The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 27, 1894, Image 3

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CmdrimU u4 CritkUun Bunl I poe the I
Happening of tk Iar-Huterla4 and I
Krwi Mow. I
T ik Fhenc n authorities showed a
con uiendable spirit In dec! tig with
the aoti Jlali.n (k'Uioristratlons.
YVnuTfouth Carolina stands greatly
io need of is a lemperanre revival of
fcuuicuse persistence aud versatility-
f i'ii men were in ured io a sham
tattle in South i akota the other day.
We ma next expect to bear of a
fatal i nuch dui.L
Osk Inhabitant in every 1T in
this country nwos a 1)1 ycle. and lni?
lots of tun keeping the other
loJjf . iiij for dear life.
T ii woman hie clist has come to
stay. Yet her vluoious hea'ib, f esli
complex on, and louse lilting costume
show he docsu't stay.
A Muiylaxd farmer marketed in
cue day i:0u0 pounds of gr en goose
berries. The surar trust ought to
grant that man a big subsidy.
Nvrn e has her Immutable laws
If a man doe not exercise h s blood
become sluggish, r r gleet to ndver
tise has the same effect 1.1 trade.
T 'KitB are Iirilish warships in Bos
ton iiarijr for trm first tune -irx-o
the revo'ulloti.i y war, 'ut they have
very little lea on hoard and no trou
ble 11 feared.
Ji' ir:i ifi'n- on it' an element,
MdUover w h nergy ii 1 1 e led ty
sdvaoce ir' e ive idea Ameri
cans are us well p east tl a- our Cjiiia
dian neik'ii or, liy the -amo pr
ie'le.i a. Aini'tic-tnied wh e
It leiiiu ed lo Mi-i.h o. ami lhin,tlll'd
to (.litt- r as a br Km Mar o the
galaxy of Amei cm .-lair
A od. old man. who has alm'wt
touched l ecenturv I mil. reached by'
so tew mortal-, and woo f u' it un
der the !r 4 NaMiUiii. wandering
tiouifi m ti e slieets o ew York!
ll ii. h a of pathos in it-tii J
! mi-forin e ot ill i .mriciit waif troiu
the glitteritu 'ieh of the i ii tie
t o pnr i mi itarv giory. '1 he Na-joh-oii
anil their mpires a e dust
and ashes, hu still thi old ve eran
drag's out his lite n a row genera
tion, 'liifM i-car ely kr,i w tne names
of Ihe h tteiia winch t0 not his
Is order to prevent the mind from
dwelling too much on the state ol
the ountry ll tinnht be mentioned
thud ud Kip. has four new bonks
in preparation.
iT co t an American ?2 0 to die
at a hold .n Pari. We shall next
hca tiiai. the rapacious landlords sue
their ilei ea ed sis' estates to re
cover damages for bss of prospective
pro II i. ,
IT h 8 been asserted that more
money is spent in oew-piper a Ivor
tlsiiM I" Australia In proportion to
its population which Is four million
In the
than in any other country
world. :
IlKitEAKTKU the Meauiship compa
nies will le re uired lo pay for the
feeding or tieta t.ed immigrant at
Hiiis ISand. Greater aieluines on
the part Of the will be the
result. .
The law ers in convention a, Sar
atoga deeidid that corrupt legisia
tors are the corse ot the country
Meanwhile inoy make lortuties Uj
leteiiuiii tht l.-.-slators in oucaiion
when ihny get caugnu
JiAf did not i-sue u declaration
of war until niter she bad lcn bat
tl riii wlih biu.i U.r a week. TUN
is an .0. rovetiii-nt ( n the custom ol
Europeau nation of Uutlinif each
.ither tor btveral years belore lijhl
ttU. i
A CAIU.K cotresi.ond nt is aston
ished tli .t inoiike In a Eu.opean
lOU I, ci uardeu have been taught
tu smoke ciuael.Ci. Tliat's noth
in. You may sccvouhk monkey-,
doing the si me thin h re ever., daj
in I tm wiu k.
