The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 18, 1894, Image 5

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J O TJ. IR, 3ST .A. Xj.
L. .1. Simmon-. I'.ilitur and I'roprlflor.
F. E. A M. V It. U. Time M.
Cuing Wut. .1iik Kant.
. S, ml K1. II :S No. ;, limt-l K&t
HkIm bought at lli-t luniess sli p,
I! itf ilnil t liick-iit f'ir alu In
W. I RilJwm.
A li'iiitel ij'nnlwc of imra I'd-
km ilticki f.r sia liy t, t. Uveniiore. i
Hear WIiiUImmcI at tin? -..urt house !
, Friday O.l. I'll!,, j
-IWt foricet Unit ti-e iMintiT 'lxlll-KS ,Ay f) TBER 25. at 2..YUk
what you owe In tn anl M!eu it hail. !
,, , , - ... , i . i All mi-miKI h-ar him Hint tly ni.iv
Sf-hool rti-iim-riHil oti W.'.insil i v
In thealen-ef Mr. FUU-r Miv, )m
II H(ler ha cliarjie of one tli'iiartiiitjiit. ;
For reliable, liril l:i di'iiial work j
of any kind, xo to T. J. Gibson, Craw-!
ford, Nebraska. j
The arrangement am all m i le for
the d.uii'e Saturday evvuui. Exultant 1
music an 1 i'.i,lliiij have Iiwii for
and a i J tiiiu will lw n ad. T.ciieW
fifty t-ecit-t.
Wj retvivt?! a iU.iint lelii r from ,
E. L O tlfiui I'i-j ii it ol in ..k. Ivl
Htili h n Im ir ip ru- t it-T -its h.-re an I
wautt to ki N ii i tn c j,i itry is p.M-
Do not miss hearing Hon. Jion's
Whitehead at the inurt Iioumj oh to
morrow afternoon. He is a line speaker
and will interest you even if you d i not
aree with his views.
. Slvery on is g u to attend the
' 'hard tiuiiis" wn ial in nistu ii'.- to mor
row evening at tue i.-oiirl house.
wure to alU-nd and enj iy Ui inn. I'.io
worse v iu look the nine vou will lie
"in it.''
Rev. t'has. E. (,'ounell and the editor
made a bunting and IUIiim;' trii to
Whit river liiht Friday. I'ne trout did
not bite very ;oih) but enough taK-4-tl
so III it It was not a (allure, w hile l ie
parson did some jool Hliootiii.
fharles tiiehle had the misfortune ,
to lose three cowi recently as tin result
nf too tii'i. h allalla. After i iittlui
three crops oil' the land this n nson lie
turned the cows iu local what had
grown since the last uitititf but the
animals "jot too much and three of them
On Tuesday C. C. McDride. the pho
Inraplter of v'raw ford, was in 1 iarrisun.
The com niissiouers were iu s;ssion and
nil the other county otlicials were fath
ered up and the entire crowd had liitiir
picture taken slaiidnu in Ironl of the
conrl house. Anuuiberof others took
advantage of the opimti unity and had
negatives made. Mr. Mi Unde has the
reputation of doititf ood work and be
expects to make another visit to Harri
son in the near future, of which notice
will lie invert in ' I if i - .loi'HS and all
who want work in his line -should lie I '
prepared to call as ho will remain hut a
lew days. He is always prepared to d
till kinds of work in Ins hue at Ins K 'l'
lery at Crawford and guarantee Halis
faclioil. CountV i;ierK liiewetl una wommis-
sioner Tinkham went to tlie home of Mr.
, r r L- . I .
and Mr. L. J. S.inmons on luenlai
tjvelliu for a i;ame of whist. Tlie name
..n.r...l IHimU- fnf it titllC W liell L
knock came on th-; door and 011 It Uin?
opnd a party of youtiK puople enter
is) and by asknifr a question 111 ide Mr.
Hlewett recall Hie fa-;t that it wan his hirtliday and he then real
ized that the Katiiurnijf was lor the
inirpose of helpinrf him celebrate the
event, and he was not I11H4 in rei-evel'iiitf :
hi couipo-ure siilli. ient I v to enjoy the
:.. J -v.. , . .1 .... ....... . M....-
evening. i lie laoies pit:s,-uv - ei
Iiuie and tdaudi i Hester. M ilx-1 Liwry.
(ra WurU and M iuim I. ud.-iunii. The
1,'entlcuien were M. J. Ulewett. Frank
Tinklmm, W. II. M.trsteller, W. E. lon
litl, j. W. Smith and J. Y. Iloujjli.
Agrltullural .swlrtj Mt'etlnir.
