i 11 TIIKHlOCXroUNTY J OUR IN" A. 7ii. .0 L. I. SImiiiii, Editor and Proprietor. V.V..A M.V It. K Tinc V. mttffl, H ;1 i Xu. , mini'! ' u't fori't Hint til! ;i';nffr ntn) li.ii you oe tiim ami n'tils it h;ul. - Ilmigh & Sons liij'.t-J ."i far load of ! on Tuemlay. - fur relialil. Iirt ti-nU! work f ;.i:y kind, ko to T. J. (iWm, Cr.iw t i I, Vebraska. - i' -liifinilx r that TlIK JirtlOAI, ollire is i.-.i lijiiarter for Job printin.:. J!J paiwrs for sale at TUB JoiUXAI. t . 5 rriits per dozen. - Tiiesd.iy was llm kind of a day iii !i makes parent w it.li the school I'nu-e was in some otlitr locution. - Donl forget to attend tho meeting i f tin Agricultural society on October biih. It in. for all who are lnlen-nU.J. - Miss Anise Nicholson put liuine- t..'ij JUiri on a quarter section ol I'm lo Sam's domain last w k. - Or. Kirkpatrick arrivnl from 1 'ns'er i' ty on Tuesday to visit P. X. Kirk i ) rick and look over tlie country. -Wlieti OonitnisisiotiiT Weber turn i.p It attend the moetintf of tl;a Iwiard mi T'ie-slay lie brought us three fine gnm.-f uIik li were duly appreciated. -- H'e are requested to piUiely u iivss the Hi were thank" ol tin; Kn.iri ! i .,' i!rs to til for the kindness, shown to family during the illness mil after !); death of their sister. - F. A. Sliiynanl mid fuuiilv air. v l iw last etk from Missouri. Mis. M tynard is a sister of J. II. I!.irt II and ih. y are looking over the country v.ith Vie to lorutiDK. A son arrived at the home ol Janies X i.in last neck. Jim is not yet able to r,nt with Ins thresher, but will likely - II i ight soon. --liy an over niht in the but iu tie o .te of the birth of the sou of Mr. uni Mr. Corliin lA'wis) was (.'iveu as Sep Imiher olth, instead of 21lli. During the absence of the family from ' IE Jul'llNAI. residence on Wednesday nme one called and left a nice patrol i nil kens. Whoever the donor wait he dl accept our thanks. On account of the tax list and other i- al notices whii h uppear in this issue 1'ilK JiH HN.vt, is a little late and ulso -hurt on news, but it is a pail of the pi'i titer's harvest and only conies once u em. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. It. T. Conley, formerly of this place, died at. the family residence at Pawnee City on September 21th. The lricmls of the' family here all sympathi with the be reaved parents. Andrew Christian bad some wheat which yielded over 49 bushels to the acre. It was spring wheal and grew on the table land of Heasuul Hide. If it had been a good crop year the yield might have ben large enough to make it a paying crop. A check was received last week from the secretary of the state board ot agriculture for the premium won by the county exhibit at the state fair. It makes a pretty good foundation for a county society if Hie proper steps are taken. Henry Covey has sold a car loud of potatoes to Davis & Sons, a firm in Saw aril, and his friend there will have an opportunity to obtain the liest potatoes in the market, for the quality ol tub-rs trrown in Sioux county cannot be excell ed. The Sioux County Agricultural So ciety is hereby called to meet in tile court house at Harrison, on Saturday, October l-'i. l'iOi, at 1 o'clock, p. in., lor the purpose of hearing reports of com mittees, election of officers lor the en suing year, and for the transaction of such other business as may properly como before such meeting. J. H. ll.Vl!TKI.I SeC. W. L. Nicholson