The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, July 12, 1894, Image 2
The Sioux County Journal L J. SIMMONS, Proprietor. HARRISOX, NEBRASKA. STATE NEWS ITEMS. . Tecumseh's new daily refutes to meddle in any kind of pontics. John Hubbard, a Holt county farmer, is raising forty acres of chicory. A half section of Sarpy county land was sold the other day tor 113,000. , Schuyler has a school population of 1,035, an increase of 188 since last year. It cost lour young men $40 for runainj their team through the streets of Wayne. The Saline County Teachers' Insti tute will be held at De Witt, beginning August 20. Three horses belonging to A. D. Cole of Valentine were killed by lightning the other night. Fred Wolf, living six miles west of Platte Center, struck artesian water at a depth of 100 feet. Bellwood is threatened with a second paper. There is hardly room for one in a town of that size. Frank Jones of Friend hag petitioned the council of Beaver Crossing for license to sell booze. Mrs. Fntzen, an aged woman, is missing from her home in Jh illey, and it is feared that she is drowued. North Loup has a dramatic society that renders -The Merchant ot Venice" and "Jumbo Juno" with thiliiug t-ffect. A Tekamah proguostieator sees in the moon's phazes and other things in dications ot a long spell of dry weather A branch of the Ancient Order oi Hibernians has been organized at Alli ance with thirty-five charter members. John Horst of Madison mourns the loss of a fine Newfoundland do that someone led a deadly dose of rougu on rats. The heading that adorned C. W, Hyatt's paper at Fremont now graces R. E. Doran's spicy paper at University Place. C. E. Fields has sold the Tilden Citi len to A. O. Mason, who will turn the paper into a straight-out republican sheet. Mason City has finally concluded to resort to the rainmaker to see if the drought in that particular locality can't be broKen. While playing a practice game of ball at Box Butte Tom Lee ran into mid knocked over his son George, breaking his collar bone. The baseball players of Osmond offer to match any team ic northern e brtska for a contest and will wayer 8250 on the result. Ponca has a league of brave tobacco users who have determined to set the world a good example by breaking away from their besetting sin. For raising a row in the Emerick postoffice on Decoration day Al Smith of Newman Grove was taxed by the district court to the tune of 890. The Elm Creek Irrigation association has already sold more than nine iiuu- ired of the thousand shares which com pose the capital stock of 825,000 and the sale of the rest of the shares is al ready assured. A barb wire fence in Thayer county jrot in its work the other day on two horses belonging to William T. JM osier. One of the animals had its jugular vein levered, and the other was so terribly cut on the legs that death resulted. The United States Experiment Station stands ready again this year to offer to the farmers of this state, relief from the chinch-bug pest. AH inquir ies should be addressed to Pi o e s t Lawrence Bruner, U. S. Ex periment Station, Lincoln. They were unusually successful last year and hope to be very helpful to the farmers again this season. Al JDierks, a Madison man, hung bis vest on the llmu of a tree, and when he came to look for it found it missing. A search resulted In finuing the vest near by, but $20 in money and a gold watch were missing. He suspected two boys who had been with him, and wore out a warrant for their arrest. The arrest created some excitement, and as nothing was found in the pockets of the boys it was suggested that a search be made near where the Teat bad been picked up. The search was made and the money and watch found on the ground. The verdict rendered was that a cow had caught her born in the vest and scattered the contents promiscuously around. Something like a dozen years ago, ay the Papillion Times, Thomas Dolan, son of Martin Dolan, of Forest City precinct, left the home ranch, near Gretna, and started west to seek his fortune. He visited all the western states and territories, examining th;r resources, testing their soil and experi menting with their climate. From Colorado to Utah, thence to Idaho, Montana, California, Oregon and Arizona he travelled, Anally settling In Utah, the land of the Mormon. His faith In Sarpy county was unshaken by bis