THEKHfLXt OI NTV J" O TX -R 1ST A. Xj. . o I. J. Muimonx. Editttr an4 lrpr!i't.r. i . - - - j F.E.A W.VB. n.T)i-i1.Mr. j i.uim '. k Kt. j Jio. U V- r. r;, : j TUK Jirt'KN'U. ami tin "i ''li't A'J . Willi 0,1; year for $3.5". -aii hi nlvati'-e. All kinds f wood W!rli done ut I'mldy Iil-it ksmitli shop. iii.iif The Jul KSAI. otlh-e. If von t' l'-ani irriga- tii.ii uIm ril fir the my'ijmi Aijf.!ion taken Ut this ollice. Tli- onM of stock are biglilj ik-a-ii to we the- snow disappearing so tlmt they do not have to feed. j;;hm1 deal of water has W-vii run ning down the ravint-s of late, w Im-h would lo lot of good if stored for use when needed. M. Underbill start"! last evening with his family and a car load of goods for Merrick conuty wlx re w ill pay rash rent for a farm. Will and IWrt Phillips arm id ui MoruLiv from (ireshaiu with a car load of stock and good and are moving the stulf out to Will's place east of tow n. Keniember that Tm: J"i jinal i lubs with almost any publication in the 1'nited States and can save you money on your rending matter for the ensuing year. Hmiiiel Jenkins, practical Ixiot and tlioe maker. Cowlioy lots a specialty. R-pairiiig promptly and neatly done. Sitof.u tion guaranteed. Shop seeond d.xir south court house. The met t int's at the M. K. hn r. Ii will lie resumed again this evening. It wan expected that Rv. Ihirli-igh woiiiil arrive today to assist in the woik hut was detained hy Micknc Ui-v. Kendall will conduct lite meet alone tor the presenl. rs. W. Ii. .V'lght rot eivi -I v. onl mi Friday of tie- ! t of h.-r neice a! Whit- ney on that day' .s th" result f tie- grip. Mr. an 1 Mrs. W ight went dounSitur unlay evening to attend t!i; rum ral. which oecitrnl on Sunday. Sheriff I'ew received a letter a few ilrys ago a lrcss, d to "A. U. Iv. Sh.-r iff, in oar of M. J. WeU r. ' The nt"i of that J tier h id evi lently h-.ird of tie famous ' t of Mr. YV.-ln-r and supposed that lit was in charge of the otlhe of tin then if I ist Thiii-sday evening a party wa giv i at the home or Mr. and Mrs. (J. V. lle ler in honor of the seven'eeiith birth- -d4y of their daughter, M.s Iymie. riicN were prest iit .uisses .setla .il ir itlh!r, I,( OerIa h, (iainett Kendall, Myrtle and Wamla IVtttius, Iui.e ami Claudia Hester, Minni: Smith and Mrs. Olinger, and Messrs. Uavi.s, Marslt llur, 1'otiliUH, Blewett, Chirrchill. H-ster, Maine and Olmger. . Once more the reMirt are to the ef leel that this locality i to have good train service in toe near future. 'Hit nay it is said that such a thing is to eome about is that the N r:hvu stern system will get contr l of the t hccnn & Northern and will then deliver ami receive all freight and jusseiiger business at Cheyenne in which the Union I'.u ilu in interested, instead of at Omaha. Here's hoping that the report will prove to be correct. I'KHS0AI,. J. It. Look was at the county seat on 1'uesday. Surveyor Kills was at t !. ! -Hit y seat rtn Tuesday. C. F. C'olftfe went t- iiotiglass on Wednesday. 