h cunl unt of !ti-h . .f the robbera and 2 500 for the r- co very of the coin. They secured four fat sacks of coin. Three were full of gold. In the other was the lsa valuable white metal. Two of the sacks contained 820,000 each. In the tlilrd wa the sum of 10,000. 1 be lourtli sack was lull 01 sliver, ana it is presumed the fall booty of the robbers was between 801.000 and 63, OOO.n Where the money was to go the Wells Fargo oiiicials do not aay. The weight of the plunder was ao great that it is supposed the marauders must have cached it near the place where they left the engine. Every clew is traced to a finish and it seems impossible that the robbers can escape If they are, as is supposed, In this city. The detectives are working on three different theories. All of the theories apree that the men are ex-employes of the Southern Paci fic ud reside In this city. It is claimed that the manner in which the robbery was condiictea bears out thia supposi tion beyond a doubt. I'ncleSum Will Not latarfar. WAsitixtiTON. Oct. 15. The State department has not received any advice confirmatory of the rumor coming from Shanzbai to the effect that China has sued for peace, and the report meets with little credence, oelug regarded as at least p remittor. The United States has been invited by the quadruple alliance, composed of Ureal Britain, France, wraany and Russia, to join in a friendly Interven tion in the war between China and Japan. 'I he invitation will be declined. The declination is based on the time honored policy of this government to avoid any entangling alliances with foreign powers. Acknowledgment ia made of the truth in what the In. vi tat ion has to say about thedesirablity of the restoration of peace, etc., but in the polite language of diplomacy it is pointed out that this country has so far thriven very well attending to its own business, and that so long us JJS it 3$ a it1 continues to prosper by that po will not depart trom it, Xkw Youh, (ci. Io. Prince Y ashina of Japan, accompanied by two of bis suite, arrived by the ' steamer Augusta V'.ctoria from Hamburg, via Southampton. When asked what he thought of tlte probability ol the in tervention of other powers to stop the war, tie hesitated and did not seem to care to answer the question, but stated, howevrr, that lie did not thiak othor powers would Interfere with Hie struggle. Tli Owt CralM UlfiapU Siat lit UliiM. t-A.v FBAXcix;o,Oct. iu. Theeff irts of the United states Navy department toward increasing the force iu Chinese waters has resulted in the hurried com pletion ot the i.vM-toncruser, Olympia which will soon be delivered at Mare Islai.d tu the government, and ai early as Iter cmplnoient of sailors, marines and oilioerit can be provided, she will lie Uisiaiited to the settle of tlte present oMUlirt ti reinforce the squadroii'whirVis. now looking after tlte interests of thecilieiisof tlie i 'luted States in the-e troublous climes. The battleships Oregon m s ill wailiug lor tier side armor, but? a large force is hard at work completing her inside i works. The Olympta ts the crack t cruiser of the United -tales navy, and j will cost the government over 32,UXM.. j (XI) hen compleleii. rylnc to Sttl th- War Bklti.iN, Oct. 11. It ia aiiuounced here iu a dispatch from St. Petersburg that the towns, villages aud posts on the Chinese frontier are being greatly reinforced and large iuan tines of pro. visions and war material are constant ly arriving at these places. Everv tiiiug. n u widen, is being pre pa ii lor a forwaril inoveineiit into Cuius if this should be decided neces- ir) . . t'AKi. Oct. Ii. The Journal say mat M. lejms that a conference of tue representative power will oou be heid at IVkiu with the new of appointing a b tard of arbitrator to aeule the war Uaween China and Japan. Aal Jurrd W.f.