The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, March 22, 1894, Image 7

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    Mr. J, Alelde Chat-ma
Montreal. P. U.
A Marvelous Med cine
Whenever Given a Fair Trial,
Eood'i Frovei Its Merit-
The following letter li from Mr. J. Alrl'le
Chauaae, errhlwt and surveyor, No. IS I ?lmw
treet. Montreal, Canada:
"C. I. Hood & Co , Ixmell, Mi.:
"Gentlemen : I have bet-n taking Hood's
Fj.rillt (nr (bunt ill month ami am fia'l
to say that it ha 'lone me a jrcat di al of k"k1
Lest May my weitiht wa 152 pound, liut ulnce
I began to Uke liood'i "aajpartlla nlm-in-creM"i
tofvi. I think Hood's Hasapartlia b a
marreloni mHlcine a rut am very muc i plea!
with it." J. Au wu KH'WI,
flood' rill cure Hvr ill, ron.tipattoii,
billrminenj, Jaundice, W'k headache
Stephenson Electric Belt Co.
Patented Anguat Jtnd, 1RS.1.
t The lateat and moat tan roved Elrctrlc Belt
haSiafaetured. The only Electric Brit tht
PNntrel no vlnesaro' acid-, to make liwo'k.
It uarlf generating. It I mo e durante than
By other. A poaithe .wre tor rti'iimatium,
neuralgia and all iiervoue dl-ae Curt-
iyPI'l. conllt'(lon, liver and sldnry dia
ls, pain Ip the tack, female wi'iknnii,
lenerel deKilty, relieve that tired leellng
and all ch?onle dlaeaa. a.
Bent ,)riild on receipt ol price f 12 .00,
J.'eeral aiacounl to agent. Corraiondence
Thi frrsrniKftON Kutrraic Co.
8tromburg. .Neb.
Via ton
BhoialM, ul
TOO draper!
call on their family
differing, as tbay Imairine. one
dyspepsia, another from heart disease,
ar from liver or kidney dlaeaae, another
exhaustion, or proatration,
Bant bar with pain
ttlf way the all pi
bore aoti there, ana in
l way they all present, alike to themselves
I their easy -ruins- and Indifferent, or over-
ft doctor, aeparaU and distinct diseases,
far which be prescribes his pills and potions,
i to os saon. wnen, in ream;,
are aB only rymptom ceased by some
womb dasnrder.
1st. The phrstctan, Icnorant of
i physician, Icnorant of
af sofferlnc, eaeeoragas his practice
The toffertng
Vf reaa
bat DTObably worse
of the daeay. wrong treatment and
t sonisira.tlona. 1 pronsr medl-
Dr. inerare fareiite Presoriptton,
( eattse wonld have sntirsl
see, thereby dispel ling ail
syrnDtotna and InitltaWnf
of prelnsMierl letssry.
The lady when portreil hands thai artlcU
fflfrm, Iia Oorsnwr, sf ReatsTille, Logan
CVaeasy. Obao. Bhe had aa experienoa which
we wU permit her to relate In her own
tiariiiii It Ulttstrates the foregoing. Hhe
vrfltnt MI had 'female weakrwai1 Tery
fad bed Most of the time, dragging
ins tawoagn my hack and tup ; no
t; a energy. The family physician
taJtag nse for 'aver complaint'. I
ik eteae. I eoatinoed their use antil I
Mil bottles of eeoa. In tares months'
H so mm I did sot taisk K nimmsry
any aaers. In rWldWrth it ioe
r. Ptercs reraensnend it to de-
hs paia and peril ts both mother
laadsborBs'Bftbor', I would lib
aand Dr. risree litraot sf Hmart-
Jp ts tbssa whs bare never triad M ; it
LI iTm-VT TfcTneWte nTwIth'it.-
1l Inlwalan. Isllrsai Ka
' '
e ry nejttsr andsr that treat raeat
ansa bt 1 would try Dr. Plaree FavorlU
mrirwaa aad us isldsa. Msdtonl tns-
It batsar hafora I used oas
1 a
Tariff and Tarnation.
