The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, April 26, 1894, Image 6

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CB4PTEK XVII.- coatlaaad.
Taw ks, there 'l those two young-
-v fc ..lMimd. hrakini? off i
hi conversation.
"I maun just go and wake them, to
be sure."
The farmer nodded, and slouched
away, all but one man, who was rub
bing' down his pony with some hay.
'Hi, landlord:" he cried, stopping
the inn-keeper. "1 want you?"
"What is it?" aked the other
"Did you say two youne' women were
here.'" demanded the man in a low
-I did."
The stranger nodded.
'What like?"
"Well, one's a poor, pale, weak
thin., and the other s a bold, black-
eyed wencb, good to look at."
Count Jura's brow's met; he thought
for one second.
"The pale thin one is my wife,'
he said, boldly, at last, "and the other
is her maid; she has enticed her mis
tress to run away."
"Lawks, you don't say"' ejaculated
the man in astonishment.
"Where did they say they were
going to, my good man?''
"LunDon by the tirst train."
"Ah, I thought so. Now listen to
me. Go up and wake them. Let them
get to the station. See here is five
pounds: it shall be yours if you do as I
ask. I must et my wife back, but she
is in the power of that other woman.
When the train is just going to start,
call the maid back about some mistake
in the bills, and I shall get my wife
safely away. You understand?"
"Aye, sir. quite. I'll help you, and
most willing. Lawks, to think I let
aui-h a bold hussy into my house:"
"Be quick. I shall be at the sta
tion." Count Jura led his pony across the
road to the station. It was empty. He
beckoned to a porter.
"Gei. me acarriage," he said, author
itatively, carrying the diamonds in his
hand, the cloak flung over his arm;
"and look here, a pale, thin, yellow
haired lady is coming; bring her to the
same carriage. She is my wife."
"All right, sir. " The porter touched
his hat and pocketed the fee.
Count Jura put the diamonds safely
under the seat and sat down peering
behind the curtain to see the two wo
men enter.
He saw Alice's slender iorm, the
hood drawn over her golden hair, and
behind her Myra's pale, revengeful
face; the landlord following them, de
taining them in arguing.
Alice shrank back frightened. The
engine whistled; Mvra motioned her
to go; tne porter miea ner mw iuu
carriage; Myra, white with anger, fol
lowed; but an arm was thrust out
against her, she heard Alice s scream
o' terror; she saw Jura's triumphant
face; there was a rush of shouting in
her ears; then came the sound of a loud
report, the sensation of sharp and
awful pain, and Myra sank to the plat
form insensible, as the train with her
betrayer and his victim steamed away.
As the train moved away, Alice
started to her feet and screamed
All that had passed had been so
swift, she scarcely realized what hap
pened: but the sight of Count Jura's
dark face, and the revolver in bis
hand, roused her fear to its utmost.
, "Let me go!" she cried wildly, strug
gling against tis ho.d. "You have
shot her! Coward! Let me gol I
will "
"Be silent!" hissed the man fiercely,
pushing her down into a corner, and
drawing her cloak across her mouth.
"Another word, and I serve you as l
served her!"
Alice shrank back, cowed by his
brutal words and grew faint, and her
eves closed.
"Good!" muttered Jura as he watched
her. "Now let us understand one an
other. You are in my power. I in
tend to take you abroad, x ou cannot
resist me. I shall proclaim you as my
wife, no one can deny it. lou weara
ring. If you attempt to escape I shall
My you are mad. No one will gainsay
that. You comprehend me?
Alice made no sigh.
He bent forward, and took her hand.
It was limp and stilL Her fear was lost
in a dead laint.
"So much the better," he muttered.
'That was cleanly done. Myra will not
trouble me much more, I think. Will
they stop me at Uxton?" He bit his
lip suddenly. "Great Heavens! I
never thought of that. They will trap
me like a dog! What shall I do what
hall I do?"
He gazed out of the window as they
whirled alomr swiftly.