- Arqaluatl. Mot bOEK. Colo , Oct. 12. Mr. Fred Hawkes. wiio shot and killed her hu-i band's paramour, Trixie Lee, August j JO, and Mrs. William Bryant, Mrs. j Iiawaes uioiner, accusou ao accessory, have been acquitted of Hie charge of murder. The verdict waa received wilii xiurt room. cheering in th Wat Ml lira Ml Kritm Vahaowa Maaaa. Detroit. Mleh.. Oct. I6.T1 eoro ner'slory inveetigated the death of Cbarlat H. Chaovln, the Grose Polnte rvclue wbo waa" Biiwp 'a' month ago returned a verd let that the old man eavaa to hie death at tha heads ol a natty er parties nokaown ta the jary. !7... V n - W . 1m.m. Wlinajn lie ger, WOW Poiate U authority for the etatemani that Chaavia taM him that he was itrH of MMxaal Krati a Mlghhar, aa the latter had thraataaed u joei atai. New Oblkak. Ia. Oc . !. Motav log but a mtreet presented oh of to oat horrible wreck ia too history of Louiaana. Aa it ia fifteen people were ,'onor lea injured and $40,000 worth of railroad property destroyed. The wreck was attbejuucitoa of the Louis ville & NasnviUe and the New Orleans & Northwnstern tracks, about two miles from the e ty and occured just before H:'M. The colliding trams were the Louisville & Nashville excursion indu and the East Louisana-Cuviugtou excursion train. Uoth were completely Oiled wltfe pleasure-seekers bound for Hie lake eotst resorts or the pine lands of St Tammany pariah. The engineer of the Louisville Nashville train claims he stopped be fore reaching the crossing and is sub stanliated by the passengers on the tram, and then he blew the warning whistle then be was going ahead and received no response. He started ahead and then saw the East Louisana train bearing down on hlin at a good rale of speed. Having siarted. it was too late to think of stopping and re versing, so he opened the throttle and tried to get over tbecrossing before the other train reached him. As subse quent events proved, he failed iu bia effort and the consequence was that when the other tram struck his the coupling parted and the -iigme with seven coaches was not stopped for over a honored yeads. HUOKK THK FOIU'K OK TIIK DIUHIK. I here is no doubt in Hie worli but that this prevented a greater J Ulster, for it broke the force of the shock from the hast Louisana train, diverting Its impetus and preventing the engine from crashing head-on Into the coach filled with a mass of humanity, totally oblivious of the fact that grim death stared theui in the face. UhbiI ttf m Mult. UKArryvii.LE, Ky., ct. Itt.-Oscar Morton was taken from jail here and banged by a mob of luO men. He bad been placed iu jail late in t ho afternoon for fatally shooting William Si turns, sheriff of this (Lee) county, lite sheriff had attempted to arrest Morton for creating a disturbance at the coun ty fair. .Morion, who was intoxicated, drew two pistols and hegau tiring reck lessly, lie tired Ave shots, three tak ing effect in Simms' body, from which he died In twenty minutes. During the firing ar. uu.iiown bystander shot Morton in the fact, breaking the jaw bone. Citizeas took Morion to jail, where he remained until the mob quiet ly aroused the jailor a nd demanded the prisoner. He was hanged to a bridge utar town. Morton was from Breathitt county, where lie was under 13,000 bo'id for killing James Wiisou three monts ago. Morton's lather heard of ftajtrrest here and haaU tied here. He was camping in the lorest within 200 yards ot where bis son was hanged, but beaiiewnoJ.inff of Ins fate until morning. Won Bciilllng Chaaii"ulii St. Lotis, Mo.. Oct. 10. -Miss Hose Moeentheim or ibis city won Hie leuale culling championship of the world by defeating Miss TIIKe nshiey of Hart lord, Conn. Tue Yannee girl got to work at once and led for ao instant, but the sweeping and power ml stroke oi the Missouri lass soon gave her the dvuntage, which she held to tue UuUh and the race was virtually over at the end of the mile. When one hundred yaros from the tiniidi Mine .Moseulheim ld by six lengths and eal up a trille, but finished four lengths in advance In 12:23 ?i. hen the flag fell at the fiu iho in e shouis of the lifty Uiousaud loi.iB along the river, minit'ed with l.,e scieauis of wliisllee, tue uiaugiug oi ueis and tile explosion of uoiuos, may a mighty uproar, lb-two young womeii were taken Irom ll.e.r