'1' :i i i nre more amateur in the
fireh itf bu-iiie-s than In any oilier
i.r.iii o of crime, is t tie tnad-ne-8
whi Ii eads men, and women,
too, wt o luu'harl all the advautatics
ol re-pe iHi'le -u roundiiiKs. sudden
ly to citier iip ir a career or loeen-diari-m
V I o wi 1 explain the mys
tei ou ami tJnid iHtfe for dcsnuc-
t ion win. h piompt- Mich wholesale J
tlr ni; of i.s that list traced!
to ii yoimi! man f yood, in a
i o intrv t. w ii not far t.oiu .New oi k : (
ten he ue. live of Haiti in the-e
crimes is not at all apparent. I-;
there a ca.e for destroy ntf -a hat
we ill h mil economv have laboriously
t.uiii up as on e ihite was a mild
ness tor bieakinit and defacing the
slat U 's were i hy oiiteonie ol
the o. auii ul religious art ol the Old
(,'si '!'' has a broker's o 1 ce con
ducted ty a 'woman or the bene it of
women -pcu a'.ors. It 's in an olliee
hii!uiiiiL' i-i a near neiifhlior to
th" ia!d of Trade, and is lilted up
: wiih a carpet on ihe
lioor and a rocKinir chair or two In
addition io the usual stiff-bucked
o ;i e 1 u!rs. Tw b u blarki oards, a
desk, a safe, a d two t ck- rs, Hive a
i.u-ioc-s-lie aspe -t to the p'ae,
whl e tiielr asperity Is in turn soft
ened bv the ajpl ai"'es for making
lea hidden iiway in the corner, which
Leip n oie tin n anything else in the
m.oiij to set the Mjal of tem tune upon
it. 'ilieo.iehas been e-t. Wished
on y a !:ort tini". I ut it already 1ms
a number of t"!ru ur cuKtomcr. The
o rs between thu oieiiniir and c os
.tU' of lbe I oanl of I rade lln I- them
wit hliii.' the tic ets or the black
hoa'ds andiv nu their orders uletly.
At rioou te;i is iiiaJe and biscuit
served w til it.
and other surround iii(s are concerned;,
! "out. the-e lieini: caifrl for. the bunU
Valo of rnmoa Clover PMtore and
Soillnc Crop-Taree Good Oat Uu-hw
The I m of FertUUern To l-"tteo
Crlmon C lover.
CrirrRon or scarlet clover is a com
narativelv new plant which has len . .nii(,neri
Head lytfrowintr in lopuiar favor dur- unit d Mates buy and use
'wi the last t)ve yearn, it la an
annua varietv or special value as an
extra cm , both for feed and for im
j iovintf the soil. It is not a sulisti
i ute lo- red c over. The best results
thus iar obtained indicate the latter
ness is as safe as banning and as proBt,
able. . '
Ca ne Fertilizer.
Does it pay to use fertilizers? Tbi
question is ofoen discussed at tb
farmers' meeting with a wealth of
words, that, after all, prove nothing
but the opinions of persons who en
ter into tliis dis ussioa But there
are some facts that speak louder than
words in this reirard that may be
The farme s of the
and pa
for not less than ,. 00.0X1 Ions or
fertilizers ev ry year, and this enor
mous quantity costs them fully 50,
(Oi.oOd. To form an idea of the
trreat bulk of this quantity let us
sav that it will nil 1 a),uoO lreiebt
No Rntnl 't'o In the Search 'or NovoHlM
In Drew The HlKh Appreciation Wfc'-eh
O-ldltlr Remlve -Iloumi I)rei Isl
tllr Adornrrt Color In Urent Wrlotv.
New York c-rrcdPinidcncfi;
K It Y hops ble
m f
n-e i Stocks threaei to all the
ia'e Fnl so nil the poo short-no k-xi
folk who ha e to k lato them. The
eas e t way t accomplish a stock at
borne is t make hijfh s'andin? fo dej
collar with tiff fou dalions which
fastens in the back. To it' elpeaat
the bi k a e atta-hed sof --carf pie e.
After the sti 1 collar is ai listed the
sea f pieces cross each otuer, come to
ti e front a d there tie. tno sto k pa-t
apjiearinfr a ov th bow. The e
f,toek-iaiee ery b t as becom'ng and
c rrect as the expul sive ones rum the
stores, and they can be nude of left
over pau e, ciepe, chino i. talleta,
Bat n, m'liie. etc. So it is best t suv )
t e leavin s f the summer wardrol e.
