THE BIOUXi.uUXTV JOURNAL I,. ,1. Simmon. Editor and Proprietor. V.T.i W.TR. K.TlinrUI.e. .olnr Weil. tilling Kt. tin. &, lnliil, II :1J So. S, iniiivl HARRISON MARKET. WlK-at-JM-r blltll . H) lXt HT blKllel... il Corn it Imxlifl.. .. 47 Hiort- Jmt lniinlrv J 1 00 lirun- T liiiiiilnM nu Vtfft -cliopiwii -per liumlnM IB I'oCiUw- per b l-hl'l 75 liiitur iT ff- . hi I K 1M T llol H Poultry per lfz... . t fa nlon pr Tl llemi per . 4 it dml per ton . 8 Ml Wood pt-r cor'l tut I.tiiiiber-niitivr- x r 1:1. ft 1(1 (if Cnr-ctfil every Tliurtay. -Xuve Honiethins,' for tlio state, fair exhibit. E. E. G.tilon ha rented the North western hot-i and opened it the first of the week. For reliable, first class dental work of any kind, (,0 to T. J. Gibson, Craw ford, Nebraska. In (fathering material for the state fair exhibit he sure to ijet a Rood ip.ianti ty. Quantity is next to quality. Dr. l'hinney reports the arrival of 11 son at the home of John Fitzgerald on Monday. Goo. II. Turner was in from Antelope yesterd ay. He will ship a couple of car load of fat cattle the last of the week. IJememWr that T.HK JolliNAI. ollice is bead pun ters for j ib printing. Sioux county can win t!iu fOOu.Od reiiiiuiii at the htato fair if each one will do it 111 tie w ork. An i(x- cream social will he (,'ivi 11 by the Kpworth League, tomorrow (Friday, evening, at tlie court bouse. The pro ceed will go to repair the church. All are invited. Excursion tickets over the F. E. & M. V, t.i tiie Hot Springs ami return will lw sold on each Friday until August 31, 5111, fur one fare for the round trip. Good fur fifteen day. -If you have uny thin;; good whiih you lif! willing to contribute toward the stale fair exhibit fix it lip ill good haH! and bniif,' it to Harrison, and if you cannot bring it head a card to the c ounty clerk and hoiuu one will call for it. The Jot'KSAL wants a correspondent in every settlement in the county who w ill wild in the local news each week. f llii.j.: w ho will act in that capacity will send us notice to that ell'ect we will send them stationery at once. It iri reported from the republican ataUj convention that. Major was nomi nated on the lirst ballot for governor iiud tliat Kosewater withdrew from the national committee and Thurston named to fill the lace. No other action is re orti;d. ('". F. Cofiee went to the 7 box L ranch in Wyoming the last of the week arxl will ship a. Irain-load of cattle to market in a few days. Cattle are re lated to be in fine condition. A farmer brought us some fine pota toen on Monday and gave us orders not to put his name in tlie paper. As he is much bigger than we are and cfinss from Texas wo rep-.-ct his request for this time. Don't be afraid to brinK in wimples of what you have raised for fear it is lK)t good enough to go to the Htato fair, for it does not taku very M'l prodtets t'j bxik line to IIm! Jieoplo wlto live in less favored localitius than Hioux conn- y. Dr. J. li. Wortinnn, of tlr Amen ton museum of natural history New York City was in town the first of the week. He has been spending some time in lias had lands gathering fosiilri and bus Ix-eu successful in finding lim object of which he came, in search. It was -tlie rxmesof tlw hind legs of an extinct itk'S of monster of which tlw rhhios er.ltm is tlm nearest of moik-rn animals. Hwasftloiit tlw sizo of 1:0 fclepliwit Mmn living, In shaking ith s farmer tlie first ff th week Im stated that ha had 00 id ncellcnt results from n dry irri ftatrnif nStcb. Wlteii asked) to explain he tii Im had iii;m1h it dam hctomh a guily hivI rrrt thtch and rarried tio water whif-i hid formerly rushed iast his )!ace out otrto Iris umaiav. Tlie result was Woo t roji of hay. Will other larrirers tak tlw hint and t't tlfe herK.