The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, July 12, 1894, Image 6

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He caly aa at Brag man tkat I m.
SOI bi d oiu Bar l'6 Bar (marl.
Tat km w 1 teal, aa 1 look in tau are.
1 wculu miaa him If tr - abouid pari.
1 . ha act allr aaows
but will dvc diaclnta,
Tb secret way down in my kuru
TV mas in tea tjlaa, bctst goaatpa at mm
lu iut beiftHUjr a lnq'italtl ar,
Uy fcOJ r p.. tattoo ball ib.bc betray,
1 naver b ra-CB 10 far,
1 tough faults be can MB,
l D"KU to film ali'i to nte,
Wbl-'b to otm fo.ka narer i ppear.
The mm 'n tha eiaaa neer amwera ma bark
WliBu hi. ((jllta. 1 tij aoulu nureei,
Bui t.'a .uor fellow looi o BJihamea ol hioi-
TLat I llu for biTj. too. J eKt t.
or we Ujth iw-1 to Llama.
An J a iuaiul htukiue
bee!:is the errors of bo b to connect
I he u.&ii in ibe K will be Unfa':! to mo
am ku4 1'lj LuliAnt au-i tr ..e ;
brl OD e li nit. mm utd will bit cod tempt
U oujd t.a i he ibiui; 1 ciiMdu.
. or UiV oeI f ri.-ud lie il hi,
r l:t o at eneu v
ind be U u. k to ui! oi. toy lile through.
thu-tao tutor Oceeii
'I am listening to you," sa d Ann
ella, t enrl intr her blond little bead,
aud .iano iclt that her slender hand
tremble in his.
Who was An nella':
The tieauliful widow of Count
Giutuiui had found her one dav,
pale. desolate, and exhausted, beside
a dead woman in a S'jual d. dark
room. Th.; dead woman was the
aunt of the Countess and the mother
of Annella. and the povert ' which
surrounded her was the sole inheri
tance of the lair oung girl.
Countess (.iumoii, rich, ad i.ired,
nd courted by the tine lower of aris
to ratio saion.s. lived upon vauitv.and
coquet y. But in suit? of that she
had a morsel of heart, and poor Auu
ella's little white face had the power
to d aw two beautnul tears, more
lu ent than pearls, from her great,
black, enchanting e;es. Jftheliaron,
the , I sco on i or the Mar ul, lould
hare seen those two pearls, surely
they would have loved her eveD
more than they d d so compassion
ately and tender aid she seem amid
the triumphs of her happy youth.
The same evening Anuella reposed
In a soft, bed. under a counterpane of
p uk silk, while at the balcony win
dow, tnat she had lelt partly opened,
the moon peered in and laid a tint of
palor u, on the rose-red divans of the
elegant littie room.
Two years passed after that first
tranquil sleep. Annella's beautv,
wuich eary privations and sorrows
had almost withered in the bud,
bloomed a'ain as if by magic. It
was a pleasure to see the radiant
g:rl, a sieuder little person, but
perfect curves of outline, the buat
lull, the throat ol admirable softness,
and toe little head oh, that dainty
littie head was like an artist's
thought . ike a go. den waive, the hair which she wore nn
bound and Iloating. rippled down her
Should rs her eyes laughed with the
color of the cleat heavens under arch
ing, delicate eyebrows that were
biack a inst the whiteness of her
forehead and ave a resolute excres
iion to tier beaut lul countenan e
Iler small, rosy mouth was always
smiling; it was but a languid smile,
and tinned with au expression of
melauchoiy or bitterness.
.ow, alter havinir sketched Annel
la's graceful tlure. it seems strange
not to be ai le to give it a background
of brighter oiors We know how
much a brilliant setting adds to a
Bern, and cer'ainly the Countess
Giuuimi's lauty gained greatly by
the luxu y and ri bue?s of her dre-s
aud surroundings. A iashionable
dressmake , an a tist in bis line,
dressed her with 1 arisian ta.--te; a
skillful young wi man, who was maid
and contidaute together, combed trie
wealth oi Her dark tair that touched
the i oor and adapted to her sha, ely
person stu.fs, colors, liowers, and
Jewels. rotu their hands the Coun
tess issnud a true goddess of love,
nd hei shrine gleaming with silks,
marbles, silver, and crystal increased
the enchantment and rendered her
marvelous to the eyes of the visitors.
