TOPICS OF THE TIMES. A CHOICE SELECTION Of INTER ESTING ITEMS. tMoMM m4 Crttletaau Bawl tpom tfea MappeainKa af ttm flay- SUatartesJ u Maoa H'olaa. A New Jersey man has invented device to hold doorknobs in place. The long felt want a device to hold keyholes in place after 12 p. iu. Is till unfilled. The pretender to the Servian throne, Karageorgevltch. has arrived in Boucuania from St Petersburg. He was probably obliged to pay ex cess laggage on his name Go into a grocery store about 3 o'clock, and steal a piee of fresh cheese and a cracker, and there is nothing better to eat And tbere is Doth ng you can do that will ause a grocery luan to hate you worse. Th's is the season when women have the best of it A costume con sisting of a Mother Hubbard and a hair pin is Just right fo' summer. Men are all dressed too heavy in sum mer, although they take T as much as possible Ir didn't require that 8 ccessful surgical operation for cataract to en able Mr Gladstone to see that his titled successor to the prime ministry of England Is making ducks and drakes of the magnificent political heritage bequeathed to him by the grand old man. When the women become men, ho will be the women? Or will there I any women? If there are no women, will there be any chil dren? If there are to be no children what is the use ot inaugurating a reform if there is to be no future veneration to enjoy it? Iv St Louis a few days ago a cracksman entered a warehouse and spent several hours in boring a hole into an iron safe in order to destroy the comb nation lock. He was. how ever, frightened away before he had completed the job. It was after ward found that the safe had been left unlocked. Brains are necessary in all trades. Foh years the State of New Jersey has been the resort of persons who wanted to marry and could not com ply with the legal requirements of the States where they resided. Mat rimonial mil s in all the cities of the (state did a flourishing business and preachers and magistrates reajed a rich harvest. This state of things has been done away with, the Legis lature having passed a marriage 11 tense bill that is stringent in its pro visions. Leforni makes slow progress in New Jersey, b t this last Is one of the most commend ible in recent years. London correspondents are betray ing in their present felicitations over ti e return of the American vis itors how serious a their defection last season. The present summer promises ample compensation. The p oprietor of o'leorthe older up town New York hotels said recently, that the steamer trade had not been so brick in years as just nt w, with Mg bookings ahead. Out-of-town trav elers, bound for Europe, always plan for several days In New York on the way, and it is this tide which at the present moment is exceptionally heavy. Tub woman who must have dim ples or die has only to invest in the d mple producing machine which an Enlish paper says has been invented and i a ten ted by a woman with an eye for beaut r and a speculative turn of mind. She, of all others, ought to be rewarded with one or more of these fetching marks of beauty. pro Tiding she can endure the torturn or her own device, which is a kind of mask arranged with screws and wooden points which press where the dimples ought to be. This is worn at night but just how long it must be applied to produce the desired im pression is not said. Various are the ways of spreading disease Some workmen tore down an old bouse In New Haven. Soon an epidemic of diphtheria broke out among their families and friends. They bad carried tbe wood home for fire, and thus were spread germs of tbe disease which bad raged in tbe bouse the year before. An old feather bed was thrown into an open lot Children played with it. and three out of Ore died of scarlet fever, and tbe disease wu almost epidemic in tbe community for a time. Through Ignorance or carelessness, that bed had not been properly managed, or It would Mfir have been allowed to lew Ue dleease-strlcken bouse ex papain aaaea, Turn latest discovery of the Parli ta pel tea tbrowt new light on An irefelao. Tb Anarch 1st baa been regarded a a kind of nad dog, but KkMMt bnra eupneeed that be was Dtratir animal, or that bt triad to kill people for any other reason than that it gave hitu pleasuie. It ap pears, however, that a man was hired and pa d to throw a bomb at Liege. It is necessary to distinguish. To set a bomb with a lighted fuse in a dark ally, and then to run away, is a pro eeding in wb cb the risk is not so great that men could not be hired to run it But such an attempt as that in the Chamber of leputies is one that re lulres an active and fero cious misanthrophy on the part of the person who undertakes it be cause the risk of capture and punish ment amounts almost to a certainty. Both kinds of Anarchists ought to be killed as promptly as possible, but upon somewhat diverse grounds Lieutenant Baldwin, inspector ot the life-saving service