wanderings, and from time to time fM sent money back home to go toward the purchase of land here and a few days ago be appeared in person and wbile visiting his old home completed Us payments on two hundred aces of fcirpy county dlit, imij (a faw years bane Msrcyl CtatM wanted r iCMn 'It's rapsrtsjd at th' tZ2tarmtf gs cosl Colds feCrttt, Mt US) MMlBN It t30mr anwslt tsw Ceogh STRUCT IN A DENSE FOG. Two Steam Boats Oal ids off Fisksr's Island, And Mas Livss Im periled. SIX HUNDRED SOULS 0. BOARD. Bat not m Lite wm lot Uood Graea u4 Good MitBf mDt Comblatd, New York. June 30. - Good luok, more than good management, served to avert a catastrophe on the bound. The Fall Itiver Line steamer Puritan, with 500 passenger on board, besides a crew numbering fully 100, was run into by the coal schooner Wells, bound for Newport with coal. Twety-five ?eet of the Puritan's guard-rail, aft the wheel, on the starboard side, was carried away, and the schooner's bowsprit crashed through the steamer's side, tearing a great hole in the woodwork which formed the v all of the barber shop. Happily the blow was a glancing one or it might have been necessary to chronicle another one of the disasters ; by which so many lives have been lost ' recently. I The collision occurred at 12:40o'clock. I The Puritan was just otf Fisher's Is- i land at the time, and was going half, ipeed during the dense fog that pre. j vailed. Most of the passengers had re- j tired and only a few persons were on deck. Ihe crash came without tbe slightest warning. The lookout on the Puritan declare that they were on the alert, and that not a sound was heard nor was a light is eight thirty seconds before the collision. The shock brought the sleepy passengers trooping out of their staterooms, and for a few moments it looked as If a panic would ensue. Fortunately, Captain Davis and the other officers were able to cotrol the fears of the frightened people, and the excitement was over before anything lake a panic took place. The Puritan's officers had consider able difficulty, however, in quieting the fears of fifteen young women from the Boston conservatory of Music, who wera on their way to New York. As soon as the steamer's headway could be stopped the Wells was shoved off. It was then seen that the schooner's bow- spirit and head gear had been carried i away. A hasty examination of the Phritan's hull showed that no damage"! had been done to it, and lines were got out and made fast to the schooner. She was towed to Jew Loudon by the 1 Puritan and the steamer then pro ceeded on her way to New York. Cap tain Davis lays the blame to theskipper of the schooner, which gave no warn ing by fog horn or otherwise. The Strike In Omaha. Omaha, Neb., June 30. Trains wltn Puiltnan cc -s attached were made up in Omaha but with a definite under standing that they would never be per mitted to complete the trip as A. H. U. men elswhere would detach them. The 400 members of the order here have re ceived no ins-ructions to strike but ex pect tbem soon. The circular issued by General Grand Master Sovereign of the Knights of Labor adds lo the com plexity of the situation, and there is n denying that the members of the A. R. U. hereabouts have been gratly strengthened in their boycott by reason of the pronounced stand taken by the Knights of Labor, who are usually Btrong In Omaha. For a time the Knights of Labor lost ground in this vicinity, the different brotherhoods ab- i sorbing their membership, but lately- tfiAV hata Kctf irifirA'jainrt in nmn Vw. at a rauld rate.-and it now not onlv in-! eludes many of tbe shop men of the Lmon Pacific, but switchmen fin. f gitieers, firemen, trainmen of the Mil w auke, Rock Island, North estern, Elkhorn, Omaha, Sioux City and Paci- i flc, Missouri, Pacific and Wabash, as well as the Uulon Pacific, and on the verv quiet a number of the Burlington employes, Tbe Northwestern seems to be tbe road that will feel the boycott tint here on account of difficulties had with tbe switchmen at Hi. PauL At Union Pacifio headquarters li trie is feared. The promises made by the re presentatives of the different organiza tions during the recent wage confer ence to Judge Caldwell being recalled by the officials at this time as being emphatically against striking or handi cappiug ths road In any way. Coming la Slowly. P:ttsbtjro, Pa., June 30. In an swer so an advertisement