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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1894)
4 Thai "Hallow" Girl, Tb wite man will not tit up at night Unmeet that predicted reduction la telephone rste Washington Post. The telephone receiver patent may have rur, oat but human greed ia itill do ag business at the old stand. New Yoik Commercial Advertiser. The assurance that expiration of the patents will not be followed by a re duction of rates Is a pleasant little sur prise that the telephone ofiicials have just sprunif upon the public. i Amtf1 auc' Stanly K"ri N'TTouj De J bility, i'arajyaia, or Palny, Or- ini" Mranii'jw nuii warning Drains mum the svmein. rtult- ing ia dullntwa of menial Ym ul tiaa, Iiiiumred M' innrv, Low Bpirita. MuriworIrritf.eTum jwr. fear of irnrx riding calamit y, and a Ihouaarnl and iih dcraiiKft menU of huth lly and mind rwuilt from perniii'iiw apr-ret practices, often imluliwl in by the young, through ignorance of their minima couiucncja. To mi'b, re-Wain) and restore such unfortunates to health and han itiM, in the aim of an adul ation of morlical vfnUi-njen who hare prepared a txxil;. written in plain but chaste latiKuafre, of the nature, symptoms and curability, bv home trtaUnent, of rich iIiwk The Worlil'a binienaary Medical Awiciation, r'rupneUjri of toe InvaliiU' Hotel and (Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., will, on receipt of this notice, with 10 cents (in fft ami for postage) mail, aaaled In plain envelope, a copy uf this useful book, it should be read by every young B, parent ana guardian in toe lana. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and lends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet tar than others and enjoy life more, with ea expenditure, by more promptly llapting the world's best products to the'oeeda of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Firs. Its excellence ia due to its presenting In the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satinfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, bccati' it acta on the Kid neys, Liver and lWwels without weak waning them and it ia perfectly free from very objectionable substance. gyrup of Figs is for sale by all drug gists in 60c and tl bottles, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup ,Co. only, whose name is priutedon every package, also the name, Syrup of Fign, and being well informed.'you will not I accept anv substitute if oflered. The Greatest Medical Discovery of the Age. KENNEDY'3 MEDICAL DISCOVERT, DONALD KENNEDY, OF ROXG .'Y, MASS.. Has discovered in one of i :r commc i pasture weeds a remeJy that i ."rs e- kind of Humor, from the worst iauiula down to a common Pimple. I He has tried it in over eleven hundred icases, and never failed except in two cases j(both thunder humor). He has now in his possession over two hundred certificates of its value, all within twenty miles of Boston. Send postal card for book. ! A benefit Is always experienced from the first bottle, and a'ptriect cure is war ranted when the right quantity is taken. ; When the lungs are affecteJ it causes hooting pains, like needles passing through them; the same with the Liver or Bowels. This is caused by the ducts being .stopped, and always disappears in a week Rafter taking it. Read the label. If the stomach is foul or bilious It will cause squeamish feelings at first. ( No change of diet ever necessary. Eat jthe best you can get, and enough of it. Dose, one tablespoonful.ln water at bed- itime. Sold by all DniKeists. r t rmnnr.AM a.1 SHOP 3 equals cuMom work, coaling; ! r 4 to jo, Deal value ir inc mrmcj 1 111 inc wunu. ii.iuu iu in ... fttamped on Ihe bottom. livery i pair warraalni. i me no iimiti . lulc. o local paixrra mr mi dearriptionol' our complru unrs ior lamra anu rcn , lirmen Of arna jtn it luMtrolfd Latalotfut Hmn in , atructionl tar by mail. Postafrefn. Yoa can gat the tx .bargain I of dtalrra who pnh our shoes. 