for the Chi cago district, thinks the Treasury Iepartment will order an investiga tion of the charges made against the crews I ecause of the inadequacy of the service fn the late storm. Prob ably it wilL An attempt will likely be made to shoulder the lespcmsibil ity for the loss or life upon the mem bers of the life-saving crews who, from all accounts, did as well as any men could have done under the cir cumstances. But if the Treasury Iepartruent begins an Investigation of this kind the public will insist that the whole matter shall be gone into. It won't do to stop at the IJ5-a-montb men. It will be necessary, for instance, to discover who is re sponsible for the rotten, leaky boats furnished the crews, and who weak ened the crew by keeping half of it down at Jackson Park six months af ter the World's Fair closed. Those matters are far more important than the reprimanding or discharging ot a few amphibious persons who risk their lives In tbe service of the gov. ernment at wages that tbe average office boy would reject with scorn. According to London Engineer ing, the average number of working days In a year in various countries is as follows: In Russia, 267; in Eng land, 27; In Spain, 2(K; In Austria, 2!.5: in Italy. 2W8; in P-avaria and Belgium, :?00; in Saxony and France, 302; in Denmark, No way and erland. 301; in Prussia 30S; in Hol land and North America, 30. and in Hungary, 312. In all continental couotr es holldavs are much more numerous than with us, while in this country there are only two or three week dars in tbe year when we give up all work. The tendency in Eng land and elsewhere in Europe is to reduce the average numir of work ing hours in tbe day, and this Is often accomplished by making Satur day a half holiday. Manufacturers have found that the gain in the efficiency of their help compensates for the loss of time. All ove- the world there Is a strung pull on the part of labor organizations for a re duction of the hours of labor, and there are go d economic reasons for such reduction. It would be of man ifest advantage, for instance, if the hoU'S were so shortened that a much lamer n imtmr of people could 1 em ployed. This however, is not ihe sort of phliantrophy that the labor organizations aim at The idea sys tem would keep everybody at wir just long enough to do what wa3 necessary to be dona A t'nlque Westerner. During the winter ex-Governor Samuel T. Hauser of Montana, lives mostly in New ioric city. He is o t spoken and fond of humor. One day while he was here he was taken ill and sent for a noted surgeon and physician. He said tbe surgeon turned him over, thumped him a-id finaiiy, in triumphant tones declare d that the ex-Governor would have u be tapped. "What is that?" cried the patient "Oh, nothing; I expert to cut into you a few inches," was the reassuring tone of the surgeom "By the etc nal ten-toed, jumping Jebosapbat do you call that noiii log'" shouted the ex-Governor. Tne doctor called tbe next day, thumped his patient several times and in a re gretful tone of voice-stated that after all he would not have to use the knife in two days the ex-Governor was walking around attending t business as usual. New Y'ork Ad vertiser. In Factory Village. 1 The advocate of woman's rights should find life to ber liking in the factory villages of Maine, where uu u can t appropriately calied "hou-e-keepers." In almost auy town where much manufacturing Is done num bers of these men may he found. If one calls soon after meal time he will be likely to find them with aproi - n washing dishes At other hours r. - y may be seen sweeping up, ma- n,' I eds, washing the children, clea,,nu' bouse or cooking. These men uri housekeepers for the simple rea-oti that their wives can earn more work ing in the mill than they can. anri it becomes a matter of money savin to let them dolt Some of them saw and pile the wood in the shed do the I chores, take can of tbe garden and dootber man's wo-k around home, a well as tbe 'Housekeeping, and t he I arrangement seems to-be profitable. Hyp oris will never reach Its per fected ttate until a dead beat can make a creditor believe b bat yii hie bill when b hasn't A BELATED LAUGH, at the EuAbhitM Frooaaaed tha ran Very Goo. The Chicago girl's joke about West irn corn came very near suffering ihe fate of Mr John Franklin, and being lost from the sight of human Ity forever. It may be of interrst to briefly review tbe history of this lingular international episode it appears then, that last autumn Lady Poyie Ayie of Somersetshire, visited certain of the Western States or America just before harvest time. The enormous fields of Indian corn, covering areas like kingdoms, with the.r beautiful products, . "W lib iii thining rubea about It, And U looif. ;fl jreUuw lreMa, filled the patrician traveler with amazement From the Wabash to tbe Kaw extended these Illimitable areas of precious g aln, of which lili no s alone has yielded more