THE EASTER SYMBOL. I think of Eh m U Tha lasklnf skies, the uli elood. T fMtiox of a sorrow oe, A preatsaos para aa4 intle-breM. Thara comas tha f loom of nor fair rays. rbare hn 11 of fluom aod In, Ab1 down ths dew-bejerslad wax Th d of summer enter in, Ttaa past l sbriTrled let A written scroll so fads . VHik all it held of Joy or grief Merged Jo tbe glory of so-day. f weet hope foes down Into the tomb And takes frum death a f randsr life, Joy riu cros the voice of doom. Ai.d peace is gained by every strife. The eg enpauds it pulsin? wings, The twlc aaafcens Into flowers And from the soul ul man thc sprlnza The perfect age of fullest ; .,, era Over and nftr all la told, i he stari thtir orbit- atlll repeat, Eeaou lo senson buds unfold. And w .rids and atom meet and meet There Is bo lots, there Is no tain; Tuere is no ase of time or ;orce; And every act and thought and pain Are neetlng point in nai urn's course. And death la not! the rery rucks Await the resurrection m irn; And lire or sortu or change unlocks The old. and thus the pew 1 born. So may we live In perfect trust. And in the tempest aland serene. For U id sill re-create the dust Thou h countless a-'es iuterrene. The wrong shall vanish lo the rf j 'J Le evil melt Into the sod; b, For as the day includes tbe nlstht, Tbe false Is true when understood. Thus all is rounded la a song The song of hope, the son;? of youth. The music of a mighty throng On tbe e ernal hi, Is of Truth. O Spirit of the Easter time. To all the seet assurance give. An1 swell the sound In voire and cblme: "Though be ye Dead, yet shall ye Live" Richard Lew Dawson. EASTER MONDAY EGG ROLLING. A Custom Which I Pernllar to the White Houae. Egg rolling on F.a ter Monday Is I custom which Is peculiar to Washing ton. D. C. No one appea 8 to know its orisrin. but every Easter Monday, with In the meraorv of. the oldest inhabit ant, hundreds, and now evt-n thou sand)), of children have gathered in the "White House lot," the grounds south of the President s house, bring' ing bankets of gayly colored eggs and spending the day rolling them down the sides of the green knolls and frassy slopes. The day has gradually eveloped into an almost universal hol iday. The White House grounds are given up to the children from dawn to dark. Fathers, mothers, sis ers, aunts, and cousins come to look on, and it is in deed a beautiful sight to watch them -as they come from all directions, from near and from far: even before snnrie many may be seen waiting at the closed gates: at o'clock these are cpened wide, and the eatjer children, dred In holiday attire, flock in, each one carrying a basket or box of colored, .hard-boiled eggs There is no distinction; all classes -and conditions are equally welcome. Taere i-i no limit to age; the child who can ca;cely walk aloiie and the girl and b y of iti are alike welcome. Many of the woe tots are accomian'ed by colored nu ses, who, if we can judge toy their duijc,v faces all aglow with miles, expect to enjt y the pleasures of the day quite as much as the chil dren. Some very elegant carriages a -e driven to the grounds; in fact before noon there is a long line of them, and the drivers wait for hours while the little people enjoy the sport There is a certain way of rolling the eggs, and the tradition is that those who roll the greatest number without breaking auy are to be the most suc cessful In life. It Is interesting to watch the vountr folks whil they en- gage in this game, all seeming to fully appreciate tne Honor oi piaving non. Toer are truly the happiest of children as taelr merry laugh and joylul excla mation ring and echo throughout the a tire domain; nothing rude or dig tmrteons la heard or seen to mar the l2-Meat festivities). tM Inclosed grounds consist of about wtiWstj acrsa, naisdaof&ely laid out, oon- r -tar nra f grtmM fsmvtmi r --itr ttrr -statu r-rie Sb. l-'.v; EASTER FG5 ROLLINfJ AT THE WHITE HOL'?E AN EASTER IDOL. iscojeiel with broken egg shells i f va W as colon. A . 1 o c!ok the children I artak f their luncl.e ns. which consist la' gel, of co'.d-b iled eggs. At 2 o' 1 ck t e Pre ident has a reception for th.