was up from Whis tle creek the last of the Week and called at this olllce for a chat. Ho informed Us that during the past season they haU watered ft garden of about an aero with water pumped by u windmill and bad also watered a large number of cattle and horses and they did not have much reservoir room for accumulating water. There is no reason why any farmer who lias a well and windmill cannot water a good sized garden and have a living for his family assured, ' It is reported that I. A. Publow was nominated for commissioner at the independent convention of the hvcoiiU district. The convention was held in Cottonwood precinct two wefcs ago to day but what was done was not learned until a day or two ago. Only two pre cincts, Cottonwood and White Rivet were represented at the nominating con vention. No other candidate has been put into the field so far as has lieeu learned. Tim count v comiiusioners were in session on Tuesday and umong other matters they erected a new voting precinct on the table east ol town vvim the polling place ul the residence of Henry Covey. The new precinct is named "Highland ' and the name is cer tainly appropriate. 8tp ''" taken to provive some cages fur jail DurijoseH. The IhjsI are to be put in so tlfat ill future it will not be necessary to take prisoner lo (mother county loi Hale km-piug nor will it be nejessary U allow persons logo free simply because PERSON U.. K K Snulev retu... .! T li-vlll ff. ! iiis trip lo II liuois. '!'. H. Snyder was up froi H!ei -p r k in first of the week. II. A. Pnddy has gone on a limiting r; to lie gone several weeks. Mrs. K. F P 'titius leaves tonight to visit her parent in Ohio. P. W. Knott was in touo Friday niwl called at this otlice for a ' bat. , - J.ihn Herman was in frnnu;f&gf yestviday and l ame in to gfr. . W. II. iirbiu was up from th wut : east part of the fount y i'st' W.iV uial Ciilleil at this office. nil Klein u is doing 1 at H.r- rivm S..turday and let th ifbt of h.s louiitetiatjie shtue in thi- .lie J or a sbort UUie. Corn's iMHideiice. JkiiiAr M: , O'-t. 5, l'.M. Kvtry lly Is busy Ibese days diggu.,. otat-s, they seem t" turn uul Weil. Miss 1-aisV iAiaue coluitlelice-J a thiv iiiuiit!.. term of s biiol in the Boggy dis trict We hear that Mr. Miti hell formerly id liislurc is en route for th-) slat-i ol '-rgiii. M.ss I.iny 11.11 cmie up from ;'hailt a, mi hold down li r cl.n.ii and visit fridud-.. Mr. Peter H. haefer is threshing toiiay. Mi-s Anna Knoii died at the honn ol her brothers oil I 'st Friday alter an illness of several months, About a year igit she n,ih straiten witti consumptioii uid had v.aited several localities in tin hope- ol lindmg relief, Karly in th-3 sum uier she fame le re and took up hei ii ..ie Willi her brothers who did all lhe could lo make her coinlorlabb', but, (da gradually wasted away until the end came, being conscious and patient to the last, la-ceased was twenty-four years old. The remains were buried in the cemetery south of town, the funeral services being conducted by Rev. C. E. bunell. tJoc. Bixby of the Lincoln Journal talks as follows regarding the local pap er and advertising: "The local pnper that comes to slay and is not owned by clique or faction is a blessing. Us exis tence depends on advertising, and a mer chant who refuse to jiatronize it on the plea that 'every-body knows him' Is slinking a duly that he owes to the pule lic and incidently giving liis own busi m ss a blai k eye, Advertisements are in evidence Ait life, public spirit, hope, a bsposition to do business, and a willin uess to give as well us take." Auction. Tho undersigned will sell at publi auction, at Ins Uan.li on spring creek, on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1H0-1, beginning at 10 o'clock, a. in., the fol low ing proiierty. 