The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, July 12, 1894, Image 7
A MMr Hollar A French engineer, M. Cbtwl, hat Invented eafety boiler of a novel character. The boiler consists of a DMt of horizontal tut p:aci-d over the furnace. Into this net wt'r Is In lected in tha form of spray, under which conditions It ii instantaneously vaporate-i and superheated. ''Solid' water is never admitted to the tubes. The evaporative power of the boiler Is remarkable, and the tubes do uo: burn out. Engineer. VM1SS-UKA ISEI, wmr, irmauie, to uiat Hie wbule worui .-nm wronir. That's the way you tual wbn your hvcr U tnno tive. You ul Ifcu-tnr Pierce's Pleaumnt Prlluu ttiiiiulat it and coi rn-t it, and cU-at up yuur vt'4n for you You won't mind the taking of them they're io small and ao rf. til tlii-tr elfwtli. All thiit you uik with t&em la Ihu yinjil ti-uit tiwy do. In the permanent run-nf liili'Mntness.Jniin dtiv, Viutff uwtion, lndiKintioit, Sour Stiin ai'bu. lizxiii"Mft. Kick or l.iih.i.s H.nH;i. bi-, and every liver, stomach, or tmwnl t. tb"r're iiwiruutred to give aatufacliju, or the money t relumed. Don't tinker at vour Catarrh with un known modlcl'ina. It s risky and ilaiiKi-rijim. You mny tin tat it to tut- lunifs. lift tin Kettnoly that haa rurrd Caturrh for yfiirs and yrn Ir. Hade's Catarrh The makers yuaruntce it to cure, or beuetit. In the worst coara. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and tends to tiernonal enjoyment when rightly used. The maiiy,wIio live bet ter than others and enjoy life more, with lena exenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's beet product to tlie'needs of physical being, will attest the value to hea'.th of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. lu excellence is due to its printing In the form most acceptable and pleas ant t'i the toete, the n-fnitliiiijriiwJ truly beneficial properties ()f a rfrct lax ative; eHcctimUy cleaniirijr tiie fyptrtn, dilH-llitl col da, headaches anil fevers and permanently curing mnftipiitinn. It has given aatinf action to millions and met with the approval of the medical profusion, beciiue it act on the Kid nevs, Liver and Uoweln without weak n!ii(f them and it is pr rh-clly free from every objectionable! substance. Hyrup of Fiirs is for sale by all drug gists in 50c and t buttles, but it is man ufactured by the California Kiir .Syrup Co only, whose name is printed ou every package, alao the name, .Syrup of Fi?s, and beinjr well informed, you will uut accept anv nV.titute if oftt red. The Greatest Medical Discover; of the Age. KENNEDY'S MEDICAL DISCO VERY. DONALD KENNEDY, OF R0X3URY, MASS., Has discovered" In one of our common pasture weedf a remedy that cures every kind of Humor, from the worst Sscrofda down to a common Pimple. He has tried it in over eleven hundred cases, and never failed except in two i.i-es (both thunder humor). He has now in Ins possession over two hundred certificates tf its value, all within twenty miles of Bos'on. Send postal card fur lv.(,k. A benefit Is alwavs experienced from the first bottle, and a perfect cure is war ranted when the right quantity is taken. When the lungs are affected it causes shooting pains, like needles passing through them; the same with the Liver or Bowels. This is caused by the ducts being stopped, and always disappears in a week after taking it. Head the label. If the stomach Is foul or bilious It will cause squeamish feelings at first. No change of diet ever necessary. Eat the best you '.n get, and enough of it. Dose, one tab'espoonful jn water at bed time. Sold by all Druxgbts. Dr. f. C. Wtt Mint and Brain Trtilmin to (old unor xiue wrllu-n iruarantM, t7 author. Iwxi agent! onljr, in cnr WNtk Momnrj; I'im ol llraln and Kra powr; I-nrt Manhood; yul-n Mlit Immm; KyII ltraamt: t-ar ol Omtiimcr KrrrnoniMa;; all Dralin; loaaol p.mei at tl Gmtratt Orcana In allhor aai.aauwd 1.J owrsnatll'iii; Yoouarul Errora, or Eicaaalra Uia of Tobaeoo, Opium or Liquor, whlrh anoa 11 If Mlrar OinumpUnn. Inmoftyaivl Dath. BTmal'. 1 a Imi ; S for 6; wild wrlttan miaranlra to rura i : n-fliml inmrr. WBIT'BCOtKil sTat'P. A "': rnra for Couh, Cnlda, a-thrna, JJronrhlU,( nm-. Wh'mpltkf Couah, flora Ttir.t. Plsaaant to ! Hmi.ll aiz 4lmUniw4; oM, tin. alra, now If .; oh. II . ua, bow toe. OUAKAK'J KM lwua.1 olilr C. NOBE8 A CO., York, Nettraaka Iely's CREAM I t-ULM cures IPRICE SOCENTS. Alt. DRUCGISTS KEUPER HALL'S A BOYS' BOARDING vnwv rW ani. Kvnl tut." U ,,r ('! !! 