io the l.eilaiice and can led tu liio citio- V Iioums ol tl.e entrain, where ihe victor was preseuteii witli a cosily . medal emolemaiic of the female scuiung cnaiopiudsliip ol the world. A recep tion was held also. i fcalitiial tha Bailing. Chicago, Oct. Itf. The Washington park ciuu li s resigned trom the turf eon g reus and will abandon its racing feature, i his action is naked. It IS said upon the popular clamor against pool selling ana the dcgei.erauou ol racing from a liaimlea anu high clat kpvll to a tpecies of gambling, i h ciub was organized in lvi ana is possessed ot grounds covering eighty CitS, worth between i,.sju,iMj and J 000,000. Uu. l'tili Sherman was the ,st president of Uie club aud served iu . iimi capacity until hi death. It ui . gruraliy undenttoed thai Harlem will jU, lllt, fuace left vacant by ihe retirement ol Waahiugtou park, ao tar ms me racing is concerned, iluudreus ol entries are already iu lor II ie events tt Ib'.lu, including the 42.,000 viitiei i an di-rii), the .Vhenuau, Euglewood and other rich stake, aud these will probauy oe iranfened te Ihe Hanem aasociatiou.' , iiaa .ajr r-laetrle liar Kansas Citv, Mo.. Oet. Id. -An ,,r i.u lr..u.iir,ui. ., ol Uie elevated railway ran away ou Uie viaduct in Ariuourdale aud a soor of paaeeitfer were ailgbtly and fojr seri- oiisiy injured. I scaaa Prats Jail. Mikkv tfoKT, Le., Oct. Iti.-beveu prtaouers eflcoied their eaeape from th pariah jail, four of whom were sen ..ivticeVl by the reeaot term of the crlm. inal eourt for lifetime aarrloa. They used ao old file aad a pair of eetseors te algout of the prieoa. The htgao mmmmw IfmtAmm In. mm II 11. .-a mmm mm is www HHj Friday nlght'a aiaetrieal storm afforded tha opportunity desired to tha opponaauy oatirafl the work. Deputy hrlir are ia f9f aait ZanEsviLiJ Ohm, Oet -IT.-Alaioet theeaUre iwn of Caweter HU1, In the western povttoa of Morgan County, ta la ashes. Kariy Saoday uioruiog a tire started in the center of tue town aud wild not be eaUnoiahed until every block in the town was destroyed with the exception of eight dwelling houses and one or two outhouaea. The entire population turned out and worked heroically to stay the ravages of the Wines, out the water gave out, and they were powerless in the face of a urong wind which was blowing at the time. The loss is estimated at 940,000. There was some narrow escapes, and it is thought that Mrs. Randall aud babe perisheJ, as they were alone at home and have not been seen since the tire. The principal losers are as follows: (ioorge Johns, dry goods store, 820,000; Joseph UoudLa, furniture and under laker, 810,000; A. L. Uaiiey, millinery, S1.500; A. J. Parker, drag stoie, S7.500; Masonic Hall. W.iXX; I. O. O. i. Hall, 3,500; Dutton's jewelry store. -lo.OOO. 1 he insurance ou all the property will not amount to eiVXW. The origin of the fire is a mystery, Wit the Impression is that It was incendiary. The towu is surrouuded by a rich agricultural re gion on which it depended for its sup port. With the slack trade, due to the present low prices for farm product?, there is not the incentive to rebuild that there would otherwise have been. Belief for Ihe .sufferers was sent out from this city. f IcIfttMl to Cr Itaruiaua. BtKUN, Oct. 17. A dispatch here from Major Leulweln, the imperial Commissioner of Houthwest Africa, who has been in command of the ex pedition operating against the power ful Hottentot chief Henrick Witbooi, announced lb it the latter has yielded to the Hermans, who have occupied his stronghold. Chief Witbooi has giveu the Ger mans much trouble for a long time past. Advice from Waltlsh Bay on Sept 25 last were received in Berlin, and announced that Major Leutain, on Aug. 27, stormed, Chief Wltbooi's camp Witbooi succeeded in escaping, but be subsequently sent messengers with ojjeringg of peara to the German com mander. During the engagement Lieutenant Dlestel and eight tier man troopers were killed, and Captain Edroff and ten troops were wounded. Witbooi is tlte ouly chief tu that portion of Africa who has held out