l'oor Annella. so simple in her 1 t
tle muslin gown; so ti.i it in that
rich bouse, not her own, bowciuld
he contend lor the palm with that
u erb queen? And is no new thing
that the bright rays o. the moon dim
the placid light of the quiet sta a
So the hundred gentlemen that
flocked into those glided rooms had
eye only lor the beautl ul ( ountess.
and If tbey designed to bestow a
passing word r look on the timid
girl, that was merely an a t o horn
age to the reigning lady, homage that
shewed their admiral, on for her
charit,, to a dependent. They all
knew, and from her own mouth, loo,
the outness had taken the forsaken
or. ban to th s beauuiul home and
chantfd her sorrow to bap Incss. 1
Jut was Annella really hap v?
Her young heart thirsted lor love.
In her childhood she had been the
one treasure o'. her poor mother, and
though she had often lacked bread,
a,r, and sunlight, caresses were never
wanting. She :new tbe sweetness
ol a kiss into which Is transfuse i all
a loving soul; she knew the dual life,
the breath mingled with another
breath fro it a breast paloitating with
tende ness. Yes, her mother's love
bad ta aht all these things and
taught them to her In poverty. Then
tame fine limes, ib indancc of every
thing, new amusements every day
and every hour, noi, gaeties and
the luxury of carriages and dinners.
Hut, strange to say, amid all this
laughter of life, her heart was nar
rowed, (loaed. She, longer
sulTered from hunger, cold, or fear
of worse misfortune, but ben eforth
be bad no one to love ber, not a
imple ob el to call forth her own
love, though ibe felt an overpower,
lag aeed to bestow on some oae all
bar wans, impassioNed souL
At frst she had triad for tola ex.
ebaage of aSe.Uoo with ber aowla,
tae awtzaiteeot CvuBteaa,
tZ bad ImmJ bar kind,
generous, but frlvolo a, full of hr
keif and ber attractions, but incap
able not on lr of feeling love, but
even of comprehending It.
Discomfited, Annella baa looked
aliout ber, and amid that array of
faces, coats, and qoc rations that
made a circle around ber be a tiful
cousin, she had sought and sought.
An odd girl! she bad actually tound
those polished gentlemen empty and
unsympathetic, although rJnely clad
and uueAceptionable from top to
toe. How could she have dared to
raise even her thoughts to the heights
on which they moved:' Which of
them would have designed to descend
to tier, a poo- little orphan, sheltered
by the &ity of her cousin?
Thus set apart and averse to all
flatte les. she led her own life amid
the lestivities aud the constant
and confusion of the house.
lJut one evening she discovered
among the crowd a newcomer
biotid and handsome live herself,
and like her-eif, sad, timid, aud em
barrassed. At once a secret sym
pathy attracted her toward young
Mario. It seemed to her that sne
might be able to comfcrt him with
her words, for surely he i herished a
deep sorrow In his heart, since his
tine face never brightened with
l.vely color, and his eyes oiteu glls
teued as if with lestrained tears.
lie welcomed sympathy so eagerlv
that it anpeared as if he sought ber,
as if he came solely for her sake.
And tney soon talked freely together.
Alter their first meeting, which was
full of embarrassm nt to totb of
them, they ua-sed all the reception
evenings of the splendid Countess
together. Annella always awaited
him w th indescribable emotion, aud
when she saw bun appearing in the
doorwav. diffident and shy, all her
l'ie was concentrated iu her hea:t.
that beat, beat as it it would
burst iu bonds. Then with studied
carelessness be wandered through
the rooms until he su ceeded in plac
ing himself at her side, whence he
did not stir until the last guests were
about to leave.
Mario had told the story of his life
his poor lifo of d scornfort and ii-o-lation.
He too was an orj han,
brought up by strangers who bad
speculated upon his talent. I;y for e
of study and eilort he had at last
made for himself a position that had
enabled him to demand his liberty
in exchange for a monthly payment.
Never, pojr soul, hao. he tasted the
sweetness of mutual love.
Annella, in her secret heart, re
joiced at all this. Would it not be
her privilege to give bitn thedel.ghts
that he had never expe ienced, her
task to make him forget the bitter
ness of so many year, and to rewa d
bi a fo ' all bis sui.erings? At Diwht
how many dreams of this peopled the
virginal little room of the young girl,
aud In fancy she saw herself already
an adored wife, clasped to the gentle
and noble breast of her beloved
Mar o.
