The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, June 21, 1894, Image 4

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The Sioux County Journal.
iKsTAliUsiiKD l"v-S.J
Subscription Price, $2. IK)
L. J. Siuuumis, . . . Editor,
KiitT4-l at tlie llarrijit Jsj-t office as
m-cjuil cltm uuiut.
TufitsUAV, Jim: 21. WH.
lirpublicaii Staff ( ttuictititm.
The republican ch-clur of Cie -t it.- of N
ltrtt-ka are reiiuestel to scii'l t
I'litC 1 ruin
their several counties, to meet in tile fill-
ol Uniiilia, Weil.'ies lay, August ?', i-.i, at lo
I'tiiiiltiltltes for
i.U-uU'iiant liovernor,
seeretitryof state,
Auditor of Public Accounts,
iupTiiiU'H(tciit of 1'iiltlie !iistru tlim,
"oiunitjiuuer of I'ublie 1-uiitls and liuii !
anil lit trannact Milch other bitiue-s as may
be presented to the eoiivenliuti.
The several eouutie-'are entitled f t rep
resentation ai follow, lwdiiif based im the
iie c-iisi iijr (iijii. j. .ii , i.a liHtllil lir liresl-
' , '
dentin elector in lsfi, i-'ivuin one delegate
at hirst- Uieaeh comity and one for each lii
voles autl the nmior fraction tliereol :
(oiiutiim. Del. ; Conntie-.
Adams 17 Johnson
Anteloite 11 hearm-v
iiaiiner M Keen I'uliu .
Illaiue Ki-'itli
I'.oone Pi K imliail
liityd i; Knox
liox Butte 5 Lancaster
I iron it Lincoln
HurtHlo 'ill Lotran
Hutier - Lnnp
Hurt it Maili-on-
l ass 23 Merrick -
I'ftlar s Mcpherson
Chase ." Nance
( lieyeiiiie ll Neniaha
'henry i Nuckoh-
( lay IT otiti-.
I oilox 7 Paw no.
I 'uniiiitr it Perkins
U-ler P.I Pierce
itakota j Plielp-
lumen h Platte
Haw-on l; polk
ltenel s li... 1 iiio
I'ivon. s l!ie)
Oitdtre 1,'t Itoek
HotlUlas 1K s:,i,,e
Itttndy ,r sarpv
Fillmore It sannders
Franklin T scouv iiiult
Frontier is.ri.
Furnas til shernlan
i.itKe :it Sherman
loii-tield 2 stonx ,
l-ospi-r a stantou I"
tirant I '1 Haver
Lreeiev 4 Thoilias
(lull. p; Tlnirr-ton
Iliiiiilltuti j:i V allt v
l, i;
.11 3
. in
- Hi
. 4 ,
- I'j
1 14 j
- ;(
- V'
1 I
liarlim , a-luni,'ton i-J i
llaytts 4 Wayne ,
llltetleoek WelHter II
iiookct. I heeler . .
Holt ll Vorn
Howard ti
Jefferson .... l.V Total
It is recommended that no proxies he ml
mined to the convention and that the deb
gates present lie authorized to east Uie full
vote of Hie lit legation.
It is further recommended that the tate
central committee select the tem)orary
organization of the convention.
DKAll ll. SI.AfollTlCIt,
Tom N. Cook, t huinnan.
The rains of late should not lessen the
interest in the irrigation projects ant!
tievelopements. 'Tn the time of peace
prepare for war" applies very nptly in
that case.
The pops of Kansas have re-nominated
Lewelling and all his associates in ollice.
Mary Ellen Lease was not present.
There is no doubt of republican success
in Kansas this year.
The rains that have fallen all over the
state during this month will increase the
crops of grain and vegetables and
decrease the crop of calamity. Another
indication of republican success.
According to the pops the newsputiers
that speaks its convictions is ".subsidiz
ed,'' and the one that does not is "brain
less'. Altogether the (nips are having a
hard time with the newspapers. 1tnver
To-day the administration democrats
"stud anti-administration democrats meet
in battle array in Omaha in the conven
tion of free silver members of the parly.
It is hard to tell whether Cleveland or
bryan will be on top when the dust
W battle clears away.
