Vi i" CHiFTEK XXIL TANTALIZING, VERY. , They looked at ODe anotbe- again With a wild surmise. The voice w8s as the voice of some Ion? past fgn. Could the in rot be xneakine1 tj them In the words of seventeenth-century g!Uh? Kven M. Peyron, who at first ha i re ceive . ta strange dis overv w tb in credulity woke up bef- re long to the importan -e of this sudden and unex pected ri.elat on. The Tu- i!a- i!a who had ta')L'ht Methuselah that long poem or sc mon, wh;eb native tradit on regarded as ion aining he central se cret o their creed or its m sterb's, and which the cruel and cunning Tu- iia-:v)la of to-day believe i to be of immense iriportan e to his sa'e'v - i l...t T. . LT., i. il , F , U ..,1 .,. ..,," ! Willi I 1 . I . 1. illlil ji VLUtl U 3 W OOi IU all probability, no other than nn I- n fflish sal or. Cast on these shores jerhiips. as they themselves had been, by the mercy of the waves, he had managed to mast r the language an 1 reliuion of the savages among whom he foun i h raself thrown ho h id risen to be the representative of the "an n bal e'lj.l and. d iring long raa s or years of te aous exile, he had beguiled bis leisure by im arting to the u con- ears of a bird the weird se ret o; hid uoeess, for the benefit of any others o. bis own race who might be sim la; ly treated by fo tune in future. Strange and romantic? as italL-otinied. then cou d h rdly doubt now this was the real explanation of the bird's com mand of t ngiisb woras. Cne problem aione remained to disturb their souls. Wan the bird really in possession of any local s -cret and mystery at all. or vr a this the whole buriien of the mes t Buge he had brought down across the vast a by he of time "vod save the lc!ng, and to hell with all papists'" ' reii turned to M. i'eyron in a per fect tutnulto 8 spense. "What ha re cite; is long.-'' he said, interrogatively, witli proiO ,nJ interest. ",oj have hea,.-tl turn say much more than this at times? The words be has ,ust uttered are not Cose o. the sermon or poem you mentioned.'' Mr. lo.i run opened his hanls ex Tin ively before him. ''ub. mon Dieu, no monr-ioir, he answerel. with ef fu.ion. "You should hea.- him re ite it. lie's never done. His whole hap ters whoie cha ters. a perfect Ilen ri e in pu-rot-talk. When once he begu.H, t. tore's do possibility o' check ing or stoop ng him. On. on ho goes. Faiewolto the rest: he insists on pouring it all f rt.h to the very last sentence Gabble, gabbie gabble; chatter, ch titer chatter; pouf. pouf, ijioiif. bourn, bourn, bou u: be runs ahead eternally in-one ong dist ordant m'ng song monotone. The person who tuuibttum must have taken entice months to teach him, a ph reuse at a 'time, para? aph by aravra h. it i-i '"Wond jr.ui bird s memory could hold to mui'D. Hut till now, taking it for ffr nted he stxikeonly so e wild i-outh 1-aeiiit: dia eet, 1 never paid m ch at tention to Methuselah s vagaries." I'Uusli. IIj s going tosticak," Muriel cried, boliing up, n alarm, one warn ing linger. And tne bird, his tongue-strings evi- ' dently loosened by the strange recur rence alter s i many yea s of t lose fa in UUr Kng ish sounds. "Hretty Poll! Pretty Pod " oprneJ his moula again in a lo id h ic- le o. do ignt, and cried, with persUtent ghri Iness. "God 8 ue the . ing A ' g fo all arrant knaves and ro indhea is! ' A;ier f'.-eling than ever came O- er the two Kngltsh listeners at thows As.onnJing wo,K "tjreit Heavens!" Felix exclaimed to the unsuspecting Fre ichivian, ' he sneaks in a style of the tuals and the Commonwealth " The t r-n hman at rted. "po ue Io us ,)uator e ' he murmured, trans lating the date mo tally into his own ?hro olo v. "Two centuries since! Oh. incri blei incredible. Meihusu lab is old but not quite so mucu of a patriarch as that, hven Huratwdts pa rot could hardly have li el ..00 jears in wilds of Soath 1 merica." J-el x r.