The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, April 26, 1894, Image 7

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    V rf.v .
( i - " 4Mt!
la DiipiHH ire.
To yoo will not do anythlnf rash,
Mr. Hartalon;. will your" exclaimed
Um yoaDf woman in a trembling voice.
The rejected lover, pair, but resolute,
roae slowly to hi leet.
"Henrietta Plunkelt!" be answered
through bis set teeth, I will Just aa
surely as you stand there, proud beart
leaa beauty that you are, I shall be in
the Booth Sea ialauds nix months from
Bow, the bappy huabaud of 14 wive!"
Chicago Tribune.
f V
t Jlaveu, Coun.
Strong and Healthy
Hood' aanaparilla Made Her the I'lcture
or h
f "Hood'i gnw(ftrlll4 bu been o( grpst ben
smiooar nine gin, and also to mjrll nd
husband. When aha u S years old Mabel
was seized with lUjmach trouble. Ilk crsmps
sr innainmauoD. 1 ties taking IIikj l 8sria
nils lor iaj blood, and aa the doctor'! prrscrlp
lion did Dot belp ner, 1 occasionally gave he
a little ol my owo medicine. I awn realized
Uiat Hond a fcarsaparllla waa
Doing Hwr Good.
ttKare it to Ber regularly. It has helped her
aonderfulljr, entirely curing her stomach
trouble and making her strong aud healthy
uur trusnde aay sue la the picture of health
sail and husband were both troubled with
usiaria, anu uooa a Barsapamia built ua up
snn keeps ua Healthy and free from slckneaa.
We eordliUy recommend Hood's Baraaparllla,
mm. Wii.UA Erass, West Haven, Conn.
Hood'a IMIla are the bent family cathartic,
senile and enertive. Try a box 25 eenta.
Unlike the Dutch Process
IVo Alkalies
Other Chemicals
are used In the
preparation of
trhirh it ntfolutrly
pure and soluble.
XMmorthtinthrr timet
Ihn rtrenyth of Coma mixed
iwlth Biarcn. Arrowroot or
'Sugar, and ia far more eco
Boanlcal, txfttny le than one cnt a cup.
It la delicious, nourishing, and CAaiLt
Hold byGrorera rturywhere.
W. BAKER &C0., Dorchester, Mais.
It yxrar Dearest, bast and most aataamad
awifabors bad written the following letter
they eould ba no mora worthy of your ron
aVMoea than they now are, coming, as they
do, from well kaown. Intelligent and trust
worthy eftisooa who, H Uwir aereraJ neigh
borhoods, enioy tan lulleet crmfldenoa and
respect of all
atrs. F. L. Ionian, of Manton. Wexford
Co., Mich., whose portrait beada this article,
writes aa follows: "I began taking Dr.
Piaroa'a FavoriM Praaeription about a year
ago. For yean I bare suffered with falling
and alosraUon of the womb, but to-day, I
earn en joying perfect health.
I took fear bottles of the Praaeription '
aadvwa erf Dr. Piaroa'a Golden Medical Dis-eovw-y.
Bvwt lady stiff eiing from female
ireae-iisas abould try the ' Praaeription ' and
Ooldsat Merlioal Discovery.'"
atlas Mary J. Tanner, Horth Lawrence,
t Lawrence Co., N. Y., writes : " I wee
Sack far four Tear. For two year I eould
do no work. I bad In different physicians,
who pretwoiicad my caae a poor or Impov
erished aoBdittna of the blood, and uterine
troabla. 1 suffered a groat deal wrta pain in
oath aades, and much tenderness on pressing
over taw womb. I bloated at times in my
bowels and limbs ; was troubled wltk leu
sntraaa 1 could not sleep, and waa troub
led wtkb palia tatlon of the assart. Buffered
greas aN stf pain in my head, samples,
fnrsasad and eras. I bad a trogeleeoame
1 a great deal and a SWaeaax-
aal of pain la asy obast
i at tlssassRM ary weak.
VslaNI eaBBatB (swsaT JMsaWV (easfla
sTsswwS sjas1kMBM able te
mMsvsw, I saws r-mm ss i
I F pa j sbbbs t mm few
-sbwvbbw WJarw Wsasy
Id i M l
wimssl a aasxi d
MIsaMes. Mrvoaa
1 sstaMafaJll
"ceiient garfle for any tort of
oar tbroat la brewer's yeast warmed
and passed through a due cloth. This
will help to looaen the membrane in
caae of diphtheria. It la cleansing and
not aangerous if swallowed.
