" S-lt.H'e ImI George Eliot used to any that to her tb bMt teat of a hoi.s-kwj-r wag uoi tho mwinw in which tier kuciirn 01 timing room was ktt, but the way Is whieu bed was ma le np. Although It Mem a very simple matter, there ta really a (Treat dral of art in making up a bed properly, and as it it a pic o( fumitora on which we spend oq an av rape one-third of our time it u worth all the attention tbatcaibe bes oaed od It. PIERCE CURE to ttt BfTToun, delicate woman, auflering Iron femal complaint." 11 nvularitv, or waakjMMi. in ewy -xhaut.l coiiiiitii n of Ukr female vUm, lr 1'mt'i.s ravsrita Fwnpuim lit an invigorating rwiiorutive Vrtitc, ritu-d to tlie iiwb of iitirsiii;; mother, and wunuu apprnenbiiiji; cunliwnieut Svulh lirrul, I'acinc Co., WeuK Da. K. V. Pierce, ftuflal.i. ,V V. : if :ir vr 1 txpan tak lu 'iur " Favorite Fre , i l,u,,n " tin- Brut mono, of pn-Knaiic y, fuxl huve c-ontiiiu.-d takUitf it um' contliu-meiit. 1 dll not t iT-i-M'no the nuuM-a fir any of U ail- Dt-riu line to pn trnan ty, alter 1 l jfnn inking your I rtwripWon." I w unly in llir a abort timt. and tbe pbvaieian i .. ul. , ..... Mas. Raker. uaually w,.l. We think It aavel me a (th-hi d-aJ of uf fnnjr. I waa trntibl4 a irreat deal with lu coimca alio, and It haa done a world of good lor me. Kln rely voura. Ma. W. C. BAKER. The Greatest Medical Discovery of the Age. KENNEDY'S MEDICAL DISCOVERY. DONALD KENNEDY, OF ROXBURY, MASS., Ha discovered In one cf our common pasture weeds a remeJy that cures every kind of Humor, from the worst birofula down to a common Pimple. He has tried It in over eleven hunJred cases, and never failed except in two uss (both thunder humor). He has now in Ins possession over two hundred certificates of Its value, all within twenty miles of Boston. Send postal card for h ok. A benefit is always experienced f'om the first bottle, and a'perfect cure is war ranted when the right quantity is taken. When the lungs are affected it causes shooting; pains, like needles passing through them; the same with the Liver or Bowels. This is caused by the ducts being stopped, and always disappears in a week after taking it. Read the label. If the stomach Is foul or bilious it will cause squeamish feelings at first. No change of diet ever necessary. Eat the best you '.an get, and enough of it. Dose, one t.ib'espoonful in water at bed time. Sold by all DniKKists. KNOWLEDGE Bring comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet ter than others and enjoy life more, with leas expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best product to the'needa of physical being, will attest the Talue to health of the pure liquid laxative principle embraced in tha remedy, Hyrup of Figs. It excellence is due to Its presenting la the form most acceptable and pleaa at to the taste, tbe refreshing and truly beneficial proxrtie of a jwrfect lax tire; effectually cleaning the system, dispelling colds, headaches anil feyen and permanent! curing constipation. It has giveu satisfaction to millions and net with the approval of the medical profession, becauM- it acts on tbe Kid neys, Liver and ISowels without weak ening them and it U perfectly free from very objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug gists in 60c and$l bottles, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Hyrup Co. only, waose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept anv subatitute if offered. The Bt. Joseph and Grand Island R, B SHORTEST and QUICKEST LINE TO ILL rolKTl NORTH WEST EAST SOUTH srr Union Pacific Sjstem .. ia rai nroini sut- IfcflBlUocata, Orsfoa and all Weatarn Points KTikttnaatlra Moral"! nt"'r:;'?li " av'Araaa any aaenl or S. M. Oea'l Masai. J(M'hM . Paaa. Act. , Ma A Prdf s Breiirftltrj. gUmim, Inn Gl,.u..lon, HIAIew AiA ... t v M-nt far HMW or Blcud! of araw "'' " V "".J I"," I THE ARNOLD CHEMICAL CO, as? I III Western ani, CHICAGO. KEUPER HALL ""V.0" A MYI' MOAWOINC SCHOOL. Bwraaa H-pfaib"' is. ism. rwCiUKau.. aartr.i. Eavrw Kay "aa. X MMaallva and people kokata weak lonaior Ailb na.akaaMaaa plan a Car tor Coniaaiatlon. II baa aan IAiaiaMW. It baa nHllJu 7A on. U la n bart Ki late. 1 la lb bat romh .r. Held avarynbare. MLKACLfc) IN MISS0UK1 n achietemtitti f Medical Scieac Par ore Wonderful than the Magic ol tha EasL Remarkable EaprrWno of -iaa ter Woodaoo, of Faaama, Mo. fee Ten Vvara a Cripple To-ly m Well and Hearty Man. iFrom the h'tnaae CHy Times.) Tie jieople of Rich Hill, Mo., and vl ein.ty havo recently W-cu ot irtlei by a t-.i,ir.g uirac.e of heal u' Kor years oiie of the lie-t-knowu men iu fiatos and Vernon o.iutiu, h,, in .Murk M. Wcxxis n, now btinaslnr ut I'ani. ma, and brother o, ex-.