The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, August 02, 1894, Image 4

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    ' t
TIsScux County Journal.
rHTA8USBKD !& J" ""'
Subscription Price, $2.00
L.J. KiauMHK, . . Editor.
Entered at the Harrison post office im
ec'tMHl cla matter.
Thcbsday, Ai'iii'TT 2, 1H94.
Republic a State ( outeatieB.
Tne republic): elector of tlta .t ita of Xe
tirunks are requested to send dele-;atefroui
their several counties, to meet tn the city
f Omaha, Wednesday, August 2i, 1H, at 10
o'clock, a. m., for the placing lo nomination
candidates for
Lieutenant Governor,
Hec-retary of State,
Auditor of I'ublic Account),
superintendent of Public Instruction.
Attorney -general.
Commissioner of Public Lands and ISuikl
' In.
and to transact such other business tu may
be prencnteo' to the convention.
The several coantie are entitled lo rep
resentation an folio a, being based on the
vote cast for Hon. I. M. Bayaioud for presl
deiitial elector in inn, giving one delegate-
at large to each county and one for each 100 j
vote aud the major f ration thereof :
Del. Counties.
17 Jonn&on
Antelope .
-. 9 Kearney .
Banner Key Palia X
niaine t Keith
Boone 10 Kimball
llux Butte
It row n
6 Knox
6 Lancaster.
Lincoln .
50 Ixiunn .
12 I.oup JZ
14 Madison
Hurt .
at Merrick
Cedar x Mel'hersou
Cll:tie 5 Nance
I'bcyeiiue ii Nemaha. ...
berry. 8 .Nm-kohs
Clay 17 Otoe
f'olfoz 7 Pawnee.
('timing 1'erklns
Hater 1 lli-ree
Dakota.. S I'lx-lp-.
Haves 9 Tlulte 10
Dawson ; Polk H
tieuel i Uixl Willow
Hilton M'Klchnrilsou..,
... if 4
...lo saline . ix
iKiuKiaa .a
Frun tier -
.1 H t'l)V
li launders li,
.. 7 M-on's lUults &
X reward .. H
10 'hertdau ...
M siiernian .. fl
IMoux 2
... ft stanton
I I Buyer 14
L' reeiey
IK Thurston.
ai Valley
w ashliigtoii 12
HayoH J 4 Wayne
Hitchcock K Webster 11
Hooker 1 W heeler
Holt , 11, York 20
iiowara B
Jefferson lb. Total ... . 2
It ia recommended that no proxies be ad
mi t ted, to the convention and that the dele
(ate present be authorized to cast the full
vote of Use delegation.
It farther recommended that the tttate
central committee select the temporary
oriiinUaUa of the convention.
To It. ixxm. Chairman
The republican at Broken Bow are
naming the next cong resttman for tiie
sixth district today.
Tlie convention did Rome party purify
ing last Saturday and as a result the
rfpublecan party in Sioux county will
be more healthy in th future.
The newspaper man no can run a
paper in a small town without making
enemies i entitled to a pair of winjjs;
heaven is bis home, says the Blair Pilot.
There in no denying the fa4 tlwt t'lte
etrrn in ttie eastern part of the tate has
been very seriously damaged by drouth
and to some places it is entirely ruind.
In Io waf IIUikhs awef afl the otfier esist
eni states tlie drouth has prevailed to
tiite an extent. It seeus that north
West Nebraska m alowt s fortunate ati
WMwt ioealitiest
Senator Whisky Vat Alien has asked
for an issue of f50,00ff,00l0i it treasury
Botes to be divided among the several
tetn Hccording to population for tlie
relief of the worthy poor. If the proper
leps btr taken to again start tire wheels
industry there will be bo- worthy poor,
for tbey would all soxm have empkrv
Iwwrt and be in no wed of such rharly
f A (Vi proposes.
