The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, June 21, 1894, Image 1

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The Sioux County Journal,
Ko IMerc to Work A SI ratine l ine of
BlH-ctl,IIIIxI.rt Woman Do What She
t!n Do Well-'Ihe Dreau Alt.rui.Uv. of
blrUou or Dl.lioui.r.
Hon of the Shirt.
'Rev. T. lie Witt Talmage, who is now
on hi round the world .ourney, ebone
an subject Sunday "Martyrs of the
Needle," the text being Matthew xix,
2-4, "It is eanior for a camel to go
through the eye of a needle."
Whether thin "eye of the needle"
be the small j(ate at the Bide of the
tip entranced the wall of the ancient
city, as is generally interpreted, or
the eye of a needle such atj ig now
handled in sewing a garment I do not
say. In eliber case it would be a tight
thing for a camel to go through the
eye of a needle. Hut there are whole
caravans of fatigue and hardship go
in through the eye of the sewing wo
man's needle.
Very long ago the needle was busy.
It was considered honorable for women
to toil in olden time. Akvxander tho
Great stood in his palace showing uar
mentH made by hit own mother. Ttie
finest tapestries at Iiaveux were made
by tho yueen o. William tho Con
queror. Augustus, the Krajror would
not wear any garment except those
that were fashioned by some member
of his royal family. So let the toiler
everywhere bo respected!
Tho greatest blessing that could
have happened to our tint parents was
being turned out of Kden after they
had done wrong. Adam and Kve in
their perfect state, might have got
aioDg without work, or only such
Blight oroplovment as a perfectgarden,
with no weeds in it demanded. But us
Boon as they had sinned the best thing
for them wus to be turned out where
they would have to work. We know
what a withering thing It is for mun
to have nothing to do. Good o'd Ash
bel Green, at fourscore years, when
awkod why he kept on working said,
'T do so to keep out of mischief." We
see that a man who ha a large amount
of money to start with hits no chance.
Of the inoiipaml and hon
orable men that you know, '.in i had to
woric vigorously a:- the is-giruiing.
l(Ut U'oniiui I'nhappr
But I am now to tell you that indus
try is just as important for a woman's
safoly and happiness. The most un
happy women in osir communities
to-day are those who have no engago
nionts to call tbnm up In thu morning,
who, onco having risen and break
fasted. .loung through the dull fore
noon In s:ippers down at the heel and
with disheveled hair, reading the lust
novel, and who, having drugged
through a wretched forenoon and
taken their afternoon sie :), and hav
ing spent an hour and a half ut thoir
toilet, pick up their rarJ iwi and go
out to make i alls, and who i a.- thotr
evenings wait ing for somcliod y to come
In and breas: up the monotony. Ara
bella Stuart never wa. imprisoned in
to dark a dungeon as that.
Thero is no happiness in an idlo
woman. Jt may lie with baud, it may
be with brain, it may tie with foot, but
work she must or be wretched for
ever. The little girls of our families
must Vie started with that Idea. Tho
turso of our American society is that
our young woncn are I night that tho
first, second, third, fourth, li:th, sixth.
'vent:i, tenth, iiitieth, thouftan-.itu
thing in their life is to get someone to
take care of them. Instead of that,
the lirst lesson should Ikj how, under
tiod, they may tuko euro of them
selves. The simple fact is that a ma
jority of them do have to take caro of
themselves, and that, too. after hav
ing, through the false notions of their
parents, wasted the years in which
they ought to have learned how suc
cessfully to maintain themselves. We
now ami here declare the inhumanity,
cruelty, and outrage of that father and
mother who pass their daughters' into
womanhood, having given them no
facility for earning their livcllhool.
Mine, de Stael said, "It is not these
writings that 1 am proud of, but the
fact that I have facility In ten occu
pations, in any one of which I could
make a livelihood."
Klrhm lluva Wings.
You say you have a fortuuo to leave
them. U inan and woman, have you
not learned that, like vultures, like
hawks, like eagles, riches have wings
and 11 v away? Though you should be
Biiccossltil in leaving a competency be
hind you, the trickery of executors
may swamp it in a night, or some el
ders or deacons of our churches may
get. up a fictitious company and Induce
your orphans to p it their money into
U, and if it te hmt prove to them that
it was eternally decreed that that was
the way they were to lose it, and that
it went in the most orthodox anil heav
en I v style.
