The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, July 05, 1894, Image 1

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    The Sioux County Journal,
Thar I. bo Kairrul
that l I nju.t W ill
Thoughts Conrrrntng
of Jadfnent B
ll I nju.t mul
a rinal Hefurma-
Uuii'CiMiequrnra of bin.
Only On Vrrdlet.
itev. Dr. lalinmje, who is now on his
round the world jo.imey, ele U-d an
the Hub.ect (or his ouruum through the
fires lanl Sunjay, "Another (. hanre,"
the text being taKen from KrleniiHtf-s
xi, :i, "If the tree fall toward the oouth
or toward the Dorth, in the place
where the tree fuilelh there i ahull
There in a hovering hope In the
minda of a vast multitude that there
will he an opportunity in the m-xt
world to correct the mmtakes of thin;
that if we do make complete rhipwrec-k
of our earthly life it will lie on a shore,
up which we may walk to a palace;
that, a a defendant may lone his cai-e
in the circuit court an I curry it up to
the supremo co.irt or court 01 chancery
and get a reversal of jUdif nent in hi
behalf, all tho costs liein thrown over
on the other party, so If we fail in the
earthly trial wo may in the higher
jurisdiction of eternity have the judg
ment of tho lower court set aside, all
the costs remitted, and we may be vic
torious defendants forever. My object
in this sermon is to show that common
sense as well as mv text declares that
such an expectation is chimerical.
You say that the impenitent man, hav
ing got into the next world and seeing
the Uisiister, will, as a renu t of that
disaster, turn, the pain tho cause of
his reformation. Hut you an find
10,(XH instances in this world of men
who have done wrong, and ditreMi
overtook them suddenly. IHd tho dis
tress heal them? No. They went
right on.
Thr C'our of IMraa.
That man was flung of dissipations.
"You must stop drinking," caul tho
doctor, "and quit the fust life you are
leading, or it wi;l destroy you.
patient sulers paroxysm after
fhe i
pur- ,
oxysra, but under skillful modica
treatment he begins to sit up, begins
to walk about tho room, liegins to go
to business. And, lo, he goes back to
tho same grogshops for his morning
dram, and his evening dram, and the
drams between. Mat down again.
Same doctor. Same physical angu sh.
Same medical warning. Now ttiu ill
ness is more protracted, tho liver is
more stubborn, the stomach more lrri- i opened a primary school at I'onoroiio
table, and the digestive organs are lis. 1 do not think that the parents
more rebellious, ilut after awhile he from other cities would have stint their
is out again, goes back to the same ! children there. Instead of amend-
drajnauops uu U'M ti mm rird '
ecriwjfo against his physical health,
He sees that his downward course is
ruining his household, that his life is
a perpetual lx-rjury ugainst his mar
riage vow; that that broken hearted
woman Is so unlike the roseate young
wife whom ho married that her old j
Bchoolmates do not recognize her; that
his sons aro to tie taunted for a life
time by the father's druiikonnet.s. that
the daughters are to pass into lit u un
der the scarification of a disreputable
ancestor. He is drinking up their
happiness, their prospects for this life
and perhaps for the lile to come.
Sometim sun appreciation of what he
is doing comes uin him. His nervous
system is all a-tang)e. Kioiii crown of
head to sole of font he is one aching,
rasping, crucifying, damning torture.
Vvhero is he? In hell on earth. Docs
it reform him?
After awhile he has deliiium tre
mens, with a whole jungle of hissing
reptiles let out on his pillow, und his
screams horrify the neighbors as he
dashes out of his lied crying, "Take
these things ofT me!" As ho bits pale
and convalescent the doctor Bays:
''Now, 1 want to have a plain talk with
you, my dear fellow. The next attack
of this kin l you have you will bo be
yond all medical skill and you will
die." He gets Itotter and goes forth
into the same round again. This time
medicine takes no effect. Consultation
of physicians agree in saying thero is
no nope. Death ends the scene.
Chaiicca of ftvforrn.
That process of inebriation, warning
and dissolution Is going on in all the
neighborhoods of Christendom. I'ain
does not correct. Sutterlng does not
reform. What is true in ono sense is i
true in all senses and will forever tie
bo, and yet men aro expecting in the
next world purgatorial rejuvenation.
Tuke up the printed reports of the
prisons of the i. nitod States, and you
will find that tho vast ma.ority of the
incarcerated have been there before,
some of them four, five, six times.