'II Hartey Hay t oilman, M., lii-aJ Hauler. TllW4liHii'LL ... an1 nilijnia I bohoi a lunmr Atn mcahnulduM I'lao'tCara lor CoiiKuiaatinn. It fcaa tun th..aa. It kaa not injur a.i una It it sol baS to laka II la tta bai eoufh afip. 'm " .new wont RES! mm, "3 n CHAPTER VIIL- Con tinned. TnsuiiLiy ... alio d.d do, lue whoI) aH:iublv Mittii.ed to cha tT it mud aain a if by contagious magic. , loud shout of "Sh cries, the (jut-en of the Clouds cri.-s " went up from alltho a-at-nibh.-d mob to Heaven. "It is a k'ood omen." Toko, the. Shadow, whis pered in Polynesian to Felix. i-einr hi pti'.led look. "We hbull have I'lo .ty o lain now: the cloud- will litvak. our ciow will I'om ish.'' Al lucwt ladori: she iindt-rsto d it, Muriel was hiii-ruunib-d ty an eatrer and fnerdly crowd, t-1 v 1 1 afraid to draw near, but evidently anxioua to tce and to comfort ami oiiHole her. Muny of tho w. iiifi ca'cly held forward their native mats, which Mali took from them, and, prenhintr tliem for a S'-coml u,'um-t Muriel's eyes, handed them haca with ,uh! a auspicion of wet teara leit e;linteni or in ttio i orrier. Tho hap, y recipients leaped and ahou:'d w ith joy. "No inor.' drought." they cried merrily, with loud ln tits and (.eiticulations. . "The Uuo-n of the ('loiid.s is i.'(mm1: shit will weep well from Heaven upon my yam and taco plots'" Muriel looked up, all da-ed, ami saw, 1o her iiit.-n-u surprise, the crowd was now notiiintf but alfection and sympa thy. Slowly they e;attiere.l in doner and closer, till they almost touch the hem of her roue: then tho men rtood by respectfully, layinif their tinkers on whatever sho had wettud with her tears, while the women and jirla took her hand in theirs and pressed it Byinput helically. Mali explained thoir ineaiiini; with ready interpretation. ".No cry too milch, them sitv," she ob served, nodding her hi ad surely. "Not Hood for Missy ineenio to cry too much. Them say, kind lady, be com forted." Thero was genuine, jriaid nature in the. way t hey consoled her: and Folix was touched by the tenderness of those savage heart!, but tho additional explanation, t'ivon him in 1'olynesian by his own Shadow, tended ttomewhat to detract from the disinterestedness of their sympathy. "They hay, 'It is pood for tho l.Hieen of the ( 'louds to weep,'" Toko -aid. with frank blunt ness: "but not too much for fear the rain should wash away ail our yam and taro plants. ' " liy tliis time the littlo bride had roused heiseli from her stumir, and, wailing away as if nothing had hap pened, said a few words in a very low voice to I'd x s Shadow. Tho Shadow turned most ron ectfnlly to his master, arid, toiichiti,' his sleeuvlink, which was of bright (.'old, said, in a very doubtful voice, "She asks you, oh. klnif, will you allow her, just for to-day, to wear this ornament''' Felix unbuttoned tho shining bau bie nt on: e. and was about to hand it to the bride with polito tfallantrv. ".-ho may wear it forever, for the matter oi that, if she likes," he said, pood-humorodly. "1 muko her a pres ent of it." Hut the brldodrow back as before In sjH-echless terror, as ho held out his hand, and seemed just, on tho point of bursting out into tears ntrain at this untoward inciuent. Tho Shadow intervened with fortunate perception of the cause of the misun derstanding, "borons must not touch or (flvu anything to a bride," he said, quietly, "not with his own hand. He must not lay his linger on her: that would bo unlucky. Hut he may hand it by his Shallow." Then ho turned to his fellow tradesmen. "These (,'ods," he said, in un e planatory voice, like one iH.'spealiiit! forgiveness, "though they are di . nie and Koronif and very powerful bee. they ha. e come from the sun, and they are but stt angers in liouparl they do not yet know tho wavs of our island. They have not eaten of human liesh. They do not un derstand Taboo. Hut they will soon lie wiser. They mean very well, but they do not know. Heboid, he gives tier this divine shining ornament from the sun us a present!" And, taking it in his hand, ho held it up for a mo ment to pcblic admiration. Then he passed on tho trinket ostentatiously to tho bride, who, smiling and delighted, hung it low on her breast among her other decorations. Tho whole party seemed so surprised an I gratified at this proof of conde