11. K. Lunsford was down from Van Tasnell on Sunday.' Henry Wurneke was in town Monday and called at this office. V. Wuhlheter was in town Monday und called at this office,' Clint Ames was up from Water the first of thu week. Claus Christensen and J. C. M- t"g were Over from Montrose Monday, August John went to Caspar T e'sday, after a short stop at Harrison. Albert Sutton was dow n from rieio ant Kidge the first of the week. Mr. L. J. Simmons lias been on the nick list for a couple of days. Commissioner W,;bcr was ai. the com. ty Keat Tuesday to watch the contest ftirce. Will Phillips Went to Crawford Tues ilay evening to meet his w ife who tame Over the U, & If. E. F. PoritiuH in at Foi l liobinson for a few day as relief agent, and Will is in charge of the station here. Van I taring,' traveling passer. -r agent of the Caimdian Pai illc railroad, 'n in Itiirrisou on Monday. W, II. McCann, formerly register of the Chad ron land olfu e, passt d throngl Harrison on lu's way to Lo'uglaM Jester day. ' .Charlen Adams left for the eastern prtof the state Htuiday, having re- ceived word tht his father wan very JIrn. harah1avWleft w ith her dmigh- til', Mm. CarlUm, oti fatunlay evening fr AlliatK. in ho II lit the change .III "Ivfaftin .or iK-'ulth, jNorti... J Nebraska Irrl.-alii ti u-1 elation. The nutting of th .,rtlusi - l . NVhr;iV;; Irrigation A im II In- ul r iwford, NYUruok. .n Tuuv. Mir.h 1-!M, nt IOoVI.m !i, a. I... All r-M l-ntH i.f Shi-rid.ui, I tav.e.s. Ilox Hutl" and Sioux counties aie i l,-i Me t, ,.,.,,.,. ,e,e,nl,ers a,,,! r,;ir, ,,,.(!t. (! ,. , vni'.i ! 1 oe a-:jcnt ion. Aliens the matters to lie acte.l on v ill ! tie- h ol.on .f ollictrs for th" cliMlill,; year: tin-selection of a slati ! :,; mm. Illlttee to se lire, if possible, ne. -i;-J , islatio .n the subject of irrigation and the II-- i-f the water of the streams that w ill Is- jii-t to all ; appropriation to in crease t be available supply of water bv dams, tunnels artisan wells, etc.: the selection ol delegates to attend the inter state irrigation convention to be held ut Omaha on March 21 and 'J.', ls;M, and to tr;i ii-ii : t sin h otle r bu-ine-,s us may prop-i iv be curiMuercd ti- toe a--s,ieiation to advatii e (he interi -t,, ,,f territorv enilu'a. il in the distrii t by projuT use of the water. All w ho i an attend are nryi-d to Jo so, as the importance of the nioveun nl is und.-r-too.I aii-l in know ei,;,.(l t.y all. I- J. Simmon's A. K. i.s, l'resi lei.t. S-cri larv. Thr- ( tmiiiiissluiier Contest. I lie contest, lu-iween Iraiili tiiiKliam and lb-nry l'riesliolf for the first district eommiii,ui-rsliip has had a couple of twists since our last issue. At the call oig the i ill",' on the ,1th of February Mr. oiilev was given until the 2:d to plead ind it was arranged that the case wool !! tried on the next day. When Mr. I'iher came up from Chudron on Friday he found Hint instead making the record -how an adjournment until that date a. ,vas agreed upon, Jud,'e Wilvin had ad iourie-d t!ie term, which would carry it iver until the ."it ti of March. The Judg look Ihe p s.tioii that lie could n -.1. open oiirt iiinl'-r the circumstances. Fisher look a dill- rent view of the case and had the p ipers served on Judgi) Wilsi.n e.tilv ain' luiii I hat an application would )h- made lie fore the district couit in liauil-:-, at I'hadron on February 20th, for a p-i-einptiry w rit of mundamus for ihe iiiiiiie-l ate hearinyr of cause. Mr. onley wrote to Judge Harlow asking hat tie- hearing