The Sioux County Journal L J. SIMMONS, Proprietor. HARKISOX, N EL! it ASK A. STATE NEWS ITEMS, Brnr1ett will twve a lodge of Mace ' bew ia a few days. j J. L. Greenlee 's name appears ts eii- ; tor of the Blair Courier. j The Gazet'e is the name of Genev i's new populist i aper, and J. J. Burke is its editor. The old settlors of Dakota county will hoid their annual reunion this year oa August 30. The city lathers of Schuyler are thinking seriously of voting themselves an increase of compensation. ; Seven prisoners escaped from the Norfolk jail while the circus parade at tract ed the attention of the jailor. Schuyler hag an an organized base ball nine that pirs up a pood gme. They are ready to meet all comers. In a slugging match at Tekaraah. ; Pokeberry rules, K. C. Lewis knocked Editor Woodrutf out in the first round. Lewis Short and wife of Ainsworth j have four girls, the oldest only eighteen months. It was twins on both occa sions. Th9 saloons of South Sioux City run wide open open nights and Sundays in j defiance of law and correct mortal ethics. Columbus fishermen the other day brought in an eel from the Loup that was two feet long and weighed five j pounds. The Salvation array people are lay ing plans to "fortify" Nebraska City if barracks can be secured at reason able terms. It is rumored that a move is on foot tooreanize a stock company at Ponca the object of which will be to build a steam grist mill. The West Point school board has de cided by a vote of 4 to 2 to reduce the salaries of all the teachers, except the principals, $5 per month. Work will commence on Fremont's power canal by a force of well diggers, who will ascertain the character of the soil along t -e proposed line. The Fremont postoflice makes a goo I showing; of business for the past year, notwithstanding the dull times. It shows a decrease of only S'.iOO The egg department in the cold stor age plant at Norfolk became so crowded I tht it was necessary to ship a carload of eggg to Milwaukee for storage. The creamery at Fremont is no w making 1,200 pounds of butter per day f 1 being an increase over the output of the corresponding month for last year of 5,000 pounds. The ministerial profession of Red Willow county will petition the coming legislature to pass a law fixing the fee for performing the solemn ceremony that unites two hearts. William Spies, son of a farmer living Abbott, was found dead in the loft near of the barn with a rope twisted about his neck. From the condition of things it ia thought the death was accidental, Majar Reimer, a Sarpy county farm er, put his team in the barn and went to dinner, leaving the harness on the horses. On returning he found that a thief had stolen the harness, and a dili gent search availed nothing. The Cozadians are becoming aroused on the subject of irrigation and have appointed committees to solicit money for the employment of an engineer to file water rights and take such other steps as may be deemed necessary. The Platte river, which is generally a sand bar at this season of the year, is filled with water to the banks. It is something unusual and is accounted for by the recent severe storms in the mountain district. Usually corn could be cultivated in the channel during the month of June. A tramp called at the residence of C. L. Morrow of Hastings and finding no one at home but the lady of the house demanded a breakfast in a very brutal manner. Mrs. Morrow pulled a six shooter and invited the tramp to be gone in the fraction of a second or take the consequences. He flew. P. Houseman, a resident of Tilden, aged seventy years, is missing. He has lived In Madison county for twenty five years and accumulated consider able property. Of lute he has been leading a fast life for one old enongh to know better, and his friends think be will come home when his money is gone. Tom McDermott of Fremont brought to town recently two magnificent speci mens of pelicans shot by him on the X ucnt ma flow jii onuiiuvrB county, I e shot three more but they couldn't be got out of the river. One of the birds measured six feet five inch from tip to tip of wings and five feet six inches from tip of tail to end of the beak. Tho Chautauqua session at Long Pine begins Jane 29 and closes on the 10th of July. An that is the hottest tint of all the glad year, and Long