It i9 reported that Attorney General
-Jlney will begin the foreclosure of the
"Mortgages on the Pacific rail reads. The
chances are that the re(iort H all there
ill be to it. People have lost about all
htjfltj tit anything ever beintf done by the
jfbvernment in the matter of thoe
At ft meeting of the supreme tode of
M A: W; TJ. W. at San Francisco last
Weeki 1 O. Tale; dram. Master of the
brxier in Nebraska, was elected supreme
!forenjari. The rapid growth of the order
W Kebraske is due more to the work of
Mr. Tate than that of any one individtial
nd his recognition in the supreme lodge
gratifying to every Workman in this
the fight for the position of regisler
bf the land office at Alliance was Settled
si few days ago by the npjxiintment of
John W. Wehri, of Wilbur to the place.
" "J. G. Mivher, Of ChaJron, was his cOrn
i,3titor for the position but Mr. Wehn
Uad tUe eDdorsement of Tobe Castor and
iw A rtsiilt plucked the plum. The new
OtflclAl Is not known in this part of the
tUta but it i safe to preanme that he is
te9 friiai any Uint of pulisnl. Tni
to&Mgt Will likely ba raids about tho
flrtt 6f July, m that U tiM data 6f the
fMtS4A Df F. M. IlrriOrtoa' UrrtV
M 1 uu.'fierty rniht Lave stood
republicans of the siUi ui-trii t for com
j yress, tut in an tvd,i.t lie allowed
; uo ii! ahj k;r to ! .' i.sli an allege.!
I pu lure of iiini and l!.at w-iH certain!
prove f.ital to his aspirations.
j . T , " , ,
it is i-ported that a plot n.n been
i uudi-r the eie of the authorities at
..... .
j W usIm.Uiii lor sometime, nhject
of w hii h was to blow uj the capitol
ana oilit-i' troveriimeiit tinlilit:e's at tnat j watercress, etc., with mayonnaise
'city. The (ilutu-rs have Wu losely j dressing. They should liepn the day
j watt bed hat no act has been committed with fruit and make it form the j.r.tjci
j which tA.mlJ warrant arrests. A uiua ; pal j-urt of luncheon: and be very
fiy Cie name ol lioiiore Javoli is said to
. 1... 4- .. .. - 1 I.., I.
,JC ll" """e motel aim lie is an au.ucii
it iili a retold ill Chicago, having
,iiiirni es-aieii urttsL 101 111s jari in
the H.iviJiaiket riot. The commonweal
! iiioveiiient was to have been used as a
cover for the carrying out of their ilot.
- -
Ti.e most outrageous rovisio:i f the
tanir hill now bein t ousideied by cou -
uress is the one placing a tax on life
insurance. A man who has to work
hard for his bvuig and to provide for the
vvanis 01 mose dependent upon mm
with ilaii.-rs every ilav of In r.v.z cailec
hence l,v sicklies., or 'ac. -idei.t . 'makes
. ,,, .:, l 1 .. i i .1
some pro l.sloil wlierehv his hived on. -s
! sl'OUld he saved from the nor house,
: and now conies the Wilsuii lull and
attempts to put a tax upon it.
i.-v p..
r; i mail no supports such a
! iliould lie branded as an enemy
1 the
homes of his '-ountrv.
"It is said that 1H) ja r cent of the men
- i j u ho ciic.ue in mercantile business ulli
. p( ; maU-ly fait. This is due in almost every
- j' ; instance to the f;o t they do not a.lvtr-
- i ; tise. The inert hant wiiose name is kept
1 i j constantly before the jteople: w ho-e
- j: name Itecomes familiar to all its associat-
- i ed with what he has to sell; u!io delies
; ii contirfditioii in daily or weekly bulletin
I to that effect, will hud uiion taking an
inventory at the end of each Year that
he is JfJ.SlJlJ richer than at the Itepnnin,
besides his outstanding accounts which
are worth, say oO cents ot. the tloliar.
It is noted the world over that those
w ho advertise do not fail. They are
hound to succeed financially, and when
1 they the a marble shaft is erected over
.'their remains, nieasurini: thirtv-scven
j feet from the L-round tip."" Hixhv.
