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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1894)
The Sioux County Journal, VOLUME VI. HAKUISOX, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1804. NUMBER 42. TAIMAGE'S SERMON. THE GREAT PREACHER SPEAKS THROUGH THE HRES& Be Take For Bli Sahjeet "Tha Eirtted Ooernor" Wbjr Frill Poatouad Ac cepting the Ouapal Noar la tha Time to Embrac tha Offer of Salvation. A Dangaroua IV la 7. Rev, Dr. Taimage, who In now speed ing across the l'a-ific to Honolulu on LU round the world journey, selected as the subject for sermonic diucourse through the press last Sunday "The Kxclted Governor," the text being taken from Acts xxiv, 25: "Felix trem bled, and answered: Go thy way for this time. v hen I have a convenient Season. I will call for thee." A city of marble was Ca-sarea wharves of marble, houm-g of marble, temples of marble. This beim.' the ordinary architecture of the place, you may imagine boinethintfof thesplen ior of Governor Keiix's residence. In a room of that palace, floor tesHellaied, windows curtained, ceiling fretted, the whole scene allluent with Tyriun pur- lo and statues aud pictures and curv nga. sut a very dark comp exioned man uf the name of Felix, and beside hira a woman of extraordinary leauty, whom he had stolen by breaking up another domestic circle. She was only 11 years of ajre, a princess by birth and unwittingly waiting for her doom that of boing buried alive in tha ashes and seori.e of Mount Vesuvius which in sudden eruption one day put an end to her abominutions. Well, one a.lernoon Drusllla, seated in the palace, weary with the magnifi cent stupidities of the place, says to Felix: "iou have a very distinguished prisoner, I beilo.o, of the name of j l'aul. i)o you know no is one of my I countrymen;' i should very much like to see him, and 1 should very much like to hear him speuk, for I have heard K) much alxiut his eloquence. Uesides that the other day, when he was being tried In another room of this place and the windows were 0;n, 1 heard the applause that greeted the eoeoch of Lawyer Tertullus as he denounced l'aul. Now I very much wish 1 could hear l'aul BeaK. Won't you let me hear him speak.'" "Yes," said Felix, "I wllL I will order him up now from the guardroom." Clunk, clunk, comes a chain up the marble stairway, and there is a shuttle at the door, and in comes l'aul, a little old man, prematurely old through ex- sure only tHJ years of age, but look- n very courteously before the Gov ernor and the beautiful woman by his tide. They say: "Paul, we have heard a great deal about your speaking. Give us now a specimen of your elo quence." Oh, if there ever was a chance of a man to show off, l'aul had a chance there! He might have harangued them about Grecian art, about the wonderful Waterworks he had seen at Corinth, alwut the AcrojKjlis by moon light, about prison liie In i'hilippl, about "what t saw In Thesalonica, " about the old mythologies, but "Sol" Paul said to himself. "I am now on the way to martyrdom, and this man and woman will soon be dead, and this is my only opportunity to talk to them about the things of eternity." And just there and then there broke in upon thn scene a peal of thunder. It was the voice of a judgment day speaking through the words of the decrepit ajKJstle. As that grand Old missionary proceeded with his re marks the stoop begins to go out of his shoulders, and he rises up. and his coun tenance is illumined with tho glories of a future life, and his shackles rattle and grind as he lifts his fettered arm, and with it hurls upon his abashed auditors the bolts of God's indignation. Felix grew very white about tho lips. His heart boat unevenly. He put his hand to his brow, as though to slop the quickness and violence of his thoughts, lie drew his rooe tighter about him as under a sudden chill. His eyes glare, and his knees shake, an I as he clutches the sldo of his chair In a very paroxysm of terror he orders t.'io Sheriff to take l'aul ba -k to the guardroom. Felix trembled and said: Go thy way lor this time. When I have a convenient season, I will call (or thee.'' A young man came one night to our services, with pencil in hand, to caricature the wholo scene and make mirth of tboso who should express any anxiety alwut their souls, but 1 met liim at the door, his face Very white, tears running down his cheek, as he said, "Do you think there is any chance for me?" Felix trem bled, and so may God grant it may be so with others. Three Keaeuna. I propose to give you two or throe reasons wny I think Felix sent l'aul back