The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, March 22, 1894, Image 1

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    III lllllhiMII II
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The Sioux County Journal,
"Th. rntried Soldier Want Forth to Io
Haiti Agaliut Sin with the World Ar
rayed Ag-alntt II I tn How the Victor
Treated tha Concurred.
At the Taheraarle.
From the startling- figure of the text
ehtxion by Hov. Dr. Talmajrc in hU bt
tnon in the Brooklyn Tabernacle Sun
day, the Dreacher brought out the
radical truthsof the Ohrihtian religion.
It wag sacramental day in the Talier--tiade.
The subject of the aermon wa
''Christ the Conqueror," the text being
Indian lxlii, 1, "Whola thiathatoometh
from KUom, with dyed garments from
lio .'.rah - this thut is glorioes in Hi
p arel, traveling in the great ne of
Kdora and liorah having been the
-one of fierce battle, when those wonU
are lined here or in any oilier part of
the Hi Vile, they are figures of sw;on
rtting forth tu-encs of nevero conflict.
As now we often use the word Waterloo
to descriiie a decisive contest of any
kind, so the words Dorah and Mom in
this text are figures of H;ech descrip
tive of a scene of great slaughter.
Whatever else the j rophet may have
meant to describe, he most certainly
meant to depict the lird Jesus Christ,
aying, "Who is this that cometh from
K!om, with dyed garments from l5o.
rah. traveling in the greatness of His
When a general isaliout to go out to
the wars, a Hag and a sword are puli
licly presented to him, and the maidens
bring flowers, and the young men load
the canon, and the train starts amid a
huzza that drowns thelthunder of the
wheels and the shriek of the whistle.
Hut all this will give no idea of the ex
citement that there must havo lieen in
Heaven when Christ started out on the
campaign of the worlds conquest. If
they could have forseen the siege that
would be laid to Him, and the mal
treatment He would suffer, and the bur
dens He would have to carry, and the
battles Ho would have toght, I think
there would have loerya million vol
unteers in Heaven wJk would have in
sisted on coming a)nng with Him. Hut.
no, they only aci:iipaniod Him to the
gate, their hut shout heard clear down
to the earth the space between thri
two worbfs bridgod with a g"eat
' The I'ntlred Molriler.
. - "fou know there Is a wide difference
. ' between a man's troing off to Vattle and
coming back again. When ho goes off,
It U with epaulets untangled, with
banner unapecked, with horses sleek
and shining from the groom. All that
there is of struggle and pain Is to come
yet. So it was with Christ. Ho had
not yet fouht a battle. He was start
ing out, and though this world did not
give Him a warm hearted greeting
there was a gentle mother who folded
Him In her arms, and a baltc finds no
difference between a stable and a
palace, between courtiers and camel
drivers. As Jesus stejqied on the stage
of this world, it was amid angelic
shouts in the galleries and amid the
kindest maternul ministrations.
Hut soon hostile forces began to
gather. They deployed from the ian
hoarin. They were detailed from the
standing army. They rarao out from
the Ciesarean castles. The vagalionds
in the street joined tie gentlemen of
the mansion. Spirits rode up from
hell, and in long array there came a
force together that threatened to put,
to rout this newly arrived one from
Iloaven. Jesus now seeing the battle
gathering lifted hisown standard. Hut
who gathered alsiut it'
How feeble the recruits! A few
shoremen, a blind beggar, a woman
With an alabaster box, another woman
with two mites and a group of friend
less, moneyless and positionlos people
came to His standard. What chance
was there for Him';' Nazareth against
Him. Bethlehem against Him. Ca
pernaum against Him. Jerusalem
airain.-t Him. Galilee against Him.
The courts against Him. The army
against Him. The throne against Him.
The world aganst Him. All hell
against Him.
No wonder they a-ked Him to sur
render. Hut Ho could not surronder;
He could not Apologize; Ho could not
take any back steps. He had come to
strike for the deliverance of an en
slaved race, and He must do the work.
Then they sent out their pickets to
watch Him. They saw in wnat house
He went and when Ho came out. They
watched what Ho ate and who with,
what He drank and how much. They
did not dare to make their final assault,
for they know not but that behind Him
there might be a re-enforcement that
was not seen.