-i'ato : tiisjiector of ."nines ('.('. Wo.Kioii, of tub. city. ( '1 he puopl 1 of Kich 1 'i I, where he for merly itj-Kie.l, aim o- hi., pierent luiiue irmeiiit) r well ti, bent form, mi-M-hapci. almost from t .o s lublauce of man, which lias painfull, bow, d iU : head hitif to eartli ami .aliored bnail ilke ai-ro-s the a,H f.e.i,. i: after he- win. and when on, dav lust month it . i.a.rlitiied t i itk height, threw away the heavy butt of earn; iihicli for yen-- had Ih;.-h it. only Mi),pnt Irom total he pi -Rill--., and" walhed erect, tirinly, unhei-itatiiij ly & out the two cit:e. peu, iu lo.ki aim wondered. Tlie ittory of U,,. rmoarnaiili; eao has U eonie the marvel of ' he t o counties Kxai tiy a Mr. Wood.4011 toid it ;o a Tiiiio r.-.orU;r. it in Iiere puidished: J "i or ten jear. I have suffered the j torments of t, 0 damned and i,av I oen a,.selriMj invalid, txi-uay I am a well and hearty man, free from aiu ost every I touci, of pain. I don t thin man ever . uitered more acute and constant ai'ony than 1 have Hin.e ls-i. 'I he rlieuma 1 tisin blurted then In inv 1 l-ht knee, ami after weeks of u T. 11' in ix d 1 : ; at last relieved i!ho ently to arise, hut it was oi.lv to get aixmt on 'crutches for l.vo year-, 1 he ailment I having setth-d in the joint. I.espite coiir-ta t t eatment of t..e most emi , nent ph.iciaii the rheumatism grew : wois-e, and for the las', four years I hav been coin;'llt;d Jo go about bent ! half toward Ue ground. In the winter i of s:hi-.i1. a'ter the heu.nati m had ' settlod into its nioxt chronic form, I went to Kansiu. City uiion advice of my b other, and for six weeks I was ti eat ! f(i in one of the lar" si and bo-t-known I ilisiMtiiMti'los of that city, but without tne slightest improvement before I ! .amii home I seci.reil a strung caU anio jba-ti-ry: this 1 Uceil for months w th j the same result. In August, lH'J.', I I went to .-st. Louis, and thure conferred I with the vvid, ly known Dr. Mudd, of ; Hospital practice lame, and l)r. Kale, tif the city iioapital. None of tliein would take my case with any liope of -a'toriiin me more than temporary re lief, and so I came home, weak, doubled ,with pain, helplosn and .lospoiidcnt. j "AtKjut this lime my attention wh called to the aeci uist of a remarkable iMiro of locom.itor ataxia, rheuina tism and paralysis by i)r. Williams' I I "ink 1'iils for 1 ale. 1'euplo. I ordered : iMne of the pills as an experiment, I When 1 began to take them, tho rheumatism had deveioie,il into a phae of paralysis: inv leg, from tho lilii'hdown waa cold all the time and ! could not be 1 opt warm, in a short time the piils wore gone, and so wast I the cane. I was abwj to attend to the 1 duties of my ollh e, to get about an a j well and strong man. I was freo fi om j (iain and I could enjoy a sound and j restful niht s sloop, something I had , not known for ten year. To-day am practically anil, I urmly believe, 1 er iinanently cured of . my torribio and agonizing ailment. No magician of ;the Far Ksht ever wrought tho mira 1 '.!! with bin wand that lr. William Tink fill . did for me." I To verify the storv lievond all ques tinnof doubt. .Mr. VVoodson made the following affidavit; STATU of Missol'HI, ( COt NTV Of Batks ' I, M. M. Woodson, beii gduly sworn, my oath state that the following itatometilH are true and correct, as I ie ily btdiove. M M. W'uonsox. s-uliserilieii ami sworn to bo fore me ihi ::d day of March. I -!.4. John I). MihiHK. .Votary l'libl'c. I)r. Williams" i 'ink filif for i''ale People are manufactured by the Dr. VVilliaruH Mod cine t'orupuiv. Sche nectadv. N. Y., and are sold onl. in boxes bearing the firm trade mark and wrapper, at ."ill cents ;t box. or six boxes fo t-.. 0. Hear in mind that Dr. Williams I ink l'ilh- are never sold in Oulk or bv the do.en or luimlrcl, and tnv dealer who offers substitutes in I this form is trying t; defraud you and thould Im avoided. Dr. Wil iains'l'ink I 'ills may be hiwl of all druggists or di rect by mail from Dr Williams' Modi ;ine Company. To heek n RiinawHy Htirae. As soon us the driver sees the dispo ilti'n to run In the horse he is driving, et him begin the rapid jerking first on jne line and then on the other, not rently, but with such force as to bring -.he bridle bit from one eide to the jtlier through the horse's mouth. This new motion so confuses the animal that all other fear is taken away. From