L'Ktwfofif m to- be "bkrt" with
HMtm nesvspitpitt malfin-g tlw fourth
"k8 kk. warn" in that eity It is said
! H. (I. fewar wilt father tl infant
Mid 8rk fchtwkk- wtfl have charge of
b mxtmmezt depaitnJerrt. The mater
mt to ?- m4 m thu new plant will be
tfcwt formerly moi by A 1 Bwtrfflart
s erittw peMies&WT of the- rfarrtaoit
eowwty? iMdejasndg (h
MM fttwir will be feofe4 tv thv ifer
ewfc of th mdepemleiit paiy .rdtB
, CtMgfmtamm Jteiklejiobw hut Mrftdoc
tmW wMeir provide ttet ecy for
KiSW whoeomes lo thie eootrtry gheM
t ewbjbej to tttrHV of m. the
CMMMw imy be onry erode aad i mmy
, tJt tt Ctw ekvav exactly beAHiiea(efhi
Cyt$ rtio If it Jt
wanted rtanry be tbo Meawrof
( "rjW dH- better. If rMf
' J to & MttitUay MTOTt be
,7 a i..r a ttavide
China aoj Japan have fone to war
and )iiie pretty bird fl'Uinjr ha been
done. It may be that they will keep il
up until some of th European nations
become involved or they reali
thut the sooner war bet-ome uuknoun
tlie better.
It takes a good deal of gull for a fal
low to bolt the action of the republican
party iu one campaign and then tlie next
year want to be recognized an the dicta
tor of the party, especially when ha
ouly g t sixty-one votes in the whole
county Iist fall.
The indications are that notarifTbill
will be passed by the present congress.
The president and tle house are deter
mined that Dothing but the bill parsed
by lite house hhall be made a law and
the senate takes a very decided position'
in favor of the amendments made to it.
Tlie prospects seem g mm! for a deadlock.
Col. V. L. Green does not projiose
that Keiu bliall have the pop nomination
for congress, evea jf ie to take it
himself. Ami in the event that he lat
ter contingency hiils to cenner t, he pro
poses that Judge Holcomb shall liave the
noniiiialion. AH of which suggests that
Holcomb is liatie to get into trouble. Il
is prtK).sed to keep him on the bench.
make a supreme judge of him, nominate
him for congress, elect him for governor
and transplant him to the United States
senate. Just how this is all going to I
done without cutting him up into little
pieces and utilizing the parts separateh
is what the Hid) wants to now Kear
uey Hub.
The meeting of the legislative commit
tee of the Northwest Nebraska Irngi
tion Association at Harrison ou Tuesday
is the beginning of a move of great im
portance to tlie people of this and other
western counties of the state. During
the past year a number of org.inizitions
have Wn made for tlie advancement ol
the irrigation interests of the tate, but
the Northwest organization is the
pioneer in the work of legislation mid
therefore takes the lead. The condition
in 'the eastern part of the state ha
brought the people -of that locality to
realize that tliey too tire interested in
the matter and it behooves them to get
arrangements made which will make a
total crop failure from lack of moisture
impossible. In order to encourage the
investment of capital in irrigation works
legislation must be had which will give
the investor some protection. Now is
the time and the extreme northwest
association lias set tlie ball in motion
which w ill roll until tlie needed law is
made. The committee who have the
matter io charge are men of standing,
ability aud energy and it only needs the
hearty co-operation of all w ho are inter
ested ia tlie prosperity of the state to
carry tlie . work to success. If eacl.
locality goes to work independently to
secure tlie laws needed by it the legisla
ture will be flooded with bills on the
subject of irrigation aud the probable
result would be but little good law on
the subject. If a united etl'ort is made
and one good bill drafted which will
cover the' demands of tlie entire state
and be drawn up by good legal talent so
tliat it will not be knocked out in the
courts it can be made a law without
trouble and then prosperity will prevail
where today there is failure. It is not
the west alone but tlie entire state
which i to be benefited.
Import Him at Omi-.
Inter Ocean.
It is good news that the Commissioners
of Immigration huveisolved on the de
portation of Mowbray, the inglish
anarchist wlio bun kiiuled in New York
m contravention of law, and who inso
lently has liled "lirst papers" of applica
tion for naturalization. The fellow has
been convicted and imprisoned for crime
n England, and, therefore, ia contraband
and tins- is no time for dealing tenderly
with the murderous scum of European
capitals. We have a law prohibitory ol
of tlie importation of Hitch stuff, and it
is a k that should be enforced to the
letter. Almost without exception the
men who have bee active io plotting or
prompt in executing lawless- boycotts,
and violent assaults in propagation ol
tlietn are of foreign' birth or parentage.