One thing, howeve', preoccupied
her mind. When she met Mario for
the first time a cloud or sadness had
veiled his attract. ve countenance,
a sadness tiehind which she had per
ceived a deeply wounded heart. Of
mat wound Mario had never spoken
to he , but the cloud had not passed
away, notw.thstanding the love that
Annella breathed towards him from
her eyes, her smile, her enthe personal
ity. And, then, too, she would have
wished inaeea, she expected It eery
evening, aud always vainly the Onal
outbur.-t of Mario's love He loved
her oh: shi? was sure of that but
why did he not tell her so? Of course,
natural timidity the ear of tioub
11 g ber simple life. He wasso noble,
ber Mar.ol hut Anally be must e
plain himself. Oh! and she would
nut statu ru ;r in giving him a lavor
able answer, such a yes would escape
ber lips and tl en wha- mutual joy,
what warmth In their uture talks'
Then she would be obliged to tell ft
to her cous n. and the kind Countess
would willingly consent. Liut why
did he not speak to her?
One evening when they were alone
in the shadow of the vellow drawing
room Mario suddenly let b mself go,
seized her trembling hand murmured
to ber, "I will I mast speak to you
And Annella, l ending her fair-head
and almost suffocated with emotion,
replied, '-I am listening to you."
'Dear Annella," Mario began,
'have you never asked y urself why
I first came to this house?"
"How should if han e, perhaps."
murmured Annella, hardly able to
contain her joy, whilo her heartc led
out the answer, "i or me, for me
aione "
'It was not a chance, t o I came
here conquered, led by passion alone.
1 loved and was wild with pain be
fore I set foot inside the house," de- ;
ciared Mario.
A nnella .trembled, not daring to
interrupt him, but she would have
liked to fling herself upon bis neck
without letting bitn finish, and to
sav to him amid a world of kisses 1
"Here is Jov for you!" But he con
tinued. "I loved, and to-day 1 love
more than then: I sulfered, and to
day, gutter more than ever.'" . ;
The girl started and looked, wild-1
eyed, at bis face. Why did be speak
of suffering? Had be not understood
ber great love? Or was be feigning, ;
perbap, in order to bear her c
"Dear girl," and here Mario ca
ressed ber band, "you indeed have '
comforted me, you have helped me
to bear my grief; but now my anguish
has reached the last degree I know
that my love will never be returned !"
"Ino, no: you mistake i" Annella
involuntarily interrupted, bending
towa d Dim.
1 mtrtake?" ha exclaimed, with
bona banning in bis glance. "Why
do yaw say so? Do you know who it
And Annaila, tharae-faced and con-
foaad, stammered. "I Imagine. " ,
"Wall." eoatinaad Mario bitterly.
"if you know who I love you win
have seeo for some time that she not
only does not even dream of this
tempest in my soul, but she would
never imagine that one so low would
dare to iitt his eves to her."
W bat? Was be going mad? Wnv
did be talk ot descending? And the
girl proloundly troubled, asked him
qaiCkly: "ftbe! Who?"
"Your cousin, the Countess, ot
co irse."
To vou love ber? Her." And
Anuella could say no more, he lelt
a chill like ice through her veins, a
riLging in hei ears: she saw sharks
shadows, before ber eyes then noth
When she came to herself she was
upon ber lied, with the beautiful
Countess beudiug a little uneasily
over ber.
"Oh, what was the matter;" asked
the Countess; "have jou quarreled
this evening?"
MMth whom?" 6aid Annella. not
yet qu.te herself.
"With Mario, with your impas
sionate Mario, who, 1 hope, will de
cide to ask me for your hand .
"Ah " exclaimed the poor girl,
"Mario loves only you."
"xe." replied the Countess, with
a haugnty n.ieu. "What a stupid
man." And she we,nt to the minor
to arrange the orsae of the scarlet
gown that set off the marble white
ness of her perlect shoulders.
Annelid buried ner face in the pii
low, and drenched it with scaldiog
A Hot Meal.
Walter Man field, the Iioard of
Trade attorney, is a most entbusiai
tic sportsman and an expert with
either rod or gun, but he will never
permit bis enthusiasm to stint his
stojuach. If at the moment be had
his gun on a M.lng quail a dinucr bell
should ring he would drop bis gun
and go to dinner.
