The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, April 12, 1894, Image 7

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    Tbs) discovery of Iodine was inril!i
tally made by Courtoii, a French so;
maker, who found lite new
In the aah of seaweed.
Mr. McCorkle was showing some vis
itor! over the bouse. Arriving at Hie
nursery, be remarked, "This, gentle
men, ii the bawlroora."
Emperor William of German? hat
approved the design of a new decora
tion of the royal protector of Prussian
Freetnaaoot. Tbe design consists of a
red cross with an eye in each corner.
Cannot Say Enough
Praise of Hood's
"C.I Hood A Co . Maat.!
"ientlemen: I leel that Ic-innot writ words
which will aprak highly enough of llood'a Sr
aaparllla. 1 ran tell my f rlaml what It did
for me a good deal better than 1 can write It.
Hut 1 wili limply atate that It cured me of a
very w-vi re cae of catarrh after the phynlrlaii
(tiled to help me Italao cured nijf huaiiand
of rheutnatlim of wrloua na'tire a year ago.
Four bottlea of Hood'iHamaparllla eileclcd.
A Perfect Cure
In Ilia cane. 1 think llood'a Karaparllla 1 the
leat uprliig medicine that can pe found. We
have nwl It In our family five reara, and
would Dot do without It. I am very thankful
Hood's5 Cures
to ou fir the blutmllnr thli nillclnr had bnen
to Ui. Every Kittle la worth ll wclghtlx! gold. "jj
nra. J.n. uuikax. ai aia.ia Ave . Detroit,
M ch. H are to Rat Ho da.
llood'a Pllla are pmmpt and efficient, yet
eay In action. Sold by all druggtuta. '.'.V.
W1 -1
Cleanara th
Nasal l'nMa(p,
Allaya Pain and
Heals the Sores.
Restores the
Senses of Tame
and Smell.
A particle In applied into rowh nostril and n
agreeable. I'rlm l renl nt f iniirtrl.ui. or by mail.
KLV HKDTIIKUS. Hi Warruu St.. Mow Yurk.
It will, perhaps, require a little stretch of
toe imagination on Uw part of the reader to
reoscBisa tbe fact that tbe two portrait at
th baad of this article are of the same in
dividual ; and yet they are truthful sketches
made from photographs, taken only a few
months apart, of a vary much eateemed citi
stn of Ullnola Mr. C. H. Harris, whose ad
drsai is Mo. 1,914 Second Avenue, Rock
Ialaad. ILL Tbe following extract from a let
ter written by Mr. Harris explains the mar.
vtlous cbann in his personal aprnarance. H e
write i " rr. Pierce's Ooldm Medical Dia
oovery saved my life and has made me a
man. My bom ph vsiclan says I am good for
forty years yat You will remember that I
was just between life and death, and all of
tcy friends ware sure it was a esse of death,
until 1 commenced taking a secaud bottle of
' Uolden Medical Diaoovery,' when I became
able to sit up and the oough was very much
Voter, and th binding from my lung
slopped, and before I bad taken sis bottles of
tba " Ooldeo Medical Discovery1 my ooagh
seAaed and I was a new man and ready for
I now feel that It la a duty that I owe to
mv feUow-enen to recommend to them the
fJolrlao Metueal DUcoverv 1 which saved my
ife when doctor and all other medicines
failed to de toe any good.
I send to yon with Ms Iswer two of my
p jotogrsphs ; om taken a few weak before I
wastakMi down sick la bed, and the other
r im take after I waa wall." These two pho
tigraphs are faithfully re-produced at tbe
bad of that article.
Mr. Harris's i parlance in the use of " Gkild
sa Madisal Oiseeverv" la not an exceptional
ne. Thousands of atnlnant people in all
airts of the world tsattfr, in just a emphatic
ingaaga, to its marvalons curative powers,
,er all ofarooie bronchial, throat and lung
ssasss, ohronle nasal catarrh, asthma, and
kiedred ssasss.
nslnsnt pkrsioUns prescribe "Oolden
MsdUal Oissersry" when any of their dear
sW sVres are Inipsrilled by that dread dis
ease. flosMSaawtaoa. Under swofa eircum-
staiMssf only most reliable remedy would
he dfBsaaiB
rUaotns. I
1 tmoa. The roliowlng letter is to
It la from an eminent phy ststan of
Ussraj, Ufaywtto
a.k " t. :
ul lmmjwwu sv.a s a. ua wmj
MtMMon Is bersdJUry In my wife's
r fosse have already died with the dhv
Mr wife has a slater, Mrs.