'I. ASTHMA a -m CURED, reraiara sari mi iractric tm aalltf la MlasM Trial raeaaga aaal nil. SolS t Dm raaau Mat' Bias, uiibii aaal m - at hi war- MataTSI Sa. Ma Sum, tM. AM. Thos.Popham.Phlla.Pa mm IMVESTUENTS! ObDortunltv tfrnatfMt In vaia U iiimIio iiimir-y In wbaat. Ikxia on "Hractti.aTinK ni lln hi I "' CSV, Ira on riue4. V. r. VAX ii.r. SSS-S.1S I .a Patall lie Mr !. hlir'- ft HIVE tC. BaiOreaUHKIblx-ii isn siaas aaa on , ,.., Iln..nti MallllliCLl 1 Lai h ai.iil n s Mia40nU.roiLhlilCKA MAK1N ctnol..U,0 mm C4aaaaarlxa and people who bava weak Innaa or Aath na,sboaUaa Pato'a Cars for Coaai-atatloo. It baa rS tbaaiaaaSa. It baa not Injur ed obc. II IS not haa to lake. It IS t baal aoasb arm p. soM raarywRara. , -4ab. 1 AN AUBURN MIRACLE. AN ACT OF HEROISM IS FOLLOWED BY DIRE RESULTS. Kdward llonurllj Savtte a Ufa A I moat at tbeCoatof Ilia Ovru-Afmr yrara of burrrrluic He la Ktorrd to itcallb II la Nlorj ava Told to a KVoortr of the Auburu llulletiu. .luourii .V. Y., butUUn It is on record that upon a chilly April uay, a few years ago, ai eiglit-year-old-Ooy tell into the Kiist river at l lie foot ol Kitst highlit street. New Vork, and wiieii all ellorw to rescue him had tailed, Kdward loiiuelly, at riaK ot his ovt n hie, plunged into the waier and, when lnuiselt nearly ex hausted, saved toe boy from drowning. It was a liiiiurtiie and Sell -sacrilicing ( di ed, and received deserved coiuinenda ; Hon in nil i lie iieWKp.ip'.-rs. There is a seq,ier to tins accident. i however, which tlius far has not been published. Jt h to the ellecl that bon i nehy was paialyzed auaresult ol the cold plunge and came near dying. Auburn ; people have known the family since his wile was Ainandatiraiituiaii and his sis ter Mrs. sj. j. i:rry, of lil Moravia hireet. Uonneliy himself describes tiie rescue and ih result: 1 was general foreman of the l A. Mulrew haw Mills, foot of Kitflith htreet, N. V., on the Hast river. It was on the 2oth of April, 1V.I, that the boy lell into the river and 1 rescued him from drowning. At that time I was in the water so long that 1 was taken with H deathly chill, and soon became so stiffened up and weak that I could heither work nor walk. J-'or some time 1 as under treatment of I)r. George McDonald, who Baid I had Locomotor Ataxia. J If linally gave me up and on the 1st of June, ln:r, my wife and 1 came up to Auburn. "When the disease first came upon me the numbness began in my heels, and soon the whole of both my feet be came allecied. There was a cold feel ing across the small of my back and downwards, anda sense of soreness and a tight pressure on the chest. The numbness gradually extended up both Jegs and into 'he lower part of my body. I felt that death was creeping up to my vitals. I was still taking the medicine ('It was Iodide of Potassium,' said his wife), and was b ing rubbed and having plasters put all over my body but with no benelit. "1 scut to the Chas. II. Sagar Com pany, the popular Auburn druggist and chemists, at lull and llldenesee street, and got three boxes of Dr. Will iams' 1'itik Tills and began taking them. In three weeks time I was so Improved that Irom being helpless, I was able to help myself and to get up and go to work, and to walk every day from No. 74 Walnut street, where I then lived, to Osborne's N'ew Twine Factory, Seymour and Cottage streets,. more than a mile where 1 was then jmployed, but all the while I was tak ing 1'ink Tills. "Then Dr. i'atchen, of Wisconsin, ancle of my wife, ami who was here on I visit began to poo-hoo at rne for tak ing Tink Tills, and linally persuaded lie to stop taking them and let him ;reat me. When he returned to the West he left a prescription with Dr., Hyatt, of Auburn, who also treated me. liut their treatment