With one exception all of those who
were hanged for complicity in tin; Hay-
market ma suite re were foreigners. From
Most to Mowbray all tlie noisy promulga-
Ours of undmgutsed aoarctry are foreign
ers. Jtowbray should- be arrested and
returned to England at once.
To the intruntrioini and rirtirouw hn mi
grant this contitry stiH offers n hearty
welcome and- a pleasant home, but. it has
noplace for tfw foreign-born pauper,
the foreign-born' criminal, the foreign
boriT laborer who m brought here under
contract to work tot less than the Amer
ican wage fa, or for the foreign-born
anarchist.' '
tkefeV AHfay Keafww.-
It m ao easy thing to iroionnt for the
wonderful growth of the Dairy 8tat
Jourhol recently. Its price ha been re
duced to W cents per month' without
Sunday,' or (Hr centa with' Sunday . The
Journal baa arwwyr been- reliable awl
hoMt, prhttiatr the rtewr wrthouf rear
orlavor. The atont of Nebralc r-
UcaMtat, aKf when the' ft Of fhj
JowtMtf wa routed toAmfiio Htf
tnmtKMfifumtm fan-
Irrlratlos It Lssatlal.
tl'ieUu Call.
The extreme luit weather of yesterday
set ail people to thiuking who had fore
most in their minds th welfn-" -1
ra ska. We have not suffered iuiii
as other states, especially just east of us.
It is freijuently remarked that the coun
try adjacent to the great streams always
has sul'icieut raiulall, but tins is not
true. No country lias sulfered more
from the absence of rain than eastern
Iowa, eseciaHy along the Missouri
river. This as well as oilier well found
ed experience goes to prove that irriga
tion wouTJ render valuable service to
the farmer everywhere. In Nebraska, if
we maintain our present land value in
the more improved jiurlions of tlie state,
and render valuable a vast extent of ter
ritory embracing more than one-half the
entire sUte, '.he question of water stor
ige and irrigation must be scientifically
solved. The tojiography of Nebraska is
eminently fitted for irrigation purjioses,
and a-sufficient quantity of water is in
reach. What is tiie next tliiug to lie
done"? Rather, what is the first thing lo
I; done? Colorado lias accomplished
wonders along llu sides of the mountain;
barren rugged patches here and there
have been made as fruitful as Eden of
old, though it required from three to
live times the outlay it would require
here in Nebraska to secure ten times as
many acres as the same amount of water
could be made to irrigate in Colorado.
Why delay this matter longer? Why
not the press, public men, Mlitical, so
cial, religious, all organizations of men
and women agitato this question?
purely a social question. When a
proached in a scientific and business
manner it will appear easy of solution.
Experiments in several counties of the
state already show the w isdom and easy
means at liand to secure the most excel
lent results. The parched condition ol
large sections of tha state at this time
and the same condition in many of the
same counties last eaf and two years
ago phophesy for the future as to just we may expect, while the abandon
ment of portions already settled by
.sturdy farmers emphasize the necessity
of grappling with the cold fact that
soiuetliiug must be done, and that irn
gation is tlie means, j,he hoeol all loyal
citizen of this commonwealth il Ne
braska should support her shnre of the
world's population and grow in wealth
ivilh her sister stales. We have no coal,
no ores, and little else of mineral re
source, so fur us we now'know of, hence
the necessity of making tlie most of our
agricultural resources. A little less
politics, a great deal less talk on the fool
silver questiou aud more, inliuitely more
norse-sense discussion of the irrigation
question and Nebraska will blossom a
the rose.
Until After Election.
The present campaign is of unusual in
terest to Nebiaskans. Not only will a
lull set of state olliccrs be elected, but a
legislature will be elected that will
choose a United Stales senator. The
Slate Journal, located at tlie capital,
can give you all this news more fully
and more reliably than any other paper.
t comes twice a week and will be sent
until after election for only 25 cents.
Newukka State Joiknai.,
Lincoln, Neb.