1 milk cows: 2 calves: 12 head of horses and colts; about HO tons of hay I sulky plow; 1 walking plow; 1 ctilli valor; 1 harrow; 1 ot'ggy; i wugou mower and rake; 1 set of Isibs; 4 liedsteads; 3 stoves; 1 bureau: 1 sewinji machine, and other articles too mmier ous to mention. TERMS OF SALE: All sums under $10 cash in hand. On all sums ol iu or over a credit of one year will be given on approved noles drawing inter est at the rate of ID Jier cent per annum A discount of 5 per cent will be given for cash on all sums of $10 or over. Free lunch at noon. S. W. H.U.. iiandrull' is due to an enfeebled state of the skill. Hall's Hair ltenewer quick ens the nutritive functions of the skin healing and preventing the formation ol dandruff. If your child is puny, fretful, troubled with glandular swellings, mllamed eyes or sores on me neau, i. ice, en imv.j , course of A Vers Sarsaparilla is needed lo .i t expel the scrofulous humors from the blood. The sooner you begin to give this medicine the better. B. F. THOMAS, Harrison, Nebraska. Land Agent and Auctioneer. Eight years' residence in Sioux county Lively sales and reasonable charges. UIVE ME A CAI.I- Shi-;-iir Snle. llv virtue of hii order of snle rtirwler. lo nte 1 1 win - -- , , . .a slniix t oiintv. fccleiisku, on ! .nt. filiiiitiieil in said Court on till' -.i. i .Mu v. lsi:l. la luvor of M.C.I) imsselt' UK I'lidnliir Biul BKulllst OntTffa U.im.r iiml Aunii Walker hm iieinnuHiiis, lor the sain ol limr liundreil null Ilily Hi (M U,) dOllillS Willi lliu-ie-l. !. - ist cent iroin .May 17, IM, unit eosU mid ae ....... ,., .!.. i h.ivii levied iilsin in ioi lowlnu r-,ii estiue, taken as the proiierty ,.i .....7 iM-iendiiiiU. tosillslv sulil order ot I lie north half "f 1110 o"thHt ,wu) ol the iiorllmmit qiiuiUT (lie ' L...t,.. . ia-Hniv lour CU. tiwiilii tinny ....... wi i, nrtli ol riiliice aitysU .) west 11,1 th.ee (ill ol seelioii iiiiiteeii (l) o.w,.niiio iniity two (.li) norm, ol ri.n.i (.,i ol Uic sixth I'rliieiii.u ............ i..n eouiiiv. AvbiiiHka. and wm ,'.n..r llm snitiu lor sale to tile tllKIIl blilder, lor eusli In hand, oil Ml'.si'.ll, ,'ir..'ui'.i "i i.l llm Ironl dour ol tho court house ol oil viiiiiii;, .. - . . .. ,, ii... i.iiniiiiuf iii wliien llm lust term ,.i 7, umriu mill was hind, tit the in. ui ol two o'eioes, ). in. ol Biild day when Hint wlieru uini hlleiiilaneo wi I;. ijiven hy the uii.eiiKne.l. at "r '""' ' ,nM- 14 , A. II. 1IKW, 1 ' Mierilt ol si.ld coiiniy. If It (OMMIssoFls itr.ro ft n. II '.KICeiK, NFB. Ill ilieifl of eiioMy eiiiiiiis.ioiie- ii.t-t iii r. KUi r srwloll. i're-llt l-ollilllii-ioliei WelMT, Tillkh illl sntl oierk. The p-t'Uoti of UaTiil Anderson iiml oth ers i.kine tli it hrldtje I ifrant'fd aero ; lliit t reek here rood crie-wM it ou eetion ; line l-tw en M-eiion, J-t and Si turn uphill ii1 i.orth"l r.oijje 14 n-t, wo taken up mid ni ter due eonsiih-r ition it w..s deeiilinl t ) go ate! view the .pi i.rMd loi it,on, The jw titio i 1 I. .. kirkpitrlt-k end oth er- n-'lll tl! .1.1 vulii K IJH-einet to b f ill el iiivrliUiKl 1m eie.