did me no good, and after a while the old trouble re turned and I was getting bad again. Then I began to take J'lnk Pill; have aken them ever since, am taking them low; have taken in all nearly 20 boxes it an entire cost of less than $10.00 (my jther treatment cost me a pile of money A and again I am well and able 'A) work. Dr. Williams' Pink Tills for Pale People without doubt mark the be ginning of a more healthful era. They were first compounded by an eminent practitioner, and used as a prescription for many years in general practice with almost incredible success. They are now given to the public as an un failing blood builder and nerve restorer curing all foi ms of weakness arming frm a watery condition of the blood at- shattered nerves, two fruitful causes of almost every ill that llesh is heir to. These pills are also a specillo for th troubles peculiar to females, such as suppressions, all forms of weakness, chronic consumption, bearing down pains, etc., and in the case of men will give speedy relief and will efTect a per manent cure in all cases arising from mental worry, over work or excess of whatever nature. The pills are sold by all dealers, or will be sent post paid on receipt of price (50 cents a box or six boxes for J2.50 they are never sn'd in bulk or by the looj by addressing Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.. Schenec tady, N. V., or iirockvllle, Ontario. The man whom you owe money never rests. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, as mprcury will rarely destroy the sense ol uncll and completely derange the whole vstem when entering it through the mil ons surfaces. hncli articles should never ie used exct'li1 on prescriptions from repntahle ph) siciiins, us the Jitnmge they will do is ten fold to the good you can noKiiihly derive from them. Hall's bsturrh Cure manufactured hy V. .1. Uheney it Co., Toledo, ., contains no iiicreu'ry, and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the Bvntein. In buying Hall's 1'ntnrrb Cure be sure mid get the genuine. It is taken internally,, and mude in Toledo, Ohio, by K. J. Cheney' A Co. Testimonial jTaa-Hold by Jlniggmls, price 75c. pel fiiitle. A meteor, so it is said, shot athwarl ;he heavens of Arizona and Nevada burying Itself in Nevada and shaking the earth for miles around. By" with a Coi.n many a out allows himself to drill into a condition liivoriible to the development of sunn latent diseiise, which Ihereitller lakes lull possession of the svlem. Kelter enn your Col.) at once with lr. I), .lavne's Kx pectorsnt H good remedy tor Ihroat-ud; and I.IIUK ullcetions. Take especial care that thou delight not in wine, for there was not any mini that came to honor or preferment thai loved it For it transformeth' a man into a beast, decayeth health, and maketh a man contemptible, soon olii and despised of all wise mid worthy men: foritlsabewichlngand iufectloui rice. Sir Walter Kalelgh. Never have so much faith that your friends will help you in your trouble:', asto laad yen to quit trying to help ,jourae-lf.Athiison Globe. DOGS USED AS SENTINELS. How a Kanaooa Moonshiner l.oug- Ended Capture by KrvrBtw Ofltrera. The most noted mountaineer in Went Virginia, and perhaps in Ken tucky and North Carolina Jim Day has at last been captured. The Government oilicers hae been trying to arrest Day for over fliteen yeais, but failed on every occasion. Day, who is a tall, muscuiar. shiewd look ing fellow, has been running illicit stills for over fifteen years. During this time he had sometimes as many as a doen .stills running at one time. The stills were located in the depths of the primitive forests or in eaves io the mountain sides, a lorn distance from roadways and trail The stills were always located near some prom ineut height or at a point from which a guard or spy constant ly on the alert could overlook