Pine the coolest place npon the sad earth, people who dread tho excessive heat will oot b slow to avail themselves of Ultl opportunity of enjoying freedom frost hoot and an Intellectual feast all omelet1 shs some tont. i fas TOO. kOTS r rt r- "s tela, so artist tSIEE NAMED FOR CUVERXOB Oaliforaii Bepnblio&as Hare so Diffi culty in Miking a Choice for Chief Executive- strong free silver platform. Thrj llrmand the KtelBaioa ufall roielga Laborer aud favor Mttmaa Sun met?. Sacramento, Cal June 22. Morris M. Estee, of Napa, was nominated for Governor by the state Republican con vention. None of the other candidates made a strong showing, though there was some opposition. A test vote came cm an amendment to the report of the committee on order of business offered by the anti-Estee men. The amend ment provided that the nominations for Justices of the Supreme bench should be made before that of Gov ernor. The Estee men opposed this and defeated the amendment by a vote of 47s to 347. This Showed Estee's strength, and the back of the opposi tion to him was broken. The conven tion proceeded according to programme and the platform was adopted without contest. It indorses the Republican national platform of IH'Ji and the McKinley tariff, denounces the repeal of the Federal election law and the adminis tration's Hawaiian policy, conderaus the Wilson bill as a sectional measure and a corrupt surrender to trusts. The silver plank is as follows; We iavor the free and unlimited coinage of silver at a ratio of 16 to 1 and the making of silver as well as gold a legal tender for the payment of all debts, both public and private. Mid we pledge our Congressional nominees, to support the principles contained in this resolution. Other resolutions demand the enact ment and enforcement of i-ucblawsa will absolutely and effectually prohibit the immigration of a'l foreign laborers, both skilled and unskilled, Into this country; favor government aid for the Nicaragua Canal, favor a competing transcontinental railroad to San Fran cisco and the completing of lines' throughout the State; demand the en forcement of the Chinese exclusion act and denounce Presideut Cleveland for attempting to abrogate the same, and favor the extension of the suffrage so as to include women. II Sm. 11 tit KuTxlty. PiTTSBrno, Pa., June 22. A sensa tional marriage that is causing consi siderable talk here is that of Henri Deckert de la Meillaie, a French pro fessor of languages, and Miss Blanche Augusta House, an heiress. The cere mony was performed in the rectory of Caivary Episcopal church Wednesoay night. The bride's family refused to attend or to have anything to do with it. The bride was the daughter of the late Edward House, w ho died a few months ago. He was presideut of the Freehold Bank, and left bis daughter 1200.000. She had been a student at the Frenchman's school, and fell in love with her teacher. Around the latter clung the flavor of royalty. '1 Linking he was a bogus nobleman the bride's parents refused to have anything to do with him, and tried to make her give him up. She refused after he had as sured her he was of royal birth. He claims to have been a lieutenant in the French army, and was compelled to leave France to avoid disgrace over his failure to pay 6,030 lost at the gaming tables. The bride is a niece of United States Senator J. Donald Cameron. The Iowm Tournament. Iowa City, Iowa, June 22. Over 25,0. 0 people, of whom 10,000 at least came in on excursion and other trains, witnessed the Iowa fireman's street pageant. About 1,150 uniformed men were in line, and the demonstration was an imposing one. Old firemen say that the parade was the largest and fjest ever ssen in Iowa. The firs, prine, 815?), went the Cedar Rapids lor the largest delegation in proc'-sse, hi id Muscatine received the .second prints, iX. The lowa Route, a baudsoiri! otrpariy of Burlington, Cedar l''oiJ and Northern Railway saen, got the prize, $50, for best appear -lag company with apparatus. The Marion companies attracted most at tention, and the great multitude ap proved the decision of the judges that gave them the first prize of 1100 for the finest appearing department. The races were largely attended. In the novelty hose race Corning won first place in 37 seconds, Harlan second in 42 3-5, Traer third in 40. In .he hook aad ladder climbing con test Atlantic took first prize In 6 3-5 seconds, Grinnell second in 8 2-5, At lantic third in 8 3-5. The straightaway hose race resulted: Corning first in 37 3-5, Grinnell and Harlan trying for econd in 37 4-5. Brought in at Last. Knoxville, Tenn., June 22. James Saudier, alias Burgin, who has been a terror to North Carolina for years and killed a dozen men, has just been ar rested at Maryville. Rewards amount ing to 12,000 had been offered for him dead or alive. Stung by Beet. Wabash, Ind., June 22. Near Mount Etna Frederick Corkett tied his team to a post near some beehives. The bees attacked the horses and Corkett took off his coat and shirt and threw them over the dorses' heads to Droteet them Tho bees than settled npon Corkett in mat swarms, stinging him terribly. He escaped and reached a physician's oOea. His nock, arms, shoulders aad tower swefied The doctors said tea use eoMiuon of Um Injured sua wMarUloai. uutnor "f ar. sx FkavcisO. Cal , -lime 21. Among the passengers who arrived on tu- s'eamer Belgic from the Orient ! was Charles II. Cowan, ex-United Sta' s Ccnsul to M milla. Mr. Cowan has b-en in the Philippine Islands for th. last two years anu has just be-n re lieved from his oi'ioe. The Philippine liid3 ha v been the scene of much trouble for many year-. About two months ago there was an upns ng among the natives on the Island of Mindanao, w hich resulted in the maswt cre of the Spanish troops. One com pany of eighty men that held the fort in the principal seaport towu was over powered and the garrison were brutal ly murdered. Six thousand troops have been sent to the Mmdanao to check the revolt. The Spanish government," said Mr, Cowan, "has been trying manv years to subdue the natives of the Philippines, but they are nearly always in a state of revolt. The main cause of the dis turbance seems to be what they con sider an invasion of their religious rights. The taxes were to b paid on a certain day and on that day the na tives crowded into the town- They found that they far outnumbered the troops, and, at a preconcerted signal, made a descent on the fort. The troops had no chance with them at all and not one of the soldiers was spired. News of the uprising reached Manilla, and two nieu of-war were immediately dis patched to the scene. The Governor General went to the scene of the trouble in person, and took with him 6,000 native troops, all being officered by Spaniards. hen I left Manilla nothing had been heard from the ex pedition. It is pretty ueli understood that the troops have had a hard battle on their hands." Has a Shrewd Appearance. Jacksonville, 111., June 21. The police of this city have made an im portant arrest and one which no doubt will result in landing an old offender behind the bars. A man called at the stove and furlnture house of W, B. Johnson & sous, of this city, and said he had a relative about to be married and he wanted to fit him up for house keeping, and proceeded to select I3S'). worth of goods, which he ordered to be shipped to Harry, Pike county, June 28, at the same time tendering a 8000 draft on the First National of Haskell, Texas, and in a nonchalant in nner asKing for the change. From the first the firm rather suspected the man and fortunately one or them bad been read ing the dispatch from Albany, Texas, telling of the forgenei which had been attempted on the bank at Haskell. They maiie an excuse to go to the bank for the money and while out tele phoned for the police and had the man taken in. lie gave his name as Sam Webb and insisted he was all right. He is rather below medium height and wears a blonde mustache and side whiskers and has a shrewd; appear ance. Butter Manipulated. Ackora, 111., June 21. The jury in the celebrated case of Potter vs. Sapds, which has been in progress in the Circuit Court for nearly two weeks, brought in a verdict allowing plaintiff 14,000. The seusational features of the case were the relations in regard to the inside workings of the Elgin Board of Trade, which has controlled the market price of butter in the Northwest for several years. The case was a suit brought by Charles Potter against O. Sands, of Chicago, to recover commis sions alleged to be due him from Sands for services in manipulating the Elgin Hoard of Trade in Sands' interest, the