To oar German Headers,
The publishers of this paper have made
special arrangements with the publishers
of the German Lincoln Freie rYesse. bv
which both papers togetlier may be hail
(or $2.50 per ear. The Kreie VVesse is a
uo-purtisan paper and contains a full
report of new s 1 rom the old country, a
weeKiy review, a serial story, several
short novels, and last but not least.
carefully written editorials pertaining to
matters ol special interest to the Oer
mans of our state. Iocal happenings
from onr county wiH. lie . reported by a
German correspondent and ill be piib
listied in the r reie Presse. Hubscriulions
w ill be received at this otlice. Old sub
scriber of or paper will get a receipt
for a years ituescription for the Kreie
Presse upon payment of 51 cents and
new ones may subscribe for Isilh papers
for one year by payimf "2.50 t.t our
Brst Iine to the East,
Tl Burlington Route B. &. M. R. R
is running elegantly equipped jassenger
trainwi witlKitrt rising frnn Newcastle,
Wyomir- arsl Crawford, Nebraska direct
to Lincokif Nebraska, making connection
at that point with tlieir own through
trains for Denver, Cheyenne, and all
points-west,- and; for Kama Crty, St.
Joseph, St Lotriii,- Onralia, Peoria Chi
cago,' and all points east.-
Remenrber this in the only line by
which you carf taVe (deeping car from
Crawford in the evening arriving in In-
colw and Omaha tlie next afternoon, and
in Chicago,- Peoria awl Si I.oui tlie fol
lowing morniftjr.-
For rurlher iritoriWt'tion and (ifkefii ap
ply to' nearest agcirtj of Burlington
Route B. A M. R. R.
WW, ,
ww i w
SIO Rewaid.
Will be paid to the subscriber who will
send us the first correct list of t!e three
men w ho will be uominated for governor
in this stale by ttw three parties ths
year in the regulsr state conventions.
Ei' li guess to he accompanied by a cam
paign subscription to the Weekly Bee
with 25 ceuts. This subscription will
entitle you to the Weekly Ilee from
July 1 to lkH-emlier 1. An old suliscrib
er can send in his guew and receive
credit for it and have th pajer sent to
any address he may see lit. Tlie award
will lie made immediately after the last
of the three st.ite conventions have
adj lurued. In case no correct guess be
sent in, tlie iiuiity "ill be awarded to
the first guess uearest correct. Awards
will le made only on the choice of each
convention and not on the result of any
action taken after the adjournment 4f
tlie convention.
Send in your guess in the following
si m ie.
t.uesscr's Name... ...
P. (I
HejMibiican nominee
iH-mncratlc nominee-
Populist nominee.
Unless otherwise directed, the paper w ill
he sent to the name and address of the
Address onlcrs mid guesses to
Omaha, Neb.
Notice No guesses will lie received
after August 10.
A Surprise for otir Ormau Krntlrrs!
The Lincoln Fieie 1'res.sp, the Ust (ier
mau pitper in the wef, oilers to all sub
scribers a new premium book; "I'cr
lleiitchen Ilausfrnu KiK-hbuch" neatly
bound, containing !i0() jwgei pages. SO
cents p.iys for the m er for one year and
the lo"k is giveii uway free upon receipt
of 111 els. for postage. fSul4cnptioris le-
ceive 1 at our ofltce only. Hubst:rilw for
Ihr, Fit if prvHur and TlIK SlM X CufSTY
Klniy N til Ire,
I aken tip oy tin ninli rv-1 n s n I on lil prciii
Isist on section 2, tiiA'nMtiip .fc;,rrtrtjse W, in
sionx county, .Ni brnsk.i. on Mv.'W, lf. one
tmv llllej-, il)i)Mmeil to ! i yeurs nlil, no'1 iierceiVKljIe. S. W. II all.
lintel June so, lM. 'iXA,j
S'nlice to Ijii.iI llwiicrs.
To 1) to whom it may concern :
in coiiiniiHKioticr up(sitntwt U view ft
rouil coiiniienciiiK t a piliit 21 roils wen of
the norltieast corner ol wction 6, township
:tl, iuiik'' .VI, In Wsrlsinncl precinct, Sioux
county. Net,., running thence mjuIIi il roils
co inHTi-i ro.wi so. x mis rcnorl-cil In
favor of the estHhllshment theruof. nnt nil
ohjectloiiH Ihcrelo or cUlnii p-r italicizes
iiuii m' uh'u in me (uiiniy cier s oitii'fi on
or lie! ore mxin of the 'i'tli ly of ncloh' r.
A. II., K!., or said roud w ill sj est.ilitisIieU
linoui relerenc inereto,
M. J. Klkwrtt,
il" S0J Cotiiily t'lerlc.
final Proof Polices.