-Ht ff th Water which hnn been allwwH to go to waste in th patft? Whci lit Crawford a frW day ayo it was noticed that a. nuurber of storeff con t; lined large Riihsiarr thistk trr whK-h a attache! a earir advimng tho fann ers to examine it and lake a sample homo and compare it and we if the pest h:u got a start oit their farms. There 1 no wonder that it i dreaded by th farin fri when tlm rapidity with which it seeds in considered, HiifKuid thtit ome f the farmer: have cut the thistle while yotmg: and have found thein" to iiv.iku ex cellent feed, of which stock is fond and on v hicti it thrives, Tuki it for granted tti tliiatlu may not ulloifuiher Ui a Curie, fur it ii mid that in the uyet diitrtuti lb tbiillea hav continuwj to grow lunriiMJtly,' IT- WILL BE ft COaXER. THE EXHIBIT AT THK hT.tTF FAIR TO BE THE liCT EVER MADE. Sioux County to be a Winnrr. The nork of getting up tlie exhibit fla ttie state fair is finely. So far none has been brought in to hpeak of but thj material is Ix-ing lK-ated and put in shaie so that it can be had when wanteil. The indi.sitions ore tint it will I by far the finest c ollection ever made in Sioux county, in fai t those who have the work in hand are surprised to (ir.d so many good samples. Th'j work of gathering the products is entrusted to Eli Smith and John ". K!T-p:.c!;er in tlie north part and M. J. Weber will hustle for the good things in the White river anl Cottonwood dis tru ts. Arrangement ill be made so that pro ducts can ! put i:i he car at Crawlord ami Fort H jIiids jII. s that therti will l little trouble if the people of tbos.j local, lies i'o-obr.ittt with Mr, WJ-er in tins work. Em ry one is heartily in favor of the move a ad many have prormseed to mike collections of what they have and from their neighlior's and bring in. Therti is plenty of material with which to win lie! lirst premium if it is only got to gether and with a united effort it can be accompli died. Tllft rnslltulc Tb.i sixth teachers' institute of Sioux county opened on last M mday with a good attendance. It started out with every indication of being the most large ly attended and interesting gathering of ti achu' ever held in the county. Su perintendent Davis has given all to un derstand that those who expect to get lerlilicnt. s uiust comply with the law, and they wiil Iiud that he will keep his word. Th5 instructors are I'rof. Bennett, of I'hadron, und I'rof. Jones, of Hay Springs, and both are doing satisfactory work. Supt. liyvis has (hargo of the history and bookkeeping classes and w hen not thus engaged lak -s his place as one of the teachers. The were twenty-eight enrolled up to Wednesday evening, who names are as follows; lou Wooly, Mlnnc K. Smitli, Louie K. Hester, llatlln M. uVonnnr, M.iWe K. I.owrj , ( lauilie (J. Hester, Amy K. ( hi isll.oi, liora II. ( lirlstiun, li.ilsy M, limn, Hose Woody, Llltbin M. Henry, Alice Thoiiius, Jel M. Harris, Currie I,. Huworlh, Ibdsle Kerifiison, Kudle I.. Devenport, Cora Wurls, Sophia Itoll, Mm llri l.iii'lcimui, Florence ( liristlim, Mrs. Sara Montifomery. OKNTI.EMKV, C. A. (Iirlsllan, Jolm W.Graliutii, Win. Swliibiink, l. A. Ciarten, snin'l O. Jiicoby, II. I.. Flslier, Knfns Woody. AXSCH-'XCMESTS. On Sunday evening Rev. J. W. Ken dall will deliver a special nornion to the teachers, at the M. E. church. On Tuesday evening Prof. Itennett will deliver a lecture on the subject "The Struggle for Existence," On Wednesday evening Prof. Jones will speak on "U. S. Grant." Thursday evening Itev. John Power, of Chadron, will make an address on fin appropriate topic. Friday evening a wocial will bo held. A II of the aliove except the Service Sunday evening, will be held in the court hoiisij and a cordial invitation is extend ed to the public: to attend. All will Id free. What have you not to send to the state) fair? Two more car-loads of cattle arrived ut Andrews from Montana on Monday lor the Agate Sid ings farm. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Jameson, of Chadron, hud the misfortune to lose their infant son by death 11 few days ago. Presiding Elder Julian was here over Sunday to hold quarterly meeting of tlie M. E. chinch. Tim attendance was the largest 011 record at this- pljye and indi cates that the people are not getting any worse. ). M. Suit jir received Iri j letter patent for his device for trimming horses hoofs, a fevv clays ago and went to Chad ron Monday evening ti take ntc p look ing to tha manufacture of the articles, it w omething which will be of use to every horse owner. 1'at Lacy write tlrat he iff on the rond to Sioux county from low and ex pect to reach here about the middle of Sc ptemlier. hi says tlie people wonld be better ol? hero rf they liad raised nothing than they are in Iowa; for here ivoplo have fuel and grass; and no rent to pay.- County Crerk M. J. lllewett and County Attorney clurK, ot Hioux county were guusts at lire Ulaum over Sunday. Mr. hlewett nay llivrit is a good crop of small Rrurrr in Sioux cotmty, Interest lit liTigatioii IS 011 too pii-rei'-su U)f tbere ana tiivi'o m a KUUBrii' f uuiuud lor tlw lukinb' uf urtoiiiiin wcli to demonstraUi wliellrer waiur cuo bo obtained on tin taulv UntJ. Chudroo Wjfiwl. PER'XAE. J V. Earnest was at Five Points Sunday. A. T. Hiighsou was up from A" 'rn- Saturday. Mrs. $. C. D. Il iswt was in Harrison the fll-st of the meek. John Pluukett went to Crawford Tues day evening. Mrs. C. Christensen was the giutcf Mrs 11. R diwer on Wednesday. Presiding Elder Julian was n pl 'as;int call, rat this 01'!;. e Monday. Thomas I!-i.iy was an e ist bound pas senger 51 in lay evening. County Treasurer Woodruff cainc-up M Hid iy to J'wic after oiii . matters. 7 fi. 1 ein I, Henry Erdman and S. L. Kirtley were down from Wyoming on Tiit-sda v. 1). H. Griswold's mother, after a pleas ant visit of some weeks, st ir.e I for her home ut, low.., List evening. Rev. and Mrs. Kendall were the guests of 11.: an I Mrs. S. M. Coffee the lirst of the wi !. Yv. E. Pontius is assisting at Marstell- er Bros, 'while Supt. Lavis is looking after iustituta work. Ed Ca.-e started for his home in Mich, last Monday evening, hut hu will be like ly to 1h.-couio a resident ol Sioux county before many 11100ns. Sheriff itew left for Om.ihi Monday evening wUre he helped yesterday to h aiiic. the men w ho will have charge of the aii'airs of the staid after Jan. 1. ls!i.". Mrs. F. (1. Simmons and children left for their home at Seward last Thursday evening, after a pleasant visit with Till? J.H'Ii.VAL family. Mr. Simmons preced ed Iheiu s imu days as his business de manded his attention. Deuiorralic Mass Convention. To tltti nA-rii of .S'i'o.m' muitly, Xliratika. The uuuel signed, who are supporters and adherents ol the principles ot politi cal economy so ably advocated by Jeffer son and JacKson, Ic-heving that the best interests ot the pccplu require that such principles should be preserved and spread abroad in 1 lie land, lor the purpose ol perfecting a proper organization by which to accomplish this and to bring together