., I i ne executive committee of the ixip
state organization has changed the date
ol the state convention of that party
from August loth to August tilth. It is
given out that the change was made on
account of the (i. A. K. re-union of the
southeast district of Nebraska. That
looks all very nice, but there is little
tpjesliou that the true reason was that
the leaders of the pops wanted the
republicans to name their ticket lirst so
that the reformers might know who
they hail to face. It was regretted by
many republicans at the time that the
date was not selected for the state con
vention prior to that of the pops, for
the repvblican Jiarty is the party of
progres and is the party which should
leatl, not follow. The executive com
mittee of the pops are entitled to the
thanks of the republicans for their
If any one w ill take the trouble lo in
vestigate they will (ind that the people
of northwest Nebraska, have as little to
complaiu of as those in most places
,1,roU,,i,.)1J, .,,, ,,,,,, ,.,,: , ,
i the teople to begin with considered. In
Pennsylvama the floods and frosts have
greatly damaged the crops. Illinois has
suffered from drouth and frosts, in Iowa
the frost lias cut down the corn three
times and the drouth has been unprece
dented, in Colorado the floods have
destroyed much property and many
lives, m Oregon the Hoods did more than
live million of dollars of damage and
killed a number of people and even in
our ow n state the people, are worse off
tin account of iack of moisture than they
are in this locality. When it is consider
ed that in addition to all that the people
of the class of which the residents of
Kioux county are composed have to pay
high rent and buy all the fuel used it is
i)iute easy to decide in favor of this
locality. The main cause for dissatis
faction is that our settlers left the east
in good times and when there was eood
crops ami they cannot realie that
there has been jfreat changes in all
localities within the past few years. Of
course the people who have means are
getting .along all right, ns "money
makes the mare go," but the poor are
seeing as hard or harder times than have
ever been experienced here.
food For Urain-Workors.
The changes of tissue in the brain thaf
take place during study and thought are
very important and very rapid: it lias
been estimated that three hours of brain
work cause as great an exhaustion of
the forces of the body ns an entire day
t)f manual iabor. This waste must be
replaced by abundant food; but its selec
tion requires rarefnl consideration, and
often Self-denial, for many things which
tile physical-worker can eat with perfect
impunity are slow poison to the brain
worker, who exercises the brain at the
expense of the body and rarely ffive
the later sufficient exercise to counteract
the mental strain and keep it in a condi
tion to resist disease. Bear in mind lhat
while the Waste of the body is much
raore rapid, its deprivation of pbyrical
exercise eocoqrairei torpidity of tin vol-
a ! unurr function I renders them slue
- fore it is of the utmost importance tl .it
j the tasks bni-ised tiiou them fclmiild l
j Brain-workers reuaire the iuu-
ccutrated and easily digested foods; thev
-" -- and ...utto.., fish,
; ey's, cooked in many forms, tut never
' LarJ toiled or fried, ovsters, and all
; fresh, j-reen vegetables, es-, ia!Iy cool,
j i -ri-p salads, It tttice, chicory, tomatoes.
in their Use of cereals, est hewing entire-
I I :. l I I . i
- iv mine ureal anil oatmeal
T. : I
ineir lueat
J luncheon, hit h must Ite li'lit if thev
i contuioe worn m the ail, rnoon, is a
! hiss of ui!k or a cup of hot hocolate,
: or better still, a nass of fresh butter-
j iinik, Willi two or three graham wafers
or a hit of toast and some fruit, an
: apple, lirs or an orange. From Sanita-
! rian:" lemoresl's Mapiine for July,
Tin1 Time for Adiun.
I ll is Hell understood tiiat there is a
time for all things. I Yinsiderin this the
j !" 'I'1" "f Sioini "imty should take up
lie work ol etllin up ail t lor the
state fa.r and never let up ui.Ul it is
loaded on the cars and a -rood set of
! ieopie st 1:1 "ill
ll to L'li.'oln. There
. are live
! collet hv
premiums offered for county
e.xiuuus rauiUL; irom t;'Bi to
-.oo aim evert iniii.- inoit aivs tuat nw I ". - ., , ,, , : f ii .... fr Subscruilit n re-
lie name, tin- fojloH !iik ltne--c to pl-ot e " 1 ' 1 1 'r "isl.l.e. S)!lo-( ells Il
ls pun- to It- S.oux ounl s year. The hi. continuance re-i.iecc ,, ,! enlt, , ,-,.jVed al our office only. Suh- i i!... (,
ts from all over the slate are tuat
the crop prospects average luu-li worse
than at any time for many years
past. Here, with the exception of a few
localities, t In' prosjiects are ptoil.