Oh, the damnable schemes that pro-fe-.-ed
Christians will outrage in -until
God puts his lingers into the collar of
the hyiiocrite's rois! and rips It clear
d.wn to tho bottom! You have no
right because you are well v t, to con
clude that your children are going to
Ini as well o.b A man died, leaving a
Jurire fortune. His son fell dead in a
Philadelphia grog shop His old com
rades came In and said as they lient
over his corpse: "What Is tho matter
with you, i ogirsoy'' Tho surgeon,
standing over him, said: "Husn up: he
is dead." "Ah, ho Is dead!" they said,
"i omo, boys, lot us go ami take a drink
Jn memory of poor l-oggsoy!"
Have you better than money
to leave your children:' If you have
not, hut send your daughters Into the
world with empty brain and unskilled
hand, you are guilty of assassination,
homicide, regicide, Infanticide. There
are women toiling In our cities for 13
ami r4 per woeic who were daughter
of merchant princes. These sulTcring
one now would bo glad to have the
crumbs that onco fell from their fath
er's UUa. That wornout, broken shoe
' that she wears is the lineal descendant
; of the 1- gaiters in which her mother
I walked, and that torn and faded calico
i hail ancestry of magnificent brocade
that swept Broadway clean without
any exj ense to the street commission
ers. Though you live in an elegant
residence and fare sumptuously every
day, let your daughters feel it is a dis
grace to thern not to know how to work.
1 denounce the idea prevalent in society
that, though our young women may
embroider slippers, and crochet, and
make mats for iamjw to stand on with
out disgrace, tho idea of doing any
thing for a livelihood is dishonorable.
It is a rhame for a young woman be
longing to a large family to be ineffi
cient when the father toils his life
away for her supisirt. It is a shame
for a daughter to be idle while her
mother toils at the washtub. it Is as
honorable to swoop house, make beds,
or trim hats as it is to twist a watch
Society is to bo reconstructed on the
subject of woman's toil. A vast ma
jority of tho-e who would have woman
Industrious shut her up to a few kinds
ol work. My judgment in this matter
is that a woman has a right to do any
thing she can do welL There should
Ixi no department of merchandise, me
dian. sm, art, or science barred against
her. If Miss Ilosmer has genius for
sculpture, give her a chisel. If Kosa
Bonlieur has a fondness for delineating
animals, let her make "The Horse
Fair." If Miss Mitchell will study as
tronomy, let her mount the starry
ladder. If Lydia will be a merchant,
lot ber sell i urpie. If Lucretia Mott
will preucti the gospel, let her thrill
with her womanly eloquence the
CJuaker meeting house.
The Toll of tbe .Ncedl-.
It is said If woman is given such op
jHrtiinlties she will occupy places that
might be taken by men. I say, if she
have more skill and adaptedness for
any position than a man has, let her
have it: f-ho has as much right to her
bread, to her apparel and to her home
as men have.
But it Is said that her naturo is so
delicate that she is unfitted for ex
hausting toil, i ask in the name of all
past history what toil on earth is more
severe, exhausting and tremendous
than that toil of the needle, to which
for ages she has been sub,ectt.d? The
battering ram. the sword, the carbine,
the halt cax, have male no such havoc
as tho needle. I would that these liv
ing soj.ulchcrs in which women have
for agi'S been burled might lie opened,
and that some resurrection trumet
might bring up these living corpses to
the fresh air and sunlight.
Go with, me, and I will show you a
woman who, by hardest toil, supports
her children," her drunken husband,
her old father ana mother, pays her
house rent, " always has - wno!e?6ie
food on tho table, and when she can
get some neighbor on the Sabbath to
come In ami take care of her family
appears in church wit h hat and cloak
that are lar from indicating the toil to
which she is sub ccted.
Such a woman as that has Uidy and
soul enough to lit her for any position.
She could stand beside the ma orlty of
your salesmen and dispose of more
goods. She could go into your wheel
wright shops and lieat one-half of your
workmen at making carriage We
talK alsiul woman as though we had
resigned to her all the light work, and
ourselves had shouldered the heavier,
But the day of judgment, which will
reveal t ho sufferings of the stake and
inquisition, will marshal before the
throne of God and the hierarchs of
Hen. iti the martyrs of washtub and
Now, I say, if there lie any prefer
ence in occupation, let woman have it.