to the gardroom and ad ourned this wholo subject of religion. Tho first reason was ho aid not want to give up his sins. He looked arounu. There was Drusilla. He knew that when ho became a Chrlsiun he must send her Pack to AzUus, her lawful husband, and ho said to himself: "1 wilt risk the destruction of my Immortal soul ioonor than 1 will do that." How many there are now who can not get to bo Christians Iwcause they will not abandon their sins! In vain all their prayers and all their church go ing. You cannot keep these durllng sins and win Heaven, and now somo of you will have to decide Ijetweon the wine cup and unlawful amusements and lascivious gratifications on tho other. Delilah sheared tho locks of Samson; Saloino danced Herod Into tho pit; Drusilla blockod up the way to Heaven for Felix. Yet when 1 pre sent the subject now, I fear that some of you will say: ".Not quite yet. Dod t be so precipitate in your demands. I have a few tickets yet that I have M use. I have a few engagements that J. must keep. I want to stay a little longer In the whirl of conviviality a lew more guffaw of unclean laughter, a few more steps on the road to death, ' and then, sir, 1 will listen to what you 1 xay. "Go thy way for this time. When 1 have a convenient seaon 1 will call for thee.'" A Convenient Season. Anotner reason why Felix sent Paul back to the guardroom and adjourned this subject wag he was so very busy, in ordinary times he found the a lairs of htate absorbing, but those were ex traordinary times. Tho whole land was ripe for insurrection. The Hicarii, a band of assassins, were already prowling around the palace, and I buj jose he thought. "1 can't attend to re ligion while I am pressed by affairs of State. It was bunlness, among other things, that ruined bis soul, and I sup pose there ate thousands of people who are not children of God because they have so much business." It is business in the store -losses, gains, unfaithful employees. It is bus, ness in your law otnee -subp.fnas, j writs you have to write out, papers you liave to me, arguments you have to make. It is your medical profes sion, witn its broken nights, and the exhausted anxieties of life hanging uxjn your treatment. It is your real e-tato otllce, your business with land lords and tenants, and tho failure of men to meet their obligations with you. Aye, with some of thoe who are here, it is the annovunce of the kitchen, and the sitting room, and the parlor tho wearing economy ot trying to meet lurgo expenses with a small income. Ten thou-and voices of "business, business, business" drown the voice of the eternal Spirit, silencing the voice of the advancing judgment day, over coming the voice of eternity, and they cannot listen. They say, "Go thy way for this time." Some of you look upon your goo. Is, look Uxin your profession, you look Uon your memorandum hooks, and you eo the demands that are made this very week upon your time, and your patience, and your money, and while 1 am entreating you about your soul and the danger of procrastination you sav: Go thy way for this time. ! When I have a convenient season, I j will call for thee." O Felix, why bo 1 withered about the affairs or this world so much more than about the affair of eternity Do you know that when death comes you will have to stop business, though it bo in the most ex acting period of it -between the pay ment of thn money and tho taking of the receipt? The moment ho comes you will have to go. Death waits for no man, however high, however low. Will you put your otllce, will you put your shop in comparison with the af- fuirs of an eternal world, asairs that Involve thrones, palaces, dominions eternal? Wyi you put 200 acres of (round against iwienaity?-WU1 you put forty or fifty years of your life against millions of ages? O Felix, you might better postpone everything else! For do you not know that the upho. storing of Tyrian pur ple In your pala-e will fade, and tho marble bio ksof Cusarea will crumble, and the breakwater at the lcach, made of great blocks of stone 00 feet long, must give way before the perpet ual wash of the sea, but tho redotnii tion that l'aul offers you will be for ever? And yet and yet aud yet you wave him back to tho euardrooru, saying: "Go thy way for this time. When I havo a convenient season, I will call for theo." Honors of the World. Aeain Felix adjourned this subject of religion and put off Paul's argument because he could not give up the honors of the world. He was alraid somehow that ho would bo compro mised himself in this matter. Remarks he made afterward showed him to bo