I'lider such conditions there is no reason
why a paiil-sizcd
ineniMim :,mu,t 1.
i - -
won. uie uneiiis lo lw derived are
o ie derived life
numerous. It won! 1 afford the means
I 'f county agricultural society p-t-
ting established so that in future better
exhibits could I made. It would make
the county show up favorably and help
reli 'W the t otiiidciice of liu-n id' capital
in tins art of the stale s that iheajter
money could be obtained, and tle-re are
very few in the t utility who would not
like to see that state of affairs brought
about. These and many other things
are to lie gamed and hence a large num
ber should lie on hand next Sat unlay to
participate in the deliberations of the
agricultural society. It is every body 'a
meeting and every body should attend.
Suirar ami Slarch Factory.
The following letter taken from the
last issue of the I 'hadron .s'i;iu may lie of
interest to the readers of TlIE Jul liSAX,:
Editor Hi'jnrjl:-The sugar factory
committee with Vice-President Xewmitn
of the railroad looked up the standing of
of the parties who offer to put a beet
sugar factory in heie. We found them
in every wav reliable and the railroad
gave over one fourth of bonus asked in
land and lots. The parties agreed before
the railroad oliicials to put the factory
in as soon as we raise the bonus and they
give a good and stillitent bond of
KW.fMHJ to run the factory for live
years. They have all tin; machinery
bought autl will put the factory in some
where. We w ill get it if we raise our
bonus in lime. They also say thev will
jl'ut 'n machinery to manufacture starch
i and run it with the same power w hen
the sugar factory is idle, if they find
snlliiaent wheat at Chicago prices and
potatoes at about -i'l cents per bushel.
They have a starch factory in
The committee wants all the good
Miople of Chiidron and liawes county to
help them raise the bouus.
Kesp't., J. .S. KoMl.NK.
Practices in all the courts autl before
U. S. Lund Oilice.
: '?.;-g1 Vi'r'i -;'-h
it - y
.i-:o '
The Bast
WE OH Ol'U Di:-M KS can Mil
you maculae cheaper than fon can
get elsewhere. The SKW MOHB li
our beti but ive milic ebraper klnda.
urh an I ho CI.inAX, I OKA L anl
oilier lllzh Full Mfkrl Plated
Sctt lni riaelilae for $1 5.00 hut nj.
Call on our oenl or srlto u. Wt
want jronr irnje, and If prices., term
and aquare dealing will win, we will
hare It. We cballenue the world tt
produce a BETTKB tSO.OO ewlna
.Tlarhlae for 8S0.00, or better $30.
Sewing Machine for (2O.O0 than fom
can bar froaa na, or our Ageata.
toBAtj. Mm. Sottrox jr.M. Vrvtt Iwiaii. . t.
tVClltO, IU- ST. lJ'.-l"- Mo. UAIJjr TtXiM.
Iti Wuaeo, Cau Atunii,w
roi kt t
The Ne Home Sewing Machine (tV,
BIO North 11 ih St., St, Louit, Mo,
- 1
Pi ii a I rrKr l;fe.
MJ hat ?;iif tin! proof' in
j I lj I ;. I 1,1 if n t .i iiibm rnjn ui i nr .
j I'im-t
IT' r' i tll'-I dl l'l I'liHHllil" I I 1 -I '
eel ii act 'ir'it cxi-t n -rl lae
l.l 1,.- 4, til -. !l Ol.l f. I
;irf i-ir I'n'ilir.tti.ii!.
J-i.ii'1 !!tc lit IIi;nir.-, V.-li.,
June I. I-H. 1
Niil iee j- liV 4t il li. 't Hie I IliinH illlf
?i:oii '1 M !'! li-ttiee i.f In- in'i-li-
l:iitt t-j um.i- linsil ptiM.I in t:f;trl i'l lit
flaiu.. Kiel tit it sal'! irf "ill t- tiM.te lie
Lire i ;. i k i.( t ne ii -ir.rt
eieiri, at il-rriii, ebr., on J:i;'
ST. l-'.f. !.?:
At!t;ul . Muiii, ;' Iho i Willi. Xi'lc.
w !,'i I.ct'ie 11 . I;. i7j 1 or t iir 11
:u. ix. .v..
ile Haines t!c tifi;o:!.if
croit'til i-itntoiitoti re-i.ii-i
I'. - 1
lllli-.S'. tuj
lie t.jim ail'l
en tit -it ton ol s od laiel. 11.:
J. liy H. H 111. J. ill i ll. Timi'i, iHitll ol f I .
1 , , ... itn.,1 i, v
f . 1 . . I...... VI. -i ... L .1 1. ..... I .