all approaches of ihi vicinity of sus picious looking strangers. In fifteen years only two of Day's stills have b en captured and destroyed. On each of these Decisions Day and bis men all niaae their escape. Time and auain revenue olllcers ha e at tempted to waylay and ambush Day. They found roads and trails over which it was known he would be forced to travel and they placed sijuads in a ubush, but, ac oiding to the St. Louis Pepublic, although Day had been seen or traced along the road, he always slipped through their fingers without a scratch. At last his success In evading the olllcers became known. Day had a number of thoroughbred dogs which he had trained to scent out revenue olllcers or strangers and to notify taiui of their presence long before they could come In sight When travel ing over the routes or trails leading to and from any of his stills two of Day's dogs always trotted along in front several hundred yards, taking op,xsite sides of the road. Two would fall back In the rear and one would advance like a scout on each side. In cas- of an ambuscade the dogs in front would scent the pres ence of the Deputy Marshals before thev got within 100 yards of them. They would then return quickly to their master and iniortn him by their actions of the presence of the enemy. Day would then take to the woods to the right or left, with a dog in ad vance, and pass around an ambus cade without being seen. In case pursuers should come up behind, Day's doirs, which had been trailing along, would Ulckly hear or scent them, and then would hurry forward to their master, who, knowing by t heir actions how closi the enemy was, could easily evade them. With such guards it was almost useless for the olllcers to attempt to capture Day. They often gave up the search In disgust, to start out a month or two later reinvigorated and encour aged by rumors or reports of spies, to fall again and again. Day could be heard of in McDowell County, and the next so'ne one from Taswell, In Virginia, tlfty miles away, would re port that he had been seen in that section. He proved to be an ignis fatuus to the o'licers, and although they could hear of half a dozen stills running in as many places in the mountains, the olllcers in the entire fifteen years were successful only In capturing two of his stills. Ventthule Cur. People unaccustomed to traveling probably imagine that the vestibule car, which nowocc .pies so prominent a place In railway advertisements, is a particularly modern Invention; as a matter of facts it is not, and the wonder is that the railroads were so long in adopting it The tlrt vesti bule ear w;ts used on the Naugatiick railroad in "'.i, and about ninety pat'-nts have been taken out since that time In this country and twenty in fore gn countries. It was formerly attached only to parlor and sleeping cars, but the service is now common on ordinary trains, and it Is the most completo a pllance of modern times for protect Ion and comfort It Is a preventive against telescoping; It as sists In ventilation: it is a means of steadying the vibratory motion of trains: It is a protection in passing to and fro between cars, it Is a miss ing link supplied: it minimizes the atmospheric resistance to the run ning of trains, and In the provision of increased buller resistance gives protection to the engine men against cars iling up over the tender and engine in collision, as some roads are placing vestibule attachments to the tenders. All slgr.s point to a universal use in the near future. Nun Spots I,een Annual Heat. It has been observed that, after the sun spots have peen at a mini mum, the summers are hotter, Just as though there was more heat com ing from the sun at such periods, and the fact has been accounted for-by supposing that sun spots are caused by vast clouds of matter erupted from the sun and condensed