He saw they were approaching a
small village.
In an instant his determination was
He touched the signal to stop the
train - again: then again.
In a few seconds the train came to a
full stop just beyound the few scattered
cottages, and in another instant the
guard was at the door in alarm.
"My wife is taken suddenly ill," ex
plained Count Jura, abruptly. "We
must lift her out."
"What is it?" demanded the guard
"She suffers from heart disease.
This is a sort of faint. The action of
the train will kill her. Help me to lift
her. There, that's right. We have
no luggage. "
The guard bore away Alice's motlon
la form, and placed her on the in
cline of ground beside the lines, while
tha Count grasped the diamonds firmly,
pot them down, carefully covered with
the cloak, than knelt beside the girl,
aad began to try and restore her.
"Do not let me keep you," he said to
tee guard. "She will be better di
rectly. I will ret help from the vll-
"One instant, sir. Your ohm and
tr'as; iKMt take that,"
ras"! Lereeitn," rOd Own Jura,
- Um llatle. I oadea
V 4 ' ata - - ll,at 111
tf J,Uceiar Jtt mm writ-
I t: Zstvrtt lHrl
t.J I t j-tU-3
( "Where do you stop next?" he asked
"Not until we reach
Uxton a good
Sorry I can t
hour s journey on. sir
stay to help you. Hope your good lady
will soon be ail rignt. uooa-uay, sir.
The gdard blew the whistle, jumped
into his compartment, and once more
the train was in
motion, and speedily j
lost to si?ht.
Count . i ura watched it eagerly. 1
"That was a bold move," he mut
tered, ' but it was the only thing.
Now. what to do next? Let her faint,
on: it is the safest thing that could
happen. She will scream, perhaps;
if so. I must gag her." ,
An ugly loo passed over his face, j
then, alter bending over Alice once
a'ain he stood upright, and scanned ,
the road.
The village seemed deserted, but
while he wasdebating whether it would 1
be wise to leave the senseless girl i
alone with the diamonds while bemads ;
in juiries. his eye caught sight of a i
cart coming leisurely along. j
It was a millers dray, drawn by j
three stout horses, going in the same I
direction as the train had gons.
Count Jura hailed it. and in a very
few minutes the driver was beside him.
By dint of much eloquence he per
suaded the man to believe his tale, and
to consent to the r traveling in the
cart us ar as the nearest town, and
then Alice easily between
them, they pia ed her on some sacking
at the bjttum of the cart.
Count Jura placed his pre ious dia
monds beside her, jumped in himself,
and very soon they were lumbering
along heavily.
He watched Alice like a lynx; the
jolting motion soon began to rouse her,
and he answered the driver's ques
tions briny while he kept bis eye on
At the first look of returned con
sciousness, under pretense of making
her comfortable, he bent over her.
"Scream or utter one word," he
muttered fiercely, "and I shoot you
like a dog."
Alice shrank away from his flashing
eyes: all that she had undergone had
undermined her strength: the fatigue
and walking of the night before made
' every limb ache, she could not make
: any resistance to ais cowardly threats:
she had grown as weak a-i a child, but
her brain worked wilrily.
What was happening? Where was
she going? Would no one come to her
She sent up a prayer for help and re
lease - if need be. for death, rather
than be longer in this man's power.
Seeing her lie so quiet, Count Jura
Eut it down to fright, and was well sat
ined. This girl was no spitfire, like Myra:
be should be able to manage her weil.
He talked to the driver leisurely. and
managed to extract the knowledge he
The town they were approaching
was some forty miles from Moretown.
and branched off the line that led to
Uxton. There he could get a train
that would take him to one of the big
manufacturing towns, lie hidden there
for a day or two, then creep cautiously
to lndon. and irom there abroad.
He reckoned at the rate they were
going it would be quite mid -day before
they reached the town, but he was well
If the stationmaster at Moretown had
telegraphed at once to Uxton to stop
him there it would be an hour and a
ha.f or nearly two hours before the
news that he had escaped would retch
Moretown, and as, he thought con
temptuously, there would be only one
or two policemen handy, the chances
were the waole thing would get into a
good muddle, and he would get eom
tortably away.