-garded t e venerable creat ure with a look of al os1 cup' rstitious awe. ' Facts are fact ,." he answerjd nhortly chutting his mouth with a lit tli n.ip. 4 nles-t th 8 bird has bee 1 dnlibur.ttelv tiught historical di-ta Is in an ar;hai; diction -and a ship wrecked sai or is hardly likely to be am i uar an enough to conceive such i eu, he is undoubtedly a survival from the days oi the Com mon wealth or the estcration And yo i say he runs on with bis ta e for an hou at a time! iooi Heavens, what a thought! I iv sh we could ma age to start him now. Docs he begin it ofk-n " "Mons enr. the Frenchman an swered, 'when I came here first, thoagh Metnuselah was alrealv verv old and feeble, he was not ciuite a do- tari and he used to red e it all every JOiDing regularly. That was the bo r. 1 suppose, at which ihe master, who first taught bira this lengthy reo -tntion used originally to impress it upon him. In those days bis sight and me ory were ar more clear than now. But by degree i. since n y arrival h.' has grown dull and stupid, j no nath ei tll me that thty years ago, while he wm already old, be was still bright ad lively, and would recite toe whole poetn whenever any.iody presented kim with bis greatest daln y, the claw f DMMtra-Ci-ab. Nowadays, however, Wkwa be can hardly eat, and hardly II utile, be is much leu persistent l lM coherent than formerly. To fy th truth t have dLMrouraged him V I W mvoru, oecaiMe bit pertinacity t wowed a. 8o 0w he seldom gets i -rawgh ail his lessos) at one bout, as t C-4 to do at tae Daginaing. The wwjr to gat his on U for me toslng I icf aw IVasjeh soars. That seems ' TJ?. """ j!1" 10 ri-1 while, i ) sii eaalty bs- - -ww tryiay w ':Jm,tt Mt brother .. .. .. . . O O tr r1 t't rtad, I w'tn '"tense persuasion in "1 do so want to henr it " ber voice, she meant of course, the parrot's storv. But the Irrenchuiun lx,wed, and laid his hand on his heart. h. m dm oisdie." he said, '-your wl,h is almost a royal com nand. And ve-. do vou know, it i so oug 6ince I have sun? exietto please my elf my musi.-is so r sty o!d pieces yoa h h ar 1 1 have to a companinient. no score mais en.iu. we are all so far Irom 1 ai-b!" A'uriel c'idn't dare to undeceive him as to he meaning, lest ho should re fuse to sing in real e .rues'., an 1 the chance o( leariiug the pa -rot s secret might slip by tbem irre.rei aoly. "wh, mons eur, sue cried fitting u -r-ielf to bishuuorat once, and s, eatihy as ceremoniously as if she were assisting at a musical party in the avenue V 1.--tor Hugo, "don t ueeline, 1 bey of yo i, on those accounts. Wo are lioth niot anx ous to hear your bong. L'on t d .s ap oint us pray. Please begin imme diate y." 'Ah. mademoiselle," the Frenchman said "who could resist such an apjieal Vou are altogether Uo flatter ng." And then, in the fane cheery oico mat. eux nau ncarj on tue nrst u y he visited the King of the Hir Js' hut, M. i eyron began, in very decent style, to pour orth the merry sounds of bis ro. licking song; ' O ian l on cnmpl rs, Q it ii ban frajitir Oil p Dt Mt dir Ciiu-i'trii eur I'o tr out le laon-de ii liiu. a itr Terre :n i-dw y.t co'Ipl ntir ' lie had hard y got f:ir ai the en 1 of the tiit s a i. a. however when Me thue ah. listening With h.earcociied up most knowingly, to the French manshong, ra.sed bis bead in i;osi tion, and, sitt rig boit upr ght ou his pe ch, began ton-ream forth a voiuide stream of words in one unbroken , oo l, bo last that Muriel co 11 hardly fol low them. Tao bird so ce in a'thi k and very ha su voice, and. what was more remarkable tiii. with a fli.itin t and ext ems v pe uhar orth v ountrv ' accent, "in nineteenth year of the reign o his mostg.acionsma esty, King darles the Second.'' he blurte . out vi iously, with an angry look at thelren hman. "I, alhaniet Cross, of the borojgb of Sundei-.and. in ibis ( ounty of iXiorhaiu, in Kn land, an able-bodied mariner, thxn sailing the South Seas in the .