The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, July 05, 1894, Image 4

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    ;.h ii i ,
Th3 Sioux County Journal.
Subscription Price, $2.00
L. J. SinmooM,
Kntered at the Hamsoa Kwt office iu
secoud class matter.
Thursday, Jcly 5, 194.
lb-publican Mate Convention.
The republican electors of the stite'of "Xe
hr:ika are requested to send delegates from
their several counties, to meet la the city
i I i ninths, Wednesday, August ii, 18SH, at 10
o ' k k, a. m., for tile placing iu noiuinatiou
candidates for
Secretary of State,
Auditor of Public Accounts,
Superintendent of Public Instruction,
Attorney -General,
Commissioner of Public Lands and Build
ings, and to transact such otlier business as may
be presented to the convention.
Die several couutiesare entitled to rep
resentation as follows, being based on the
vote east for Hon. I. M. Raymond for presi
dential elector in lfti, giving one dclegate
at large to each county and one for each 100
votes and the major fraction thereof:
Antelope .
Jilaine .
H Kearney . 9
3 Keya Paha S
S Keith s
. 10 Kimball S
K Knox II
6 Lancaster w
& Lincoln 11
Box Butte
Krown ...
SO l-ogan . S
Butler 12 Ivoup i
Burt H MadiHuu 1.1
Cass Merrick SI
Cedar 8 Mcl'herson 1
Chase .... 5 Nance . , 1
0 Nemaha 12
Cherry A Nucleoli
( lay 17 Woe
'oli ox 7 Paw nee
1 euel .
9 Perkins.
1 Pierce
.1 Phelps
8 Platte
13 Polk
3 Ked Willow
s Ki c h ard son ....
IS Kock
10s Saline .
6 arpy 7
Pi Saunders 1
7 Scott's Bluffs 3
8 ewnrd 14
10 sheridan 7
34 Sherman
i Sioux
fi Stanton
1 Thayer
4 Thomas
Hi Thurston-.
.. 13 Valley
7 Washington
.. 4 Wavne
.. tt Webster
.. 1 Wheeler
liny os
11 York
.... li
It is recommended that no proxies be ad
mitted to the convention and that the dele
gates present be authorized to cast the full
vote of the delegation.
It is further recommended that the state
central committee select the temporary
organization of the convention.
Brad 1). Slaughter,
Tom M. Cook, Chairman.
Call for Republican Committee Meeting.
The republican county central committee
of Sioux county is hereby called to meet in
the court house at Harrison, Neb., at 11
o'clock, a. m., on Saturday, July 14, 1804, for
the purpose of calling a county convention
aud transacting such other business as may
come before the committee.
VV. H, Davis, Chairmau.
Harrisox, Seb., June 21, 1H.
Board of equalization met as per adjourn
ment. Present: Commissioners Weber, Johnson
and Tinkham and clerk.
The board found the average assessment
per head of horses in the county
to be aud the average assessment of the
same per head in the various precincts to be
as follows:
Andrews f. 44 Montrose t 8 h0
Antelope A 4U ) Running Water 8 t-A
Modare 11 IS sheen creek . V 8
Bowen 14 XI , Snake Creek V 7s
Cottonwood 9 01 j ugar l-oul 7 61
Cook 7 White Kiver 15 13
'ive Points 12 43 Warbouiiet B u.1
Hat Creek tl M Vlge Harrison.. 10 22
It was found that in order to equalize the
assessment on horses in county the follow4-
lng changes in various precincts were neces
sary and so ordered.
Andrews decreased 109.6 per cent.
Autelo)e increased 44 per cent.
Bod arc decreased 14.8 per cent.
Bowen decreased 4 per cent.
Cottonwood increased 7.7 percent.
Cook increased 24.6 per cent.
r'ive Points decreased 27.5 per cent.
Hat Creek increased 4.2 per cent.
Montrose increased 7 per cent.
Kunning Water increased 11.4 per cent.
Sheep Creek decreased i'.2 per cent.
Sugar Loaf Increased per cent.
Warbounet increased 38 per cent.
White Uiver decreased 55.2 per cent.
Village of Harrison decreased 4JJ per cent.
On motion board adjourned until 8 o'clock
a. m., June 22, 1894.
County Clerk.
Harkisos, Neb., June 22, 1894.