A bunion may be cared by bathing
me anectea part in hot wstr, to which
a teaapoonful of salt, a tableapoonfu
of starch and a few drops of arnica have
been added; then Wipe dry with a roft
iim-n tuwel and apply iodine with a
camel s hair brush.
His IVl Harl.d with Him.
A queer story comes with a Qrst-claa
recommendation ail the way from Ens-
land. Thirty years ago, in 1H00, a mem.
ber of the Chaplin family died at
manner, UncoluBuire, and was laid in
the family tomb. This particular
t.napiinwas a naturalist, and, among
bis other etg a large eray bat.
The bat was permitted to enter the
tomb and was sealed up alive with the
corpse of his dead master. In 1S06 the
vault was opened, and, to the surprise
oi an, me nat was alive and fat. On
four different occasions since the Chap
mis nave looked after the welfare of
their dead relative's pet. and each time
it has been reported that the bat was
in the land of the living, although oc
cupying quarters with the dead. He
was last seen in 1892.
A pious and aged Saco lady who felt
that the end of her mortal distance
was close at hand, was settling her bill
with her iceman one day and took oc
casion to remark in an earnest way; "I
don't suppose 1 shall take ice ot you
another year. I expect to pass over
the other side of the riTer before long."
"Oh, no trouble, no trouble at all,"
replied the enterprising iceman. "We
send a team over to Blddeford every
day." Then he began slowly to grasp
the real meaning an1 muttered as he
picked up his tongs and went out of the
door, "Some people would be happy to
have a piece of ice 'over there' anyway,
I guess.'' Lewiston (Me.) Journal.
l-t the Haby yell.
Allow the child to yell at the top of
his lungs whenever he wants to; it is
good exercise tor him. Dress hira in
clothes short enough so that he cab
kick and gain strength in his legs. En-
courage the baby in physical culture.
Don't be afraid to wash the babv.
There is a book I send out to mothers,
In which I say that. Dozens have writ-
lea to ask. "Mrs. Miller, tou don't be
lieve in anything but a hot bath, do
you" Yes, 1 do; give a tepid bath.
Hut you don't put on soap?" "Why
not, if it Is good oap? "Hut yoa don't
keep It up long?" "Yes, as long as the
baby lives. To be clenn one should be
ba lied every day. Detroit News.
To cure a felon, wrap the part affect.
ed in a cloih drenched In tincture of lo
belia, and the felon is dead
Mrs. Alex. Robertaon, of Half Rock, sfer
eer Co.. Mo,, writes : '' For twenty years. I
suffered with womb diseasa and moat of the
time I was in constant pain which rendered
life a great burden. I cannot expreaa what
I suffered. I had eight doctors and all the
medicine I bad from them failed the one
after the other.
I waa nervous, cold bands and feet, palpita
tion, headache, backache, constitution, leu
oorrbea and no appetite, with bring-down
pains. 1 got so weak I could not walk
around. I nad to keep my bud, thinking I
would never get any better.
One day my husband got one of your little
books aad read it to me. lie said there was
nothing doing ma any good. I said 1 would
try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Preacriutiow. I did
try it. After the first few weeks my appe
tite was better ; I was able to sit up in hod.
I wrote to the World's Dispensary Medical
Association, at Buffalo, N. Y.. aad described
my case ; taey east ma a book an woman's
dbMsaa. I read carefully and followed the
directions as near as I could and took the
mtxllcin for two years. With the binning
of Ood and your medictaee, 1 am entirely
cured. That was three years ago."
Yjuri truly,
" Favorite Pi satiation " is a positive cure
for the most oumjlkwaad an stsjlliisf
r UumsTThea. excessive flu wins, painful
atrattsa, unnatural sssjoreaslatn, and Irreg
ularities, prolapsus, sr railing af tfcsi wesafc,
weak bwsk, " ferasis wswknesa, ssstarrsratoa,
The look om aawss, nwsarssM
OMllsta rrrvastssd troas rirtoa; by taw
Oastrsaa attra of s ssmt Orsir.
A play recently written for a pop.
ular comedian is founded on a tragic
occurrence in which Dr. J. M. Kellar,
former!? of Louisville, but now of
Hot Springs, Ark., was an a tor.
