.V., . V -I If ' '- y . ; ' I V " 4-'- lt "' THE SIOUX COUNTY CTOTJIRILT.AXj. U J. Stanum. Editor and Proprietor. . E.A.H. VI. U.Ti!!!Kti,l-. Oiling Wwt. (iniriR Flint, .'!. , mixed 11:13 No. f. li:le.1 HARRISON MARKET. If lieat piT ljnhil. Out jwr tmiln-l ('orn per bunhrl . ... .Hhort per Inunlrcil fi . Hrun- jM-r liunilreil it... .... choipMlpiT liiiiKlnxl Potato'-per bunni-l . Butter MT t . perrtoz poultry per do -- IMiiont MT ffi Heaiut per !h.'. l'-oal jut ton - - JVxxl per conl - J.uiitbrr native per m. ft ' WCorrwtod every Tharmliiy. i 40 1 00 80 I GO 10 20 l nu 2X 4X 5 oo 3 .Vj tfi (JO Remember that Tun JotKNAL oflle I headquarter! for job printing. The Jol'RNAL and the Jrrayatio A'ji both one year for $3,50, cash in advance Mike RuHing was in town Tuesday and informed us that he had tome wheat towed. If you want to sel your land, list it with Simmons & Smiley, real estate agents. All kinds of wood work done at Priddy'a blacksmith shop, opposite The jJni'KKAi, office. For reliable, first class dental work (Of any kind, go to T. J. Gibson, Craw ford, Nebraska. tr you want to learn auoiu irriga Axon subscribe for tho IrragntUm Aj .Subscriptions taken at this office. We are informed that John A. Green has disposed of his land and will start about May 1st for the state of Washing ton. W. II. Davis has moved into tl Cunningham property and, George Oliin; er has moved into the Haas house whid was vacated by Mr. Davis. Attorney Clark now occupies the room recently vacated by ('has. E Verity, where he can be found bv all Who need Ins services. Remember that The Journal club with almost any publication in th LoiteJ States and can save you money ,on four reading matter for tho ensuing year. The printing materia) belonging to Gun. . Verity has been packed up and is at the depot ready to be shipped when the owner docides where he wants it. Samuel Jenkins, practical boot and hoe maker. Cowboy boots, a specialty Repairing promptly and neatly done Satisfaction cuaranteed. Shop second door south court house. Irving Wilson was up from Running Water the llrst of the week and called U see us. lie has been preparing to. use good deal of water from that stream lti future and prosper in consequence. Curds are out announcing the nup tials ol Will II. lJnvis and Miss Wand Pontius, to occur at the residence ot Hit parents Of the lat ter in this place on Wednesday evening. March 21, 1HUI, at o'clock. STRAYED- From the reskl"iice of tin undersigned, near Glen, two dark U mures, three years old, weiuht about 1,200 pounds, each, branded colt's foot A Jileral reward ill he paid for infor mation leading to their recovery. J.VMIM T. MtSON, Glen, Neb -Peter Scheafer was in town Monda and informed us that Ins winter wheat was coming on nicely and that he began Jo plow last week. It is predicted by all that the spring will be earlier this ye; than last. We had winter right along for a while and it looks as if we were going to have spring. Lixl vveeii judge narKer on soim leveling for A. Southworth f r an irra gating cjitch and this week hi; is duin some for W. A. Bigelow. i!,e people are preparing to do a good deal of work in that line and if proper laws can be si cured many others will do work on sue Jines. 1 Arrangements are lieing made fo appropriate Easter Hcrvioes at thechurcl pn the evening of that day by the chil dren. Easter comes early tins year, March 31th. Those who have tho mat ter in Iwid have made successes in tin past and they are making even greater pllorU for this than usual. are in vited to attend. Rev. Kendall will conduct a funeral service in memory of the children ol ir. and Mrs. Lewis Rickard at the fam ily residence near llodorc, on next Sun day morning nt 1 1 o'clock. All friends of the family are cordially invited. Ki r vices o.s usual in the evening lit Harrison fiot no preaching in tho nioniiiig. The fcerviee nnuounced for Moore's school (louse at 2:H() p. in., will be postponed. the application of . Attorney Fisher (or a writ of mandamus for Clerk of the District Court Dlewell to jssun m order of execution for costs against a party against whom there was no judgment, came up before Judge Bartow lust week at Chndron, Oounty Attorney Conley . appeared for the clerk and the writ was denied. Dy that the position of Mr. BI?W?M was M! to bo right, TAKE JiOTK E. All liervins indebted Ij V:IE JoCKSai. on any lutouni anu an inueuu'u lor sul)w riitiin to tlie . bxlpitiileitt are urged to call and settle at an early date. We dt.iro to have a settlement with every one ou our boons ana want u ais fiitiiU with which to meet our bilU. If you cannot pay cash, note on which we can Bet motley will be acceptable. Do not delav this matter as it deserves vour iiiimuiliale attention. I'll! I.IC SALE. The undersigned will sell the follow ing property at liie place lurmeny owuei by him near BO JAR ', TIIURSIMY, APRIL 5, m, Ix-giuning at 10 o'clock, a. m. : 'i large work teams, 2 4-year-old geldings, 2 saddle mares. 