-m: he always rt ind at t ho do .r leading irora the east room into the !a ge hali, and as thev pas th-ough b siiiiie-, caks a word of we e me to all. and ; hanes hands with a man, as p ssible; sin-e there ae hundreds ja sing through, it is quite paid liable if a few are over- lo' ked. This Is the onlv da-, during the whole vear that the little folk are given fe access to t e White House and it grcunds, and tl.e heartily enjoy the privilege. si NEW EASTER CARDS. Tir e J of Offering; that Are Calru ated to Fit AU Tast. The display of Easter cards, that have become as much a feature of the, religious festival ,-eaon aa the ( hrist mas holidays, is more lavish this year ever, bays a New York piper. Not many new striking designs are to be seen, but the shop- given to thut sort of thing have filled their wind w 1ST rAVOE WITH TOl'WO PEOPLE. with a variety calculated to fit any financial posibillty, from the humble nickel to the haughty gold eagle. The beauty of the offerings only to be at- tained by the latter coin is lyond question, but there are plenty of charming things in the smaller and more modest that can happily fullill mmmm 5 GUd ifoyh AUjWyf ' Hk'-Wjakl' IS. fBOM A OAKt.HU their mission a a token of remem-On-j that is ere- j brance and regard. clally taking with young people is tho novel arrangement oi a uove on a cara so that when the card Is set upright by means of the ret at the back, the handsome bird tilts forward and has an unusually natural appearance of flying. An old church tower and the moon rlsliur over the trees at tbe back, with other doves hovering about, oarry out the pleasing affect A mora eitMnslve token la in tha ftnaof arlaa4of E tar songs. This haa Mvartl trssjs attrar lively Ulaml sal 0 fiowan aaa abUdrw amid oiUai sX 3Vt WfTsttftV 9fPS f sV"'a'Vt I Another i- a framework of g ld and Mlver. f o-u which hang tnr.e tns. ines twine ab.ut the timlrers, and J BiilOlNa OCT THS GLAD TIDIKO& doves and flowers below fill out the picture. Perforated cards with the lettering ornamented with gold and silver and angels' hea .s at the corners are catch ing They are small and cheap. There are al-o very pretty ones in folding shape that display fl'owe s and appro priate verses when ojiened. A gra e ul card with ex juisite color ing is of two calla lilies and clustering forget-me-nots, with a mxm and cro-s in the distance. The sentiment is "A Joyful Easter." The tints are delicate grays, bluos, greens and gold. It is as preity a card for a cheap one as c uld be wished for. An Kaaur Whipplns;. It was nearly dut-k. It had 1 e"n a typical Eater a beatiful, sunshiny morning. Tbe well-di eased throng of church-goers on their way to morning service had stopped atrain and again am ng themnelvee to comment on the beaut of the day. In the afternoon it had" still been "clear, but the frei-h we-tern wind had begun to blow. And now it was growing late. The fog the cold, damp, t.asty fog was rolling in from the ocean. The wind made her shiver as she stood on the street corner. She was not big enough to be out at that time, when every one was hurry ing homeward, even if she had been ciad towithftund that weternj wind. She couldnt have been more than seven. lie came whit-t'ing around the cor ner. He must have been ten. and no cold c uld get in through the thick overcoat he w re. V h .tcher cry-in' for?" "I'm co. a." He came up clcn-o, looked around to see that no one was looking, whipped off the oven oat and put it ar. und her. "I've got lotn more homo." Then he vanished into the modest little home up tho street "Where is your overcoat?" "Uwt it." He got a whipping for being care less, but he'd sooner take ten whip pings than confess to anything like soft-h eartedness. How to Piepar? E inter Ekk. r,e way is to put them for a few minut s in hot water, and then write with tallow a name or design, flower or ornament, on either hide of the egg, Then boil it in wate in which a col ored solution or dye has been put The col r will not adhere to the part of tho el ell which has been touched with the tallow, and whatever has been drawn will le quite white. Eggs boiled in loir wood will be vioiet or purple, and with a pin or knife one may scratch on the shell any design do-dred. An EaL-r I'roceswlonal. Let usslnit of bright morn breaking From the glorious east; Lilies fair their sheaths forsaking; Larks lo light their music making; Plo the song of wings and waking That beats onr feast! Apple boughs In white are dressing, And In heaven' hlus arrb Little clouds, like cheruhs preeslng Hank on rank with cheeks careening, bed toelr softneea like a blessing On i ur )oyful march) Mcbolaa r?TCa Ss t-' W w 3SK- WOMflJI IBHH8T VOHAfl. BY MRS. M. rairTEl XL-Coatisua, ui don't know -to Italy, perhaps, where I met him. I believe ne ban a ca.