With a million illustrations all work
ing the other way in this world, people
are expecting that distress in the next
slate will be salvatory. You cannot
imagine any worse torture in any other
world than that which some men nave
sm.ored here, and without any sahiturv
conse juo.nco.
J- urthermore, the prosiect ot a re
formation in the next world is more
improbable than a reformation here,
in this world the life started with in
nocence of infancy. In the case sup
posed, the other life will ojien witb all
the accumulated bad habit of many
years upon him. Surely it is easier
to build a strong ship out of new tim
ber than out of an old hulk that has
been ground up In the breaker. If
with innocence to start with in thin
tile a man doe not becomo godly,
what prospect is there that in tho
next world, starting' with sin, there
would be a seraph evoluted? Surely
the sculptor has more prospect of mak
ing a fine statute out of a block of pure
white i'arian marble than out of an
old black nick seamed and cracked
with the storms of a half century.
Surely upon a clean wh'te sheet of
paper it is easier to write a deed or a
will than upon a sheet of paper all
crlbbled and blotted and torn Irani
top to bottom. Yet men teem to think
hat, though the life that began here
turned out
; though it starts with a dead failure. ,
"liut," says some one, "I think we;
ought to have a chance in tho next ;
I life, because this li e is so short it al- j
I lows only small opportunity. We '
I hardly have time to turn around lie-
: tween cradie and tomb, the wood of .
, the one almost touching the marble of '
the other.'' Hut do you know what i
made the ancient deluge a necessity?
It was the longevity of the antcdilu- ;
vians. They were worse in tftese olid i
century of their lifetfme than in the ;
first hundred years, and still worse in i
the third century, and still worse ;
all the wav on to 7Hi, sou,
and !0 years, and tho earth had
to 1x3 waxhed and scrubbed and an- ;
chored, clear out of sight for more I
than a month liefore ii could be made :
tit for decent people to live in. j
Ixuigutity never cures impenitency. j
All the pictures of Time represent him i
with a scythe lo cut. but I neer saw
any picture of Time with a case o, med- I
icine te heal. Seneca says that Nero j
for the first five years of his public
life was set up ior an example of clem-
ency and kindness, but his path all the i
way descended until at H A. I), he bo- j
came a filicide. If H ycurs did not
iniike antediluvians any better, but
only made them worse, the ages of
eternity could have no effect except
pro.ongation of depravity.
Wrong and KiKhnt,
"Dut," says someone, 'In the future
state evil surroundings will bo with
drawn and elevated influences substi
tuted, and hence expurgation ami buIi
lirnation and glorilication." Hut tho
righteous, all theirsins forgiven, have
passod into a beutilie stale, and conse
quently the unsaved will lie left alone.
It cannot bo expected that Dr. DuiT,
who exhaisted himself in teaching
Hindoos the way to Heaven, and Dr.
Alieel, who gave his lile in the evan
gelization of I'hina ani Ailonirum Jud
son, who toile 1 lor tho redemption of
liorneo, should tie sent down by some
celestial missionary society to educate
those who wasted all their ourtbly ex
istence. Kvangelistic and missionary
efforts are ended. The entire king
dom of tho morally bankrupt by them
selves, where are the saivatory in-
fluences to come from' Can one
speckled and bud apple in a barrel of
uiseaeu uppies turn ine otner apples
good? ( an those who are themselves
down help others up? Can those who
have themselves failed in the business
of the soul pay the debts of tho insol
vents? Can a million wrongs make
one right?
I i oneropoug was a city
I'oneropolia was a city where King
j-i'mnpoi inracia put ail the nan
ma peo
ple ol his kingdom. If anv man ha 1
mtat lo the ctW world, all the
now that the good are evolved.
will be degenerating and down. You
would not want to send a man to u
cholera or yellow fever hospital for his
health, and tho great lazaretto of the
next world, containing tho diseased
and p ague-struck, will be apoor place
lor moral recovery. If the surround
ings in this world were crowded of
temptation, the surroundings of tho
next world, after the righteous: have
passod up und on, will be J.HM) per
cent, more crowded of temptation.
The Count of Chateaubriand raude
his little son sleep at night at tho top
of a castle turret, where the winds
howled and where specters were said
to haunt the place, and while the
mother and sisters a!most died with
fright tho son tells us thut tho process
gave him nerves that could not trem
ble and a courage thut never fullered,
lint 1 don't think that towers of dark
ness and the sj ectrai world swept by
sirocco and euroclydon will ever lit
ono for the land of eternal sunshine.