Board of equalization met pursuant to ad
journment. Present: Commissioners Weber, and
Tinkham and clerk.
The board found the average assessment
per bead of cattle in tbe county to be $IM
and the average per head of the same in the
various precincts to be as follows:
Andrews ft Ot Montrose KS 52
Antelope 0 M Kunning Water. so
Bod are
D Ml sheep creek 4 W
Cot ton wood
rive Points
Mat Creek
.. i iv snake ureek i
13 Sugar Loaf 4 71
ft ftl Wulte Kiver 7 07
ft SO Wai bonnet ft 16
ft M Vbre Harrison 7 U
On motion board adjourned autll o'clock
a. m.,June 21, 14.
M.J. Blewbtt,
County Clerk.
, HiEllion, MIS., June , MM.
Board of equalixatlon met pursuant to ad
jewrnntent. Praam t: CommlMtonera Weber, Johnson
aad Tlakbam and dark.
It waa foand Mat la order to equalise the
MMaaaMat ou cattle la the county the f ol
lowlac ttuMgaa vara caaiary and were
Oosper .
ordered made accordingly:
Andrews decreased 7 per cent.
Bowen decreased 39 ;r cent.
Cottouwxsi decreased luj; per cent.
Hat Creek decreased 7-2 per rent.
Kunning water decreased 22.7 per cent.
Snake Creek decreased ISO per cent.
White Kiver decreased 274 per cent.
Montrose increased 36.4 per cent.
Sugar Loaf increased 14.8 per cent.
Sheep Creek increased 8.9 per cent.
Warbouiiet increased ".I per cent.
Village of Harrison decreased J 7 per cent.
The average valuation of cattle in Ante
lope, Bod are. Cook and Kive Points pre
cincts being so near the average value of
cattle iu the county there as no change
ordered iu said preuiuots in the valuation
of cattle iu said preaiucta.
Ou motion board adjourued until 8 o'clock
a. in. June ", IfM.
M. J. blewett,
County Clerk.
Harhison, Neb., June 24, isw.
Board of equalization met pursuant to ad
ITets'iit : Commissioner Weber, Johnson
and Tinkham and clerk.
The board found the total valuation of
assessable property lu the different pre
cincts to be as follows:
.. tlfl;C0 00
15,04s iu
Bowen .
,ss uo
(. ook , .
21,(40 00
a.,i.ii ou
21,014 00
rive Pom s)- .
Hat creek
Montrose . 47,577 00
Kunning Water . . .,5ao ou
sheep creek-.....
Snake creek
. 519 uo
ls.041 ou
. 13,440 00
23,Sh7 00
Sutfttr Iiaf .
lite Kiver..
Warbounet S4.4I5 00
Village of Harrison 2UA 40
The following preamble and resolution
were on motion adopted:
Whereas, The assessed valuation of Sioux
county, Nebraxka, for the year, ism, is but
351,94.11, as corrected by the board of'
equalization, subject however to correction
by the clerk in so far as clerical errors may
appear. And
Whereas, IS mills levy on .V51.9K4.00 will
make (8,279.74, and the bourd of county com
missioners are only allowed to issue war
rants to the amount of 85 per cent of said
sum, or warrants for 7,ar;.00. Aud there
UksoLvm, That the following items in-;
eluded in the estimate of expenses for the
year 1SH4, viz. District court expenses, sala-
ries, stationery, printing and publishing.
ncldeubl expenses, institute, lnsana and
poor fund and officers fees, be reduced to
come withiu the limit of nine mills on the
dollar of the total assessed valuation of
Sioux county for the year W14.
Ou motion the clerk be and he hereby is
ordered to levy on the assessed valuation of
Bowen boud precinct the required number
of mills on the dollar to raise the amount
ol t700.00 for Interest on court house bonds,
and jaoo.OO for sinking fund on court house
bonds, and the amount of commission for
collecting the same.
On motion boaid adjourned until 8 o'clock
, 111., June 26, 1SU4.
M. J. Blew ett,
County Clerk.
Harrisox, NEB., June 26, 1H94.
Board ot equalization met pursuant to ad
Present: Commissioners Weber, Johnson
and Tinkham and clerk.
To produce county revenue for the year
1894 the board hereby make the following
levy on valuation of 551,984.18: For general
fund t mills on the dollar. ' For bridge fund
3.7 mills on the dollar. For road fund ! mills
on the dollar. For soldiers relief fund 8
tenths of one mill on the dollar.