Tariff dalle and Internal revenue tela
tlon on Incomes tod corporation! are e -citing
public lmereat, but of quit aa much
In term t are thoaa thing which tax Uia
aft am and require at one 10 eiternai
reined. Ob thla subject, with apeclal
recommendation, Mr. Pierce D. Brown.
Brldgewater. Mih, ear: In accident
from all kind of athletic eporie, to reduce
praln and bruises, I have uaed 8t Jacob
Oil and always found It moat reliable
Also, Mr. C & eanda. Mar cum. On la.,
write: I Lara need Bt Jacob Oil for
praln and rbeumatlam and would not be
without It for anything. Mr. & LedbeU
! tor. Denton, Teiaa. lay: I bare uaed fit.
Jacob OH and It I the only thing I ever
aw that would cure toothache In ten min
ute' time," and It 1 usually prompt and
sure for frost-bite. All of tbeao commu
nication are of recent date, abowlng un
abated Intereat,
A Dug t h' t ame I.lve On
The good deeds of Bob, the fireman a
doe, are hUI fresh iu the memory 'f
hia human comrades. It was at a fire
in Duke street that Jiob darted into a
burning house, and oblivious of tin
hereditary animosity betweeu the two
races brought out there being m
other living thing to rescue a hall
suffocated cat which he carriec In hi
mouth to a place of rifety. At another
lire in (he Westminister Bridge roa. i
the brigade thought that all lives had
been saved, bat Bob having matle his
usual rapid survey began to scratch
and bark furiously at a little door till,
in spite of their fear of fanning the
Humes by creating a draft, the firemen
broke In ana discovered a child crouch
ing down in a corner panic stricken.
Bub was always in attendance 'at the
old south wark lire station, ready to fol
low an engine and to run up the ladder
and jump through the windows of a
burning building even more qulc1 ly
than the firemen. He died, it will be
remembered, at the post of duty, mil
over by tha wheels of an engine. Lon
don News.
This remarkable, almost unhoard-of,
yield WiiH rerU'd to the John A. Sal
zor S-cd Co.. IjiCroswj, Win., by Frank
Winter, of Montana, who planted ono
bushel of (Jrent Northern at.n, care
fully tilled and Irrigated bbiiio, and re
lieve that in 19) ho can grow fr,m
one bus. "f treat Northern attf three
hundred bushels. It's a wonderful oat.
IT Vou Will lilt Thla Out anil Semi It
with Ho postage to the ab ive Hrm you
will receive carnplo package? of above
oats and their farm M-ed catalogue. G
A farmer would rather drive 25 miles
than write a letter.
See. "Colrheoter's" Spading Hoot Ad. In
other column.
ft is as easy to win a man's love as It
is dillicult to keep it.
liistrust others, as you know others
have good reason to distrust you.
A great many victims of laziness are
posing as victims as hard times.
wu i n i,. .pluHoii foe lenfinr.
rhea and uterine debility than I have los
sixteen years. I am cureu ui uy
and now wolh one hundred and alxty-sli
1 - 1 . wr nrairrht. tiT R11DV Vlir
stood at one hundred and twenty-five pounds.
Yours truly,
The following is from Mrs. M. A. IfcAJ-
1 liter, of LUH Itocg, jacasoa jo., an.:
was in bad health : age was working upon
me, ana i nea uwwauu w ,
could not get about I took Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription and it cured me ; I
felt ten years younger. I have not bad any
return of my trouble. 1 am ins mower oi
thirteen children and I am fifty-three year
old, have never seen a better woman's friend
than your medicine. I have recommended
It to my friends here, and It ha never failed
in ear ess, so 1st m thank yon far the
good ft did ma." Your truly, .
For " worn-out," " run-down," debilitated
school teacher, milliners, dremtmakers, seam-
. ........ I hruiaulf Minr. end over
worked and feeble women generally, Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription is tbe best of
sJl restorativs tonics. It is not a "cure-all,"
but admirably ruinilS a aingienea m yur
poss being a most potent peclfle for all
tboss chronio weakneane and (teases pecu
liar to women. It Is a powerful, general as
wall a uterine, tonlo and nervine, and Ira
Darts vigor and strength to the whole system.