Hut at last the battle came. It was
to Ve more fierce than liozrah. more
bloody than Gettysburg, involving
more than AusterliU, more combatants
employed than at Chalons, a ghastlier
L'onllict than all the bat ties of the earth
put together, though Edmund Hurko'n
estimate of thirty-live thousand million
of its slain be accurate. The day was
Friday. The hour was between 12 and
3 o'clock. The field was a slight hil
lock northwest of Jerusalem. The
forces en gsged were earth and hell,
joined as allies on one side, and Heaven,
represented by a solitary Inhabitant on
the other.
An I'neven Itattl.
, The hour name. Oh, what a time It
was! I think that day the universe
looked on. The spirits that could be
spared from the hoavonly temple and
could get conveyance of wing or char
iot came down from ahovo, and spirits
getting furlough from beneath came
up, and thev listened, and thoy looked,
and they watched. Oh, what an un
nven battle! Two worlds armed on
one side, an unarmed man on the other.
The regiment of the Horn an army at
that tins start toned at Jerusalem be
faath atttvolc. Tay knew how to
fight, for they belonged to the most
tborouf bljr drilled annjr of all the
world. With spears glittering in the
sud they charged up the hilL The
horses prance and rear amid the ex
citement of the populace, the heels of
the riders plunged in tae flanks, urg
ing them on.
The weapons begin to tell on Christ.
See how faint he looks! There the
blood starts, ana there and there and
there. If he is to have reinforcements,
let him call them up now No, he
must do this work aloue alone. Ho
is dying. Keel for yourself of the
wrisi; the pulse is feeble. Keel under
the arm: the warmth is less. He is
dying. Aye, they pronounce him dead.
And just at that moment that they
pronounced him dead he rallied, and
from his wounds he unsheathed a
weapon which staggered .the Human
legions down the hill and hurled the
satanio battalions into the pit. It was
a weapon of love infinite love, all con
quering love. Mightier than javelin
or spear, it triumphed over all. l'ut
back, ye armies of earth and heir?
The tide of battle turns. Jesus hath
overcome. Let the people stand apart
.and make a line thut he may pass
down from Calvary to Jerusalem, and
thence on and on all around the world,
The battle is fought. The victory is
achieved. The triumphal march is
begun Hark to the hoofs of the war
rior's stead and the tramping of a
great multitude, for He has many
friends now. The hero of earth and
Heaven advances. Cheer! cheer! '"Who
is this that cometh from Kdom, with
dyed garments trom ltozrah, traveling
in the greatness of his strength?"
We tiehold here a new revelation of
a blessed and startling fact. I'eojilo
talk of Christ as though he was going
to do something grand 'for us after
awhile. Ho has done it. l'eople
talk as though ten or twenty years
from now, in the closing hours of our
life, or In some terrible p:iss of life,
Jesus will help us. He has done the
work already. He did it l.Hiil years
ago. You might as well talk of VVasli
inirton as though he was going to
achieve our national independence in
l!"o as to speak of Christ as though He
were troing to achieve our salvation in
the future. He did it in the year of
our Iord .'13 I years ago -on the
field of Ho.rah, the Captain of our sal
vation lighting unto death tor your
and for my emancipation.
Ail wo have todo is to accept that
fact in our heart of hearts, and we are
free for this world and free for the
world to come. Hut lest we might not
accept Christ comes through here to
day, ' traveling in the greatness of his
strength." not to tell you that He is go
ing to fltfbt for you somo battle in the
future, but to tell you that the battle
is already fought and the victory al
ready won.
You have noticed that when soldiers
come home from the wars they carry
on their flag the names of the battle
fields' where they were distinguished.
The Knglishman coming hack has on
his banner Inkerman and Balaklava;
the Frenchman, Jena and Eilau; the
German, Versailles and Sedan. And
Christ has on the banner He carries as
cotfqueror the names of 10,000 battle
fields He won for you and for me. Ho
rides past all our homes of bereave
ment, by the doorbell swathed in sor
row, by the wardrotie black with woo,
by the dismantled fortress of our
Come out and greet Him to day, O
ve people! Seethe names of all the
battle parses on His Hag. Ye who are
poor, read on this ensign the story of
Christ's hard crusts and pillowless
head. Ye who are persecuted, read
here of the rufiians who chased Him
from His first breath to His last.
Mighty to soothe your troubles, mighty
to bafk your calamities, mighty to
tread down your foes, "traveling in the
greatness of His strength." Though
His horse bo brown with the dust of
the march, and the fetlocks be wet
with the carnage, and the bit bo rod
with the blood of your spiritual foes,
Ho comes up now. not exhausted from
the battle, but fresh as when Ho went
into it-coming up from Hozrah, "trav
eling in the greatness of His strength."