-lle or an ettta'e out there. He may have they may have gone to it 'Hoy, you will do nothing rah? Promise me, for your mother's sake. liememlier, ihe lias on'v ou." "1 shall avenge mv honor." the Earl answered quietly. "Hut you, Valerie," r.e went on, gently, "you win not leave my mother.- sh? loves j-ou. It is a great thing to ak you do-to give up your !i(o,yoi;r pleasures, to le with her - but I t eg it as a favor." Valerie felt her ttiroit choke. "There is no hardship 1 would not submit to for your mother s sake," she replied. The Karl rai'-d her hand lo his li. "Thank vou, Vaierie'" he said rim ply. "Tell my mother I am coining to seak to her soon, i want her to l'O to ht:r iavorite house in Si-otland for a little time, or anywhere, h he must leave here." Valerie smiled faintly, ami turned away a he entered tne library. ' All goes well, ' she iriiirmim d to her-lf. "He pia s me to retrain he w ill find noon he cannot do without me, and Ijniy Alice will be forgotten, l oes he l.jve her U he suffering Irtim his heart or his ride at htfr ili'ht' Pride. I am certain: he is a Darrell, and t lu-refore dichorier is to him the greatest of all evils. Now, it only wants . I ura to send the rcjxirt of her d-ath. and the game is mine. 1 feel free, light as air, after a long, wretched, dark imprisonment. Paul gone from my path - happiness before mel'' The Earl shut the door of tho library, an.' drawing a etiuir to tho table buried his (a-e on hU folded arms. He was simply t tunned by the news of Alice's faithlessness and sin: the vision of her swi-et I eauty haunted him, and even, when proofs were strongest against her. the thought of her innate purity and goodness would come likes I' ash of light. , He remeniliered her as he held her for that few brief seconds in his arms that' night in the conservatory: it was the face of an angel in its fair love liness. Such a woman could not sin! Yet how could ho explain the cir cumstances? Look which way he might he saw nothing but tho most damning and conclusive evidence of her guilt. A knock at the door roused him, and his man Mason entered There's a gentleman wants to see you. my Lord," he said quietly. "1 can see no one, the l-Jirl replied hastily. "He told me to give you this card, and beg you to see him "for a few min utes, my Lord." The Earl took the card. "Frank Merredith staying with Armistead at the Grange. Well, let him come in, Mason. Mason bowed, and in a lew seconds returned, ushering in Frank Meredith. I must aiKilogize for Intruding on your privacy,' Ird Darrell. rrank be gan courtcous-ly, "but I wish to speak with you most particularly. The Earl bowed; he seemed to know his guest's face. "lou are .looking at me, I see, Frank went on. "We have met Itefore. Do you remember, & few days ago. you had a riding partv to the old abbey ruins?" The Earl reminated. "Ves, I remember now. You are the gentleman who very kindly as sisted mytne tho Countess of Dar rell. 1 thank you. sir, lor " Hoy's voice failed Frank went on quickly: LAru itarreu, u is not a moment to mince matters. I know your trouble. I think I can appreciate your grief. I have come hero to tell you I think you have boon tho victim of some horrible treachery." Hoy s. heart stood still, .then Deat quicker than ever. "Go on, he said in low tones. "I had tha honor of ashort conversa tion with Lady Darrell, that morning at the ruins and, thinking her a neg lected, torrowful woman, urged by some strange feeling I begged her to let mo lo her friend. After a mo ment's hesitation she agreed, and I handed her two cards with my ad dross, one at the Grange and the other in London. She promised me if sho ever needed help she would aend for me. Have those cards teen discovered?" Hoy rose hurriedly. "I "will ring for her maid and ask." He paced the lloor In wildest agita tion till Davis came. How ho re proached himself! A stranger had read her misery, anu ne was ounu. Davis knew nothing of tho cards. "I have looked through everything, my lord," she said, coming back after a time. "They are nowhere. My dear mistress left all her clothes. She had ,.. u i.i. ..m. t- v.,.