Tto Sioux County Journal. f ESTABLISHED 188. J Subscription Price, t--00 I J. Simmon, ... Editor. Entered at the H&rriaou iot office a ecjud claa matter. THUKJSDaY, JCLY lbSM. lb-publican State Convention. The republican elector of the tito of Ne braska are ren,uetd to eiid delegate from their aever-1 oouutiea, to meet fu the city of Omaha, Wednesday, August li, at 10 o'clock, a. in., for the placing iu nomination candidates for tioveruor, Lieutenant-Governor, secretary of State, Auditor of Public Accounts, Treaanrer, (iaperintendent of Public Instruction, Attorney General, Commissioner of l'ubllc Lands and Build intra, and to transact ucn other business an may be presented to tlie convention. THE ArPOttTlOSXKMT. The several couuties are entitled ta rep resentation as follows, being baaed on the vote cast for Hon. I. M. Kaymond for presi dential elector in 1S92, giving one delegate at large to each county and one tojr each 100 votes and the.major fraction thereof: Conn ties. Adams Antelope lianner Blaine Hoone IV, y! Itox liutte Hrow n HufTalo Butler Burt Cass Cedar , Chase . Cheyenne ... t berry (lay Coif ox Cnining t'usu-r . Dakota liawes l)avaoti Heuel I)ixon.. Uodtre iHmglaa Del. Counties. - 17 Johnson 9 Kearney 3 Keva 1'alia i Keith 10 Kimball H Knox 5 Lancaster . ft Lincoln Del. 14 V x ... 3 ... 11 ... CO II it a 13 1 H Ixigan. i'i Ivoun 14 Madison 23 Merrick ... " McKheraon 5 Nance li Nemaha li ... Nuckohs ... 17 Otoe ... 7 Pawnee ... Perkins .. IK Pierce 5 Phelps .. I'ltilto . l . 17 17 4 5 10 13 Polk... Ked W Mow ... Kirhardaon . 15 Itock ..Ids Saline . ... ft sarpy Pi maunders 7 Scott's Plutfs 8 Seward ... 10 sheridau . 'A4 hcruian . t sloux 4 is iundv - Klllmore Franklin ... Frontier . Kurti as linK Garth-Id iO"MT l.TMIlt . IK If 14 i 2 o stun ton 1 Thayer 14 1 Greeiey Hall Hamilton Ilarian Hnyott Hitchcock Hooker Holt Howard Jefferson ..4 1 bourns Pi Tli'irstou .. 13 Valley ' WashitiKton 12 4 w ayne Webster.. , I W 'heeler 11 York . N 11 , 20 IS' Total .. tn H is recommended that uo proxies be ad mitted to the convention and that the dele gates present be authorized to cast the full vote of the delegation. It is farther recommended that the state central committee select the temporary organization of the convention. BkUD I). SLiUGHTKB, Tom m. Cook, Chairman. Secretary. Republican dountr Convention. The republican electors of Sloux county, Nebraska, are requested to send delegates from their everal precincts, to meet in con vention at Harrison, Jieb., Saturday, July its, 1S84, at 11 o'clock, a. m., for the purpose of electing two delegates to the state conven tion to be held at Omaha, August 22, 14; three delegates to the congressional con vention to be held at Broken Bow August 2, 1894; three delegates to the senatorial con vention; three delegates to the representa tive convention, and for tlie transaction of such other business as may be properly pre sented to the convention, TH8 APPORTIONMENT. The several precincts are entitled to rep resentation as follows, being based upon the vote cast for Hon. I. M. Kaymond, for presidential elector in InM, giving one dele-gate-at large to each precinct, and one dele gate for each ten votes and major fraction thereof i Preelncti Del. precinct, Del. Andrews . 1 j Montrose t Antelope 1 humiing Water 2 Hodarc 2 I Mitfar ual 2 Bowen 4 Sheep ( reek ..I Cook. 2 snake Creek 2 Cottonwood ...2 ! W arbounet 2 Kive Points ,..2 I Whits; Kiver Hjateek.. .