j MS, -s-., S wA L4 Tte Sioux County Journal. Sulwiription l'nre, -'.' L. J. Simmon-, ... fcditor. Knt-nJ lit the llarn.u jx.i-t otTl!- a ml cuts ii.ll-r. THCKSIUY, M-UJU1 1. KM- 1 M 10 KTA N T A i 1 N ( I E N T. V ileal lias leen made whereby the ir.me. food will and subscription lit !U- l4-lnil i.l bviomes the jro-rty u the alitor if THE JoCKNAL and by th ti-i iiis of the routruct the unexpired sut x nations to that paper will lie lilled ou by The Jirt'KN.u, and the hid jmid c.ases to exist. This arrangement ii the result of the natural laws of bu.si tu-ss. Tlie toun is not and never ha' Wn large euough to supjiort two news 'lKiers and the hard times now prevailing have n.ade that fact still more apparent and the action above stated has bee taken in consequence. This leaves The Joiknal the onl newsaper in Sioux county and it shall be the aim of t lie maragenitnt to conduct it in a manner which will retain the con lidence and respect of the people of Siouj county. It will 1 run in the inter et of no ring or clique and ill continue to advocate what it believes to be right and for the best interests of the 'town and county. In its criticism of the 'V-ts of public officials truth and fairness will lie tlie lines followed, bul bould any sued feel that they liave not been fairly treated the columns of The Jch'knal will be ojieh for an explai nation. The columns of ThE Jocbsal will tie ripen for the fair (hs.-ussion of any mat fe'r of public import to the jieople of the county, but personal strife ai.d abuse ol opponents w ill natie admitted. Now that Mrs. Lease claims (o be a Mason the first thing we know 0. M. Kern will be claiming to be tlie mother oft wins. Fremont Tribune. It was considered a few years ago tlmt irrigation was a distinctive western fea ture but that idea has been done away with by the (act that a good deal of &t tention and money is being devoted to it in New England. A poeiu written by A. L. Bixby ol Lincoln, appeared in the Youth' m C'mn 'fxinion a few weeks ago which showed that he is a poet of no mean merit. In both tone and sentiment the production 'was worthy of more tnan passing 'notice. A move is being made in congress to 'have a number of the judges of the Vnited States circuit court investigated. There will be no squirming done except by those who have allowed the idea thai they had a "cinch" by virtue of a lift 'appointment to lead them to do thing "winch they shouldnt 'orter. . One of the fellow s who hung Secretary "Morton in effigy at Nebraska City re Ventlv was fined $200 last week for his fun. He should thank hK lucky stai that he got oil' as easily as he did. This is a free country but there are limits to freedom and a few doses like that ma) teach some fools where to draw the line. From the reports none rT tlie state ollices will have to exert themselves to any great extent to find men to fill. Tliere appears to be an unusually largi crop of aspirants for this season of tlit year, but it is very eafly yet and somt are liable to get frost-bitten before the) mature as candidates. Ex-President Harrison predicted in a talk in Colorado recently that within a 'year the powers of Europe will be forced to come into an international silver con ference. Such a Conference would be ol yreat benefit to the entire civilized world. With gold and silver made the standard of value in all the lions ol tli6 earth and their relative values well establislied one of the most embarassing and vexatious questions of the age to the commercial world would lie over- come. The safe of the American express com. 