All person having llrml pnsf lifrtlces in
this paS'r will riK'nive n imirkinl copy if Hie
paper mid lire ri-ij nested to exmiuue their
notice and if any errois enlft report the
sutne ti this office at once.
Noftce for I'ul'liaitimi,
Ijind Office at ( "hud rem, Nc1,., f
Julys, WM. )
Notice is hereby Klven Unit the followlnif-
named settler has Med notice fit liMlnl.-n
tioti to iniike iliidl proof In suiiihii t ol Ins
claim, and tlist said tTtxf will lx- iimde Is-
lore i it ru iii-ii h i Lourt at thtriison,
.NehrHska, on August )l, ( riz:
Minnie Jleiinis, of Iliirriui, Neb.,
who nmdc H. K. 3M7 for the lot 1 we. : uint
lot nnd se. U anr. . see. sii, In . rf. SS.
He iiiiines Hie foliowlnu wlt,i.-s.- lo nrve
his coniuiKoiiH residence iiimjii mid cmliva-
tion of, n;iid hinri, viz:
Andrew .Nci.inle y, Josenh W. Kinu-t
lioliiof llrtrriw.n, .Vi'h., l llni Ames, i,.-orK,-
r.iittienr'H'n i , ooitt ,l isoy vine, ,vel. nhui
Fnince A. Ulii of Hnril-un N'di.,
who mini,' l. K. fMt for the e, U nw. mv.
V, I p. SI, TK. hi.
lie names the followlnif llTie- toiirove
his coritiiiiioos rewldence upon mid cnitlva-
iiiu n. niiiii liinii, vtz :
Jhiiiihi Nolan, A. 14. Dew. Walter Wofalruir.
Kva .Voiinf all of Harrison, Sell.
l-t H,--fis,.r.
Vtitlc for I'tilillrntlim.
Ixind (Iffice at Aliinnc-i, I
June :, IsW. 1
Nirtiee ts h.,-,-b' irlven that the followinir
nauiisl i'tiler has fHeO notice of liu hiien.
turn In niiilrp fiiu.1 proof lu support ol hi.
claim, ami thai sid prool M ill l-made Oe
lore I lei k liislrlct ( otrrl at ; 1m rrl.ti , i-li.,
ou Anxosl , lw.4, vis.
.Mm T, fiuvral I. gnttrillKii of Wlllism V.
'ily.Si'rld, of limliirr, Xeli.,
who mwle II. K. 1W, for llw c. hi nw. i. ft w.
J, nv. i, m-f. l, tp. M, rx. M,
He name the loliowuiir witteiH to nrnvc
his eoiitiimo'.is reiioencu Dkii and culrtva
tlon of said laud, vier
John w. Ilnnl.r. Joint Mack. -Ale rainier
Steele, Astrls-Mlrhm, all of IKslare, Nel,.
Sherlfl" Sah-r
ny rlrlw of hh Ord'-r (if sn. rflre'cle-1
to me Iroin the Clerk of tire llltrii l
court of Honi I'oimly, Xrhrasks, on a
Jmliniiriit olitalneit In mild I ourt on the
rltteenlh day of May, A.- it. lm, In favor
of llerls-rt hM'hhtiia, s plnlTHlrr, nnl
nitHliist Andrew IMhliiian ant Alinina I'tihl
man, as il. fvtidantit, for Hie sum of fmir
hniidi'iit, nineteen and a1 Km doHurm retlUjU),
wlfti Interest thensni nt the ratm ot lo per
ce'iit per nnnmn from dnt of said decree,
anil eil.Mrnosfs of siitr, i nit accniiiiir cir-ts
J have levied-im the tin' fnihiwluir diun-nlwd
real estate an the property f the alild
defendant Hot icitlsfy satit irhr of iMiie,
to-witr The aontlrwent ipmrft-r (SVi4) or
mvtvm tweuty In tuwieahip thirty
three (.HI), nortlr of ranire rttty rtve mmi)
west of tlie sixth iiy V. M.,' isioirx coun
ty,' Hehraska,- ni- w ill' offer Mm same
tor o.tin Ur Uie hlal.e bliPh-r lor cinh
in- hati'f oiv
ovoAf ,-Aronrr Mr,- twit,
at! one' rt'clnclry . nt.,- of said1 rruy t
rite front door or m roort house of
Man roiriiTT, Mebnuika,' at' Harrlsoh, that
hetny nm mntrrhigr hi which the Inst
term of ta inutile t vxrrt for mm county
ww tteM. W mftafjr aht Judfincnt and
eoata' and; aocrelnr eot, at irhlrh thA
amr lace 4w attendanee rlll be fiven
Xtf-Wb tttMlerttfned'. . .