- ,. w on OulV tier winuu nun iajiuiiuii, nui V. . ... . , . T and hat. Uh. dear: l leei something terrible has happened to her." The Earl waved her away.and Frank only waited till the maid had gone. Then he walked up to the Earl. "Did you bear that? Would any wo man deliberately go away in this damp cold weather, clad only in a dressing gown? I am convinced there Is some treachery. Listen: I came over here at Armiwtead's request. Lastnlghtwe were sitting up late, when we heard a slight noise, and going to discover what it was, we discovered two men crouching outside the bouse. They fled like hares. We chatted them. They took the direction of the Abbey ruins. Two nights before I Imagined I heard something outside, but I took no notice of it. Armistead haa gone up to town to bring down a couple of detectives, and wo will get to the bot tom of the atlalr. I have come to tell you this, and so support my theory that tbe disappearance of t he (date and dia monds U all part of a systematic rob bery." "Yea, ves: but " Roy had risen In his excitement. "You mean, how does this account for Lady Darrell s disappearance also? I cannot explain that; but something talis me she is in trouble, and needs our assistance. But you look pale, Lord Darrell. Let me get you some brandy, " "It la nothing, only your views upset ma. It la dreadful to think of-of her, Crhaps in danger, and I cannot halp r. Wt shall ws do?" E. HOLMES. Hoy had covered his face with his bands and now looked up. "Lo!" echoed Frank; "put the de tectives on the track at once. Will you ride with me now as far as the Abbey? We might reconnoitre and tind out something. " us start at once. Have you a horse' No.' Then I will order two." The Earl seied the bell. "Two saddle horses, Mason, without delay. Mr. Meredith, vou have giien me the first moment of gudness cince that dreadful morning. Vou have I given me hope.'' "Io not in' tot) sanguine," Frank ob served quickly. 'They are only my own idi-as on the artalr. I have no proof: but to convict Lady Karrell of such odious crinn-s seems to me im-pos-ihlt. Mio has the face of an angel. If ever human eyes spoke the truth, hers did." ! "Why have not I hail this faith'" ' cried Jsoy passionately. '-I should not I have wasted three days, liut come, the horses are there; we can start at once.' "Do you know anything atxtut this Count Jura? Where did you lirst meet him.-' Frank nsked us bo mounted, j "in Italy. He represented himself as a scion of a noble and ancient house, and certainly I found him charming. Why no you ask?" "Jiecause Arinistt ad scctus to think him a a ouwlrol: but you will meet ; Goof to-night and learn more." J Valerie Hubs heard the sound of '; horses on the path and looked from the window. As she saw Hoy ride away I hastily with a stranger her heart con tracted as with fear. What had hap i pened? Sup oxe they had traced Quint Jura, and Alice was found. !she sum moned her maid, and. after much ques tioning of MuMon, alerie s fear died away. Hoy tuts gone lor was sa'o as yet. a rido. All CHAI'TEK XII. Alice lay unconscious half through tho night that followed her alxluc tion; sue tossed and turned in her fever; her liw murmured words inco herently: her small hands were held out as if tiegging for pity. She knew not that Myra Burden sat beside her through the silent hours long after the voices had sunk down in the next room, patiently and tenderly watching and tending her. The chloroform hai made her fever ish: tho shock of seeing Count Jura simply prostrated her, A vague dream of horrors filled her brain. Valerie's malignant face, Count Jura's dark eyes, haunted her like de mons: then for a moment would come blessed happiness, as Hoy's tender, handsome countenance floated before her, only to melt again into terrifying figures of Myra and her mother, bring ing that sense of dread and horror. 