of the application Is leferred until Tuesdav. hut lis Judg-e liortow had to be at U'Neil on that tin (vipicst was not granted and on tile learner of t lie case the following ordei was issin-ii: Tin. e i.e t inn- on for liearluu upon tin peillioaof Hie relator for a pereaiprory rlt of uiaieliiiiiii-. and it iippcarliiK to tin rt tin. t tlie respondent tins lent due und tfiiK)H'rson;d notice of the upplleatiou of tills rlt ut this- time, and this from tin n-lK-liml nut lee mid return of ttui slierltT en lor-ed tln reon, and tlie petition heiuK pod ti elj- verified und sustained by the evidenec md lidldavits of ten witnesses, und tin -on i-1 tielng fully advised In the preail lolti tr rd a yi-reuiplory writ of iiiaiehiinii- Ufaliihl n.:spoiuleiit us pruyed lor to the ex lent, that It Is coiiiiutiiided that said re puielenl in Jinl'e of the county ruiu t und -.m,t - ju-tKe of sloiit county, Nebraska, pr eed foi tli illi ai eor-lhii? to the law la the oi.e try and determine upon Us merits lorlliH ith, the contest eaiie now peiidiiui In 1 ild eoui t w Icreln l-raiili I inkhani Is eon i. st ml .-ind Henry l'!l is Incumbent Old In lull lni title to t he ulliie ol eoillluis .loner sloux county, Nebraska, tor the llrt dtslra t nilhfiul deisv'; und It Is fur I tier ordered that -::l'l relator .UMlll-t re- pillllh-llt ills costs Hindi recover In lid neliali' l by th- el. i k at l.7s iilete l-eeord Is ulv ed. And coin Dated ( hndioti, Nebraska, t'ehruary ith V i. VLHIKIl llAHTOW, .liidKeliistrietCoiirt Kifteenth lilslrict, Nebraska. On Tuesday Mr. Fisher returned from . 'haili'on arid Judge Wilson had the paper- served on him'. He opened court, an I notice was sent bv Fisher to his client and witnesses. Judge Wilson is sued an order oil the county clerk am Hi" ballots ,,f the two precincts in conlroverv were brought into court and It lool:'-d as if the ca.e w ould be heard hut. Mr. I 'onley raised u . fei hmcal point and Judge Wlfsoil dismissed thu case. Ph.. 1. 1-., ne r st i ill were token and the - i - i i case goes to the district court. The only connection that Judgu Wil son w ill have n the matter m future. Is that ho will likely I e call-d on to show Ciil-e why he should not be punished for c inteinpt of court in throwing the case out of court on a technicality w hen Ihe order of the court plainly said that the case should be heard on its mefits, and It is ipiitu likely that the dislrictcotirt will iiiipiiru into the mailer when its alien tion is called to his action, --Whil.; Mr. am! Mi's. Otto Ti(d. were driving along the road last Sunday one of the reins broke and the team was turned so sharply as to thow both of Ihe occ-itpalits out of the sleigh with good deal of force. Mr. Tieto Was con siderably injured by striking his back against a bank, but his wife was more fortunate and escaped without injury. II. A. Ciiiiliii ffham lias arranged to go to Alliance and engage in the harness business, lie has rented his resilience to W. II. Havis and disposed of a portion of his stock to U M. Sutton, who will open a shop as soon as Mr. Ciinninghani goes llurinr the four years he has 'been en i:agei in business in Harrison ho has es tablished an excellent reputation both as a citizen mid a workman tir.d Alliance wiil Iw the gainer, and while all regret to him and his family they wish for their prosperity in their new home The v cxH" t o leave next 1 luifstl.iy, The pres't ts aiv that the creamery J project will take definite shajsj before oiu next issue. I -I.