than 3u0, -UUO.OOO bushes iu a single yea . (Jut uf the H,0j0,000,00J produced yearly by American farms, it was shown that the value of the corn alone reaches b00,0O0.0OO. Wbile standing before the cereal exhibits at the World's Fair with a young lady lriend of Chicago or. gin, Lady Poyle Ayie remarked. "May 1 iwsk you, my dear, what becomes of this (,uite too awfully immense quantity of mal e? (You Americans very wrongly call it corn, don't you, but wheat is tbe only proper corn in the United Kingdom.) I really cawn't comprehend, my dear, how you Yankees manage to dispose of such amounts of maize." To which the fair illlnoisan made reply: "Oh, that's easy enough. We eat what we can, and can wbat we can't" The British matron, of course, missed the point, but the incident was noted down and borne back to England as an illustration of the flippant inconsequence of the young American female. How long this inspired gem of repartee m.ght naturally have lingered unrecognized and unvalued about the snores of the Bristol Chacnel we cannot estimate. But one evening Colonel Sabretoche, a widely traveled military officer, came over from tbe adjacent garrison town to dine at loyle Ayie Ca-tle. and was regaled with the hpbinx-like remark of tbe Chicafcoau. He e mained in a pensive frame through out the rest of the evening, smiling in an increasing broadness asthe pur port of the words dawned upon him, bit br bit, until suddenly he broke into a roar which clattered the n.ori ons and hauberks on tbe walls of the ancient ball, ejaculating: 'Yaas, by Jove, lsee! Just fawncy! To can what they can't! Why, my lady, it is positively a bong moe worthy of Sidney Smith or the Carl ton Club." By the aid of a careful and patient explanation and a suitable diagram her ladyship in time came to compre hend the bright quip, and tbe gallant Colonel also communicated it to cer tain friendly officers of the Ciack mansbire Battalion. Thus the long buried pleasantry was lifted from Its catacomb, stripped of its dusty cere ments, and hew back to gladdeu millions of American newspaper readers. TO RAISE THE PEWABIC. Superior Men to Search for tha Treaaare Ijiilen HulL It has been over two jears sin an attempt was made to the bull or secure the car o of tbe ill fated steamer Pewablc, which ie posei on tbe bottom of Lake Huron In 128 feet ot water. Pieparations are now being made to raise the abandoned wreck. Superior, Wis, capital will t put into the new un dertaking, as It was in the last ill starred expedition in which Diver pelkey lost his life. The diver, who will join the new expedition on shares lives In Pennsylvania. So confident Is he that be can raise the the Pewabic that he is willing to per form the work on much better terms than any other man of his profession. He has perfected a new style of div ing suit and has experimented with it for some time. He Is not In the least concerned In regard to the depth of water In which the Pewa blc 1 es, and says tbe stated depth will not embarrass bis working to good advantage Two good sub marine divers. I elkey and McCarty, have lost their lives In trying to get the treasure imprisoned In the sunk en hull The Pewablc was a propel of about 1,0'iU tons she was u. in Lake Huron off Alpena ouuiide Thunder Bay In June, lvifj, she and the Steamer Meteor came in col lision at night and the former was sunk. There were 2.0 persons aboard and the number lost Is variously es timated at from u to 1(0. So far as the loss of life Is concerned tbe sinking of the I ewablc was one ot tbe greatest lake disasters on record. The cargo of the Pewabic contained seventy-five barrels of sil verware, 3o5 tons of copper ore, l?.j tons of pig iron, 250 rolls of leather supposed to be buffalo hide and a great numiter of trunks, for which there are big rewards offered, rang ing from $luu to 45,000 Tor a singe one. Among these trunks is one e longing to the army paymaster, which Is supposed to on tain a large sum of money. Ilia Explanation. In a certa u town in Nevada there was atone time a justice of the peace who bad been born in the Emerald Isle, and whose blunders occasioned many a amile to tbe better educated members of the community. At one time a subpma had been Issued from bis court to another Irishman to attend at witness in a case where Jamea Smith was tbe plaintiff, and Isaac Williams et aL were tbe defendant Michael Fenneaaey, tbe desired witness, appeared In onurt before ihe trial commenced, and during an informal prelim. uary conversation be osk d, bluntly: Judge, who In tbe wurrld Is et al?' That's fwat O'lm wantio t be towld" "WelL well, Molchael." exclaimed his honor, in evideut amazement Oi must say Oi'm a bit surprised that an Amirlcan citizeo, an' a man av orthinary imiliigince, should not kuow the mania' of et al! But for the binitit av the witness an' any other gintlemin prisint that moigbt te ignorant as well as Moicbael Fen ne sey, Oi will explain. It is diriv ated from two Latin wurrds con tbracted, an manes in its litheral au' Amincan sinse, at al, at all'." An Knjojranle Fire! While tbe author of "In the Shadow of the Pagoda" was making a journey to the interior of Burmab he came to a village that was on lira The inhabitants did not seem to be doing anything, and tbe Englishman I sc i bis men at work and cal.ed for help. At last one old native and two j younger ones took very reluctantly I tbe r places at the pump I ihey putuped half-heartedly for ' live minutes; then, as ill luck would luve it. a Dock of paddy birds ap jieared overhead. They hovered above the rolling smoke, and the tlames gleamed rosy-pink on their snow-while plumage. 