-ood I ark Martyr Prin -e, or the jx.rt of Great Gritnsbv, wnereof one ihomas Well-i, gent., unierG id. was m ster " "Oh, hush, bush:" Muriel cried, un able to catch the p rcious words th oih the cranio s echo of the Frenchman's music "Whereof one Thorn ts Wells, gent., under God. was master - go on, i ol.'y.'' "Heiruipie hi n-Ie Et iOltet I;Oif . " the rrenchinan repeal el. with a half Oilendeu voice, linisbing his stan a. Hu ust a-) be sto ped .ethuseiah stop el too. an I. throwing back .is head in the air with a triumphant look. Stared har at his an ui-hed and lenced Oj)iKne t out of tho-e blink'ng gray eyes of bis 'I thou Jit I'd be too much loryou!'' beseemed to say wrath ful y. " Whereof one Thomas Wells, gen ., under God, was master," Mur.el sug gested again, all awg with excite ment. "Go on, good b.ri! Go on pretty Polly." But Methuselah was evidently put off the sc -nt now by the unseaMinablu inter option. Instead of contin ung he throw hick bU head a seeoni time with a triumphant air and laughed aloud bots:erou iy. "1 retty J'o ly.' he cried. "Pretty Polly anfa a nut. Tu-Kila-!si a maroo! "Pretty I'oll Pretty Pol v! ' "Sing again, for ile iven's sake'' F'elix exciai.iied, in a p ofo ndly agi ta'ed mood, exp ain ng to the rren hmn the full significance of the words Methuselah had just bejun to utter. The Frenchman struck up his tv.c; afresh to give the b rd a start: but al to no avail. Methuselah was evidently in no humor for ta king just then ile listersd with a callous, un ritical air. bringing Lis white eelidsdown siowly and sleepily over his bleared gray eves. Then he nodded his bead slowly. "So use." the i ranchman murmured pursing his lips up gravely, "ihe bird won't ta'k. It's going o f to sleep now. Methuselah gets vis bly ol. er every da , monsieur and mauemois :1 e You are on y ust in time to cat Ji his last accents." CHA1-1KK XXIII. A MESSAGE FROM TJ1K DKAO. Early next morning, as Felix lay still in his hut, dozing, and just vaguely conscious of a buzz of a mos juito close to his ear, he was aroused by a sudden loud cry outside a cry th .t calle l his native name three times, runn'ng Oh King of the Bain, King of the Bain, King of the Bain, awaite! High time to l e up! '1 he i. log of the Uirds sends yoa health and greeting " Feiix rose at once; and his Shadow, rising before him, and tinho ting the loose wooden fastener of the door, went out in haste to see who called be ond the whitd talHio oi their sacie, i-rccincts. A native woman, tall, lithe, and handsome, stood ihe re in the full light of morning, beckoning. A strange glow of hatred gleamed in her large gray eves. Her shapely brown besom heaved and panted heavily. Big beads glistened moistly on her smooth, high brow, it waa cleir she had run all the way in haste. Bhe waa deeply ex cited and full of eager an iety. ' Why. what do you want here ao earl, , L la.'" the Shadow asked, in sur- prUc-for It was Indeed she. "How have you slipped away, as soon as the s in U ruo irom the sacred hut of TVM a-Kila"' r"y eyes flashed angry Are again," sbs cried, in revengeful tones "aeetlM weals oa bt baekl bM my arms mm my sooMrs, hs bas dr wa Mood from ay wouada. Hs is the most i lutefal of gods. I sboald love to kill 'hi. Tkaroor I slipped away .im film witn th"! eai-! daf. n an c. Iitj tr, cons It w tb hs enemy the i: of the Birds, U cause I he id the -oi'.s that the ry a of Tu-Kila Kila, who per ade the wo.-lJ. rejKirt to the.r m.inter. Ihe ryes hae to d him that tbeliingo l ain, he ueen of ti.e Ciout s. ai d the king of the li rds aro p.otting together iu cret ag insl Tu-Kiia-Mla. "A ben 1 hcarj that 1 kbj g ad: I wi nt to the King ol the to warn biin of Lis danger and the Mug of the Birds, concerned for your safety bus sent me in haste to a.--K h.s bro her gods to eo at once to bi.u. in a minute i e ix w s up and ha 1 culled tut Mali rom the n iirhix.rii-.g hut. "TelM.ssy ueenie,' be criea. j "to co. e with me to we the n,un a I oi.i oili! 'J'be mi n-a-oiii-oui has w nt ; me for us to come. She u ut make i great haste. He warns ua iiLiue t ; iately.' 