To provide for the payment of the out
standing indebtedness against the various
road districts in the county the follow ing
levy is hereby made on all of the assessable
property in each of the different road dis
tricts, viz.
Koad district No. 1 three mills,
Uoad district No. 2 Ave mills,
Koad district No. 3 four mills,
Koad district No. 4 four mills,
Koad district No. ft four mills,
Koad district No. 6 0 ve mills,
Koud district No. 7 Hve mills,
Koad district No. 8 live mills,
Koad district No. 9 Ave mills,
Koad district No. 11 two mills,
Road district No. 12 two mills,
Koad district No. 13 one mill,
Koad district No. 17 one mill.
On motion the clerk be and he hereby is
ordered to levy on the valuation of the dif
ferent school districts the amounts legally
Bled and certified by the proper orllcers to
be so levied, also the required amount for
interest and sinking funds on school dis
trict bonds aud commission for collecting
the same.
On motion the clerk be and lie hereby is
instructed and ordered to levy village tax
on the valuation of the village of Harrison
when properly filed aud certified to as re
quired by law.
On motion minutes of session were read
and approved.
On motion board of equalization ad
journed without day.
M. J. Blewett,
County Clerk.
Harrison, Neb., June 20, 1H94,
Board of county commissioners met as
per adjournment.
Present: Commissioners Weber, Johnson
and Tinkham and clerk.
Petition of David Anderson and others
asking that a public road be established
commencing at the southeast corner of sec
tion 28 in township 18 north of range 54 west,
and running thence due west 011 section line
to the point on the Wyoming and Nebraska
state line where said section line Intersects
said Wyoming and Nebraska state line and
there terminating, was presented and the
same being what is known as a consent road.
the prayer of the petitioners was granted
and the Hue above described was and hereby
is declared a public road.
The petition of John T. Meyer and others
asking that a public road be established
commencing at the southeast corner of sec
tion 15, township 23, range 54, thence east on
section line one mile, thence south on sec
tion Hue between sections twenty three aud
twenty four, eighty rods, thence east 1 mile,
terminating at the southeast corner of the
northeast quarter of the northeast quarter
sec. tft, town H, range 34, was presented and
the same being what Is known as a coacnt
road, the prayer of petitioner! wae granted
and the line above described was and hereby
Is declared a public road.
The petition of A. Wander and others ask
ing that a public road be established com
mencing at the northwest comer of section
ft, twpB range M, and running thence east on
township Hue three miles to the northwest
corner of sec. 2, thence north four rods.
tbence east two bandred and thirty-eight
rods, thenee aouthi rods, and terminating at
the southwest corner of the southeast
quarter of , the southeast quarter of
section , twp.M, rnuge 4, be elabliehcd,
w as presented aud the same being w hat is
known asaeousent road, the prayer of oeli
tiouers was granted and the line '
scribed was aud hereby is declare,, .. ii...,::,
The petition of K. E. Brewster and other
aking that that psrt of road No. ft, runuiug
from the southwest corner of section 1A,
twp. 33, range 5iS, to the southwest corner of
section 28 be vacated as it is impracticable
to wurk it, and in plaoe thereof said portion
of said road No. ft be laid out as follows: To
run from the southwest corner of section
lft, township 33, range 66, iu a generally
southeast direction across the land of B. K.
Brewster along the track now traveled to
the center of sec. 21, thence south ou the
half section line for about three-fourths of
a mile, thence up the bill by the old stage
road, following that iu a generally south
west direction on the vacant land iu section
2m to the southwest corner of said section 2
aud thence intersecting with road No. as
now established, was presented and upou
consideration thereof by the board the- peti
tion is allowed as prayed for and that por
tiou of road No. ft, running from the south
west corner of section Hi, township 33, range
56, to the southwest comer ot section 23 be
and the same hereby is vacated and the road
to run from the southwest corner of section
16, towushlp 33, range 56, In a generally
southeast direction across the land of B. K.
Brewster along the track now traveled to
the center of section 21, thence south ou the
half section line for about three-fourths of a
mile, thence np the hill by the old stage
road follow lug that in a generally southwest
direction on vacant land lu sec. 28 to the
southwest corner of said section 2s, thence
running to said road No. ft as now establish
ed. The line above described was aud the
same hereby is declared a public road.