The Hioux laituity Aj;ri. tiltuial Ho
t it'ly met at the coiirl n nise on last
Saturday it) pursaianre to tall of tlie
secretary. The presul-ul benur ah-enl
the meeting was called to order by J. II
Daitell, secretary and Eli Smith was
elected chairman.
A report of tlie treasurer showed
mi hand and it was decided to refund all
money advanced to pay the exp;iises of
the exhibit and that any who desired pay
for what they furnished .should lile a
claim with the secretary.
H. H. Woodruff was elected president;
M. J. Welter, vice president; 1. J. Sim
mons, secretary; I). H. linswold, treas
urer. The presi I'i'lt .n aui.h irin 1 1 hi ap
point the precinct vk u presuli nlsj and
tho tneetitlf; adj . turned Kilbje.:t Id the
t.nll or the president or secretary.
The unl-rifned will ell nt. public
Huctiotl at Uhnr's livery barn in
Harrison, Ne It. . on
SAT tilt JAY, O 1UBEH sin,
Hie filliyinr property:
15 heaif of horses, consisting mostly or
Wood ni ires and unit,
roiuJ cart and single harness,
i farm ;nii,
1 breaking plow.
TEItiW OF SALE: All sums Under
tit) cash In hau l. Oil all sums of 10
tlr over a credit of nun year will ha
tfiven on approved note drawing inter
est at the rate of Id per cetll per annum.
A discount of 10 per cent will be given
lor cash Uti till siniH nf If 10 or uVer.
Jamks Imvi
llODAHC NKB i Oct. 10, 1WL
Mr. Haiis Tolks leave today for Mis
souri. We nil wish tlleill success In
Iheir new home.
Mr. Jesse Hdll returned frdnl Bellcvue
last Tuesdaj'.
Mr. Chester I'lymptori ami Mrs. (1
Curpellte. leH last nij,'llt fur their lloule
In 1ocks Village, Mass.; afier a pleasant
Visit with (,'haS. U. I'lynipldll.
Miss Lucy Hill has had a nice rraijie
linilse put up oil her llouicstiiid.
Potiito huyi rs me uiiuieroiM iirtiiind
iiere. ,
aitiford Hill' Is expel tntfr Ids .Ued
tllhef frdm Kltnas td sjieiid the winter
with hin
Mr. II. Iloush Iih rented thu Mall
filrtcli Tor the next Jenr.
Will Hicknrd came down fi'oiil IMw
liitii) for a short visit hist wei-k.
Jollrl Coffee cuum tloArt Ir nil ll.iw llido
lo visit hni brother, ;. F. aiIVu.
tittle l-al Ureirmy U luhi d.Ud U i il
fcliieiudnt auJ is nd gUyiOrf witll Mr.
I Ttlirii MdllH-:
Hon. James Whitehead,
will .-uk at the "on '.! u- Ht Hern
s' ui on
FU AY. O TOBKIi 19, a 2 nUk.
on Hit i,..iii.;il issu i f lli liv, from
a r'iiililii-jin M:ind-mint. Mr. Wliitv
limul i -t :i fine ir..tor and will intuv.t till.
iv.irul of party. nne ami iwar
Hon. Matt Daugheriy,
b retiulilu an imniiiiw for conrrki of
rvnutilu an iKinmiw fir i
t)M (;,, district will m:k at tli mint
... , ,, , .
l-'tt-r jud-e of h a'i l.f,
tin date.
IT.K sOV U..
Tom Il idy was an eastltotiiid jia-(Ji-r
S itur lnv eveioii.
II A. i. turn, d the last of
vc k I r, on his hunt.
M:-s. ; W. 1 et-r returned last
Tiior-div (r im her visit to Iowa.
'. L I'".illiH was up from Umlare
M ii lav and i all. d at this ollire lira
sli'.rt Ion'.
H'V. aul Mrs.' has E "otinell spent
Honi"divs in the vicinity ol 15 hI ire
tlui'lll; the past wiek.
'oiiimissi'im-r Wi Iht and AMi'rt Hip
P'lt were up from White K ver Satur
day to at tend the meeting of the agrj.
cultural s.M'i.-tv,
'. '. I'l l nipt. ni's mother and brother i
who have lie- n h re for some
weeks on
a visit let I Monday evening lor
homo in M issai hiisci ts.
I 1..1 .
Hiliimn life in held too i he-iplv w hen !
. , , , , j
i imlivi.luiil who needs a tonic for t t j- I
system, serks to cover Ills wants liv pur- '
ch .miur every hew mixture that is rec to Inn). Hemeuilsr that
ii'p'. s iis'ii.:ifilt i lets :i w i-li.e.irned
l..',,,,!,! i,,,, ,,f ... ,.,r's st in.lin.'.
