The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 13, 1894, Image 8

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    ' l '
Thk took maker it the race not
only i oea bis best, bat be most always
hit better
Or all things in the world that are
"better late than never." goin to
bed certainly ranks first
UWFOirrrM atklt, a man's fuoeral
nereson conies too late to live op to,
says tbe Syracuse Courier.
Ik Boston really wants a fresh and
never-failiog water supply why
wouldn't it be a good Mea to tap the
Western I nioo stock? .
Tbm man who refuses to live In j
Uie country because there is "so little .
yninir on" thi re. has insiae his own t
head a place where there is still less
going on.
N rt every woman can dress well
with the most reckless expenditure;
but a el ver womau can dress well
with intelligent economy and an ar.
listHc taste.
Th Chicago man who offers to
give piano lessons for 25 cents will
l wise if he has his lifs insured Te
rore betraying his identy in any fat
TfiK matt who does not com plain,
makes more friends than the man
wb alwa.vs has a grievance The
dead martyr is the only kind that is
ever canonised.
tores looks like
"mm thine" far the accident
paaiee, '
Sons idea ot Um raped It ft the
motto of the earth, which we neither
see or feel may be formed by com
parison. A rifle bail rarely ea be
mad to move mora rapidly than
2, 000 feet per second. But tb earth's
surface at tbe equator moves about
11,500 feet per second, in it m tlon
ttw mvnlution. while the whole
earth moves through space in its
i revolution about the sun at the rate
! of over 95,0(0 feet per second, or
' nearly fifty times ts rapidly as a rifle
Scikstce says now that beauty a
not skin deep, fbe can tell you that
balf tbe charm of a pretty fa e at
least the expression Is a matter of
little muscles and a 'complex laby
rinth of nerves, and that tbe curves
of the lips, tbe glanre of the eye,
droop of their lids, are a matter, of
i the prevalent use of certain small
, muscles in obedience to a prevalent
! aspect of tbe mind. Moreover, that
the use of these oivanS of expre sioo
i has co i e down long ancestral line,
! and that the mold of tbe features
; themselves U a question of heredity.
Mf HtatUMM,
A wk are bound not to io.'.fct un
necessary Battering on animals, so are
we oWlged to avert a 1 that tends to
mid to the sorrow aod trials of our
cmiimofl humanity.
IflrmA E. Gaxx is reported to bave
rrelln iQished all claims to tbe estate
of , ebert l av Hamilton in ennslder
atioa of the sum of 110,000. There
it something In a name after all.
nn argued her own case in a New
York court the other day, and that
Ate did not bave a fool fo a client is
evidenced by tbe fact that the
-returned a verdict in her fator.
j It apuears to 1 taken for granted
! by a great many people, says tbe
Outlook, that reformers have a right
! to exaggerate, aod that the only way
' to attract public attention to evils of
j various kicds Is to throw them into
very Jtold relief. This is what is al
ways said in defence or tbe exagger
ated statements sometimes put forth
by zealous and earnest men in behalf
of the causes for which they ar
plead ng. but exaggeration is es
sentially vicious because it 1 es
sentially untrue, and, being untrue,
it is likely to injure by reaction Ue
cause in the interest of Which it is
used. "
Thk State of Iowa,says the Ameri
can Cultivator, has made an excel
lent addition to its game laws by
prohibiting that no one shall mini
with dog or gun on cultivated or en
closed Melds without obtaining per
mioslou of their owners. This is
such a law as every Stat should
bave. Game laws are usually dic
tate! by sporting men and wholly in
i their own interest. There are some
ury property rights ot lament win un
serve to he respected. Neither dog
nor gun pays any appreciable tax to
Wbw ou wake a mistake don't tne State but the laud is taxed reg
look back at It long. Take the rea-' uiry , long as the assessor hiake
so- of the thing into your own mind. 1 tner round If farmers a re ejected
aod then look forward. Misukes are ! w pay uxes they should have their
teams of wisdom Tbey cannot be j cropg aDd land exempt trem lucur
cbaoged The future is yet in your g)orM by sporting mu of aU classes.
who are not generally rery careful
about destroying property
taw I lias aaav,
Bu flaa ttot va rnim.
Caaals a k v laaa,
S failtto tt aia.
Os'v to kaa ' ton ,
Fna.1 nan and irum;
ot out tub wiiSimh
a kiTtali aura.