-2 lotal........., tt TUB I KlMARIfcS. The primaries will be held in the various precinets for the election f delegates on Thursday, July KM, at the following time and places! Andrews-School house at Andrews, at 4 O'clock, p m. 1 delegatus J. W", Hobinson, eennmltteeumn. Antelope At residence of S. H. Story, at 4 'elktp. m., 1 delegate, ci. W, Cobb, com mitteeman. Bertare Bodure school house, a 4 o'clock, m:t delegates; J, W. Hnnter, commit tee man, Bwen Court house, at 4 o'clock, p. m., i ftelefhites. Ii Bartlett, cOTnmitte-man. CotWmoodfehool house dist. Ko. 4, at 4 Wetoek, p. m. delegaU-s. M. J. O'COnnell, emnmitteeman. Ck At residence nf Nicholson Brothers, t o'clock, p. m,i delegates W;S. Jilch blnm, eemmitteernan. Ftre Points-At resMenee of Frank Tlnk hmm4 O'clock, p. m., delegates; Frank TtnklUHll, committfmaii; Hal Creek-At residence at j: B. IWllings oTtll, at 4 O'clock, p. m., t delegates: M. c. IHma, eODiinineeman. Mntroe- At Montrose school hottseV t 4 Wekek, p. m., delegates. E. COwHsWaw, Coinuillteeman. ardng Water-At residence' of A. BIc UnUrf, at 4 o'clock, p; m.( 1 delegate. A. MeQ Inlet, eommitteeman. Mfar Loaf At (tore at Adelta, at 4 dc)6V-k t Bl. 1 delegates.' Mel Bosenberg, commit Sleep Creek-At resMe'nee of T; B. Sntder, , Hi tTelackj p; m.( 1 delegate, t. B. Snyder, fcitatMttteem an . , Miu Creek-At residence of W, II: cot1 bmt m t O'clock p. tn.,1 delegates! W. H. bMrkta eomtntttennaa. WabftHMt4t rMddenee bt E: ii Wlletrt, M t rtmi p. m., t deiefstetu K. J Wiieoi, " . .XS fhW-l tt(Me iii ttttt. o. " . hMi n((Mk,' p. tn., t delefatM, W; ; ' JMtei iWaUttMmu, t?;C:t4tii , OlainiiM. ' tktf: - Tn tha new figlit over tlie tar.T Presi dent Cleveland awl Senator Hill, of New York, are working togetlier. Verily, politics ni'ike strange btsi-fellov. It mifrht not b-e out of place for Sena tor IL G. Stewart 10 tell ho lie was at an ex-use of 230.00 in the contest which he commenced aaiu-t ex-senator W. V. WUsoo abuut four years a0ro. Northwest Nebraska should see to it that men are sent to the legislature who ill not be tied to the apron strings of a female lobbyist, employed by a corpora tion w ho will pull the string and make such le-i-lutore opjiose irrigation bills. 1 lie editor ot tlie Lincoiu t un lias a level head for tie conies out strongly in favor of good slate laws on the subject of irrigation. Every paper iu the state should do likewise. Irrigation should be tiie watchword of the entire state. The Germans are reported to be already considering plans whereby they shall retaliate on this country for the sugar schedule. It is thought a higlier duty will be put on petroleum by that country. That will be one of the bene fits of tlie Wilson bill. In Uawas county the board of equal ization put in as much or more time tnan the law allows and then when they were ready to make the levy they found that the estimate of expenses bad not been published according to law. The next thing to be looked for is for some one to make a kick and have the whole levy declared illegal. Then the holders of county warrants w ill be out of luck. The chairman of the pop state central committee sends out word that each precinct committeeman in the state is expected to raise money at the primaries to help carry on the campaign. The leaders of tliat party seem to have the faculty of working the rank and lile nearer to a finish than those of any other political organization in the nation. They not only want the people to give them all tlie lat places but they want them to pay the expense of run ning the campaign. It may Isj that some of tlie people will fail to catch onto the fact that the pop leaders are working them for suckers, but it is safe to say that less of them will be worked in the future than in the puht. The strike is over and some of the leaders are having their trial at Chicago. The men who struck through sympathy are getting buck to their places as fast as they can and the business of the na tion goes on, regardless of the differences between the Pullman comjiany and its employees. Now comes one of the bad features of tlie strike. In some in stances, notably on the Pacific coast, tlie railroads are demanding that employees sign a contract that they w ill not join a labor organization for five years and that they will sever their connection which they now have with any such or ganizations. While it is true that no suc h agreement can be legally made, the very spirit of it is un-American and con trary to the fundamental