Ayer's I lair Vii.r, w hich has outlived
and snperccd. d huiiih ds of similar prep
arations, is undoubtedly the most fash
ionable lis well as economical hairdrms
inii in the market. liy its use, the
poorest bead of hair soon lieconies luxu
riant unil beaiilil ul.
( MISslON KIl'S I!F.( OKI).
II ii it i son. Nr. it., Ocl. Id,
IWiirdof county t dm inissioners inel us
per e.ol ol elei k.
rre-.e t, eo.n ulssiiinei-'i Weber, Johnnoll
an. I I inkli mi, iiu'l elerk.
I he I. .no in x el dins i if ,lnt sloux county
were i.uiliteil mid ullout'd, iind warrants
oi' iereil ilr.-w ii on tlie K r d fnn.l of Isll
lor sa. n i
II. t'. .Join. mni, wrvlces us county coin
in -i.nii-r 4'.i fi
M ir.t -Her ilnn. .ipp,,es lor p aip :r... ft fti
s.t ae lour. ml o. siiiioae ti '.KI
J. w i l,er services us cou .ly fo.ii'
iiilsloin-r ' 4"
Kr.tnk liukliuiii services i.s iiiuiily
eoii.HMi.ier - .... 21 sft
.Marslinli'l' llios si.iuities 7
II. f . johnson serv U,t n ..s coimty coin'
mlss.oiier .... It
The county mnirvoi' is heiehy nnlereU to
Niirvi.L' ..till 1.1 I l-l ill II I V 1 11 ..I l.n 11,-1' II. tllllllL
0t r, ieyersn ul o hers,
lid i.n ...p.- red lielore tlin ti .r.l
' Wild ..sKed lur lll.J leco,l of tll..t
;,(llt, u, ,.,,. ,lv ,, ,so. ft it,.,t run
. mm. 14:1 Im pi, me, was taken under
I Ull V IsCtUC.l I and Oil tlHlt.OII t OU1 III Is-lOnC TS
Joll.lso.l Hull '1 i.ikl) till Were i.plHllilted HI H
eoiii, nittee to vl.-w tile name, ti.i.l report ut
Hie i.i-xt iiii.-elintf.
im 1. 1 me county clerk 1 hereby
iiiitliorix. it to receUe Inds lor the prmsiruu
linn 111 a tu-ioKc ucrosH Hut cri-ek wn.-re
ro.el i'I'ossi-h 11 on section line U.tween seii ii and At, lo i i-H . l ;-! r.ooe M. III. Is
in-.y ue llicd lor 1 lii' ini.teii-il or 1,1-
llui , or 111 nlKe 1 011 pu le. 1 inns mid Kpt-rll!
cumin e..n ne n
.1 ny ni the cn-rks
ieiei k,
on or iii-.ioie .X o'ciocki iiiMiu, of ov-
o. i i, isU, l,o id reserve the riKht to
; reject any Oi' a.) Wt.N.
I .ne iio .nl piocteded to obtiibt tli lnforni
' at in. i ,ry i . or Jar to n'locl. me n.t.nes
"it In I so.. Hum w hicil in Ol aW a petit jury' iiii.i;r n;l tern ol Im;
(I. stun t eourt. Ilia names nl all
who Wiiinui awn us juiois ior tin; Iwluoi
ye..i.i were ilrsi (iuiai..ed. i lie .distract ol ;
vul.js ,n liu last elei.tiou w us .
p.llli'.J lu III.; eo. i. ily wis loii.iU to In; 4il
nut .-.uecp t-ieck pii-viiiet w..s loillid not lo
n tie ilJei au e.ect.oa l.i iSJ.i. lilrt asseisois
, ll.ioa lor Sil.;e.i eleen lOi tile year
' ...a W..S co .mill, il to lili'l lll liu.. .oel' ol
i p.o'oa i c.iiiii.; nil- jnivi 1 lo.n soil pie-
.:.,i,,t, o.rfie.i .ul. il i.;r-o is w re Imii.i.I,
; wii.tit .ai.nii toTi i... Ki.s4 x wha-u i.u.,.bi i
i .l.i', i-il ay ,1 b.t i ,.l.i j r . i. a ;. n is ti iu
iisuja loi nil V iiai ijosi'.i, ilwe loand lu tt '
o.u; ii.-ro.i eou.a u i i.-,te.l as juror ior each
i'iKi.t ,..,o one thu lil;til ciccaoi twiluil In
: e.,en picaact.
It ..,,n:al i.. to tlie lltlaKl that lll(ihlaild
pre.- tune, i. ee tue t n i t'l .it ll.-ea oi'rf.m-
, i,eu oat ol cei Uaiu oilier pn-eii.i-is since l.tie
last.oteol tue jireL-llii'ls Wits h..d
! liy i.; .si.i ul .v.iieii I t.-l it i-i i.nii Msiine lor
j UK do.. ru lo ..seel lain tile (II oJMil llOiiale
; htl. ..: ill J a I'll is to lie seii'iit. l Said
! Ii.u.a.m (.1 .spinel. It Is t-oasiileleil liy Hie lO (HOIOltl0.1 tile llr.lWI,. Ot till'
I list o.i III-; II.. sis ol lue last, v'lllu ol ill.) H.'V
, ei'al lii'e,',u.'ls.