scension on the part of tho divine utramer that tney crowded rounu I'-ellx onco more, praising and thank ing him volubly. Muriel; anxious to f remove the bad impression she had created by touching tho bride's dress. hastily withdrew her own, orooen arm offorod it in turn to the Shadow iis an additional present. Uut Toko, shaking his head vigorously, pointed with his forefinger many times to Mali. "Toko aav him no take It," Mali explained hastilv in hor broken Knglish. "Him no your Shadow; mo your Shadow: me do everything ror you; too tivo it w tho lady." And taking tho brooch in hor hand, sho passed it over in turn amid loud cries of delight and shouts of approval. Thereupon tho ceremony began all over again, tney Bcemeu ny men- m tervention to have interrunted some ....t formula. At Its close tho women crowded around Muriel and took her hand in theirs, kissing it many times over, with tears in their eyes, and be traying an Immense amount of genuine fee ing. One jthruso in Polynesian ii woioRtod again and again; a ' it id a& i rf jfi a a 1 1 mrs. phrase thai maun i oiia s oiwh men m mmuuniuin, whito as ho leaned over tho loor Kn- , Near the top of a littlo crag of vol gllsli girl with a profound emotion. ' canie rock. In tho center of the hills, "vV'hat does It mean that they say?" he came suddenly upon a hut with a Muriel uskod at last, perceiving it was cleared spaco around it, somewhat all one phras'i, many times repeated, neater In appearance than any of the Felix was altont to give some evasive native cottages ho had yet anon, and explanation whon Mall interposed with surroundod bv a broad, white belt of her simple, unthinking translation, coral sand, exactly like that which "J horn say Missy guoeno very good ringed round and protected their own and kind. Ma.ce them sad to think, inclosure. Hut what sjtoe.ially attract Mako tliem cry to see hr. Make ed Follx'a attention was tho tact that them cry to seo Missy Queen io Koronp. the space outside thia circle had been Too good. Too pretty." cleared into regular flower garden, "Why so?" Muriel exclaimed draw- quite F.uroean in the dellnitoness and Inff back with somo faint presentment orderliness of ita quaint arrangomont. ol uDspoakabln horror. . "Why, who llvei here"' Felix asked j Felix tried to sto itop her: but the girl would not be stopped, "liecause when Korong time up, ' she answered. L urt ing it out, "Korong must" Felix clapped his hand to her n outh in wild haste, and silenced her. He knew trie worst now. Ho had divined the truth. Hut M uriel, at least, must be spared that knowledge. CHAPTER IX. BOWINli THE WIND. Vaguely and Indefinitely one terrible truth had lieen forced by blow degrees upon Felix's mind: whatever else Ko rong meant, it implied at least some fearful doom in store, sooner or later, for the persons who Isire it. How aw ful that doom might lie. he could hardly imagine but he must devote himself henceforth to tho task of discovering what its nature was and, if possible, of averting it. Yet how to reconcile this impending terror with the other obvious facts of the situation'!' the tact they were considered divine beings and treated like gods; and the fact that the whole population seemed really to regard them with a devotion and kindliness clo-ely bor tiering on religious rever ence.' If Korongs were go Is, why should the people want to kill them If they me mt to kill them, why pay them meanwhile such resooct and af fection (me point at least was now, however, quite clear to Folix. While the na tives, especially the women, displayed toward both of them in their personal a-peet a sort of regretful sympathy, ho could not he p noli ing at the same time that tho men, at any rate, re garded them also largely in an im pornona' lignt, as a sort of generalized abstraction of the (tower of nature an embodied form of the rain an 1 the weather. The inlanders were anxious to keep their white guests well suii plied, well fed, and in perfect health, not so much for tho strangers' sakes as for thoir own advantage; they evi dently i onsidered that if anything went wrong with either of their two new gods. corresKtn ling misfortunes might happen to their crops and tho produce of their breadfruit groves. Some mysterious sympathy was held to subdst between tho persons of tho ca-taways and the state of the weather. The natives effusively th.i'iked them after