1 wonder what is the curriculum of
that college of intorno, where, after
proper preparation by the sins of this
life, the candidate enters, passing on
from freshman class of depravity to
sophomore of abandonment, and from
sophomore to iunior, and fro:ii junior
to senior, and duy of graduation comes,
and with diploma signed by satao, the
president, und other professorial de
moniacs, attesting that the candidate
has been long enough under the drill,
ho passes up to enter Heaven! i'ande
monlum a preparative course for heav
enly admission: Ah, my friends, satan
and his cohorts have fitted uncounted
multitudes for ruin, but never littod
one soul for happiness.
What Another Chance Meant.
Furthermore, It would not be safe
for this world if men had another
chance in the next. If it hart been an
nounced that, however wickedly a
man might act in this world, he could ;
fix it up all right In tho next, society
would be terribly demoralized and tho
human race demolished in a few years. ,
The four that If we aro bad and unfor- i
giving hero it will not be well for us
in the next existence is the chief in- '
fluence that keeim civilization from j
rushing back to semi barbarism, and
somibarharism from rushing into mid- '
night savagery, and midnightxavagery
from extinction, for it is the astringent j
impression of ail nations -Christian
and heathen that there is no future 1
chunco for those who have wasted this. ;
Multitudes of men who aro kept
within hounds would say; "Go to, t
now! Let me get all out of this lile I
thero is in It. Come, gluttony, and in
ebriation, and uncleanliness, and re- '
venge, and all sensualities, und wait
upon me. My life may lie somewhat
shortened in this world by dissolute
ness, but that will make heavenly in- i
diligence on a larger scale the so mer I
possible. I will overtake the saints at j
last, and will enter the heavenly tem-
Ce only a llttlo later than those who'
ehavtd themselves bore. 1 will on j
my wav to Heaven take a little wider ,
excursion than those who were on
earth pious, and I shall go to Heaven
via gehenna and viaahoel." Another
chance in the next world means freo
license and wild abandonment in thin.
Huppose you were a party In an im-
ortant case at law, and yu knew
rom consultation with Judges and at-
torneys that it would lie tried twice,
and tiie first trial would be of little im
portance, but that the second would
decide everything. lor which trial
w juld you make the most preparation, '
for which retain the ablest attorneys. ;
for which be most anxious about the
attendance of witnesses? You would
put all the stress upon the second trial,
all the anxiety, all the exnditure,
saying: "The first is nothing: the
last is everything." Ghethe race as
surance of a Becond and more impor
tant trial in the subsequent life, and
ail the preparation for eternity would
be "post mortem " post funeral, poet
sepuichral, and the world with on
jem be pitched off into impiety and
godlessness. .
Only On Iovltatlou.
Furthermore, let me ask why A
chance should be given in tne next
world if we huve refused innumerable
chances in tills? Suppose you give a
banquet, and you invite a vast number
of friends, but one man declines to
come or treats your invitation with
inditierence. You in the course of
twenty years give twenty ban juet,
and the same man is invited to them
all and treats them all in the same ;
obnoxious way. After awhile you re- i
move to another house, larger and j
better, and jou again invite yOr j
friends, but send no invitation to tfce j
man who declined or neglected the,
other invitations. Are you to bliinje? ,
Has he a right iO expect to be invifcjd
after all the indignities he has doie ,
you? God in this world has invited va
all lo the bati juet of His grace. He
invited us by His provldenco and His ;
spirit litlo days of every year since wo
knew our right hand from our left. If j
we de dined it evoiytime or treated
the invitation with indifference, and
ga.e twenty or forty or fifty years 'Of j
indignity on our part toward the ban- .
quetor, and at last Ho spreads the ban- j
quel iii a more luxurious and kiny !