in the sur rounding space. These act as screens and prevent the sun's heat from radi ating freely through them. From an examination of s.alisties A. ft. Me- Dowall, M. A., has found that in Kn- gland during the hot siMiimers, fol lowing the minima of sun spots, the month of August Is hotter than July, an elfect due. In all likelihood, -to ac cumulation of the heat Paris Amer ican 1 cglster. Cong Xeedetl. II v a simile Invention, lust ndontcd. everv lighthouse on the American coast is to identify Itself hereafter by flashing out its number. I his will relluvo mariners from the necessity of remember I in manv comb nations of colors and also from uncertainty in ascertaining wnetner a ngnt seen dimly through the fog is white or red. The wonder Is that such a use ful and simple device waa not adopted long ago. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report AP6DUDTELY PURE Kxtruardluary Puul-hiiie:,t A .Frenchman was teaching in a iarge school where he had a reputation j ;juoug the pupils for making some queer mistakes. One day he was teach ing a class which was rather disorder ly. With ths heat and the trouble some boys he was very snappish. Hav ing punished several boys acd sent one to the bottom he as last shouted out in i passion : "Ze whole class go to ze bottom 1" How to Take tr of ltlnge. "Don't wear your rings under gloves unless you remember to have them thoroughly examined twice a year," is the advice given by a jeweler. The coiistiiut friction wears out the tiny gold points that holds the stones in place, and unless strict attention is paid to them they become loose in a very short time. Small purses of suede leather are made on purpose for rings, or any soft pouch of skin or chamoise may be used to place the rings in when desiring to carry them around with one. They should never be put into the ordinary pocketbook, as the rub bing against coins is also bad for them. Diamonds can be cleaned at home to look as well as when done by a jeweler if only a little trouble is taken. They Bbould be thoroughly cleaned in alcohol and then dried in boxwood sawdust. Pine sawdust is too oily for this pur pose. There are some friends who can't be good to you unless you let them own you. The dullest person in the world be comes wonderfully sharp when he be comes suspicious. Fok TMK relief and cure of a cold in the hend there ia more potency hi Klv'n Cream Jtalm than in anything else it is i oasllile lo precrioe. This preparation has tor yearn past been mak iiiK a brilliant success as a remedy for cold In Ihe head, catarrh and hay fever. Used in the initial stuisea of these complaints ( ream Halm preents anv serious development of Ihe svmptom-, while almost numberless cases are on record ol radical cures of chronic catarrh and hay lever alter all other treatments have proved of no avail, All the good advice people need is supplied by human nature. No Safer Remedy can he had for Congh and Colli, or any trouble of the Throat, than 'lHrmm'$ Bronchial 1'rorlwt," Price 'US cts. .SoM mj in mjr,x. Being good iB awfully proper, but awfully uninteresting. Umcham's I'm are wonderful medicine tor anv bilious or nervous disorder, such as sick headache, etc. Price Z' cents a box. Watres of miners at Dumferline, 111., have been reduced ten por cent. 8ee "Colchester's" i-pmling Boot Ad. in other column. There is always more or less dirt in a roan's pocket. W. K. Koli. rtsoii. Heartburn, Indigestion Distress in the stomach, etc., made me unhappy. Hood's Sarsaparllla Kave me an appetite, as aiaied digestion, oveicame my stomach trouble and 1 iK'Kan to grow fat. I.e s than three bot Ilea of Hood's restored me to health." W. K. Hub ktson, St. Uima Grocer and (rcneral Mer chant, St. Louis. Mo. After Diphtheria When our bov was very weak and poor In flesh he bad malaria fever and disordered liver, Hiaal'B Harsapartlla