'Ahuiay! lied paddy-blrdj: Look! i ed paddy-birds!' Tbe sight was too much for tbe la y wretches at the bandies. They squatted on their heels re-lighted their cheroots, and stared upward. "Whose bous8 is that?" the En. glishman demanded, pointing to one uow threatened Your honor, that is tbe bouse of I'no Too." Where is Pho Too?" "He is there." The Englishman turned. The man Indicated was one of the two that be had driven to the pump. He was squatting on the root of a tree smok ing. 'Are you Poo Too?" The man nodded. "Is that your house?" He nodded again, and smiled pleas antly. It will be on fire at once," the stranger said, catching the other man's infectious coolness. Yes your honor, I think so." and he contracted his brows and looked at the house with a disinterested air. The Englishman burst out laugh ing; he could tot help it, and he made no further effort to put out a tire which seemed to le giving so much pleas re to the persons inter ested. Hettli-d imp Ian KleniL I called upon the general passen ger agent of one of the big railroad lines running into the city yesterday and was u.hcred into his private office. He was er. gaged in conversation with a gentleman when 1 entered, and after a few minutes of abrupt ques tioning took a small book from his denk and began writing. An expres sion of intense delight crent over the visitor's face as bis eye followed the ageut's p -n, and 1 immediately sur mised that he was about to receive a pass. By this time two other per sons came In, presumably on the same mission. They sat down in the "ipposiie side of the office, and realizing the situation ast wistful glances at the fortunate man. The agent contiuued his writing and asked the man where be wanted to go, "Make It New York City this time," resonded the man, who had evidently dead-headed liefore. A few Unishing to icbes were ap plied i.nd the pass was handed over to him. lie thanked the agent very politely and a-ssired him that he would not bother him again, lie examined the ticket and started for the door, when he noticed that It was good for only one way. "Why. I guess you have made a mistake," be said, in a tone of sur prise, "this t cket will only take me one way." "i)o you expect to return?" asked the agent unconcernedly. "Well, 1 should say I da" "AH right, hand me your ticket" Tbe man gave the agent his ticket and was astounded to see hirn tear It up. "Well If you're coming back you can't get any ticket from me. I thought 1 was goliu t get rid of you for sure this time" Without fursber ceremony the chronic pass seeker took leave and tbe other two persons having seen enough, lollowed In his train. Buffalo Enirer. Mlllf'poda. The little creature which possesses the distinction of having more legs than any other animal Is that whl h belongs to tbe family of I ts known as mlllepeds, o.' thousand footed. There are so eral different species of these, but thev all possess tbe common characteristic of segmented bodies, each segment of which Is provided with its own pair of feet These are cct so closely along the body as to resemble nairs, and when they move one after an other with rerfect regularity the ef fect is precisely the same on a small scale as that of a held of oats undu lating under the inlluence of tbe wind. Some species of mlllepeds have as many as .Vu separate and distinct legs. They arc all perfectly barm- ; less, unlike the censipeds, which fre ; quently have tbe power cf Inflicting ' poisonous wounds. , The hk is one good thing about tbe man with a trouble on his mind; he doesn't break Into your office wltb rbislle or song. Caution la sometimes too near sighted. Rawed trousers may nave sound pocketa WHY aREWE RIGHT-HANDED? A Prtnratoo rrofeaaor 4awara by Ex prrimeBOoc atta HI C nlld. Prot J. Mark Baldwin, of Prince ton I niversity, has tx-to performing a series of exp-nments upon one of bis child eu with a f.ew to finding out tbe origin of right-haudednea There '.s no apparent scientific rea son why a man sbou'd use one hand more than another, or why tbe mus cles of ne arm should be M :ouger than those of another. A nuiuljer of tbeoiies have been advanced to ac couot for tbe phenomenon. One of the most plausible is the people be come right-handed from the manner