The story was told to Mr. Gardner,
who repeated It to James R. Garey,
and the last-named gentleman taw
the dramatic pcw-ibll ties. The inci
dent occurred during the war, sayt
the Courier-Journal. Dr. Kellar was
an army surgeon, and was stationed
at Nashville. One night at the
Nashville Club two offlcera, a Majoi
and a Colonel bad a misunderstand
ing during a card game, and the lie
was passed. Immediately there was
a challenge. The Colonel, who was a
comparative stranger, called on Dr.
Kellar to act as bis second, and gave
him letters of Introduction, showing
that be was a gentleman and a bra
soldier. Preliminaries were arranged,
and the belHrferents with their sec
onds met on the field of honor the
next morning at sunrise. The dis
tance was measured off, the princi
pals were stationed, and '-one, two"
Jhad been counted, when the Colonel
threw up his hand aud declared he
could not and would not tight He
declined to give bis reasons and was
branded is a coward. Dr. Ke.lar.
who knew the man must have a valid
excuse, stood by him and requested
the others to say nothing of the affaii
until proper explanations were made.
When the doctor reached bis hotel be
found a note from the Coloneu which
only added to the mystery. He de
clined toexpla o his apparent cow
ardly action, but said that time would
show he had acted rightly. He left
Nashville and was afterward heaid
of only from the seat of war, and in
all cases was spoken of as a brave,
learless soldier. At last came the
news of his death, and with it a let
ter to Dr. Kellar that had been found
on the dead mau's body. It cleared
the mystery. This letter stated thai
Just as the Colonel raised his weapon
to ure in the duel his antagonist, the
Major, bad gen the distress sign ol
a secret organization of which both
were members, and the Colonel could
not and would not violate his oath
by dlsicgardlng the signal. Dr.
Kellar bunted down the cowardly
Major, made him acknowledge the
truth ot the statement, and then haJ
him dismissed from the army In dis
Li'Knfant Terrible.
A Congressman from the Western
slope tells several good stories at the
expense of his wife, who is an inde
fatigable caller. There are two chil
dren In their family, and the lady,
having a couple of visitors from ber
native Mate, decided to take one of
the children aged 5 with her while
the visitors were put through the
round of cabinet calls. As they were
going into the home of the Secretary
of Agriculture Mrs. Congressman
said to the ladies: "I'm going to
introduce you as armers' wives, If
I don't I won't have anything to talk
about here. "
The ladies assented, regarding the
deception in the light ot a good joke.
The laugh, however, was on them,
for when Mrs. Congressman performed
the tntioductlon with explanatory
additions, Master Five- i ear-Old
opened his eyes In wldeastonishnient,
followed suit with his sweet little
mouth and lisped:
"My Aunt Carrie isn't a farmer."
The first call had been at the Vice
President's, where the Infant regaled
himself with the good things of
fered him. The next piace hap
pened to be a tea call, where he
wasn't asked to partake of pep er
mints and the line. The small gen
tleman endured the sit-down ctia'. as
long as he couid, but finally created
a mlnature reign of terror by piping
"Mamma, theweain't any wefwesh
ments here." Kate Field's Washing
A Typical Hummer Costume.
A typical cotton gown that might
be worn at any hour of the day or at
any summer day-t. me fun tion Is of
soft zephyr which makes up so well,
does not wrinkle and may, with care,
be worn an entire summer, writes
Isabel A. Mai Ion in an exquisitely
illustrated page of "Black and White
Costumes" In the Ladies Home Jour
nal The skirt is rather close-fitting
until ju t above the knees, where it
Is apparently cut off, and a deep, full
flounce added to it. The beading of
this llounce Is formed by the gather
ing, and from under this gathering
falls a flounce of coarse white lace,
headed by a narrow black sat n rib
bon which seems to be twisted. At
regular intervals it is caught by a
tluy black ribbon rosette. The bodice
is a rouna one with a plain back, and
the material cut so that the pointed
elTcct 1 referred to is achieved. One
side of the trout is quite plain and
the other side Is aery fuil, not fitted
at ull, but drawn over in folds across
the bust and fastened low down on
the other side. The gloves worn with
this gown are black and the parasol
a plain black silk one. The bonnet
isa dainty one of black and white.
Hsved I'rom a I'uuia
Dlllle, the 12-year-old daughter ot
John Flock, an Asotin County, Wash
ington, farmer, narrowly escaped at
tack from a mountain lion. At a
sharp turn in the trail the girl came
in fall view of a large and ugly-looking
lion It slow, v advanced toward
her, when she called for the dog.