How .Ihhuh Treat 111 Captiiei.
You know that when Augustus and
Constantino and and Titus camo
bach from t he wars, what a time there
was. You know they came on horse
back or in chariots, and thpro were
trophies lieforo, and there wore eai
tlves liehind, and there were pooplo
shouting on all sides, and there wero
garlands Hung from the window, and
over the highway a triumphal arch
was sprung. The solid masonry to-day
at Bonevento, Jtimini, and Homo still
tell their admiration for those heroes.
And shall we let our conqueror go
without lifting any acclaim? Havo we
not flowers red enough to depict the
carnage, white enough to elubrato
the victory, fragrant enough to breathe
the iov?
Those men of whom I just soko
dragged their victims at the chariot
wheels, but Christ our Lord takes
those who once were captives and in
vites them Into His chariot to ride,
while He puts around them the arm of
His strength, saying, "I have loved
thee with an everlasting love, and the
waters shall not drown it, and the lires
shall not burn it, and eternity shall not
exhaust it."
If this bo true, I cannot soo howjany
man can carry his sorrows a great
while. If this cdiiquoror from Ho rah
is going to heat back all vour griefs,
why not trust him? Oh, do you not feel
under this gospel your griefs falling
ha k and your tears drying up as you
hear the tramp of a thousand illustri
ous promises led on by the conqueror
from Ho.rah, "traveling, traveling, in
the greatness of his strength?"
The Heath of Mil.
On that Friday which the F.plscopal
Church rlghtiy celebrates, calling It
"Good Fridav," vour soul and mine
were contended for. On that day Jesus
proved himself mightier than earth
and hell, and when the lances struck
Him He gathered them up into a
sheaf, as a reaper gather the grain,
and he stalked them. Mounting the
horse of the Apocalypse, He rod a down
through th 4 ages, ''traveling in the
greatness of his strength." On that
day your sin and i ine erished. if we
willonly believe it.
There may be some one here who
may say: "I don't like the color of
this conqueror's garments. You tell
me that His garments were not only
spattered with the blood of conflict,
but they were soaked, that they
were saturated, that they were
dyed In it." I admit it. You sav
you do not like that. Then I quote to
you two passages ot Scripture: "With
out the shed lingol blood there is no
remission." "In the blood is the atone
ment." But it was not your blood. It
was His own. Not only enough to red
den His garments and to redden His
horse, but enough to wash away the
sins of the world. Ob, the blood on
His brow, the blood on His feet, the
blood on His side! It seems if an
artery must have been cut.
Tbere In o fountain ltlle.1 with blood
lirawu from lmm&nusl't veins.
And niDnerrt plunKed beuuatb tbat fiood
Low nil their guilt; lalui.
Blood for Blood.
At 2 o'clock to-morrow afternoon go
among the places of business or toil. It
will be no ditlicult thing for you to find
men who, by their looks, show you
that they are overworked. They are
prematurely old. They are hastening
rapidly toward their decease. They
have gone through crises in business
that shattered their nervous sys
tems and pulled on the brain. They
have a shortness of breath, and a pain
in the back of the head, und at night
an insomnia that alarms them.
Why are they drudging at business
early and late? For funv No; it would
be difficult to extract any amusement
out of that exhaustion. Because they
are avaricious? In many cases no.
Because their own personal expenses
are lavish? No: a few hundred dollars
would meet all their wants. The sim
ple fact is, the man is enduring all
that fatigue and exasperation and wear
and tear to keep his home prosperous.
There is an invisible line reaching
from that store, from that bank, from
that shop, from that scaffolding, to a
quiet scene a few blocks, a few miles
away, and there is the secret of that
business endurani e. He is simply the
champion of a homestead, for which
he wins bread and wardrobe and edu
cation and prosperity, and in such bat
tle 10,iHH) men fall. " Of ten business
men whom I bury, nine die of over
work for others. Some sudden disease
finds them with no power of resistance,
and they are gone. Life tor life.
Blood for blood. Substitution!