Havin ' h'id a go d Beaton's oi' out
nfafhl on dr-HS. vou are realu- o
pat of the summer as the best time car W,jch, extended in two vast
lo seid nif. This will tfive an early trains profierly coupled together, will
spring i rop for pasture foraue or tor oceupy an air line railroad with
green niaourinii. ri nson clover doulile tr..cks from Washington t
may be sown in orchards, berry , icdna Is it reasonable to thinlc
patches, with corn, tobacco, tomatoes, t,nal tbe farmers would continue to
etc.. and u ou raw ground follow ng use this quant.ty of fe tilizers and
potatoes, me ons or otner earty nar- eep on increasing then- purchase
vesied crops. It Is not adapt d for f0M()uuapt ion steadily every year,
seeding With wheat or re Twelve
pounds of teed should be allowed to
me ns which caa
V. till oil .-, i.u-
distinct, ha a 'ter much ahe d if oui, ol tho whtle gon
to a costi me is ,
we con ed by the
dt'hUi.ers of all
d re -iso , W h 1 i e
C!ol weat er has
i o es-ai ily she'v
e 1 many of the
s ii U i f o'-iiamun-tat!
n whi. h pro
vailed d .ring .ho
Mimmer. theie U
no rolaxntion in
tho e:'.trer carch
for novelties.'
The gauzy n
ti tis of Auu t
me roiila ed by
sul ed 1 1 the ap-
but unusual-
tt'iers which are
it Hclilm? cold weat e
lies is as va uel in the latter us in tho
In mer. Hld t O d;i U JP of (V rdoinff
tho odd.ty of any ono featuro o:- the
v, ho'e "f acott.iu.e is as a'.iht aa it
was before.
As an example of the h'gh apprer.ia
ti n whi n od. hi recei e. the hou e
dress pictured ia th-i initi il is el
i U'jnt, fo.' i was con .id rod bv its Jo
iiin r a, not'.iiriL' nhoi't of a w.irK of
l.t.rh HPt.
nod bt: of its beauty thera may Do muktj a st ek.
dilTe eiit
: l.oint- 1 1 o
U -I " S P MY v.dcs a
.-'if-jz'r-- rientd
the acra Experience shows that the
seed takes belter when J ghtiy cov-
eied. i ailure to secure a good stand
results generally Irotu heavy rams
lust after seeding or fruiu hot. dryj
weather after sprouting has com
menced. American beed is supeiior
to loreign.
Crimson clover in common with
olhe. plants requires good soil for the
best d veloj.uient, though It is well
adapted lor light lands. It will catch and grow well whe e red
clover will not thrive and is also
hardy Crimson lover pro-
good pastuie be ore other
are ava latiie. ah acre oi ii
six Inches high contains sulli-
gestit-le food to pioper y nour-
sh twelve cows lor one week. Ihe
if this use of them did not pay?
But, taking the statistics of the
crops and the yields of them, we find
lhat the.i show larire increase durimr ,
the la-t few years and since the use
off itiib ers has become so common;
and also that the culture of fruits
an market crops tor which this
kind of plant food is mostly used
has increased enormously, so that
wide districts, where once not an
a te of such products was cultivated,
are now covered w th prosperous
gardens and plantations, and are oc
cupied by thrifty, if not wealthy,
Thrn) ood Gate FaHtpnlnea.
The form of the gate latch or fas
tening is an important part of the
structure, and care should be exer
cised in its construction. The form
siown in Fig. i is very simple and
eilcctive. The latch, A, is of hard
tough wood, eighteen inches in
length, three-quarters of an incb
th.ik, and one and a half inches
wide. Through the inner end a
wooden pin holds it m position.
hen the gate is closed the outer
nroiectimr end rests in a nctch cufc
i ii i
r : '
toots are e ual to three tons of city
is riouiiEt) wiiitu mitsmn j ,.ianure As a s iling crop it is
i f its novelty there can be vou ran et,t the n.icessarv two yardUo cei.ent l-oth forquaotiiy ana quaniy.
Tho vorv sneile ic i- j ucm aie uwuj
farmers who well
pin n-i nut tnuL is in lar will lio black moir , a nioJincaiion unaersi ami uie vaiua ui ciuniun
tranter is woicoiiic i eeauso of the di e t I -o ik w innt eaptuien r.rou to oe turnea unaer to enrtcn tne
D.cs'iuv 1 1) or his yellow Jacket and
his bl e silk overskirt at the outset
of a b!u campaign L iluug thing
had tr uo.e nough for one chiaman,
hut now it appears that the Japs
have captured t e v teroj's favoriti
disp tch b iat and pr pose to keep !u
War is a horr.b e thing.
OK course, not every man who ad
vertises su c eds, but It is a general
rule that all frun-es.sful men aie ad
verti.ors. .Nothing eqi.als udvei Using
.... u i..,aniu Inrr jist. Mneti ii s
:T a WM -.i..' -
In ten a good ad , ertiseiuent w
bring mo.e than eno .uh in dirtct
orollr to riav for itself, 1 avini its
r. at cumul. live value clear gain.