'n 1
1 ol t.ilcliri-t. elt.
r!mtlf S. t. tt! Il.tril-iin. NVb..
i.ll Iliad- 11. K. Jit) for the s . ei-, I'.), t p. I
31.rtf. i'i. j
He names the lo;lt.w inrf H ittie - to plot e '
In-continuous re-ldellii llMta alei c'.i 1 1 1 .; I
l:nil it! said land t i.
It. M suttoii, II A. I'riddv. John I orliiit, I
Hat id Harti.-lt. all it! llarti-oii, Ni !i.
.11 i. M. JiiuiisiM.Tos, lleyisti-r. j
Nil, ice I'nr J'lil hr!lel.
Land tilce at Aillam-i . .e!. , i
.Inue 4, is-.. ,
Notice Is liercliV (lie:l Ilia I t Ile I oi at i ll
naile d -i-ttli-r lias ii:,sl notii-e ol hi- mteii
tioti tit make 11 it ti 1 jiri.wd in -npjml t ol ht
clailli, toid that sai'i pi-tK,l u ill U' made li"
t'ti-e clerk ol lu-trict t onrt, at Harii-oii,
.Sell., on July U. I". I, u:
Mar Ihiiisen. id Mniiit-ii-e. Ntdi.,
w il'l untile II. K. it' lor the M'. ', see. K, 111.
I :-,. re. M
lo unite
eiiilit a
on in , -ain lanil. I.
I l.n. ...... ii,..i ii. n
j ,M. -.. r, Hank Miller, ail ol Mo..l:'..-e. M b.
i , ,
i i, ,, .. ..
Ci lor the sc. t hi .-. tp.
, , -,L ...... u.'.......', vi'.i ..
ii. iiiii,
Meyer, Frank Miller, all ol Montro-e. Si
-t!l. I . M. IIOKKlNoTox, Hejfi-ler,
Sliuiir. Stle.
I:;, virtu.' of an (ird.-r ol Sale directed ,
to me Hum tin- ( lerk ol Hie District!
I onrt ol limit tolinlv, Nebraska, on ai
I J'",a ,.,, an e.i ,n sal.l lonri on I lie I
i scemm nay o: . .y, a. n. i-m, m lawn
', 1 ' - 1 .
1. f.nitilc, a- plalnlot. and nualii-ll
'ee W . ifinian. as di-ri-udatit, lor
tin- -inn ol nine nnii'lred, sctelitv nine
and :.; lo i dollar-, ttith inti-rc-t at s n-r
cent tsom Sli; id, I-".'!, and eo-t- and
ln'iruiiit.' eo-t I hate Iciic.l on the lol
Ion iiiK real e-tale a- the property of
delenilaat, tosali-lv naid Hrder ol s,,!,.
to wit: 1 ne s,MIt;JH ,.t iniarler tl
ol Si-,. t,,,n , j j,, 'lottn-hi)
lour at .sorin, llaiitfe ruitlonr
ol the M!i Principal Meridian in sj,;lix
eoilnll . Nel,l.l-ka, and mil idler the . cue
lot -ale to the iiit'.,e-l hiddi r lor c.-li
in hand on
WtlMHI , .It I V '.I, Is' (,
at two iielock, p. in., ol -aid ilav nl
tin- I runt door ol the enmt iioii-".- ol
sloiix ei m nly, Net'lnskM. at llarri-on, that
Is-ini; the Imil'liiiir in ttlorh the la-t
term ol tin-lii-iri'-l t iitui lor -aid ccnity
it a- held, to sall-ly aid jad tfn.en t and
co-t- io.d iiei-riilnif eo-t-. i.t which time
! ii ii'l place tine attendance ill he (in en
ny x t .4- itnei'i'-icaied.
I mied, Harrison, Nebraska. Jam- 1-' i.
. h.,
!'' si,, .,.jt ol -aid ( olintv.
Ultimate id' K'.pi n-i .