-v. KSvaid I), jr. in" roi ( , , droii ye-,terd iy and held f oul s..-i-vii-is :-t the chunh in the 1 -Supt. (J'ISi-ieii writes that the fish ar will 1 at II.u-riv.ii on Monday. Iirih 12th n d all who sent in applica tions through this dlli.e should I on ind to in t their supply of trout. Hull of Honor. The following- is the roll of honor of ie flraiiiniar department of Harrison School. f,,r w, ek ending February 2:5: Harry hun-hill, ( iatidiu Hester, Ray M--yer, Louie Hester, Earnest Meyers, Otto I.iiiilemun, Will Pontius. Minsk E. Smith, Teacher. Alias N'otire. I'. S. I.HIld I Ifllce. Alliiinep, Vet,. I r ebrimryMtli. I-Ml. ( ( omnlnlnt hnvimr ln-cn emered at tills llfllee by I-red I '. Tsebills-ild Hinunst Kl lln r K. Powen tor Ht'iuelomnif his HonienteMil l-'aj. Iry No. in",.',, dated November?. Isss, uihiii tin ic, sw'i and h't nw1, Seellon :'M. 't'ownship 1. ItariL'e In Muux I oillit Ne- l-nl'-ka. wu h a view to : he eiiiieellHtion of said ulrv. t In i-ii id I'lin i-s are heist,y feiiiuiionei toilIJ,enr at Ibis olllec Oil tile JiUt (ItlV Of Vlareli. s:u, ni in o clock, a m . . to respond and tiirnlsli icsteaionv eoneernin!,' cuid aliened llltHIidoilllienT. 'iesliinenv of wilAi-sess will lie taken Ix-fore Clerk of Hist. ( ourl. at lliirrl-uui. N'ebr.. March -7, l!ll. Ull'lK lii. K. M, llOKKIMITON Hejtlster N id ire---Ti ni her Culture, t'. S. I.Riid Oliiee. Alliiinee. N'eh., I Kebniio v Hih. Is'.il. ( Coniphipit Vim having lieeii euteri'd lit tlilsolliis' ti v lieury Wariiekeiiiiinst flenjainln Viiiil-lin lor tiiilure to eonip'y with law us lo I'iinlier-cultiire Cntry No fr'PI. dated Oi tober ;Mh, ls."i. ijion llle soutlieiist jpnutei seelioll ','. townsii ti .a , north. rnire.r.7. m-.i In siimx "otintv. Nebraska, witti a view lo the etuieellu tHinof stud entry: eonte-aant tilleejmf tlmt liiesuld Van 1.1-lui hnw holly nbilil'1'.iiisl said lrln-1 In tills low it : 'I'brtt he tins neuleeled lo bri nk or plow or in any way cultivate any por Mull ol said tract sinei t li. spi-tier (,(' Isini t'litll there m-tls leu iieres of stljd luiel broken and eiiliiiited prior to and ineluiiitur llie -pi iiu of is'.m wliieli said lrai-t of cuhivaied fc'iliund was iillowed to row up tO "ra-s iimi weeds duriiut liie yearol l'jl. that the iiitliiut Henry W iirneke ulio owes a tract ndioiiihu III" tril'-t I. ere In' eoul roversv lo prevent Hie weeds I roin vent lei iiiif on his land plowed lie -mil sow -d lo liuv ii.i'i iniHet seed the ten acres iloresjild vvhll It had his n cultivated oil the iraet here in eoul ro i-rsy. Tlmt there bus nol 'iceii ny li-ees, seeds or eiittucrs pluiui'd on .-ud Inu-t lor III ire than three years la-l jia-l aid Ihere are ito irees on said tract at present lime. Tlie sai pnilies are hereby summoned fo aniM-ar al thi ('Ihe - on the .'II dnyol Marcli. c-U. al In oi lock, a, m.. to re-nond und liouisii Icstiiimiiy coiicernlnif snid nlleeii laihii-e. 'f'eslimony ol w iinea-h before Clerk of tiist. 