At 1 o'clock to-morrow morning, the
hour when slumber is most uninter
rupted and most profound, walk amid
the dwelling houses of the city. Here
and there you will find a dim light,
because It is the household custom to
keep a subduoi light burning, but
most of the houses from base to top are
as dark as though uninhabited. A
merciful God has sent forth the arch
angel of sleep, and he puts his wings
over the city. But yonder is a clear
light burning, and outside on the win
dow easement a glass or pitcher con
taining food for a sick child. The food
is set in the fresh air.
This is the sixth night that mcther
has sat up with that hufTerer. She has
to the last point obeyed the physician's
prescription, not giving a crop too
much or too little, or a moment too
soon or too late. She is very anxious,
for she has buried three children with
the same disease, and she prays and
weeps, each prayer and sob ending
with a kirg of the pale cheek. By dint
of kindness she gets the little one
through the ordeal. After it is all
over the mother is tiken down. Brain
or nervous fever sets in, and one day
she leaves the convalescent child with
a mother's blessing and goes up to join
the three in tho Kingdom of Heaven.
Life for life. Sulistitution!
The fact is Unit there are an un
counted number of mothers who, after
1hey havo navigated a large family of
children through all the diseases ol in
fancy and got them fairly star;ed up
the flowering slope of boyhood and
girlhood, have only strength enough
left to die. They fade away. Some
call it consumption, somo call it nerv
ous prostration, some call it intermit
tent or malarial disposition, but I call
it martyrdom of the domestic circle.
Life for life. Blood for blool. Sub
stitution! A Mother's Hurrltlup.
Or perhaps the mother lingers long
enough to soo a son got on the wrong
road, and his former kindness heroines
rough reply when she expresses anxi
ety about bin. But she goes right
on, looking carefully after his apparel,
remembering his every birthday with
some momento, und when ho is brought
home worn out with dissipation nurses
him till he gets well and starts hiin
again and hoes and expects and prays
and counsels and suitors until her i
strength gives out and she fails. She
is going, and attendants, lionding over '
her pillow, ask her if she has any mes-
sage to leave, and she makes great ef
fort to say something, but out of three
or four minutes of Indistinct utterance !
they can catch but throe words "My '
poor Isiy!" The slmplo fact Is she died
for Him. Life for life. Sulis'itution!
AlKjut thirty-three years ago there
went forth from our homes hundreds
of thousands of men to do battle for
their country. All the poetry or war I
soon vanished and left them nothing j
but tho terrible prose. They waded
knee doej) in mud. They slept in snow
banks. They marched till their cut
feet tracked tho earth. They wore
swindled out of their honest rations
and lived on meat not fit for a dog.
They had jaws all fractured, and eyes
extinguished, and limbs shot away. I
Thousands of them cried for water as ,
they lay dying on the field the night i
after tho battwi and got it not. They
wore homesick and received no mes- ,
sago from their loved ones. Thoy died
in hams, In bushes, in ditches, the buz
zards of the summer heat the only at
tendants on their obsequies.
No one but the Infinite God, who
knows everything, know tho ten thou
sandth part of the length and breadth
and depth and heightof angufch of the
Northern and Southern battlefields.
Why did these fathers leave their chil
dren and go to the front, and why did
these young men, postponing the mar
riage day. start out into the proba
bilities of never coming back? For the
country they died. Life for life. Blood
forliloed. Substitution!
Ifut v neetf not go bo lar. What is
that monument in Greenwood? It is to
the doctors wno fell in the Southern
epidemics. Why go? Were there not
enough sick to be attended in these
northern latitudes? Oh, yes, but the
do tor puts a tew medical books in his
valise and some viale of medicine, and
leaves his patients lie re in the hands
of other physicians, and. takes the rail
train. Before he gets to the infected
regions he passes crowded rail trains,
regular and extra, taking the flying
ami affrighted populations. He ar
rives in a city over which a great hor
ror is brooding. He goe from couch
to couch, feeling of pulse and studying
of symptoms, and prescribing day after
day, night after night, until a fellow
physician says: "Doctor, you had better
go home and rest. You look misera
ble." '
But he cannot rest while so many
are suffering. On and on until some
morning finds him in a delirium, in
which he talks of home and then rises
and says he must go and look aer
those patients. He is told to lie down,
but he fights his attendants until he
falls back and is weaker and weaker
and dies for people with whom he had
no kinship, and far away from his own
family, and is hastily put away in a
stranger's tomb, and only the filth part
of a newspaper lino tells us of his sac
rifice -his name just mentioned among
five. Yet He has touched the furthest
height of sublimity in that three
weeks of humanitarian service. He
goes straight as an arrow to t he bosom
of Him who said. "1 was sick, and ye
visited me." Life for life. Blood for
blood. Substitution!