Zid Pr. Pierce's Ooklen Medical DleooT-
i, ta the svpnse ot ner many trunos,
wsat My wife has also bad hem
from the lungs, and her sister In-
oa hir using tbe ' Oolden Hoillcal Dit-
1) J rCiZjy
vrS.J.H.G "in
x v r ruasj r, j
m sav- irruEnsii .
Do not approach contagious disease
with an empty slomitch nor all between
tbe sick and the lira, because the heal
attracts the vapor. Preventatives ar
preferable to pill or powder.
Three fourths of the earths surface
cannot be cultivated on account ol
mountain ranges, deserts, swamps and
barren ground.
In southern California there is an
immense mass of hardened lava that
looks exactly like an inverted cap in
an enormous saucer.
Of medkuinal agent is gradually relegat
ing tbe old-time herbs, pill, draughts and
vegetable extracts to tbe rt-ar and bring
ing into general use the pleasant and
ettwtive liiuiil laxative, Byrnp of Figs.
To get the trne rented r ace that it is man
ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co.
only. For sule by ad 1 ading druggists.
Mining engineer now use photog
raphy to illustrate their reports by pre
senting pictures of leges and other
features of the mines.
A Bad Picture.
The next time yon arc in a melan
cliuly mood, as you are almost eeuiia to
be if you become bilious or dvHpetrtio,
picture to yourself the condition of a pool
man who, without resources and with a
family on his hand, fir.ds himself on a
nick bed. Gloom obscures his narrow hori
zon in every direction. L'nab.e to do any
work, without means or friends capable
of assisting hi , with the possible pros
pect of continued ill health: with rent,
perhaps, unpaid and unpayable, the out
look for, him, is gloomy' indeed. How
shortsighted, then, is the man of horrible
means who perceiving that lit - health and
strength are failing takes no precaution to
avert the oncoming evil. Hostetter'i
Stomach Hitters is a reliable, profession
ally recommended restorative of health
and vigor, and a sure means of preventing
the many disabling complaints which ex
posure, overwork, neglect and insuHlcient
food produce. Malaria, rhenmatism, kid
ney and liver complaint, dyspepsia and
nervous disease always yield to it.
Syrt has a single mil road, the one
rail being laid on a wall of masonry.
Coughs, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, etc.,
iiiiickly relieved by Dhows'" IfHONCiiiAL
Tk'h iiks. They sin-pass all other prepa
rations in removing hoarseness, and as a
cough rrmtdtj arc pre-eminently the bett.
Farmers in Texas, alter experiment
ing four years, have at hast succeded in
raising very fair tobacco.
Who would believe it? Strawberries
as large as apples -vot it is so. Salzer's
catalogue is b infill of the rarest kinds
of hardy, Irotu'lal fruits, such aa
htrawberrlos, currants, blackborrien,
raapliori-ioM, apples, punches, pears,
nuts, etc. (iranei! We t-hould say so
J as larg.) and luscious as tho cele
j liratcd gra)K!8 on tho Ithino In (ier
! many.
I . on W ill f at This Out anil HpmcI It.
! With 5"c to tho John A. S;ilzer Seed
Co., Lit Crosse, Wis., you will receive
their email fruit giants) Kleacrnus
ljongiiios, a Giant Ktruw tjrrv, a Giant
Go e berry and a Coloa al Mulberry,
in all four plants all beautifully illus
trated in their ma'nmoth catalogue,
which is -;nt alorir for the 5oo, or cat
alogue alone, So postage. C
covcry.' I -oonsented to her using it, and it
cured her. She has bad no symptoms of con
sumption for the past six years. People
having this disease can take no better rem
edy. " i ours very truiy,
Prom tbe Buckeye State comes tbe follow
ing : " I was prooouaced to have consump
tion by two of our beet doctors. I spent
nearly $.100, and was no better. I concluded
to try Dr. Pierce's Oolden Medical Discovery.
I bought and used eight bottles and I can
now say with truth that I feel lust as well
to-day as I did at twenty-five, and can do just
as good a day's work on the farm, although I
bad not done any work for several years."
Truly, your friend,
Mr. Dulaney's address is Campbell, Ohio,
" I bad catarrh In the head for years and
trouble with my left lung at the same time.