Not one shred of pity was in his
heart for the girl he was carrying
away tie was lost to everything but
love and desire. No woman had ever
Inflamed his heart as this fair, lovely,
siender creature did, and he swore she
should be his. As for Myra, the woman
he had ruined, a sense of gratification
that she was, perchance, dead was all
her memory brought. He had long
wearied of her, and sought to be rid ol
He sat smoking comfortably as the
cart jogged along, making his -plans
with calm minuteness, while Alice lay
in an agony of fear, shame, and weak
ness. Her mind was peopled with
many visions. She seemed to go back
to her childhood, and saw once again
the face of that lovely woman she had
spoken of when Hoy's mother had
questioned her.
Then all the cruelty, the harshness
of Aunt Martha, then that dark night,
the ghastly murder in the woods. th
memory of Roy's pale, handsome face,
and then her hurried marriage.
Then her mind went over all the un
happiness that followed, and yet
strangely through it all ran the picture
of her husbana s tender face as he
looked at her the last night they were
A faint thrill of happiness went
through her heart as she recalled his
gent e words: even Valerie's revenge
ful form melted away, naught remained
but him: and he was lost now - lost to
her forever! she should never see him
again. Though he might not have
cared for her. though be had been cold
and unjust, she loved him, and would
love him on through all time.
She was awakened from her dreams
by Count Jura shaking her roughly.
'Get up." he muttered: "we are
here. Now, remember what I have
said. Give me your hand. One word
a murmur, and you are dead!"
Alice staggered to her feet, and he
drew her cloak and bood carefully
round her.
She was In the maze of fear and
weakness again; the driver, catchinir a
glimpse of her white face, exclaimed
"Laws, be sue so bad as that, poor
"Shell be better directly. Many
thanks, ay rood man; this way to the
s1tton, yon say?"
The driver nodded, and the cart
lie risr . stared n the strange
e V tawtte Mrmm to the
v f "" J ,M
- i 1 1- i r"M -ml m.
UrVTw ut-
the diamond tightly. My
"One just here, ir," the man an
swered kindly. "Shall I give you a
hand? It's only a step."
The hotel proved to be up a quiet
court, and Count Jura slipped a shilling
into the man's band, put Alice into a
chair while he ordered a room.
"We are going to Uornchester," he
said decisively: "shall only require It
for au hour or so for my wife to rest.
She is not strong."
The landlady and two sympathetic
maids helped Alice upstairs, and be
followed closely in case she should
speak to them.
She made noeffort to do tnls -indeed,
she had lost ail knowledge of what was
The landlady was loud in her pity.
"You can't move her,- sir," she de
clared; "she is just done she is very
"Pooh, nonsense! She is often like
that: in fa:t he hesitated an instant,
then said boldly, "in fact, she is not
quite right in her head, so, of course,
she looks strange."
"Lor", sir! you do astonish me:" ex
claimed the woman. "So sweet and
pretty, too!"
"Yes -yes. Bring me something to
eat. and a 'Bradshaw.' We must get
to Bornchester by to-night."
"I'll rend you one at onoe. but the
rext train, sir, I know doesn't start till
nigh evening."
Count . I urt suppressed the oath he
was utteeing till she was gone.
"That's devilish unlucky, but it
strikes me she's just about right in one
thing -my Lady Alice is going to be
11 L Have I frightened her too much?
It will be a fix if she can't be moved.
Anyway, we are safe here until to-morrow
morning, and then, ill or well, she
must go.
Valerie paced her room like a caged
tisrress. She could have torn her
tongue out for the wild, foolish wor Is
she had uttered before Geoffrey Armi-
stead, and now all was lost. Her re
venge had failed; shame, disgrace. dis
coverv. lav before her.