-led, iM-fCiiminK t tl"" jioii.there ih smtlou liae, ktn-ii see-: Ui .ii 2-i mm (, iiiti-rseets Willi the norm Is.und .ry line of the government wood reservation In township r.iii(e 5t, run iilaj; thenee north uhout tlin:e -fourths of h mile to the northeast comer of w-ctioa thence wet ulonK said sect loll line ten miles pj the iioi thwcj-t corner of wetiotl 30 lowic-hip ,ri range 5 thence .-4ulli lour nii.es to tile southwest corner of seel.on 7, town hip .11, range 3, and thence eust lo Die I. int here the eciion line ls-te-n see lions 1 and u liiten-ets m.tli the west ooiiiid uy line of e...u t;ovei linn nl oisi r'-Ma , alld thenee olloA..; line Ol ..11 I. ser.-all'lil to pi.;..-e of llegf I.I.U.if?, . .ken iiii ami i.i o r due eousidei..l.uii uy tin- uo..id it Was und In ,-iehy Is ordered th .t the rriUry lieieni de.4erii.:d, tsi heieal ter known .l lotfliiuaU jireeint-t and the voting pi.a e tj he at the residence of Henry t on y. ilie fo.lowi.'K claims a dint -loux county eie audiied and allo-Aed ami w..iraiit or ere.l drawn on Keneral lu.id of if'.'t lor ,.lne. rtiillu.n on isch huiidina; ehiiiiuey on court nmise till 75 i. J. lUcuctl salary us clerk of board ol eouiity coinuilssloners, aid ipial "U-r lllid poslalfe Kl.i.'J V . II. lavls ri lees uw-ouuty siiieriu- leuileiit - W 05 .Vlvlu I . clai -k. salary us county utty an ou .M. .iiiUoii liaiulnu one load of brick for court nous.) eunuiiev 1 50 . J. siinn.ons puhniiiug and station ery - 45 00 iV. II. lia-, is, In.-Utiite funds - U) on t ite Journal ouiiaiiy statioiiery IS 50 The claim of Perry White for 10.IW for uintn-r fiirnislied road district No.l was aud ited and allowed and warrant ordered lrawn on hridire fund of lsV4 for saiue. On motion the precinct known us Cook precinct was ami the same hereby Is ordered cliiiiiKol anil hereafter to be called Whistle creek precinct. (hi motion bounl adjourned w ilhout day. .M.J. IILKWKTT County Clerk. Niiliee to .Siiii-fh-slilcnt pi't'eiiiliiiit. Kiuutinel lletselien will take notice, that ou the 'Zitn nay oi setueniocr, ims, ivhliu I., soiitliworth, philiitur herein, men ner et lion In the District lajuri ot sioux County, Schruskft, uirnliist said Kmniiuel lletsehen, delunduiil, the object anil jiruy- rot which sre toloreelose a ccitum mori gaire etei'iiteu ny sum r.iniuiuei nrim-iirii ..nil iiHsiKneil to ine iiiiiuiiu neie-in, win Is now the owner thereof, iixm the north- east "4, section Xt, township 31 north, runtfe .-iii i-i.t ol llie i. ill p. in., in .-ion iiiuiuy, Nebraska, sad unirtK.itrii to secure the liavnient of one promissory note lor .Vi.wj anil ten coupon note tor 15.75 each. Ue fitult has been imnle in the payment of said note mid Interest coupons anil In tin terms mid condlllons of the. said inorti,ra(e. t here will be due and owtnK to the said nialntill on said note and Interest colllMMls, on the lath day ot .November, )s;it, (it beinit the ilrst dav oft the nejt term ol tile insii iei court I HceoVdlnK to the terms of said inort Kute the sum ol ".lo.o7 and interest nt the l ate ol t'lt per cent per uuililm I rorn sail! .ithdav of November. 