many years driving 1 have never found this method to fail on the most refractory horse. Of course, you should never drive any horse without the beet of strong leather, that will stand any strain you need to put on it. A, H. Van Doren, in Farm and Fire Ide. Tender new peaa are appetisingly erred in case. These are made of mashed potatoes stiffened with a little flour and baked in fluted cake tins, the center tilled with a bit of bread. This is then removed and the peas poured in. A business man usually prefers tell ing a lie to answering a lot of ques tions. The Strawberry Plant. Strawberry plants should be set out early, junt as soon as the ground will permit, so as to give them a good start early in the spring. The spring rains re of the greatest advantage, as the strawberry plants do not thrive in very dry weather. Should tbe season be dry, however, after the plants are well un der growth, cultivate between the rows frequently, which will greatly aid them to secure and retain moisture. DOMSTIC ECONOMY. TOPICS OF INTEREST TO FARMER AND HOUSEWIFE, A Xotabla Illuatratlun of What May fl AcstsomplUhcd from a Kmall Aereaa;--Tho Outlook In titse Culture KmpId( Craaa Out of Corn farm Note. A I'roHtatilr Thrfsv-Atre farm. A notatile illustration of what may 1 be ac ompllshed at a comparatively small cost from a small acre age Is presented in the very successful experiment jierfortiied by Mr. J. It I orst of Greetitown, Ohio, the owner and manager of what is claimed to lie the largest celery farm under a tdngle control in th- L'nited j Htates. His home, however, is on j what he is pleased to call his "Three-. Acre Farm." irom these Jhree. acres, he ium estly says, he believe ! he wcures gu.te as good ret urns as ; do some farmers from ten times the acreage, ami that to . wl h an ex penditure of labor which amounts to little more than that required by ordinary morning and eveniug chores. . ( ne of the three acies is o cupied b, the home, the outbuildings, poultry yard, vegetable, and fruit garden. From the remaining two acres three Jerseys are fed from the time the clover is large enough to be cut in May until vegcta. Ion stops growing ! in the fall: and at times a consider-1 able surplus Is fed to the horses and hogs. Kvery full one plot of ttvo t birds of an acre is seeded to wheat. This supplies a fatudy ol four with bread during the year. In thesprlni? the remaining two plots of the two. acre tract each two-thirds of an VI KW OF hokst's acre are in clover, one giving its tJrst year's crop, and the other its second. The latter is cut first, and from it the cows are 1 aiiy supplied with fre h green food. When this plot has been gone over once, and the cut ting of the second plot has com en ed, the mowed patch is covered well with a compost of muck from the cc ery farai arrj with stable manure, and at once plowed. 'I his is not later thon the m ddle of June, and tbe plot is sowed to corn, liy the time the, second red clover patch has been cut, the first time, the new crop at the side first mowed is again ready. The last of August the corn Is right for feeding. From this, three horses and the hogs as well as th6 cows, are fed until the ground is again cleared, about the middle of September. After g.v.ng It a dressing of the com post, winter wheat is planted. In the spring the wheat plot s sccdd to clover, and t v the time the sowed corn has all been ted the young clover has attained a strong growth, lie sides providing food, which is greatly rel shed by the stocw, the fall cut ting of the young clover frees the ground from the wheat stubble, which, if left until the following season, would be moldy, and, there fore, Injurious to the leeding quali ties of the clover, liy his plan of soiling, Mr. llorst claims, a superior quality of butter is made. The clean clover and pure water cause a longer, more abundant and more wholesome l'ow of milk than is possible wi h cows which are given the run of large pastures, pestered by flies in si, miner, grazing close for grass which has been tramped under foot, and quenching their thirst at slimy, pools of stag nant water. On the acre of land on which the house and other buildings are located there are fruits of ninny varieties, an abundant garden, and a poultry vaid in which nearly one hundred chick ens and mure than a dozen docks run and all this without marring the beauty of the home, for the smoothly mowed lawn about the com fortable farm house is dotted with well kept ornamental shrul s, and roses and other I owers in profusion From the dairy, the poultry, the gar den and the orchard, says Mr. Horst. the family of four s provided with all the necessaries of living, save the single one of wearing apparel; and quite often there Is a very consider able surplus, lanKr In Moldy Hat-. 