T.ik frolicsome tramp invariably
talies a wauir sti view of lite, death,
and th-! g and hereafter. Tolilinex
isten e is a joke, and organ! ed so
ciety a dolus, on and a snare. Men
ire made to be gulled, and he is
never Happier man wueu nun u
them. Note the amu Ing inge iui iy
the trio of tramps In Brooklyn,
who. desiairin,' or ".inKitig me
giiost wa k" in 'inv legitimate man
ner, dec d'.-d to nuke his promenade
literally in such a way as to pay their
rent. So they toon possession oi a
desctt d mansion, and to keep Hie
cur ons from intruding on them, they
nightly pro bounded bclorc the win
dows clad in nel.itiveiv) wnue gar
ments, uttering biood-cuuliiiig groans,
and moving llihts to and Iro lint a
cold and cruel worm, vouch ou huci
lo bel eve In i-'hosis, found them cut
and expelled them, and they went
their ways, chuckling over their joke
just as much as If It, had succeeded.
mb Kosfs in I'l-lniiK
"Pne of the most, mil iie methods
of fishing 1 ever saw or heard ol,"
said Thomas ) ari. ay. an old-time sea
ci rit it in. who was bi
night, ' is that employed
lives ol he outh
he i a stran er, and'Ut ra a ru
ga d to t is an ea ance. A timplo
gray wontlon suiting 1 used for this
( r-'s , and its ' re I sk'rt, is t'ure itn l
ahalfyarl wide and is lined with al-pin-a
The ba :k ii ai I in 1 at. facing
eacu ottior. Liniu , ami stall are cut
eve youo last t-oaso i and the oiu o w an(j but dislike to mi-s a corn crop
ca , bo utiliz hI lor too scarf pieces oi f(,r this ouroose. It is here that, the
i. .,,,. t ...
value ot crimson clover otues in,
After the corn has been cultivated
in the post, as at H. All the plan
shown a mlt oi the gate opening
either way if de-ired. In Fig. t a
swinging latch is used, which should
be about the size of that in. Fig. I.
It is suspended by a w re at n. Two
ex. i-wooden pins prevent it from being
moved too tar in e.iner uireci uu.
The plan in Fig. is qu te similar to
the others, and is clearly shown. The
latch, E, is shown in an eularged
form. A notch is cut in the lower
1 ill v
th i new stock. o ' a b aoi st :ek,
moire may bo u-od in the stock part,
ana blacK gau o. chi n or crepe ra y
for ii the o rf, but so far there is no
encouragement for the woman woo
ha ii d Uko to ma o l.o- st-ck of ona
coi r ard the tie of atn ther.
. or th- so who do not liKe the stock
there is the pr.-tty fol.lod codar, whien
seems ILkel tJ be popular fore-er.
Tniftst.leof col ar now hist -in at the
buck, wheioaspivaiting bow isaddeJ,
,j wide in "win i and wing "faslilon that
f.-. in tho f -out too tip
uiH.ur i,r.tilv. with a trood deal the
same o.ieot' that i p.'id
I op.s.
posiid of while b.en muslin ngureu
with celi ately ti .ted tlowers, t is
tri uinod w.lh plain and .deiod
tulle. Tlio ski t has a slight train
und is ed.oid wit i a nai-r w t,i lo ru o
a ouud the b ttoai. i-ure 1 muslin
is u ed for tho b.idiee, i nd it ha., sep
arate f on s lot int.) tho lie seams,
uhlch a, i-niuflit iiist abov.i tho bust.
the last time the seed maybe sown
throimh the field and farmers who
have tried it claim lhat it helps in
stead of injuiing the cror, of corn.
A number of Western farmers tr ed
the plan of sowing crimson cover
with oats. This clover makes a good
growth with the grain and is very
valuable to those who want to sectue
1 1 lJ-?,
no. a
side, which rests on a pin when the
gate is clo.-ed, the weight of the
t h i. tw thn ireat.est amount ot fodder from latch keening it in position. ext
aeai me ail acre wuu Liie icusu uu i. j-'
ed by side outs could be cut tor grain hav; then
the clover will make a aood crop and
dressier indoor wear lha-i either f , in i , i,fi around inav he
tho cos umea ai eauy u;kuh plowed lor rye or wheat.
a of the third illusi ration. Cm-1
rlt'itn Walftr for roultry.