1'.4. until ' paid, to- (elller Willi f lll.1l taxes Hint costs. Alltl Dlallliau iirays una inw sunt in iir tses iii.lv lie decreed to be- soid to satlsly ihe umouiit due thereon. V ou an-required to nnswer suld petition on or belnre tun iviu uay oi isineuiuei, is'.it. Katik 1.. sol I'llWOllTll, I mil l'luintliT. Hy Alvln T. Clark, her AttorueJ-. Final l'rtMif SnlitTS. All persons having II mil proof notices in this paper will rei-eivn a marked copy of the jj.i per and are rei nested to examine their iioliee and it any erroi s exist report the same to this oltlc'c at once. Notice tr Puhlii'iitiiin. I.und ( dice at Alllanei., el., I Mept. li, ISM. i Notice Is hereby Kiven that the followinif- named settler bus tiled uotlee ofliismteu- tit it lo make timil prool m support oi ins claim, and Unit said proof will lie made Is:- lore ,l. J. Iteneit, clerk ol the ii'siriei court, lit Harrison, Nebr., on Oct. tl, ism, viz: r'niiik Thiklirtin, nf linilnrc, Siniiv Co., Nebr.. who iniiile H. V.. No. i'o" for the nw. t see. '20, twp. ii., rit. fd w. He inimes the following witnesses to prove his continuous resilience upon and cultivation ot saiil bind, viz: Stephen serres, IxmiIs Kultin (t, John Serres, samiiel 1'eblB t, ail ol Kodiirc, ebr. also Asa (,'. Ji:i Is. id' Harrison, Shmv Cu.. Nehr., who madn 11. K. No. IMIl for the sw. i see. II, twp. :il n raiine .'iii w. He names the lollowlnff w Itnesses to prove his eoutinuous reslilenee upon iiml cultiva tion ol said land v!.: 1). M. Sutton, Jiniies Keott, John Murstell er. Vt ill liuvis, nil of Harrison, Nebr. 1 7 J. W. W'KIIN, JK., Kettlster. Notice fur I'nhllriitiiin. Land Ulllce nt Alliance, Net)., I AiiKUst -27, is'.d. Notice Is hereby given Unit the following named settler bus tiled notice ol Ills Inten tion to make tiuul prool In siipioi t, ol his claim, and Unit said pnif w ill lie imnle he lorn ( lerk District Court nl Harrison, Nebraska, on Ki t. tl, ls4, viz: I' riini' In M. Hull, of lliubirr, Nell., who iimibi II. K, !7ol, for llm sw. U see. :U, lp. :w, rg. 55. lie names the following witnesses to prove Ills continuous residence utsni and cultiva tion of, said hind, viz: Henry Zlmmcnimu, C. II. Crewel, Knrncst liuiige, John t'tosl, all of liodare, Neb. J. VV. VVkiin, Jk. B14 . Itegister. Notice for I'lltllll-lltilltl. Lund Oftlce at Alllnnee, Neb. Aug. is, Ism. j Notleo Is hereby given that the following named settler bus llled notice of tils Inten tion to uiiike lliinl proof In support of his claim, mid that said proof will be mode be tore ( lerk of District Court ut Harrison. Neb., ou Out. II, Is'.H, viz: Jiniics Diivls.iil' Harrison, .Ni'li., who made II. K. No. .110 for the lots 1, '2, ,1, mid 4, see. I, t. SI n., r. S7 w. lie iiHiues the Inliowlng witnesses to provn his eoutinuous residence liMu mid cultiva tion ot suld land, vl.: Wlllliiiu y. hheiilieril. lieorge II. Turner, Wes. Ijtngdon, John Diiut, nil of lliirrlson, Neb. J. W. Wkiin, Jh., ft!4 Register. Niilli'r fur of Initiated Tract of Ijind. Notice Is hereby given Hint. under section it.'iA, li. S. Revised statute, and under pro visions ol Act March 3, IstU, nod uiulerdlren tlou of the lienerul Lund Oitlce hy letter C. tinted July l, Isw, Hid following descrlls'il tract fif hind, being mi Isolated tract of land situated III Moux couniy, Nebraska, will be oil ereil for snle to llm highest bidder for cash In Ininil, at the 1. si. I.uml Ofllefi, nt Al lianee, NebruHkii, on HieBlh flay of October, I. ti4, ul III o'clock , n. in., vl.: i he no. U of w. I ol sc. jtf, ip.si, n. of rg. M, w. (Itli '' Notion will lie given by publication In tho Sioux i orsrr JoCKsAblorWidiiys prior to dull' of sale. J. W. WKIIN, JR., I .ii -41 Itegister, K. M. UHOOMK, Keeclvir. r Easy to Take And Perfect in Their Action, AYER'S PILLS Never fail to relieve Dyspepsia, Constipation, and Headache. "I bavp jirovt d Uio valtio cf ei AVer 1 Ills 111 re-ueviiiff ujsi'i p- o tiik mid lii'ud.iche, with which o r omilaints I was so Jong troubled that neither the doctor nor my- o nclf Hiiiinoscd I filiould ever Ik o m cII iiffitiii. Throtitrh the use of the above medicine 1 am Dettcr 0; thiin I liavB been for years." o A. ( rASKILL, Vt rsailli's, 111. o; "I havfl used Ayer's Tills for c! 15 venrs u-i a cathartic in liver o complaint, and ahvavs with ex- treinfdv bonelicial i-iliit, never cj liavinir had need of other niedi- o cine. I also rivo Ayer's Tills to oi my rhildrcn, when they minne an ajiericiit, and the result is ul wavs mo.st Nitist'actory." A. A. IOatox, Outre ( dnway, N'. II. "Having boon fK-verelvafllictcd with rostiveness, I was iiidui'cd to trv Aver's Tills. Their use lias effected a coriinlefo ciiie, Htul I oj can eonlKieiitly rt'coninietul lliem to all Kimibirh iifllicti-il." (.'. A. iViirniAN", ,ipo!iio, Cal. m tfi rill - ui ft! iuiii O riLLO 2 o Received Highest Awards AT THE WORLD'S FAIR ol NORTHWESTERN HOTEL RESTAURANT, E. E. (JARTON, Trop. flood accomniodations and reasonable terms. ;frilttAU T AM. HOCfiA IUVE ME A THIAL. J. E. PHINNEY, M. I). I'liysk'iiin nud Snrjjenit. All calls given prompt nt'entlon. offlce In Drui; store, HAItKlSON. - - XKIiUASKA. nTiTsMUiJK, Fashionable Barber & H.ir Dresser. OPEN SUNDAY FROM 0 TO 12. KAZOU8 AM) SCISROttS PUT IN ORDER. (livo I me I ft I Cull, fl. J. SHAKER, PHYSICIAN AND KCItliKOX, HARRISON, - NEhRNSKA liiphlheria, UlnMiiiiatisni, I'enuile niei all Chronic Disease's a Specially. Olllce 2d door north of JOURNAL ollioe. HARNESS AND SHOE SHOP. J. W. SMITH, l-roprietor. New work and re pairing neatly executed. (iiiod work, uood lnaterhil nnd reasonable prieeslit A II A NT1.KD. tilve me a cull. IlAlllliSON, - - Skhkaska. ALVIX T. CLARK, ATTORNEY AND l.'OUXSELOH AT LAW, HARRiSOfJ, NEBR. IVnctices in all the courts and before U. S. Land Ollice. Tti' Ollk'o in Court House. S PUREST AND BEST U II II LESS THAN HALF THE" PRICE: OF OTHER BRANDS POUNDS,20 HALVtS.IO 0UARTERS.54 SOLD IN CAMS ONLY Vou see them o Columbia ) Their sales attest their jfopuhrity. V J2? CataloRue Iree at our .".gencies, f:iA or mailed for two 3-cen( tUimps, f J (& POPE MFG. CO., fcy Btoa, New votK Chicago, HartJDrd. f SIOUX woisr FIFTEEN PREMIUMS A.T MUSTEIiER State Have just received a large stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, underwear and everything else in the lines they carry. Their stock of Heating and Cook stoves, tinware, shelf and heavy hardware and builders' supplies is complete. These maids vvese selected by the firm's fresh nnd "up to date" in every largest, best and most complete PRICES ARE AT THE BOTTOM. HEADQUARTERS for FLOUR, FEED LEALERS IN Lumber, Coal and Sash, Doors, Lath and Windmill and HARRISON The FEED AND SALE STABLE. GOOD TEAMS, GOOD BUGGIES, GOOD ACCOMMODATIONS. TERMS REASONABLE. GIVE ME A CALL GEORGE OLINGEH ohwbihivhi everyw lu-re. THE BROTHERS buyer while in the east and are nice and respect. Remeber that they have the stock from which to select and their and PRODUCE. Fair. MARSTELLER BROTHERS. , Harrison, Neb. SOI, Farm Implements, Blinds, Lime, Shingles. Pump Supplies. NEBRASKA. Harrison of a lack ol a pluoo to keep them.