I I ue iiii, ior ii. list oi names of persons
eilK.ilie loi jiiiois w.. liieu htaei'leil Iio.n
lu.3.1 iJclci (iieeniels.
aateioji,; i, eei.iet t orn in Lewis, John
V en, i.
Auuiewn precincts- r'red UlomticrK,
Jlall t.liKlleil.U, A. I. IIUKllsOII.
iei.Jaif luetani l -.ui. iiai i Laiioll, Henry
I. lite.1, ..l is i..iK.'ilrt.'ellleu.
iiiiaeu n, -e,, ul j. t.. Alllhl'Ose, I'. II.
II. K,;.o,t , . .Mi l iiUiiiitHl, Vv , n. l.illlKlli K.
w...estei, j. i. jtiacs, r.. h. lavei,
lieiutie tii.i.x. I, il. .it. .'-lull-on.
a ii.lle cieek (iricn.l -. I.. Aslltilook,
Jon.i. J. air.ii.i, ii.if.iiil uowuey, J.
litis ey .
i.Obtoawo.i I pret'lnet -I
ll.tsiu, A. t. liaiitl.eli
M. llurso.i, li t'-
. i an y, li. n.
I. lotittil. lllv.x preeliift - Henry AlbrlKht.
II. tv el , Hit tne, mo, Has licvcpurt, cllailes
oii(i.:li, tl , ii. in ceil, tl . .s. iiiibOii.
r..j i'.i..iti (ii'jwi.iot - 5. tl. tu.i'oe, icoi'Ke
Calll, IkOllCi y JlallisO.I, W lliialll ll,ltl.l,
i eny i hue.
nai cm s (ireuiuct-J. II. Illudlcy, I'. 1-i.ut-usi
e, i. .ii.u,b
,,u.,i,im 1 1 ecu. I-Joseph Aslitou, I rlith
Ailalnv, Ji. J. uuil.:!', llic.i . on iisilaW , i eLi-r
ilea. i'. ,v. ., ii. s jn ii ii.i(-i il .il aier.
Itll.iulilK il oil 1 Iceinl't Jit.ui:n 11. I uok.
Mletai clt'i'K I'lecluel uieutllie llloiiiaS.
.s.n.KO i i.-rK i iet iiiei w . ii. loiiiui,
'I .1,,M t III lalli
nim-.r i.(iai iiieoliict Heniy Idtliiiuii, T.
f . im. .leu. .a f. u'li . i a...
it i u,i,ii-t ptctuiiet la-ohuril liuiit, J oil ti
Hiia.i; i-r. uuii.-cii, a-, jo iiauiii.ii ia;e'
lull, aa.ned .tO.a.i.
hu iiioiiou lAiatu udjolil hed Without tiny.
at . J. i .. ii 1 1,
iiiui.ij v-lerk.
A.Hlii' in In 1 . tr5 u'
liv order 01 111 j dd.ia o, v.n,i,iiy c'd-ilatls
o, . illul 1 Oil II t ,' .'till art Ha.
,u,l in .1 somen ijin .s
ii,ed trj the il.i.lel'-
i,, iUat H.'IH, u.ii.i i Oleics.,
, . i,IU x.U U.. Ul .MOU.i.lIl l, lu.1,
in,, Lii-kiu,.l.i'ii oi a In larfO ciu.s
UM llttJ flWKO.I il..O UOt,ClJ.I j
(vt-iiit.ii..uitri iiun iki nttd tty '
k Mill
.i i.u ii" MAi lvt- 1 .iirtiii.-H
,, U J i'vl w tiO
ntij; ni tUJ oikJf
l'iul I'roof Nutiffs.
All (wrm linvnjf fliml primf until"', lu
thi iHi'r ill im-h v a in irkil Mills - ; ' ir
i . i.-r mi.l :.ri' r,-i iut'l tn fKrtii i
m.tii'i- .mil II jt i y 'ilii -&il t?tu
.iiu: to tiiii oltif- at tilii'-.