Paul, her brother, was below -a
thief, a convict an eternal humilia
She came suddenly to a standstill.
Two of the gang had been taken; who
was the other? Had Jura been caught?
If so. what had become of Alice? She
must know all.
She rang her bell, and her maid ap
"Brine me some coffee." she om
manded. sinking in a languid attitude
on to a chair as the woman came in;
"my nerves are quite ujMsel."
"I'll brintf it at once, miss." an
swered the maid. "1 should think yoj
was upset, mis. The castle seems
turned tonsv-turvv. and it's just horrid
to think of them awful tobbers being
kept here!"
. "Kept here, Janet'. What do you
mean? Valerie started with well-
feignfd surprise.
"Why. thev are in the treasure
rooms, mins, with two policemen guard
ing them."
Brim? me the coTee at once."
Valerie stood upright as the girl
"In the treasure-rooms!" she repeat
ed. "1 must eet down. I'aul must es
cape. I cannot tear the degradation.
Miserable wretch, he has dragged me
deep enough into the mire! And Jura,
I must see if he is there."
She mused thoughtfully till the maid
returned with the coffee.
"Where is everybody, Janet?" she
asked, Indifferently.
"My lady Is in her room with
stranie gentleman, and the Earl, with
two others and a policeman, has just
ridden away -to Moretown, 1 think
heard sav."
"Yoj may go, Janet. Don't come to
me before dinner. My head aches,
shall try and rest."
She nut down the coffee when alone
and with swift trembling hand
changed her long gown for a black
walking one
She wound some black lace round
her head and neck, then, unfastening
her door, stole o Jt.
The corridor was silent. She turned
toward the wing in which poor Alice
had lived in solitary grandeur. She
con ectured that in all prolwbility the
staircase and door down which Alice
had been carried that night would be
unlocked: she could creep down and in
some way tret Paul to gpeak with ner
She wai right. The door was ur.
locked-the who.eof the wing was de
serted. Sine Alice had gone no one
had been near her apartments.
She stole down the steim: the treasure-rooms
were to the right. A door
leading into them stood at the bottom
of the steps, and here she paused.
Outside in the grounds she could
hear the two policemen chatting to
gether, then the prisoners were alone
in the. room.
lxns;evltr Among; Federal Kmplojres
The longevity statistics of Govern
ment employes gathered by the
Dockery commission are interesting.
It seems that there are 1.41H c erks
t)0 years old and over, 741 between
(0 and 15 years of age, 376 between
65 and 70, WZ between 70 and 75. 00
between 75 and 80, 33 between 80
and 8. , 6 between 85 and !o, and one
who is past 0. There are 2,578
clerks between 25 and 30, the numre-ous-age
class: 2, 34 between :i0 and
35, -',033 between 35 and 40. Of the
17,076 clerks In the departmental
service Mol are under 40 jears of
age. some 01 me oiuer peopie navw
been many years In the Government
service; 6,938 clerks have served for
ten years, 1,380 from twenty-five to
forty years and thirty for forty years
or more, while one has worked at his
desk sixty years. Good Government
How Tommy Atkins" Got His Name
I am much obllg d to tbe many
correspondents who from time to
time enlighten me aa to tba orgln of
tbe name -Tommy Atklna" To
save further trouble, however, I may
as well meotlon once for all tbat 1
un lo poaaeasron of what I believe to
be an tbe inrormation acceasiDie on
this Important matter of history.
bave always understood ; tbat
"Tboms Atklna, private," was Un
faaev tnMr kwmn Co a fpeci
eta ttwsa a soldier's account fcasod
rv fM wart "at many mra tro. sad
a t-lLe a rer!a.
eras ping tb
wife is ill."
Onli Sin aa4 Xatnhaa, tha two ttt'la maiai.
MMtr wbita cava ' tar tiahi Ium IraMa :
Tbay'ra libs twin alatars iron karcluai to
both haa
round aya of forast-m not '
Bat OrMcban
'1 in motion from norulng til
want :
Kb rant. an4 tba tklpa.
and aba jump wltb
aeiunt ;
Whila ka eaan won't m' t, tvao whaoabala
FaaaoM to dolly of eblna aud kid.