latter having control of twenty-six creameries in this region. In three years Potter bad so successfully mani pulated the board that be had earned 420,000 in commissions. In the mean time Sands was adjudged insane and committed to an asylum. The defense tritd to show that Sands was insane when the contract was made, but it was shown that the insanity was feigned. In the evidence it was shown that a few producers got together each week and practically agreed what should be the market price of butter. Another Deaperale Gang. Tahlequah, I. T., June 21 A des perate battle took place Sunday night on the road between Tahlequah and Wagoner between Deputy Sheriff Gourd and the Cook gang of outlaws. Sea uoyah Houston, one of tbe sheriff's posse, was killed, and one of tbe out laws, Hob Martin, captured. Several others of the sheriffs pose were wounded, some of them possibly fatally. Cook and all but the one of his gang mentioned escaped. Since the killing of Bill Halton the gang is considered the most desperate of the territory des peradoes. A New Branch of the Mllltla. SritiNOFiEED, Hi, June 21. With a view to having the state militia better prepared and equipped for emergencies, Captain W. 8. Jampbell, of the Ad jutant General's office, organized what will be known as the Catling Gun com pany. The men are picked and enlisted from Company C, Governor's guard, Fifth Infantry, and detailed for assign ment at headquarters with the Filth here. A Cyclone at Council Blnffi, Council Bi.ueks, la., Jane 21. A cyclone landed here yesterday evening at 7 o'clock. Trees In Bayiiss park fell as a line of bricks. At Manawa tbe storm was most severe, tbe wind taking a wall of water twenty feet high and carrlyng It across the lake, The force struck tbe pavilion and utterly demol ished It. PersotM in tho pavilion nar row eeeaped. No fatalities) are re portea. Ia tho city several booses were unroofed. WUIPPE- BEFORE HE DIED. Brutal Police-nee Poind a Negri Wtc U Sick wi a Email P.x CONSIDERABLE Of A DISTURBANCE. C'lo d rro'leC' Kxrlted Over Ilia Dialx.lir il Work. Cit impaion, III., I uiie 21 The po lice fo ca of this city is under a c oud, the outcome of the a es:ei whpping of the negro smallpox pa'ient by Chief ol Police Kent. A few I ivs ago Police man llagan had a ceitrover-y with a negro named ilallentr.-r, which culmi na'ed in Hagan's making an assault. Liter Uagati was a rt-sted and when brought to trial was found guilty and lineJ. Chief of Pole- Kent was ar rested for whipping the negro, who was afllicted witli smallpox, and who died lust Thursday. Tliee cases have aroused intense excitement in boih this city and U'baua. The colored resi dents of the two towns propose to see that Justice is done. The whole matter will probably be brought to the atten tion of the grand jury. Bogus Mileage. Niaoara Falls -v- V., June 20. What is judged uy railroad men to be an exceedingly clever attempt to swindle Western excursionists coming to Niagara Fails has just come to light. Three handsomely gotten up mileage books have been issued by the "New York and Niagara Falls Puillway Com pany," that have every indication of being genuine. There is no such rail way, and these books have probably been printed by sharpers to sell to Westerners coming to the Falls and de siring to go further east. The book in the possession of the railroad ruthori ties bears the number .V)o. It has all the statements common to mileage books in form, "book A" and bears the autographic signature of F. A. Sims, general passenger ai;ent. In the year date in the margin of the cover, 1894 is the first year given. There is a place on the front of the cover tor the issuing agent to sign his name. Aline across the top of the cover reads, "Printed by V. H. Campbell, 23 Union square, New York city." On the rubber ban:" that holds the mileage close to the cover is a neat celluloid slip bearing the words, "Manufactured by William H. Camp bell, 23 Union Square, New York city, patenteuted June 13, 1V.I3." Sued for Alimony. Clkvklaxd, Ohio, June 20. Will lam H. Lawrence, one of the publishers of the Ohio Farmer, and a man prom inent in social and business circles, has been sued by his wife for alimony. Mrs. Lawrence accuses her husband of the grossest kind of cruelty, alleging that he has assaulted her on an aver age of forty