principles of the government of this country. The next thir.g we know employers will want to dictate the religion, politics and all other things connected with the men who seek work in their establishments. Taking another view of it such a course is but simply playing even for it is equally un-American for the labor or ganizations to attempt to dictate to the public what kind of cars it sliall ride in. It is high time that both employers and employees got their eyes open and realised that what hurts one hurts the other and that strikes are the very worst things that can Itappen, and that the public have some rights which they should respect. The government should at once take very prompt and effective steps to put a stop to the watering of stocks and then one of the chief causes of t rouble will be removed. When a company or corporation is organised un der tlie laws it should be amenable to tlie laws to an extent to allow govern ment supervision; The watering of stocks or the inflation thereof should be made a crime,- similar to the receiving of mooey on deposit by the officers of a state bank when such officers know the institution to be insolvent tinder our state banking laws, and any one guilty at the violation of such laws given good long terms in the pen. Then on the other hand laws should be made which will provide punishment fof those who band themselves together to interfere with the business ami convenience of the the public;; No one-sided laws will fit the case. The rights of all should be protetted rtml the crimes of all should be punished. ' There Alwar H is an easy thing to accoont fof the wonderful growth of the Dailr State Journal recently, Its price has been re do ml to 50 cents per month without Sunday i or 6.1 cents with Sunday. Tlie Joort al has alwayg been reliable' and honest printing the new without fear or favor; The people of Nebtaslt real ise that thet needa paper published at the capital and when tltt prfcf of the Jot reel wu redactgi the (ubaetipttoa list grew at a phenomenal rate. Too Jdur Ulll NtbfUft piper tfaro.fftt Md throttgtti More fare InUBnl. Tlie reports of the drunken acts of Senator Alien and tlie explanation made by him of the matter and tlie continent disgrace that has fallen upon ' make a demand for wore care lo be exerci--d by tlie icople in the selection of meo to till positions of trust and honor. It is too well koowa for hiiv to deny that Senator Allen was a drinking man, although lie had seformed and had been quite temperate for a lime prior to his election. When a man is or has been a user of ardent spirits to excess he is liardly the kind of timber to be elevated by the people until it is certain that be will not backslide. Because Nebraska defeated a prohibitum amend ment to the constitution is no hidication that it desires to be represented t Washington by drunkards and saloon bummers. It is iut a matter of party for the disgrace falls on all. It is time tliat the people of all parties gave whisky guzzlers and bums to under stand that they are not the kind on whom the pubic wish to bertow honors. The ( ream of Current Tbmigbt. Public Opinion, published at Washing ton, I). C , io a weekly journal devoted lo tlie reproduction, in condensed form, of carefully selected magaziiie articles and ( editorial comment from the rep resentative daily and weekly press of all jiolilical parties, and from all parts of the country. The readers of Public Opinion get all sides of every question. It is just the pas;r that tlie farmer and villager need for general reading. It keeps its readers fully abreast of the times and supplies litem with the best thought of the day in tlie fields of American and Foriegn Affairs, Sociology Commerce, Finance, Religion, Science, Education, Art, and New Books. Pub lic Opinion and the rural weekly supple ment each other admirably. Together they give the farmer or villager and his family more of current news, editorial 'joinmeut, and magazine literature