intensely ambitious. Oh, how ho hugtfod tho favor of men! I never saw the honors of this world in their hollowness and hypocrisy so much as in the life and death of that wonderful man, Charles Sumner. As he went toward the place of burial even Independence Hall in Philadel phia asked that his remains stop there on their way to Uoston. The flags wero at half-mast, and the minute guns on Boston common throbbed after his heart ceased to beat. Was it always so? While ho lived, how censured of legislative resolutions, how carica tured of tho pictorials; how charged with every motive mean and ridicu lous; how all tho urns of scorn and hatred and billingsgate emptied upon his head: how, when struck down In the Senate Chamber, there wero hun dreds of thousands of people who said, "Good for him; serves him right.'" how ho had put the ocean between him and his maltgners, that he might havo a little peace, and how, when ho wont off sick, thev said he was broken hearted because ho could not got to be President or Secretary of State. O commonwealth of Massachusetts, who Is that man that sleeps In your public hall, covered with garlands and wrapped In tho sturs and strlpos' Is that the man who, only a few months before, yon denounced as the too of republican and democratic institu tions? Is that tho same man? Ye American people, yo could not. by ono wook ol funeral eulogium and news pajier loaders, which the dead Senator could neither read nor hear, atone for twenty-five yours of maltreatment, und caricature. When I see a man like that, pur-mod by all the hounds of ttio political konnel so lonu as ho lives and then buried under a groat pile of gar lands and amid the lamentations of a wholo nation, I say to myself: "What an unutterably hypocritical thing is all human applause and all humun fa vor! You took twonty-live years In trying to pull down his fame and thon tako twenty-five years in trying to build his monument. My friends, was there evor a bettor commentary on the hoi ownorfs of all earthly favor? If there are young men who read this who are postponing religion in order that they may have tho favors of this world, let me per suade them of their complete folly. If you are looking forward to guberna torial, senatorial, or presidential chair, lot me show you your great mistake. Can It bo that there is now any young man saying: "Lot ma have political office, let me have some of the high rwitions of trust and power, and then will attend to religion, but not now. 'Go thy way lor this time. When I have a convenient season, 1 will call for thee!'" A Danferooa Delay. And now my subject takes a deeper tone, and it shows what a dangerous thinif is this deferring of religion. When Paul's chains rattled down the marble stairs of Felix, tout was Felix's last chance 1 r Heaven. Judging from his character afterward, he was rep robate and abandoned. And so was Drusilla. One day in'Southern Italy there was a trembling of the earth, and the air got black with smoke intershot with liquid rocks, and Vesuvius rained upon Drusilla and upon her s in a horrible tempest of aches and fire. They did not reject religion: they only put it off They did not understand that that day. that that hour when Paul stood before them, was the pivotal hour upon which everything was poised, and that it tipped the wrong way. Their convenient season came when l'a'il and his guardsman entered the palace - it went away when Paul and his guardsman left. Have you never seen men waiting for a conven ient season.-1 There Is such a great fascination almut it that, though you may have great respect to tho truth of Christ, yet somehow there is in your soul the thought: "Not quite yet. It is not time for me to become a Christian." I say to a boy, "Seek Christ." He says, "No: wait until I got to be a young man." I say to the young man, "Seek Christ." He says, "Wait until I come to midlife." I meet the same person in midlife, and I say, "Seek Christ." "Ho says, "Wait until I get old." I meet the same person in old age and say to him, "Seek Christ." He says, "Wait until I am on my flying bed." I am called to his dying couch. His last moments have como. I bend over the couch and listen for his last words. 