1 With a wor 1 and a sign to Toko t' a glided away s eaithi v w thlhec u- hxe read of the n :live Pol; i.e i..u worn n, liack to ln-r haled hi siiai d. ielix went oi t to thet-our in ln-iio-graphed with Ins bright metal plate, turned on the frenchman's bill, "What is it " In a iiHJineiit the answer fashul b ck woid, "Hone uicK. if you want to bear. Me h le'ah is recit ng " A ew seiso ds later em.; g d from her hut. and the two iirop aus cloeiy followed, as always, hy 'tuer insejtarable Sha ows, took the wind ing side-p t.i thau I d liiro gh tne jungle by a devioii way. a odjti the front of Tu-hila-kila'b "tern, le, to the ! frenchman s t-otluge. They lo.ind M. Peyron ve, -y much ex cited by I las news of Tu Kila-Ki.a a titude but more still by Meshuse lah's agi'uted con iitmn "The whoe night through, my d -ar friends," no it eJ. sci. iiig their bun Is, liiat b his bee chattering. Oil. moa i ieu. (jiiel oisi-au. It si-otis as thoui.i the words heard yesierdav fro;u m i fiiio selie h id r ick sora.i lost clu.rl u tiie crea'.,.re's meimr,. B .t he a so very leeble. I lu m-e'liat iv .-li His garru ity is the garrulity of Id aire in its last bickering he munioers and mutters, ile ch t-kie to himself. If yo I -in't ln-a bis mes sage now and at one-:, i. s my solemn conviction you will no er hear it. ' He led them out to the aviary. where Methuselah, in c -ct. was siting on his perch, most tremulous and woebe gone. His feathers shuddered viib v; tie co dd no 1 ng r preen hiinse f. "Li. ten lo w. at be iy.' the t rerich man exc aimed, i a very serious oice "It :s your lust, last i bailee. If the secre! is ever to be unraveled at a l. by Met h sel.ih s uid. now is. withoit douiit, the jJiop .r moment to unra.el it." Muriel put out her hand and stroked the . ird gently. "Pretty Poll " she said, soo li nu'lv. in a sympathetic voice. "Pt-ett .'i o 1. 1 oor I'oll! Was he HI Was i e -.a i-ring " At the soma, o tin 8 u ui'iar words, unheard so long til y.-t ; i iy, .he parrot took her tingt-r in his b -.-A; om e more and bit it with tne tcrid.-rm-s o,' his kind in tneirso ler iiiomenis. i'ue.i he tlirew back his heal with a -.m-. oi median. cal twist unJ screamed o r j the top of i is voice, lor the lal li u i on earth, his myterious message "i'retty ioii. retty .oil! (io i save the kl g Confound tft! l line .' it rk! 1) alii to all ar, ant knaves and roundheado "In the nineteenth year of the reign of his mos; gracious ma esty. King Clianes the Second, i. .athumei ross. of the borough of .'umii-rland, in the County ol boorhaiii, in r upland. able I (.(died mariner, then sailing the rout u fc-asinthe gisjd bark Mur yr r'nee, of the ort of .' r msby, .v hereof one Thomas Wei s. gent, u.i- . ...i . .... nuo iiianv"i, nan, u iii u. wcatiier, wre ko and cast away i n he shores of thisislan , ca led bv .he gentie t rits b,- the name of Lo Parry. In which wreck, us it befe.l Tfioai 8 Wei s, gent., un 1 his e.uip ment were, i ydiviuedhjiosit on, kiih d and drowned, rave, t:nd excent three marinei-s, whereof I am one. who in vjod's good p.o idi-m-e swa ea'e y thro gh an ex ceding great "iskI ol aves and lan le 1 at la t on this is an. I. t here my two companions Owen iam , of rswansea, in the part o Wales, and 1 ewis ie j'richard. a French II w genott refugee, were at once by the gentiles, c. ueliy e. treated, and lifter great t rture rooked and raien al the lump e of their great chief toi. loo iveela heela. I u., I myself bav ng through tJod's g ace found fa or in their eyes, wan promoted to the p rt wh.chin tne.rmiM'ch is called Korong, be nature of w.iich tins bird, my tro .t.ipiece, will hereulier, to yo..r ears, more lully ditic ait." Having said so much, inave-y jerky way Methuselah paused, and blinked bis eyes wearily. TO BE X)NTJN"t'I-.f). Why 'Mivn Are he.ifi. "Do you know what makes pickhd olives o cheap?" the furnisher ol de lectable said the other day. "io.i would'nt expect a (alilornia olive grower to get rich when his olives are sold at a little more than the cost o the brine. 1 will tell you a sccret-the trick In the olive trade. 