Mitad, MarrUoit. yebraaka, Mi
Sioux County,
Free Homes for More
Than 5.000 Men.
A new county with
schools, churches,
railroads, etc.,
Contains over forty-five miles oi
railroad and has no county
Fuel, Posts, Log and Lumber Cheaper
Than at any Other I'laee
in Nebraska.
Sioux county is the northwest county
of Nebraska. It is n!otit thirty miles
east and west by ubiut seventy miles
north and south and contains
OVER 1,300,000 ACRES
of land. There are more bright, sirk
ling, small streams in the county tlinn
can be found in the name im-a elsewhere
! in the Mute. It has more pine timber in
it th in all the rest of tin? state combined
Its grasses are the richest mid must nu
tritious know n so for sbx-k-growing
it is unexcelled.
The soil varies from a heavy clay to a
light sandy loam nnd is capable of pro
ducing excellent crops.
The principal crops lire smull grain
and vegetables, ul though good corn is
grown in the valleys. The wheat, oats
rye and barley are nil of unusually line
quality and command the highest mar
ket prices.
The water is pure and refreshing and
in found in abundance in all parts of the
The county is practically out of debt
and has over forty-five miles of railroad
within its borders, has a good brick court
house and the nectmsary fixtures for run
ning the county and there has never
been one dollar of county bond issused
and hence taxes will be low.
The Fremont, Elkborn & Missouri
Valley railroad crosses 8ioux county
from east to west nnd the H. & M. has
about fifteen mile of its line id the
northeast part of the county.
The climate is more pleasant than that
of Uie eastern portion 0'iNehra.ska,
There is still
over 600,000 acres
of land in Sionx county yet oj,en to
homestead entry. It is better Innd and
more desirably located than that for
which such ruslies are made on the open
ing of a reservation; There is no mil
road land in the county and for thut
reason its settlement has been slow for
no special effort to get Settlers was
made, as was done in the early day of
the settlement of the eastern part of the
Uood deeded land Can be purclrased nt
rcasontibhj rates with government land
adjoining so Unit a prm ft ho want
more than one quarter section can obtain
it if he Iftn a little means.
Tliefts nro about 2,500 people in the
county nnd lliere is room for thousands
Harri .on is the county Aeat ami is sit
uated on tlm F. B. & M. V. railroad, and
is as good a town m the thinlv fettled
country demands.
School houses and churches ah' pro
vided in id most every settlement and are
kept up with the times.
All who desire to get a or
bny band cheap lire invited to como nnd
see the country for flnsrusflveirand judge
of its merits, lloniesle.ids will not Is?
obtainable mm h longer and if voir want
to oe jvmr right and got (K) acres of
ran fWHr t-rete Sam free it in lime vou
were about it.
K 3r
rn'rVbiiiie'f'Varlt and CoMr Votif r'rVl'iM
. vht the
V".?ri aaC?- I MILi i W
Wnle for Catalogue to
Cbhico. 111.
Jlil.lM l-V A sjovKK
llnnismi, Ni lir.
us 11 follow iuu bliiud ;
Your Watch
Insured Free.
A perfect insurance against theft or accident
it the now famous
the only bow (ring) which cannot be pulled
or wrenched from the case. Can only be f"
had on casta containing this trade mark.
mice ar
Keystone Watch Caae Company,
of Philadelphia.
the oldest, largest, and most complete Watch
Case factory in tbe world 1 500 employees J
aooo Watch Cases daily.
One of iu products it the celebrated
Jas. Boss
Pilled Watch Cases
wh' ' are just as good as solid cases, a4
con about one half lets;
Sold by all jewelers, without tstra charge
for Non-pull out bow. The manaraetvrer
Will Miid yon st wateh ease opener freav
toTCnr.o Cfoilnse ......(Jovei nor.