It cares weak nee of the stomach, Indiges
tion, bloating, nervous prostration, hyaena,
debility ana sleeplessness. A Treatise (1
pure, nkistratsd), on "woman and Her
gurrnrr." sraf taUd in plain mvltm, on
InrattV ioand aurgical InsUtuU Buf
sals 77. f. It non'rfJta) n vast umber of
issWmr-'-V with half tons, or pboII1!
Zortreats ef their aataors and glvWtbsruU
ddrsa of each
Loud eluglng ud Kinging WMIe a rreHng
from a Cold Detrimental.
A muslclao telln a rejxirter ot the
t'tica Press "how voice are ruined."
It should be read and remembered by
all young singer Among other
thftitrs be said: "The three princi
pal sources of damage to tbe vole
are, first, forcing the voice; second,
forcing the voice; third, forcing tbe
voice. CoDstact loud singing has
certainly ruined no per c nu of all
the voices in the world. Tbe way to
build up a voice is not to use the full
force of the tone; but cothing more
than medium at the outaiae. Jv
this the powers are 'gradually de
veloped and brought under control.
It Is jut as natural to expect to build
an armory In a month, as it Is to
build a vo;c! under three years' con
stant application. Sir Morrell Mac
Kenzie gives it as his deliberate opin
ion, after a vast exper'euce. that a
voice cannot be built up in less than
seven years, but the musician said
that, arter fifty Years' experience, he
bad found that three years' practice
on the lines Indicated above will
build up a voice almost to its artistic
capabilities. Singing when the pu
pil has a cold of any kind affecting
the throat or chest Is highly Injuri
ous. I'racti e at such times can
hardly do good, and may do serious
barm. The speaker qu?ted Instances
where total loss of the voice has re
sulted from singing when the vocal
organs have been affected by cold,
and he advised students not to sing
at all until Inflammation has passed,
lie strongly deprecated singing in
chorus, an excellent practice, but one
attended with serious dangers to tbe
holo vocalist If you can really re
strain your ardor and y.e 1, and only
sing in the most exoitintr passages
with a moderate amount of vocal
power, you may do no harm, but the
misfortune Is that in a chorus the
members are carried away with over
zeal and emulation of tbelr neigh
bors, and In very many instances do
more harm to their voices as solo
singers in five minutes than any
teacher in the world can amend In
five years. He also called attention
to the danger of ruining the voice by
straining it while singing In the
public txhools Boys should not sing
while their voces are changing. His
own voice had been a very good one
wh le young, but was ruined by
straining while singing In an English
A Natural Driilice of A irate.
A mining expert sent to investi
gate borne Arizona properties for Den
ver ai,ltallsts recently returned, and
reports the finding of a must remark
able uatural bridtre formed by a tree
of agatl.ed wood, spanning a canyon
forty-five feet In width. The tree
had at some remote time fallen and
become embedded in the silt of some
great Inland sea or mighty water
overllow. The silt became in time
sandstone, and the wood gradually
passed through the staues of mineral
ization, until it is now a wonderful
tree of solid agate.
In after years water washed and
ate away the sandstone until a can
yon forty-live feet In width has
been formed, the flintv-likesubstanoe
of the agatized wood having resisted
tbe erosion of the water How Fully
lift feet of the tree rest o i one tilde
and can be traced, but how far Its
other side lies burled in the sandstone
cannot be determined without blast
ing away the, rock.
The trunk visible above thecanvon
varies in size from four feet to three
feet in diameter. Where the bark
has been broken and torn away the
characteristic colors of .asper and
agate are seen. To the naked eye
the wood Is very handsome. I'nder
a microscope or miner s magnifying
glass the brilliancy of the colorinus is
quite clearly brought out in all their
wondrous I eauty and attractiveness.
What it Is to be a genuine, single
minded egotist Is Illustrated in a re
cent French volume by a story of
Mrue. du iJcffand. a celebrity of tTie
last century. Mrue. du lieffand was
a great invalid, a :d spent much of
her time In bed, but this fact did
not prevent her from receiving a
great deal of company.