'IHjwu in the Li ue-ec .alley there are two great ruit farms There is one grower who bis thirty acres of pium tr es, 7,0 0 of them . now I earing. Kach one yields three I or four bushels or gieen plums 'I he ' plums are olivet-Imped, they a el picked when green, sold to a buyer wh i puts them In fan y labeled iit. 1 ties o. in kegs, and they are sold lor j olives. They so much resemble the genuine that no one but an epinum cm detect that the ' ' not. Ti r in nil l.ades,'t there." Acw. Her IllUnm i. General Dabnev Ii Maury tells In his "i e ol ections of a Irginlbn" of ao old lady la Fredericksburg who was reduced to taking in boarders la order to n ake both ends meet. On one occasion ol imcullar stress, tho Kood lady took to her t ed and sum moned her servant "Nancy," she sa d, "there's nothing io the house lor u boarder tn eat except mush, but give tbem that. If they am Cbrlttiaoe, they will accept it lo ree IkfoaUoa and thaDkfulnesa. A ad If they are not christians, it to a too roed for tbeaa." T I - lntln!t Oli th- laU(? It 't4 iu allllw it Vt HiO. SEEKING FOR THEE. 1 uru by tu t ruiy t A, t im 1 In t b; W ben is b-igui f m bp( h f b k, i t ib tr wuiag k m O 11 at . ror I . i r g rm . Itrf-Mt oif h c su , 1 Uiu ro sa ur uiili' if C uu 1, uiy ka, to tbiw. Ovwr th bouDi1:-a mmii, W f t bv i bf u tig W ez, i r IC U. wm I ; V Imm-i; ihm t aun stl I gluini, V r. JHi ID Ita SO duu .4-ajil ( Jl o e t , Vi b-r !. r atrmin to a Krikbi gfcUf- .f 1 --r f, lI K .Ulna Cout i, my liw. lo ibi-9. Ov r lb xnidnlhi dey. CZiW.riuiy o..t- i il kept tcKiriK fur ti lo lu ,uy j. ni., riesFt, J o-a ib my a k is-tw-t, V ui knK ra t 1 h'.-a w..tu tin it rtcrp 1 ftt h eau--'r tl b v'ea il lilit, i u bi'o ali'l ou lalicy t-lili win 1 ntN-k lor tbe. 1 o d I J I lie avea of atri'e, (nw ih Mtm if X atu . - it ; NX . ft'a u y i.icart QDiUhn, On o .i pie lieu i an Kb n uiy a 1.1 ; t-i.l yu.r i. ei .ut I I ir, t tji d b w D'-'ic t. r, hi i.l i iu . .rea lor b 1 uv , w.rj L.uity. TWO FRIENDS. i. Cne clear morn tig in January, I nidi, leriuue au. ai ouii.ig toe sieve wbcu lam ue was ki.ockmg at , the Kilt'n oi .ails, M. .Vo rissot, a tlnCK-iiiaker by tiade was strolling , , slowly at ing ti e outer boulevards. I As will) Ik. wed bead and bands j tbru-l deep mlo bis pocket', be) I wa tcU tin eiiizru-M'd in ins own ad j ; thoughts, be mi1IhuI- stop; cd i elo 0 a man wbotii be as an old ', Incnd. ll was M. auv.ige, tvbo.-e ac unnt incu lie hud lutde ou the ' river bank. i t.n e.nb Sunday befoie the war Vorrls-tit u-ed to set out at dawn Tu 1 1 Ii l.'itiii.ui I'unn ill li Id 1 1 -.. n 1 1 n in I a tin o strapped to his back. Be ! went by i be Argcutcuil i ahn alas! lur as ( oIouiIk.-n i,ui t cn walked to! the lle o. .Maiari'e. Scarccy a rived , at, thaLdre.imy i.lace he would beiiin I to bsti, and wo stay there till DiglHfall. t,u each Sunday be used to meet a stout jO ial lenow, M. f-auvage of trie I. ue .Noire D.iino de . oitrite. who was also an rit husiastic Usher man. Th y o ten p.scd a hall d iv t'ieiher siitiiikT si ,n uy side, their hues iu Un; r hands a d their led dang! ng oer the curieuL, and a fr cn.lsbiji soon sprang i.p between th trill n some tlavs they would notev fhange a wo d with one another, but they grew tut that r c l under stand ing which exist-, between ir sons who hate -itniiai taste-i an I who exfvrience miiar fiiiouoni. liuring the b lubt p ing mornings rs tliev sat, 1 1 ,u c. i Her in tliewai tn minsii tie Morn-sot woal-l sav to hi j ri-ot. who wasarixiruHy watch com,.anl..n "llu. Imw n.ce , his h," j lrl' "Utldeuly sei.i-d ami Al. ,-auvage would reply, "1 w 1,1 a"cr "r a (icrceftil m in know of nothing It-fer " I wl"u lalw di turbeii, and gruin- And toward ihecio-e of an nutiim ' day. when the heatens were br got- "lsi-t il stupid to kill one another pro (1 by the glorns or the setting i sun. and lite IiIikc mass s oi en sou ciouds were iiniruted on the surfite if the treiim, an I the t-ntre laid-: scape was bat lied in a i ond o! got eu i llit SaUVage WOU d l'iok a!, ll.s companion an I sav, w,th a smile What a picture " And MorissoU without taking his eyes fiom his oat, would reply: it Is lunth better that tiie lsnile vards, isn't Ui-" II. The two friends shook hands coi diaily, but both felt a tinge of ad lies at meet ng under such ircu in stances. M. Sauvage sighed and niurniiired: What a condition of things." Mons-ot glooailly r plied: 'And what line weather! 