welcome rain, and looked ask ance at them, scowling, alter long dry spell. It was for this, no doubt, that they took such pains to provide them with attentive Shadows, and to gird round their movements with taboos of excessive stringency. Nothing that the new-comers said or did whs indif ferent, it seemed, to tno welfare of the community; plenty and prospe -ity de pended iijion the pa-sing staleof Muri el s heait h.und famine or drought migi.t ho brought about at any moment by tho slightest Imprudence in l elix's diet. Mow stringent t heso taboos: really 1 were Felix learned by slow degree alone to realize. I nun he. very be ginning he had observed, to be sure, that they might only eat and drink the food provided for them thatthevw. ro supplied with a clean and fee . h-built hut, as well as with brand-new co oa ti nt cups spoons, and platters: that no litter of any sort was allowed to a. -cumulate pnr their enclosure: and that, their .v.udows never left them or went out of their sight, by day or by night, for a single moment. Now, however, ho began to perceive also that the Shadows were thero for that very punt ise, to watch over them, as it were, like guards, on behall of tho community: to see that they ate or d unk no tabooed o't'ect; to keep them from heedlessly transgressing any un written law of the ere. d of Houpari: and to be answerable for their good behavior generally. They were partly servants, it was true, and partly sure ties: but they were partly also keep ers, and keepers who kept a close and constant watch upon the persons of their prisoners. On2o or twice Felix, growing tired for tho moment of this continual survellance, had tried to give Toko tho sliu, and to stroll away from his hut. for a walk through tho island, in the early morning before his Shadow had waked: but on each such occasion ho found to his surprise that, as he opened the hut door, the Shadow lose at once and confronted him an grily, with an inquiring eye: and in time he perceived that a thin s'ring was fastened to the liottom of the door, t io other end of which was tied to the Shadow's anklo' and this string cou.d not be cut without lotting fall a sort of latch or bar which closed tho doorout- sJ4e, oaly V-o beaisod again by some external person. U Clearly it was Intendod that the Kor- 0ng shoulu have no chiinco of escape without the knowledge of the Shadow, who, as Felix a torward learned, would ha', e paid with his own body by a cruel doath for the Korong'a disappearance. Ho might as well have tried to es- caed his own shadow as to escape the ono tho islanders had tacked on to him. All Felix's energies were now de voted to the arduous task of dis over ing what Korong really meant, and what possibility ho miglit have ol sav ing Muriel from tho mysterious lato thatsoemed to bo held lnstore for thorn. One evening, alntut f ix weeks after their arrival in t he Is'and. the young F.nglishinari wiis strolling bv himself after the sun sank low in heaven i along a pretty tangled hillside path, overhung with lionas and ropo-Iike tropical creepers, while his faithful Shadow lingered a step or two behind, keoping a sharp loosout meanwhile on of his Polynesian, turning round in sur prise to his resjwctf ul .-hJow. The Shadow waved his hand vaguely In an expansive way toward the sky, ao he answered, with a certain air of awe, often observable in his speech wheu taboos were in question: "The King of Birds. A very great god. Jle speaks the bird languae." "Who is he?" Felix inquirea, taken aback, wondering vaguly to himself whether here, perchance, he might have lighted upon some stray and ship wrecked com; atriot. "He cornea from the sun like your aelves.'' the Shadow answered, all deference, but with obvious reserve, "fie is a very great god. 1 may no', speak much of him. Hut he is not Korong. He is greater tKn b '. M less. He is Tula, the sain- .. - -Kila." "is he as powerful as Tu-Kila-Kila?" Felix asked, with intense interest. "Oh, no. he' not nearly so powerful as that,' the Shadow answered, half terrified at the Itare suggestion. "No god in heaven orearth is like Tu-K.l i Kila. This one is only king of the birds, which is a little province, while Tu-Kila Kila is king of heaven and earth, of plants and animals, of god-i and men. of all things created. At h s nod the sky shas. s and the rocks tremble. Hut still, this god is Tula, like Tti-Kila-Kilu. He is not for a year. He goes on forever, till some other supplants him." "You say he comes from the sun," Felix put in, devoured with curiosity. "And he speaks the bird language':1 Yhat do you mean by that? Does he spear- like the tjuceii of the Clouds and my-eif when we ta k togot her.