1 ess than a week ago tbe horses in a city staole died suddenly, as some Investigators said, of poison, while others. Dr. Glass among the rest, pronounced the disease erebro spinal meulnglils the post mortem showing e ery indication of this dis ease. Had there been a single case, nothing would have been thought of it, but to have all the inmates of the stable taken down at once pointed to a common condition and a local cause Dr. J. Chcston Morris seems to have hit the nail on the head when he gives moldy hay as a direct cause for this disease, lio says: "Some months since I was present at the slaughter of a herd of cattle supposed to have been tainted with tuberculo sis. While waiting for an opportu nlty to make certain Investigations a 1 a J. II. gentleman told me that some grpsy bos, with wbom be bad played in his youth, bad shown him a bottle which they said contained a poison prepared from moldy bay, capable of producing a fatal si kness. "In speaking of thisto Dr. Dick son, tbe bacteriol gist, i found him fully alive to the possibilities of fruitful results from investigations into the transulanting of fungoid and actinouiycoid growths from a vege table basis to animals. And I was reminded that during the late war the very fatal epidemic of cerebro spinal meningitis broke out among scldiers who were supplied with moldy hay for bedding, This disease among horses I am informed, is di rectly trareatle to moldy hay. Among the Dutch farmers at Lancaster it is called putrid sore throat. The tend ency of investigation during the past twenty years has been more and more toward the Intimate casual relations between many iseases, not form erly recogu! ed as yuiotic, and cor respon ing fungi or bacteria. We too often forget that the e ar-on'y terms lor luicroscop c fuug or molds, and tbe sam law of propagation and growth go. rns them as the r larger congeners. A large step in aivance will have been made if we shall be able to trac them from the r coiu parat vely innocuous v g table bum s to the r dangerous migrition to an imals." 1 hiladelphia Le g,r ltA KtH-pfiis:. 0. W. Demane. writing in the ''American liee-Keeper," concerning the outlook in bee culture, says; 'The business is settling down in more pcrrcanent form, agicultural gotids and supplies are becoming uio e uniform and staple in character, and less excited by doubtful and worth- tiiukk-acue fa km. less invention. And 'fitness of per son' is taking the highest rank ia the tee business, in place of honey, p odiicing hives and fixtures. This s the most hopeful feature of our times pertaining to the future bee business. " The Off Year with Apple. A writer In an ex hange thinks that high cu ture and pruning w 11 cause apple trees to bear all crops eve y year, liut if he had ever rioted attentively the apple trees in well manured and cultivated gardens, says T. II. llosklns i;i "Vermont Wat hrnan," he would not have been so absolute In bis statement. T e truth is that t is very hard for a var ety wh h s even naturally an annual bearer to give a good crop of fruit on the olT year The insect en emies or the fruit are concentrated on the lew bearing trees and either cause their fru t to d op, or disfigure it so that 1 Ule of it s perfect, or would be salable, were it riot for tho scare ty of better. iMrm Notea. An exchange says that if a cow gets choked w th an apple or potato, holding up its bead and breaking an egg in its mouth Is a su e c ire Tho same remedy is lecnmmended for horses under slm.lar circumstances. As to scare-crows, some one says that "the regulation dummy has lie come only a sign to the crows that the crop is in and to come on down to it. A few dry goods boxes in the cornfield will give all the protection necessary. Any lal or saving appliance lessens the cost of production and affords a larger profit. The enterprising armer will keep himself well in lornied on this point, and always he on the lookout for labor-saving Im plements In every department. Thk dwarf Lima beans, though they are smaller in size of seed than the pole kinds, are much earlier, and are also much surer under adverse conditions of rain or drought, as well as requiring no poles. They are a valuable acquisition to the list of garden cro a ft'xio butter can be spoiled with poor