Oar Ou-a all iter shrink nta,
Our flat l hair law ;
Oar tera ioea a. I eladaaaa
Tbrj laartaulT dia.
Only lakaap ibau to.
hvaat btmS taal eliDC.
Saat l p i.uai laufb Srr ua,
bwaat taua. tuaV nog ;
Carta Itaax mm train to h
Faai tba mm ruiW,
Eark (raah alaa a w 'o4r.
iw wotaa anaa.
'That is not true not true at all
1 gav you do er cou rage me nt," cried
MiltibiUy, Icouldo! have given
you any, because l am engage t"
"Kngaked: What! To that en
gineer Momy .
"That is no concern of yours. I
kavs gl ea you neither right nor rea
soo to question me about It, or to-
to insult me, as you've just doae,"
ah faltered.
- Bsr father, for bis father's sake
had shown this Has table much kind
ness since bis remlng to W oratoa, aod
Miliy had been as p easaot to him as
she was Ut. everjooe. Her winning
Banner he bad taken for encourage
leot aod bad bad tbe audacity . U
aiirhti upoo nie sting her in a lonely
laae where she expected ber fiance, to
snatch a klsa -
, "You're an arraat little n'rt. and
bave ruined my life,' be criod thick
ly, ashing ber in bis arms
Hardlv had be dooe so wheo he
was 'wren bed arfde, and thrashed
with a stout stick so funously, that
tbe blows felr like rain without num
ber aod without direction oo all parts
of tbe bead, face, and body. Tbe
young engineer laid hi blows on with
suob Oerre force that Bastabie's body
was a mere mas of bruise before
S) illy could bold her lover's arm. He
flung tbe fellow from him to the
ground, a little ashamed of the as
sault upon a man ptslcally so much
bis Inferior as Beatable.
lie bad walked many steps away
with Miliy before Beatable raised
biiuMlf to a Sitting oostu e, at the
moment that Miliy wai looking touod
r -uiously in tbe fear that he was scr-!
lously injured.
" i ou villlan!" be jelled. -'You'll
pay for this! iioth o you! Both of
you. Both of you!" be reiterated,
with such concentrated malignity in
bis f?ce and olce as made Miliy
tor days and days after, she was
haunted by the remembrance of the
hate In. Lis face, aod with the horror
)f tbe revenge upoo her lover it por
teuded. Aoa this she did welt to
dread. lias table, a vindictive brute
naturally., bad received such punish'
Tn Sew York contemporary wbo
to been admonishing girls never to
let (heir lovers ki s them under a
lap-.pst is all right. The lovers
oacfet as know ttter than to try
and kiss them anywhere except un
der Che nose.
toe Sicilian faraiera
Here.he stopped opposite tboet
praas eewioe, aod sawd staring at it
witboufseeiBgn, ts aoaU ie dla
Wioed. his lips parted, bis teeth
clenched, the na i of his haode
burled n the pel an, v while hi eye
glared with tbe lurid 1 tibt of mad
ness. He wai broutrbt a little to
himself by being forced to step aside
to allow tbe stoker to get off bis en
gine In o der to follow the driver into
the refreshment bar for a glass. This
called his attention to the circum
stance that the engine of tbe traio
into wh b. as yet, only the hatred
bride and groom had got, was utterly
By Georae! that;l do It!" be al
most sh uled, and without looking
around even to see if he were ob
served, be nmped on the engine,
opeuea the regulator to the full, and
as she l ouode t forward leaped of at
the other hide.
As Arthus iiunro bad quitted the
carriage to look after the luggage,
tbe only soul In the runaway train
wastfloor Miliy- Munro bad not left
the train a mloute when loud shouts
of alarm arrested him.
"What is It? What's tbe matter?"
Jhe asked, -aclng round with a horri
bte suspicion that lUa table bad st-
ta ked MUly.
Tbe express has run away!" ex
claimed one porter.
.rood heavenst She'll be Into the
gingham train at Llfford:" cried an-:
Miliy was alooe In the train, and ,
yet Munro did not lose bis presence
of n.iufU Hying to the ecd of the
p atform, be jumped upon the en
gine of tbe local, aod without a word
to driver or stoker put bis hand out
and seired the regulator. Before be
could opeo it the driver stopped him.