1 have purtially to guess what they are by tho motion of his lips, he is so feeble, but rallying himself, ho whispers, un til lean hear him say. ''I am wait ing for a more convenient soa so.i," and he is gone! Now In the Accepted Time I can tell you whim your conenient season will come. I can tell you the year it will be 18'.4. I can toll you what kind of a day it will be it will bo tho Sabbath day. I can tell you what hour it will bo it will bo be tween h and Hi o'clock. In othor words, It is now. Do you ask me how I know this is vour convenient season? I know it because you are here, and because the Holy Spirit is here, and because tbalect-aun juid.dajig liters of God are praying for your redemption. Ah, I know it is your convenient sea son because some of you, like Felix, trembled as all your past life comes upon you with Its sins and all the future life comes upon you with its terror. This uight air Is aglare with torches to show vou up or to show you down. It is rustling with wings to lift you into light or smito you into de spair, and there is a rushing to and fro and a beating against the door of your soul as with a great thunder of empha sis, telling you, "Now, now is the best tune, as it may be the only tiire. May God Almighty forbid that any of you, my brethren or sisters, act the part of Felix and Drusillaand put away this great Biib.oct. If you are going to bo saved ever, why not begin to-night? Throw down your sins and tako the Lord's pardon. Christ has been tramp ing after you many a day. An Indian and a white man became Christians. Tho Indian, a'most as soon as he heard tho gospel, relieved and was saved, but the white struggled on in darkness for a long while before he found light. After their peace In Christ the white man said to tho Indian, "Why was it that I was kept so long In the dark ness and you immediately found peace?" Tho Indian replied: "I will toll you. A prinoo comes along, and ho offers you a coat. You look at your coat, and you say, 'My coat Is good enough,' and you refuse his offer, but the prince comes along and ho offers me the coat, and I look at my old blanket and I throw that away and tako his o ler. You, sir," continued the Indian, "aro clinging to your own righteousness, you think you aro good enough, and you keep your own right eousness, but I havo nothing, nothing, and so when Jesus .offers mo pardon and pea e I simply tako it." My reader, why not now throw away the wornout blanket of your sin and take the robe of a Saviour's right eous ness -a robe so white, so fair, so lus trous, that no lullor on earth can whiten it? O shepherd, to-nlghtbrlng home tho !ost sheep! O Father, to night give a welcoming kiss to the wan prodigal! O friend of Lazarus, to-night break down tho door of the sopulcher and say to all those doad souls as by irresistible flat: "Live! Live!" Thin Skating Tor llochclor Flirt. The declaration of marriage In Slam is simpler even than it used to be In Scotland. You ask a lady to ; marry you by merely offering her a I llower, or taking a light from a cigar ette if It. happens lo be In her mouth; and your family and the bride's fam ily have to put iipatloast-00 apiece for a dowry. Tho principal .nijicdl mcnt In the way of marriage is that each year Is natnl after an animal, and only certa n animals are allowed to Intermarry; for Instance, a person born In the year of the cat can nut marry with a person born In tho year of the dog, or a pe son born to the year of the cow with a person born la the year of tbe tiger; and there are s milar erubargos about months and (lays, akin, perhaps, to the old super, tit on In this country that I tea -rlage will be unlucky If tho birth months uf the bride and groom art far apart April should not wed with November, nor January with J una Boston Post. UNDAUNTED BY POLAR COLD. The Pursuit of Food Tempts Birds to Brave the Moat Klg-orous Climate. In tbe countries bordering on the Polar seas, where the changing sea sons bring aite nately the two ex tremes of dearth and plenty birds are more numerous in the short sum mer than anywhere else all the world over aud In winte are absent alto gether. All a e iniruig ants the;e by force of circumstance, lu like man ne ' tbe bi ds of teiuoe ate climates a e affected by tbe seasonable changes, though in a leg degree, through the influence of cold and heat upon their food supplies, rather than effect of cold upon their well protected bodies. According to Llt tell's Living Age. a coat of mail is not to be compared to a coat of leather for sarety, so If as a bird's life is concerned. Layer upon layer of feathers can withstand any amount of water or any deg ee of cold. In proof of this, see how the delicate te. n, after wintering in com paratively mild weather, go back to the Ice Hoes of the Polar Sea and lay their eggs on the bare ice. For two or three weeks the tender breast of the sea swallow is p;essed against a cold block of ice. Attain, as another example of tbe in ueuce of food rathe than climate In governing bird action, take the colony of beccaflcos. The beccattco is a Mediterranean bird common on the southern shores of Spain and Italy, in the Grecian Is lands, .