tlian can be had in any other way for live times their cost. Tlie price of Public Opinion lias been reduced from $:t.00 to Z.'tD per year. We have just complet ed arrangements by w hich we can offer Public Opinion and TliK Jocunal for fi.00 jier year. Whi n You Visit the Sick. Always when visiting a sick person endeavor to sit where the invalid may see you without making ao effort to do so. Under any circumstances it is always more satisfactory to see the per son to whom one is talking; and nothing is more fatiguing to an invalid than to be obliged to twist into an uncomfort able position in order to see the visitor. The good effect of the most cheery talk will be nullified by the fatigue of the effort. Acd don't seak of depressing subjects; above all, refrain from talking of similar cases that you have seen or heard of unless by doing so you can make the sufferer more hojieful. Tell all the bright, cheery things you can, retail pleasant bits of news; but dont stay to long, even though urged to stay. From "Sanitarian;" Demorest's Maga zine for August Intll After Election. The present campaign is of unusual in terest to Nebtaskans. Not only will a full set of state officers be elected, but a legislature will be elected that will choose a United States ttenator. The Slate Journal, located at the capital. can give you all this news more fully and more reliably llian any other paper. It comes twice a week and will be sent until after election for only 2i cents. State Joihnai,, Lincoln, Neb. To our German Headers, The publishers of this paisrr have made cpeciiil nrrarigemeiits with the publishers of thy German L'ncoln Frcie Pressc. by wind Intli papers togetiier may be had for vi.iiO )ier ear. The Freie Presse is a noii-pailisan paper and contains a full reKirt of news from the old country, a weekly review, a serial story, several short novels) and last but not least, carefully written editorials pertaining to matters or speeial interest to the Ger mans of our state. Ixical happenings from our county will be reorted by a German correspondent and will be pub lished in the Freie Presse. Hubscnpliorm will be received at this olfice. Old sub scribers of ottr paper will gel a receipt for a years suescription for the Freie Presse upon payment of 60 cents ami new ones may subscribe for both pawr for one year by Jiaying $3.50 ul our office, . ftest Line to the Eal Tlie Burlington Route R. &. M. It R. Is running elegantly equipped passenjrer truines without change from Newcastle! Wyoming and Crawford, Nebraska, direct to Lincoln) Nebraska, making connection at that point with their own through trains for1 Denver; Cbyenne( and all paint west and for Kansas CHy; HL Joseph, Si Lfltimi Omalra; Perin, Cln- eagOf and all points eiist. Remember this is the only line ly which you cud take sleeping car from Crawford in the evening arriving in tin told and Oman tlie next afternoon, and m Chicago) Peorid and Si; Louis the fob lowing morning. tot farther inormaiiort UnI ticket plf id utirwt Mf.ot of fetfrlliiftaa SIO Reward. Will le paid to tlie subscriber who will send us the first correct list of the three nieil w ho w ill be nominated fur governor I in this state by the three jiarties this year in the slate converiliocis. I Each guess to be accompanied by a cam paign subscription to the Weekly Bee ith 23 cents. This t-ubscripliou will entitle you to the Weekly Bci from July 1 to ISeceiiibt-r 1. An old 8i,Wril( er can send in bis guess and receive credit for it and have the par sent to any address lie may see- lit. Thf n;ird will Isj made immediately after the lact of the three state conventions have adjourned. In case no correct guess 1 sent in, the m -iiey will t awarded to the first guess nearest correct. Awards w ill Isj made only on tlie choice of eai li convention and not on the result of any action taken after the adjournment of the convention. Send in your guess in the following shape. OMcs-aT's Name I. O state Cil'K Hepiiblican nominee, . . iiemocratic nominee Populist nominee Unless otherwise directed, the (nqier w ill be sent to the name and address of the guesser. Address orders and guesses to Thk Omaha Bke, Omaha, Neb. Notice No guesses will l received after August 10. Kstray .Viiiire. Taken up by t'.ie undersigned on his iirenr tses on s4-ctlou 'M. lowu!ilp :ci, r;itigi- -V, in sloux county, Nebraska, on Mav.Ki, lK, uiii' tiav Ililey, sii,sms to be 2 yi-urs old, no brstid MTceivitl,le. ' . s. Unix. llali-d June 30, 14. !.') 