The follow lug claims against Sioux county
were audited and allowed and warrants or
dered drawn ou the general fund of ls!4 for
the same:
A. K. Dew, conveying insane person
to Norlolk 79 Hi
Ceo. Olluger, livery hire ft 25
('. K. Verily, printing and pulilinhiiig.. i 82
K. Kohweri boarding prisoners..-... 14 50
June Smith, guarding prisoners... 2 00
L. J. Simmons, stationery anu pub
lishing 88 73
A. K. lx-w, sheriffs fees.. ., . 74 90
B. L. sinuck. Justice 1 -e ft (lu
A. Heter, guarding prisoners 2 00
John I. lavi, 20 00
letter A son, delivering car of coal . 12 as
J. L. Phinuey, services as commission
er 01 lusamlv . 14 w
Frank Miller. " jury Ices ft 00
Christian Jensen " ft 00
Fred Betschcn " 2
Stephen serres " i '
J. B. Johnson " 3 "J
Samuel Beck Icy "
Jacob Forster " 4 00
J. H. Brown " 4 50
K. P. Maine "
A. L. Hodge "
John 11. Itarlell " 2 i
Kobert Ferguson " '
John Ami r " 4 j
Ixmis Larson " 0
Clint Ames " '
John F. Meyer " 4 00
J. II. Newlln " 3 60
W. L. Wallace " "
O. Williams "
O. B. Cady "
Kobert hi!cl - 7"
Thomas Hilton - 4 ou
J. B. Burke " 3 00
Joseph Decker " 4 50
Mltrsleller lro , supplies lor county... n "
Geo. H.Turner pauper... x 00
A. T. lark, services as commissioner
of insanity.......
6 00
Lewis (.erlacli, suppliers furnished
pan tier .
, 3 80
59 85
W. II. Davis, services as county supl
H. T. Con Icy, salary as county attor
ney. 1st anu su quarters, is.i
150 00
Hester A Son, repairing court house
roof, clamiol fa 02 allowed 21 ou
L. J. Simmons, stationery 4 00
M.J. Blewett, salary as clerk of coun
ty Ismrd, 2 qrs and postage vti m
John I. Davis, furnishing load of wood. 4 00
M.J. Weber, services as commissioner. 6 50
Frank Tinkham. " " . 41 00
State Journal Co., stationery 11 61
... . w
20 50
9 00
1 07
8 40
Samuel Tebbet, assessor....-- 33 '0
John L. Kay, " 45 so
J. W. Hobiiison, " 35 so
W. S. Nicholson, assessor, claiuieu
42.oo, allowed 33 00
W. L. W allace, assessor, Claimed
52.00 46 00
Martin J. Fritz, assessor 38 i
Chsrlirs suxton, " 21 40
James W. Scott " elaiined .';.i5
allowed 40 w
C. A. Puddy, assessor 4i 00
J. W. Lamest " 18 50
John C. assessor, churn
ed Ml.oo, allowed .k '
John lebano, assessor t.0
Oscar W . story, " 2S 25
W. J. A. Kauui, " 31 50
J. C. Parsons, " 31 00
The following claims were audited and
allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the
county road fund of 14 for same:
B. F. Thomas, appraising damages 2 00
J. M. smiley, appraising damages
claimed t-l.ou, allowed i
Charles Biehle, constructing fence 10 7c
t. L. smiley, appraising damages,
claimed aa.uu, allowed.. 2 00
8. B. Vi llson, appraising dumages
claimed lO.Ou, allowed 01
William Biehle, constructing fence 10 7
James WalKile, appraising damages... 2 00
T. O. Williams, constructing, fence,
claimed (W3.50, allowed IB 10
The claim of W. D. Artier for I7.25 for
bridge plunk was audited aud allowed aud
warrant ordered drawn oil bridge fund of
1893 for the same.
The following claims against the various
road districts were audited and allowed and
warrants ordered drawn on the roaddlstrict
levy of 1894 for same:
Samuel Tebbet, extra labor, road dis
trict No. ft U SO
John W. Tidd, for road plow purchas
ed for road district nit. s 1. w
Joseph Parsons, for purchasing 2
scrapers anu 1 piow iwr roau us-
trlclNo. 4 40 00
Henry Wasserburger, extra labor lor
road district No. 1. 14 22
E.J. Williams, furnishing 2 seriiis-rs
and I plow for road district No.