1 o yol reali e that it i Ne t Year's liay'r" bey ticgan to wa.k side by side and Mori m.i continued "And ou I.sti ng How pleasant it. I to think o. H!" j M. salivate demanded i 'Wl eu shall we ever be able t'l go 1 again " They entered a little cafe find drai.k together an a'-siiit.he and then resumed their promenade along tne ' boulevard. Aions-ot stopped sud lnQly: "Anotner (jiasb?" M. Sausage assented "At, yoar pleaurc," and they went into anoi her cafe. When they came out M Sauvage exclaimed: "Supposing we tfa" Wbee.-" 'Why. fishing, to be sure." "I'.ui where.-" "To our old place. The F rench a Ivan e iiosts are near Colorobes. I know Col. Dutiiotiliu and I am sure he iil let us pa,." Moris-ot trembled with anticipa tion. v nt id " he cried. "I am with you." i.nd they parted to get their hooks and 1 ncs. An bou later they were walking! side by side ou the highway, and wmn reached the villi n wnicri th 1 ii.tniicl had i-tali ished his bead, quarters, ile siuib-dut their re (Ucst and good-naturedly granted them a pas'. Ity 1 1 o'clo k they had passed the outer pie ets aud Colombo, and found theiiisehes at the liorder of a small v.neyard that sloped down to wa.d the helne. Ifore them lay the apparently dead and deserMd village of Argen teull. The heights of Orgeniant and haunels doininatrd tbela dscape.and the broad plain that extends aa Iu a enter e waa a picture of desola tion with iu leaflet tree aod grajr, bare earth. M. i-auvsge pointed toward the ommlt of tne hills aod murmnred: "The I'ruwlant are there." "The PruMiane." At the aoaod nt that, nam a foallntr nr tmrnr and I OPrebeoilou Mzad 'jpoo the two frien-ls, for although neither of them had rver tea a PruUu, yet U near that nanus ronouncd was to invoke pictu t- of invading hordes roaming Ibrougii their dear rriinte, p.llagibif and ma-sac e Dg on every hand. uci ternble repo U of the lerocity of the I russiaos had crept into U-stled laris from the ur rouudmg countr) that a sort of m perstilioUs txrror had aitdt bed IWelf to ihe natural hat ed for thee all powerfui and ylcti.rous invader. Monssot stain me ed: 'i h.' supposing we should meet ;beui?" M r-auvage rrlled with that I'ar Isian joviality wb ch never dc.-eited him: We would offer them a friel fish " liul ft:ll Intimidated by tbeorninoiis i-iiencc, ihey hesitate 1 to venture across the field. At length M. Sauv a:C de .(led. "lome! Com"!" And Hot-plnf di wd they crept through the n.e yard, dcdgiiiif from b sb lo bush, stra uing their eyes and cars to de le t the slightest susp emu cf pur- 6UIL A stretch of bate ground rcioaiiicd to le crossed. Afler a long beila tion thev suiiimoned l heir couiae, and running at fuil speed attained Ihe river bank and con calcd ibciu- bCiVes among ihe dry neds .Morisol I sleiie.i with his ar to tli-gi:i .n for so lids oi pursuit, b .t be i, card nothing, and uism this iis-Lr.iu e ot their safely they began to UslL I1L llcfore them the ubandone' Isle of Maiaole shut out tin; View of the oiisite shoie The little re tiuraiit was closed, and appeared Ui have been deserted for ears. M. Sa age aught, the first gudg eon, Moiissiit the second, and irom lo tl . e they pulled n their lines with a dsn wiggling on tins ,jk' Hie sun poured its w;irm rays uiv-n t'"- ' 10 I belr j) ist true Wl"' h'ia 1m e" RO denied ibem, lllH-J' "" ame cbll lo s to their sur Dun i.igs. , Suddenly a i ull sound scoined ti bu si i rom tbccai in. Tne caunun.ide was I eing resumed Mor.s-ot t ui ned his lie, id, and away I to toe left, he pcrceln d the great ! Mlno etie tif . t lalancn, which bore uim its lirow a I lift of tiioke. ; SiMiii a second I of I nine shot out from the fortress, -horUv succeedeil by a third intonation. Then ol hers billowed, and at regular In ervalsiho ' tuouut tin scut fori h its death-dual-lug and chali"d .ts niiiky vapors which, iKing slowly In the ' cj.iu atitiosplicre, bung like a c.oud i aisve iu j M. ijauvage shrugged hisshou tiers, j "Tln.