Bald Orelebea
Kitchen, 'We're left
alnaa :
Wa ll Jutt hT qulst food tun of our ova ;
I ou 11 nil oa T tir vutoo to cii oo in cat,
To laka bar aouu cuarriea. aud bava a ioug
In tba vtna-corrrad arbor tha labia va HI
And load It with chrrl. all abinuig aid rail
11 L-ick out Iba nta.t trow toaa on tba bf II,
for akpT ' uraeo-Eraa, ud 70a. and w-
111 do all tba talking tor you and for bar.
btaca you, ojf pool baubeo, caiibot avaa
I naiar at eharriM. I thank too' un b.
And torn tbare'U ha mora lor iut katcban ar.d
1 bey eallad on Fran Oran-kyea, tba sleapT old
i grava little Katcban roda back aa aba
Wf h immt a snot on hr kid fiDffar-tf PR '
But t(v lit' la (iratcbeu bad purpla-aiained Up !
cl. ftivaoiaa.
Once in the course of a medical ca
reer of nearly fifty years 1 saved a
patient's II e. In other caes I have
my doubts: but mat one 1 in certain
of It You'll take another c garelter
What no? Then black coilee!
The patient was a lady young, and
not unpleaslr.g. That gave me an
Interest in the ca-e. Mie uvea at
fcurblton. 1 had never seen her be
fore I was called In for thh particular
illness: but ouc day ber husband
came to my house In llarley Mreet,
and wanted nie logo down post haste
witb him to look at her. Jle wo
particularly anilous to get a first-rate
London specialist's opinion. They
had a general practitioner down at
tbeirown place, he said, but that
wasn't enough for hini, he distrusted
G. K's. He insisted upon uettiog
the very best advice for ber.
A tall, dark man. the husband,
1th keen, deepsunKen eyes. He
looked like a Spaniard, and might
have been Grand Inquisitor. I ut
bat struck m njot about him was
the queer little fact, though be
ei pressed the g eaiest anxieiy.fand
desire to shaw the deepest affection.
1 touldn't help feeling It wa my
opinion that he wanted far more than
my assistance
He laid great stress upon the point
of my being an undoubted authority.
Whatever 1 thought of the case be
would know It was r ght He didn't
care abuut the diagnosis of these
suburban doctors he d dn't trust
their prognosis; but 1 If 1 told Dim
bis wife would live, he could be sure
she would recover; and If i told him
welL the worst why, be knew be
must accept it with resignation.
(Cambric pocket-bandkerchle .)
I went down with him and. saw
ber. Abe was very ill Indeed. A
mot pathetic woman. She aroused
my keenest sympathy. But It was
the queerest case I ever knew in my
life. I could make nothing of it I
told her husband she was seriously
ill; I doubted her recovery, she had
sank so low. but I didn't understand
It Ills eyes bad an inscrutable
gleam In them when I told blm that;
but he answered very anxiously:
"( an't you put a name to It? It
would be satisfactory at least to know
what it Is that's the matter wltb ber."
"No. I can't," 1 replied. "In the
whole course of my experience 1 neier
yet saw anything like It"
His face fell a little. Long medi
cal pract oe has made me observe the
qnick shades of emotion that pas
over faces.
"I was in hopes you would have
understood it," be said, very slowly,
with a bard look Into my eyes, point
ing ea h word with emphasis. "It
was for that I went to the best Lon
don authority. I thought these
suburban men might fail to make it
out but that 1 was sure of an opin
ion from a great London specialist
They told me your forte was diag
nosis. "
Clever of him. I felt at the time,
to try thus to work upon my profes
sional pride, and my professional
susceptibilities. He fancied be
fculd force or cajole me Into giving
it a name, mat was ueciueuiy saarp
of blm, but it over shot the mark. It
gave me the first real clue to the reil
nature of ber illness.