One day when she was thus in bed
several guests arrived and were ad
mitted. They all began to shiver
and pull the cloaks around them.
What." exclaimed the Invalid,
"Is it cold here?"
"It Is simply freezing," answered
a guest.
' Thank you for telling me," said
Mine, du Deffand.
hhe rang a bell. The guests sup
posed she was sending for a maid to
bu Id a tire; bi.t when the servant
came la Mmc. du Lieffand sa:d:
"Amelie, bring me In my down
Having given this order, she began
a conversation about other matters.
Why He Wondered.
In a certain community a lawyer
died who was a most popular and
worthy man, and among other virtues
inscribed upon his tomb was this:
"A lawyer and an honest man."
Some years afterwards a farmers'
convention was held In the town, and
one of the delegates of a sensational
ti.rn, in rambling amo.ig the tombs,
was struck with the inscription: "A
lawyer, and an honest man."
Ho was lost In thought, and when
run upon by a fellow farmer, who,
noticing his abstraction, ask d If he
had fo-ind the urave of a dear friend
or relative, aid
"No; but I was wondering why
they came to Irury these two fellows
In the same grave."
A man anxious to succeed should
select a business ho can stick: to all
his life.
A ohkat many victims of laziness
arc poslntr as vlctln of the hard
experiment with inferior brands
of baking powder. It is NOW
that the great strength and purity
of the ROYAL make it indis
pensable to those who desire to
practise economy in the kitchen.
Each spoonful does its perfect
work. Its increasing sale bears
witness that it is a necessity
to the prudent it goes further.
I'rearrvallon of Itutter.
When we consider how many hints
nave been given during the many cen
turies past for the preservation of
fruits, it is remarkable that the pres
ent enormous industry in that line had
not been invented earlier. It shows
ihe advantage of what are called ab
stract studies. When by the invention
of the microscope it was found that rot
and decay were the result of the action
of small organisms, and that not even
these fungi could develope without at
mospheric air, it was the most natural
thing in the world that successful can
ning of fruits should follow, yet the
li :ot has long ago been given in con
nection with many things, and especi'
ally with the preservation of butter.
The old Gardners' Monthly recorded
a number of cases where butter had
been tished out of wells, where It had
dropped from vessels suspended over
the water for the sake of the cold tem
perature. These lumps of butter, in
many cases a century old, were found
just as fresh and good as the day they
were churned. Kept from the atmos
phere, no parasitic fungus could attack
P. Recently butter has been found at
i he bottom of bogs in the old world.
It is believed iu some cases to be near
ly a thousand years old, and yet en
tirely fresh and good. These hints
certainly are of great value to the
practical person, who desires to see a
dollar and cent value in every scientific
idea. Meehan's Monthly.
MKPif'AL writer claim that the mircesflful
remedy lor nnsul rut rrh must !e non-irriutimi
eHy of npilirKlioii, and one that will reaeh
the remote aorew and uleerated surfaces. The
lUHtory of the ctlort to Ireat entarrh 1h proof
jKiMltlve that only one rein dy has eompletely
met Iheae conditions, and that ih Kly's Cream
iialrn. Thlti tiafe and pleaaent remedy ha
mastered catarrh as nothing else bag ever
done, and both physicians uud patients freely
concede tliU fact.
Keep I'p the Hglit.
It is true that the silver issue for
time, at least, has been laid aside," and
it is also true that if its enemies can
have their way it will be laid aside for
all time to come, and with it will be
laid the platform and the solemn
pledges of the democratic party. lint
this the Memphis Commercial believes,
is the very thing that makes it impor
tant that the people should choose sen
ators and representatives in congress
who will not consent to this "laying
aside'' of a question of such vital im
portance. Flight of the gn lCi.
As to the sneed which the migration
llights of birds are accomplished, Can
on Tristram, In the British Association
quoted Herr Gatkeas maintaining that
god wits and plovers can fly at the rate
of two hundred and forty miles an
hour. Dr. Jerdon had stated that the
spine-tailed swift, roosting in Ceylon,
would reach the Himalayas, one thou
sand miles, before sunset. In their or
dinary flight the swift was the only
bird the author ever knew to outstrip
an express train on the Great Northern
There is a time for everything when
the boarding-house cook makes hash.