T. J. lHjin-s...j....l,leuteiiaiil ,overnor
J. (,'. Allen secretary of state'
KuenC Mmire Auditor'
Joseph H. Hartley . Treasurer
li. M.llHstttiKst Attorney (ii'iiernf
A. It. Humphrey... Ijind iintiiintoner
A. K.lloudy siiil. pnblic Instmrtioir
f O N ( i It 1 0 S A I. f K I . V. ( I A T I S :
C. ft Mandcrsoti t'. s. M-nalor, uiiinhif
Win. V. Allen.... r. H. heimlor, Miidlaoit
W. J. Iiryan, I onifn'ssumii int Dint., I.tneolu
I). II. Mercer, " M " Omnliir
li. II. Melltlejofin " .v! Kitllerloir
K. J. 1 1 nine r, ' 4th ' Aurora
IV. A. McKlerflmu, " Rlh " lied I'loinl
O. M. Hem, " r,th " Dfolceii How
T. I. Nornl.i hli f Jiisllce, Kewnnf
A. M. I''et .Assis lule Judjsc, ColniiilitK
T. f. '. Ilurrlsoii As'te JudKe, i.rmid Ulamf
l. A. (.'hiii)1m'II.. Clerk nnd l(eKrier, Lincoln"
il. I. Kluknld Jmlire, O'Neill'
Alfred ll.ulow t.i.. ( had rott1
M. J. Ift'writ fieri!, Harrison-
coevrr oKncEits:
Itols rt WiWm connty Judp1'
M.J. IHewett. ....Cleric
II. S. WotrlriilT rie.iHiirer
If. II. Davis... Sitpt. Public Inslnntlo
A. K. Hew...- sheriff
J. K. I'liinncy ...Coronei'"
s. I.. Kills surveyor
M. J Blectt.., I'lcrk of Jiisirletf oiiri1
H. T. l'mley county Attorney'
rrnnlr Tlnaiuim Hislricr
M.J. Wels-r (chairman) "
Hi-nJ. P. !o?iitrii ...:...1VI "'
n. to. Stewart. .soirntor, Hit So. )4,Cr,,v fitt
J. H. Wori..ltep., Di.t, Ko.M.-Hay f)riiiit- .
, Vf l.t.AUK OrKICKKSr
H. tf. f.ri.wol'1 (chairman) .w ..Trust-. t
K. Kotrwer ... ... . "
J. W. scoit ...
M. J. Blewett ..-
Conrad l.hideiriHh "
I. . J. hmiioii . ................... ;, rlf
V. A. H-rer Treasurer"
J. I. Jinvls.... ..strei-t ('mnniKK'ner
, ... "tl lKHir. OKI K KlrS:'
J. W. soott.....j... Director"
J. K.. Marsielier MmleriiK f"
. W. Hi'tv Treni'in
. , , M'sfiFf -ir'R'rr
Hlslrlct f ourt,-At nnrriwm,- d'Airtii'ioV
Hay lt and voveinticr Iih, it t.
IVm-niv 10111-t, At flarrnon, vtrftnllvVl,
flrnt Mutiitiiv of each month.
. . . fi'rr ifi 11 rs and v'n. ttrs m
M.-lt. I hiiTch -Pr,ioliln each nJtV'riinl
nwly at 11 :mi ii. ni yand every Sirtidnv eceM
In-Ht7:iw. Kr.v.J. W. Krsi.Ai.i., paniV.r.
MethwllnrKunilay sciumiI meets every siiilc
dy inoriivir r w ).
i. K. MAasTKi.rrn, , w. fi.fuvisV
MPRl'Inten'lAR'r.- rvM.'
P." ra")P. So. ft. meet- oh fife fbif
ailiT tmnr ntnf day event, iu. of enew mnntrt1'
J: fr. rtnwmr.- , y.- rovrira,
Cil-rlt.- Cotivfubi'.
i -j. - o wBTrr f.K.vAi r..'
WyAHolml meetlna; every miViitay evmilria
;fM. l aMnei! meerin Ok ean of jtreWT
.k- i -rTT mmtm" .
lfm. -W.-tf.-DAviay . rrealtlenr.
' '.'x-V ,' .V- . is; "i'w."iv'
fmSzst tOi tx mm ti him
air 1'
-A :