for all kinds of railroaders, room 3 at No. 152 Fourth avenue was crowded all day and even ing by men laokirg for positions. The agent in Chicago said be wanted them to go to Chicago to take the places of strikers. Some of the men said they would go, but the majority refused. Union men answered tbe advertise ment and by mingling with the others managed to get some of those who had been hired to refuse to go. Tbe start was to have been made last evening, but not enough men had been hired. A coach load was scheduled lo start at 1 :80 yla the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago Road for tbe lake city. Others will be sent for soon. HI Klrdlon Wall Kvealvad. Berlin, June 30. All the special dis patches received here concur in stating that Caslmlr-Perler's election was well received throughout Germany as an sugary of peace. AU the morning papers of Berlin express their satisfac ilea with tbe station. Ths National Zsltung says that Casimir Psrisr Is the nan for tbe juncture, sod taat his slstion will beosflt Trues abrsad. Th Tsgsblatt amy that Cast air Fsrtor's sosrgy fclUMrto sesTfitao b WlM IBIf BOW SB aw- rr.itk HaaaiaJa. San Fraj.h, July 2. The United press correspondent, writing under date of Honolulu, June 23, says upon the arrival of the Australia on the 16th Mii S'-r Willis promptly sent to this government a letter from secretary Grrsham which reported tne sonata res olution ou Hawaii passed Mar 31, and concluding wi h the following expres sion. "The declaration that the people of the islauds have the right to establish em. maintain such institution as they thi ik best adapted to their wants Is en tirely satisfactory to the president." Great satisfaction at this communica tion was expressed by the supporters of the government, it being the first re port of official declaration from the United states government of their in tention not to interfere with the In ternal affairs of Hawaii. Tne constitutional convention whioh began on Juu 4, Us actual work in re vising the draft of the new constitution submitted by the government, com pleted its first readmg Jnnt 19, the last four working days having been oc cupied in acting upon the reports of committers upon the various articles submitted to them. It is fully expected that the second reading will be completed during the week, and ihat the constitution will be ready for its final pat-sage soon. The proposition has been made, and is en thusiastically supported, to have the constitiou oC.ciaily promulgated as the law of the land upon the coming of tb.) 4ih of July and thus make the birthday of the new republic of Hawaii coincide with that of American inde peudence. The leading points ot the constitution receiving severe discus sion may be given as follows: There was a strong difference of opiuiou about the propriety or the riiibt of the convention to declare Dole president of the republic for the first term of six years. President Dole him self urged the submission of the sub ject to popular election by the voters. The ex-queen sent to each of the rep resentatives of loreigu powers an em phatic protest against their recognition of the expected republic of Hawaii, calling their attention to the alleged fact tiiat she is still the rightfnl ruler I ,,f ..,!.,!,.. I... ..... . -" i"eu repuo- i iiu is luuuueu on usumauon. i nis is ioundeu on decument is the result of royalist coun- cils held since the arrival of the official announcement by the United States government. The first copy was sent to Minister Willis. He declined to re- ceive it, greatly to the consternation of the royalists. It is probable that the j attitude of the other diplomats will be I the same, with the exception of the British minister. This action of the queen will be considered in the cabinet conncil soon. l ardor and Suicide. Urcssels, July 2. A love affair ended in this city in murder tind suicide. A young Roumanian officer, who was a student iu a military school here, fell in lovft with a handsome girl, a native of Brussels. His passion was seem ingly reciprocated, but it transpired that the girl was playing him false. While promising constancy to the Roumanian, she was holding intimate relations wlh au elderly Belgian oilicer of high rank. The Roumanian in some manner learned of the relation be tween his sweetheart and the Belgian, i and the knowledge drove him into a frenzy of rage. Taking bis revolver he went to the girl's room and accused her Y u uu nf lnl..a- ,..A ...........J 1...