The dog appeared upon the scene and
made for the lion, but kept out of
reach of the aalmal's sharp claws.
The dog .kept worrying and torment
ing the beast to attract Its attention
from the child, until tbe little girl
was out of bawia's way, when It, too,
Should Remember.
The Government Chemists, after having analyzed
all the principal brands of baking powder in the
market, in their reports placed the "Royal" at the
head of the list for strength, purity and wholesome
ness; and thousands of tests all over the country
have further demonstrated the fact that its qualities
are, in rvery respect, unrivaled.
Avoid all baking powders sold with a gift or
prize, or at a lower price than the Royal, as they in
variably contain alum, lime or sulphuric acid, and
render the food unwholesome.
Steele tilves used at a table or for
cutting bread, or anything for wbich a
sharp knife is needed should never be
used for stirring or cooking any.hing
in hot. grease, as it makes them very
Evary investment of 11,000 In 1858 in
Western Union Telegraph stock had re
ceived up to last September 650,000 in
stock dividends and cash dividends of
Apples should always be stewed in
porcelain or granite ware.
Unappropriated Sylfebles. .
In the early days of the gold excite
ment in California a young German
from Michigan departed for California,
and, after prospecting for a while, set
tled there. His name was John O. Al
mor.dinger, aud wishing to American
ize himself as much as possible he ap
plied to the legislature of California
and had his name changed to John U.
Almond. In a few days later a man
named John Smith applied to the same
legislature, and after reciting a long
catalogue of the ills to which he was
subject owing to bis unfortunately
common name, he said in conclusion:
"And whereas I have noticed that you
curtailed the name of J. 0. Almonding
er to J. G. Almond and have not dis
posed of the 'inger,' which seems to be
lying around loose, I respectfully re
quest that the same may be added to
my name." The result of this appeal is
not stated. Youth's Companion.
The intestines are used tor sausage
casings. The bladders are used to pack
putty in.
Boil rice in a double boiler; add a
few drops of lemon juice to the water
and do not stir until it is sufficiently
cooked. The grains will then separate
readily and be beautifully white.
Of medicinal agents ia pradnally relegat
ing the old-time herbs, pills, draughts and
vegetable extracts to the rear and bring
ing into general use the pleasant and
oflective liquid laxutive, Syrnp of Figs
To get the true remedy see that it is man
ufiietureii by the California Fig Syrup Co.
only. For sale by all leading druggists.
Lincoln, Nebraska, April 10, 18!4.
To the rentiers of the papers:
I send herewith greeting from the
headquarters of the State Historical
society, with the compliments of the
season. The society always has an axe
to grind, and this time it is to gather
into its new and fireproof quarter all
the Indian relies that can be bad.
These are fast disappearing and the
time is dose at hand when there will
b no more to be had. Since the state
first bekun being settled by whites,
Indian implements, such as knives,
bows, arrows, stone axes and hammers,
corn and meal pestles and mortars and
a hundred different articles of Indian
use and make, have been collected into
the hands of individuals all over the
state. This has been fortunate, for
until now there has been no Historical
society to preserve them. Hut the
time seems to have come for gathering
the e relics into one great state collec
tion, where the students of Indian
customs can come to study them. Some
perhaps will not want to let valuable
relics pass out of their pessession. Such
should place their material in the State
Historical society as loan collections,
which can be removed at any time by
the owners. Hut it would be far bet
ter to place all valuable historical
things permanently in the rooms of the
society, there to be monuments of the
early history of the state all help
to niske Nebraska's one of the best and
largest collections in the state.
Jay Amos Hakkktt,
HOW TO SAVE rro,Ztul 40
()( your fuel bills. Mow in llie time to
contliler it It 7011 best four limine nlih
Stoves or Hot Air Furnac
Hcnd 10 mils to IRVIN PR1BBI.E, York,
Nrb., end he will inform you by return
UirC it 1MB aV rillBHT.
'CluBs mt WamrwslMl wkh
rTsnne Kith M Slasermtat snaklM
y wsrkt MarMlM fr leiflaMi ilk
HHMIi StSMsW l4w, MHSllllH C
iSaftTHal. NasMMTMMlMS ts mwot.
fne tttmt sss em SMltrt tm mnVi mstt.
Birr MtkHStf see SMS ! tm aMSkM ot lun Ins
If 010 ila. 10. M in. INIBAIO.IIU
The praises of General Neal Dow put
a girdle nearly round the earth.