all Willing to labor for this great end, hereby request and cordially invite every voter in this county, who is interested in such doctrine, to uttend a mass convention to be held at the court house, at, Harrison, Nebraska, 011 Satur day, Si ptemlier 1, l.VJ-1, ut o'clock, p. 111., for the purpose, of organizing the democratic party of Sioux county, und for tiie purpose of nominating one coun ty ultoiuey, one county judge, and of electing delegates to the deniocrnti; stale convention to lie held at Omuha, delegates to tlio congressional conven tiuu of the sixth district, delegates to the senatorial convention of the 14th district, delegates to the legislative con vention of the Olid district (representa tion to each of said convention as shall be apportioned by the democratic stale central committee uud at times and places w hich shall bo designated) and for the tran.'sictiou of such other business as may come liefore the convention: M.J. lllewett, lleriimn Konralli, James VV . Seott, (o rli .rd liclndcrs, J. K. I'liliiney, Jacob WasserbiirK'T, J. i:. .M..itelier, K. I. Meyer, K. ltoliwer, John m rr. s, lieo. W. MeveilH, Ixitiis Klillln, J. II. Ilnrke, steplien .sei res, Henry Vu.surbirKcr, J.u ksoa Krelsler, Anion lUieln, John T. Fit.Keruld, Henry riekenbrouk, J. W. F.iirncst, M. J. Oavluiit, I.. 1.. W iilianiM, M. ii. Jordan, Frank Kowe, Alvln r. ( lurk, C. F. Coffee, li. J. hhuler, il. 1)., W. 11. Wright, H. 11. Kossell, J. W. Itieedolir, Ouci. II. Turner, It. 1.. Keel, W. I., liovt. Ijirgu iiiantities of fine wild fruits are being gathered and put up by the people which will be very toothsome during the winter. W. T. Jones had the misfortune to lose one of his hordes a fow days ago. the uiiiuial stepped into a hole, fell and broke Hs neck. it is predicted that this season will have u tendency to induce lieller fann ing 111 the future. It is being demon strated year after your that suiaH tracts well tilled yield better returns than iargo tracts indifferently cultivated. Active steps are being taken to re pair tlie damage done to the M. K. church by Him recent storm. Liberal contribution.-! are being made by the people, regardless ol duiiominauuii, und the Ep wwrtn League and Ladioct Aid socieiy are also ussisting in the work, it is the intention to do the job thoroughly or not at alt uud put the building in beller condition than ever belole. It is reported that the sand lulls of Cherry county lire being filled up ivuh cuttle Iruiu tiie eastern part of the statu unci people lire considering tiu plan ot snipping stock to this locality Iroai Iowa us tlie re is no teed there. Some of our people Contemplate, going east 111 the near I ulure to buy cattle to bring lici e so mat it looks us if this country would be pretty well stocked in the near future. J, B. PULNM-iY, M. Hi I lijrii:jan mid Hurircoih All culls Kiii prompt uUcntioni UlIlcB 1.1 iJtlltf Store. HArUUIWNl REIUUUUt fiulepcii lciit ('uunty V . nvi n!! ..1. 1 ind .!,! nl county c-oiK'iitioti w hich was h -Id on Scluid iy was a very tamo iiffur, but six precincts being repre, MiteJ, whi.-li sro Andrew's, Ante op. Hows a, "oltonwood, -White River and Warliomiet. M. J. Wrb. r was made 1 hitirninn, and 15. F. Tliom is. sicvtiy. R 'solutions were a I.ipn 1 in lin w dh tiie Omaha fd iiforu) and Robert Wilson was nomi nated for c- unity judge. W. J. A. R111111. R S Q. !f.,-.i.,':tr; i d M J. W ivr .v.-r- . i.-i-d ,1 ,;-s to the st.i'c u i 1 1.:. ? --.',.! i . nv. ''. . si-, si nil af v.:.t t 1 ..iV'.i a 10 !.i ...-iig-.'h.s, tail tli.ii' pr. i'.-iic. lor '. 