- ""'' tneu, we.oie any one the "flrUnd kllled immediately af- terwards shooting himself. All persons were well connected, and the I affair has caused a sensation. Th Sir I kern Handicapped, Topkka, Kas., July 2. General Man sger Frey says he will have passenger trains running all along the Santa Fe before long. Everything is on time in Kansas. Pullmans will be leaving La Junta soon without trouble. Federal protection will reach Raton before long, it being the worst point ou the system. Local organizers are hard at work and tbeir secret committee is arranging to involve other roads in this state soon. They admit it is hard vo run a strike against orders ot federal courts and that they will devote their energies to other lines. Everybody here expects a tug of war among the leaders of tbe old railway brotherhoods. This is now recognized as a life and death struggle between them and the Debs union A Accident. Paris, July 3. '-Schoolmaster GulHe min was showir.f his pupils how Presi dent Carnot had been stabbed. The children had gathered around him as be drew the knife. A boy named Ger ard, 8 years of age, fell forward In his excite men t. He struck with his breast on the kuife and It pierced bis heart. He died instantly. Ouillemln tried to kill himself with the same knife, but was saved by two men who had been summoned to the school house by the cries of the children. He is loved by pupils and Gerard's parents have be sought ths authorities not to prosecute aim. Tbe Mot Mtaga Already. CmcAQO, July 2. A mob of 200 strikers made an assault upon ths switchmen in tbe tower at Ken sington last olght and drove him from bis post. A suburban tram ou the Illinois Central is suited at that point. After driving the towsr mart out the crowd marched to Rivers dais and ousted tbe station agent at tbat point. Whoa last heard from toe strikers wen moving toward Heme weeeh THE RESULT OF THE STR1 E. Indiana's Governor Thinks line's Sa Should Attend to Delayed Mail VIGOROUS CALL FOR FEDERAL TROOPS. Effort of the Boycott Peopla of all CI. -Srrloaelv fh nj at St. Paul. Indianapolis, lud., July 3. Dis trict Attorney Burke said that there is no trouble with the mails at any point In Indiana, and that there would be none. He excepted Terre Haute and Hi izil, where, in the former case, the ra lroad company, the Chicago and Eastern Illinois, cannot get a locomo tive out of the roundhouse, and at Brazil the train crew has abandoned the train. Mr. liurke says that it is not the place of the goverroent to man trains, but if manned and started al! mail trains will be protected. He further aid that when complaint reaches him from the postmaster at either place or from a postoffice inspector that the mail trains are obstructed, he will use the power of the government to remove the obstruction. He spoke with assur- ance concerning the future, lie said, be- cause the nine men arrested bad told i oi which the jurors withdrew, lwo him there would be no more trouble, j hours and five minutes later the jurors He had assured them that the govern, filed into the court room with the ver ment would move the mail trains if it 'diet that "We, the jury, litid Patrick to 'k every member of the regular army I-ugene Joseph Prendergast not in. to do it. sane, nor a lunatic." iovernor Matthews is not inclined to Then addressing the jury. Judge br .eve that the government has no j Payne thanked its members for tbe dmy to perform in the Terre Haute ! faithful and attentive manner in which and Brazil case, but m'.A lie had no , they bad performed their duty and dis oflicial knowledge of the situation ; chareed them. Prendergast's counsel there. The Governor received a de-! will move for a new trial and if this be mand for protection fim the Balti- ', not granted they intend to cairy the more and Ohio officials in Lake county sayinir, that trouble whs expected there and that the State would be expected to protect the trams, sheriff Freder nck, of Lake County, s-ent the Gover nor word that all wi s quiet there, but the feeling whi feverish. Mayor Peiifree-s, the Governor's special agent at Hammond, who whs wired to come home, telegrapbtd the Governor that he had been requested to remain a while longer, as fie arrests made had caused an tisrly