-Hold on. sir! Hold oo: lillU un
hook the train:" . . ,
In a minute BH1 had leaned down,
unhooked tbe engine from tbe Ira n,
and was ba k again on the engine
plate just as she began tofHde out of
the station.
',Kxpres:B shouted the driver,
pointing ahead to the runaway.
"Couldn't uatcb her up with a load
like that on," chucking his thumb
behind toward tbe train tber had
j been detached from by Bill
But tbey lost nearly as much time
by the stoppage to unhook the train
as they gained by tbe lightening of
tbe load, for the ruuaway had got al
most a mile's stait by the delay.
"How far is Llfrord?' shouted
Mun o, iranticaily.
"Six miles"
'My wife! , My wife:" he moaued
' in blank despair. .
Then, wreuching tbe shovel from
the stoker he proceeded to feed the
j fumnce, with all ao expert's skill
i inging tbe coal far In and welt to
the sides. Kvery o her moment he
straightened himself to look ahead:
but though the engine was going now
' at a late that made it rock and pitch
vloleutiy like a boat in breakers, tbey
bad not sighted the runaway yet.
Suddenly she slowed down from sev.
ontv to nrtv miles an nour. anu
oeoioees aad haoeiaes, to
book (aVthe engine to te ruaaway.
Hirers her, UUir he ahoutad te
- Meanwhile. Munro, walking along
tbe footboards, aed holding oo I
tbe haod-ralla, passed the carriage io
which his bride was.
"Ob, Arthur." she cried, when she
saw him, I got such a frljrbt I
thought rou were left behind."
He i roke Into a stream of almost
hysterical laughter as be hurried oo
to the runaway engine. There was
little di liculty or danger in getting
oo to It or in shutting off the slesiu
now. since the train b-ganto feel
tbe backward pull of the reversed eo
glne lhlnd; and Mllly was save
I tbouubt you had gone mad.
What made vou laugh like that, Ar
thur?" she asked.
At your leing dr:ver, stoker.
guard and passengers of tbe express
without knowing it: and also. I
suppe In the reaction from the
most horrible half hour of my life
oo my wedding day.. It was that
brute's aolng,' he added, more to
himself than to her. "and he'll get
ten years for It"
As a matter of fact, Ha table got a
tenth of that unishment about a
seventh of what he'd have got had
he ft-rged a I.IIL W'averly Magaxlne.
meat under snob citcumstacces as
might have fired tbe meekest of men j M looking up, saw tbe steam
m venture. He real I t loved MUly 1 ...... -
Ill ber last poem Ella Wheeler
VTwort declares she has reached tbe
at toe - of life. As the soulful
Ida is less than one year this ide of
Mm half-century mark it would be in
Lerastior (o know bow old stie was at
the eunrise of her existence.
, matter aropped in a b x In
. Paria tt delivered in Berlin within an
hoar and a half, and sometimes with
im tbirty-Ove minutes. It is sent by
means of pneumati tubes. Tbe ex
cetient postal service of this country
baa cnusldsrable to learn from tbe
eenriee of Europe.
A 0OTJR8M of lectures at the lioyal
iDatrtntloa wh ch has, created so
roMOh i merest is that byCapt. Aboey
oo "Olor Blindness." Excess e to
baeeo smoking has Icng been known
U b ae , important factor io color
bUodses. aod Capt. Abney indorses
tbe truth of this observation, says
taw betsn ti Sc A mericau.
: discovery of tbe pro ess at dry
Um trait has been a great blessing to
fruit growers and consumers, and for
the farmer has resulted In many dol
lart saved wolcb must have been lost
la tb days wbea fruit was only sold
la lla fresh state. When it sells at
to Uttle to pay for picking it would
ha aaooer saved to dry tbe fruit and
I at fa that state.
i Tut reason
, live in villages instead of on the
! farms they till is found in a curious
j gurvhal of a medieval law. Under
that law tillers are not allowed to
live upon the lands tbey farmed, but
were huddled together lr. villages,
possibly so they could thereby be
more easily atcbed and ept from
innirrectioa Sicilian farmers have
maintained the ancient system from
rhnlfo annarentlv. .Medieval cu-
u.unare found in Sicily more fre
quently than lu any other p:-t of
Europe. The octroi itself would not
have been submitted to so long if the
Heilian peasants bad been as intelli
gent as the rural population else
where. By the mediaeval cmtom
under which the octroi was levied
cities imposed a tax on all food pro.
rind timuirht Into their gates. This
tax went not to the nat ional govern
, mcnt, but to defraying the expense
' nt the eitv irovernment itself. It 1m-
jxises.a double tax on tbe wretched!
peasant. He pay Uies ou the land
outride the city. ; Then when be
brings foodor;tlwn h'
borne n tbe village be is met at the
city Hoe by the octroi collector, who
levies on wry bu.bel of potatoes tbe
1 farmer consumes iaj hlsof n. family.