'on r I itl Itiirrisou, Nehr.. M'cli 'Jl. is'.il, at In II. III. I''. M. IIOIUIIVUTOS. Kl-ltlsler. Nol ire. i.eorfjc V. Parker, Non Ifeside'nt liefed ant,. Voil wl'l take no! ice Hint on the li'th lay ot l-el,rif:ir.T, Is;.,, 1 ,i i , 1 1 1 ! I herein llled 1 Jietltioil in lil" lllslrief Court of Siotl X 'oiinlv, Nebraska, tin iitiject and prayer ol nliii-li is to obtain a dnon-e Ironi you, oa the ground- of u liiliil desi ition, tor .uore than two years hist p.isL. Vou ;ire reillil-ed to answer sii'l petition on or li'dorc llle Pdh liny ot pril, Is1. I. hi. I. A I'V UK I'.ll, I'lontlir, fly J. J. .limes and ' A. T. I I UK, !'2.1 il( her At torncyN. Dated thls -JTth day of February, Is'.it. Final I'ronf Notices. All person- havltur final proof notices in this paper wiil receive h marked copy of the (niM-r and are i-eipicstcd to exaiuiiie their notice and if any eri-ors exist report the s'tine to tills olhce at oiii-e. N'otii-C fur I'llliliiil'inll. l.iiii'l ( Hire al Alliance, N'eh., I Keby il, s;.. Noth-e i tieretiy ":l en that t he follow fmf. aaiilcd scllicr h ."s llled niitice olios Inten tion to miike llnal profit in -llppol tot his laini. and th it said proof will be made be .'ore M. J. itlcwi It. derk of the di-1 rict oiu-t, at iinridsoii, Nebr., on April II, H'.-i, v iz : I'lam is I'lns-. of lanline. ,', li.. w ho iinide II. ',, No. '11 "l, 'or the -e. ne. i,, -. sc. and sw. l4 sc. 't see. ie, tp. :;, laj. Me names the (ollowinir v.-itne-scs to piove his coiiliiiuo'is residence tijioa and cultivation ot said hind, iz: Asiibel llrton, Kl a-t P.iliiKi', .luhll ('. Kb'T speclier, Ales. oilier Steele, ailof llod.irc, Neh. ji'iSlj i-. M. I loillii Nol ON, llcil.stcr. Nnlii-p fur l'lihlli-atinn. I.ninl Dlllce nt Alliance, Neh. I t'eby. I, M.,. Not ire Is hereby Kl veil tlmt the followin named eti ii-r has llled notice ot his i u t i-u tain to ina'te final proof III support ul Ilia 1'l.ilni, and that said prool will he made he lore has. I'.. Verity, t . s. '.. ( t. l omr. it Harrison, Nebraska, on .March 11, IsM, viz. .Martin finvlnirt. of', Xeli., who inaih! II. K. No. T.V.m lor the s. luv. and n. !'. . W 'i fa, tp. .'ft, r. .'iV lie nalnes the lollowillif w it'iesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion ol said land, viz: i oiira'l lleltich, Jacob .1. U'assi-rbiiri.rer, Henry Plekeiibroek, 'I lieodore J'f'eUenbrock , all of Montrose. hIso Coiirail lli'Mlcli. of Mnnlriise, Nidi., who made II. 11. No. WJ7 lor Ihe se. i, see. la, tp. Ill, r. .Vi w. lie names the foilowlnif u itue-scs to jirove his continuous rc-ldi'iiec upon and ctilllva fioti of said hind viz : .Martin liayharl, Jacob J. Wassi-rberKer, Henry Plckcubrock, 'i heodore Pfekenbrock, all of Montrose. nl"o Miirri ll biulei liill. f Ilin-rlMiii. Ni li.. wild made II. 1:. No. v7 lor the e. i,, see. 2n, I ii. ill ii., r. : w. He iiallles t In follow illi; wit invses lo prove his continuous residence upon and eullivu-, Hon of said I .lei. viz : James W . sent t, i 'li. tries s. Scott, helium P. landsey, iliiKh T. t onley, nil id Harrison. r . 51. liOitaiMiios, '21 ai) lii'Klster. Notice for Piibllratlnn. Land llfllee lit. Alliance, Neb., I Keby. I, urn. j Notice Is hereby ulven tint th, folloK-lnK named settler has llled nut ice of his Inten tion lo innl.c llnal proof In support ot his cbiiin, and thai said proof will be made be. lore, i has. 1.. Verily, C. s. c. (,. omr. ut Harrison, Neh., on .vfeli. 