'Yes.'' mused Myra, an she sat in the long night silence, ever and again moistening Alice's parched lips with water: -'she is here against her will and knowledge, he has evidently car ried her away drugged and Insensible. Who is she? A lady, her hands are white. I will help her; my heartburns ! against her, she Is in my txiwer, yet I cannot do her harm. It is lie who shall ' suffer. He loves her," she shuddered: I ''yes, there was a look on his face he never gave me he shall suffer. 1 will get her away, b..t how.' Let mo , think As she pondered, Alice moved over restlessly; the actions caused two cards to fall from her po ket to the ground. Myia picked them up. "'Frank Meredith, the Grange.' Why that's the next plant! Is he a friend, or perhaps her husband. The same name 'Savile row. London!' This is luck. I will keep them, and George shall find out." The words died away In a stilled shriek, a hand was placed over her mouth, another snatched the cards from her. This was done by Count Jura: he had pushed aside the curtains nolBelessly; i nao waicneu mo gin sitting ijuicuy, had listened to her half-whiHj.ered ! musings, and when sho picked up tho ' cards ho dashed forward and grasped ; them. "So. you viper, you are planning against me, are you.'" he hissed, draw im.' her by a tigfit holt, into the other vault. "Treacherous - eh?" "Yes, treacherous if you like,'' Myra answered sullenly, snatching her arm from his hand: '-though it is not from you such words should come, George Vox.' "Hush!" Count Jura, glanced round fearfully ''dare to breath that name again and I'll " "Kill mo? Well, dolt. What have got to live for.' You've treated mo like the dirt under your foot, George." Myra flashed her great black eyes on him like scorching stars. "Do you ever think of my ruined heart, of all ' the misery I am suffering.of my degre- . , , , . . . - rluttnn if t h ac h i rtt void, the never- , dying despair." ' ,'ir ho. " h-r brjast as she snoke i assionately "1 know all about that," returned the man, coolly. "I am not in the mood for recrimination, Myra, so I tell you plainly." 'Have you forgotten all you swore to me? Have you forgotten your promise that I should bo your wife.'" "Yes," he said, quietly with a sneer. Myra shrank back; his crueUcoldness cowed her, she could say no more. She turned, and sinking on to a mattress, burled her face in her hands. The Count frowned, then ho ap proached her. "There, Myra, don't bo a fool! We have had our sunshine, and it is gone, liut we noedn't quarrel, we are friends, you and I, Myra; I can't do without you, I swear it'" "George, do you m'-an that?" The words had gone through tho girl like an electric shot. . "Mean it? Of course 1 do! There give me a kiss to mend the quarrel." Myra shrank back. Then a thought seemed suddenly to come to her, she lifted her 111 for the careless caress; but as the Count turned aside for an instant, she brushed away the touch with a shudder. "Now you are my wise Myra once more. I want your help. This plate must be got to Ncstley town, en route for London, in tha morning. You will take it?" Ho glanced at her Ind I fie r-atlr. Myra made ny outward sign aa tha answered, "vVell?" "Tbe Darrell diamuuds cannot be dis posed of here. I shall take them abroad. I will be gone only about a week; during that time you must look afwr everything as yo I know how to. Keep your eyeon Faul; he is growing sulky. I half expect him to bolt. Your mother, too, must not venture to Nest ley again. She leu out too much when the lio.uor is in her. We must all move up to headquarters as soon as the job is done at the Grange, and I come back. You will do all I ask, Myra?" "Ves." Myra answered, slowly, then she added, "And she does she stay here wah me?" Co int Jura hesitated. "Ves," he replied: then with a care less nod he went out through the cur tains into the assage, to the corner in which the men slept Myra stood glaring after him. "He lies to my face. Traitor! cow ard! villian But though mv hands are tied now and I scorn helpless, I shall lind a way, and he shall learn what it is to break the heart of Myra Burden!' CMAITKK III. Myra crept lmck to the inner room. Alice was not awake, but sho was mur muring in her sleep. The other girl drew a rug over the stone lb or and ciouched down on it to get a littio rest. she burned with a fever of pain, jealousy, and shame in her heart, but her hanuH were cold as ice. As she lay down on the rug the mem ory of by-gone