or fifty times a year, black ened her eyes on Christmas Day, bruised her head against a register, and otherwise made her life a burden, 0nce, she says, he chased her through the house to throw her from an upper window, but she escaped by running oown the back stairs. Last Thursday Mrs. Lawrence asserts, she was out driving with her husband, and because she would not hold the hors in front of a saloon while he went in and took a drink he swore at her so terribly that she left the vehicle. He followed her in the buggy, swearing at and abusing ber, and at Erie street deliberately tried to run over her. On Mursion street he jumped out of ttie buggy and began to drag her along the street, thus attracting a crowd. As a result of this they separated. Lawrence is worth 12 "XD.C0. Hhot Ills Hlotrr. Freepoui, ill., June 20. -Fred Has selman, who shot his sister at Pearl City, this county, Saturday, was cap tured near the scene of the shooting by a posse of armed citizens. Hasselman fought desperately for bis freedom, and was severely wounded before be gave up. The posse surrounded him in a grove, but were afraid to go in after him, as he was armed, and stationed behind a big tree. Finally, be left the timber, and started to run through the field of rye. He was at once pursued and lired at. Several bullets pierced his clothing, one went through his hat, and an effective shot shattered his leg. Hasselman was brought here by the sheriff, and he is now in the county jail Ilia sister's condition is critical. Returning to HI Old Path. Milwaukee, Wis., June 20. Three years ago Governor Peck pardoned Hartley Clifford, who was serving a life sentence In Waupum for the murder of Captain Pugh In Kacine in 1882. Clif ford had been a gambler and a drunk ard, and when the Government par doned him he imposed a condition to the effect that he should forsake those paths of evil. Now Clifford, in com pany with another man, is about to open a saloon near the Soldiers' Home, and residents who are opposed to It will ask the Governor if Clifford has not violated the conditions of his par don by opening a saloon. He la Mo Candidal. Lakcastek, I a., June 20. William U. HenseLof this city, the Attorney General of this Pennsylvania, is un willing to lead the Keystone State Democracy in the coming gubernatorial Campaign. Ha has given out an Inter low for publication in which be said ho never had been and never would be a candidate for any office, and that he bad aoospted the place ha now holds it H in the lino of his profes. to blm unsolicited. Haul and rat .lly Wounded Cntctoo. luue 19. Fred O. Swaiti, president and principal stockholder ef the s.wain Lubncntor comptny, was shot and fatally wou;idelat his offl :e 271 south Water street, 0y Henry Vaughati, an engineer and former par ner in the basinets of his victim. Vaug'k-.n wts cut so badly in th head either before or after the s!i oting by someone that lie hai to be tUeii to the county hospital to have Ins wounds dressed. L 1!. Smith, a.i employe of the company, and Everett IV linger, a nephew of Swam, who has a.i interest In the businesi, make th statement jlint Swain, just after being shot throuh the left lung just above the heart, attacked his slayer with Ins fists, causing the scalp wounds. Their state ments, however, are not veruied. It is state! that when Vaughan was dis chHrged a year ago for alleged incom petency he threatened to kill swain and that he had rei-eated the threat several times. Swam told tim police man who came in while I'ittinger was scuffling with Vaugtiaii for possession of the revolver that Vauuhan e iterwl his office on the second floor while he was sitting at his desk and that he ordere."1 Vaughan to leave at once, as he wsnted nothing mo e to do with him. Vaughati did not move and when Swain turned towards him to put him out Vaughan pulled the revolver and placing the muzzle close against Swain's bieast li ed. Swain, who Is six feet three inches tail and weighs 240 pounds, was reen by persons in the street to fall, while Smith end Pittinger overpowered and held Vn'ighan unt'l the police arrived. Swain in a bachelor, thirty-eight years old and, although rich, had apartments is the building. He is a thirty-third degree Mason. Vaughan is single and lived at 1339 Mid'lKan avenue, lie was engaged in business with