'u ny at Casper was robbed a few days ago and about two thousands dollars in money and valuables taken. Early lust ,Sunday morning the . night operator at Hay Springs was shot by an unknown person supposed to lie bent on robbery. If (ht was the. motive the perpetrator of the terrible crime got nothing, as the appearance of the station, agent on , the jHcene frightened tlie fiend away before he nee urea any booty, lhe wounded fotamak rapidly and died without mak iejt may fUVtment'. . The express and fiUlftaajil , fionpaoies , are making every to MM the murderer to iuattaa i vavira a rewara oi f i,uuu lor Alia Nutir. I . s. Lawl um.-r. Alliauw. SeU. -lrry elii, i I 4Milttt ha ilig t--li .-ntrrr.1 at tlii. ultliw bv trrX C. Tacllloi'l ..in-l Klllicr Ii. )Uwt- ?r atmniLmint; o li.!n.vL-al -ntry V. Mi-'ri. tatsl SuVfU.M i 7, I1", Umu t Im? I1 ' . , u,i. nw;, (iviluii , .,u-in rtiuKf it si,,m e,uuty, N-ur,"ki. Willi a lt- lo liir caie.'.lalloii U ail rutry. tUe aHl iirti- re U"-r-l.V !-uiiuim-'l Ui np lr , I 1 tits oftire ou Ibe 311 iny it Maivli. I, :it 1U u ck k, . lu., lo reii;il u-l lur iii.li i-tiinu.p courrrutiijf i'i IUk,,1 ii ti. onm'tlt. liiiiiiiuv ol itnerf will tj tnken be-t..n-1 I'-rk i)( tourl at HJ-ri-ii, Sri., Mareli i'.. I'm. at It a ut. ii a, t. 11. lKBlM.TOS. utire-TiuilnT Culture 1". v Laud Oftlro, Allianw. N tjr , I letiruary stU, lx-4 I 1 i.,u'l iml f'l having brru cilten-1 at tbl oltu-i hy H-nry W arm-te at;iiii-t li. njHiiiiii VanN-liil lur taillirr Utromply ittl law aa tu 1 liuiNT uittire fcnlry No. SUlfi, ilat-d ic-UiU-r - -Hi. i), iiiwm tht- wuiUal uart3r -4-Uiu townwiup :ii iHirth, rantjf lit in Muux i-uunly, Nt-Oranka, a lilt H vi-' to ralu-i'llalioml f ntry :rotittatit atlt'tftliK thai the .tll f'H-iijuiiiiii' anlt-liii ha wlnliy aliaili:u-tl -uht tru t iu tiua toa it: I Iiat lif )iu tHicUs-t-! to brt-ak or plow or iu any ay ruitiv hU' any inirtion ol ttaitt trct iti(--tli- riit il lj. i hat tin-re a aw t-n a-r ot Kiii'l trivrt lirtiLt-H ami i-iittivnU-'l prior to autl iii('luiluil( tilt-cprlUK il lW a It it- tl ttaitl trai-t o! t-uitlt atttl grountl a allwa t-tj to tcrott' p to Krann and at-t-iln tturiuK tilt yt'ar it'll, lli..t tut? altiant Hfiiry W arnt "alio uwnit a ir.H-t atljttitiiiix tlie'trut-i lit-rt- in eon tmvtfry t prt;eiit tliv a t-ti4H-i Irtnu M.at triiiy on lii laud ploa el np and MttatMl to flax and mlUt-t atd llif tt-u at-rt- alort-aid a lilt-li had Lat-ti cultivattl on tlu tract ht-r iu conlroery. 'Iitat tlit-rt ha. not tafii any trt't., tu-t-tlrt or c-uttiiiK- planU-tl on waid trat-t tor more than lhrt-r -ars la-t pst and tilt-lf art-no lrt-Hou Halt! tract at prrrnt time. 1 he aaid parties are hen-hy ititininori' ed lo apM-ar at thif olhee tn tlitt 31 tlay of March, InM, at 10 uYlock. a. in., to rt-toiid and luruUii tt-Ntiiuony conceriiinK wild ul U-fretl t allure. letliuony of ltnen-8 la for ( lerk of Oitt. ( uurl at UarriMwi, Nebr., M i ll 24, 14, at 10 a. in. V. M. ioKKisi.T(ii, 4iiaii Uegiater. Xutlff. tieorge W. I'arker, Nou Konident In-fed ant. Jon will take notice that on the :th day of Keliniarr, ll"4. plaintiff herein tiled i iH-tition ill the Dwtrit t Court of Sunn County, Nf-tiranka, the object and prayer ol whu-ti Is to obtain a divorce irom you on tlie gronnd- of willful desertion, for more than two vear lat pawt. ou are reuirt-! to answer said petition on or la-lore tlie n.lli (lay oi April, Klla f'AKKEK, I'laintltf, Hf J. J. Jone and A. T. C1.4KK, ii'ijs. her Attorurya Kuted tliia tftli day of February, ism. Land Gases. Land patents secured for settlers in the shortest possible time. CONTESTED CASES. Contested cases intelligently and skillfully handled. OLD CLAIMS AND DISPUTES. Old claims and (liiqlutes speedily settled. CONTESTS between individuals having conflicting .laims under the agricultural land laws, and those between claimants under the MINERAL LAWS and agricultural claimants; and also between claimants under any of the public land laws and the Railroad