-''' "Oh. dear, no." the Shadow an swere I. in a very conlident tone. "Ho doesn't spea tho least bit in the world like that. He ejtoaks shriller and higher, and still more bird-like. It is chatter, chatter, chatter, like the par rots in a tree: tirra. tirra tarra tana; la, la. la: lo, lo, Io: lu. In, lu; 1 i la.. And he sings to himself all tho time. Ho sings this way " Au.l then the Shadow, with that wonderful power of accurate mimicry which is so strong in all natural beings, began to trill out at once, with a very good 1'ai isian a cut, a few lines from a well-known song in "ii Fille du .Madame Angot: ' yuaad on ucniMp; ro, stu tnd MtiiiK I. ujuuf On pent ao di-ru Coi.Kp itt'oiir. Four to.. t, J., uion-do 11 taut a.oir IVrruiiiu tlon-du Kt collut n tir rrrupie ulon-de Kl loiioi nolr." "That's how tho King of tho Birpi sings," the Shadow said, as he finished, tin owing buck his head, and laughing with all hismight at hisown imitation. "So funny, isn't it.' It's exactly like the song of the pink-eresied parrot." "Why, Toko, it's French,'' Felix ex claimed, using the Fi ian word tor a Frenchman, which the Shadow, of course, on his remote island, had never betore heard. "How on earth did he come here?" "I can t toll you," Toko answered, waving his arms seaward. "He came from the sun, like yourselves. Hut not in a It had no fire. Ho came in a canco, all by Himself. And .vlali says" hero the Shadow lowered h:s voice to u most mysterious whisper "he's a man a-oui on i. " Felix quivered excitement. "Mati-a-oui-oui" is the univer-al name over semi-civilized Polynesia for a Frenchman. Felix sei ed upon it with avidity. "A man-a-oui-qiil." he cried, delighted. "How strange! How won derful! I must go in at onco to his hut and see him '' lie had lifted his foot and was just going to cross the white line of coral sand, when his Shadow catching him suddenly and stoutlv round the waist, pulled him back from the inclosiiro with every sign of horror, alarm, and an I astonishment "No, you can't go," he cried, grappling with him with all his force, yet using him very ten derly for all that, us becomes a god. "Taboo! Tattoo there!'' "Hut I am a god myself." Folix cried, insisting upon his privileges. If you have to submit to the disadvantages of taboo, you may as well claim its ad vantages as well. "The King of Firo and the King of Wat.'T crossed my ta boo line. Why shouldn't I cross e .ually tho King of the Birds', then. " "So you might as ii rule," th ) Shadow answered with promptitude. "You are both gods. Vour taboos do not cross. You may visit each other. You may transgress one another's lines without danger of falling dead on the ground as common men would do if they broke taboo-lines. Hut tliisis the Moiith of Birds. The King is in re treat. No man may see him oxce;t his own Shadow, the Little Cockatoo, who brings bim his fool and drink. Do you seo that hawks head, stuck upon tho post by the door at the side. That is his Special Tattoo. Ho keeps it for this month. Even godB must re spect that sign, for a reason which it would be very bad medicino to men tion. While the Month of Birds lasts, no man may look upon tho King or hoar him. If they did, they would dio, and the carrion birds would eat them Come away. This is dangerous." TO UK CONTINUED. l' Martha Washington. Mrs. George Washington, although an heiress and beauty, arid for many years the llrst lady of the larm, never disdained the homely, honorable duties of housekeeping. She con sidered It a great privilege to look after the details of her household and regarded the "state days" as lost. In her home at Mount ernon, as in all large Southern mansions, a work room was set aDart, and here every morning Mrs. Washington could bo found, surrounded by many of her servants, superintending and assist log In their work. Copper. In India copper Is almost entirely used for religious purps s, except where tho worshipper Is so rich ha can afford sliver. All the requisites for Hindu worship tho shrlnos of the gods, the platter with Its floral patterns the pedestal on which tha Idol is placed during the sacred bath, the vessels for holy water all thesa In a Hindu teuiplo are of copper. A. You can't believe auythlnff Longbow says. 1 wonder bow ha came to be so untruthful? R He was once a weather prophet, and I uppose the habit sticks. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report MM I V C &!3OLIJTEIaY FUBE Hints for Uoraemeo. Use low mangers. Lameness is the language of pain. Guard against too heavy rations of hay. Salt water hardens and refreshes the tender skin. If your horses must he shod use as light shoes as possible. Keep a supply of clean bandages in the stable to use iu an emergency. No more can be got out of a horse than is put in. Actual Experience. A voiing man of a practical turn of mind and living on a salary of eighteen dollars a week w,.s curious to know whether or not he could afford to as Bume the possibilities of a family. In his own language, says the Philadel phia Press, lie thus tells how he satis lied his curiosity: "I told my sister, who is a widow with one child, that 1 would like to ex periment for one week and ascertain for myself the actual cost of maintain ing a small family, my wages being eighteen dollars a week. She was will ing. She had a suit of four rooms, for which she paid fourteen dollars a month. Well I paid the rent for one week and bought all her coal and wood and meat and groceries and paid for her laundry work and for my own, etc. Atttie end of Hie feven days I found that out of the eighteen dollars there remained but one dollar and three cents. Kn, as I am a modest man and have decided objections to adopting the cos tume of the South Sea islanders, I came to the conclusion that I would re main single and wear clothes." Some rnlntfl Ah.iut Flnfl. Thorns were originally used in fast ening garments together. Pins did not immediately succeed thorns as fasten ers, but different appliances were used, such as hooks, buckles and laces. It was the latter half of the fifteenth cen j tury before pins were used in Great ! Britain. When first manuf'ac; ured in i Kugland the iron wire, of the proper length, was filed to a point, and the tvher extremity twisted into ii tiead. This was a slow process, and four or five hundred pins was a good day.s woik for an expert, hand. The United States has the credit of inventing the first machine for making puis. 'J his was in ln'i. I he inventor was one Lemuel Wellruan Wright. Many re tnrirkable improvements have followed and the machines of the present day send off as if by magic, whole si reams of pins, and these fall so nicely adjust ed for the puprs pricked for them that two small girls can put up several thousand papers in a day, Ladies' Home Jurnal. Hknrv A. Salzkr, manacerof (he John A. Salzer Seed Compiuiy, La Crosse, Wis., is in Euro. e looking up rare novelties in vegetables and new things in the farm seed line. He will visit the celebrated hiiniing districts ol France, Germany, Kngluud, belgium, Russia and liotiemia. and the imatoniei-s of tins wide-awake firm can congnil ulnte themselves upon his bringing idling the cream of (arm and vegetable seeds that those foreign cotnilries oiler. A Crs.-;er lor iialty. One of the laleat and best of utility "creepers" is very easily made. Ging ham is the fabric used. First measure baby 8 length and breadth in order to allow the little one a etiance for free dom of motion. The gingham is then cut bag shape, )2 by 14 being the pop ular number of inches. This, when sewed up at the sides and bottom, Is gathered into a band with buttonholes and buttons. In etch lower corner openings haye been made. These are hemmed and are then ready for the chubby legs. Drawing them up over the child's limbs you will find the dainty blothes snugly incased and yet the limbs of the toddler at liberty to move at will. Manicuring at Home. The woman of good taste has her finger Dail cut exactly to the round of her finger, matching the half niobii below and just betraying the tip. It is filed simply to smoothness, and rub bed only enough to remove roughness and marks. A weekly polish with th rose-tinted and rose-saeuted salve, washed away with the brush In warm !water before finishing answers all the needs of tho nails thus kept, while be fore the polishing the nail has been thoroughly cleaussd. so that no loo-e skin or hard particle adheres to the sides or base, in order that no hang nail can be formed to work or