Bingbamton Republican.
It takes a Danish express train a day
to travel 100 miles.
"I have been afflicted with nn nflVctinti
of th Throat from childhood, canned by
diphtheria, and have ued various rein
lien, bin have never found anything eitial
to Hmown's Bronchial Tbochkh."--G.
M. F. Hampton, I'ikrUm, A'y. Held only in
If some people who think they are
in tbefwim would open their eyes, they
would see tbey are In the soup.
There Is one thing about heaven that
should recommend it to the strictly
fashionable. It will be awfully select.
lATENTI an KNIIONt IKar. Nn advene fee.
Kitigerald Co., "itlhand G," Wahmgioo, D. t.
Hi'Uliali cia. Ifcm-oiil inaaoue. Sample port
paid,lvea4s.rOiUHU A MAK.IN OUalaaatt.O
Ely's Cream Bala
fries aTTSSTI
hard times con
cannot afford to
The Snow Hberie of IIih I'riiou i'aeinc.
With two and son'etimes three en
gines, our heavy train, now divided in
to two sections, climbed up the high
wall of the Sierra Nevada. We passed
through the magnificent scenery of
Shady run, Blue canyon and Giant and
Emigrant gaps. In running 107 miles
we had climbed neary 7,000 feet, some
times over very steep grades. Before
we reached the summit snow sheds be
gan to appear and soon became practi
cally continuous.
It was the month of May, and the
mountains were still covered deep with
snow. We rode through 40 miles ol
these wooden tuunels, from whose
windows we could now and then catch
glances ot wild wastes of snow covered
mountains and at other times of for
ests of pine and fir trees. Without
these sheds it would be impossible to
operate the road in winter. They are
built In the most thorough manner
often upon solid foundations of ma
sonryand are separated by Iron plates
into sections to guard against fire.
There are automatic electric fire
alarms in one of the longest sheds, and
a tank close at hand is kept ready to
Hood any section that should catch fire.
The sheds are patrolled and guarded in
a careful manner. Such attention is
due not only to the passenger and
freight traffic which the road conducts,
but to the value of the sheds, which
average from $8,000 to $ 12,000 per mile.
Several miles, where bridges and preci
pices made the construction dillicult,
cost as much as $30,000 per mile. Ob
server. A quarrelsome man nearly always be
lieves he is easy to get along with.
Young -Mothers
"Mothers' Friend"
Robs Confinement of Its Pain, Horror and Risk.
" After using one bottle of Mothers' Friend,' I suffered
but little pain, and did not experience that weakness afterward
usual in such cases. Mrs. Annie Gage, Baxter Springs, Kas.
Sent by express, charges prepaid, on receipt of price, fl.50 per bottle.
Sold by all Druggists. Book to Mothers mailed free.
W are lb Unreel grower of (arm and ( eublo aewli in the world. Wbsmk, OaVtaV
Barley, Corn, Glover Timothy, Qraim, I'oUtoee, etc., In enonooue quantttte. ljtt$
a Roman! Plant. 36 pkgg. earlieet VifHatle eeede, enough for a garden, pott
paid for $1 00. II pkfffj. late Vegetable let-de. 60c. Nay. our Great Northern Oata
yielded 218 both, from one bush, sown I Did you ever har the Ilkef Pk. of thieOafa
sJ-flV and catalogue free upon receipt of to In itamp. lo Farm Seed famplra. loo, with
Jr -araiopie, Ue. Oar great mtaloirue. i.TQ pagf , fnr & popfwge Write to-day.
jmrax tfl4i;raaag(sfflla
The Greatest Medical Discovery
of the Age.
Has discovered in one of our common
pasture weeds a remedy that cures every
kind of Humor, from the worst Scrofula
down to a common Pimple.
He has tried it In over eleven hundred
cases, and never failed except in two cases
(both thunder humor). He has now in his
possession over two hundred certificates
of its value, all within twenty miles of
Boston. Send postal card for book.
A benefit Is always experienced from
the first bottle, and a perfect cure is war
ranted when the right quantity is taken.