Companies and their gran tees, and the States and their grantees under the SWAMP-LAND and SCHOOL LAND GRANTS. Specialty made of securing patents in the shortest possible time for settlers who have fully complied with the laws under which their entries were made, ind who are annoyed and worried by Jelays in the iSslfe or their patents, caused by TRIFLING IRREGULARI flES which can lie easily and speedily removed. Advice also given in all matters re lating to the public lats, especially on points arising under the new laws which have lieen recently passed providing for the disposal of the public domain. If you want your bind patent in a lurry If you want your land business, if any character, attended to by skillful nd competent attorneys, an3 promptly disposed, write to PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John VkdiKKBI US , General Manager, P. O. Box VH'i. Washington, I). C. lst Lino to the East. The Burlingfon Route B. &. M. R. R. is running elegantly eqit1ped passenger tniines without change from Newcasfle, Wyoming and Crawford, Nebraska, direct to Lincoln,' Nebraska," making connection it that point with their own through trains for Denver, Cheyenne, and all points wes(, and for Kansas City, St. Joseph, St. Louis, Omalia, Peoria, t'lu- eago, and all points east. Rememlrer this is the only line by which you can take steeping car from awfortTin the evening arriving in Lin coln and Omalia the next afternoon, and in Chicago, Pooria anil St. Louis tlie fol lowing morning. For further information and tickets ap ply to nearest agent of Burlington Route B. & M. R R. giXLIVAX it COX LEY, Lawyer.' Witt rACTICB 1M Al.t THE 1XCAI STATR and fcderal'rourt and lT. S. IamI ofllc. LEOAL PAPERS CAREFULLY DRAWN. I t f H t t Office in Court lTouse,' HARitiHorr HEBRARKA L E BELdEN & SON, Wagon and Carriage Makers. Repalrliiff done on short uotloe. Uood work and reaeonable rhaiigM. Shop nouth of livery 1 o B 22 a OQ CD 3 CD OQ e-r- CO CO CO 03 NORTH 4 WEST 0 if EAST SOUTH Purchase Ticket and t'onifii Yonr Freight via the F.iE.&M.Uf$.C.4P. RAILROADS, IL O. BURT, General Manager. K. C. MoKradisE, J. R. BcciUNAif, Gen'l Freight Agt. Gen'l Pass. Agt OMAHA, NEB. PATENTS. 0TKE TO ISffcNTORS. a 1 There nevrr man a time in the. history of our country when thie demand for Inven tions and liitfirovements in the arU and uc ence generally was so tfreut an now. The convenipnecs of nmnktnd In the fa tory and work-shun', the houstdi'old.'on tlie farm, and in offfctal life, reitilre continual accesKioim to the afipuftenance and Implcinents of racli In order to nave labor, time and ex panse. The political change In the. ndndii titration of goTernment Uops not effect the progress of the American Inventor, who be ing on the alert, and ready to perceive tlie existing deffclencleii, docs not permit the affairs of government lo deter him from quickly conceiving the remedy to overcome existing dlscrrpcnclcii. Too great caro can not be excerclsed In ruoosliilta Competent and (skillful attorney to prepare and prone cute an application for patent. Valuable Interest have been lost and destroyed In innumerable mntunces by tlie employment of Incompetent counsel, and expeclally I this advice applicable to those who adopt "No patent, no pay" nysteni. Inventors who entrust their biisluesn to this class of attorneys do so at liniueneot risk, as the breadth and rtrengtb of the patunf Is never considered in view of a ifuick endeavor to get an allowance and obtain the Ice then due. THE J'KliHH CLAIMS CO., John W odder burn, General maniifer,'618 F street, S. V., WaBhlngUm.lJ.C, represenflnif alarire num ber of lmportitut dally and weekly pa iters, as well as general periodicals of the country, was instituted to protect Its patrons from the unsafe methods