II, claimed 51.00, allowed 37 SO
The road overseer's annual settlement of
John W. Tldd for the year lx9 was audited
and allowed and warrant ordered drawn on
levy of 1894 for same for . 00
The following certificates agaiust the va
rious road districts were ordered cancelled
and warrant ordered drawn 011 the levy of
1894 for same:
OrlnC. Tally,
road district No,
9..f23 70
12.. 12 10
11.. 14 71
8.. 10 02
1.. 27 00
r red Bet sclien
H. W. Kemp
11. I. Stoueking
Gerhard Binders
William A. Glaze
Samuel Tebbet
John Herman
S. W. Hall
L. W. Bryan
( has. K. schllt
Detrlrk Nelson
1 27 00
9.. :sl 00
ft.. 24 00
.. 27 00
.. 14 34
4.. 21 90
3.. 10 65
II.. 27 00
On motion board adjourned without day.
M. J. Blewett.
County Clerk.
rail for Commissioners' Xfetlnr.
The boar J of county commissioners ol
Sioux county, Nebraska, are hereby called
to meet at the office of the county clerk, at
Harrison, Nebraska, on Tuesday, July
K), 18U4, at 10 o'clock, a. for the trans
action of ordinary county business.
County Clerk.
try Notice.
Taken np by the undersigned on hla prem
Isea on section 31, township Ki, range at, in
Sioux county, Nebraska, on May 30, 1894, one
bar A I ley, supposed to be 2 years old, no
brand percei vabl n. W. H. Hall,
Dated June SO, 1894. 1 43-47 J
Final Proof Xotices.
All perwm having Anal proof notice in
this paper will w.-ivca tuarki-d is,py ol tlie
fiats'r and are rvq ueu-d to examine their
notice and ii any erroi s exist report the
same to uiis omce at once.
Xntlre fur Publication.
Land Office at Chadron, Neb.,
July , ls!4. j
Notice is hereby given that the follow lug
named settler has hied notice ot his inteii
tion to muke dual proof iu supiort of Ms
claim, and that ssel pra! will be made be
fore Clerk Dltr,ct court at Harrison,
Nebraska, uu August 11, ish, vu:
Simile Ik1111ia.tif Harrison, Neb..
a ho made II. K. 3517 for the lot 1 w. 31 and
lot 4 and se- sw. 1. ec. 90, to 20, rg. 55.
He names the following w itneses to prove
his continuous residence uikiu aud cultiva
tion of, said laud, via:
Andrew Ncisiuley, Joseph W. Kamest,
lnh of Harrivou, Neb., i lint Ames, Georgi
hnglebrecht, both of lloyville. Neb. ttlo
Praueef A. F.UI of Harrison. Xcb.,
w ho made D. s. 2942 for the e. sw. ',. see.
9,tp. 33. rg. 37.
He nstnes the following witnesses to prove
tils continuous r-si'i;uce uikiu mid cultiva
tion of. said laud, vix:
James Nolan, A. It. Dew, Walter WolrufT
La Nolan, all of Harrison, Neb.
14:1 48 1 lleg.ur.
Notlcr lor Publication.
Land t fllce at Alliance, Neb., (
June is, ls'.4. i
Notice la hereby given that the follow log
named settler ha Hhsl notice of his Inten
tiou to make hual prfsjl lu supisjrt of his
claim, aud that said prool w ill be made is.-
fore clerk ol the d'strnt
court, at Harrison, Nebr., on July
lst, vix:
Anirust W. Mnlir. of Harrison. Xeti.,
who made 11. E.'2573 forlthe tie. see. 18, tp.
3:1, rg. 55.
He names the following witnesses to
nrove his contlnnous residence uisin and
cultivation of said land, viz:
Jerry II. w 111, John Heruinn, both of IUr-
risou, Nib., James MeCan. F'. W. Knott, Isjth
of Gilchrist, Neb. also
diaries S. Scott, of Harrison. Xeb.,
who made H. F;1?) for the sw. sec. 19, tp.
31, rg. 55.
He nsuies the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon aud cultiva
tion ot said land viz:
D. M. suttou. H. A. Priddv. John Corbln.
David Bartlett, all of Harrison, Neb.
41-4iJ F. M. DoKRINiiTox, Kegiatcr.
Vntlre for Publication.