Worst of all, the collectors are, bribed
by The rich. It Is said, to let tbem oft
comparatively free, and pluck ihe
poor who cannot help tb nisei re. On
the whole, It Is no wonder the S dl
iaos revolted. " : ."f.
flarman wilb all tbe love which his !
grots aoul was capable, and to be
thrashed by bis successful rival under j
bffjr syes, aod deservedly thrashed,
white io the act of a dasUrdly as-1
asult upon ber, was an injury and an ,
ignominy U be wiped out only with
blood. He brooded u on bis love, bis ,
bate, his Jealousy, and bis revenge, :
till you might rather say these pas-;
; sions poesesed him than that he pos
sessed them.
Another passion also, which fed ail 1
these the passion for drink now
mastered him so entirely that be was
hardly ever sober.
Well, therefore, might Mlilv dread
a demoniac so pose-seU with a mono
mania of revenge: and this dread
made her consent to an immediate
marriage with Arthur Munro, wbo
Could not otherwise 1 persuaded to
quit Worstou. He would retum to
bis borne only if she returned with
blm a bis bri e.
Accordingly tbe wedding was not
only baste oed, but kept secret, and
the wedding Itself w .s kept strictly
private in deference to M lily's dread
of. Bastable's vengeance upon ber
lover. Aod ber precautions would
DrobaUv bave precluded all sbe
Why?" he cried. '
i "Llfford distance," replied the
; driver, pointing to tbe signal" "All
i up by this '. We should only pile up
the smash now "
! Then Munro lost all heart and
hope, and sank in a heap on tbe en- -;
lilne plate, biding his race with his
hands. Meanwhile, the driver, by
' putting the b ake so hard on that
! the wheels of theeogine alowed red, i
. had nearly got her under control as
I be swept around the curve and came
' In sight of the stat on.
All clear! A wire from Worston
' had got tbe Bingham train into a
sldlno only Just in time. As they
glided past the platlorru the station
master shouted,
Tbey have wired to 1 entba u to
.... i . fci..-i., ... iit
SWllCn tier 11HJ suip niutu at mat
! That was, of course, to wreck the
train against the block,
i Munro beard, and, starting up like
: a madman, be wrenched open tha
regulator to tbo full, shouting only,
"My wife! My wife!"
! It was all he could a tlculate foi
1 tbe moment Presently, when they
had cot again into swing, h; cried,
Aa KaorwouJ itairnlulian la Wartara by
taa .m ut Saiafcaim I'n "
The famous Ir. B. J. Gstling, the
inventor of the wonderful ma hloe
gun that bears his name, is fond of
Washington, says the I'ost, and wai
glid of tbe oiortunitr 'en him to
spend a month at the capital by
r...n of the tests of bis and other
guns now in progress at Indian Head.
Tbe doctor carries his threescore and
odd years well. He is a large man,
white-haired, llae a patrla.cb, and
with an air of good will toward all
mankind. He is never so happy as
when talking abot m jdern engines
of tion, which he believes are
the greatest agencies for keeping the
"1 eop'e are not ye. e4 united to
appreciate tbo enormotii revolution tu
future wariare caused by the inven
tion ot smokeless powder," said he.
Already it has made obsolete 1-
tween H.oou.iiiO a 4.0(si,tJoy or
musket In Europe that wure built to
shoot black powder, not U speak of
the million ol cartridges all or which
the countries possessing would be
willing to sell for a song. Here is a
vast sum of wasted capital, but it is
the inevitable result or pr'.igress. Our
army guns In this country will soon
be In the obsolete category for to
keep pace with the rest of the world
we will have to adopt smokeless pow
der too. A gun oaded with it will
send a bullet just twice a far as the
black powder does. gain the new
invention changes military tactics
Htitireiv. lor lu the baltes of the
future troop will neverdlsplay them
selves en masse to the enemy. Open
nahting, as has been customary
through all tbe axes, U a thing of
the nasL for it would mean utter
annihilation. If smokeless powde.
has been io use during tbe late civil
strife the war between the Mate
wouldn't bave lasted ninety davs.