.Wli-e lor I'liiilii''fitu
l.mnt I Hire at Allium-.-, Nell., I I
it. ii, i.. i. I j
Vtit't-i-Is ln-ri'liy flt-il tl,;it the liiljowllig- ,
; it liin-il s ltiT ll . Ilie.l l.olice ut hi" It-t' i
' lion to in. ike lloO oot iu silfijit'lt ol li;t
-l.iiti. .tnil til it n oil ilH,f will Ix1 m Ue
I lure M. J. j:ieelt, eiel k ol tin! ililrn t
ieiiint. ul JJ..rr4s4ii, ,elr., on a-l. '
u i,vi: .
jf ixuk TiiiklMin. of B il irr. si(,u I n., Ni In.. I
i !io in ele II. I-:. So. '. 7 (or Hie ur. 't , i
1 1 n n.. ix i . i
j lo- b.i.if. tile I'oIloA'iliK
! )IOVf ll!- Ol'tt: lUuu, Ii'-!iU'
- 1-11. 1 1 ' ;t Mil Ol itll la II 'I, i :
-l.-oiif i on..
u 1 I to I, ..i; ol . O'i re,
wit lies!' to
il-e uMii alllt
loti'i serre-s
S. I I- .
1 111.
1 1 I' :
l-l i ior tile s .
i. I ii'.K" i '.
...I.: t' lue lOtluM I
u it lee. to prove ;
e lljMiil .iu.1 euitiva-
ln eo .tno;.!.!- r. siile.i
i lion ol s M i mil vix:
l. M. .-atto i, J unes .si'utt, .lolin Marslell
i it, ill tuvli, nil of il .i i i-oii, .elir.
j ig 7 J. W , W fc.11, JU., KI'KlsO'l .
Xntir-' In Viin-i:. t-1 ')-lit ln li tiiliiiit.
Kiiitmu-I ISet-ehea will take notiet1
Oil till" i.ltl !.) ot Mlileinm r,
Hi l ,i ot
lr-i.4, Kiltie
Soi'thtvortli, pl.iinlin
lien in, nieil her
in nil. .ii In tlie lii-trnt
( oiirt. of .iotix
oniity, Nelir.ika
UK .hist sumI Klillillltel
lietsehetl, ileleml Hit, Hie olljert lliul In'.i.V
itiiI w liii'tl -ire to I iiteelose h cei taiil niol'l
f .;e I'joH'ilte.l liy s.iiit r.nuti.tlel Hetscliell
,,ilil i-iltf.,eil to t lie plaint. tt liel'elli, u ho
i nov, the ort ner llleleol, u;)on tiie mirtli ',, ei-tlou township lit liol'lll, raiie
MiHe-toI tin- p. in., ill Hon county,
Nehrask i, s.ii.l nnil't'4 tire to HiMMlre the
p .y.i.eni ot o.u- pro.ii!--i y note lor if i.Ui.uo
i.i.U ti'ii eoiioii notes Inr i;i.7' eeli ie
1..UIL lias iH-eii ill. me ill the jiivmi'iit of
s. ii. I note and i.iti'ie-t ciiiiions unit l.i the
tcrni-i ..let eo.elitio.n, ol the siiU uaii'lK iK'.
'1 il.-l'e u 111 lie line mel liwinj; to Die s,.lil
III. il.illll on s till note itnil lnlert'l I'ounoas,
on the riU (lay ot Mivcnilier, Is'.'l, (it li.-ii.K
HI' 111 sl U.iV O.I I lie lli'X I 1 1 I ill Ol I ne I msi lit-
court i nccoi'.li.iK to the term ol H..1U inorl
V, -KC the rill ill Ol IH.IIi Hint interest Ht the
i'.,le ot t.'ii per cent per iimi mil from h.ii.1
lilll u .y ol ,o einlH'l, Is'.!, lint 11 .p. 110, to-
K'-lli'T il h HU1 I ..xc .im I eo-is.
a. .il planum pr.ijs tn- s.ilu pn
,. lla'v ,.,,, t1 , w, to s.H
tin1 (Kle tll.'I'eo.l.
on ,ire, re. 1 lo iins-A'cr slid petition
on or Iw'lore the I'Ziii d.ty ol (neinljer,
KJl. KATlt J.. sot I'llrt'oKl II,
s-r, iMuhitltr.
Ily Aivin T. t'liirk, her Attorney.
SlicTill's Sale.
Ily virtue of 1111 Order of Sale directed
to "me I rum the i lei k ol the liistrict
1 tin 1 1 ol sinux coiiiity, .Nelir.iska, on a
JilUK'nenl- olil..l..ed in i oliri on the
urn. 111 day 01 Ai.ij , is', i, in f .vor ot ('. .
'lulls, us il.liilnl, mid i.;.,i,ist Hols'i't
niHc, Mury 1 nisc, S . s. 1. oilier. J. H
Ailu iKlit, hdw nrd A. W cir and .s..r..h t . ti.
ll.isscii, 11 tirui doiiiK liiisini-ss us W eir &
to., us lii'tciiilunti, ior the sum ol to
Ii u , ulred, tlurty sen 11 mid Ki 100 (rililO)
(lull i s, Willi l.iteil-Ht ,it tue rate Of lO per
((:, t 1 1 0.11 .illl'll isl, IS'. I, i.nd I'.ilW.ild A.