A very simple arrangement for
keeping a dish of clean water near
the fowls is Illustrated in Farm and
Home. For keep ng the water clean
it is not necessary that the pan
should be set in a frame attached to
a fence, but a box w th the four sides
in importance to the hinges of a gate
are the fastenings, which should In
variably bj made of tho very best
There is a short !a's-(Ueo, embroidered removed and st.i,.s nailed on may i e
tu I., n i a Kini lieh'.i and sleeve ir i s
of t he si. me.
is of tho tulh
goo 1-
Tiio front of the bodice
, th j haoK of the figured
Lac.iede last
by the Ii il
ea islands in
in e ual length and width h r the bosl
ke. it has a ii y us uo und a full
pla-tron which ha gt down bel w the
wa st line, coming iisine the bu toned
exir i I routs, wnich a -e s iwed into the
do earn, ana is tiniahed witn a nar-
deop cellar
A UiiHiKLYN drtiKurist was await
ened by two burglars in his store. Ho
slipped to his ammonia bottle, dashed
a dose squarely In the face or one
and lie dropped as if shot. The sec
ond got It only on tho heck and sue
oeeded n getting away. The drug
....... i , t......
i;ist s iys toe iinimonia r or
was i.bead of the icincr for burg
lars. A ironK was brought Into the par
lor at a recent so -lal gathering an I a
lady forced to ride It .she old not
proles, to lo a horsewomi-n, but she
could hoot some, and when she had
dlsnnuiiM'd she shot the two gentle
men who bad annoyed her and cared
them. This pleasant IncUent oc
curred In Pennsylvania, not far from
Philadelphia, and thus gains an In
terest that In a rude, uncultured cow
boy country It lack.
Oanadiak newsptpen arri fellclUt
Inr themiiolfes Ucn the large- Amcr
Iran Immlnrstlon to the Northwest
Drorlocofc They ait Ui to jc
whl h their dogs takes the most
prominent part 1 happened to touch
ut one of these Islands wtvcral jcars
ago to take on a supply of fresh
water, ai d was just, In time to wit
ness i tic iterations of a luro fishing rowtdoevoi coraplo e iheo stume,
I arty, wh eti Interested me not a
little. The party was div.ded into
iwogrouis, each or wheh const -ted
of ah utility men and thirty dogs.
'J liese groin s were stationed on the
beach about 'i u ya ds ana t. At a
given signal the dogs were started
from their respective points, and
swam straight out, neaward In si nude
I, . pi two cintiiiitis. a sba p cry
I I uu one of t ho lin o ou the beaen,
fie right column whce.ed lo the left
and tne left coiuinn wheeled right,
until the head of each column met
Then another signal was given, at
x: ,iit n uVwuiblnr trlmminc could
I lie devired than that so -n in the tieg-
lige of tho next aketeh. Here tno
'siu.r is pink and white striped linen
I aiiste a id tho garment has I ng
has uos and a yoke imitated by the
lace bortha wiiinhrunsd wn thu r nt
in a ciiseauu Tho fullness is take in
tho watt in back and the sleeves are
flni hed y lao-t frills. I-ither pink of
uhltni hin-i si k mav bo used a in-
row-black imeruie. A uoep coiiar T n'"7 d b , the; Bttroe , hado f
Zk "Z" X t ti'. e standing collar in
luvn"" ....v. I
front. A o a a standing olia and na.-
llousodro is of the neglige order
ha o ever tx e ' d. iati y ad mod, and
when one o n be ci ntt oted which
com in-- d 1- ate ttu and n -w sorts
o garniture, the lesult is es:eelvily
o e In r. Ina cost me next
sti iwn
uuea this and copying.
As rkitchod i is mad -4 rim white
eanhmo.'e and mous i lino chiiTon. Tne
rriek breadths are githTed in tl.e
watt and Hare ou.d ra.ny in the
Hfti , por ion. At the' top they are
tatherod to a round yokj. 'J ho front
i-oadths hook bjn i th the draped
part, wh eh is loft loose to show the
p.ea ed panel o mousseline. A dr. ped
I e. tha of white ca ninore como , ovor
fastened w th
nho'i three
e te d to the
fasten with a
u,br sd-i-y
The Hlenves
column of dogs, which, as soon as ft o o( pe!ltod ch,on, and a whi e
their feet touched the Isittoui, r,,mererUo ing shows at t a n ek.