in which they are held add carried when small children. The mother cairies tbe child In such a way as to leave the right hand free, and from this early experience the habit Is ac quired which ruus througn its whole life. It is also a curious fact that tbe observation of animals fails to show an uneven development of the muscles ot limbs on one side of the the body as compared with those of tbe other. .Monkeys especially are known to swing freely by both arms equally well, although this is a po.nt that Prof. Garner might well have studied in the jungles of Africa. Tbe experiment made by Prof. Baldwin of Princeton, extended over a period of many months, beginning while the child was an Infant This, however, was only in regard to ob jects placed at some distance from tbe body of tbe child, and wnere it had to reach out for them. When ob ects were placed near tbe child It used both band equally. More than 1,000 experiments of this kind were tried by Prof. Bald win, and when the objects reached for were near its body It used both hands about an equal number of times. In stretching out bowevsr, It almost Invariably used its right band. From this be argued that tbe tendency is inherited. Left-handed children are, it is said, generally de scended from left-handed mothers or fathers. Those that are right-banded learn to shake bands more easily than left-handed children, who have to stretch their arms across their body in an awkward fashion to per form tbe act P of. Baldwin thinks that the right-handed function has some con nect on with the power of speech. They loth belong Ui tbe same lobe of tbe brain, and before a child learns to speak It has been observed that it endeavors to express omotious with its hands. There are some people who are neither left nor righi- handed, but who can use both hands e iually well, even In writing, the muscles on either arm being tbe same size. Whitewashing the Va. The human view of wasps seems to tie lacking in breadth Because they are given to stinging u-s we fail to do justice to their virtues Grant Allen says that the main doctrines ol tbe wasp are, "If any wasp will not work, neither shall he eat;" and "Every wasp to lalior according to his capacity, and receive according to his needs in a free community." Divis on of labor, 1 believe, goes a long way in the nest home oi the workers seem to be socially em ployed as foragers and soldiers: others appear to e told off as nurses and guardians: while yet others are en gaged as paper-makers and masons. Wasps are at all times particularly fond of honey. Indeed, they have a very sweet tooth for sugar in any form. Toward the end of summer, tbciefore, as bee-keepers well kuow, they will force their way into bee hives as open robbers, and carry o:l by main force as much as they can gonze of their winged neighbors' boney. The drones of the race, instead of being idle and luxurious creatures, are sober, indu.trlo is, arid well-behaved members of the community. They clean the streets of their town with exemplary diligence; they act as public scavengers or sanitary oil cers. And they have their reward; for unlike the doomed bee drones, they live their alloted life In peace and quietness, til winter involves both them and their spinster sisters in one common cataclysm of death and destruction. Observe herein the virst sujierlority of the unobstruslve wasp over the boastful bee, whose sting is imbued iu lbs brother's blood. The llantj Word. lo tnmK oerore you speak is so wise an axiom that one would hardly think .t need:ul to emphasize it by repetition. And yet in how many cases the nasty temper flashes out In the hasty word, and tbe latter does Its work with tbe precision and pain of the swift stiletto Singularly enough the hasty word oftenest wounds those who love one another dearly, and the very closeness of their Intimacy affords them opportunity for the sudden thrust. We know tbe weak (joints In the armor of our kinsman and our friend; we are aware or his caprice, and originally are tender and compassion ate even o bis vanities and whims. but there dawns a day when It is written in the book of late that we shall be as cruel as we are loving. We arc anxious over unpaid b lis, or our e peeled letters have not arrived, or some of tbe children are ailing, and we dread tbe outcome of the malady. So politeness falls us, forti tude is vanquished, philosophy Is In abeyance, and we say that which we repent in sackcloth and ashes. But though the basty word may be forgiven, it Is not at once forgotten. It has flawed the crystal of our friendship; the place may be ce mented, but there is a shadowy scar on the gleaming surface. Oh, if the word of bate bad but been left un spoken; If tbe strong hand of pa tience had but beld back tbe sword as If to strike! Harper's Bazar. AMIABLE LAWYERS. a Client TV 1m Found It lupoaalbla to Ka- aannarata Mia Lffal Adttaer. Lawyers, as a matter of fact are as a rule