Land Office at Alliance, Neb., I
June 4, 1k.I4. )
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has llled notice of his In ten
tion to make final pnsif in suniHirt of his
claim, ami that said proof will 1 made Is--
fore clerk ol DMrict Court, at HurriHon,
Neb., ou July 14, 1S94, viz:
Mnry IIhiiwii. of Montrose, Xeli.,
w ho nisdu H. K. 2477 for the se. t4 sec. 6, tp.
34, rg. 54.
He uiinies the following witnesses to prove
is continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, suid land, viz:
ChnstlMii Burgel, Mike Buffer, Augu-t
Mever, Frank Miller, all of Montrose, Neb.
fiirlstlnii Jensen, nf Mont rose, Veil.,
who imide 11. K. 8024 for the sc. i sec. 29, tp.
35, rg. 54.
He mimes the following witnesses to prove
his continuance residence uixiu and culti
vation ot said land, viz:
Christian llnrgci, .Mike lioffcr, August
Meyer, Frank Miller, all ol Montrose, Neb.
j3U-44 F. M. DoRKINotox, Kcglster.
Slierlfl-s fiilc.
liy virtue of Rn Ordi-r of Sale directed
to me from the Clerk of the District
Court of Sioux County, Nebraska, on u
Judgment obtatni lu said ( ourt on the
second day of May, A. D. 1894, In faor
of F. C. l, ruble, as plaintiff, ami ngjinxt
(eorge W. Vroman, as defendant, for
the sum or nine hundred, ssventy nine
and S3 100 dollars, with intcrext et per
cent from May 2d, 1S94, uud cots and
accruing costs, I have levied ou the lol-
lowing real estate ss the projsTty of s:ill
delendant, to satisfy said Order of Sale,
lo-wii: Hie soutnwesi qiiarUT (S.
of Section Two (2) in Township Thirty-
four (34) North, K.uige F llty-four (54) West
of the nth Principal Meridian In Sioux
comity, Nebraska, and w ill offer the same
for sule to the highest bidder for cash
lp band ou
at two o'cliK-k, p. m of said day nt
the front door of the court house of
Sioux county, Nebraska, Ht Harrison, that
being the "building ill which the lust
term of the District Court for said county
was held, to s.ititfy said Judgment and
costs uud accruing costs, nt which time
and place due ntienduiicu will be given
by the undersigned.
Dated, Harrison, M-urn-ka, June .1, )4.
A. K. Dew,
(39 43 1 Sheriff of said County.
Xollre for Publication.
I-and Office at Alliance, Neb.
June 25, 1SV4. t
v..ti.. 1. i....,.,. ..1 ...... ,1... r..i ..-
11, m-i kivvn unit inr luimn ui);
named settler has filed notice ol his Inten
tion to imike nnitl nnsif In MiiniMirL of his
claim, and that said pnsif wilt IsMnade lc-
fore Clerk District (ourt at Harrison, Neb.,
on August 4, sv4, viz.
Joliu T. Flligt-rald. gunrdlun of William I'.
Fitjrerald, of Bodarr, Neb.,
w ho nindu 11. V.. 1308, for the e. H nw. & w.
X lie. '4 s;c. 10, tp. 32, rg. 55.
He names tlie following wltnessis to prove
Ills continuous resilience uikiu anil cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
John W. Hunter, John Mack, Alcxaudcr
Steele, Ashbel urtou, all of Hod arc, Neb.
42 47J ItcgUter.
Ordinance No- S3.
An ordinance providing for the levy of
taxes for the village of Harrison, Nebraska,
for the llscal year of 1894.
He it ordahid by the chairman and board
of trustees of the village of Harrison,
SEcnox I. That tncre Is hereby levied
upon all the taxable proiM-rty within the
corporate limits of the village of Harrison a
tux as follows, to-wit:
ror general fund 10 mills,
For sinking fund aud interest on water
bonds 7 mills,
ror sHclal debt fund to pay Judg
ment 4 mills,
For water lund 7 mills.
Sectiox I. This ordinance shall be in full
force and effect from and after its pussage,
approval aud publication according to law.
I'asseu ana approve! june isin.
Attest, D. II. GKIsn'OLI),
L. J. MIMHOX8, Chairman.
seal. cierk.