days came to her-dim visions of a tiny house and shop in a crowdi ii city, where her mother was busy all day. She could barely remember her father, though away in tho misty past she seemed to recall a tall, dark man who returned but seldom to his home, and always t'tssed her on his shoulder and played with her. Sho knew now that he had been 8 sailor, anil that he was dead. Then years passed and she could see plainer. Her mother left the sho) they lived in - a dingy, dirty locality; their lives were strange. Housed at tho dead ol night to admit men with bundles and packages, she learned to know them ail. and as she blossomed from a bud into a lovely flower, she grew to wel come one wkh a flutter at her heart. For Geoii?P she hail always a sinilf, and in return she got many stolen glimpses of happiness. George admired her beautv. lie loved to deck out her dark locks Id glittei ing jewels, clothe her in silken robes, and let her walk alxiut the dingey house like tome beautiful star caught in a prison. Myra loved this man with all the warmth and passion she inherited from her Spanish father. Her mother cared nothing aliout the intimacy one way or another, except that, sho let Myra amuse George; it kept him in a good terrier, and he was a man to be feared and fawned to. Ho was the most daring of tho whole gang; a gentleman by birth, of unex ceptional manners, be mingled with the very jicople whose houses he robtnjd. Myra waa IS when she first realized what her mother's calling wan-the receiver of stolen goods! It did not shock her. x She had no knowledge of the sin it was. Her companions had kept her In . the dark so long, merely to prevent her talking, and when she knew the truth she was inditterent. George was one of them, and what George did was hallowed in her eyes. But there came a time when Myra'e dream was shattered. George wearied of her love; he come loss o.'ten: then he announced that it was decided between Haul I toss and himsell that he should go to Italy, got introduced to Hoy Darreil, become hit friend and thus rob Darrell Catlo ol some of its world-famous treasures. The whole gang was ordered tc find their way to the Abbey ruins. Haul Boss know them well: he had lived in their nipuldy vaults during the whole time his sister was luxuri ously lodged as Iady Barrel's guest. Vith sullen sorrow Myra went aliout her work. George went off to Italy without a word, and dosqair and grief had eaten her heart nearly nway when the build ing fire of jealously was added to her burden, and transformed her at once into a woman full of cares and thought of veil geance. Alice's lair loveliness was a sight that brought the flush of agony to her dark cheek; tho knowledge that George loved her was a very sword thrust Into her bleeding heart, and filled her eyes with unshed teau. TO UKCONT1NCEI). Chinese Paper Weights. The odd little paper weights;, cups, seals, howls, teapots, animal figures, Idols, and knickknacks in soap tone of various shades, which traveler! bring from China, are made, for the most part, from the output of nilneg near Wenchow. When the steatite Is taken out It Is very soft, but bard ens quickly in the air. As to the colors there found the British Consul at Wenchow enumerates purple, red, mottled red, black, dark blue, light blue, gray, egg-shell white, Jade color, beeswax aud frozen color. T. e white, Jade color and frozen are considered the finest and bring high prices. There are two thousand miners and carvers employed in these mines. Tornado-Proof Houses. An Interesting idea from the west Is a tornado-p oof house. It revolves on a pivot, with a big weather-vane at one end and a six-pound cannon look ing out of a port-hole at the other. When a revolving storm cloud strikes the dwelling tbe latter necessarily turns to face it, and the slx-pounder Is automatically discharged Into the face of t ie 'twister," destroying It This notion Is adopted from tbe well known practice of MriD guns from ships at waterspouts which approach dangerously near. Milwaukee Jour nal. ' The snake a man sees when he Is wrestling with severe attack of de llrutum trem nsare not water snake. This Is reliable It is said that If a married man puu a piece of bride's cake under bit pillow, he will dream of the girl be didn't ge