did hi in a great deal ol root). He renamed strength and flesh and Is well" Mrs. . W. Mahi.ktt, Carrollllon, Ky. HoodVsCures ' Hood's Pills cure all Liver Ills, Hillonsness Jaundice, Indication, Kick headache. i'ic. NOXALL INCUBATOR If the simplest aad moat per fect SaH-Negiilating Incubator oa the market, and we manu facture the only sntf-retiilat-inc Brooder ia America. Circa lara free. Address CEO. W. MURPHY i CO. mlk nal r QrtMCT. DJ. Snt A. Taa leU prIM aiUlui htcbi PHFTTIKST BOOK aTDtTC Kvr.K HKINTKB. a aw 1 mm. mm mm m knap i in boa. and t. J P P 1 1 One Cent a pkg. WaklaaalBaaf TP. ir rare. Oip, par hut. .OOO.IMMI oilraa. naaaurui iimiria jii,ipii" K.H. aUllHWaY.ltiMikrard, III. N. N. U. No. V.7I- Vork, Neh. ' BKN WRITING TO ADVERTISER ( niMaa aar van saw the drevtlasraaant la this pat par. w. aro thu larifaat irrowara K3 I Barlfta, (iru, CloTarTtmnttiT.drnmiiii.Poiatoni, tlaliMtfahmih. from on anil eatAliifiia frva iirmn Al'MTlie) re.le)ru4v lie. KUqualilied. To be a great historian, one must be endowed with what is known as the "historic imagination," but he must also be on his guard against abusing it. "John," said the teacher, "in your essay upon Ceorge Washington you say that he was not fond of fishing. What is your authority for that asser tion?" '"Why," answered Johnny, ''we have always been told that be could not tell a lie." An Oversight. There vas one oversight at the Great Exposition at Chicago In not having In full view, by easy arrangement, some compar ative vital statistics of our own general health aa compared with other natlon-i, and of our scientific facilities for the relict of human suffering;, 'then it would have appeared how much w are misrepresented and how, even In all those minor ills which beset mankind, we are masters of cure and alleviation In the line of general ail ments which all nations have in common, such as rheumatic or neuralgic afflictions, there la no prompt and permanent cure In the world the equal of what we could havi shown. St Jacobs Oil. for Instance, fur this purpose, w .u d have taken any pre mium that might have been ofTered. it has done so at many of the great fairs of the world. As for the ordinary casualties of every-day, busy life, such as sprains, bruises, burna, wounds, or cuts, of course It is well known as the superior remedy of the age. Perhaps doctors disagree, but the people are never mistaken in knowing what Is best. Fhiloh's Consumption Cure Is sold on a pitar antee. It cures incipient Consumption. It is the best Cough Cure. '2f cents, 00 cents and $1.00. There are a good many rabbits play ing lion parts. Young Wives, Who Are for the First Time to Undergo Woman's Severest Trial, we offer A remedy which, if used as directed a few weeks before con finement, robs it of its Pain, Horror and Risk to Life of both mother and child, as thousands who have used it testify. " I used two bottles of 'Mothers' Friend' with marvelous results, and wish every woman who has to pass through the ordeal of child-birth to know if they use 'Mothers' Friend' for a few weeks it will rob con finement of pain and suffering and insure safety to life of mother and child Mrs. Sam Hamilton, Eureka Springs, Ark. Book to Mothers mailed free containing voluntary testimonials. Rant br express, chanraa ere paid on reeeint of price. 