heretofore employed In this line of business. The said Company la prepared to take charge of all patent business entrusted to It fur reasonable lees, and pressures and proscentes applications generally, Including meehnnlcal Inventions, deaiifh patents, trade marks, labela, copy rlghty, InU-rferences, Infringements, valid ity reports, and give especial attention to rejected cases. Itlsalsb prepared to enter Into competition witli any Arm in seeming foreign patents. , -. . . Write for Inatrqcfknui and alrlee. Jon W tiMiaaacaa, l r Street, , WashlagWm, ft. C. r. u.ava aa Sioux County, THE LAND OF THE HOME STEADER. Free Homes for More Than 5,000 Men. A new county with schools, churches, railroads, etc., AND 800,000 ACRES YET OPEN TO HOMESTEAD ENTRY. Contains over forty-five miles of railroad and has no county bonds. SO BOS US SO DEBTS, LOW TAXES. Furl, VwU, Log and I. timber Cheaper Than at any Other I'lace la Sebraska. Hioux county is the northwest county of Nebraska. It is about thirty mile east and west by about seventy miles north and south and contains. OVER 1,300,000 ACRES of land. Tliere ale more bright, spark ling, small stream in the county than can be found in the same area elsewhere in the state. It has more pine timber in it than all the rest of the stale combined Its grasses are the richest and most nu tritious known o that for Ktock-growing it is unexcelled. Tlie soil varies from a heavy clay to a light sandy loam and is capable of pro ducing excellent crops. The principal crops are small grain and vegetables, although good com is grown in the valleys. The wheat, oats rye add barley are dil of unusually fine quality and command the highest mar: ket prites. The water is pure and refreshing and is foiihd in abundance in all parts of tiie county. The county is practically out of debt and has over forty-five miles of railroad within its borders, lias a good brick court house and the Decenary fixtures for run ning the county and there has never been 6ne dollar of county bonds issused and hence taxes will be low. The Fremont, fclkhorn A Missouri Valley railroad crosses SioOx county from east to west and the U, & M. ha about fifteen miles of its line in the nortHea-st pat of the county. The climate is more pleasant than tha'l of the eastern portion ofjNebraslia. There is still OVER 800,000 ACRES of land in Sioux county yet open to homestead entry. It is better land and more desirably, located than that for which such rushes" are made on the own ing of a reservation. There is no rail road land in the county and for tlmt reason its' settlement lias been slow fur no special effort to get settlers was made, as was done in the early days of tlie settlement of the eastern part of the state. Good deeded land can be purchased at reasonable rates with government land adjoining so tbat a person who wants more than one quarter section can obtain it if he has' a little moans. There tire about 2,500 people in the county and there is room for thousands more. Harrison is the county jeat and is sit uated on the F. E. &. it. V. railroad, and is as good a town as the thinly settled country demands. School houses and churches are pro vided in almost every settlement and are kept up with the times. All who desire to pet a homestead on buy land cheap are invited to come and see' the Country for thetnselves nnd judge of its merits. Homestead will not be obtainable much longer and if j ou want to use your right and get 100 acres ojt land from Uncle Hum free it is time you were about it. triNiwrivoauTioi moot mr. nwccKD im WIDOW!, CMtUHtlw). PARENTS. AMtror BMwrt mt moan aHuwaiaimnar inM lif.a. mmm IIHf flllUlTf lirllill ill Inn kraesnUaatloa of la lb tkeesyteei fmtg treteeu rtaH mm ltll An even exchange of value. THK Crawford Mercantile Co., sKI.LSMtOCKKIK-i, HUY lKiis AM) IMMiT" AMsHuKs. 