9 3-year-old geldings, 1 set heavy double harness, 1 set lij.'ht double harnus, 1 set single harness, binder, cultivator, plow, road cart, broad- ast seeder, household goods ami furni ture and other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS. All sums under 1U cash in hand. On sill sums over $10 a credit of two years will be given on approved notes drawing 10 per cent interest per inmim. J. Q. Mohkis. Roll of Honor. The following is the roll of honor of the Grammar department of Harrison School, for week ending March 9: Harry Churchill, Lillian Henry, Gar- uett Kendall. Adam Linileman anu Julius Wilson. Mi-nne E. Smith, Teacher, Work for the creamery. Paper napkins for sale nt TllK Jol'HNAL ollice. Joe Stastny has gone to Agate Springs for the Hummer. Old papers for sale at THE Jol'HNAL jlfii. 0 cents per dozen. Sol Wilson has the house on his claim nearly completed. J. M. Smiley has the material on the 'round for a new house on his home .,tuud. Take out a policy in the Preferred .Mutual Accident Association. It cheap and reliable. L. J. SIMMONS, Agent, Mrs. J. T. Weir, formerly of this olace has gone to Columbus to live with ner son, Arthur, who is engaged in news paper work, at that place. V. A. Hester has been keepin, 'bach" and looking after the stock ou tho ranch for a fev weeks and on, Satur Jay evening a party of young peopl went out and spent tho evening aim. with Every one who is interested in the idvancemcnt of the country should do all they can to help make the creamery i success. It will bring more 'ready iiionev into the country than any other enterprise that can lie slarted. A letter was received a few days age Irom Phil. Brinkerholl' which stated that ne was employed on the Jiruriml at Lin ,'oln and had r enlv of work and was laying up money. His many friend uere will be pleased to hear of his good fortune. He is a good hoy and deserves success. Otto Tietze arrived home from Omaha on Friday where he hud been with a shipment of cattle. Ho says that .vhen the people of this locality talk ibout hard times they do not know what ihey are talking about for people are 'reat deal worse olf in the eastern part af the stale. Octave Harris was up from Runniii Wafer the first of the week and called ul this ollice. He has been doing a good leal of wcnk improving his place of late He has several milts of irrigating htches and has a shed for his stoc which is three hundred feet long and he intends to build a new house in the near future. He made a deal a few days ago for (lftv thousand shingles, from which ome idea may 1 formed of what he doing. Next Tuesday, March 20th, is tin late for the annual meeting of the as sessors of the counly. At that meetinu the valuation of property, (or assessment is to lie determined upon. Under the de cision of the supreme court the improve ments on homesteads are to be assessed so that the meeting will be of more importance than usual. All assessors should be present as the statute provide that tho odlce is vacant by failure to attend the meeting, On account of an accident tho fish car did not arrive until Tuesday. Those who had applied for trout were all repre sented and in a very short time the nl lolnients were made. Something over hundred thousand were pliinted in the waters of this county nnd if seining prohibited it will lie but a- few years un til there will li flnu fishing. Hupt O'Hrien savs he will have wall-eyed pik 'and more trout to distribute the lust of April or the first of May and any who desire to get a supply of either of those vncietiei can do so by making appl cation,, l'EUSOSAL. A. M ;Ginley went to Lusk TuesJ,i. . Nols Engbret contributed on subscrip tion Saturday. F. W. Knott was in from Gilchrist the first of the week. W. S. Hall was in town Monday and called at this office. J. H. Cook Htarted Tuesday on a busi ness trip to New Mexico. Attorney A. T. Clark returned from Chadron Monday. Ceo. H. Turner was in town yesterday n:d called at this ollice.' ' James Nolan was in town Monday and called at this office. Mrs O. E. Lunsford went!,0 Crawford on business Tuesday evening. Charles E. Verity left for Omaha last evening in search of a situation. C. W. Greenlee returned from Run ning Water the lirst of the week. Two nephews of Commissioner John son arrived on Monday for a visit. Mrs. tx F. Pontius orders The Journal sent to her father at Sherwood, Ohio, Ex-Treasurer