feeling. These reports, couplexi with the Governor's belief that it is the duty of the government to re move mail trains, makes it improbable that State troops will be called out. United States Marshal Hawkins brought the following-named prisoners, arrested at Hammond, to this city: Thomas E. Kuox, real estate agsnt; Charlea Stewart. Charls Merlweather, August Tabott, D. M St. John, Jack Alier stationary engineer; Guy Jones, Phil Hxail, and P. 11. r-exton. secre tary of the local lodge, A. U. U. The first four were charged with conspiracy to restrain .the passage of mails and were relented on recognizance bond of 11,000. Ihe others were charged wi' it Interfering with the tiiaiH an i were re leased on recognizance oonlof 8-5). Their bearing was set for July tf. All but Knox and Alier are railroad men. Food Ftimiiie ft! .St I'muI St. Pa v I., Minn., July t. pmii has developed into a vvr.a camp of kickers. Ti e trouble bait all grown out of the raising of the price o all perish able products. The butcher is asking I three prices for his meat ami the f nit ! seller will no: let go of his supplies ex cept at fabulous prices. In ilus wav ; the citizen is pityii g for the bisr tov- ' cott, and be is doing it with a pro-j longed wail. To add lo this uiscttm-j ; fort a report comes from the Sniiili m. j rum Biutfc ttiuo nun. not a nt-ao oi j b'ock is arriving mere, inn mi conn-j try points have been ordered to cetse I ! shipments, and that the supply of fresh I 1 meats will not last longer than forty eight hours. A report of hue tenor comes from the Minnesota Transfer and it is evident that the man who eats i meat in this vicinity must pay dearly for it unless the strike is ended m the next three or four days. This serious state of thiugs called to the attention of one of general freight agents. He said was the the railroad companies were fully aware of tbe gravity of the situation, but did not feel warranted in accepting fruits, meats ana vegetables when the pros pects were that they would not reach their destination promptly, The com panies were liable for heavy damages when they to failed transport goods witb reasonable promptness, so general orders have been issued to all agents not to accept perishable products un der any circumstances until the roads get In fair running order again. At the American Railway Union headquarters reports were made by lbs leaders, and the men both here and elsewhere in Minnesota, North Dakota, and Montana were urged to stay out until the boycott resulted In victory, which was predicted in the next four days. At the Union depot passenger trains were leaving a little sluggishly, but moving nevertheless. Marshal Bedes' deputies and Chief Clark's special pa trolmen were busy all day '.-eplng the crowds of strikers and their syrnpatb Izers on tbe move. An Ofltolal loafnranoa. Chicago, July 3 Federal Judges Woods and Gronscup, Edwin Walker special solicitor appointed by Attorney General Ortley, and District Attorney Mllchrist, held a conference on the strike situation. The lawyers pre sented a bulky bill asking tbe court to enjoin tbe strikers from interfering with tne mailt. Tbe Mil applies ttfl all roads. It was informally die- , cussed lengtn. Prvarfargaet Mum Irta. Chicago. July. 5. -Patrick Eugene (Joseph Prendergast, tbe asassin oi ' Carter H. Harrison, was declared -not j insane" by the jury in Jndge Payne's f court at 12.25 o'clock Tuesday after. ! noon and under the sentence of thi ! court must be handed on Friday, July 13. The jury was out two hours and five minutes. The prisoner received the verdict silently and was at once re moved lo his cell in the jail. J The jury received the instructions of : the court and retired to deliberate on the verdict. Judge Payne's chargs coufined the jury to the consideration I of the point that the prisoner had gone . insane siDce the verdict of the jury which held him responsible for the ; murder of Mayor Harrison and the j affixing of the death peualty. Ths ' jurors could, however, the court said, find Prendergast insane if they deemed ; that he failed to real.ze the nature of j the present proceedings, or that be was ' In such a state of mind as to disable him from preparing for death; in short, ; if his execution would lie inhuman. -Ihe court read two forms of a veraict, one finding the prisoner -iusan and lunatic," and the other finding