p iiinced upon the llsh and carried (f rH,)rixliiction i f tnli dross l at-
them to their master The lishcs' temped, an I a grca man v stuffs are
heaila WC Bt 0110 1 CUt Oil BHU eUCIl WO J Ul OQ JO ll UIO jmrauii-
which they all turned and swatu ihe shotil lers and is
aoreast tor the shore. As soon as jeweled i l ibon. from
Is. j. rlruIJ llllira I t.h iii h Incieas mr strinifs f liHste pea !
iiuiiilrsor iisn appeared in ihe sha- ho dur, where they faster
iuuiirsoi f rt hv ,h0 rhinett 'tie bucklo. Jewel en.
low water, Ihn.for"d Z U'C, also borde t the draimry. Th
Ifl- T . ills , :' .N
set in any part of tho chicken ccop,
thus providing water that is c can
and wholesome. It is convenient,
A 1 1 i n i v i vo " w I' -
ii enoutrh so that ants and insects may
SM not crawl into it readily, hor this
nuroose a small s ction in the fence
"-Itfej may be removed and the head and
. OtlOUl OL L 1 113 OO.V lliniKU uiiv.
bnvfi the irround. Small slats
W'i of wood can then lie naed as shown
in cut. bein set iai ciiouko upamnu
that the poultry can get it easily.
.Mont rrttfltahlc Htoi-K.
Men who are breeding and feeding
nlos have the advantage of their
lei w tarmers who are breeding
j sheep, cattle, horses or mules. I Igs
come in the soring, and bffore tho
iood Butter.
"If you would make food butter, the
first point is to make a good keeping
butter. Tb s keeping p operty of
butter depends upon not leaving too
much casine or water io it. The lat
ter is the hier di.i culty. If a large
quantity of water is eft in the but
ter the latter will never keep The
butter grains n list be drained so as
to get the water out of them as much
us possible ai.d the air in t.etweeu
them, so as to sweeten and freshen
the grains and promote the growt h of
the bonellcent bacteria which pro
duces good flavor. Afterwards, or
course, the air must lie pressed out
and then excluded. In packing b t
ter use nothing but th ; best salt, and
be sure to soak the tubs bef rehand,
as otherw se tho wo! will draw tile
moisture from the butter to the det
riment of the latter. Cak tubs are
the most desirable, as that kind of
wood has little natural odor for the
butter to absorb. If the butter has
been careiully made and packed, cov
ered with par. hment paper and then
with brine, and placed lu a cool, dry,
odoriess place, it should keep well for
Farm Blotea.
In preparing for an apple orchard
select a choice plo. one containing
clover sod preierrea turn tne sou
under and set out the young trees in
the s. ring.
Ha slow to cut of large limbs from
fruit trees, prune the young sprouts
with the thumb Tho less severe the
pruning to which a tree Is subjected
the more likely it is to be ot Iour-Ufa
Thk best i ork,as well as 1 he cheap-
come in tne spring, ami utimn mu ,,., htur H. i,
Christmas hol.days have eaten them- j says .an . '
never been wintered. ulck growth
Copyright, In
dia given the head of tt,e llsh he had tat . n mi ht le omitted. In the orlg- j
-I'-l-i1'" .V':"1 ZZn 7 .7 1 !.Vrk7t".l the year
i i, h thlnirs of chiapenimftnoe eot rrinoe m ....-, .- ... . )od anr the top 0 the market.
selves fat, weigh two hundred to
three hundred pounds, and are sold
ai.d out of tho way at a better mar-
aoket hooks lnvlsib'y in ket price than any other live stock.
This Is trie situation in a uuuiueu.
Tho men who buy and carefully
breed and judiciously feed hogs nave
BaiWTf HlCL'- riXIHOS.
The (ion who caugtit
nolhln-" SL Louis
Pa'irt.K arc n r"? ant
noth ng got
Giobe- Deiuo-
- . . , ... . . I 1 1. .. n. n . . r, t. , I , , P., T,
of the whole by a .nofusion ol m ck wno can uo k u "-'"
j nmi. that the amat'e .r needs beware, amonsr the prinees of .Europe. We has
to believe 'hilars and neck n.injrs are in great, niveen, . "
; what tbey it:Ui Uuu n..l Ml be.r. a.lety, oecause me, ... -
loo, so far as prices aro concernea,
True, It doesn't do to breed any too
many In a bunch, and It pays to viva
and early maturity ate essential ra
securing the largest pr lit.
Tiik fall is an excellent time to
use rime: Flow the land, run tbe
cultivator over it crosswise, and
apply from thirty to llitv bushels of
linio per acre It may be left en th
surface, no barrow ng be ng required,
as It will be carried -own by tbv
j r n... .