10, Ism, Tlx: Oscar A. (Itirt'in, nl' ll'irrlsuu, Neh.. whoiiuiOe If. K. No. 7i2, for the sc. 'i nw. i4 . X ne. ! & nc. ',j no. see. Jl, tp. U n., r, .vi w. lie iiunies the following witnesses to provr, hls-coiitliiiious resldein.e upon and cultiva tion ot, said land, viz: ('furies Hhhle, Wlllhun Iliehle. John Iiout, Homer 'J'. .Mcrrhtm, nil ol Harrison, also .Full ti Frederick Sclial.. nf IPirrlsrni, Neb., who Hindu II. K. No. 7if for the lots 1 'mil '2 unit sw. ne. nee A, tw p. :t-2, r. M and sw. , mw. '4, nee. lil. t-.vp. :ci n., r .Vi w, . lie names Hie Io.-'iA'Ihk w llaesses to prove tils eonf Unions residence upon and cultiva tion of, said 1 ind, vl : ( llliries Iliehle, lllhtiil Itleble, p.en iiliitll V. I liouiiis, Kit J. Wilcox, nil Of Harrison, Ills!) Jerry II. W ill, nf linn Isnn, Ki ll., who made It. K. No. IKW.'t, for llin miiiUlwrnt (jr. see. hi, t p. !tl 11., r. frl w. He 11. lines Ihe IoIIiiwIiik wltneKses to prtivo Ids i onl hi nous residence upon and .cultiva tion ol, slid hind, viz: John Herman, Chill ies K. Sehllt, Kll J. W'lh con, ( fiiirh's Iliehle, nil of lliirrlson Nol), -JI l K. M. IIOKHIstliTOX, , Ucgiitwr, Ci.anty Irrigation Couveutiuu. Hakkison', Ncb., Feb. 21, llL Th meet her called for tlie DtiriKise of orgat.iiug a counly irrigation associa- j lion was called to order by County Clerk ! Ulewttt, vice-president of the district. association, and A. bouthworlli was elected secretary. J. H. Duike was called to the chair. On motion J. II. Cook, J. B. Hurke and E. E. Livermore were unaminiously selected to be the legislative committee for Sioux count v and thev were in structed to use every means to secure needed legislation and appropriations, both state and national, to advance the interests of the county. A. Soiithworth was elected permanent secretary. The follow ing resolution was adopted: Hesoi.vkd, That it is the sense of this mei ting that the board of county com missioners and road overseers of the va rious districts be urged to use their in fluence to have good, substantial fills made across all ravines wherever practi cable in place of bridges, and that the farmers lie urged to construct dams across ravines for the purpose of creat ing storae-e reservoirs. The membership roll was placed in the hands of tha county clerk and all are invited to call there and identify them selves with the movement. Tlie meeting adjourned subject to the call of the county vice-president or the legislative committee. A. HoUTHWOKTH, Secretary. I'lij-er napkins for sale at Tin Joi itN'AL ollice. Take out a policy in the Preferred Mutual Accident Association. It is cheap and reliable. L. J. Simmons, Agent. ALVIX T. CLARK, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, HARRISON, NEBR. Practices in all the courts and before U. S. Iiiid Ollice. LEAD THE WORLD. TUK MOST a.lTfi'AL PRONOUNCE 'IT I KM INCOMPARABLY THE BEST IN TONE, TOUCH AND DURABILITY. Write for Catalogue to KSTF.Y & CAMP, Chit-ego, 111. QlT.bfV.W A C'lM.KV, hawycr-j. Wll.l. l-liHTICi: IS AI.I.TilE r.oc.U., statb and fedcMl courts und V. S. I.und o!!iee. LEGAL PAPERS CAftEFULLY DRAWN. t u s n lYi" OIIi'i'6 in Court House, It.UIItlSliN- .