At a meetiii" ol the hoard ill Trustees nt
tSii'viliaL'e ot Harrison, Sloiix eotlnlt, Ne-tira-ka,
held on tin- 1th d ,t, ot May, 1-i'l, the
lollittt uie e-tiiiiati ot exti.-nse-t,,i' t. t.ur.
nut in ua, rip, il jear id I-. I mi untile:
lilheers salaries . .V) lm
Printing m tn
Wilier puuipiliu, etc., l.l
Flection e.xjK'liuc 'i.', oj
Inciilental :n( IK1
siiiklni; fund nm im
Interest on water Ititnds l.'il nil
Dated, Ihtni-on, Nelini-ka, Mac it, l' 1.
I.. J. SOVS,
l-'IT II.' VlllaKtrt lerk
Khtiiim'i1 of Knn-fi.
At tho r'iifiir Jait(i;tr, IK I, tiir--tiiiir ol
tin- !oi!nl ol rount y (-tnittii-.-irMirr ni
ioii fimnly, N'hr;i--k!it tli. following
tiiiialiMil jii'ii.iH wih nut (.If lor Un; cur
rent year ;
M-trici court cxpi'iisft
Hit I aril'.
i..i ti
M:itiorn-rv (m
Z,'.wi i.i
1'rintiii, mul jiuhli-biiiK .(umiii
iiomi- fiutj hri'ijif-- . -2,'fHii (i
JIl-tlllUH' . . fit (HI
Iticnlelital ljii-n-e- 1..V.I Ol
Iti-nue and piHirliind . :smi mi
st. Idlers reli.-i fund Mi im
ttlhcers' lees........ aim 4 fa I
i',n.Vi tm
Haled ilurriniii, .Vehrarka, May T, 1. 1.
11. J. Ill k t.l r,
i35j ("otinty ( lerk.
Jfest Line to tlie Kasl.
The Jiurlinglon Uoule U. &. M. It. R.
is running elegantly etpiipped passenger
traines without chango from Newcastle,
Wyoming und Crawford, Nebraska, direct
to Lincoln, Nebraska, making connection
at that point with their own through
trams for L'euver, Cheyenne, and all
point west, and fur Kansas City, Ut.
Joseph, St. Louis, Omaha, l'eoria, Chi
cago, and uli points east.
Itemember this is the only line by
which you tun take sleeping car from
Crawford in the evening arriving in Lin
coln and Omaha the next afternoon, und
in Chicago, Peoria und St, tfxmis the fol
lowing morning.
For further information mul tickets ap
ply to nearest agent of Burlington
Itoule li. & M. ll li.
ui m m
,"r POUNDS.20 !
A Surprise for our (icrinan lleaib rs!
The Lincoln Fivie I'lesse, the b"st (ii f
man f.noer in the west, otters lo all suh-
' i i
, scI'iIh rs ii new t.ieiiiiiim I :.k: "l-er
, , . , . . . , ..
i 1 eutchen 1 la! A' hh e ll I
M)Un,J. cr,.,ta,mu " .'Idu pa -es ,.i"fs. "ill
! cents ,,n ., ,,r the -er lr v-nrainl
I the book is eiv.dl aav free upon m i: i pi
i ti
u,i-, .; .... .,.i Tm- wi.a v i'. .ixt-
I i jiie liii ,111(1 j ill, . 'i "v A "i ..ii
Tii !o-l.s mul ( iin-i'.'ii Vtiiir Kn i'.Ut
t in l'li-
,F., E.&M. V. S. C.&P.
II. C. liL'IiT. lieif ial Manager.
K. C. M'lllLIIlit'sl;, J. H. IJ i. AN AN,
(ten'l Freight Agt. C u i Pa--. ,gt.