You put so much faith in your remedies that
I concluded to try one bottle or two, and I
derived much benefit therefrom. I used up
three bottles of Dr. Hage's Catarrh Remedy,
five bottles of your " Oolden Medical Discov
ery," and in four months I was myself again.
I could not sleep on my left side, and now I
can sleep and eat heartily. 8o long as I have
your meiUdnes on hand I have no need of a
doctor : I do not think my bouse in order
without them. Yours truly,
Marlow, Baldwin Co., Ala.
If It would be any more convincing, we
could easily fill the columns of this paper with
letUm testifying to the cure of too severest
disomies of the throat, bronchia and Imngs,
by tbe use of " Uoldeu Medical Diaoovery
To build up uUd JUtk and ntrength after the
grip, pneumonia, ("lung fever";, eshausing
fevers, and other prostrating diseases, it has
no equal. It dose not make fat like cod liver
oil and Its nasty compounds, but solid, whole
sorns leak.
A complete treatise on Throat, Bronchial,
maladies, will be mailed to any address by the
World's Datmnsary Medical Association of
Buffalo, If. T., on receipt of sis osnta in
stamps, to pay postage
Bow Poor Lauid Star Be Improved-Well
Ammcaxi ttovaea Hlow-feeding- Max fur
Veroctoa llor-To Make Icbm I'oala
Umrabla farm Mota.
Feeding Box for Vorarlona Rone.
Many horses are such rapid eater
that much of tbe oats and other
grain enters the stomach without
being Lrokeo, and a osequently pas es
oft undigested. The feed box llus
trated herewith, obvlats this dilB
culty. Tbe Improvement coQsisU in
simply attaching a small box, c to
the outside of a common feed box, a
slot being cut into the feed 1 ox prop
er, at a. It Is plain that grain
placed In the box c will follow the
inclined bottom of the box, and
gradually fall Into the feed box, but
only as fast as It is removed from the
aperture a by the animal feeding.
It Is a simple and very effective ar
rangement, and hhould find a lace
In many stables. It saves grain
by causing the animal to feed slowly,
without throw ng the grain, m many
horses da
Improving; Foor Land.
If a man understands the methods
necessary to accomplish it, and has
the time and capital to devote to
that purpose, there Is profit In buy
iDg worn lands at a low price and
bringing them up to a state of pro
ductiveness at which they can be
cropped. One way of helping run
down land so that profitable crops
can be raised Is by applying com
mercial fertilizers. These, If prop
erly used, will very often materially
Increase the growth and yield of
crops, but It Is questionable if they
add any appreciable ermanent fer
tility to '.he soil. There is one way,
however, by which the use of this
class of fertilizers can be made an ad
vantage, and that is by Increasing
the yield of the crop for which It is
especially applied. A larger amount
of feed may thug be procured, and
t,n 8 afford i an opportunity for mak
ing more manure, and the more ani
mal manure that can be procured the
better Is tbe chance for the perma-
Lnent upbuilding of the solL Clover
is one of the best materials that caa
be used to Improve the land, and
where this can be grown the soil Is
not past redemption, but some soils
will not grow clover. It has become
so devoid of vegetable matter that
the clover plant will starve out, and
In thH case either of two plans can
be followed one i to use n rnmercial and tho other is to seed to
rye, and as soon as a reasonably good
growtn i-ei ured j.low under and
sow to buckwheat. It Is not to be
expected mat land so poor that it
will not grow clover will have suffi
cient available plant food to grow
evi'n a fair crop of rye, but the plow
ing In ol even a light growth will
supply some vegetable matter, arid
generally suilicient to make a crop of
buckwheat procure a fair growth.
l ulladelphia inquirer.
Well A'-'i anifcd Hoiim4.
In independent bouses there Is ab
solutely no Bi'iie in being obliged to
go through any room to get Into an
other. Only the most fauliy archi
tecture makes this possible. With
suilicient ground . ace the hall should
be so planned that every room is ac
cesslb.e ironi it, and under no cir
cumstances should angles and ru -board.;
be permitted to shut off the
easy entrance from this main artery
or the dwelling.