salt, as well as by poor hand ling. They are plenty of good grades of dairy salt, and it is a great mis take tc use a poor salt because It is cheap. Many creamery men bava found this out to their sorrow. A medium grain Is more desirable than a salt in which the grain is very tine, SiiKtcr should not be kept with other stock and made to take their chances at tbe food rack with tho rest The father of the hock may be of the pushing sort, tut bis family are not, and will g hungry and cold rather than crowd in with other ani mals, either for food or shelter. Sheep will prove profitable If ludic lously cared for, but not otherwise. Kwkkt corn should be prefe red for ensilage. It contains more sugar than field torn, and is more highly relished by stock. Even the hegs will eat It when It Is prepared properly lor i he silo, and comes out succulent In the winter. Western farmers also use it for supplying poultry with green food during periods when no other bulky material can be bad. i ne oest i nings 9 to Are made with ROYAL BAKING POWDER bread, biscuit, cake, rolls, muffins, crusts, and the va rious pastries requiring a leavening or raising agent. Risen with ROYAL BAKING POWDER, all these things are superlatively light, sweet, tender, delicious and wholesome. ROYAL BAKING POWDER is the greatest of time and labor savers to the pastry cook. Besides, it economizes flour, butter and eggs, and, best of all, makes the food more digestible and healthful. ROYAL BAKING POWDER Mrrieil Fourteen of Her Own Sex. The most remarkable trial on record was that of Ma y Hamilton , an Euelist woman, who was brought into court on October 7, 1740. She was one of tbe greatest frauds of the day, having suc ceeded in deluding her own sex in a most extraordinary manner, it being clearly proven at the trial that she had at different times and places married not less than fourteen other women of various ages. Forced to Insure. In Germany there is a law of com pulsory insurace against old age and infirmity. Persons of both sexes who are over 16 years of age and who are employed in all industrial occupations are compelled to become thus insured. Exempetion is only granted to those persons who work merely for their board or those who are temporarilv employed. The pension for old age varies from about $25 to $50 a year, and is granted to every insured person who has completed his seventieth yar, irrespective of his ability to earn a livelihood, provided he does not already draw a pension for infirmity. The infirmity pension varies from $27 to oven $100, and is given irrespective of age to persons who are permaueutly incapacitated from earning a living. In order to establish a claim to a pension, contributions, ragulatated by the amount of earnings, must be paid for a prescribed period. To the Ulrls. Girls as many of you will have to make your way in life alone and all of you ought to be able to help others fight its batt!esdo not wait until you are flung off by disaster, and your ruotuer and your father are dead, and all the resources of your family have been scattered, but now while in a good home and evironed by prosperity, learn how to do some kind of work that the world must have as long as the world stands. Turn your attention from the embroidery of line slippers, of which there is a surplus, and make a useful j article. Expend the time In which you j adorn a cigar case iu learning how to make a good honest loaf of bread. Turn your attention from the making ! of flimsy nothings to the manufacture . of important, somethings. Louisville Courier-Journal. The Ktatue Wept. Last winter at one of the little hill side shrines near Sail Kemo, Italy, the madonna was observed to be weeping. This was not seen by one, but by many, as great crowds collected and watched the slowly dropping tears. The people were puzzled, bewildered, frightened. And so they called to together the w isest men to find out the cause. Alter several days ot deliber ation aud examination they announced the cause of the madonna's tears. There was a hole at the top of her head, the raiu had entered and filled the cavity and, iu time, worked its way through tbe eyes, the pupils of which presented the thmnist portion of marble to be worked through. Klack llo.le.ry la Oomneri. In Paris the cry has gone up: "No more black stockings," and the shops in Paris are eager to please, and, obe dient to the voices of their fashionable customers, exhibit now heaps of silk and thread hosiery, all of the same col or, but Infinitely varied in shades, from tbe dark gray called steel gray to the palest dove tint; a few white articles are seen among the lot, and far away in a remote corner, a thousand pairs of black silk stockings, open-worked, as tbn as the webs of the most artistic spider, lovely, out disdained and snub bed by their friends of old, are given away for almost nothing. To make clothes wash easy: Mix one tablespoonfol of kerocene oil with one pint of soft soap, and soap all the white clothes; put them to soak over night, and you will have very little rub blng to do. Nebraska Legislative Hand Boor and Manual, . 