him i"uot insane or lunatic." Prendergast sat unmoved during the . reading of the charge, at the conclusion ; matter to t he supreme court. Omaha' Mnyor to b I mjA(-h-d . Omaha, Neb., July 5. The articles of Impeachment filed by Councilmen I Hascall and Wheeler against Mayor j fierulsset forth the case with consider j able detail. The paper is entitled, "Charges and specifications against , George P. Bemis, mayor of the city of Dmaha, for official misconduct, wilful neglect of his duties as mavor, and mal ! feasance as such officer, and for mis- demeanor in office." These charges ; are as follows: First Official misconduct as a mem i ber of the board of fire and police com imissloners iu obstructing the enforce, jment of the law against gambling, j That he cast the deciding vote against the resolution directing the chief of police to enforce the laws against gambling and thus defeated the reso lution. Second That he hai conspired with eertaiu persons to permit the running a' gamb'ing places in Omaha in viola tion of law. Third That he bas been guilty of malfeasance, in office iu that he has failed, neglected and refused to en force the laws against gambling, as required by law, and, In fact, declared himself in favor of allowing gambling to continue. . Fourth That on April 21 he was guilty of malfeasance in office; by pending several hundred dollars of city funds for Kelly's ariavjafter it had passed through OmahH and was going through Iowa. Fifth refused Cbwgi'l council of Mr. -That he failed, neglected and to appoint a successor to M. as city electrician after the had rejected the appointment Cowgili, and left the Office vacant. Sixth That he was guilty ol a mis demeanor in office by selilntr Bemis park, in which he was Interested as owner, to the city of Omaha, of which he was mayor. That he was interested personally and as agent, in the con tract for the purchase of Bemis park for $30,000, ana drew $20,750 'hereon. Specifications set forth most of the charges m detail. The charges have beeu filed in district court, and Mayor Bemis cited to appeal July 13, ten days hence, and answer. Aaka for a Kccelra'-, Chicago, July 6. A bill for a re celver has been filed In the circuit court against the North American De posit and Investment company. The defendant corporation conducts a loan business, with its chief offices in Dubu que, la., ana with a branch in this city. Frank P. Frey, the complainant, claims to be a stockholder In the con cern owding $1,550 of lbs debeuture bonds and 11,000 of the capital stock. Boycotting Chicago Nwpper. Kprinofikld, ilh, July 5. About 800 employees of the Wabash railway, Including switchmen, brakemen, Bre men engineers and shopmen, struck In obedience to an order rtceived from Chicago last night. Shops are closed and the road completely tied up. The American railway union here bas or iered a boycott against every Chicago newspaper except the l imes. II rid t'p hjr Strikers. Kansas City, Mo July o.-An east bound Wabash passenger train whs held up by a body of strikers just outside of tbe city and permitted to go no further. Took Cuiulia Paaa,on Oakland, CaL, July 6.-The South eru Pacific was powerless in Oakland yesterday, strikers holding complete way. Ihe strikers commenced ari In the morning, stopping locsl trains and ejecting trainmen, and the com pany was compelled to abandon at tempts to do business. About m strikers went to tbe company's yards In West Oakland, whar. ik.. tbe deputy sheriffs away and took ooZ pleU possession. oom. SIGNAL FOR CIVIL WL Debs lays Thers will b ii Tired by Unole Sas's . - .1 8hot oops. AUTHORITIES ARE BLAMED BY DEBS. Ha rial ma lag ol hat Thar u no MaaS ml Call. i tbe It. s. Soldi, r Will But Maord. CAirAno, July 6 "The first shot Sred by the regular soldiers at the mob here will be the signal for a civil war, I believe this as firmly a I believe la the ultimate success of our course. Bloodshed will foliow, and W per cent of the people of the United Htates will be arrayed against the other 10 per cent. And I would hot care to be ar rayed against the laboring people in the contest or find myself out of the ranks of labor when the struggle ended. I do not sav this as an alarmist, but calmly and thoughful-y." Such were the remarks o' President Eugene V. leljSof the American rail way union to a reporter. Mr. Debs bas just received the news of the