"What I the difference between a
rapid Unrig gun and a machine gun?"
"A rapid firing gun doesn't begin
to 8 re with tbe rapidity ot a machine
gun. The former is usually of one
barrel and is loaded w,lh shells. It
is a great gun for torpedo hoato, but
fifteen times to the minute is pretty
go4 time for one of them. A ma
chine gun of tbe Catling tyc has
from six to twelve barrels and with
three men to operate, practically
never ceases Bring, one volley sue
Cfii-ding another at a speed of 1,200
discharges per minute These thiee
men can do more killing tnau a whole
brigade ar:-d with ojrt-fash oned
muskets It Is a machine gun, along
with the smokeless powder, that Is
going to make war an impossibility."
Taatmth u aod dollars generally
;jmmm hard hod requires close flgur
Jggraad considerable deorlvatioo, hut
ah rule the thousands that come
Jacj after oy are needed are chased
moam ancerly aod greedily than the
f If people with capacity for
rX mooey do not lean, to udl
3Jor H at they go aloog
Crr mw will.
tbaiiow thftt aa accident in-
i aaaiEaay WM when it sells
iz3&e& tv tweaty-foor boon to
if j metier may IW estimated
fBtotaMwa tict xAMKate
& Hum Moantatn.
. There Is a horseshoe-sbaped moun.
uln to Manitoba' which literally
swarms with snakes twi e every ve;ir.
In tbe early autumo those slippery
customers gather there from all di
re tions. mostly from tbe pralri
couotr of tbe south. In one side of
the mountain there Is a circular bole
about firteen feet deep, and as smooth
as if it bad been fashioned wirti a
well auger, where ten of thousands
of reptiles spod tbe old winter
months together Person wbo bave
tried to exnlore this immeose snake
den during the summer, when tbe
regular tenaou are absent, say that
dozens of subterranean passages lead
out under tbe mountain In all direc
tions from the bottom of tb well.
Aa authority estimates thai aw has
eaaa 300,00 soakes of a 1 si es knot
ted trwotbet wa piled up Id a sml
torpid staU io this Well of !r
pacta," as it is called la the Horth.
yCz$ pom to B3rt ftr nil.
feared, but for tbe merest accident j
The carriage with the bride and '
bridegroom in it drove up to the j
station -at the very moment Bastanle .
was in tbe act of quitting It
Seeing tbe luggage labeled
Leigh," whltbe tbey were bouod
oo ttelr honeymoon, be asked the
coachman, when tbey had entered
the station.
a weddlogf" . ..1
Something of tbe sen," tbe man
answered gru Yj, as be turned bis
horses roaod i
Meanwhile Mllly cried, clinging u
Arthur's arm almost convulsively. '
"Oh, Arthur I He he has beard
of it! He shore! I saw blm."
"Who, deary"
Mr- Bastable."
"Miliy darling, you've got that
brute en tbe brain .' What can be
do here at mid-day In crowded sta
tion?" Turning to a porter, be asked,
'Vbl h Is our train?"
She's there la tbe siding, sir:
she'll back op when tbe local's gone."
"Let me put you into a carriage,
dear, while I look after the luugae."
.So saving he hurried ber to a car
riage near the engine, and got In
with ber to d ppose or the wraps and
other ll-ht artloie on the teat and In
, . At this moment Beatable who bad
do gued tbem to tbe carriage, passed
its door unstentoad walked oo toward
the end of tb platform, gnashie his
teeth w in the impotent fury of a
eaged wildbsast, . If ely he had at
that mo meat Um re vol er be bad
betuht to about this man w tb, he
9ut do It wow; pot Io ft Bill
VtM nor M warea wtwld to ferried
asroM taw re oT blere eage, tk-
tet bar with Um a aw
hy wife Is In tbe carriage next
ha JkAtirfn '
! 'There's Beohaui Bank ." shout
' ed back tbe driver, encouragingly.