47; Xntlcp to Laud Owners. To all to whom it may eonc-rn : 1 hf couiuiiM.joni.r HPiHiinlcd to lew a road co'tiiitiMielng at a K,int 21 rods act of the northeast fin in-r ol section 6. tow n-'.iip 32. raiiKe in W'h rtsinitet precinct, st,,i couiitv. Neb., running thence east VI ro U to intercet road No. S, has reirted in favorof the establishment thereof, and all objections thereto or claims lor damages must is li leu in the cotmtv clerk s onlee on or ts-fore uixii! of t he 'in h day ol Sep ten, lie r. A. !., is",4, or s.ild road will la: established without relcrence thereto. M. J. Ill,t KTT, if, 4V Couiitv Clerk. Final Proof No! ices. All persons having final proof notices in this pajsT wlU receive a tiixrkfd copy of the puier and are reiiet-d to examine their notice and 11 anv erroi s exist report the same to this office at once. Nnlice lor I'lCiiicnliiin. Ijind Ofllce f.t Chad roil, Neb., ( .July 3, 14. j 5otlce Is hereby given the following mimed settler has ill, si notice of iis Inten tion to luftke final proof in support of his cuiim, mid that watd proof w ill be made be- lore i lera niir,ct t ouit at Harrison, Nebraska, on Augut II, s!4, viz: Minnie lh iiiiis. of llarrH m. ?'. 'i.. w ho made II. K. XM7 for the lot I ec, ,'H and lot 4 and ae. sw, i4 sec, 'Mt, t p rg. ,V. He names the lollow liig witnesses to prove his continuous residence uikjii and cultiva tion of, said land, Ik: Andrew Nciiliih v, JommiIi W. Knrnest, Is, th of Harrison, Neb., Clint Ames, (,,-orge f.nglcbrcclit, Is, in ol Itoyville, eu. alo Frances A. Kills of Hanismi, X !)., a ho made I ). . t.m f or t lie e. ,V sw. sec. H, tp.M. ru. To. He mimes the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upou and cultiva tion of, said laud, vix: James olau, A. K. Dew, Walter w oodrun. Kva Nolan, all of Harrison, Neb. V. M. Dohbisotom, f43 4S Uegister. Xoiice for rnbllrnlioii, lnd Cfliccat Alliance, N"eb I June Is, MD. t Notice ! hereby given that the follow Inn named settler has Med notice ol his inten tion tc make final proof In support ol his claim, ami that said proof will In ui-ide la. fore clerk of the U'stricl court, at llarrlxm, Ncbr., on July tl, im, Mr.! August W. Mnlir. of Ilarrisiin, XcU., who made II, K. tt',7:i for the ne, sec, 1H, tp. 83, rg. M, He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous re-idence insin mid cultivation of said land, vix; Jerty H. W III, John Herman, both of rlson. Neb., Jamen Mil mi, K, w . K not t, Isi'.ii oi OUchrlst, Neb. alo Charles H. Sciift. of llarrismi. Ncli., , who maile H. K. tiit for the sr. i. sec. I.i, tp. .11, rn. 4a, He names the following witnesses t,, prove his coiitlimous residence upon and cuittva- tlou oi sniii laiiu vir. i 1, M. sulton.H. A. I'rlddv. John Corbln. David linrtlelt, all of Harrl-s,n, Neb. 4I 4.j . M, DoKIII.MjTOX, Heglster. oll.-e fur PuliUcalliui. Isold Office at AIIIhucc, Neb. ' Jnne , Iw c ) Notice Is hereby given that the follovrlnit named settler has Med notice ol hisiutei,. tion to make final proof In sifpisirt of Ills claim, ami that said pnsif will Is made lar foret lei k lilsiriel Court at Harrison, Neb., on August 4, I'. 4, vix. JnhnT. Kllffcrald. giiHrillnii of WiHinm I', Kit.t'i riild, of lioilarc, Xcb., who nimle II. K. Puis, for the e. H nw. u It , X ei t I", t)i. itt, rg. M. lie names tile lol lowing wll'iessi's to prove Ills continuous residence upon and cultiva tion ol mild land, viu: JohuW, Hunter, John .Mack, Alevander Ktecle, A-dibel Orion, all of IHalurc, Neb. r . M. iHIHHlKofOS, 4'j Uegister. SliMln" Kale, By virtue at an Order of miui dlrited to me lrotu the Clerk of the Dlxtriet (Xitirt of Hionx loiinlv, Nebrauku, on a juilKineiit dlilnlned In ,id Court on the r lf u-eiith day of Miijr, A.