11.. a' v is not Iran.. .1. G. Gui brie, Thomas Rjiil y and J. W. Ijuigdoii w 1 r-ele ted to the scnal..r:al ami reprcv n'.ctive . onveiilioo. , a. d are oppos. d to li. (1. M .'.ait. M.J. Wi-Ikt was chairman of tbe c'loniy ivi,l -.I ' uiiiiii.'"!! and 15. F. Thomas, s. . i.-tary. N.i wire ra;s-d ., 0. the fellows v. ho are at til" !ij;;d cl tin: 111a clune into fat places w.lhoiit txp-elise. Not! re nl' Sj ecinl Kt.iHiiaalina "I A; ; a i...S I'm- ( crti!..M:e. tn 'i -i ll. Notice is hereby -jii 1 tn .t tii' ie w ii: be ft s--ei d (".., :iili: l.ti.l l.f I i.i li e school lioiist nl H..rn-iii, N-br j'i., o,. 1'rnl. V, A urrtt. '.'A, 10 id s-, , u, ,! , v t..j , I, IS'.-I, ut w Incil ti-ie' ;;'id ji.,..-e i.i. i,. i-oi.s d.'sjriio: to tench in l!n- .ninMiou s. lino'.- ol si.ii coil.ilv l.n v i-iipi-:.; lnr c.-.-oiiilia- t on new d 1 i:K lo 1 t 'A . Hilled, ll.irnsiel, 'e!i., All"l-t 21, b'd. v . II. nn , Mija rii'tendent ol 1 and.' Jn.; u.-tion. H. I. SML K, Fashionable Barber a Hiir Drcscer. OPEN SUNDAY FROM 9 TO 12. ISAZClItH AN!) SC'ISSOHS ITT IS OKbEK. iil e I me J 11 i I nil. (i. J. SliAFER, 'JIV:'K'! '.N AM) M'ld.KoM, HARRISON, - NEBRASKA. Diphtheria, Rheiinialisiii, Female and all Chronic: Diseases 11 Specialty. Olii. e Sd door nin th of JOURNAL ollice. HARNESS. SHOE SHOP. J. W. SMiTH, Proprietor. New vork and re pairing neatly executed. liood w in k, dood imitci iiil und reasonable prices (.1 AltANTKIIIl. Live me a call. Il.lltl! "lOV, - - Nkiihaska. ALVIN T. CLARK, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW HARRISON, NEBR. Practices in all the courts and before U. S. Land Office. t'-OUico in Court House., 2 Mfi n PLOT LESS THAN HALPTHc: PRICE: Or OTHER BRANDS POUNDS.20 -I-HALVES.IO QUARTERN SOLD IN CAMS ONLY AND '.I'-rV,--1' sBSOlutely SAVE 1 lie test tEWINS MACHINl MADE Money WK OR vtil DE.tI.ETM can Mil too machine ciicapr lhaji jon cert et elaowhorc. The E HOITIE I tar bent, but we make eheper klndj arh (he Clbl.WAX, IHEAI, an thef Hlirh Arm I'ulJ Nickel Plate feewtng machines for $ 1 5.00 and up t'all on oar nueut or write uu. We want yonr trudc, and lr prleen, term and inare dealing will win, we will hT Hi Wo challenge Iho world t produce a BETTKH tSO.OO Bewlnc Machine for $50.00, or a better $0j wing macblne for 20.00 than yo eaa oaf front ne, or our jmei. eraixni um. Borron.Mim. B tno ivjri. If, f .' rmeAi" , uZTrr. ton, o. Dmm. haA TIju New llonic oozing Machine Co.j 810 North lltli St,, St. Loul, Ma 1 Mr mm 1 ' .- .iT54.'l Mm You sec them everywhere, Columbia Bicycles Their sales attest their popularity, Catalogue free at our agencies, or mailed for two 2-cent slanips. ACENCY FCP t -' i CELEErlAVCD K ;SSTSaSHGES tke EiLctST boot in the Wcirui 78,0t MARK CaniKHJLi) The above j.iotnre is intended to call A 1 1 e n TO THE 1'J I55 m l!J u B V,'1 '-i Have the largest and most coinidete stock of BOOTS .A. InTO SHOES Ever oirer. d to the people of Harrison, and we ar confident that we can suit all, both in STYLE AND PRICE. Our stock of Dry Goods, Groceries; Hats, Caps, Underwear and Furnishing goods is Complete. OXjOTSEHLSTQ We have for Men, YOUTHS and Boys, which we are selling at Bargains. We also carry a full line of Hardware, Flour and Feed. MARSTELLER BROTHERS, Harrison, Neb, Mo! Mi L'EALERH IN Lumber, Coal and Farm Implements, Sasli, Doors, Blinds, Lime, Lath and Shingles. Windmill and Pump Supplies. II A ' i:i RON The I t'0M0 nl Ail GOOD TEAMS, GOOD BUGGIES, GOOD ACCOMMODATIONS TERMS REASONABLE. GIVE ME A CALL POPE MFG. CO., Boston, New vorl Chicago, Hartford. on FACT THAT NEBRASKA; Harrison SALE ULJt m HTUCBQ SON, BA1. GEORGE OLINGER.