11.50 par bottle. nam oyaii uruggisM. anaur Stephenson Electric Belt Co. Patentrd August 22nd, 1803. The latest and moat improved Electric Belt manufactured. The only Electric Belt tbat requires do vinegar or aeidn to make it v orlc. It lelf generating. It Is me e durable than any other. A ponbiao etue fox rheumatinm, neuralgia and all nervous dineases. Cures dyapepala, constipation, liver and kidney dis eaaea, pains in the back, female weakness, general debility, relieves that tired feeling and all chronic diseases. Sent prepaid on receipt of price 112.00. Liberal discounts to agents. Correspondence ollciuid. Thk Stephenson Electric Belt Co. Btrorosburg, Neb. "COLCHESTER" SPADING BOOT. for Farmera, Minera, hands and others. The outer or tap sole ox- t.irl lha uihnlM tnmrth (it Hill seledown to the heel, pr.iter.ting the shank In ditching, digging and other work. HestqualKy throughoti t. AUK VOIR nuAI.KR. DEAF: NESI MO HEAD NOISES CUn ti 't k'n Invisible l.n.rUmhliii. Y (sticcwtfcfui wIiud !! mil 1 kf ll, Rni.l rnrp h r. IllfCOl. ht U'way. .. WrlU toi book ol proofi I nil ih mm of fat in and vnsi'i la aMtla li ..t? , Ini Roaaa and Plants, atiikirs. oarliiwt Vaxrlabla amds, anuMCii rra irnnirn, nm dfortl.M. lk Dam. lain Vcntahlaawila.aan. h.t. out-(lrat Nrthrn Clala ln:h. stiiinl Hid nuar hrar tlif llkal Par of ihlaOan mnalDt of an lu atamna. 10 Farm Milap as. IOC, Willi rlt wxIat tl BIS 8 LBS. OATH T 'OH OH at HCal This remarkable, almost unheard-of, yield was reported to the -Vhn A. Sai zer Seed Co., LaCrosse, Wis., by Frank Winter, of Montana, who Wanted on bushel of Great Northern Oats, care fully tilled and irrigated same, and be lieves that in 194 be can grow from one bus. (A Great Northern Oats three hundred bushels. It's a wonderful oat. If 'You Will Cut TbU Out and bend It with 8c postage to the above firm you will receive fcamnle package of above oats and their farm seed catalogue. C Every man longs o get rich and then puts off until next month his determi nation to save more money. Hubiuariue Earthquakes. In the very middle of the Atlantic ocean, at about the place where the twenty-fifth meridian from Loudon crosses the equator, there is a spot far beueath the waves, which is almost continually agitated by submarine earthquake shocks. These are often of such violence as to hurl great columns of water high in the air or to make waves that are a standing menace to vessels coming in at that vicinity. St. Louis Republic. "German Syrup 99 I simply state that'I am Druggist arid Postmaster here and am there-i fore in a position to judge. I have tried many Cough Syrups but for1 ten years past have found nothing equal to Boschee's German Syrup. I have given it to my baby for Croup' with the most satisfactory results.! Every mother should have it. J. H. IIobbs, Druggist and Postmaster,) Moffat, Texas. We present facts, i living facts, of to-day Boschee's, German Syrup gives strength to the' body. Take no substitute. :!y's Cream Balm IK KKLV CT7ItES SOLD IN HEAD Apply Balm lntoeaeh nostril. ELY IiltUS.,.rit;WarrenSt..N. Y. "mothers' Friend" itLU ssuuuwh uu., A cam dI et "tet l our 13 advertisements, ot which th isifo. U Th tk worth Ittfc, u4 w will l.w jau thftt MMat far It in tin foiiiwitt( wy . J sent w all at one ttme by a rmm uiar Bbcribr to fAi paper tmmed tattly afcr thilatt op' pmam, ttMtethcr with the nam ami atidrm of both ntbscribmr and vnivr. and iititi of oatXM s f"im tthtfh thw art riinped, V TOHAhl THE riKCHAHlTor vK n III Al.fcOH VO ONKOK OrRNEW, I.ARUE MIKE. ALL RTF.RL FEKU Vl'TTI WOHTH 0. Only one t wd L'uttcr to any one person. Tins lUAken the cash Lnyment only 16 for tint Feed Cutter, which will be found u superior to any now in ue tn lb Armotor waslo anyihnig in existence when it firt.t apird, nd will drive from the field s.11 competitor! and take and hmi& the trade in Feed Cutters a the Aermotor, the Aerwotor Steel Fixed nnd Steel Tiltinft Tower have in Windmill, and Towers. The talent which the Aprmowr Company lia shown in revie inR, revolutionizing, itUinfr and holding the windmill bun.ntM of Ihe world, ran he tinned to many fields in the agricultural iiH)ieiix-iit hue and it proposes toxhovr what it can do by taking up a number of articles, making them of iteel ntii putting them in their Hnal shape at a single atiehe, as was done in Die caae of the Windmill and Steel Towr, and il propow tofurtwakt thpm