trouble at the stockyards and the arrests at Blue Island. He severely condemned the course pursued by the railway managers in misleading ihe government officials and causing them to order out the reg ulnrs to protect trains and overawe the dtrikers ana their sympathizers. iti.AMKo the AVTiioitrriKS. "I deprecaie the action of the authori ties tu yielding to the wishes (f the manag'-rs. Our men have in no way acted riotously and the city and county officers will bear rne nut in the state ment that they have at ail times been Rbie to control the few hot head who either as outsiders or in disobedience of strict orders have Hded an unlawful part. I hey know as well as 1 do that there was no necessity for the govern ment troops, and as I understand it neither Chief lirennaii or sheriff Gilbert have hesitated to condemn the action Mini assert that they were amply nb!e!0 preserve the peace and protect at any and all tune?. It is simply a scheme on the part of the managers, which will fail now as it bas in the prist. CANNOT THINK OF UI-X'KOINO. "It is unfortunate 'hat the conditions have become such as to force the labor iijr people into active resistance to the encroachments upon their personal rights, but it is corporation greed and avarice that Una brought us to the verge of a revolution. If blood is shed in tins struggle it will be the ui.maiters and oflicials who were misled by them who are to blame. Matters have long been working to this climax and unless something is speedily done 1 look to see the country plunged into a desperate struggle, from which labor will rise vicUirious and the American laborer will once more be placed upon his just and rightful throne as a free man. "Yes, I certainly feel the responsi bility resting upon me in this struggle, and it is but natural that ! should have an anxiety as too what may precede the final result, which cannot but bi) in our favor. But we cannot recede. A re. cession on our part would mean the ab solute enslavement of the American worklugman and his complete and utter degradation for all time to come. And I would rather be dead than live to see or experience such a fate. No, it is impossible to think of receding." Thieve Caulit In a hewer. LrNcor.N, Jul? C. As the regular Burlington No. 5 was starting for the west quite an exciting episode took place. Two well known crooks simul taneously picked the pockets of James Lane of Pleasant Hill and Mrs. Jane McNeill of Geneva. Quickly discover ing his loss, Mr. Lane pulled the cord openitlng the air brakes of the train and as the train slackened its speed jumped and ran after the fleeing rob bers. As Mr, Lane got nearer the thief, the latter threw the pocketbook and Mr. Lane securing the same again boarded the train, not, however, until the attention of Officer Itoutzahn was called to the unusual proceeding. Tbe officer at once took up the chase and ran the robbers into the mouth of the sewer terminating at Seventh and N 1 streets. All efforts of officer Itoutzahn and Mitchell were unavailing In bringing j tne iugitives from their odorous re- ' Ircnt ..... .....It r'l i . ... ..v.i,u uuiuiiui i iiim aiaione wun bis water service had been called Into requisition could a sound be heard from the newly inhabltated sluice-way. Then a half drowned human being put himself into the bands of the officers rather than longer endure the sewer. A long siege on the other fellow then began. The crowd around the mouth of the sewer had assumed large pro portions and tbe game was exciting. Chief Malones water mains would not flood the sewer more than ten Inches deep and it began to look like a ques tion of endurance. Finally Harry Nightingale, the patrol driver, intiltadam at tbe sewer's mouth and within a very few minutes there was heard from the depths below, "For God's sake let me out,'' and the man completely drenched and half suffocated from sewer gas was pulled out of the hole. Coir-rue, Crlehrata. Washington, July 6 The Coxey-' lts celebrated yesterday with a street parade and speech-making at the Peace-monument at the entrace of the capital grounds, Carl Brown, clean shaven and wearing a wig of long yel low hair, Impersonated the goddess of liberty. Us rode a small wbite horse, from the back of which he addressed a crowd of soms two or throe hundred. The authorities would not allow ths "army" to enter tbe oapitol gronnds. K--r- , '