, Benthara baok being a steepgrad
ient ot one In forty-eight, where tbe
seven-foot driving wheels of the ex
press would need a dr ver's skilful
coaxing and sanding to keep tbem
! from slipping at every other revolu
tion. . ,. ti
"By heaveos, we'll do it If sbe
A Wonderful Innirumenu
The uieleorologicai Instrument
lately come into use, and known s
the ralu and snow weighing gauve,
has the wonderful capacity of weigh
ing out rain or snow in quantities rep
resenting the one-thousandth of an
incu precipitation, registering each
small fraction separately. The ap
paratus consists of two parts, tbe
weighing gauge and tbe recorder, or
register, so that tbe greatest possible
a curacy Is obtainable la the cbserva
tlous of the weather bureau. Tbe
first part is, of course, oo tbe roof of
the observatory, am is conuected
with the recorder by means of three
electric wires, one of which is open
an i a few ceils oi electric oaitery iu
iMMnk m iSw Uraa -aWta mi tmm Btm.
prrm" mm4 lla am ,
The story ot bow tbe great V a-
poleoa met and con)uered the Very
i ower of the armies of the allied na
tions ot the world, tnere arrayea
against the rrenchmen, is a p ewy
story in Tact, Is not a story at all,
but a matter of history. Those who
have read history or the life of lia
poleon will remember that his motto
as punctual and Implicit obedience
to orders. With Sapoleou .1 o'clock
meant 6 o'clock or bolore. not five
minutes or one minute after ", One
incident will be found in Napoleoo's
career where he punlsbed a favorite
Osncral, after having publicly repri
manded bim f. r appearing at a cer
tain bridge some ten minutes later
than be had been ordeied to appear
there by his superior officer. The
General offered as an excuse that the
weather was rigorous, but Napoleon
impetuously interfered with a re
mark: ".Sot loo rigorous for ine to
be here on lime." i
Tbe Kreuch troops had implicit
confidence in their leader. Thenkfbt
before the great battle of, AUsterllU
the men sang patriotic oog until
cautioned that tbey were within
earshot cf tbe enemy and must be
silent, but sometime later, wbea Just
before retiring to his teut for the
nlgbt though It is said that Na
poteoo did not sleep that great Gen
eral passed among his warriors Out
stret bed on tbe ground. Suddenly
one enthusiastic soldier fasteoed bis
little pallet of straw on bis hayoect,
fired it and toesed it in tbe air.
Others followed and the l ames lit up
the entire country surrounding, car
rying to tbe enemy the news that the
Frenchmen were near. Suca action
was decidedly un judicious, it is true,
but it showed tbe woodertul faith
and confidence the soldiers had In
their General, whom they fairly Wor
shipped, and at whose command tbey
would face without flinching wbaU
at least, appeared to be . certain
The battie began at an early boor
In the morning. ?;apdeon ay be
fore blm more than 2ai,ww jf he
very flower of the army ef RajaMa,
Austria. Germany, hngland ;od
other nations, while be had s acueiy
.),000 scarred, worried aod not too
well fed or clothed sol tiers witn
which to far the seemingly over
whelming, betu-r cared for a.lled
army of 00,000 tried men, and yet
Napoleon won and all the nations
marveled the eat, though It is now a
mailer of history that ho should have
won lor the reason that bl i
were successfully carried out,
of tbo implicit c iitideo e of his sol
diers and their prompt obedience to
each order Issued. ,
Some of Napoleon's generals dif
fered with the greatest of all gen
erate' orders, but they did 06tf!tVU
question and carried out their in
struction to the .letter. Napoleon
threw bis entire army or 'S.ouo.geeo
first on tbe right wing, thee oo.lfce
left, then ou the center Several
!:mes tbn enemy was flanked with
out knowing how tbe trick had neeo
accomplished, but, ' turn as 'ney
might, the allies found. confrooAlhg
tbem &,uoO men in a co id pa t attas
while to save tbemsel ves the geawra s
of the allied army could not swing
their 2u, ouu Into fuch posltlod as to
face Napoleon's army at the tame
lime. That was the vert trick ia
poleon wanted to play. Wblla aVre
were 2ou,iioo meo arrayed agaiaet
blm, he was lighting about ooe-fotart
that number with a superior jros
behind him. Truv upon each aian-
euver he facod fresh men, but aerer
more men than he threw agaioattnat
particular part of the allied armies.