God knows her trials are the soberest.
By her acuter sensitiveness to mis
fortune, by her hour of anguish, I de
mand that no one hedge up her path
way to a livelihood. Oh, the meanness,
tho despicabiiity of men who begrudge
a woman tho right to work anywhere,
in any honorable ca ling!
I go still further and say that women
should have equal compensation with
men. By what principle of justice is
it that women in many of ourcities get
only two thirds as much pay as men,
and in many cases only hah. J i lore is
the gigantic injustice - that for work
equally well if not better done woman
receives lar less compensation than
man. Start with the National Govern
ment. For a long while women clerks
in Washington got '.nm for doing that
which men received 1,)0.
One Grim Alternative.
To thousands of young women in our
cities to-duy thero is only this alterna
tivestarvation or dishonor. Many of
the largest mercantile establishments
of our cities are accessory to theso
abominations, and ftom their lare es
tablishments thero are score of souls
being pitched oil into death, nd their
employers know it!
Is thero a God' Will there be a
judgment? I tell you. if (hid rises up
to redress woman s wrongs, many of
our largo establishments will ho swul
lowod up quicker than a South Ameri
can earthquake ever took down a city.
God will catch these oppressors be
tween tho two millstones ot I lis wrath
and grind them to pow.ier!
I hear from all this luud the wail of
womanhood. Man has nothing to an
swer to that wail but (latteries. Ho
says she Is an angel. Shu Is not. Shu
knows she is not. She Is a human be
ing, who gels hungry when she has no
food, and cold when she has no lire.
Give her no more llatteries; glvo her
Thero are about 00.0UU sewing girls
In New York and Brooklyn. Across
thu darkness of this night I hear their
death groan. It is not such a cry as
comes from those who are suddenly
hurled out of life, but a slow, grinding,
horrible wasting away. Gather them
beforo you and look into their faces,
pinched, ghastly, hunger struck! Look
at thoir lingers, needle pricked and
blood tipped: Seo that premature
stoop In the shoulders! Hear that dry,
hacking, merciless cough!
At a large mooting of these women
hold in a hall in Philadelphia grand
speeches were delivered, tut a needle
woman took the stand, tbww aside her
faded shawl, ana with her shriveled
arm buried a very thunderbolt of elo
quence, speaking out the horror of
her own experience.
Stand at the corner of a street in
New York in the very early morning
as the women go to their work. Many
of them baa no breakfast except the
crumbs that were left over from the
night before or a crust they chew on
their way through the Btreet. Here
they come, the working girls of the
city! These engaged in beadwork,
these in flower making, in millinery,
enameling, cigar making, bookbind
ing, labeling, feather picking, print
coloring, paper boxmaking, but, most
overworked of all and least compen
sated, the sewing woman. Why do
they not take the city cars on their
way up? They cannot afford the 5
cents! If, concluding to deny herself
something else, she gets into the car,
rive her a seat! You want to sea how
Latimer and Ridley appeared In the
fire. Look at that woman and behold
a more horrible martyrdom, a- hotter
fire, a more agonizing death!
Twenty-four Ccntt Day.
One Sabbath night, in the vestibule
of my church, after service, a woman
fell in convulsions. The doctor Mid
she needed medicine not so much as
something to eat. As she began to re
vive, in her delirium she said gasping
ly: "Eight cents! Eight cents: eight
cents! I wish 1 could get it done! I
am so tired! I wish I could get some
sleep, but I must get it done." We
found afterward that she was making
garments at 8 cents apiece, and that
she could make but three of them in a
day. Hear it! Three times eight sure
twenty-four! Hear it, men and women
who have comfortable homes.
Some of the worst villains of the city
are the employers of. these women.
They beat them down to the last peony
and try to -cheat them out of tfiat.
The woman must deposit a dollar or
two before she gets the garments' to
work on. When the work is done,, it
is sharply inspected, the most insigni
ficant liaws picked out, and the wages
refused, an 1 sometimes the dollar de
iiosited not given back. The Women's
1'rotoctive Union rejiorts a case where
onoof thesfi jxior souls, finding a phv.:e
where she could get more wages, re
solved to change employers and went
to get her pay for work done. The
employer savs, "I hear you are going
to leave me.'" "Y'cs " she said, "and
I have come to get what you owe me."