W hen Mansfield goes out ou one of
bis trips be alwavs locates a place
where be can get a good meal, and
so times his sport that he will reach
it at the dinner hour. A few days
ago be went upon the 1 lg .Sulphur
creek for a da's fishing, and, as he
starua out at daybreak, he saw a
little wayside shanty, in front of
w hich stood a borse trough and a
Rig-n, "Hot Meaisat All Hours." The
trough did douoie service as a drink
ing place for tired and dusty horses
aud a iaiatory for the guests of the
'That's Justthe place," said Walter
to himself. "I'll fish up stream aud
then down again, so that I'll reach
here at noou."
He carried out his programme,
went to the "hotel," where he rubti -d
soft soap around his neck aud washed
it off in the horse trough, and then
seated him.lf at the wooden table.
Ad old Missouriansat smoking In one
corner and never budged or paid the
slightest attent.on to Mansfield, who
was nibbdng at a cracker be found on
the table.
"Well, where is my dinner?" In
quired the hungry sportsman.
"Thar," and the rancher aimed the
stem of his pipe at the table.
'Why, your sign says. 'Hot Meals
at All Hours."'
"Tbar she is. Crackers an
sauce." , Francisco 1'osU
In tbe household, numerous are
the uses to Ingenuity has
; adapted electricity. Tbere are
bouses in which every room is illu
minated ny a lamp which 1 ignis it
, self automat. cally whenever the
door is opened, and which shut itself
0.1 the door is cosed from
i tbe outside. Lights in the barn can
be controlled from a house. There
are dectric lamps wh ch at will can be
operated either at full candie power
, or at much reduced power. Klectrto
' ower is being used lo operating e e
. valors In residences. Other a, pll
: a noes of the power .n residences are
Ibe operation of dumb wa.ters, ven.
j tUating fang, ice cream freezers, and
so on. Tbe adaptation of electricity
to beating is making rapid progress
j but at present It can be used more
j economically than coal only wben
j it is generated from water power,
i Thus far tbe beating ol large soaccs
bj electricity Is an expensive luxury,
i Kleciric cooking is economical, and
I of course, m'jch preferred to any
other nietho 1. All sorts of eiecir c
cooking utensils are now in tbe
market. These devices and arrange-
men is are generally known, but thus
far scarcely any residences have thcui
all. When tbey are generally Intro
duced they will make domestic labor
ligule and more j leawaut, and will
do away with, even In isolated and
rural quarters,' much dru gery that
now falls Ubon the housewife.
That Gentleman.
The man bad telegraphed for a
berth in the sleeper to meet him at
a station along the line, aud when
be got it be was in a bad humor be
cause it wasn't in the best place in
tbe car. The conductor explained
that be ougbt to be glad to gel what
be did, as ibe berth could hate been
soid to a doen people at double the
price, etc, etc., and. at last the gen
tleioan accepted the situation and
agreed Ui sleep in It. Two minutes
after be got in there was a huilabal
loo again.
i.cie," be yelled, lliere'sno screen
to this window. 1 can't sleep with
out a screen and 1 won't It's a
shame and an o utrage. I'll report
1 you to headquarters and see if this
thing can't be done right."
Tbe porter was trying to set mat-
lers ftralgbt, when a thin, sjueaky,
I little voice came from the curtains
across the aisle.
'Pnrtjr. rmrtatr " II. ar,naulr1
.,-rvbodv rmiid h.r .if tj,.i
tiemao owns tbe road be can bae
my screen." and "that gentleman"
sube.ded Fm Press,
Pcoi'La you owe always tell
Haw font (irouad C'bb H Marked
Straight !ortbl Hwlno Hoi-A IIomb
for laying Uatki I'rire oi loree ftiever
bo Uv-lftrn Not.
How to Mark "or lironnd.
1 have often wondered bow it is
possible for a sotr man U make cum
rows as crooked as some I have seen,
writes a corre-iHiudent of the Ameri
can Agriculturist. Nor is them ury
lu apjiearame alone. The cultha'.or
cam ot run as close to the young
plants aud do as uood work n ciooked
rows as it can in straight ones, mi
that the iatxir wasted in keeping the
crtp dean is ten times as much as
would lie required to in: rk the lows
straight in the nr.t place. One cause
of so many ciooked rows is to lc
found n tiie fact that so lew lar i ers
know how to make a really good d ag
with which to i. atk the ground, and
no one can do the best work with
poor tools.