-y ate again," be ' said. " . " au- .ti au ans rep ie i: 'They are worse than the tx-usu them-eivis " ' And Mo Nstit, who had In aniituer llsb, (ieclare.l. u-t pulied And to thin that this sort of thiiiK will continue as long us there are governments ike this." ,v, auiage stnipe hiru. 'The i cpuiilic, wou d not have de t'areil war " but Morissot luter rujjted biiii, With kings you have exte nal war, rep .bli s you bavj internal wars ' And then they began a tranquil discos-ion and soiiitiou of Ihe great, political problems with the I. tutted reason of peaceful, tjuiet men , who a.' ee . pou the one point taat ihey never will en.oy lull liberty. Meanwhile the thunder of Mount alarieu con i.lnutd incessantly, at e i ,'h di'dhirg; deinol shiog so many French tioujes and lives, rudely i im pelling so ru.inv hapny drca ns. so many aut.cip .led plea-uies. and open ing n the hearts of women and mothers in th.s and other countries wounds winch wd! ne er heal. :uch Is life," dc Tared M. Sauv age ";av rather such isdeath," lightly replied .ViuUsot Middenly th -y irctnbl d with fear, real that some one marched be hint llieiu, and turning the r heads, they saw four Ccrinan soldiers cover ing them wiih IbeT muskets. Their I. tie slipped from their bauds and fell into the rive-; and within a few moments they were sei.ed, hound, thrown Into a boat and carried to the Island. iieo u.i tne nouse wn n u.ey I rim i,r ii L ipuii I bnv fimnil a tn n -til ol tieruiHii soldiers i A bearded giant siltitig astride a ' chair and smoking a huge pipe with porcelain bow I asked of them in ex i eel lent French: ' well, gentleman, nave you nad kf'Kid luck." ' ,lf repl v one of the g ildlert 'l-p'i-itcd at th" oU-ei's feel I,. i- ba.Kei,iui ot il-n wh i li be bad taken care to bring with blm. The 1 rus-lan smiled. Ah, that's not had. Cut another thing first. Listen. .To me you are two spies seot to watch me 1 take you and 1 shall shoot you. You pretend I? be lish linr In order to olwcrve Die the lt. j ter. l ou have fallen Into my hands s i ma b the worse for you. ruch le war. "Hut as you pased the advance post you s .rely have the pas word with which lo return. Tell It to mo aod 1 will release you." The two friend, pa e aod tremb ling, their bands agitated by a alight, oervotw trembling, remained allaou The o ttcer continued: No oo will ever know It You wl" return lo peace. The icerat will disappear with yoa. ro refuae li In mediate de.lh. Choose " The two friends wale no reply. Tbelruselao calmly said wbll pointing towards the nrer ThmH thui in Ut minutes yo will be at the bottom of that stream. In Hve luluutet You hare families?" The two friends stood rigidly erect and made no reply. '1 be German gave a few orders In his own lan guage, and then moved his cnair In orJer not to be too ne r the prison er. Twelve men with loaded iuua kets then pla ed themselves at a dis tance of twenty feet The oMirer continued: I will g e you one minute not a second more. " ile aroe and brusquely approached the two 1-ten-buieti. Taking Mor isot by the ar.ii be le I hi in a short distaoce away au 1 said in a low voice uick. the pass w-ird. Your com ride wib never know." M .nsoi made no lenly. Tlv i fik Sausage aside an I mat" tne same proinsil to him. S au ,.ge made no rp y They again fj. n 1 th.-mseivci side by si ic iheofll er gave a command, and the sold ers raised their amis lly chance MorUsol's glance fell up iO tne basket of dsn lying on the ground a tew piivs aw iy. i be sinn ing soles of the fill living (lsh spirkied In Hi Minil-'lit. In -pile of him-ef biseics liilcd with tears and he stammered .iood by, Moiisie ir Sauvige." M. auvage responded: 'i;.iod by, Monsieur .Moris-ot. " 'J'hey shook hands. 