up to the present against the advance ot civilization, aad his raids upon the settlers have prevented the develop ment of the country' in spite of the activity of the (German fori sent against him. Will Take K.dtcal Aettitu. Lanmxu, Mich, Oct. 17. The Mich igan Kiste Hoard of Ilealih proposes to take radical action for the preven tion of consumption, which ha beeu clearly demonstrated to be a coinmnhi- caWe disease. It will ask the next Legislatute to pas a bill prohibiting any jtereon from teaching school or acting as a professional nurse without having a certltical from a reputable phy sician stating that the proposed teacher or nurse is tree from any communi cable foim of tuberculosis. It will also ask for a new law to prohibit a milk man from selling milk In a city unless be has a license from the State live stock commission, showing that his cows have been examined by a competent veterinarian and found to im free from tuberculosis, the tuberculin test being applied In case of any doubt. It will also attempt to frame h rule under the ptese'il law that will ITectiially pr vide for inspection of immigrants and j disiufec ion of baggage at the Canadian "l-order, to take the" place of rule 2, re cently declared un const Itutloual by the Supreme Court. llrlklnl at Ituarantiiii'. Nkw Vork, Oct. 17. The steamer Kron Prinn Friedrieh Wilbelm, from Naples, with eight cabin and I'.Kt steer age passengers ou board, was detained at quarantine owing to the detection of a suspicious case in the person of a steerage passenger. Deputy HealtL Officers Tollmadge and Sanborn were of the opinion that the patient suffered from smallpox. Drs. Dillingham and Benedict, of the New York health de partment, both expert in the handling of epidemic diseases, were called iu, and after thorough examination con firmed the diagnosis. The passenger waa found mingling with his l-llow passengers, exposing all to the disease, aud the whole number of the steerage passengers will be vaccinated and I transferred to Hodman's Island, to j await the development of the disease, for a period of fourteen days. The' Cabin passengers will oe sent to the dock. Ihe steamer will be disinfected and released soon. The, name of the patient has not been obtained, 1 ha If iiaan l.ona Cffasy. VicroKiA, II. C. Oct. 17. -Before the Arawaleft Honolulu a rumor was in circulation that Queen Liliiiokalan bad gone crazy. The report Is not credited, although for several day she had not left the house she I occupy ing. Proud or I ho llallaa. Komk, Oct. 17. Premier Criapl ba telegraphed to Kicordl, Verdi' pub lisher, at Pari. Baying: "I am proud that an Kalian name haa beet so highly honored in that great, sympathetic capital. 1 drew there-from an augury ef the fraternal affection between the aeigtborinf people aad I Mm tha art wbleh gave oeeaaloa for thn doaton atratkw. Olory to Verdi, wbo by hi eoBpoattloa haw opecied across the Alps a read to tha anion hearta " lh Arams Vaaa I" ra. London, Oct. It.- dtspeteh to taw Oswiral New from Wl Ja. dated M n- dey aara: The opposing armies tun face eaeh ether on the banks or us Yala rtw. The Chine have not tiled a shot, bat work night and day strengthening their defense. Count Yamagaia. the Japanese commander-in-chief, la awaiting the arrival of heavier artillery before attacking the Chinese position. Japanese scouts es timate that the Chinese force altogether numbers 25,000. The scouts have brought in detailed information as to the condition of the Chinese defenses, showing that they are not so strong aa the first reports indicted. 1 he t ninese artillery is showu to be less formidable than the Japanese had supposed. A decisive attack is expected shortly. Various in ideations justify the belief ihat the chief stand of the Chinese will be at Kuoeiichauo. A dispatclt from Tokio says that sev eral hundred Chinese prisoners who were taken at the battle of ring l aug arrived In Tokio Tuesday. Crowds were in the street to see the captive and followed them from the station to the priaons. The crowds were quiet and orderly, Indulging in no Insults or signs of exultation. The captives were distributed among several mt'itary sta tions . The Japanese legation In London has received advices to the effect that the Japanese transport stesmer Ariaka Maru has arrived at Yokohama from Hong Long. A Chinese gunboat left Hong Kong a few Dours before the Arlakr Maru, but contrary to txpecta- tion made no attempt to engage the transport. A larrlliln Kir Houston, Texas, Oct Ib.