When the lungs are affected it causes
shooting pains, like needles passing
through them; the same with the Liver or
Bowels. This is caused by the ducts being
stopped, and always disappears in a week
after takiiiR it. Read the label.
If the stomach Is foul or bilious It will
cause squeamish feelings at first.
No change of diet ever necessary. Eat
the best you can get, and enough of it.
Dose, one tablespoonful .in water at bed
time. Sold by all DruRpisls.
N. N. V. No. H7A--V.
York, Neb.
viuwh warn to ao
"jam r mm mm
Tfe S-un iarasctor OUal Tr wm&m 17 poundi, feu If iMh
whewlg. wilfe 2-lscfc Urn. Vtaasi Una of teat wkml mn m tM
our. thm tbr mU mm w aitont Iu tmthm fgv U loor, ihu
HabllDf It ls Wired Mllf Teat sty 21 UlCgaM Wtd "' W
iwkM 1 0114V A irattos Krd it Mtuif put ia to ninAr the bot
tom Cfgitl. If ftWeVaa urn raqnirW, urrew boaria cm fa put in
sMitijAg ever I) eta! mi ia utter tb) soswr om, or, if wsW
bomrda r used, tkew will practically tnaka fid boards, sty
making thmt) tukta long nuofh and putts tif m end oom to.
It) aaata y bulky analeriai nay be haadled.
W ara nialiitig this ,ter 'iow a umple of onr work. W
rant to show tioar dim a thing we can make, and how rerklesa
ar in ths) natter of prte This Stel Truck li furimlisd at
3.60 eaab (3 eanta per pound), and t ccpi of a.4 vr,riruent
fo As g)r condition nariirsi in No 4. This it
The outer or tap aolt
extends the whole
leniith down to the
heel, protecting the
iioot hi riiL'giiiK mid in
other bard work.
nod don't be put off
with inferior goods.
Brings comfort and improvement and
tends to personal enjoyment when
rightly used. The many, who live bet
ter than others and enjoy life more, with
less expenditure, by more promptly
adapting the world's best products to
the'neeos of physical being, will attest
the value to health of the pure liquid
laxative principles embraced in the
remedy, Syrup of Figs.
Its excellence is due to its presenting
in the form most acceptable and pleas
ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of a perfect lax
ative ; effectually cleans.5?the system,
dispelling colds, headaches and feyera
ana permanently curing constipation.
It has given satisfaction to millions and
met with the approval of the medical
profession, because it acts on the Kid
neys, Liver and Bowels without weak
ening them and it is perfectly free from
every objectionable substance.
Syrup of Figs is for Rale by all drug
gists in 50c and $1 bottles, but it is man
ufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only, whose name is printed on every
package, also the name, Syrup of Figs,
and being well informed, you will not
accept anv substitute if offered.
.m?sfMr4lMBiMsis ),
We Offer You a Remedy
-Which Insures Safety to
Life of Mother and Child.
AV. 1,. IKHTtiLAS ft3 SHOV
equals custom work, cuetioy froan
$4 to $6, best value for the moaay
in the world. Name and nrice
stamped on the bottom. 0 Every
ir warranted. 1 ake no aubeti-
tute. S local paper for nill
description ol' our complete
mca tor ladioa and gen
tlemen or send tor it-
lustrattd Caialmgu
riving in.
how to Off.
derby mall. Postage free. You can get the beat
bargains of dealers who puth our shoea.
The St. Joseph and Grand Island S. R.
And In connec
Unn with Ihe
Union Pacific System
1 Tin ravoniTi boutk
To California, Oregon and all Western Points.
Fur Infortnatten rs Mill tig rate, etc., call ol
or arldrem anf arrtt ur H. M. Am it,
si. P. Rosixser), J , Oen. Pass. At.
Osn'l Manager, St. Joseph, Mo.
Vsnaaaaptlvee and people
who have weak lune or Asth
ma, should use Plso's Cure for
Onnaumptloa. It has eared
tbearanS. It has not Injur
ed one. It It not bad to take.
Ilia Urn beat eoafh ivrap.
8oM everrweere. sjae,