extreu.e.y amiabie witn tbelr debtors. Some lawrers of ex tensive practice and ample incomes have a happy-go-lucky way of send ing in bills some time." a New York lawyer who is extremely suc- ce-slul in conduct ng cases, and so not worried about tlodiug bread and butler for himself and his family, re cently made a ry ng tr p on business to the Pacific coast He was detained there ionger thaii he bad expected One of his New York clients was spend ng tbe season there, and to him the lawyer mentioned tbe fact that he was running short of lunds. "WelL" eald his client, "1 have a comfortable dejiosit out here. Won't you take w of It?" The lawyer accepted It with thanks, and as soon as he returnea to New York sent a draft to his friend for tbe amount Now, for five years the lawyer bad been conducting extensive legal busi ness for his friend, and in that time his client bad never been able to get a bill rendered. So the client wrote back: 'Vireat Scott: Isn't there any way In tbe world that I can make a payment on my account? I was congratulating myself that I bad been able to force you to take tr00 on account Now, you return it to me." To this the lawyer dictated a little consols Ion in the following form: "You won't congratulate yourself when vou get the account" Now the client goes around wonder ing if there will be anything left of bis estate alter the lawyer's lightning strikes it Tribune. Lioaaon from "Chestn ot." Every one knows tbe story of tbe indolent man who could not mend his leaky roof wbile the weather wai stormy, and who did not see tbe use of mending It in pleasant weather, because then It did not leak. Not to be disrespectful toward Congress, this fable seems, with a slight variation, to describe the at titude on tbe subject of Immigra tion. For It does not even take note of the damage the tlood causes when it Is pouring Into tbe national domi cile. Just at present the roof does not leak. In other words, the bard limes In this country deter the people of other Countries from coming her, and they are even driving back to their former homes some hundreds of thousands of discouraged immi grants. There 1 little consolation to 1 taken even from the return current, because those who are departing must Iks persons who have earned and saved something while here. onse. quently they are men and women who might have become good and valuable citizens. The idle and thriftless remain here. Cortsress has many great ijueions to decide, but there are not many more important than this. A restric tion upon the horde of foreign tramps who m nglc with the useful Ir-imlgraDls would mean an enor iuous saving in taxation. For It would lessen tbe cxjienditurc for the supportof taujiers. and would dimin ish vastly the i(nt of detecting and punisWiig crime and maintaining prisons. A vigorous treatment of this mat ter cannot be ixi-tponed Indefinitely. --Youth's CoiunauioiL SiioecKxriil "l aklrn," An interest ing book might be writ, ten on "street men" or "fakl s," as they are called. Iir. Flagg of Balti more wai probably the p.oneerln the business. Vov twenty years he cold patent medicines from the of a buggy, with a negro banjo player as the attraction to draw a crowd. He retired twice, with fortunes of lbO, CuO ea h time. John Minson was one of the old-tlrners. His specialty was the sa'e of glass-cutters, and when he died he left t;;.,0 )0. Tom Wood was another. He sold razor strops, dentifri e and soap for taking out stains. This he used to describe as being useful in taking "htairis from your coat, stains from your vests and stains from you- haractcr. If you should get shipwrecked, gentlemen, this soap will wash you ashore." Charles W, Thorn jsoti, of New York has sold goods on street corners in every city of more than . 0,0i 0 inhab itants In the I'nited States, and has t aveled through England, Germany and France, disposing ot a wonder ful razor strop, which he warranted to put a tine cutting edge on a hoe. New York Mall and Express. Got What lie M anted. A small boy. with long yellow curls and lcggfus to match, was tak ing a lunch with his nurse at a hen Francisco restaurant, says the Post, while bis mother sat at a neighbor ing table, gossiping with a friend and nibbling at a piece of cake. The toy was quarreling with his nurse, and bis lusty bowls had dis turbed his mother three or four times. "Mary, why will you tease that child?" demanded the exasperated mother. "What does be want?" The boy knew he was about to trl umph, so he dls reetly ceased his bowling, "Sure, mum, I'm r.ot teasing him ' paid Mary. "He Is crying for what ho calls a firecracker pickle." The temporary silence enabled tbe mother to resume her gossip, so, ot course, she forgot about the boy. In a moment she was disturbed by another howl from the boy. "What Is the matter wltb that child, Mary? Why don't you give hlrn wbat be wants?" "Sure, mum, he's got It" A TfioRoroHBEcc dog Is oefer as smart as a cur. o