He won because mere was wnran
iation, and the men who did the
lighting asked no questions as t)he
wisdom of this or that order, but
simply knew that the ultimate reault
to be achieved was defeat of taclr
enemy, an i, leliig properly organl ed
and disciplined, they accompllstsed
the result aimed at
keeps tbe rails!" shouted tbe driver, i .rted The receiving ve el into
as they shot through a tunnel like a whlch lbe pretUiution falls aod Is
bullet tbr ugh Its rl e barrel ' retained ku upon ordinary weigh
" All three men were now on tbe ; lD(, ao made that the eiuillb-
lookout, since nothing more could l rluin of lDe iiaQce, whenever dU-
done that drlvlug or stoking couia . r01JM by l))e fk i0 to the re
do In less than a minute tbey woui J
siuht Bentba u Bank, and. If the run
away bad topped It, sbe would be !
matchwood lu two minutes. Tbe
In 11 e at the other side was nearly ;
as steep as the ascent at this, and to ;
go down it with a oad under a full ;
head of steam meaut a pace or ninety '.
miles an, hour lufo the siding and
against the stop-blocks at the bot
tom. '
' 1 told you " sbouted the driver,
excite ly, a they sigWte the run.
away hair ip the bank before tbem .
But Munro did not bear him. He
was alreadr nt lbe smoke box of tbe :
rocking, reeling engine, having ran
along its boiler holding on by tbe
i "hleady, sir, steady! We're nto
her!" aod, indeed, they struck tbe
runaway with the smart shock of a
; faiM oollisloo '
The rlvr harried after Munro,
and av blai a teadlng band across
; tbe toacblagbi.lCaj ff,tU aagln
tt4 tiala,aa4.fkaa, Maawjaat
tM brake ba d aa In the gaard's via,
tlw dr tor stooped aad aaeagd.wttb
ceptacle of small particlei of water
is Immediately restored oy tne auvo
matlc move i.ent ot a sliding weight
along ihe balance beam, a correspond
ing movement lakiug place in tbe
register pen of the olwervatorv. The
fall of water Into tne receiver ue
preses tbe lam. causing electrical
coouct to be made with a spring and
sending a current through the mag
nnt on Lha balan e. tbe action of
wh ch moves the counterweight and j
alJ sends tbo current through tne i
magnet on the register, thus a tual
iug the recording fien. This ex
tremely delicate Instrument is Jiald
to work to perfection. -New York
forced ui t:nfofc
A curious point In Swedish oiinlnal
law Is that confession is necessary
berore a capital sentence can lie car
riedout If, however, tbe culprit
persist la protesting bit inno x-nc In
the face of overpowperlng evtdence
the pria discipline is mad sx
trdaMfy aavwra, b as to eitort taa
desired ooafemioa.
rihe IHwmrved to I It. i
A bareheaded blonde rushed out
the carriage entrance jesterda aod
looked wll ly ateut; then, daahtng
along for a nun red yards, sbe sttdwjed
and touched a woman wbo bad a
child by tbe band upon the shoulder.
"Did you just come out of that
store?" she asked-
"Yes," tbe wonsan answered
"What department were you In?"
The soman started and jerked the
child, wbo was restless.
"i mean," said the lireetAtoss
blonde, what were you buy in 4?" ,
"Handkerchiefs!" snapped the
shopper, snortiy. ."wnats tnat w
lou?'' ' :
Why." said tbe saleslady, "I think
you left some ot jour money, "aad
she be d op a bill. !
"Well, for goodness sake, why dale't
you t:l me liefore 1 got out of the
store'" demanded" the owner of the
wealth, aud she took possession ot
her cash an 1 started off without a
thank you.
Tbe pretty mooey under lootea at
me and blurted out. "W IL did an
ever?" r ,
1 assured b r 1 never had.
"Why," she continued, "it wa.-e't
her change, vou know. She wat tek
1 g her pockeliiook out or tier aag
and sbe drew the bill wltb It 1 was
not waiting upon hur, but 1 hap
pened to notice it, and He after her
as fast as 1 on Id.
I tell you we bave an awful lotto
put up w lb. You never know aatll
you gel behi d a counter bow maay
strange aud unreasonable petals
there are In tbe wot Id 1 got a breath
of fresh air, anyway," said sbi
smilingly went back to the sboa.
Chleago Journal. j J
Kvkk an angel la a while
aad bin! eaah loots a little
tbl bot weather.
csJl 1" wWh tdn Md Id nraear.