Gayhart was in Harrison the last of the week making final proof on his homestead. Ferd Ilitner was in town the last of the week to meet his wife who had been visiting in the eastern part of the state. I). A. Publow was up from Cotton wood the lirst of the week and called at this office. He expects to spend the summer in Montana! Tlio Creamery Matter. There has been a good deal of cream ery talk during the past week and the interest in the project is decidedly on the increase for all that any reasonable per son needs to become an advocate of the enterprise is to have the plan explained to him. A meeting was held on last Thursday evening at which the subject was pretty thoroughly discussed and it was the opinion of those present that a company could be formed and a cream ery established and a committee was ap pointed composed of L). H. Griswold Lewis Gerlach, J. E. M.irsteller, 1!. W Hester and I. Richstein to get the nec essary amount of stock taken. The investigations and inquiries hav brought out the following facts: By arrangement with the village trustees whereby the well, boiler and pump be longing to the town can be used plant can be put in for about; 11,01)0, A man who is a practical butter-maker and who is well recommended, will take some of the slock, but how much has not been decided. The people of the town will take all they can alford to and the people in the country are expected to take the rest. It is proposed to make the shares ?00.00 so that people of small means can take an interest in it and by helping that will help themselves. No bonus is asked nor does a dollar 0 to any unless there is value received and no one will have anything to say about its management except those who are interested in its prosperity. It it) just the same for a farmer to take slock in the company as it is for him to juvest that amount of money in any other kind of machinery which will enable lim to carry on his operations more success fully. The benefits to lie derived are so apparent that but little need be said. With a cream gathering plant the peo ple can sell crean) to the institution who live within thirty miles of the town. It will give them a ready market for the product of all the cows, they milk and for it they will get cash every month, and with the cash to pay for what he needs every one will feel better, do let ter and live better. Cows pay from two to four and a half dollars a month din ing the milking season. Putting it at a low estimate, say two dollars and a half a month for each cow nnd you can easily figure what your revenue will be. Then take what the product of your cows has been in the past and compare the two and you can see how much advantage a creamery would be to you and then go to the committee anil help the' work along by taking some stock and then tell your neighbors nnd get them to do likewise, A great deal is said about doing some thing to help the farmers in tiiis locality. Here is an opportunity for them to help themselves and they oertainly ought to embrace the opportunity at once so that the' construction of the creamery can be commeced that it may be ready for peration by the time the grass is fcood. For Salu. A first-class sewing machine, new. Impure at Tin: Jouhnal office. Should nny of our friends call nt this office to pay money or transact any business and find tho editor out and. a a lady in charge they need not go away without carrying out thoir intentions, us Mrs. Simmons can attend to all such matters, Word has lieen received that the ofhYcts of the Rank of Harrison and a representative of the state banking board will be on hand next Monday to adjust tho nfTairs of the bank. It is not expected that n receiver will be ap pointed ns that would lie a needless ex pense, but the mnnagoment will go on nnd settle the allairs of the institution under the supervision of the state hoard and the depositors will lie paid in full hi Hie near fHturv, , .. School r.nterfuhimrul. The follow ing is the program of exer cises to be given at the Squaw creek school on Saturday evening,-March 17, 1894: Recitation, We Shall not Alwnys be luldrcii .illie neiirj (.uilty or not (iuilly Lena Nullo l,tviiiK the lloiiicntedd-lieury Ileury Dialogue, The IVueeniuker. (wee ii. Little but spunky Koy iiinry J Did not Want to peak. Willie Whs-Herblll-urer Rec. The Uorsi) Ifloom Mamie Henry The OiitMile Mare Arthur Henry Iislof;ue, Like hii Indian Kec. Little OreUhen Ida Hhein TIik .New liunnet Herllin Nutto The Head Doll b va Khein Mother's Kool h irles W 'aoserburK'-r Dialogue, The Way to Wimlhiim nee. Alie mm llyinn . Lizzie ni-nry Peter I uiiiiMK-ki-t ( onnev Parsons DirIok in-. Three Little Mothers Hi. Philip lUrton Walter Henry DtnloKue. Hob and liU suter peeoli, A Jolly LitVJo Boy . 