- 1). bt.--l, In favor of Herbert Mehhluaf M plalmiff, and hiiiiIiihH Andrew liiibliuuu and Alimiia I Hi hi mail, uk derendautH, for the Hifnt of four hundred, nineteen and M ll itiillnr-t imlli n'o, with IntereAt therfou at the rate 01 hi iter rent per aniiniu from date of aald firm, and H 1 .4 eowtn of mill, r ml aeermiiK en-iM, I have levied on the the follow luu deTilie, r,t estate the nropertr of tin Mild defendant to nihxfy wild nrder M fale, to-irl: The Minthweiit I'lmrter SWi, d wvthin wtnlr (HO), III low nhii llurfy three (Mu north of raiiire flllvflve (to) tet of the iflxih IK) V. M.,- Moiit eoiin tv; .SebruNkai and will (UTer (he xinif for al Vi the hlirliet bidder for cixh In hand hi unixr At'bl'HT lit,- IMMJ, at hne n'rhx-ki p. m i ot mid dny at the frrtnt lxr or the court houe of Mionx eonntjr, Nebriidka, at lliirrtaon, that belli the building In whlrh the hurt termor the IM-drirt court for ald eomtty M held. Ut Datlafy until Jiidu,i-nt and rowt Mid neernlmr rnwM, at whirh time ml pine dn atteiidanee will be (Iven bf toe nudei-ngned. IMtodi HkrrUon, MbrMttai Jttljr , im. Sioux County, THE LAND OF THE HOMESTEADER. Free Homes for More: Than 5,000 Men. I A new county with j schools, churches, j railroads, etc., j AND 800,000 ACRES YET OPEN TO HOMESTEAD ENTRY. Contains over forty-five miles of railroad and has no county bonds. NO I10MS, NO I1EIITS. LOWTAXKS. Fuel, PiH-ls, Lofrs and Lumber l'lieiii'r Than at auy Other Place In elirnskti. Sioux county is the northwest oiinly i of Nebraska. It is ulsuit thirty nub s j east ami west by ulsuM nevunty miles j north anil south and lotitniiis J OVER 1,300,000 ACRES of laml. There ate more bright, park' linp, small streams in the county than tun lie found in the same area elsewhere in the fclale. It lias more nne tim'ier in it than all the rest of the Male combiiieii Its grasses are the richest and most nu tritious know n so that for sta k-grow injr it is unexcelled. The wjil varies from a heavy clay to a lijht sandy loam and is nuble of ro during excellent I'ops. The principal crops are small grain and vegetables, ulthotiyli good com is grow n it) the valleys. The heat, oats rye and barley are all of unusually fine quality and command the highest mar ket prices. The water is pure ami refreshing and is found in abundance in all parts of the county. The county is practically out of debt and lias over forty-live miles of railroad within its borders, has a good brick court bouse and the necessary fixtures for run ning the county and there has never been one dollar of county bonds issused and hence taxes will 1 low. The Fremont, Klkhorn & Missouri Valley railroad crosses Hioux county from east to west and the H. & M. lias about fifteen miles nf its line in the northeast part of tin) county. Tin; climate is more pleasant than that of tlie eastern portion ofNebraska. There is still OVER 800,000 ACRES of land in S.otix county yet ojadi to homestead entry. It is l-etter land and more desirably located than that for which such rushes are made on the open' ingofa reservation. There is no rail road land in the county and for that reaofl its wtt lenient has been slow for no Ka.-cial effort to get settlers was made, as was done in the early days of the settlement of the eastern part of I In state. (food deeded laud cut! I puix has'ti nt reiiKonable rates with government land adjoining so that a fa.