-icily and Malta, and on the northern shores of Africa. Formerly it was quite unknown in the British Isles, but some yea s ago a large orchard of Ug trees was planted near Brighton, and the beccallco have dis covered the fact and come over to share the spoil. Doubtless the night ingales told them the story of En glish figs and showed them the way over. He this as it may, the little birds frorn the warm sho es of the Mediterranean bid fal to become es tablished as naturalized British sub jects. Welt Done, John! J. A. Owen tells a touching story of shamelul wrong done in a mcment of passion to a faithful dog. The in cident Is glvcu In the words or a friend of old John, the keeper. "He was a rare 'un for sliootln' was the Squire, an' the best pointers that could be bad for money he'd have in bis kennels. But . Cyrus , was . the finest dog of the lot both as regards size an' looks an' woric in the Held. "He'd never made a miss, all the time the s.juire shot over hiui. Well, one day when they wa-i pa tridge ahootlu', the bi ds went out o' one Held and dropped over a bank into anothe . There was a gate at one end 0' the bank, an' 'twas half-way open like. On they comes. after the dog, the S ,uire an' . ohn. An' how It come about no one knows; the dog might ha' been jealous, for there was an other dog out with 'em, an' he might W been thinkiu' about him. Any way Instead o' drawln' th ough as usual, he cante.ed th ough, jest as if he'd been rangln', "Up got the covey; they was be hind that bank. Cyrus turned round an' stopped dead still. He knowed, poor feller, he'd made a blunder fo. once in bis life, an' old John told me he looked up at him real pitiful like. Befo e he could say a wo d, the Sgulre swung his gun up to his shoulde , an' shot Cyrus dead, an' then turnin' ound to old John, he says to him quiet, very quiet, though his face was white with temper. ' 'You b oke that dog in, or tried to: now break me In another that will not make a mistake ' "It was quite enough for the old feller, an' too much. Layin' the gun down, an' takln' the game bag fro. a his shoulders, he says: " 'Jqulre, I've been in your father's service an' yours for many years, an' se ved ye faithful to the best o' my means an' ways, such as they a e, but as long as I live, I'll never break another dog for you.' "The S ,ulre looked at him for full a minute, and then he said, soitllke: " 'John take my gun, an' carry It home. I shall shoot no mo e to-day. An' get Cyrus buried.' "An' then ho walked away hastv like, as if he was glad to get away from the place. Tho old feller said he knowed he was sorry for what he done; but he never mentioned Cyrus after that nor John didn't to the Squire neither.'! The Bilk Hytder. The silk spider of Madagscar spins threads of a golden color, and strong enough, according to Malndron, to hang a cork helmet by. The female npider may attain a length of 15 cm., whllo tho ii. ale docs not exceed 3 cm. A single female individual, at the breeding season, gave M. Cambouo, a French u lssionary, some 8,000 in. of a One silken threa I during a period of about twenty-seven days. The thread was examined with a view to creating a new industry. Small tex tures woven of these threads aro ac tually used by the uatlves for fasten ing flowers on sunshades and for other purposes. Most women are positive geniuses at fixing up and looking well on al most empty pocketbooka Wi like nearly any sort of a man batter than a thoroughbred. THE COMMERCIAL BANK. ESTABLISHED 1688.1 Harrison, Nebraska. ft. & Biiwvru, President D. H. ORISWOLD, Cashier. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $50 000. Transacts a General CORRESPONDENTS: iirmoiir Exchanoi National Basic, New York, U.rmc States National Bank, Omaha, Futar National Bank, Cbadrota Interest Paid on Time Deposits IT-DRAFTS SOLD ON ALL PARTS OF EUBOIX THE PIONEER Pharmacy, J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor. Pure Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils and Varnishes. "ARTISTS MATERIAL. School Supplies. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded Day or Night. simotis & SMILEY, Harrison, Nebraska, Real Estate Agents, Have a number of bargaino in choice land in Sioux county. Parties desiring to buy or sell real estate should not fail to call on them. School Lands leased, taxes paid for non-residents; farms rented, eta CORRESPONDENTS S0UC1TED. a r. Banking Business