-Th worst fire in the history of Houston broke out and before It was got under control not only had a large amount of property been destrojed, . but iwo sisters of Kt. Joseph were burned to death, two infirmary patient also per ished, and a third sister was danger ously injured. The tire originated In Uio 8an Jacinto Hotel, a boarding house at. Franklin and Sao Jacinto streets, from whicii the blaze spread rapidly to the adjoining small build ings of St. Joseph's infirmary cn Franklin street, destroying a large two itory frame iiiinei and then the new fnur-.'tory brick main building. The destruction of these buildings was ao cotnpauied by loss of li!e. Msters Dokral and Jane were burned beyond all possible recognition, while Sister Clothllde was feat fully burned about the face, neck, breast aud arms, her re covery being in doubt. The property loss was great. Opening Iba Sfmiih Hai-timokk, .i d., Oct. IK. The Ma son for dredging and scraping for oys ters in Maryland waters opened yester day. The prospects are that a large volume of business will he transacted. More vessels are engaged In the oyster business this season than for several years and the failure of the fruit crop is expected to create a good demand for oysters. The entire fleet engaged in dredging will number 1.IVX) veeaeia. Each vessel w ill employ an average of eight men and 12,0no men will be em ployed in the business until April. This mini I er does not include the longer, aud iu the counties 7,000 are engaged in longing. The packing-houses in Baltimore and at points on the eastern and western shores employ about 10,000 more people. A careful estimate re cently made by a prominent packer places the number of persotn Interested In the oyster Industry at iS:Ki,000. A JM-lldHlI'm ltov-tttl i Wai.m.t BtiM.i,- Ark., Oet. 11. A schs.tttor involving several prominent lieople has developed in Sharp County, sheriff Hutchinson hai arrested Dr. Nixon, Dr. McCabe, and Mrs. McOabe, all of Callamih, Ark., charged with attempting to kill Dr. A. K. Barr and his family by placing poison in a cistern on Dr. Barr's premises. Dr. Barr and Dr, McCabe have beeu llti gents for some time and a bitter feel ing has been engendered. Four men bets of t he Barr family drank from the cistern and their escape from death was narrow. Over a pound of poison was found In (lie cisteriT." , An Intrrosi In a Vnrtuiir. ' Lot lsviLLh, Ky., Oct. IS. M. A. De Hose, a clerk in the Louisville and Nashville freight oitlce at Ninth and Broadwy, has just received Informa tion which leads him to believe that ha Is heir u oiie-tiurd interest In an es tate of 7rj0,00o. Three year ago Will iam J Klntay, a wealthy brewer ot Daytu, died, leaviug an estate of 87.-.0,UUO. M. A. De liose has just learned that Kin lay was his unci, wbo cmue here u.any year ago f rotn ' Ire-, land and had not been heard from for a long time. Mr. He Rose claimant are Misses Mollie and Maggie De Ko, if Kansas City, Mo. f IUP la Sf Volt, Ml. Mlliltl.KTON, N, Y Oct IS.-lb first snow Hurry of the season swept over Orange and Hiulium countiee. There was quite a heavy lal! also In Delaware and Chenango counties ,laian aJaia, ih frovasala. liMtom, Oct. l.-Th Cental Newa claim to bave the highest autboity for tha etaUmtait that overture looking to a deslaratUwi of peara betereea Chlca and Japan were made but that Japan rejeetedtbe propoail made coneldw- .ff i?.m .l0dN,, Aceordlog to U Ventral New) however, 'tii.r ia Eroaeon to believe that the prV were emlaonUy aatkfaetory te aa that her narasaaHtlisi algnlfled the wllUngm of thatr tors erasaeat to aeauieaee la tha '