As plans now nr It Is quite the
usual thing to go through tbe dining
room from kitchen to sitting
room, and in some cases the bath
room Is reached only by pas-ing
through a kitchen or sitting room,
This is among the most awkward of
arrangements, and can only be ac
counted for on the theory that who
ever planned the place( must have
been an amateur of the' most ama
teurish sort
In a case In po nt the hath room
opens out nf the kitchen, all travel
to It must be from parlor through
sitting room and dining room The
changing of a single partition would
I rovide a hall quite wide enough to
alTo d entry to this necessary acces
so y.
There Is urgent need of reform In
building plans. Chimneys for winter
II res are put on the outside of the
house, where a great port on of the
heat Is wasted on outdoor air. Chim
neys for the kitchen range comes up
between two of the best bedrooms,
and the summer o cu pants thereof
suffer tortures n conse iucnce. When
people g't wise enough to make pro
visions for keeping In the warmth In
winter and letting It out In summer
they will have learned some things
or which they seem at present pro
foundly ignorant New York Led
ger. 1
Itoua-h Harks On Old Trem.
It fruit trees are properly cared for
there will tie no rough bark on them,
even niter thev grow old. Thrifty
growth causes the tree to slough olt
the dead unused growth In which sap
docs not circulate. Make the trees
thrifiy by liberal feeding, and there
will he no rough bark on them to
furnish a harlwr for the codling moth.
' tripping the rough bark from the
tiioie iiees will doubtless exoose many
cocoons of this insect and Insure
their Ue-ir..ctloii. as tney will perish
when drenched by the spring rains,
as they most certainly will be If un
covered from their hiding place. We
do not regard this rough bark aa of
much advantage for protecting tbe
' trunks of trees from cold in winter
or tbe sun's rays at all seasons. If it
were necessary young trees would be
i easily injured, whereas they are
generally more healthful than are old
! trees.
In Case of Polaonlng.
In poisoning by opium strong
cotlee should be given, uhe victim be
ing kept roused and awake, if possi
ble, until medical aid may be ob
tained. Tbe antidotes to arsenic are table
spoon ful doses of dialyzed iron, mag
nesia and castor oil.
t artjolic acid: Give a taolespoon
ful or Kpbom salts stirred In water,
and repeat
Oxalx acid: Give chalk, lime,
water or raagDesla freely.
( orrosive sublimate: White of egg
and milk In quantities.
In poisoning by acid the use of
alkalis Is Indicated, as soda, mag
nesia, chalk lime, and soapsuds.
When the m schief has been wrought
by strong alkalis acid must be used,
as vinegar, lemon juice, or bard elder.
When the mucous membrane of
the lonuth is much inflamed or de
stroyed, give raw eggs, flour stirred
in water, flaxseed tea, arrowroot, or
any soothing drink. Stimulation
can be applb-d by means of hot water
bottles or bags to the feet, and over
tbe heart, and by rubbing the ex
tremetius. Alcoholic stlruulents
should be administered very cau
tiously. Dairymen Arouaed.
The movement to perfeet a nat:onal
orgam.ation of dairymen for the
purpose of regulating or if possible
a olishing tbe manufacture and sale
of the fraudulent compounds called
dairy goods, Is a commendable un
dertaking and should be prosecuted
with vigor. There Is no more reason
for allowing the rich packers to H 1
the pure products of the farm with
their cheap and filthy refuse than to
permit the counterfeiter to till the
gold or silver coins with a
supurious metal by which to defraud
the people. It does not seem possi
ble that the honest producers would
have quietely submitted to the rob
bery during the years that are past,
and If they continue it, would not
complain of the ruinously low prices
to which they must continue to su -mlt
Did the consumers know that
they were eating butterine they
would rise up In rebellion. 1 ccause
the stuff is natural in smell and taste
there is nothing to arouse susplc on,
and the i onsumption increases.
(irowliiB; Peas In Orchards.
I The pea cro i Is a soil renovator,
with the advantage over clover for
orchards that it does not drain the
soil o moisture during summer, but
, helps rather to keep the surface
moist ana easily permeable to all t e
rain that falls. '1 he pea crop gathers
' nitrogen from the atmosphere, and
when the crop Is fed off by hogs, the
pea vines make an excellent cheap
and rich mulch. With a diet of peas
and fallen apples hog-; always thrive
and the pork thus made has a arger
proportion of lean meat than has
pork made from a corn diet
Griod Seed.