1800. X7p have a limited number of these books in onr possession, " them ut the extremsiy Low Price of 91. 45 poatpuid. THIS 'or' contains information peculiarly valuable to anyone wishing to hrcome acquainted wit h matters concerning the state and suite gov ernments. It also conlains the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the State of Nehruska, Statutory Provisions, Manual of Parliamentary Practice, etc., etc. SENT l',",Hi, 10 B,1T aadresB 'n tne Urn1 States on receipt of the ' ' ' ' NEBRASKA NEWSPAPER TJHION, , York, Nebraska. Eat CO., 106 WALL ST., NEW-YORK. . Healthy Berlin. According to the Glasgow Evening Xews it appears that the latest statis tics issued by the German la-penal health department gave i.erlin the honor of being the healthiest city in the word. The death-rate is given as only 10.3 per I, (XX). The unhealthiest city is Alexandria, which, despite its un varying tine weather, its 300 fountains and and its soft sea breezes, has a death. rate of no less lhau 52.9 per 1,000. Where the Baby Sleepa. Cradles have gone out of date for babies, whose little brains are injured, we are told, by the rocking motion. Whether this is so or not certainly no one need long for tbe pretty swaying arks of earlier days who sees the lovely beds provided for the infant of '94. One is like a great basket mounted on cross-legs of wickerwork. At the bead there is sort of tripod which supports a canopy that does not come over the crib at all but merely falls to the floor in tied-back curtains much like those at a draped dressing table. The body of the little bed is entirely covered with three rows of broad lace sewed to a lining that is fitted over the wicker work There are bows of white ribbou at the.lower comers. Hall's Catarrh Cure Li a cooatituUoDal cure. Price 75 ceata. A CliHnve for Cooperation II six men in any community should put 81.500 into a stallion their neigh bors ought to stand by them to the ex tent of giving them their patronage. A good stallion is an. object of puolks interest and the public ought to show its appreciation of an endeavor on the part of such a club to improve the stock. If a community refuses patronage, form your club, buy your stallion and use him excusively in the club. Don't buy an interior horse whatever you do. Better breed half the mares to a good stallion than all to a poor one that is free. Make war on poor stallion serv ice, even though it mean sacrifices in many directions. The old b ood mare must go if she is physically weak and liable to transmit this weakuess to her offspring. harm and Home. Impure Blood Manifests itself in hot weather in hives, pimples, boils and other eruptions which disfigure the face and cause great annoy ance The cure is found in Hood's Saraa- Hood' 1 Sarsa parilla parilla which makes Cures the blood pure ami removes all such dis figurations. It also gives strength, creates an appetite and in vigorates the whole system. Get Hood's. Iloixl's rill are Prompt, and etlieient. W. L. Douclas fe4) CUAr IS TH K BEST. OllwCa NOSQUEAHINO, 5. CORDOVAN, rKLNUIOitWVflLUXUWVLr. Va.wFlNECALf&lftWGAflDl 3.3? P0LICE.3 Sous. 4,so2.W0BKIN8MEi(e EXTRA FINE. " 2.I7-5 BOYiSCTMLSHfO. LADIES' i-!S02 S.7 , oENU r UK CA1 AUJuUc W-L-'DCUGLAS, BROCKTON, MASS. Yon rnn ave money by wemrtnv th . Ia. Douglas t.l.OO hrt Bfrnut, we are the largest manufat'turem of this graileof iibooi In Die worM, aud guarantee their value by stamping the name and price on the bottom, which protect you aa1n.t hlt;h prices and the mitldipman'i profits. Our shoes equal custom work In style, etiy Uttlng and wcuriug quail ties. We have them aold everywhere at lower prices for the value piven thsn any other male. Take no sub atltute. If y'"T iin'T cannot supply you, wo can. ELY'S CREAM BALM CURES f lPRICE 50 CENTS, Atl PRUCCISTSL N. N I,. No. 3B3--30. York, Nab. WHFN WRITING TO ADVKKTISBRS pie aaj jou aaw th advartlacuiaat in thta paper. . and offer ma u "aK LiB-AJt U