I hereby certify that the alsjve Is a true
copy of ordinance No. 34, entitled au ordi
nance providing ior me ie-y 01 taxes lor
the village of Harrison, Nebraska, for the
municipal fiscal year of 1894, ss passed by
tlie Hoard 01 trustees 01 ine vuiagu 01 liar
rlson, Nebraska, June 2, s(4.
L. J. Simmons,
Vlliiige clerk.
Ordinance No. !U.
An annual appropriation ordinance for
the iiiiiiilcipsi Dsesl year 1894.
He it ordained by the chairman and lionrd
of trustees of the vlllagu of Hurrlson
pki-Tlox I. Tliat the following amounts Is?
and the nine are hereby appropriated for
the purposes specneu, 10 wit:
For pumping water t-tiO 00
Interest and sinking fund.... i7l Oil
special debt fund... ............ 10.) 00
All other expenses . 10- ou
SlMTKls 2. This ordinance shall lake ef
feet and be in force from and after Its
passage, approval and publication accord
lug to law.
Passed and approved June 26, 1894.
' Attest, D. II.,
L. J. SiMKoxa, Chairman.
fsEiL.l Clerk.
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a
true copy 01 no. 11, eiuiiii-d "An
annual appropriation ordinance fur Die mu
nicipal llscal year IS94," us by the
trustees vi ins viuage 01 Harrison, as
brask a, Ju ne , Ml.
L. J. simmoni,
Village ( lurk.
GOOD accommodations:
A Surprise for our (lerman Readers!
Tlie Lincoln Freie, the (Jer-
man pu3r in the west, olfers to all suli-
1. ... 1 1
senbers a new premium uook: - ier
Deutchen Huusfrau KcH-lilmch" neatly
bound, containing 300 pages pa),'es. 50
cents pays for the paper for one year and
the book is given away free upon receipt
of 10 ct. for fWsUit'e. Suliscriptiotis re
ceived at our oirice only. Sulisrribe for
The Fwie preme and THE Suk x Oicnty
rlfilllW ast
I'lin lias Tickets and l'insii;ii Vonr Fn-lclit
via the.
II. (. BURT. (Jeneral Mumper.
K. C. Morkhoi'se, J. R. iil't 'IIANAX,
Gen'l Freight Agt. (!en"l Pass. A-t.
There never was n time In the history of
our country when the demand for Inven
tions and improvements In the arts and sci
ences generally was so great as now. The
conveniences of mankind in the factory aud
work -shop, the household, on the farm, and
In official life, require continual accessions
to the appurtenances and implements of
each iu order to siwe lalsir, time und ex
pense. The political change In the admin
istration of government dss not effect tlie
progress of the American Inventor, w ho be
ing on the alert, and ready to jsTeeive the
existing deficiencies, does not penult the
affairs of government to deter him from
quickly conceiving the remedy to overcome
existing dlscreiM'iiclcs. Too great cure can
not be execrclsed In choosing a coui-tciit
und skillful attorney to prepare und prose
cute an application for patent. Valuable
interests have been iost und destroyed In
innumerable instances by the employment
of incompetent counsel, and e.pcctally Is
this advice applicable to those who adopt
o patent, no pay" system, inventors
who entrust their business to tills class of
attorneys do so at Immcncnt ri.k, as the
breadth and strength of the patent is never
considered in view of a quick endeavor tu get
an allowance, and obtain the lee then dm;.
TIIK 1'lthss CLAIMS CO., John Wcddcr-
bnrii, (ienerul manager, lils K street, X. V
ashingtoii, D.C., representing ahirgi; luim-
bcrof important daily and weekly papers, us
well as general periodicals of the country.
was Instituted to protect Its patrons from
the unsafe method heretofore employed lu
this line of business. The said Company
is prepared to take charge of all patent
business entrusted to it for reasonable lees,
and prepares and prosecutes applications
generally, Including mechanical Inventions,
design patents, trade murks, labels, copy
rights, Interferences, Infringements, valid
lty reports, and gives esis-cial attention to
rejected cases. It Is also prepared to enter
into competition with any firm in securing
foreign patents.
Write for Instructions and advice.
John W kdpkiiiii h,
IK r Street,
Washington, I), c.
The Keystone Watch
Case Co. of Philadelphia,
the largest watch case manufactur
ing concern in the world, is now
putting upon the Jas. Boss Filled
and other cases made by it, a bow
(ring) which cannot be twisted or
pulled off the watch.