He made no answerf She said, "Are
you not going to j ay me?" "Yes." he
said, "1 will pay you," and he kicked
her down tho stairs.
How are these evils to be eradicated?
What have you to answer, you who
sell coats and huve shoes ma le and
contract lor the .-outhern and Weiptii
markets? What hlo is there, Wn
panares, what redemption? Some say,
"Give women tho ballot." What ef
fect such ballot might have on other
questions I am not here to discuss, but
what would bo tho ellect of female
suffrage upon woman's wages' I do
not believe that woman will ovor get
justice by won an'n ballot.
Indeed, women oppress women as
much as men do. Do not women, as
much as men, I eat down to the lowest
figure the woman who sews for them?
Are not women as sharp as men on
washerwomen and milliners and
inantuii makers' If a woman asks a
dollar for her work, does not her fe
male employer ask her if she will not
tuko .) cent? You say, "Only 10
cents' difference," but that is some
times the difference bet ween Heaven
and hell. Women have often less com
miseration lor woman than men. If a
woman steps aside from the path of
virtue, man may lorgive woman,
never! Woman will never get justice
done her from woman's ballot.
Thfi l-'iniiilnK Nwurd.
Never will she get it from man's
bal ot. How, then.' God wih riso up
for her. God has moro resources than
wo know of. The Darning sword that
hung at Kdon's gate when woman was
driven out will cleave with its terrible
edge her oppressors.
But thero is something for our wo
men to do. Let our young people pro
pare to excel in spheres of work, and
they will be able after awhile to get
larger wages. If it bo shown that a
woman can in a store sell more goods
in a year than a man, she will soon be
able not only to a-k but to demand
moro wages, and to demand them suc
cessfully. Unskilled and incompetent
latsir must take what is given, ."skilled
and competent luhor will eventually
make its own standard. Admitting
that tho law of supply and demand reg
ulates theso things, I contend that the
demand for skilled lalsir Is very great
aud the supply very small.
Start with the Idea that work is hon
orable and that you can do some one
thing better than any one else. He
solve that. God helping, you will take
caro of yourself, if you are after
awhilo called into another relation,
you will all tho bettor bo qualified for
it by your spirit of solf reliance, or If
you are called to stay as you are you
can bo happy and solf supporting.
Her Frei-klcN nil llr Sinu
What will become of this godless
disciple of fashion? What an insult
to hersox! Her manners are an out
rage upon decency. She Is moro
thoughtful of the attitudo she strikes
UK)n tho carpet than how she will look
in the judgment; more worried aliout
her freckles than her sins: moro in
terested in her bonnet strings than in
her redemption. Her apparel is tho
jsxjrest art of a Christian woman,
however magnificently dressed, anil
no one has so much right to dress well
as a Christian. Not so with the god
less discinlo of fashion. Take her
robes, and you tako everything. Death
will come down on her some day and
rub tbe bistre off her eyelids and the
rouge off her cheoks. and with
two rough, bony hands scatter
spangles and glass beads and rings and
rlblions and lace and brooches and
buckles and sashes and frisottes and
golden clasps.
Tho dying actress, whose life had
been vicious, said: "The scene closes.
Draw the curtain." Generally tragedy
comes first and tbe farce afterward,
but in her life It was first the farce of
a useless life and then the tragedy of a
wretched eternity.
Compare the life and death of such a
one with that of some Christian aunt
that was on e a blessing to your house
hold. 1 do not know that she was ever
offered a hand in marriage. She lived
' single, that untrainmeled she
j might be everybody's blessing,
j Whenever the sick were to be visited,
I or the poor to be provided with
! bread, she went with a blessing. She
could pray or sing "iiock of Ages" for
any sick pauper who asked her. As
she got older there were days when
she was a little sharp, but for the most
part auntie was a sunbeam just the
one for Christmas eve. She knew bet
ter than any one else how to fix things.
Her every prayer, as God heard it, was
full of everybody who had trouble.
The brightest things in all the house
dropped from her lingers. She had pe
culiar notions, but tbe grandest notion
she ever had was to make you happy.