It is an axiom that poor seed with
out costing anything is always dearer
than the best at high prices. This
Is especially true of the cabbage. It
is easy and inexpensive to grow roor
seed. Any stump from which the
head has been cut will send upshoots
and seed abundantly. Hut very little
of this seed will produce good heads.
The right way to grow cabbage seed
Is to select the best heads and plant
them with root una head attached.
The seed thus grown will be plump,
and will produce plants that hejd
t'on b'inn Cheek Ite-lna.
Over Ave hundred veterinary sur
ueons have signed a paper condem
ning t:ght check reins, t-o painful to
horses, and causing distortion of the
wind, ipe to such a degree as to im
pede respiration. Paralysis of the
muscles of the face, megrims apo
plexy, coma, and inflammation are
some of the res ilts. Uy holding the
head upward, it puts the muscles of
the neck on a constant strain, and
exposes the eyes to the direct rays of
the sun.
Plant both fruit and ornamental
trees; also shrubs and vines.
Fekd fowls systematically two or
three times a day, summer and
Ir Is estimated that of the world's
population, 280,000,000 are farmers,
representing a capital of -.:, tmo.o k -000,
with its annual production of
j $20,000,000,000,
; Hkim m lk is of value in stock feed
ing, but never at Its best when fed
alone. Use It in combination witu
bran, meal, or even whole corn, and
you will get the best price for it
Akkanuk the windows in stables
so that the light will not fall directly
Into the eyes of the stock, and tho
ventilation so that the animals will
at no time be exposed to a direct
dra ight.
Have a sepcrate room for dairy
: work on the farm. A cellar which
contains fruit, vegetables, etc., Is a
! poor place to keep butter, milk, and
' cheeso. All dairy products tako up
foreign odors readily.
Anyonk who will observe tho
beauty and f avor of the strawberry
would surely bo convinced that It
takes abundance of rich food to (pro
duce them, and that few soils contain
this food in sufficient quantities, and
must be or should be suppl ed by manure.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
I i v
Absolutely pure
Spoons of wood, horn, metal or stoue
have been made in every country from
pre-bistoric ages.
Wind, which destroyes blossoms and
imature fruit, is the great enemy of the
coffee tree in Ceylon.
There is little danger of discovering
your identity if you blow your nose in
the dark unless everybody knows your
The tifst harp was a tortoise shell
with a string tied across it.
Lake George bas hitherto been well
protected by law in respect to lisbing
but the last New York legislature
passed an act perrulttinir spearing in
winter and fishing through tbe ice, and
it Is claimed now that the result of this
will be to clean out the fish rapidly.
Pimples and a muddy condition of
tbe skin must be helped from interna'
For the annoying small holes in tbe
nose use an astringent in tbe form of a
toilet vinegar eau de cologne sprinkl
ed in face bath or a few drops of the
tincture of benzion.
Rider Haggard has taken to farming
m the Waveney valley, England and
he is said to be so scientillc that his
crops are worth about one-quarter of
what they cost him.
Life-savers on the French coast are
hereafter to be aided by trained dogs.
About two hundred different pt-rsons
handle a pair of kid gloves ere they
are completely made.
Three-fifths of the pneumonia and
pleurisy cases among males, are due to
tbe wearing of low-cut waistcoats.
The green aunts of Australia make
nests of leaves', which they bend to
gether and unite with a kind of natural
St. Petersburg has the largest room
in the world unbroken by pillars. It is
a drill hall, and measures 620 by 150
Slight impurities, if not corrected, develop into serious maladies.
To CuT Scrofula, Eczema, Rheumatism
and other troublesome diseases is required a safe and reliable
remedy purely vegetable. Such is S. S. S. It removes all 1m
puritie from the blood' and thoroughly cleanbes the system.
Thousands of oaaas of the worst forms of blood diseases have been
Cured by
Bead for our Treatise, sent free to any
Increased Appeiife
is one of the first good effects
felt by users of Scott's Emulsion
of cod-liver oil with Ilypophos
phites. Good appetite begets
good health.
Scott's Emulsion
is a fat food that provides its
own tonic Instead ot a tax up
on appetite and digestion it is a
wondertul help to both.
Scott's Emulsion ar
rests the progress of
Consumption, Bron
chitis,' Scrofula, and
other wasting diseases
by raising a barrier of'
healthy Hesh, strength
and nerve.