'bristle n ussor burifer ' Dialogue, 1 he Lectures, (in costume) Ke-o. ineMpjy sunDertin Lizzie J arsons Dialogue, M.ikingan Onttor Kee. rut ( onieilri'iiie l'ij Mine joruaa Dialogue. The Nettle Lad 1 iv ol school Uec. The Kirubell'a Mory Rosa Hhein Dialogue, Served Him liight Kee. I'tttiK'k Dolln's Love l.etter.Joe Joiflun Dialogue, The Happy r ttuijly tin costume) The exercises wilt be interspersed with Hongs and other features which will add to the pleasure of the evening. All interested are in vited to attend. ALVIN T. CLARK, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT 1 : LAW, HARRISON, NEBR. Practices in all the courts and before U. S. Land Office. gl'LLlVAN A COXLKY, Lawyers. Will piiactice in all tub local, state and federal courts and U. S. Lund ollice. LEGAL PAPERS CAREFULLY DRAWN. i f t 5 t t 37" Office ip Court House, HARRISON .... NEBRASKA L. E. BELDEN & SON, Wagon and Carriage Makers. Repairing done on short notice. (Jood work and reasonable charges. Shop south of livery barn. HARIUHON. - - - Nim. . E. PIIINNEY, M. ll Physician nnd Surgeon. All calls given prompt at tcntion. Oftice In Drug P(.ori;. HARRISON, - - NEBRASKA. 13. L. SMUCK, Fashionable Barber & Hjir Dres: One Hour South ot Iiunk of ilun isiin. ;er, OPEN SUNDAY FROM 9 TO 12. KAZGRK AND SCISSORS JT IV ORDER. Give t me tut Call. LEAD THE WORLD. THE MOST CRITICAL PRONOUNCE THEM INCOMPARABLY THE BEST IN TONE, TOUCH AND DURABILITY, Writn for Catalogue to ESTEY & CAMP, . - Chicago, 111. IFGHT fyJNHIHG finest a WOODWORK, OTAfMKSj THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. Send TIN Mnti to Union 8q., N. Y., for our prlia name, " Blind Luck," and win Wow Horn Bowing Wnchm. The New Home Sewing Machine Co. OftANOf , MAS. ILL. so''9sU's5!.,'. M .iew FOR SALE BY u.i- Nkw Him hKwi.Mi Machine t o., .101 .N. Hit 8V, ly ,h .1 1 1 Dpqans I JKvl I A I l "'"-a A-' AGENCY FOR BRADLEY METCALfS CELEBRATED B00TS&SIIOES ESTABLISHED 184 1 . THE BIGGEST BC0T in THAOf MASK COrrHKMTlC The above picture is intended to call Attenti on TO THE FACT THAT MARSTELLED BROTHERS Have the larsest and most complete stock of BOOTS .A. 1ST ID SHOES Ever offered to the people of Harrison, and we are confident that we can suit all, both in STYLE AND PRICE. Our stock of Dry Hats, Caps, Underwear ancl Furnishing goods 13 Complete. GLOTIEIIILSra: We have for Men, YOUTHS and Boys, which we are selling at Bargains. We also carry a full line cf Hardware, Flour and Feed, MARSTELLER BROTHERS, Harrison, Neb, Fjne Spring Suits and Overcoats, Made to Order, From $25.00 to $40.00 PERFECT FITS GUARANTEED. Also cleaning and repairing done in first-class order. J. Cersy, Merchant Tailor, OEAWFORD, DEALERS Lumber, Coal and Sash, Doors, Lath and Windmill and 1IARRISON HESTER PATENTS FOR INVENTIONS PROCWIF.D BY Press Claims Eiual with the interest of those having claims against the Government i that of INVENTORS, who often lone the benefit of valuations because of th ineompentur.ey or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their patents Too much care cannot lm exercised in employing competent and reliable solicitors to procure paten's, for the value of a patent depends greatly, if not entirely, upon the cure nnd skill of the attorney. With a view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless atttorn and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, THE PRESH CLAIMS COMPANY has retained counsel expert in patent practioe and i there fore prepared to OHTA1N PATENTS, (IO.NIHXT INTERFERENCES, MAKE SPECIAL KXAMtNATlOK. ritEsECt.TE REJECTED CASES, KElilSTEIt TK ADK M AUKS and COPTTHiim. HENDKIl OPINIONS ns to SCOPE ami VALIDITY of PATENTS ' PIIOSKCCTK anil DKKKND INFRINGEMENT SUITS, ETC., ETC. If you have an invention on hand send THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY a sketch or pliotogmph thereof, together with a brief description of the important features, and you will ho at once advised as to the licst course to pursue. Model are not necessary unless the invention is of a complicate) nature. If other arc infringing on your rights, or if you arexvlnrged with infringement by others, ub mit the matter to us for a reliable OPINION before ncting on the matter. The Press Claims Compaht, 618 Fitreet, northwest WASUIlfQTQJff, D.C . , P. O. Uox 463. .icon vf itDUPJiliLRN, uiaji aging fcUnraf . . Mr-Cwt Mil out aiulivnd It nUh j-vir triiirv . THE WORLD Goods, Groceries; USTIEIBIR. 4 SOI IN Farm Implements, Blinds, Lime, Shingles, Pump Supplies, NEBRASKA. TUB Company. 4 ! U 11 u k Ti I r 5 T vl it. V 1 PS 1 i 1 t-' til n l 1 I I i t t v V I J. j . . AT -