tare down the quick llesh. Every woman who wishes this done can do It for herself. - Nebraska Legislative Hand Boor and Manual, lOGO. XI7P have a limited number of thene books in our possession, nnj offer " tliem Ht the extremely Low Prlrej of X. 45 postpaid. THIS wor't contains Information peculiarly valuable to anyone wishing to 1 nil become acquainted with mutters concerning the state and state gor ernmenti. It also contains the declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United Hlaies, the Constitution of the State of Nebraska, Htututory Provisions, Manual of Parliamentary Practice, eic, etc. SENT P!''1 M ,ny ddr'" 'n th United States on receipt of tha HKBB18IA IEW8PAPEB UIIOH, York, Htbrtikt, Nevada' Tiavelma; 8ton-a. Seven of the famous "traveling stories" of Nevada were recently dis. played in a Denver hotel. When placed on a table, within two or three feet of each other, they commenced approach ing until they all met at a common center. A single stone having been removed four feet from the other six. which were lett in a cluster, returned to the bunch. Taken to a distance of five feet it remained motionless. Den ver Letter. The Liltle ''Komaurar " Little Tommy is excessively fond of preserves auu asns ins inoiuer ior a second help. She refuses. The young ster appears resigned. Then all at once and very gravely he says: "Do you know, ma, what happened the other day in the next street? There was a little chap to whom his mother wouldn't give any preserves. And then, "Come, what next?" "Next day he tumbled into a well." ISalendrier Jintamarresque. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is a couitltutloDul CLre. 1'rice 75 cent. 1 lie House Snake Iii the Ozark mountains there is a small species of the snake tribe known as the "houe snake." It is a harmless reptile, but entirely too familiar, going into the houses whenever it can and finding its way into drawers, cupboards and other places in an. unaccountable way. By many people it is supposed to bring bad luck to kill one ot these serpents, and they are chased out of the house as a dog or chicken would be. As the houses are usually log cabins with crevices between the logs, it is an easy matter for them to enter. Hlilloh'i" Conanmptlon Cure is sold on a guar antee. It cures Incipient Consumption. It is Uie best Con t;h Cure. 'J; cents. oOcenti, and II. 1X1. The I'ennsylvania academy of fine arts has applied to the city of Phila delphia for a grant of ten thousand dollars, in return for which the acad emy will provide li f ty free scholarships in its art schools, the recipients to be nominated by the city. I Can't Sleep I have a tired, worn-out feeling. . This means that the nervous system is out of order. When this complaint is made, Hood's Sarsaparilla is needed to purify and vitalize the blood, and thus supply nervous strength. Take it now. Hood' g Sarsa- I parilla Cures Be sure to get Ho .d's and Only Hood's. I .,..,1 ' a Pill cure all liver ills, billinusuess. W. L. Douglas $ 3 S H O Ea NO SQUE A K t N & 5. CORDOVAN, FRENCH& ENAMELLED CAU i4.t3.5-0 FINECALf &KAN6AR0H $ P0LICE.3 Soles. $,r3.?2.VV0RKINGMEN EXTRA FINE. n 2.l.7-sBOYSSCHO0liHOE3t LADIES' -n.'.o- .1 il 75 V''BriTDNG0M. CEND FOR CATALOGUE WL-'DOUGLAS, BROCKTON, AlASS. Yon can aore money br wearing the V. I.. Douglua 83.00 Shoe. Beennae, wa are the larrrst manuracturern of thla f radeof shoes In tlia 1, an lguaruutoe their value by stamping the name and price on tha bottom, which protect you against high prices and the mlddleman'e proflta. Our shoes equal custom work In style, easy Suing and wearing qualities. We have them aold every where at lower prlcea fof the value given than any other make. Take no sub. tltutc. If yni 'VnVr c-nnot pii yf we can. The St. Joseph and Grand Island E. B IB THE SHORTEST and QUICKEST LINE TO ALL POINTS NORTH WEST EAST SOUTH And In eonnec-1 Union Pacific System tlon with the IB THE FAVORITE BOtlTE- To California, Oregon and all Western Points.. For information regarding rates, etc., call oa or address any agent or 3. M. Admit, M. P. Robinson. Je , Gen. Pass. Agt. (Jen'l Manager, St. Joseph, Mo. Are You a Steam User? If so (ul dress a card to IRV1N PRIBBLE, York, Neb. Bnd lie w ill (live you Information that wll sar you money. N. N. L No. 301 -'in. York, b WIIKN WIMTINU TO ADVKKl ISKKS plfftwe Hiiy you mw the advrrtlaemfint In tbiH ptipur. I m.3