In the accompanying sketch Is
shown a com drag which 1 have used
for the last twenty live years, with
great satisfaction and success. It
can I made iu a few lours by any
farmer, and the tuateri I u.-ed is not
exjensive. 1 or the stringer I use
two by four spruce. supKse the
rows are to be three and a hall leet
apart, then the stringer should lie
cut ten feet ; na eight inches In
length. This will make the runners
ten feet and six Inches apart, meas
ured from center to center. The
runners a. e two feet long, in .de of
two-inch plank ten inches wide, and
to ca h of them is bolted a plow
handle. They are notched to receive
the strinwer which is n iled to the v,
and braced, and also by short braces
ou the under side which the sketch
does not show. The space I eiwe-in
the runners is equally divided by two
iron hooks, a a, to each of which Is
attached an ox chain. Tho shafts
are twelve feet long, and are simply
saplings of some stout wood left with
the bark on to give them toughness.
They are each fastened to the stringer
by one Isilt, aud supported by braces,
b b, which are fa-tened to ea h shall
by a bolt, and the two cross on tbe
stringer ate, where they are fastened
by one bo t pas ing through them.
The ends of the shafts ha e holes In
them by means of which they are
fastened, on each side of the horse,
wild straps to the name rings. It
will be seen that the runners give It
height sylllcient to pass over stones
or uneven g ound. As the cenier
marks are made by the heavy chaius
the planter will Ond no missing
marks, as happens when all the marks
are made by runners. Inthatiase
the slight elevations and dep cssions
of the surface of the field wouid
cause one or two of the runners to be
oif the ground half the time.
Salt Nut a Kprtillrrr.
Any one familiar with agricultural
chemistry knows that salt does not
contain anything that may serve as
plant nourishment; it is a simple
compound of chlorine and sodium.
Chlor hftj if an) is Injurious to
jilints hence the disastrous effect
sometime observed where salt is used
at the time of the plactlng. or I i too
large quantities,) while sodium,
though not ha mtul, cannot by any
means assist plant growth; the small
quantities needed are always and
abundantly present in every soil, and
it Is not any more advantageous to
fertilize with sodium than it would
be to use sand or sill a as a
Country Gentleman.
Houe for Laying lurfa.
The design fs Intended for a cheap
and easily-constructed bouse for
ducks thai are laving and may be
used lor the ent re Hock also. sas
tt.e Poultry t eeper. There being no
roosts tbe object Is to secuie i oor
space. Tbe roof also serves f ir the
sides, and any nind of waterproof
paper or tarred felt may be used as a
covering on tbe foards lo prevent
leaking. Tho floor is Kept covered
w,tb cut straw or bay. i be nests
are simply boarded oif at the lower
sides and need not be ai litioucd,
having only entrance holes. The
sills my rest on brick or stones, so
as to raise them from the ground.
Th-i hou-e may Ikj made of any
le,.gth, width, or hlght preferred, as
we aim only to show the plan. Tbe
cost of such a bouse is very snialL
Cora Bad Cob Mal.
I have not seen very mu b expe
rience on tbe subject of feeding corn
and cob meal, and will give my ex
perience for what It Is worth. I
bave been feeding It for eight or n no
years to from fifty to sixty-five bead
of cattle every year, and have fat
tened from aeven to twenty-three
very winter, and bave made tbem
gain as high aa 810 pounds per bead
In three months. Soma men advance
tbe theory that It la Injurious ti cat-
tie. My exp"riencr eoiitraTu ts all
fuch theories: a I he old sayinif Is,
the proof of the pudding U The cat
In thereof. 1 use the scen.nie
i grinding mill, and run it with a I2.
i hore (iwer engine, z id grind fro u
twenty to thirty bushels per hour to
a t er;ble Hue f e l 1 never fed
U'tter feed for attening. Corres
pondence National Mo k
moving swine some method lie-
sides leading urdrivinc'lso.tcn neces
sary. To accompi sii this, make a
strong box 4Jx2J xlj ft. with an
open ng at one end : el the box In
pen doorway and with a little corn
iu the end f the liox, entice the bog
In. 1 et tic door iu the rear end
down and secure with a peg, as shown
In the cut. Two men can easily load
a Jou- f bhote into a wagon and save
the unnecessary no se. The Uix must
lie made stiong by dealing the In
side corners. Such a lox is worth
its cost every time it is LSed iarui
and Home. ... .
I'uHfitrtiig a Meailntr.