Some of our modern theologians who
want to give God lessons about the
best way to save the world tell us they
do not want any blood in their redemp
tion. They wantto take this horse by
the bit and hurl him back on his
haunches and tell this rider from Hoz
rah to go around some other way. Look
out, lest ye fall under the Hying hoofs
of this horse: lest ye go down under
the sword of this con uurer from Boz
rah! What meant the blood of the
pigeons in the old dispensation, the
blood of the bullock, the blood of the
heifer, the blood of the lamb? It
meant to prophesy the cleansing
blood, the pardoning blood of this con
queror who comes up from Bozrah,
"traveling in the greatness of his
, I catch a handful of the red torrent
that rushes out from the heart of the
Lord, and I thow it. over this audi
ence, hoping that one drop of its
cleansing power may come u on your
soul. O Jesus, in that crimson tide
wash our souls! We accept Thy sacri
fice! Conqueror of Bozrah. have mercy
upon us! We throw our garments in
the way! We fall into Vine! Hide on,
Jesus, ride on! "Traveling, traveling
in the greatness of Thy strength."
But after awhile the returning con
queror will reach the gate, and all the
armies of the saved will be with Him.
I hope you will be there and I will be
there. As we go through the gate and
around about the throne for tho re
view, "a great multitude that no man
can number" all Heaven can toll
without asking right away which one
is Jesus, not only because of the bright
ness of His face, but because, while all
the other inhabitants in glory are robed
in white saints in white, cherubim in
white, seraphim in white His robes
shall bo scarlet, even the dyed gar
ments of Bozrah. I catch a glimpse of
that triumphant joy, but the gate opens
and shuts so quickly I can hear only
half a sentence, and it is this: ''Unto
Him who hath washed us in His
An All-Inrpoe Ilorsr.
To the average farmer an all-Dur-I
ose horse or term is an absolute ne
cessity economy and general utility
considered. The theory that farm
ers must ne essarlly h ive iargc horses,
weighing 1,1)00 to I.kiw pounds, had
a long and Impartial trial, but after
due delilieratlon It was pronounced
Impracticable. Mot fanners do not
need or require a horse of huge di
mensions, and not many farmers can
afTurd to keep specialty teams and
riding horses. The farmer usually
desires a horse or team that will an
swer all purposes: that is, work to
the sod breaker, the nicwer, the hay
rake, the farm wagon, the light or
spring wagon, the Duggy, and the
road cart Now, there are many
who, of necessity, require all those
desirable qualities of th ir limited
number of horses. This work may be
sat sfa tory, or it may be p rformed
in such a way as to g ve only pa-tial
satisfaction, owing tn the kind of
horses cm ploved. If the number of
horses be limited, as la usually the
rase, it is easily seen that the heavy
draught horse will not answer the
purpose to any reasonable drgree
of satisfaction. This style of horse Is
emphatically a specialty hore: and as
such, not tho kind tho average farm
er should own.
In his special sphere tho heavy
draught horse Is both use ul and
profitable, but, outside th s sphere,
he cannot work to tho sat sfaction of
his ownor. Yet for the heavy draught
horse there Is a good market and a
steady demand, and generally at
figures that are remunerative, l or
tho farmer tho most profitable horso
is neither tho largest nor tho small
est, but one of tliat weight and sym
metry which will enable him to per
form all kinds of work; he should
weigh from 1,150 pounds to 1,250
pounds. Tribune.
Tub really efficient laborer will be
found not to unduly crowd his day
with work, but will saunter to his
task, surrounded by a wido halo of
ease and comfort
B. X. Brkwstkr,
D. H. GRISWOLD, Cashisr.
Transacts a General Banking Business,
AmuOAR Exchange National Bank, New York,
UiuTW) States National Bank, Omaha,
First National Bank, Chadro.
Interest 'Paid on Time Deposits.
J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor.
Pure Drugs, Medicines, Paints,
Oils and Varnishes.
School Supplies.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded
Day or Night.
Harrison, Nebraska,
Real Kstate Agents,
Have a number of bargains in
choice land in Sioux county.
Parties desiring to
estate should
call on
School Lands
leased, taxes paid for
non-residents; farms rented, oto.
, C. F. Corm,
buy or sell real
not fail to
. ... . FT