-r.soil w ho wants more than one quarter section can obtain it if lie has a lit tin means. There lire Blanit people in the county and there is room for thou-mnds more. IlarrLod is tlie county eat and is sit uated on the V. V.. &. M. V. ntilroad, and is as good a town hs the thinly Bottled country demands. Hchool houses and lMt( hes are pro videtl in almost every settlement and are kept up with the times. All who desire to get a homestead or buy land cheap are invited to come and see tlie country for theuisel ves and judge of its merits." HdmeMe.ids will not l obtaiftitblo much longer and if ou want to use your risht and get. 1(10 acres of land ffiitu Um-le H,tui free )l is time you were ft limit It, North EAST SOUTH I'lirfhasr TlflteU flinl ('nnnlfrri V'mic" rjt-M tin fhf F,,.4iM,V,S,C.4r. M U MUM lis, - li fl ftUitfHrPilt-fafMiiilalv K, til MftiB0ltH( t. H. tot'CHAKAX; 0ii'l Freight Agi; Uvti Vm. ajjI. iMAMA Nil; VVS-VV!. s r SSTf f LEAD THE WORLD. THE MOST CUlTil-AI, PltONOl'.W Til KM l.Ni OMPAK AIILY THE P. EST IN TONE, TOUCH ANI DURABILITY. Wnfe for Catalogue to IXTKY 3l t'AMP, Chi. ai.-o. III. SI I IM KV stii y 1, J'. 't. 11 folio inv brand. AV7r. Harrison, Jseur. l' ! ":T ?E'E"-U. . . y . s "; ' I;','"., ...!'."., v'' is stamped in the best watch cases made. It is the trade mark of the Keystone Watch Case Company, of Philadelphia, the oldest, largest and best known factory in the world 1500 employees, capacity 2000 cases daily. Its products are sold by all jewelers. It makes the celebrated jfas. Boss Filled Watch Cases, now fitted with the only bow (ring) which can not be pulled off the case the WATCH CASE OPENER SENT FIEE, OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. STATKOKHl'KltS: I orenr.o t 'rutin-.. I.oveindl'. T.J. Major-, Lieutenant (.overnor J. C. Allen secretary of staid KilKcne Moore Midi to! Jwpli s. Hartley 1 reamirer li. ll.llaxtlliK-. Attorney l.eneral A. II. 1 1 11111 pit I'i-J .l.ii nd Coinilii-'-lioner A. h.t.oudy supt. J-uhlir liutruetloil fXISIlUKHSlHSAI. ii:i.i;i;.lTKI!: ('. . Mnndersoii-.i I . s. senator, Ouiului Win. V. Allen I. s, Sena lor, Mudlson W. J. Ilryan, lmiirewoiiau 11 Id-C, l.linoln I). II. Mercer, " -id " OiuatiM I,, li. Meiklejoliu " s-l " lullertoll K. J. llalner, " (III " Aurora W. A. McKiet-ha-i, " Mli ' lied cloud ). It, hem, ' ,;tli " Ilrnken How Jl'IMi Hltr : T. f.. Sorvnl.. Chief Jtiatif-c, M-mir-f A. M. I'o.t AwB'lnli JlldKe, I olutiihil T. . c. Miirrl-on .. A te Jndire. i.r.utd II. A. Citiiihcll..( U-rk mid lle,rler, l.lneolit HFTK1 NUI Jl IUCIAI. IM-1 IIICIT M. I', htiikiitd JlldKe, lI'Nell! Alfred ll:irior....- t Imdroif M.J. Mlevx'tt Clerk, llarrlsoii Ciil'N'f T omi Kits: lldbeft W Hum County Jlld-fe M. J. I'.lewell , Clerk II. . W'oiMmir Ireiwurei VV. II. I(avl hnpi. I'nbllc lii.lruetioil A- I!. !" sheriff J. 1.! I'hlniiey.. coroner' s. I,. Kills siirvevor I M..I. Hleweti Clerk of liuirlet co'iirf II. t'.c oulej coiiniy Attorney' l:UAI!ll OK i)MMlsso. im. Frank Tuikltam i-t ldlMi l M.J. W,i-r 11 linlriuauj .-! ' llenl y Jiilniiiu j, 11 I.Kt.lsl.ATIVK: II. (I. Me-riirt..'-eiintor, IUI Sit. N, riia ford J: II. Wo,, ,,, mt. .so. ,vi, lly .-iiriiiK'' VII. K OfH( Kits; H' II. I.ri-.wi)ld (elnuriiiau) 'n'fl,V K. Kohwei- ., J. W , s-,i t . ... " . ., M.J. Illeaett ..""'.""".".""'"."l ' Conrad I.tudetuan I.. J. sluiiiifiuM clerb V. A. Heater ".'.'.'A renlfl 1 J. I. iarl street I oiiililll-dOlfef , , . M'IHioi. aft ( K, .. i-i . enii j fJ. K. Milaleiler,. Iii W. Heau-r. " .Idle, t,lF '""'""'ill elat. I reiioiir' f in.i , i t ''! "f-f 01 if-r; Htafrlel (Hurt -At llarriaon, Hfi.iiiilnH .Unr . and Mnemla-r Kill, I 4 Umntr I oiirl, At llarrlsoii, Mirnttiehr'l "rait M'lndiiT M enrli inlinlh. m L ll" B.M ililKs; M. K.lriurM.'rur!il,iR .,., ,.f ',,,,113 Siiiid.iT at II . :,,. mi;, , i-ri-t "S,".',7 "?! i "Pv' ' w- K':"""-f.. f'""tor MMhodlat ,tudiiv sehrail meets every slid 'lt- 1,1, If Ml,, M . n . u.1 J. h. MlHI Kl.l.fR, siiM-Miiie'ndehl. W. ll; ll.tlfj HS'HdMl- , s","r,,' evenlnga of enHl nioiltll i. h. I'lfisst-r, K. K. I'osttra, Clerk. I n. emu. i.. ,i, f:l'R,,iiTii i.kAiii k. .1 a . ""i' ""'"'Ut every silmlar etinllii nit , M,',n,' i'd-etln on rail of iiit-ll Mm. w i i IXM IB HraThM, , Mk. W, II. IdAvih, I'reufdeiii . . 4l)NlliT,f.Al,i'lC l( l t.hhliU.. hhernutlii Hyl. Wf'.-