place amid the heavenly j
we a right to expect Him to invito Us i, and ha. e a right to blame Htm
if he does not invite us? j
If twelve gates of salvat'.on stood i
upon twenty years or fifty yearslor:
our admission, and at the end of that they ure cl sod, cm we complain ;
of it and s .y: "These gates ought to ;
be open 'again. Give us another
chance?" If the ste.imer is to sail lor
Hamburg, a a we want to get to Oar- ,
many by ttiat line, and wo road (In1
every eve ung and every morning
newspaper that it will sail on a certain -day,
for two weeks we have that ad- ,
vert sement before our eyes, and than ,
, we go down to.the (jocks fifteen nfc
utesafier it hug shoved off into the
S Veuni and say: "'Come back. Give
me another cha ice. It is not fair to
treut me in th s way. Swing up to the
do k again, and throw out planks, abd
let me come o i board." Such behav'or j
would invite urrest as a madman, j. I
i The Necemarv 8nrrnJr. . V" '
" And if,' aftor the gospel ship has lain :
at anchor bei'oro our eyes for years and
years, and all the benign voices of
earth and Heaven have urged us to get
on board, as she might sail away at
any moment, and after awhile she sails j
without us, is it common Bonse to ex
pect her to come tMck? You might as
well go out on tho highlands at Nave- .
sink and call to the Majestic after bho
has been three days out and expect !
her to return as to call back an oppor
tunity lor Heaven when it once has
sped away. All Heaven offered us a ,
gratuity, and for a lifetime we refused '
to taso it, and then riiBh on the bosses
of Jehovuh's buckler demanding
another chance. Thero ought to be,
there can tie, there will bo no such
thing as posthumous opportunity. Thus
our common sense agrees with my
text, "If the tree lull toward the south
or toward tho north, In tho place
where the tree fulloth thero shall
it tie." I
You see that this idea lifts this world
up from an unimtortant way station to
a platform of Btit; endous issues and
makes all eternity whirl around this i
hour. Hut one trial for which all the !
preparation must be made in this
world or never made at all. That piles i
up all tho emphasis, and all the cli- '
maxes, and all the destinies into life
here. No other chance! Oh, how j
that augments tho value and the im
portance of this chancel I
Alexander with, his army, used to :
surround a city, and then would lift a '
great light in token to the people that
if they surrendered before that light '
went out all would bo well. Hut if
once the light went out then the bat
tering" rams would swing against the
wall, and demolition and disaster would
follow Well, all wo need do for our
present and everlasting safety is to
make surrender to Christ, tho King
and conjuoror surronder of our
hearts, surrender of our lives, sur
render of everything. And He keeps
a great light burning, light of gospel
in itation, light Kindled with the wood ,
of the cross and (laming up against the
dark right of our sin and Borrow. Sur- j
render while that great light con
tinues to burn, for after it goes out
there will be no other opKirtunity of
making peace with God through our ,
Lord Jesus Christ Talk of another
chunco! Why, this is a supernal
ilartKmflnt Hall. j
In the time of Howard VI. at the but
tle of Mussel burg, a prlvato soldier,
seeing that tho Karl of Huntley had
lost his helmet, took off his own hot
met and put it upon the head of the
Karl, and the head of tho private
soldier uncovered he was soon slain,
while his commander rode safely out
of the battle, liut 1.1 our case, instead
of a private rolder offering helmet lo
an earl It Is a King putting Ills crown
upon an unworthy suhjoct, the King
dying that we might live. Tell it to
all polntB of tho compass. Tell it to
night and day. Tell it to all earth and
Heaven. Tell it to all centuries, all
age, all mlllenlums, that we have such
a magnificent chance In this world that
we need no other chance In the next, j
I am in the burnished judgment hall
of the last day. A great white throne I
is lifted, but the Judge has not yet 1
taken It. While we are waiting for
Ills arrival I hear Immortal spirits in
conversation. "What ate you waiting
here for?" bays a soul that went up
from Madagascar to a soul that as
cended from America. The latter says:
"I came from America, where forty
yeais 1 hearu the gospel preached and
ble read, and from the praver that I
learned in infancy at my mother's knee
until my la.-.t hour I had gospel ad
vantage, but for some reason I did not
make the ( hristian choice, and I am
here w aiting lor the Judge to give mo
a new trial and another chance."
"Stranire." says the other. "I had but
one gospel call in Madagascar, and I
accepted it, and 1 do not need another
"Why are you here?" says one who
on eartli had feeblest intei ect to one
who had great brain, and silvery
tongue, and scepters of influence. The
latter responds: "Oh, I knew more
than my fellows. I mastered libraries
and had learned titles from colleges,
and my name was a synonym for elo
ouence and p iwer. And vet I neg
lected my soul, and I am here waiting
for a new trial." "Strange," savs the
one of the 'eeble earthly capacity. "I
knew but little of worldly knowledge,
but I knew Christ and made Him my
partner, and 1 have no need of an
other chance."