A correspondent asks if pasturing
mowing land in autumn Injuries it
Weil, that de ends If the grass Is
ti othy, feeding cattle on It in the
fall or earlv spring will Injure it
greatly; if heavy beasts are allowed
to go on it in wet weather they will
hurt It by poaching il. whatever be
th grass sown Put if a variety of
grasses and clovers form the bulk of
the pasture aud the cattle are only
allowed on It In dry weather, no
damage will be caused: and this Is
one of the great ob e. t ions we have
to timothy, it should never be gra.ed.
The plant roots of this ollierwl e
valuaole gras- are of a bu Ikhis
growth and the side twitch of tho
cow In eating Is mighty apt. panic i
larly in damp weather, to puil tho
entire stalk out of tho tround.
lar. ii Life.
A I l,ilhMln .pron.
When lemoving the washed clothes
from the line the common practice
is to throw the loosened pins into the
basket with the clothes. This, of
couise, reiu' es the extra work of
picking them out at in ning time,
hence it is no won ler so many are
lost: whereas, by making a clothes
pin apron and using it, much vexa
clous trouble will te avoided. It
should tie made from strong cloth.
(stripd ticking Is durable, and If the
striies extend upward and the eo'ges
are bound, it looks neat. A piece of
ticking fourteen inches square for
the back is none irm laige, and the
front Is cut In the form shown, the
point at the center being firmly sewed
U the band. This will hold the pins
f-jra large washing, and may betaken
from and replaced wl'.h either hand.
It takes but a moment to tie it on or
Ui remove it, and will prove far more
satisfactory than a pail or basket for
carrying the pins.
Skkd corn is the most important
matter to consider In connection with
tbe crop. If there Is anything that
causes a farmer to become despondent
It Is to be compelled to repiant his
TiiEtiu Is but one sure method of
tnak ng p to - land pay, and that Is to
cm tail the area to b cultlvaieri, ap
ply the nianu e on a small sace,
procure fertilizers and give good cul
tivation. Tkkk-, whether planted for orna
ment or use. are th better for the
soc ety of other trees near by, be
cause of the r affording mutual pro
tection from wi ads and from extreme
of beat and cold.
Tin: cost of the seed Is an objec
tion to the use of whole potatoes foi
that purpose, but cutting tho seed
should be done with the oh ectof al
lowing as large pieces as possible.
The young plants derive the r first
nourish . ent fio ,i the seed pieces.
Whks green crojs are plowed un
der for the purpose of enriching the
soil an application of lime will often
lie of the greatest benefit It helps
to correct the acidity of the soil,
which ofen results from tho too
rapid fernientaiion of the green stuff.
Thk mule is a much better animal
than the horse for some purposes.
The feet of the mule do not liccome
as easily Injured as those of the horse,
and tnulcs are also less liable lo dis
ease, will eat a greater variety of
coarse food, and can be worked In
closer rows than horse
The "National I'alryman" says:
Over 100 new creame les is the record
In this country for MU3. Many poorly-located
ones have quit business,
but it le perfectly s fe to figure on
000 good live creameries added to tbe
forcee This will make close to 6,000
good, live creameries in opsrsitlonlaa
Increase of about 10 par cent
( i i
.. . , , ,, jp
V I Ti K ovi!eo IMT.
Aerial Navigation.
Th" re-ialance of Ihe air is the one
all rii cent luicruiu or ban. ou
which every rhing machine must
rely. In the investigation of its laws
oiuelh ng has be n done by the study
of the flight of birds and the analy
sis of the results ot .nstanuneous
I holographs of the , especially b
modern remh writer, lor the
laws whlcn govern the bight of birds
must muiatis loutan us lhal Is, lo
principle apply to all aerial loco-
i motion, lleiic', in the la-led. lion
of the t o: eloped u KiiUniiica we
see progrtssou tbe sub.ect. Thus
we find therein au instructive table,
showing clearly that, contrary to
many people's ideas Usm tbesui ject,
tbe susta mng or wing area iu all fly
ing bodies in nature increases in a
much less proportion than the in
creased weight Ui lie carried, lo
the swallow or the spar.ow has a
much less po;x.rtiona!e area of wing
thau l lie fly. the gnat, or the beet e,
and the tullure oi wild swan a much
less area than the swallow.