I w e.r .mil ,sur.,l) 1 i. U .ssi ti, 11 llr.u douiK
' liuniiu'sH us oclr S. 10 , cio-H iH-titimiej-s,
(110. oned .1 del-re lor the sii.u 01 one hiin-
(li.'.i, eiKlily eiUnt 1 41 Kin (iss.4i ) Uoli.ns,
Willi iiiwrcsi, ut tin- rule ot 111 p.-r cent
tidal April x7Ui, iMd, and costs mid ui
eriiiuK costs, 1 levied on the luilo-
j l.m uesui lil.-d re.d t .ken us Dm
ju.ipeiiy ol s.od to satisly
s.. ui older 01 1. ue, lo w.t:
I Hie 111 n.ot (n'j) of the southeast
(U..itet (s e -A) ul secuo.i i-ievi'.i (-1J l.i
losi.sll.,! Ilhuf Iwi. iZj noun, r.i..e III'
ly il ,e i,...i) msL 01 too sixlil (..; pi'ineip.,1
I i,Uii.ll,..l, .--iO.IA COlllliy, .O'OrasK.t.
a. in win oiler tne s.miic lor s..le to the
1 h.ijiiesl in.iucr tor cash 1.1 li 1.1. 1 oa
jiihi.iI, .vj r..ui.i.ii ut, IK. 4,
nt the limit ooor ol tlie loan House in
I ii.oilso.., Ill .1 ueluK the IliluOluK wherein
the icr.n ol tue lusUicL ciilll't Was
' ul the hour of II o'clock, u. m., of
s...'l u..y. wneu uuil where due utlendaiice
win ne (iiveu liy tin; u.i.iersiwned.
lialeU wclolH'f llllh, lsl4.
A. It. IIKW,
!iil hhei ill ol Maid County.
Alvui T. Clurk, l'llllilHU H atlol IICV.
siiiii.iH Snli'.
Ily virtue of 1111 unlet- of sale directed
to ... e Mom Hie 1.1cm ol Inn i.isliiol
lolirt ol .-lollA coll.iL, .sclllaska, 0.1 u ontai.,eU in sal. I com I on tile
iiieni oaj 01 .ovi'iiioer, i.v.ia, in luvor ol
W llilu.ll IM'CI Ull UllU I O.llllaliy. a 1 lill.C
t.n, unit uK"i.-a n. aru-iiimei
uutl r.iu.uu AI'iislxaK. r, us',
tui the sum ol lour no.. died nii't loity-
seve.i ('l'ii-Ot'l Uillal's, Willi III Jlel' cent
llilelCHL lloai .Noveinljel' ll, la.ij, Itllli
costs t...xeu ut ,.!.! uud uei'l'iltiiK costs,
i have levied lltiou Hie liiiin.if Ue
I m l iii'M l'e,
CSfcate lale.l aS In.; pn.jlelly
i i i.eleu.iaiit-
Mulloly sa.U Vjl'uei'
ui .laie, .o iti
" east Hall In ') ol
(ju-.i ler li c m -ta iioii
.....t tue . i,l n-.u iw;,jiil
the nortiie.tst
C.lillllH'.l lis),
.11,-- Illll 111 A C-,1
e en tee. i liij,
no. tn, l'..ii4t;
1 Jii'iue.ti-ii
a t.a in w -.41 oi oeta.o.i t
iiirt ..sii.ii lu. i ty ivo t.ui
' liil iuui vi Aesim tueii.A
j ,, ..iua cj.i.ny, .eur
i .x.t.l IV .11 llllOl II
ll.Ulu it iJel-ii Hii
.11 -l.i .'.t 1 ,
: S...IIU lOI' Bale lO llll!
Ja.-ill 111 lla.1.1 o.l.
J i,.UOi,i ii-i
. ul the lioi
i ,,al 1 ISO.., 1
j lilt ...St, t
' ll.;ia, at tut:
I uiior oi Lue colli l house Jn
..t o .i.i tin; liai.'i,, vvinueia
I l.i III lilt: LMSltiCl 1-il.ilL Vt'aS
no, ii oi id o eioci, ii. ui., ol
lot ...el where Utli' utteiulaiive
--ei ti-y
l MiiiM liy in.' u.i.ieis.M.ieu,
il...i vciolle.1' iilllli is.a.
., si A. U. Iii:w,
sin;, iu ol sum v oiuity.