Boston Herald.
Almost any other man than Neal
Dow would have been spoiled by such
a demonstration of good will as that
extended to him on his ninetieth birth
day. Boston Globe.
In selecting flour throw a little lump
of dry Hour againsi a dry, smoothe per
pendicular surface. If it adheres in a
lump, tbe flour has life in It. If it falls
like powder it is bad.
Queen Victoria speaks 10 languages
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local applications, as they cannot reach
the diseased portion of the ear. There is
only one war to cure deafness, and that is
by constitutional remedies. Ueafness is
caused by an inflamed condition of the
mucous lining of th Eustachian Tube.
When this lube gets inflamed you have a
rambling sound or iinpertect hearing, and
when it is entirley closed deafness is the
result and unless' the inilamation can be
taken out aud this tube restored to its nor
mal condition, hearing will be destroyed
forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by
catarrh wbich is nothing but an inflamed
condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars tor
any case ol Deafness (caused by catarrh
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Hend for circulars, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O.
Bold by Druggists, 75cts.
The Duchess of Fife has a fancy for
going about incognito.
For Strengthening and Clearing the
Voice, use Bbown'p Hkonchial Tboohks.
"I have commended them to friends who
were public speakers, and they havepioved
extremely serviceable." Kev. Henry Ward
Crows will steal
cleverly as hawks.
you ng chickens as
Khiloh's Consumption Cure is sold on a guar
antee. It cures Incipient Consumption. It Is
the best Cough Cure, ib cents, 50ceuts&ndl.U0.
Elephants on land and whales in the
sea are tbe longest lived animals.
Pee "Colchester's" Spading Boot Ad. in
other column.
In the parrot both mandibles of the
beak are movable, an exception to the
general rule.
9 Your
g Heart's
T-. . ' i .
A3 mc iiiusi. lmpui taut part oi your organism, i nree
fourths of the complaints to which the system is subject
are due to impurities in the blood. You can therefore
realize how vital it is to .
Keep It Pure
Our Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases
Mailed Free to any address.
Especially for Farmers, Miners, H. R. Hands and others. Double sole ex
tendinn down to the heel. KXT K A W KA RINGQLJA LITY.
Thousands of Rubber Boot wearers testify this is th" lest they ever had.
A8K YOUR DEALER FOR THEM and don't e persuaded into an inferior
N. N. V. No. 8SO--17.
York. Neb.
pteewe am? ran saw tbe advertisement
in inis
Since bis recent attack of the grip the
czar has betrayed symytoms of per
manent affection of the lungs. He will
probably make his imperial residence
at Kiev, where the climate is more fa
vorable than at St. Petersburg.
Prince Oscar, second son of King
Oscar of Sweden, who a few years ago
renounced bis rights to tbe throne in
consequence of his " marriage to Miss
Ebba Munck, lady In waiting to his
mother, is about to enter the Swedish
parliament as a simple member.
mill uniitlren kiruw rut
on Scott's
fat fo o d s
make fat
They are
thin, and
remain thin just in
to their inability to
assimilate food rich in fat.
Scott's Emulsion
of Cod Liver Oil is especially
adaptable to those of weak diges
tion it is partly digested already.
Astonishing how quickly a thin
person gains solid flesh by its use!
Almost as palatable as milk.
Prepswd by Scott A Bowne, N. Y. All drnniste.
Cleanses the
Nasal Passages,
Allays Pain and
Heals tbe Sores.
Restores the
Senses of Taste
and Smell.
into each nostril ana Is
A particle In applied
ligreeunie. rrtrc
HI Pflnt.u At rW'iirr,
iMtfta, or by mall
n St.. Nnw York.
riii iimn iti' Ks, friwnrrp
r rA,
For which nothing equals S. S. S. It effectually Cy
removes all impurities, cleanses the blood thor
oughly and builds up the general health.
CUICT CDCfMCIP fit Itlsate. Ce
onlrl drCblrlli UUi Alllllla, D9.
equals custom work, caetiae-nass
equals custom work, cost I if
' 14 to (o, oest value for I
, to so, nest miue lor ine n
lie i
the world. NsaM asat asta
I aa the Bseto.aasVen
Ir warnuetei. Take aa lafcsei.
J papers for fall
e eat eossalsu
lasts east asa.
ersana twtTl
left for the bum at
Its master.
Portland Owfoasto.
til B wiOTMiaje) CHI2irf