It is a sure protection against the
pickpocket and the many accident!
that befell watches fitted with the
old-style bow, which is simply held
in by friction and can be twisted off
with the fingers. It is called the
mm wm watl BI HAD wtta f .
eaata baarlag thiir trad aiark-
Sold only through watch dealers
without extra charge. '
Write for Catalogue to
Chi.-ai'O, III.
llarriMin, Nebr.
oa 11 folios lug brand :
lit . ' . '
yilV !i; JH " f '
Ijirenzo CrounK liovernor.
T. J. Jlajors Lieutenant (.overuor
J. ('. Allen Secretary of state
Kngene M-sire Auditor
Jo -. .h s. Ilurtley . Treasurer
(. ll.ilastliiKs Attorney licneral
A. It. Humphrey Land Commissioner
A. K.Uuudy Mipt. Public Instruction
txiSt.UKssio.SAt,' HKLKtiATHiX:
f. K. Maielerwin V. s. hsmator, Omaha
Wm. V. Allen C. H. ssMialor, Madison
W. J. liryau. Congressman 1st lilst., Lincoln
Ii. 11. Mercer, ' Kd " ouisha
(,. 1. Melklejohn " Isl " Ku Merlon
K. J. llalner, " 4th " Aurora
W. A. MeKlegluin, " Mh" d Cloud
O. M. hem, " 6th ' Itroken liow
T. I.. Xorvnl chief Justice, sewiird
A. M. I'osl AsMS-lute Judge, Cohiuibtis
T. o. ('. II iitImiii . . is le Judge, i.nuid Island
11. A. Cauipls-li-. Clerk and lb-s,rter, Lincoln
M. I". Klukald Judge, O'Neill
Alfred ilurtow Cluidrou
M.J. lllewelt ; Clerk, Harrison
rt Wilson . County Judge
II. h.
W iMslrtiff ..........Treasurer
W. Ii
A. 1C
Duels supt. Public Instruction
I ew .sheriff
J. K.
s. L.
M. J.
II. T.
I'hlnney . 1 oroner
Kills Mtlrveyor
lllewelt Cierk of District Court
Conley County AtUiruuy
Irsnk I'liikhiim ii lilsirlct
M.J. Vtels-r (chalrmaiu.... ...... ..l "
llenj. V. Johnson . ......3d M
II. (. Mewnrt..M-iintor, lilat Xo. U.Crawfunl
J. It. WisjiI Hep., Dii. So. Ui. Ilay .-pi li.g
VII.I.AiiK oKriCElt:
I. II. Crlsaoid (chairman) Ti'istee
h. Kohwer
J. Vt . s4-ott " ,
M. J. Illewctt
conrad Lindeiunii .r""j"jrrmrrr
L.J. Simmons ...... ........".1.".V.V...CI'-i k
V. A. Hester rr.'iVea-nier
J. I. liuvls Mreet Commlsslo.ier
J. w Kcoti director
, ,',r"teller Moderator
0. Vi . Ilcier Trea.urer
1,, . , . , TKHMs OK ( Dt'HT:
Olslrict (mrt,-Al Harrison, co.nmencet
May lt and November liili, lsD4,
County (ouil.-At Harrison, commences
first Monday u rrtt., ii,i,.
( lH ltCIIK.8 AM) MM U.T1KS.
M. h. Church-Preavhiiig each allerroitn
aiindny .ill :,iu H. , Bl, KV,.Ty W,H.. ry,t
"S "A ' Kv- J- Kgm.ALL, Pastor.
Metlnsllst undy He hoot meets every .sun.
day morning i in jm. '
. r.. auhsi ti.i.ia,
W, II. Oavis,
secret. try.
"u purliiteudcnt.
Harrison Camp, No. aft, n.t, 011 tlie first
and third s,nlurd.iy evenings of each mouth.
J-fc. I'll lunar, K,. K. poarira,
,;'erk. Con. Com.
lievcitlonsl meeting every Mundiiy evP'ilnc
St Cabinet meeting mi call id pn-sH
Mas. W. II. Havis, President.
screLiry. ,
JI NIoil LKAiit K.
M.iU every suiidnv afternoon at 1 .in.
' .., Mas. J. K, 1'iossr.r,
JKK.III PdhTitis, miiM-.rlnUiiideiit.