Mn-i'ln's Sale.
ltytlrtiie of iiii urdi-r of side dirretiil
lo me lio.ii the cuu k ol the iOnlrie.1
.unit ol -Itl.l.t lou.ity, .sell, a.-lla, o.l n ooiaiueil lu s.ud t mo l o.i the
iitn ti..y oi iua, is.i, iu luvor ol ,s. c .ii.
Jaa.Ssltl US 1 l..l,.llll allll u.ilill OflillCi:
itaiiher it, ul anna ii uiki r i.s i.eie.i.i..iits,
lot' tue sum Ol luiir llvlmll't-il llilj-s.A
is-i.i .ion. .is Milu i.tieiesl i.t tin; rule ol id
(Hi cent 1 III. II .tl..y II, l.wi.1, allll costs all'l e
ViUiuti costs, I Have levieit lljiou lile ltil-
1(1M1.. H'.al Csla.t', l.iSl'il US tlie (UOleliy
Ol ,t-tt'lltlall I -, ttl SatlSl V Sal" I ili'.ci' Ol
salt', tij VVil :
me moiiIi liaif (till) of southeast
l(il,.l ti:I" (sIVt) a.iU lue KtlU.ll..t;sl t(;r
(nvV'-il HI Lile Iilirtlltia-Sl ((ilal lt'l I .ie 'iJ,
nei't.o.l ItVe.ity-IO.Il t.i-11, torf,lsil.(l tllOI.!-
inn oil i.ui tu tn i..iii; ill ty s.a ml Vit-st,
it, III lot 1(1. eu lal III setaui.l lll.tteeil ill'!!
tOvVftsilll Llluty l,lO t-iJ HOI til, III I'
ll.L lltl ( -1 Vit;.t Ol tlie S.Atll I l'llif.(,al
,, .-U..UA COll.lty, .telltasKa, .111.1 Villi
oiler tn,: same im' s,.ie lo in,; luiniesl
InuUer, Kir easll 111 il.tull, oa
.ti. i.t iil I , .stl V eu a, Is'.d,
at- the Huui. Hour ol tun tmiit ol
AilIU tlilliity, itl llalTioO.I. .Selll'aslt.l, llllll
lieiutt tll.l lll.i,il.ll( nl Wil.t'll tile last tl-l'iu
ul I...; i.stiiet v-tnlit WaS IK-iU, nt Hie
lioiii ol two oViooh, i. in. ol said (lay,
Wueu ana Where Ulltl iilLcuU.iiil'e Will
Ut; if. veil ny Hiu'is.ii.ieil.
i...leit ut ti..l i tsou, tict. is'-d
, a, ,t. it. IlKW,
Mien li ol said t utility.
Notice of J'ruliftlf ot VN ill.
I bM.
1 u .til (ii TaOnrt lil ltV'hU'il lil the (tall III
Att'A.iinnii Mtunt, Uih o.oU :
i iit'ii.n, ic;iij.iiiii.t i. i rwrttr, of H.itM
CdilitLj , II. lllua Itl ih UlllCf till liinLlUiiiViil
putiniLiiiK (J tn llli; l.n( Will uml UmLiv
iiini.l. il titvAutv.v nicuii; ticrcaHeil; luti?
in H.wti't uil.iL , na a ptJL.liO.t )io. iitC vo
li.vo nit) niiiu uii.nUU ii lo irnu,ai-; hdhmi
Will li!l..Uil to rULI! llnlMdilai
L-SUtt', Wllili!Uij 1 tl.iVII i.JMlillt U iMO.l
U.,uU' tll iti.y Ol vU'n-t, lrv.,4, at Oi'
u biuvH in Lno ! ni ifimt .l in y oilier tit
Lilu i.uul t iiOUmJ iu H-itl c ounty, 111"
k.iilU 44... U 'i..tU Ul pi tllg H.Ult Will, lit
Wilit'll ti.iiO JK.i': uii ami .Ol t Oiit'tfi (iiMf
i.i..y ..ijh:I a.tU KAttiUiof, I Do piutt.iti: Ut till
iiis iiiitluT rtiddi'tl Haul iX'titionur
giVU ttllt,iM Ut Mil pili'MluM Hll-ltMU-tl 111
.,a v'rtUlu lil illU I'H.Miclli; V Ol DM llolltlOil,
l.nU kllhl Ll.nO .i.iU )liut.US M't lot l)l',tl li.fl
lno rt. ...t.', uv O iiiii( a v'iy oi im imici
tU tMJ )i4i(nUt il 111 lllh n.illiA MM .il V
1Oui.i.ii., .ti Vvi rtiy i t; Vv -.H f ol (f. iimal
WiiwUiitUii, ji.lui. It' il i.t ..uOtlA i lili il lf,V i
rtnU .liiJ( W UnU rtUi'Kil Ui!CCnHiVt:i't
HbtiUUi vu nlO U.' Wm'I. i Ml'l 1"M
in Hiioicul i u vo nmi'U.ilO
tfwb ut u ...iU u.iJ-i.n doal lull iOlh Ouy
Ui WUtViivi, .1) ( li
I'oanty Juirfi.