Next day, and next again, I went
down to see my patient Money
was no object the affectionate bus
band said often. All he wanted was
to be sure bis dear wife had the ben
efit of the very tst ra dical advice
and assistance. The third day I was
piu led; I took my assistant down
wltb me without telling him why. I
sent blm in to see her. When be
came out I said to blm:
"Well, Harvey, what do you make
of it "
1 don't
unique I
make anything of It" be
I can't It looks to me
don't In the least under-
stand It"
"Neither do I," I replied, stroking
my chin. 'That's why 1 brought
you to see it"
We sat and stared at each other in
silence for a minute. Then
slstant said very dubiously:
my as-
Tbe fact is, Sir, Everard, It ap
pears to me "
Well, goon man. Out w tn It"
"Not a ca e of natural disease at
all, but a case of poisoning."
"Precisely myoplnion," 1 answered,
giving a start "I brought you here
to confirm it "
1 went Into tbe sick women's room
"I want to ask you a question,"
I said, In at soothing a voice as pos
sible. "Yon mar tblok It in odd
one. It there anybody who would
bene tit In any way by ytmr deatby"
CM gaaed at me eewy.
'Sot a tool " tbe answered. "All
I have n the world I've leu oy wiu
to dear Archie"
Thai settled the ouestl o. I feu
sure 1 knew a prescription thst would
cure ber I went down again to the
The husband was there.
i sitting uneasily Dy the window. Ho
! lo ked at me with an auxlous face
"Well, I've formed an opinion on
' the cm at lat" I wi'd,
Dr. Harvey here, but pe haps it may
distre-s vou or annoy you to bear it "
He glanced nervously Jt my assist
ant, then at me in return. 1 had
placed myself on purpo-e so that
both our eyes were uion hliu lfro
every angle. He sbu.ed in bis
"Oh, I'-n prepared for the wort"
he answ. red, wi'fc a sit kly smile. "I
know she can't recover."
Then do you
desire me to give ;
you the honest opinion I've formed."
1 asked, "at the risk of offending
"Yea, I want your opinion," he
answered; but his lips t,uuered
lalntly. "It's that I called you in
fo .
1 stared straight in bis eyes I
fl ed him witb mine. He couldn'v
avoid them without catching Har
vey's. 'Then my opinion is this," I said,
slowly and distinctly, "that If your
wife dies you'll be banged for it"
He never moved a muscle of h s
face, but bis color went wltb a rush.
He was white as a ghost in a mo
ment He rose with an effort
"This is a mauvalse plalsanterle,"
he cried, "at such a time as tb s: , A
mauvalse plaisanterie!"
"No p.easanterie at all," I an
swered, very grim, ' but a simple
statement of my medical opinion.
Look here. Mr. bo-and-so, we are
two, you are one. Now, I give you
fa r warning. This lady up stairs is
being slowly poisoned. Unless she
recovers, we will hold you answer
able. You wanted tbe best advice.
Well, now you hae got It 1 on't
. sunpose you can deceive me by using
a little po.son, 1 won't let you mur
, der her. Your wife must recover. 1
i have my eye upon vou. If anything
ever ha pens to her, now or hereaf
ter. 1 shall take Bood care there is
i lull inquiry; and so will Dr. Harvey,
1 say no more than tbat: and I wish
you a very good morning. To-rnor
row, whe 1 1 come, 1 shall expect to
see a marked improvement"
And so 1 did. She was dec dedly
: better. In three weeks she was welL
In a month she was at Harro-
i gate 1 never undeceived ber. She
loved the creature, and 1 allowed her
to noon loving hi 111. But I con ess I
was relieved when, four years later,
he providentially broke his wretched
neck on ,be J-ch reck bora it un
burdened my mind of tbe responsi
bility of watching blm
i in other cases 1 have my doubts;
. but in tbat one 1 am confident
, really saved my patient's life and
i should think you agree with me.
i Boston True Flag.