Swain for seven years and it is admitted there had been busl ness troubles. Npwi front Samoa. Washington, June 19. Private ad vices received by naval officers from Apia, Samoa, indicate that ttie present state of affairs in that distracted part of the world is mainly due to German Intrigue and that, the display of the ; American flag more prominently in the I island might have a mollifying In- j liiience. It is s'a'ed in letter received that the Germans are supplying arms, j as well as powder and snot, to the op- j posing natives, and in this way the tin- j fortrnate internecine wars are main- i talned. While the conilicts between small parties of natives are frequent occurrences, little life Is lost and the troubles have so far happened at some distance from Apia. A letter from a nrominent British resident of the island is patent. The local laws render it lm possible for any foreigner to take land already occupied by natives and under the tripartite agreement Germans can not force Samoans to give up their land. The Germans are Interested In increasing their acreage ot sugar, etc, but as the native Samoans will not labor the German planters have to get laborers from the islands, and through these laborers ammunition reaches the Samoans, petty quarrtls are stirred up and native Samoans are encouraged to gradually exterminate each other. Un til American and British planters be come as numerous as the Germans there is little or no likelihood that the gradual absorption of all the good lands of the islands by Germans will be curtailed. The complication into which the United Slates has been drawn seems profitless to this writer and he confesses that even Great Britain has little or nothing to gain by continuing the triple agreement. Kear Members or the Yale Team. New Haven, Conn., June 19. Cap tain Hickok, of the Yale track athletic team, announces that George F. San ford has been selected as the last mem ber of tbe team which will visit Eng land next month. San ford will be In the middle distance runs, Pond, who was talked of for those events, proving too slow for the English championship. Sanford was the Yale champion in the quarter of a mile run in the intercol legiate games this spring. The members of the Yale team which is to sail for England on the 20th have signed the following pledge: "The sole object of our trip being to compete with the winner of the Oxford Cambridge contest, we individually pledge ourselves to take pa t In no other contests than the meeting with Oxford, and in all other respects to re gard ourselves as strictly under the orders of tbe captain and management and personally responsible to the uni versity which we represent." Ioee not ile I' p. Jefferson, Citv, Mo., June 19. The proceedings begun by the attorney general to forfeit charters of the three bond Investment companies doing busi ness in this state were dismissed by tbe supreme court on the ground tbat they were properly incorporated and had a right to continue their business. The attorney general declares he will prose cute the concerns under the anti-lottery law if they resume business. liarab e no More Moiierly, Mo., June 19. Daniel Gamble of Chariton county, who was crazy from liquor, arrived at the union depot here at an early hour and rau the brakeman away from a sleeping car with a revolver. Officers Penn and ( Reynolds arrived shortly afterward, and (while trying to arrest Gambia betook good aim at Penn and shot him through toe shoulder, i ann and Reynolds both shot and one bullet wont through 3ao oU'a heart. ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION. Premier Criepi Shows Orest Presenot of Mind Under tryicg Ciroum-EtaDees- SEIZED BY THE PEjPLE IMMEDIATELY. Another Anarehlxt aucht in Altrniptina; to Take tu- Life or I lie frnmer. Pomf., June 18. An attempt to assascinate Premier Crlspi was made.' Ttie premier was driving in hii car-' riage to the Chamber of lleputies when a man suddenly arew a revolver from his pocket and firt-d at him. The prmiier was not wounded Bnd, spririg inr trjtn his carriage, seized the wouid be nunlerer. remii-r CrSpl whs driving from his residence to the Chamber of Deputies in a closed carriage. As the vehicle was turning from the Via Gregoria into the Via Capolectse a man who as loitering on the sidewalk put his hand into his