She dressed well auntie always dress
ed well but her highest adornment
was that of a meek and quiet spirit,
which, in the sight of God, is of great
price. When she died, you all gath
ered .ovlngly about her, and as you
carried her out to rest the Sunday
school class almost covered the coffin
with japonlcas, and tne poor people
stood at the end of the alley, with their
aprons to their eyes, sobinng bitterly,
and the man of the world said, with
Solomon, "Her price was above ru
bles," and Jesus, as unto the maiden
in Judaea, commanded, ' say uuto
thee, arise!"
A Ring' Ant obiography.
1'lcklDg up from tbe sidewalk, tbe
other uiorntDg, what appeared to be a
gold ring, with empty claws showing
the removal of a stone, the tinder
took It to a jeweier on Eleventh
street for inspection. He examined
it :or a lew minutes urxler a magni
fying glass, and said: "Yes, this Is a
gold ring or I -I carats. The stone It
contained was a .'.-carat diamond. It
was worn a cumber of years on a slen
der woman's third linger. Then It
changed hands, and was enlarged by
the Insertion of a piece of gold of in
ferior alloy, and may have been worn
on the third linger of a stout, woman
or the little linger of a man. The
diamond was removed by a clumsy
hand, probably by a thief, who either
accldcntly dropped the ting o' threw
It away where you found It. 1 never
saw the ring before, but plainly read
its history by the same process of ob
servation, analysis, and deduction
that an Indian unconsciously employs
In detecting the testimony of a forest
iralL" I'tuliidolphia ltecurd.--.
It is a curious fact that success la
sometimes won by those who have no
enth siasrn ;or the profession they
follow. Fanny Kembie was by no
means fond of acting, and would
gladly have left the stdge earile
had not circumstances bound her
A brilliant young violinist played
one day for Mrs. i.ladstone, and the
latter said to her.
"Is there anything you care mo e
for than yo St adiva us?"
The young lady colored a little.
"The violin Is not an absorbing pas-
sioti w th rue," she epl.ed modestly.
Perhaps you have artistic talent?"
the hostess suggested.
"indeed, I have not," was the
honest response. "But, Mrs. Glad
stone, I love to cook. I really be
lieve I could make a chef, if 1 had
the opportunity to p actice!"
Too A in till lulls.
Many people who talk with sim
plicity and curre. mess become atotice
unnatural and awkward when they
lake up the pen. So it was with
Johnny Bates.
In the reading lesson there was a
re'erence to some one who had "con
tracted a colli," and the teacher
called attention to the word "con
tracted. To "contract a cold," he
explained, "meant nothing more
than to catch a cold."
That a ternoon Johnny had to
write a composition, and like a sensi
ble boy, chose for his subject an ac
count of a fishing excursion. On the
whole, it was a pretty creditable per
formance for a boy of Johnny's age,
but the teacher was obliged to
when ho came to this sentence.
"I fished half an hour, and con
tracted live perches and one horn
pout." ,
A servant-girl who was employed
In a family In which there were sev
eral children became very much
ala rued when one of them tell ill
with scarlet fever. She was for
leaving at once.
" ou need not be afraid, Hetty "
said her in stress. "We have isolated
the little boy, and you need not go
near him. Moreover, adults rarely
take the disease."
An hour or two later Hetty was
overheard saying to a fellow-servant:
"Julia, what does 'isolated'
"1 don't exactly know," replied tho
brilliant Julia, "but I guess it means
that they have put him on ice."
'That must (be It. And what Is
an 'adult?'"
"1 don't exactly know that, either;
but 1 guess It means a girl who works
You hear a great deal about fate
In the conversation of the shiftless.
TitE lowliest roof Is often nearer
Ilea Ten than the loftiest steeple.
D. H. ORISWOLD, Cashier.
Transacts a General Banking Busincrx
isromiw ExcoiN-an National Bans:, New York,
U.rD Statb National Bank. Omaha,
Fikst National Bank, Chadrosv
Interest Paid on Time Depositee
P h a r m a c y,
J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor.
Pure Drugs, Medicines, Paints,
Oils and Varnishes.
School Supplies.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded
Day or Night.
Harrison, Nebraska,
Real Estate Agents,
Have a number of bargaino in
choice land in Sioux county.
Parties desiring
estate should not fail to
call on them.
School Lands
leased, taxes paid for
non-residents; farms rented, cto.
G P. Corns,
to buy or soli real
:1 Va