Praparad bjhoott A Bowne. N. Y. All lnicif'
Unlike the Dutch Process
No Alkalies
Other Chemicals
are nscvl in tbe
preparation of
which it abtnlvtely
pure and soluble.
I It baa tnorethan three timet
i the ttremjth it Cocoa mixed
i Willi Starch. Arrowroot or
' Suirar. and ffl far more rco-
Domical, costing lets than one cent a cup.
It Is delicious, liouriMitnir, and kaiulT
Sold bytirorn ererrwhfre.
W. BAKEH & C0., Eurchester, Hau.
!lfetW J IT AMD PA? FRtlBHT.
VIA Dun mr f 4r.wr wtlnut of mi ls
VrTpnivM High Am fHnfj-wtaf michlM
finely ttbktierl . Market n I a ted . svdftDi4 t llrhl
4 heiTf wurki rnrmniHd for lOTsini with
Nt of HliltMbsj)Uiblrrwd wbtr M
ft Dtt Trial. No nniMV rnulrl la tstt-artM.
H,900bow la ow World1! fftir Medal awaMd ntcblaa and attach
Mania. Bay from factor and Htt Vtlr't and agent' profit.
pqpp (Ml TblaOnl and aad toda for marlifna or lrpt fra
ntt Uor9, testimonial ani (jmntaor Ih- WnrM' Fait.
OH 0M Mf 0. CO. 3ia WHuk in. CHICAGO.ILU
PATENTS sal PENSIONS leeirta No advance faa.
Fitzgerald 4 Co., "ithaod G," Wanhington, 1. U
i BmSrN IkSod! Cat 1 1
I I latima Solo y arawalata 1 I
fal I '.'I t)
I Bar Mi
Tbe Western Union Telegraph com
pany consumes 1,000,000,000 envelopes
a year.
"What tiling weather,'' we all
say in the opening days ot the eariy
spring; thee off go i tie wraps the wraps
and up go the windows to let the
balmy air corns in with it comes in
numerous things that ought to lie
kept out. We feel sore from stif
fened limbs, and many go toitering
around with lame backs. Mr. Harry
Williams, Greenville, Cat, under oath
writes on this subject as follows: A
lady suffered so severely with oains in
the back for two days that she could
not sit up. One application of St.
Jacobs Oil gave the sufferer a good
night's rest, and in the morning she
was well." That was charming.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local applications, as thpy cannot reach
tlie dirCiiscd portion of the ear. There il
only one wav to cure deafness, and that it
by constitutional remedies. Deafness u
caused bv an inflamed condition of th
nmcons lining of th- Eustachian Tube
When this ube gets inflamed you have a
rumbling: sound or imperlect hearing, ami
when ittaentirley closed deafness is th.'
result and unless the itiflamation can bii
taken out aud this tube restored to its nor
mal condition, hearing will be destroyed
forever; nine cases out of ten are caused bv
catarrh which is nothing but an inflamed
condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars 'or
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars', tree.
F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O.
Bold by Drnggists, 75cts.
A short absense quickens love; a long
abfense kills it. Mlraban.
(lilloh's Consumption Cure is sold on a guar
antee. It cures Incipient Consumption. It is
the best Cough Cure. '.'Scents, AO cents aud f 1.00.
The telescope was discovered by the
children of a lensmaker, who were
playing with a couple of lenses.
See "Colchester's" Spading Boot Ad. in
other column.
Dr. Schliemann found in the ruins of
Troy pottery vessels that had been care
fully turned on a wheel.
An occasioned by
n Impure and Im
poverished condi
tion of tbe Blood.
S. S. 5.
SWIFT SPECIFIC SO., Atlanta, fii
w. t,. ioi;glas 3 SHOE
equals custom work, costing from
to ocst value lor tne money
the world. Name and price
stamped on the bottom. Every
pair warranted. 1 ake no substi.
bee local pnoers tor tult
description ot" our complete
lines ior ladies ana gen
tlemen or send lor -
Iitfitrated Catalogue
giving in
struction 9
how to or
der by mail. Potatre free. Vou can get the best
bargains of dealers who push our shoes.
The outer or tap aole
extends the whole
length down to the
heel, protecting the
hoot In digging and In
otht-T hard work.
roa thsm,
and don't be put off
with Inferior gooda.
caw.... .... -3 ik ,',:,
X. N. U. Mo. 818-15.
York, Keb.
' plreav aay jroo saw the advertisement,
in thla paper.