'J here never was a time in the hi-lury of
our country hen the demand lor lutcn
Hons and improvement- in the at t- and set
ciiccs ("eni rally was -o Kreat n mm . The
couveiiieiici s of maiikhi'l hi the lai lory and
work shop, the liou-ehiihl, on the farm, and
ill otlicial hie, require cnntiinial acre--, on
to the iijijiiirlenaiii-i's and implement of
each ill order to sate Juhor, time and e
pense. Tin-liol'tical ehaiisfi' In the adniln
i-t ration ol Kijiernti,' nt doe-hot iiTiei the
proKi'e-- ol the Anierii aii int entor, t ho h,"
hlW on the uli'tt, and ready to pt reeiw tlie
exi-tint; ilelleleiicii ., doe. not permit the
atTair of Knvernmeiit lodet.r him I torn
'O'-' -.v cont i'i iutf Hit- it un-ly to om-i
cxixtui dlMcrcpf iicj' -. Toi art , I t int- ,t;i
; ,,ot M
vci rci-cd I i eliiMisiiig a coinn 0'iit
mitt skillful ill I line y tu ir-1 mt mul i,n,,. ,
cltU' an lliillc;itiii!l lur jmtclU. nliit.l,ie
llilere-ts lull i' hi't'll iu-t itlcj ili -ll uj i . I,, 1
llllltllllt-rillilt- lll-tiltll'l'- liv till- itliiiiiVll;i'Ut
nf In "iniiii't.'i,t ciiuii-i l, Mul ,.. ,.,,,lV j. (
till-ii.lvlci' itiillcal,ii. ti, lim-i-u In, iuiiit I
"Ni iMt. iii. i.o it-iv" .v.t
, " , ....
who eiitrii-I. tie. ir hii-iiii.,, tu llil. chi- uf
iittoriH'Vs ih) it nt hiiiniMiciit ri-k. n. Ihi-
hreieltli mul stri'iiifUi or tin imiiut -
erm-lili ri-1 lit ol n iiili k i inIi .it in t-i ir. I '
mi iillou itiii'e mill olitiiin the ti'c tiii'ii ii .i.. !
iii'n lint..
Till, I' CLAIMS Co., J,,),,, Wi .l.l..,
litirti, tifiii'i-iil Uiitiniifcr, iili f .-iT-ci-t, N. w.,
Vlt--llillloli, ll.l'., I'l'lirc-eiitic!' u lu rif - nicu
Iti rol t m I ttji-t im t ijnily mill weekly i.i i
well a Kcnenil pi rlo'licul, ol the coin. try,
was lii-tltiiteil to protect lt imtroiis irom
the unsafe In it Inc I - liert'tutiire einploycit in
this line of liiiHini'KH, Tin.' tiiiltl ( oiniimiv
is iiri wreil to tiike cli.tri,'e of nil patent j
liii.-luesrf enini-tt "1 to it fur ri-.i-uiiiitilc leei, '
ami iirci;tri'4 nail pro-et'iiti-t itjiilifat I0114
irem-niiU. tuilinl ,n m..,.l I....1 i
44 I "I illll-llllOIII,
tlcsll,'l1 )l;it''!it,, trilih' liilltk-, lishels, copy
rilil, iiit'-rlerfiici'-, liilrhureiiieiiis. t nii.i
Ity rejt.,.1,, it ,. five, e,;.,', !.,! mtenti,,,, ,
, . , ...
rejectc.l els,-, it i also ie. j. 1 1 1 1 tu e,,i,.r ,
Into rotnii".;i ion w Uli any linn 111 m i ni jug
fortrilfll Jialelil-.
M'rite for hilriietion-iiicl mlncc
Jons W l ino iiiu kn,
IIIH K Street,
Wa-liliiKtuii, i. t .
1'. O. Iiox 3"i
Stop Thief!
Any one whose Watch has a
bow (ring),will never have oc.
casion to u se this 1 i me -honored
cry. It is the only bow that
cannot be twisted off the case,
and is found only on Jas.
Boss Filled and other watch
cases stamped with
this trade mark, jjf
Mick cut saantr, which will .our
afar fttfli, mM Irtt on rtqutit.
Keystone Watch Case Co
Tin: most uiTK Ai, ri.oNorv i:
Write for Catalogue to
iti:y & CAMP,
Chicago. III. '
h I. IN I KV A -Ti Ut
llarri-on, Nehr.
iiup (olioH injf liraud :
I.'ircitn rnuii-i..... .,.fOVi'tnttr.
l .l. Majors Mi-ulciutiit itowriinr
.l.t. All'-n!,.!.,, v nt s I iitc
in MiMiri-.. Vu'titnr
J'. oh s. c.irtli v , 'I'rcii-iiri-r
I.. Il.lhi-tuur-- Ailiiruey tu iieriil
A. ll llilln.lili y Uui'l t itiiitnl inner
A. K. iiiicl
silt. 1 llltlif lllittrui'tlou
(ti.i.l!KsOM A I, IH'.I.KtiATItiN:
I I . MillliliTSOII.. I . s. S4.iti,r. tllllllllll
Hui. V. Allen t . s. S4'hittnr. Mntll-titi
w I I'.,.. ... i . i... ii i..