Ma Amount of Il-atlnr Will Mafca aa Ob
atlnata Camel Builga an Iocb.
Camels are not like horses, says tbe
Asbton Lepoiter. If a horse does
not want to do anything we make
, blm. If a camel does not want to do
anything be leaves it undone No
i amount of coaxing, no amount of
' cruelty will make him budge. Ho
jag the determination of a mule com
bined with the strength of an ele
phant A camel is one of those ag
gravating brutes which will drive a
; hot-tempered man to distraction.
Nothing will persuade blm to listen
to reason. He will oppose your will
with a passive resistance that is ab
solutely unc n jiierabie. Tbe only
, way to treat a camel is to humor if
j you cannot humbug him. They will
j often lie down if you load them with
the proverbial last straw, and you
1 ui ght beat them to death or offer up
' all the pleasures of paradise before
they wo ild get up They are p g
, beaded I -easts. Sometimes when they
i have quite a light load they turn
nasty and throw themselves to tbe
ground. I ut although they are ob
stinate, they are not cute, and an
Aral), by pretending to submit can
generally get tbe better of tbe stub
born beasts. Tbe drivers will os
tentatiously remove thre; or four
packtges from the load, and the ani
mal with an Inward chuckle of satis
faction, rises at once, without per
ceiving that tbe parcels have mean
while been returned to their former
place. As he Hatters himself he has
shirked some of bis duty be swings
away witb a light heart, gratified be
yond measure, like a spoiled child,
at having Its own way. Tbe camel
is an unsociable beast He Is also
habitually dull, except when be is
sniffing the salt air of tba desert.
When he Is treading the sands, with
the burning sun on bis back and the
boundless waste before him, he feels
himself at home. Tbe immense beat
makes blm bubble over with pleasure-
and tills his frame w tb sublime In
toxication. It has been stated on
toe nest autnority mat be can go
nine days without water. And if you
had ever seen a camel drink water
when be does get a chance of quench
ing bs thirst you would not be sur-
i prisea ai tins, iney nave oeen Known
, to put away seven gallons and a half
at a time.
Hard to Please
Susy It a young lady of Ave years
: and also of a verydltticultdispusltlon.
, Tbe other day a visitor at ber father's
! house found Susy weeping bitterly In
! the corner.
"Why, what are you crying about?"
tbt was asxea
t ' 'Cause all my b brothers and tit
j ten have a v-v-vacatlon, and I doo't
1 nave any! Booboo!"
I "And why don't you
have an va-
go to sob.i
'"Cause I I don't
Uar' ta 11.
Your ootl e of the discovery of
chloroform Id 1841 recalls a curious
experience in my Cambridge under
graduate life, say a writer In the
London New. One evening In Jan
uary, 131. 1 went into a ihemisi's
shop and ordered more photographic
rbetuii alt tn b - sent to my rooms
bard t'V I was lodging on the
parade. Feeing an ounce bottle of
chloroform on tbe counter, I tought
it out of cur.oslty and took it away
witb me, leaving the chemicals to
follow. In my own rooms, seated in
an armchair 1 put four drops on my
handkerchief, aud. carefully placing
the (Kittle on tne table at ome
digtar)Ce from me, 1 sniffed the hand
kerchief. A pleasant sensation and
a singing in mv ears was the only re
sult ro.shnrtly afterward. iinunud
out eight drops and acted as tefore.
The next thing I remember is bod
ing myself on tbe floor on my back,
my dress undone, my face, etc. drip
ninir with cold water, and hearing a
voice, "He's coming to. I do believe."