-- - NliimAKKA L. K. BKLUEN& SON, Wagon and Carriage Makers. h'epali'inK done on short notice, ijood work and reasonable char(eH. Shop HOiiIh of livery har'u. HAKIU-iON, - - - NEB. P. I.. RMUCK, Fashionable Barber & Hair Dresser. One Iluur South of Hank of Hiirrlsim. OPEN SUNDAY FROM 9 TO 12. HAZ01LS AND srassOKS TUT IN ORDKR. (live I um tat Call, J. K. I'll IN NEY, M. ). Physician find Surgeon. All calls given prompt attention. Ofllef In Drug ,tot'c. riAItHISO!,, - - NEBRASKA. ft ill! I , 1 ,s I, I', I iV IS 1 I ! I'. 11, s Harrison, Nebr. , .- Y"" -A ', f ! V'.'V' -,lo 11 l.s..vvVi .s.s.Ni .n.hV AGENCY TOR !.'.'; J CLL13RATED BOOTSf-SHOES TH L'liutSTBbCI The above picture Attention TO THE WSTELLER Have the largest and most cotniilete stock of BOOTS JlNU SHOES Ever offered to the people of Harrison, and we are confident that we can suit all, both in STYLE AND PRICE. Our stock of Dry Hats, Caps, Underwear and Furnishing goods is Complete. CLO'THIZtSTGi We have for Men, YOUTHS and Boys, which we are selling at Bargains. Ve also carry a full lino of El mb, rioisr MSTELLER BROTHERS, Harrison, Neb. Fine Spring Soils and Overcoats, Made to Order, From $25 PERFECT FJTS GUARANTEED. Also cleaning and repairing done in first-class order. J. CERXY, Merchant Tailor, DEALERS IN Lumber, Coal and Farm Implements, Sash, Doors, Blinds; Lime, Lath and Shingles. Windmill and Pump Supplies. HARRISON FOR INVENTIONS PROCl'llED Press Claims Company. Equal with fhe inlerest of those having claims against the Government ii that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuations, because of th or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their patent. Too much care cannot he exercised in employing competent anil reliable. solicitor to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, if not entirely, upon tlie euro. ami skill of the attorney. With a view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless atttorntyg and of seeing flint inventions are well protected by valid patents, JUE, PRESS 1 L.MM.S COMPANY has retained counsel expert in patent practice and is there fore, prepared to , OHTAIN PATENTS, CON1HTT INTEKKKItKNCES MAKE SPKTIAl, ET AM tNATtONS, PP.KSKCCTE II EJECTED CASKS, KKUISTKIl Tlf A l)E M A KKs and COPYTIGHTS, It END Kit OPINIONS 11s to SCVI'E unit VAUfiJTY of PATENTS, PIIOSEIX'TH mill DEFEND INFRINGEMENT SUITS, ETC., ETC. , I''--, If you have an invention on hand send THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY a sketch or photograph thereof, together with a brief description of the important feat ores, and you will ho at once advised as to the best course to pumue.. ModoU are not necessary unless the invention is of a complicated nature. If others re infringing on your rights, or if you are ch irge 1 with infringement by others, sub mit the matter to us for a reliable OPINION before Doting on the matter. Tin: Press Claims Company, (118 F street, northwest WASHINGTON D. C. P, O. llox 403. jr.pi WEnDCnm'O', managiqti attorney.' '( 'nt thin out nnl mmi'I It with your Inquiry .jnf 1STAELISHED 1841 IN Tht WOHLD is intended to call FACT THAT Goods, Groceries; to $40.00. NEBRASKA. BY THE BROTHERS Feed I II f I is v