ureast, drew a revolver, nulled into the street and un to the cainage. He lifted his revolver, took a short aim at the premier and fired. i sie. Crispi was uninjured mid promptly sprang out of his carriage with the iu tei lion of seizing the would-lie assassin.' T) ) latter, however, was a. most imtne dihtely seized by a I miber of people who were attracU-d the spot by the report of the revolv-r. Ill a moment the neighborhood w s crowed with ex cited people, vow im veiigeunce upon the man who Ind at; muted to murder the premier. A rtiBh was made for the man, who was struggling with his captors near the premier's carriage, and he would undoubtedly have beeu beaten to death had It not been for the prompt arrival of the police. ' Deputy Piif-lies, who wks one of the firt to seize the would-be murderer,'' pu ked up the revo.ver when the pris oner wa in safe hands and handed it to the premier, who examined It curiously, and with great coolness. Sig. (. rispl was warmly congratulated for the calmness he disp!aed under such try ing circumstances. 1 The first reports of the affair had it that the premier himself was the tirst person to lay hands on the man who fired the shot, but although tins does not turn out to be correct there is no doubt that the distinguished Italian statesman displayed tnost tetnarkable pr-sence of inmd and that he would ut, loubted;y have closed promptly with Ins assailant had it not lx en lor the fact that the people laid hands on the rascal beloie the premier could apfiroacn liim. g. Crisp) was must warmly cheered wl n he arrived at the Chamber of Dt .uiies, the news of the attempt upon his iife having preceded him. Upon reaching the Chamber the premier went to the president's room and related his story of the affair as quietly as If nothing extraordinary had happened. When the news of the at tempted assassination of the premier became generally known crowds of deputies and others pushed their way to .:ie president's room in order iochii gmtulate Sig. Crlspi upon his escape from dealh atid to express their admlr ati in of his courage. When the sitting of the Chamber of Deputies opened there were cheers for the premier and the president arose and told of the attempt on his life, severely denouncing the outrage and expressing the hope that Sig. CriSDl's life would be long preserved to his country. The remarks of the president were greeted with long and continued applause from the memters and from the people In the galleries. 1 he would-be assassin gave the name of Paolo Liiga and described himself as a Joiner. The police have, however, discovered ' that lie was a member of several anarchist societies, where he was known as Mat at, after the famous French revolutionist. Marat declares that bo arrived in Rome, charged with tbe mission to kill Premier Jrispl. He adds that he was sorry he had failed in his object. King Humbert, its soon as he heard of the attempted assassination of Premier Crispi, sent him his congratu lations upon his escape. Loat at tea, Odessa, June 18. News of a collision in the sea of Azov between the Greek bark Euyptus and the Hussiau steam ship Maroussla bas been received. Both vtssels sank. Four of the crew of the Eyptus and twenty-two of tbe crew of tbe Ma roussla, including officers, are drowned. The Black Death. Wasiiinotcn. June 18. Tbe records of tbe department of state throw light on the singular plague which is now ravaging China and make it evident that this most fatal disease is really very similar to the black death or plague which devastated London as told by Defoe. - it hua l.s origin in Yunnan, a Chinese province, where it is epidemic. 'Ihe Catholic miaslonarlf s there held that It Was really a pestllental emanation slowly rising in equitable utratutn Irom the ground and as it Increases in depth all animals arc, as It were, drowned lu its poisonous flood. Will Convene at Atlanta 8an FitANCistx). June 18. At the sessiou of the supreme lodge of Work men Atlanta, Ga., was chosen as the place for the next convention. The session was largely .-'evoted In secret work and to auditing accounts. A pro. posed new retual for tbe order was de feated. A ritual for the use of tho grand lodge, Degree of Honor, was adopted. Tho delegates devoted them selves to an siciirslon aroand tbe bay. Installation of of"- wi occur today.