'Ihe o.Ilcer cried 'Kire " The twelve report; rati; out like one M. rauvage lell Im-a liV'k. lorissot, who was la ler, waveied, turned, and fell acros. his i oiopan ioii, face upwards, a Hood Of bioo 1 ruh ng from hip breast. The i et gave a new n der, whereupon his nu n mirchetl away, but returnel prcsen Iy with ords and stones, which ihey attached to the led of the Cot Two sol liem took Morlssot by the heid and teet and bore him to Ihe rncr, and two others toilnwei with Sauvag . The In) es. nised for an in tant, were throw ii i to the stream, and ilescr lung a curve a they tell, plurigid feet fortiiost Into the cur ie nt. Tlie water ,'oamcd and Uiiled and then became calm, wh le a ft: l.ttle waves reached as far as the lio e, 'J be sur ate was slightly stained w th blood. The otllccr. st iil serene and un milled, quieliv remarked: "Now it is ihe turn of th" tMios." "Tnen, turning toward tiie house, he noticed the baKet of fish on the gra s- He j.icki'd il up, examined It siti.l 1 and rk-d 'iViih in " A Mjldier wearing a white apron run no at bis call, and the i r...-ian, throwing the (Ish to him. cum m.i n 1 1 it I i ry these for me while tlvy are stlil a he They will he ne.ic o k" 'I ben be resumed his p:pc. Amer ican C ltivator. hor linx " Ch to, In the Century, Mes rs A'leri and f-a tit.ei eu, writing of the r wutider ful n cycle ,ourticy a .-Ssia. say: tin (lashing down into a viii.,ge. we wou.d iroduct: co.isie, bat, on of iiiiibt, t-s t-ciaily ii'iioiu the woiiiei j and chlidie i, liutaltc,- the llr t on set, ' giggll g would verier. illy lo l .w. for our apM.'ai'arics, cspeciaiiv Irom the rear, scemel to st; Ue t tico us nx- treincly rmicul ik 'J'n wheel itjlf lreseiiieJ larious aris to tuelr , Ignoiaiit fancies. It was called the ' 'in In 4 "ua him."' and 'fu d-goiiu car- liage,' while sum.; even to k it for ' liie "live.! ta t, or l"Ciiuot i ve, i aUiut Whit h ihey ha I heard only the vague t rumors. Their ignorance of lis souice of motive power often prompted the n I i name it ihe seir,' just a tne native of , Mbinghai are wont to call the elcc ! tr C light 'the self-coat tig hnani ' I In one out. ot-the way village of , Nort'.iwe-ieru China, wo were evl j dently taken lor soiun spec e- of cen i t niirs. the peop e came up to examine us wbi.e on t.iic whc-l to see wneiher vi no iiuu aim wneei were one. Ue bcciinufo harassed with impor tuuitio. to r de that wn rtcre corn polled at last to seek r.di f jn sub. tt.Tiugo, for un ahsoluie refusal, we found, was of no avail. V.e would promise to ride lor a certain sum of money, thinking thus to tino the or refusal on themselves, lint, nothing daunU'd. Ihey wou d puss round the hat. v n seieral iM-caslons, when Uild that eggs could ,,ot, 1k. bought In the Community, an i ..... ' . oner oi an exnitutioii woimI i.rlng tbem out by the do,en. In the same way we received presents of tea, and Mils means our cash expenses were conside ably curtailed. The into est in the "lor Ign horses" was somu. lines to great as to stop brines and even amusement, a rather n taole In cident cf this kind occurred on one of the Chinese holidays. Ti.e , ag. decked M reels, as we rode through were tilled with the neighboring peal aotry, i.ttracled by some tiaveling theatrical iroupe engaged for the oc casion. In fact, a periormance was Just then In progress at the open-air th at r close at band, i eiore we were awaie of ll we had rolled Into its crowd d aud torlutu The woruoo were silting on Improvl ed benches, fanning and gossiping, while the meo stood about In listless groups iiut sudden y their attention was aroused by the counter attraction, and a gen eral rush loi lowed, to tho great detrh went of Ihe temporary (eddlei1 stands erected for the occasion Al though entirely deserted, and oo doubt consumed with ' the actors could not lese what, the i hlnese call "ace" They situ continued their dla.oguti to lb empty seal