Cherry Pectoral
So says Mr. T. Ni. Reed, a highly
respected Merchant of Wlid
dletown, ill., of a Young
Man who was supposed
to be In Consumption.
"Ono of my customers, some
years siro, luul a son ho had all
the symptoms of consumption.
The usual medicines alloiiled him
no relief, ami hi! steudilv failed
until hi) was tillable to leave his
lx'd. Jlis mother applied tome
for homo remedy and J recoin
jneixled Aycr's ('lierry I'ccloral.
Tlie youiijjmmi tool; itaccordin
to tlircr'tiiiiis, mid soon lipgan to
iinprovt! until l,p became well
iind Ktroni?." T. IM. 'ii:i:d, Mid
tllctown, 111.
"Soinn Hint) no, I caitfrht a
severe cold, my throat and lunjrs
wcin hadly inllamed, and I had a
lerrihli! eolith. It was supposed
that 1 was a victim of emsiiiiir
tiim, and my friends had little
hope of recovery. JJut I liontrht a
bottle of Aycr's f herrv Per toral,
took it. uuil was entirely Hired.
Xo tlotibt, it saved my' lift'."
1. Joxks, Emerts Cove, Tenn.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral SI
Rocntved HlRhr-st wards
K, A. B flELOW,
Will cry sales in Sioux and adjoining
count ies.
Terms Keanonalile and satisfaction
Dates made at Tllii J il'HNAL ollice.
A-sidence 5 miles northwest of Har
E. E. GARTON, Prop.
Good aecotiimodations and reasonahlo
J. K. rillXXEY, M. I).
riij'sifiun and Surgeon.
All culls (tlven prompt littention.
Olllee In IiniK Store,
B. L. SMUl K,
Fashionable Barber & Hair Dresser.
(live I me t ii I (nil.
(1. J. HI1AFEU,
liiphtheria, Uheumatism, Female and
nil Chronic Diseases n
Office '-!'! door north ol' JOURNAL office.
J. V. SMITH, Iroiritor.
New work and re
pairing neatly
(iciilil rtdi k, (liioil mntiTiiil mid r.'iisOiiabli)
prlfi's GfAUAS IT.KPI. tilvp nirtftCull.
IIAIIltlfl'lN, - - Nkhuahka.
IViiiitl-'ts in all tlio tiourls itnll liefnre
U. 8. t-anil Olllcn.
t3T Ollice in oiu t llminf.,til
Hitrrisotij Ntlir;isliV.
Land Agent and
Eij;Kl yearn' K'siik'tite in Sioux ttroViny.
liiwly lcS ftiul reitiortalileliftri1'.
tlivn MR A 'CAl.I,.
My Wif6 Mary Mixiro', jiaVin ).
Vity Iv-d nnrl Innvnl witiimit just tn use xr
jirovociiliiin, nil )e'in r hurthy
warni-d iigairist linrWinj,' In or trust
ing bur on my tuA-omiti inr I 'will ttot
jiay wAy clubts contrftctt j by VitT.
UutiMOctoWlO, 1304.
HEELING is the Popular
m Sport of the Day,
II il . r M
A Columbia Bicycle
is as enjoyable as
Riders of Columbias
are never ashamed of their mounts,
because they ride the standard
wheels of the world, representing
all that i; best in bicycle construction.
Our i!luttrit,-it roia'i'Siii- wi'l feW run 11 nVnit Oiliiishiii.
I wur Ki ut a, til (; ia.l .1 l..r la -tiil ,U i,i.
Have just received a large stock of
Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots,
Shoes, Groceries, underwear and
everything else in the lines they
Their stock of Heating and Cook
stoves, tinware, shelf and heavy,
hardware and builders' supplies
is complete.
Them) irond vvese nettf-to! by the (IrnVa
frt'Hh aujl 4,upto date" in every
Jurist , best ami most complete
Clgrl 1 K A DQU A RT & RS for FLOUR, FEED
Lumber, Coal and Farm Implements,
Sash, Doors, Blinds, Lime,
Lath 'and J Shingles.
Windmill and Pump Supplies.
VJ 1 1.LJL.J1j,
Better than gymnasium fxer
rise because in open air, and
pkasanter than walking because
more exhilarating.
a good horse, and much less
Ride a
HieK MfiL CO..
Bu&to:i, New York, Cliicago, Hrttord.
I. i free
buyer while in the east and are nice and
respect, ttetneber that they have th
stock from which to select and their
Harrison, Neb.
m i?
t WMfc . T , : -
i.Ti. :