111" V .li(K KKIKS.'lillY l.iXiKs ASH IMMil's AM) sllut.s. You get what you need, We supply the goods needed. You pay a fair price, We make a just profit. THAT'S WHAT We mean by tlie BBIsTEFIT MUTUAL CRAWFORD MERCANTILE CO., The Brick. Crawford, Neb. The LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLE, GOOD TEAMS, GOOD BUGGIES, GOOD ACCOMMODATIONS. TERMS REASONABLE. GIVE ME A CALL. GEORGE OLINGER. fix; Leonhardt Limits his practice to diseases of the Nervous system (Such as LosS of Memory, Feelinjj, Mo tion and Will power, Cramps, Fits, Gen eral Nervousness; and all forms of Neuralgia.) Heart, (As shown by Shortness of Breath, Pain, Palpitation, Fluttering and Numb ness in region of the l!eart.) BLOOD, (Huch as Skin Diseases, Ulcers, Exces sive Paleness or Redness of the Face, Faintness, Dizziness, etc.) CONSULTATION FREE! DR. LEONHARDT, 1462 O ST. - - LINCOLN, NEB. WMentlou till paper. BtJYTHEtJ Jight RuiuimG muJfc A 'I0OHAW.C,' mVQRX.arfA JcAftctT THE EEST IS THE CHEAPEST. toml TIH oente to M Union Sq., N v., for-or prlae same, "illnd Lwok," and win a Wew Home tewing Maotiine. The New Home Sewing Machine Co. .ufton Mill tcr . New Home tawim Maciiir Co., i& fttli St. Louis, Mo. Benefits Harrison PROPRIETOR. BARN. OrriCIAL DIRECTORY. STATE OmCERS: l-oremjo Yt)(ine CoTernor. I. J. MaJorH .Ueutrniint GoTernor J. C. Allen.. r:rrtiiry of Wtate Kiifene Moore Auditor Jiwph S. Ilnrllf y Tremiurer U. H.IUstliit(s. , Attorney (,eiirrl A. K. llumiihrey.. lnd (xjinmlwdor-rr A. k.oouily hupt. 1-uUUc limtructloo CC)!(iliEHSI05AL DEI.KGATIOJI: Ii- K- ",,l,',r"on U- . lator. Omh W m, V. . Alien U. . Hrnator, Mdlon W. J. ItryHn.ConJrr.iiman Ut llt., Lincoln ! ," ,l - 0nha .V."1 lrSoh n " FullerUMi h.J. llalnrr, , 4th Aurora vr. A. McKiPghan, " th " tl tloml O. M. Kern, ih " Broken Ik.w . JtLiIClART: T. I.. Norl hlrf Juntlcr, Hewntd A. M. I'ol ..AsoelaU.JuiIire,ColUiiibiit T.(l. ('. MiirrlKiri ..An'te Jud(e, l.rsuil lilan 1 I). A. I.'auiiibell..(.'lerk and lteiwrtcr, Lincoln riKTHKNTII JtillCIAL D1STI111T: M. V. Klnkalil Juilfp, o'.Vpfll AlfD-I Harlow ( 11Mrun II. J. lllewctt Clerk, Harrlyn ( )U-TT Of KICK R: lUilwrt Wi;m .county Judao M. J. Hlrw. lt ...l lerk H, . iioilnilt , Trpamirer W. II. Davis hupt. l'ubllelii.tructlon Kherlff J. K. Hilniiry t ...Coroner J; ' v',"" - - mirveyot M . J. Itlrwu (,'ifrk of Dl.trict Court II. r. txinlcy County Attorney , HOARD or COMMISSIONERS: ',,'"r7 'T"'"'". Ut DUlrlct M.J. Weljr(clialriiiaii) ii liimj. f". Ju ni.un ... . .. I.KOIHLATIVK: i i.' ir T!,rt -."laU"'' o.H, Crawford J. D. WxKl..np., Dint. Nu. 63, llay HprDiK i ,, VIM, AUK OKFICEHS: '.- "''!' (chairman) Tro.t " C. I-.. Verity j. w. K'ott ""rr ' IL A. CuiiiiinKliam. I oiirail l.liiileuian. -- w ii d.vi, ::::::::::::"..cj. r. V-,t"i,,t,,rr 1'roaj.ur.: J 1 ' Strct L'oiiimiMlonr: MCIIWLOtriCER: Mr. V 0. lluuRb ...j;....l,lr.ru,r t- 41?r"'-ll,r" MwlcrilH O. H . Ilr.trr Treaaur; TERMS or COURT; ni.trict ( nnrt.-At llnmaon, ...omuienc. . Miiy lnt aii'l NommlH-r latli. Ism nrl',ni.Ji"m,,A ""rrlaon, commoner firm Mon'lar of ea ti imjuih. CHUKCHKJ AJID SOtlETIES. li;it:,!I,.rSrrr""lh,n "ch allernsi. Sunday at II :.m a. in and (very mindayavi-i v J.E. Miiu.r., w.H.iiAn.. oprlntenlwt. ecrUin . W tMJDMKS Or THK'WOHUJ. anil tlur.1 Kitinrday :v,K .,, 10MU, K . A. ( aktlk. E. r. Fosri us, u,'tk- , Con. l 'out ' . I. O. T. T. ,. MecU M-ry Tuewlay vealnif' W II. DAv.s. Ork. J; w-tM , ei'wohtJTkaovk. .."n!tl,."";,."""",'v"ry HumUy event r, ; ai ..). t Hliluet iiicutliiK on call of pt: Wm,a I'oTlim, ' ' I'realUen: secretary. Jl'MluiTKAbl'K. Jleeta every Hnuday afternoon at 1 ... Mm. J. K. I'aiaaat r - .UkXteroiiTiiiev SuperlBteadeut NeereUurr. mhma ,vv. ' " ' , t 1 4.M- - J . . v.. a . : u afS Awl .