Yes, It was so 1 came to after hav-
log been unconscious for two nurs
and a half. Next day my doctor,
when out with tne foxnounas, was
greeted wltb: "II ulloa, doctor so you
raised a man irom me acau iav
nlgbt" "You may well say that,"
was the reply. "lor 1 naa given up an
hopes." I was very puwled on ac
count of the effect of my careruny
measured dose. All 1 could gainer
from tbe fcr ant was that sne naa
brought me up a parcel from the
chemist, and see ng me asleep, t led
to waice me; then, "Ending I was
dead," ran down into the shop, call ng
out "Mr. M. Is dead.'- Two Trinity
men were in the shop One went on
to tbe p-tn. chapel, telling everyone
of my sudden death; the other, after
a glance at me, kindly called in Dr.
Some time after the mystery was
cleared up The "slavey" ga e
warning, and th; day she left see
made the following confess on- "Vou
remember that night you were nearly
dead, sir. Well, you know, Sir, I
thouirhtyou hd fainted, and I see
the bottle 00 the table ana thought
It was salts, so I took out the stopper
and held it to your nose; hot as it
didn'tdo no good, I poured a lot of It
out into my hand aud rubbed it all
over your nose and mouth." I told
the doctor the story. He repl ed:
"Well my dear fellow, all I can say
In this: If ever ynu have to undergo
an operation, you can tell your family
doctor that you can take chloroform "
Thank Ood, that necessity has never
How to Draw a Will.
The wisdom or hav ng the will
drawn while In health, when the
nervous and morbid fears engendered
by Illness are abeut, and the erson
making It 1 able to order a clear and
reasonable distribution of ber prop
erty, should appeal to every one,
writes Mrs. Hamilton Molt tn an
article entitled "Making a Will" in
the Ladles' Home Journal.
The fear that the attorney's fee
will be exorbitant or even that It
will be large, should be neither ex
cuse nor rea-on for delay. All pro
fesslonal work is done on the basis
described in the oia saw:
"Wbao you Qnd a fat goota pluck It claan,
Aud li t luu ! koom t J lb imn '
And legal charges are regulated not
only by tbe amount of work done, but
by the ability of the client to pay.
Go to any reliable attorney and t 11
blm that you wlib to have your will
drawn, and tbat you can only afford
to pay a certain sum for a fee. 1(
he has reason to lielleve tbat you
have stated your pecuniary position
truthfully he will become your ad
viser no matter how small bis recom
pense is to be lieteruilne in ad
vance exactly what you done
with your estate; make careful mem
oranda of all the poi'its, tbe lull
names of all who will appear in the
document and of anything el-e which
may seem to you as of Importance.
Take this data with you to the law
yer; tell blrn clearly what you wish
done. Answer without questioning
whatever be may ask you; avoid Ir
relevant remarks, and then leave him
t ) prepare the document after mak
ing an appointment to return with
your wltn sses for signatures, etc.
Pretty Komancn ol aNoutbern Girl.
Mra Thomas Smales died In Orange,
N. J., Saturday, from the effects of a
bullet which she carried In her skull
since early lire. Her maiden name
was Ml3 Frances Dayton, and she
was a daughter or wealthy lrglnia
parents. Her beauty won for ber
many admirers, one o tbem, Thomas
iSuiales. whom she loved above all
others. Among the rejected suitors
was a Southern lad, who, being re
pulsed In bis advances, shot her in
the beid All efforts to locate the
ball pioved futile. Miss Dayton
studied telegraphy and then took a
course In medicine In order to treat
herself. She finished her medical
studies In Berlin and went t) L n
don, England, to pra tlce. Her lover
was still true to ber and although his
family had removed to Australia be
kept up fccrrespondcnce with her.
He returned at length to the United
States and established himself In the
photographic business In Brunswick,
Ua. He prospered greatly and sent
for bis Intended. She crossed the
water and they were married in 1HM&
She devoted herself to charitable
work and founded tbe first training
t bool for nurses In all tbe South,
also a hospital at Krunswlck. Tbe
bullet In ber bead, however, still
troubled ber and about a year ago
she came north to visit a friend at
orange, N. X, with tbe bone of grain,
mg ber health. AU effort proved
futile and tbe gradually watted
away. u -..- s
A ror all bit life la tbe ekjee f
tame oosft ttupteloo.
1 1