I'd is impotlant fundamental
fact in aerial t.avigaiion, as showing
lhal toe flying machine of the luture
can be made of very moderate di
mension', liut t y far the most use
ful progress in this direction has wen
made by l'rof. l.anglcy in his excel
lent "1 xpcriuicnu in Aerodynamics,"
wherein he may fairly l-esaid lohave
laid down, ltr the first time, a really
sound and reliable scieutiiic basis
for the study ol aerial locomotion by
a series of careful expert cots ard
we l-itasoned deductions from the n.
We may note with p.easure that
Prof. Langley is retorted to be now
engaged upon a model aerial machine
ou a working sca.e. Whatever Its
uliimale measure of success, his new
experi cms with it cannot fail to
i advance the cause of aerial naviga
tion another stage. Contemporary
Mil le oT IllTlmlion
I; a .wc dtlsh maiden desired to
summon the image of her tutu e hus
band, she read the third verse, seven
teenth chapter or the liook of Job,
after supjer, washed the super
dishes, and retired to bed wiihout
utter. ng a single word, placing under
neath ber pillow tbe iilble, with a
pin thrust through the verse she had
read. On All-hallow Eve Various
modes of divination were in vogue,
l'fcunantsays lhal the young women
detenu 1 tied the llgure and sbe of
tbeirhu bands by drawing cabbages
blindfold a custom which liuge s
still In some parts of hcotland. Tbey
aiso threw nuts into the tire a prac
tice prevailing also lu England, as
day has described
Twu ha4l nut 1 Ibraw fntf) tlte flame.
And to va li uut 1 Kave a awmulia ,rt name ;
'lain wuu Hjb loudoMi bouuca me s .re amird,
'Ibat iti a i ante (if die i riuliteitl dlor Ida !,
At bla.:Hi Hie nut, u utay iliv , aaiou tiro.
Or they took a candle and went
alone lo a looking-glass, eating an
appie, and combing their hair before
It, whereuion the lace of the future
spouse wouid be seen In the glass
pveping over the foolish girl's shoul
der. Hums descr bes another of tnese
charms. "Meal out nnperceived,"
he says, "and sow a handful of beoip
seed, harrowing it w tb anything you
can conveniently draw after you.
i ej eat now aud then, 'lleiup seed,
I sow thee, hemp seed, I sow thee,
aud hliu or her that Is to be my
true love, come after li e and pou"
thee.' Look over your left shoulder
aud you will see. the appearance of
the person Invoked in the altitude
of pulling hemp. Nome traditions
say, KJome after me aud show thee'
that is show thyself in which
case it simply appears. Others omit
the harrowing, a. id say, Come after
me and harrow then.'" All the
i'ear p.ound.
Hleen a a Nourlslier.
Children grow more rapidly durina
the night. In the daytime, while
the child Is awake and active, tbs
system is kept busy disposing of
wastes consequent on this activity,
bui during sleep the system is free to
extend its ojieratlons bevond tbs
mere replacing of -worn-out particles,
henco the iapid growth.
This Is why so many Invalids need
so much rest and sleep. Tho system
has been taxed foi years beyond its
ability lo repair the tissues, and
hence the oiganism has become worn
ana disabled from tbe accumulation
of waste products, and disease has
resulted. W,tti the proper condi
tions restored, and a -easou of perfect
rest, nature will reassert herself,
clearing up the clogged ai.d dtrty tin
sues, and restoring the organs tc
their normal condition.
Cautlo Itetoru
The Abbe d'Aublgnac who wrote
admirably on d ramatl : composition,
and had instanced many living ex
amples of failure in that direction,
was so imprudent, after thirty years'
silence, as to wr te a tragedy nlmself.
lu the preface he boasted that he, ol
all dramatists, bad ' most scrupulously
observed the rules of Aristo 1 .whose
Inspiration he had followed": To
th.s it was replied by one who had
suffered from bis criticism: "1 do not
cuarrel with the Abl d'Aublgnac
for having followed the precepts of
A Istotle, but I cannot pardon the
precepts of Artstotle that caused tbe
abbo to wrlto such a tragedy."
To keep tools from rusting, take
half an ounce ol camphor, dissolve In
one pound melted lard; lake off tbe
scum and mix in as much fine hlavck
lead (graphite) as will give 1$ r. Iron
color. Clean the tools tnd smear
with this n'xture. After twenty
four hours rub clean with a soft linen
cloth. The tools will keep clean for
months under ordinary circum
stances. When a dug Unas a dog he can
whip, you cau't knap bin off of It. a
good ban ar tjba mom way.