ii.'n,' Mi'ri-. r, v. '' tliimh,,
' " MclKii-Jnliii " :jii " I iilii iUiii
K. J., i i , " 41 ll " Aurora
W. A. Mi KHKllali,
(i. M. Kem,
10 '1 I
Ilritkcu Hot
Jlim IMiV:
T. I Niu vjI t Im t Jit-t .ci', ,. !tri
.A - -1 ' ""' --.ii' lute .Iinlxi., i iiiii in bin.
i.ti.t ll.iirl-iii ,.A tiJii.iii-.t,r.iinl Whim!
It. A. t itniiiti',l..i i. 'i k iiini lti Hit ti-r, l.hiculu
f It Tr.l.Vltl .It Hit I A I. Is I liiri':
M. I'. Khikitlil JinlKf, tt'St-lIt
Ailri 'l H it ion i h.nlruu
M. J. Imi"cU t il l W, Ihu t'ison
IUI .VII' fiKrlt'Klf:
liotu rt IVil-un ...loiinty Jinttitt
ill .1. Hlcwi lt 1 ,.
H. . WiKi lniil liBiuuirer
W, II. Havis siipt. l'uliiic Iit-triictiiin
A. U. I lew , . Slierllf
t '.irotier
s. r.lll"...
- surveyor
letkuf lils'.i-ti t ( o'url
,, , ,,,
j II. '1 . t 'Olltey
. oiuity AHoriiey
. . . ""'V?" " ( OMM1
rrank linkltiinc.
H. j. w . I r .i limruitui ....
llenj. I-. -Iictii-mi ...r
"ION Kits;
....... l Ul-irit I
II. II. s,. -art ..senator, Hint, t. H, Cmw (urd
J. li. W isnl lo p., Iil-t, ,Sit,&), liny nntux
ll.l.At.K tilKK KHs:
li. II. I.iiswulil fcliniriiiiini - TritMett
K, UlltlWer .. . ii
i .1. W . seott '."
! M. J. r.lcwett .... '
(onriiil 1 .1 n'l jnu n III".'. "
? 1,. J. sliiitiniim i H,r
i V,.A"."''"!"r "."-iVeiii'.f
J. I. i mi lit..... : Si,-,.,., IX,,,,,,,.!,,,,,.,-
j SI IK M il, umi
r Mr. V.. li. tloaKlt
j J. fc. Mats I filer
1 t. W. Heater
I lit l et. 'f
... I nsoiir.-l'
Tf;tois m nitiiT-
i lilfttrlcl Court,-At llnm-iiii, ititmnepis..
I .Mitv lt mul .Novl inlii-r wii,
ItMitity nurl,-Ai. Ih,rriutt, i-nnua-tii-
nrt Xomhiv ol eneh ti tu,
J CHI lit IIKS AMI siicikt).;
M. K. ( litllt lt ITi ai-ltlnp' en, !, "i,jtiJ ,rtVt
; f'lit'lnvtit 11 :.m a. in., ,t , s.4,,1,,,
i " ", ":U s "V" J' W ' h '- ,'"""
Meitulltt sntniuv setimji met I- eistA sai
tlity mul iilnir nt In in.
I J. h. MaRsiv.i.i.kk,
W. H. IVivt,
! )i)MCN t IK TIIK (ilti.t.
' -la' rl-on Camp, Vrt .v. i, , on IM- tr
unit ititm siiinrilnA tisnitiKf.TH em h timnffe
' J. I nosl t, a;. r. con it ,
'lt-tB. C.m.i'nrrr.
i ' . j. rt,. t.
! MftXf etcry TAi-mImv I'veiihitr,
! . ' hi ti,.. H:
W . (I. lnvi, ci,.,k.
I v I I Mtilil ll I KM. I K.
I I'l'votn-ciul tnel lliiK ny s,,,,,, evMifff.
i III. I;.t. Citl.ltiet n.4.,. liltf .,.11.. i
Llrvvs Pianos
Mk II. Hum, l-i'.M.tJ'itH
secret, i ty.
'Jl SlHH I I M,(
Mi'fl i I Very IMItKlny fillifiliHill l ;Fm.
. MM, J. K. I'HisttKY,
jHsstKl'iyrici. s.firH'fnitfort'iettV
ii I i'1). i