Clofflne the Hook.
Now the ground trembles with tho
ari reaching chariot. The great fold
ing doois of the hall swing open.
"Stand back!" cry the celestial ush
ers, "htand back, and let the Judge
of quick and dead pass through!" lie
takes the throne, and looking over the
tnrong of nations He says: "Come to
judgment, the lust judgment, the only
judgment!" liy one Hash from the
throne all the history of each one
Hatnes forth to the vision of himself
and all others. "Divide!"
Judge to the assembly,
echo the walls. "Divide!"
guards angelic.
says the
And now the immortals separate,
rushing this way and that, and after
awhile there is a great aisle between
them, and a great vueuum widening
and widening, and the Judge, turning
to the throng on ono side, says, "He
that is righteous, let him lie righteous
still; and lie that is holy, let hirn be
holy still," and then, turning toward
the throng on the opposite side, he
says, "He that is unjust, let him be
utijust 6till and hejthat is filthy, let him
be filthy still," and then, lifting one
hand toward each group, ho declares,
"If the tree fall toward the south or
toward the north, in the place where
the troe falleth there it shall be."
And then 1 hear something jar with a
great sound. It is the closing of the
book of judgment. The Judge ascends
the stairs behind the throne. The
hall of the last assize is cleared and
shut. The high court of eternity is
adjourned forever.
One Touch ofMotherhoort.
A lady in waiting to the Princess
of Wales told a friend a touching
little incident wtiicb took place soon
after the death of her son, the Duke
of Clarence. The Princess, with her
usual gentle reticence, tried to hide
the grief for her nrst-born. It was
shown only in her failing hea th and
in increased tender conHideration for
all a ound her. One day while walk
ing with one of her ladies in the
quiet lanes near .Sandringharu, she
met an old woman weeping bltterlv
and tottering under a lo;id of pack
ages. On inquiry, it appeared that
she was a carrier, and made her liv
ing by shopping and doing errands in
the uinrket town for the country
"Hut the weight Is too heavy at
your age," sa d the Princess.
'Yes. You're right, ma'ain. I'll
have to give it up, and if I give it
up I'll starve. Jak carried them
for me ruv boy ma'am."
"And where is he now?"
"Jack! He's dead! Oh. he's dead!"
the old woman cried wildly.
The 1 rincess, without a word,
hurried on. drawing her veil over
her face to hide her tears.
A few davs later a neat little cart
with a stout donkey were brought
to the old carrier's door. She now
travels with them too and fro, mak
ing a comfortable living, and has
never been told the rank of the
friend who has tried to make her life
easier for the bake of her dead boy.
Chicago Post
When You Gape.
A well bred tuan puts his hand over
his mouth when he yawns, but not
one well bred man in 10,000 knows
why. The reason is this:
Four or five hundred years ago
there was a superstition common in
Europe that the devil was always
lying In wait to enter a man's body
and take possession of him. Satan
generally went In by the mouth, but
when he had waited a reasonable
time and the man did not open bis
mouth tne devil made Ibim yarn,
und while h s mouth was opened
jumped down his throat. !-o many
cases of this kind occurred that the
people learned to the sign of
the cross over their months in order
to scare away the devil.
The peasantry in Italy and Spain
still adhere to this method, but most
other people have dispensed with the
cross sign and keep out tht devil by
simply lacing the hand before the
lips. It is a most remarkable sur
vival of a practice after the signifi
cance has perished.
A oiitL of twenty-six Is more dis
posed to to pleasant to people whose
clothes are or an old fashioned make,
than a girl of sixteen.
Why are the wearers of moustach
es and beards the most modest men
1 In society? Because they are tb
least barefaced.
Harrison, Nebraska.
hV & Bkkwbtik,
D. H. GRISWOLD, Cashier.
Transacts a General Banking Business.
Exchan'OI National Bank, New York,
Uited Statb National Bank. Omaha,
First National Bank, Chadroa.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
' J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor. ' ;
Pure Drugs, Medicines, Paints,
Oils and Varnishes.
ty artists' Material.
School Supplies.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded
Day or Night.
Harrison, Nebraska,
Real Instate Agents,
Have a number of bargaino in
choice land in Sioux county.
Parties desiring to buy or sell real
estate should not fail to
call on them.
School Lands
leased, taxes paid for
non-residents; farms rented, eta
C F. Com,