at a sreatl v reduced price. Thi. Fed Cutter. fr the present, will rnl; a fnrnithed on the a'.ive terms THESE TFRflS NIVK TO TIIIH HERIBH Of IS AUVr KTIHeiM J A CASH VALI'E Ol t. Wathall offer other articles for winch we will accept these advertisements or tingle oopies of thfoi, in part payment. One will be a Steel Hand Truck, in which we feel a special pride in showing ot kill an reviaeri and improvers of staple articles. The caeo requirement with this will be ridiculously small. The third advert item out in this kenes will show f Steel Cir cular Saw and Frame, for farm and sawyers' ose It is rEKFECT FOLK Half WITH rKHFKlTr nA r Kl I Ul AKVEt, ront with very much less power than ordinary nun w. snd ha a better saw. THIS 90 SAW kS FRAME WILL BE SIVER FOR fit AK1I FIVI CO PIK3 CLIPPED AS ABOVE OF ADVERTISE. EFTT Me. . localities where we can we are going to make liberal offers te acoept copies or inaie aover n oart payment lor windmills. von have any Uieught ef usiag A wind mill this year tvrttn um at one, stating what you tli m k yoil will need,whether rum ping or lleared, and it pom Die we win sine you noerai otrer. The past year, tliough one oz unparalleled financial dia turnADoe and uiiainess de pression was one of great prosperity to the Aer- moior uo ine iaos that the Aermotor in the seal year haa II Wlai rmi ta Ik. liHMaf ef Its fareser Frlee has re dounded greatly to benefit and haa brought te its factory an enormous volume of business. Kvan at the vei v low prices at which we sell Steel Windmills and Mteel Towers, mad in the most perfect lanner. of the tunat trfct ma tt-rial and UALTAhlXKIr-AFTER- COMI'I KTKIN, THI S BFKFECTI.T PRO . F.l 1 1 Mil ETBRV PORTIOE OF THE IKIAU it is possible to is ve a few oenls on ' outfit, and these few cents it the enormous number of outfits are wholly '.factory to Lhe Aermotor Co winch In always ived more pleasure from the service II haa ren dered a great number .f people and from the pride) taaes in aouig wn wnaiever it putt tti hands to, from the inouer it makes from its enterunie. This year, because it buys its malenat more cheaply and el peels au enormous uicreaxe in its evar growing business, It stars Ha patron a vial laereaa la the aoantlty aad eealtty of Material esinleyetl In the enostruetlen elite Steel Towers, The accompanying diettraan, 'i .'i i 2 I -J show Ihe smallest angle that wilt be iiaed by it in the corner nolle of Towerv even for IbeH-ft wheel. Far the III ft we use 4 4. Tbimaaada of tone of Aaarlea for Towers, old.rlld aad very straight aaal nerfost are now belnf delivered at ear works. Others who have a few tons, and therefore year's supply, of 2x2 an (tie which they are using for H-ft., 10 ft , and even for 12 ft wheels, will read this paragraph with turame and sdirow, since wa have not previously given them any information concerning what w will use for 04 The Aermotor Co. preposoi to distribute M0 II fARH IE FRIZES for the bast essays written hy the wife, son or dang h tor of a farmer or user of awindtmll answering the question, "WHY SHOULD I HSR AS A KR MOTOR I" For oondltiona at onm petition Mid amouiiWi and numbers of prises send for par tieiilarsto the Aermolo, Co., Chicago, or to its branches, at Eaal Francisco, Kansas City, Lincoln. Neb., Sioui City, Iowa, Mist neapolis. Buffalo, or flfi Park Flace, New York City. Aerniotort, Fnmping and Oaared sanse price, All Steel, all OnlvABtted-Aftor Completion, delivered free on cars at Chicago atnd shipped any one, anvwher elthe following prraoe' 8-ft. S2o. ia-tt. stvo. itv-ft. etas. ,) II. ll'ilf.'i. Mfii1 klHinprt f ir 'IH i'. )-' it "- Oii.,ti'viiln, Pa. JUTISTI tat KNIIONS Itosflt. Woajwaeafaj, r'iUferalo m Co., "nth awl G, Waabtaflio, D.C X X1 X X X X X X X X x x X X X X' .aBaaSaBal SIS X S y Ill X s i a i a s BrrfB S n l w M sV AT mT D E? fT aW aT AT AT AT AT A is ar thu AT AT